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ikd-tree's Introduction


ikd-Tree is an incremental k-d tree designed for robotic applications. The ikd-Tree incrementally updates a k-d tree with new coming points only, leading to much lower computation time than existing static k-d trees. Besides point-wise operations, the ikd-Tree supports several features such as box-wise operations and down-sampling that are practically useful in robotic applications.

What does ikd-Tree support?

  • Build a balanced k-d tree - Build()

  • Dynamically insert points to or delete points from the k-d tree - Add_Points() / Delete_Points()

  • Delete points inside given axis-aligned bounding boxes - Delete_Point_Boxes()

  • K Nearest Neighbor Search with range limitation - Nearest_Search()

  • Acquire points inside a given axis-aligned bounding box on the k-d tree - Box_Search()

  • Acquire points inside a ball with given radius on the k-d tree - Radius_Search()

User Manual


Related paper

If you are using any code of this repo in your research, please cite at least one of the articles as following:

  • ikd-Tree
  title={ikd-Tree: An Incremental KD Tree for Robotic Applications},
  author={Cai, Yixi and Xu, Wei and Zhang, Fu},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.10808},
  title={Fast-lio2: Fast direct lidar-inertial odometry},
  author={Xu, Wei and Cai, Yixi and He, Dongjiao and Lin, Jiarong and Zhang, Fu},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Robotics},

Build & Run demo

1. How to build this project

cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone [email protected]:hku-mars/ikd-Tree.git
cd ikd-Tree/build
cmake ..
make -j 9

2. Run our examples

Note: To run Example 2 & 3, please download the PCD file (HKU_demo_pointcloud) into${Your own directory}/ikd-Tree/materials

cd ${Your own directory}/ikd-Tree/build
# Example 1. Check the speed of ikd-Tree
# Example 2. Searching-points-by-box examples
# Example 3. An aysnc. exmaple for readers' better understanding of the principle of ikd-Tree

Example 2: ikd_tree_Search_demo

Box Search Result Radius Search Result

Points returned from the two search methods are shown in red.

Example 3: ikd_tree_Async_demo

Original Map:

Box Delete Results:

Points removed from ikd-Tree(red) Map after box delete

This example is to demonstrate the asynchronous phenomenon in ikd-Tree. The points are deleted by attaching 'deleted' on the tree nodes (map shown in the ) instead of being removed from the ikd-Tree immediately. They are removed from the tree when rebuilding process is performed. Please refer to our paper for more details about delete and rebuilding.


  • Thanks Marcus Davi for helps in templating the ikd-Tree for more general applications.

  • Thanks Hyungtae Lim 임형태 for providing application examples on point clouds.


The source code of ikd-Tree is released under GPLv2 license. For commercial use, please contact Mr. Yixi CAI ([email protected]) or Dr. Fu ZHANG ([email protected]).

ikd-tree's People


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ikd-tree's Issues


Description: Return the balance criterion value and balance criterion value of the ikd-Tree.
balance criterion valuedelete criterion value


我在测试最新版本ikdtree的时候遇到一个问题,当我在类中定义ikdtree的时候,程序总是Segmentation fault (core dumped)。你能修复一下这个问题吗?



under what license is this code distributed and can you add the license to the repository?


‘acquire_removed_points()’ not collect the points deleted in the downsample process ?

I did some tests and read the code. It seems that ikd-tree does not collect those points deleted in the downsample process. Can I get the missing points from "Downsample_Storage" ?

(I really need those points, because I need to do object tracking with them.)

PCL kdtree provides index to mark origin map points and all points are managered out of kdtree,
but ikd-tree does not have index.

Now I define an embedded index uint32_t value in "PointType" to solve this problem, but it's not perfect because it's growing and will overflow soon.

deleted points can still be found in kdtree.

I run ikd-tree with a running sliding window of point cloud. pointclouds are queued in time_stamp sequential. each point are added to ikdtree and then delete later. But as I was checking kdtree points with these code:
//If you need to see map point, change to "if(1)"
PointVector ().swap(ikdtree.PCL_Storage);
ikdtree.flatten(ikdtree.Root_Node, ikdtree.PCL_Storage, NOT_RECORD);
featsFromMap->points = ikdtree.PCL_Storage;
then publish these point clouds.
I found there are always points not deleted, i.e. they remain in the kdtree even though deleted.

Another question, what if i add_Points with downsample_flag=True. Then delete original point later. Will ikdtree delete this cuboid? what behavior will ikdtree generate?


就是一般维护一个局部map,需要先降采样再构成,比如用pcl voxelgrid来进行体素降采样。ikdtree是否在构建的过程已经完成了降采样,在添加点云时没必要进行额外的降采样操作?期待回答,谢谢!

