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openrave's Issues

ReadRobotXML crashes

ReadRobotXML('robots/pr2-beta-static.zae') crashes after having loaded a robot already. To reproduce, modify the show() of inversekinematics to:

    def show(self,options=None):
            with self.env:
                robot2 = self.env.ReadRobotXMLFile(self.robot.GetXMLFilename())
            manip2 = robot2.GetManipulators()[0]#(self.manip.GetName())
            with self.ArmVisibility(manip2,0.9):
                raw_input('press any key')

deprecate *XML* loading methods

methods like ReadRobotXMLFile should be renamed to ReadRobotFile.

Interface-base also has GetXMLFilename, could probably be renamed to GetFilename or GetResourceFilename or GetResource. If it isn't a filename, then we can easily store the entire resource

Deadlock with destruction order.

Should destroy all interfaces without first locking the environment thread. This allows users to freely start threads, lock environments, and wait on them in the destructors.

remove local changes from collada dom

a while back there were several mods added to collada dom to get sensors working. these should be moved somewhere else so that openrave can start using the official library without compiling from sources

user-specified ik constraint function

add