Rebuild_Ptr initialization problem

Nice work!
I found you didn't initialize the variable of "Rebuild_Ptr" in your code. When I run your demo, everything seems ok, but when
I use your code into my own project with ROS it always leads to problem crash, I solved this problem after I set the initial value of "Rebuild_Ptr" to nullptr. I can't sure is this a bug or I just somehow make my program right. So Can you help me to see if this problem will cause the program to crash?
Best wish.

Cmake release segmentation fault

When I build the codes with cmake (build type release), a segmentation fault occured, which will disappear when the "release" flag is removed. I tried to locate the codes where the segmentation fault occured but failed. Here is the only modification of the codes:

void KD_TREE::stop_thread(){

    termination_flag = true;
    if (rebuild_thread) pthread_join(rebuild_thread, NULL);

And my CMakeLists.txt:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0.2)

set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "Release") // if I remove this line, the segmentation fault will disappear


target_link_libraries(ikdtree_demo pthread)

The output is as follows:

Multi thread started 
Rebuild thread terminated normally
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
  what():  std::bad_alloc
[1]    150531 segmentation fault (core dumped)

It seems that the segmentation fault occured in pthread_join(), which makes me confused. Could you please help me to solve the problem?


关于ikdtree 点云插入效率的问题我有个疑问,希望能得到解答:

Better C++ compatibility

Right now the header file is "using namespace std". This is considered bad practice, but easy to fix.

Additionally <unistd.h> is used to put the current thread to sleep.
This is not platform independent and can easily be replaced by C++ std library functionality.

Nearest_Search problem when point is around (0,0,0)

Hello, Thanks for your excellent work!
In my test, when search point is around (0,0,0), k_nearest = 5 , the return nearest_points are all (0,0,0). I think it is a bug, so just report and wish you can give some hints to fix as I don't familiar with the code.



bug in rebuild logger ?

rebuild_flag = false;

            if (int(Rebuild_PCL_Storage.size()) > 0){
                BuildTree(&new_root_node, 0, Rebuild_PCL_Storage.size()-1, Rebuild_PCL_Storage);
                // Rebuild has been done. Updates the blocked operations into the new tree
                int tmp_counter = 0;
                while (!Rebuild_Logger.empty()){
                    Operation = Rebuild_Logger.front();
                    max_queue_size = max(max_queue_size, Rebuild_Logger.size());
                    run_operation(&new_root_node, Operation);
                    tmp_counter ++;
                    if (tmp_counter % 10 == 0) usleep(1);
                rebuild_flag = false;  // rebuild flag should in here

after fix this issue, this check not need

            if (!Rebuild_Logger.empty()){
                printf("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n ERROR!!! \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n");

I wonder whether Nearest_Search support multi-thread operation ?

Thanks for your work, it's elegant and useful.

I would like to use nearest search in a openmp section, eg:

#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(4)
for (int i = 0; i < laserCloudSurfLastDSNum; i++)
PointType pointOri, pointSel, coeff;
std::vector pointSearchInd;
std::vector pointSearchSqDis;

pointOri = laserCloudSurfLastDS->points[i];
pointAssociateToMap(&pointOri, &pointSel); 
kdtreeSurfFromMap->nearestKSearch(pointSel, 5, pointSearchInd, pointSearchSqDis); //replaced by ikd-tree

Is it possible to do multiple search at the same time ? It seems that a mutex is used within the Nearest_Search(), which means that parallel operations actually save no time. Am i right ?

KD_TREE::delete_tree_nodes() does not destroy push_down_mutex_lock

I had an issue where KD_TREE::InitTreeNode() didn't get valid mutex from pthread_mutex_init() because it ran out of handles (it returned nullptr and crashed later when accessing nullptr mutex pointer). Then I noticed that push_down_mutex_lock is never destroyed when KD_TREE_NODE is deleted.

I added pthread_mutex_destroy( &(*root)->push_down_mutex_lock ); to KD_TREE::delete_tree_nodes() and the problem went away. So currently it leaks mutex handles which you may ran out of if you create/delete lot of nodes.



Can I Change pcl::PointXYZ to other data structure?

Hi! I have seen the paper, the ikd-tree is very novel and practical. But I see the data type of node is pcl::PointXYZ (demo file also). Now I want to change the data type from pcl::PointXYZ to my own struct type, In this struct, not only incorporate position, but also have static pointer, Can I use this type to build a ikd-tree?

serious issue about nth_element behavior

I am doing some rewrite of this ikdtree to adapt my situation.
And I find you used nth_element while building a tree. According to my experiments there might be a bug.

Suppose at some point division-axis is 0, which is x-axis, let's use 1-D data to explain:

Suppose we have a vector [0,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,4] which is points' x-axis value after nth_element() function call, y-axis value is totally different, say [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]。nth_element() divide these points into different group but not determinately which point is on left or right node. point (2,2) might be on the left or right.

Thus while searching, or delete or add by point. it not guaranteed to find this point.

max_dist in search function

Thanks for releasing great works.

"ikd_Tree.cpp", 886 line.
if (dist <= max_dist && (q.size() < k_nearest || dist <
is it right?

if (dist <= max_dist*max_dist && (q.size() < k_nearest || dist <

Why is there a segmentation fault here?

Stack trace (most recent call last):
#21 Object "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/", at 0xffffffffffffffff, in
#20 Object "/home/jcwang/code/ws_di-lui-sam/src/di_lui_sam/cmake-build-debug/devel/lib/multi_proxy/multi_proxy_subMapFusion", at 0x555555600ead, in start
#19 Source "../csu/libc-start.c", line 308, in libc_start_main [0x7ffff45e6082]
#18 Source "/home/jcwang/code/ws_di-lui-sam/src/di_lui_sam/src/subMapFusion.cpp", line 2235, in main [0x555555601305]
2232: std::thread OptThread(&SubMapFusion::globalOptimizationThread, &SubMapF);
2233: std::thread pubLoopThread(&SubMapFusion::publishSCWithCloudThread, &SubMapF);
>2235: ros::spin();
2237: pubDesOtherThread.join();
2238: pubMapThread.join();
#17 Object "/opt/ros/noetic/lib/", at 0x7ffff7f2a21e, in ros::spin()
#16 Object "/opt/ros/noetic/lib/", at 0x7ffff7f41fce, in ros::SingleThreadedSpinner::spin(ros::CallbackQueue*)
#15 Object "/opt/ros/noetic/lib/", at 0x7ffff7eee882, in ros::CallbackQueue::callAvailable(ros::WallDuration)
#14 Object "/opt/ros/noetic/lib/", at 0x7ffff7eed171, in ros::CallbackQueue::callOneCB(ros::CallbackQueue::TLS*)
#13 Object "/opt/ros/noetic/lib/", at 0x7ffff7f3f138, in ros::SubscriptionQueue::call()
#12 Source "/opt/ros/noetic/include/ros/subscription_callback_helper.h", line 144, in call [0x5555556fe2ca]
141: virtual void call(SubscriptionCallbackHelperCallParams& params)
142: {
143: Event event(params.event, create
> 144: callback

145: }
147: virtual const std::type_info& getTypeInfo()
#11 Source "/usr/include/boost/function/function_template.hpp", line 763, in operator() [0x555555702548]
760: if (this->empty())
761: boost::throw_exception(bad_function_call());
> 763: return get_vtable()->invoker
765: }
#10 Source "/usr/include/boost/function/function_template.hpp", line 158, in invoke [0x5555556b57eb]
155: f = reinterpret_cast<FunctionObj*>(;
156: else
157: f = reinterpret_cast<FunctionObj*>(function_obj_ptr.members.obj_ptr);
159: }
160: };
#9 Source "/usr/include/boost/function/function_template.hpp", line 763, in operator() [0x5555556c1db5]
760: if (this->empty())
761: boost::throw_exception(bad_function_call());
> 763: return get_vtable()->invoker
765: }
#8 Source "/usr/include/boost/function/function_template.hpp", line 158, in invoke [0x555555696649]
155: f = reinterpret_cast<FunctionObj
156: else
157: f = reinterpret_cast<FunctionObj*>(function_obj_ptr.members.obj_ptr);
159: }
160: };
#7 Source "/usr/include/boost/bind/bind.hpp", line 1306, in operator()<const boost::shared_ptr<const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2
<std::allocator > >&> [0x5555556a70ac]
1303: template result_type operator()( A1 && a1 )
1304: {
1305: rrlist1< A1 > a( a1 );
>1306: return l_( type<result_type>(), f_, a, 0 );
1307: }
1309: template result_type operator()( A1 && a1 ) const
#6 Source "/usr/include/boost/bind/bind.hpp", line 319, in operator()<boost::mfi::mf1<void, SubMapFusion, const boost::shared_ptr<const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2<std::allocator > >&>, boost::bi::rrlist1<const boost::shared_ptr<const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2<std::allocator > >&> > [0x5555556b5515]
317: template<class F, class A> void operator()(type, F & f, A & a, int)
318: {
> 319: unwrapper::unwrap(f, 0)(a[base_type::a1_], a[base_type::a2_]);
320: }
322: template<class F, class A> void operator()(type, F const & f, A & a, int) const
#5 Source "/usr/include/boost/bind/mem_fn_template.hpp", line 165, in operator() [0x5555556c1a47]
163: R operator()(T * p, A1 a1) const
164: {
> 165: BOOST_MEM_FN_RETURN (p->f_)(a1);
166: }
168: template R operator()(U & u, A1 a1) const
#4 Source "/home/jcwang/code/ws_di-lui-sam/src/di_lui_sam/src/subMapFusion.cpp", line 681, in laserCloudInfoHandler [0x55555561e8f4]
679: isKeyframe(context_info);
680: buildFrameList(context_info);
> 681: buildSubmap(context_info);
682: }
683: // std::cout << "laser: finished! " << std::endl;
684: }
#3 Source "/home/jcwang/code/ws_di-lui-sam/src/di_lui_sam/src/subMapFusion.cpp", line 1109, in buildSubmap [0x555555623a08]
1106: _downsize_filtermap.setInputCloud(cloud_in_ego_odom);
1107: _downsize_filtermap.filter(
>1109: buildiKDTree(_cloud_temp);//////TODO:这里有问题,会重复释放内存
1110: mtx_map.lock();
1111: *_lidarmap_current += *_cloud_temp;
1112: _cloud_temp->clear();
#2 Source "/home/jcwang/code/ws_di-lui-sam/src/di_lui_sam/src/subMapFusion.cpp", line 1164, in buildiKDTree [0x555555624060]
1161: }
1163: double st_time = omp_get_wtime();
>1164: ikdtree.Add_Points(PointToAdd, true);
1165: double kdtree_incremental_time = omp_get_wtime() - st_time;
1166: }
#1 Source "/home/jcwang/code/ws_di-lui-sam/src/di_lui_sam/third_parties/ikd-Tree/ikd_Tree.cpp", line 501, in Add_Points [0x7ffff72eff4d]
498: mid_point.y = Box_of_Point.vertex_min[1] + (Box_of_Point.vertex_max[1] - Box_of_Point.vertex_min[1]) / 2.0;
499: mid_point.z = Box_of_Point.vertex_min[2] + (Box_of_Point.vertex_max[2] - Box_of_Point.vertex_min[2]) / 2.0;
500: PointVector().swap(Downsample_Storage);
> 501: Search_by_range(Root_Node, Box_of_Point, Downsample_Storage);
502: min_dist = calc_dist(PointToAdd[i], mid_point);
503: downsample_result = PointToAdd[i];
504: for (int index = 0; index < Downsample_Storage.size(); index++)
#0 Source "/home/jcwang/code/ws_di-lui-sam/src/di_lui_sam/third_parties/ikd-Tree/ikd_Tree.cpp", line 1268, in Search_by_range [0x7ffff72ecce4]
1265: if (!root->point_deleted)
1266: Storage.push_back(root->point);
1267: }
>1268: if ((Rebuild_Ptr == nullptr) || root->left_son_ptr != *Rebuild_Ptr)
1269: {
1270: Search_by_range(root->left_son_ptr, boxpoint, Storage);
1271: }
Segmentation fault (Address not mapped to object [(nil)])

Weird phenomenon on `Delete_Point_Boxes` function

Dear Admin:

First, thank you for sharing your invaluable codes.

But, I'd like to use your incremental Tree algorithm to achieve radius search; unfortunately, I think the code doesn't support the radius search function.

Is there any particular issue not implementing radius search?

Thanks in advance!

gpu acceleration and parallellism

Hi, from what I can see in the code, you are using multiple threads, but all of the calculations are done by the CPU correct? Would it be possible to adjust the code to make use of the GPU using something like CUDA to be able to achieve even better performance?


但是自定义的点云在创建树的时候代码报错:(尝试在头文件前面加上#define PCL_NO_PRECOMPILE仍然不起作用)
CMakeFiles/mesh_mapping_test.dir/src/test.cpp.o:在函数‘std::_Sp_counted_ptr<KD_TREE<PP>*, (__gnu_cxx::_Lock_policy)2>::_M_dispose()’中: /usr/include/c++/11/bits/shared_ptr_base.h:348:对‘KD_TREE<PP>::~KD_TREE()’未定义的引用 CMakeFiles/mesh_mapping_test.dir/src/test.cpp.o:在函数‘main.cold’中: /usr/include/c++/11/bits/shared_ptr_base.h:600:对‘KD_TREE<PP>::~KD_TREE()’未定义的引用

line 896 of ikd_Tree.cpp

I can't understand the line 896, Isn't it supposed to be like this “ if(q.size()< k_nearest && (dist_left_node < || dist_right_node <” ?

error about Nearest_Search with multi thread

thanks for your great works. ikdtree works well with one thread but not with multi thread. the
output are " *** Error in `./ikdtreeLoclization': double free or corruption (fasttop): 0x00007fcd1c000b50 *** "
and the test demo are:

    std::vector<PointType ,Eigen::aligned_allocator<PointType>> pointNear;
    std::vector<float> nearDis(nearNum);
    #pragma omp parallel for 
    for (int j = 0; j < lidarCurW->size() ; j++)
            PointType pointJ=lidarCurW->points[j];

hope for your reply, thanks

error msg


can you explain to me what's the reason when this triggers?

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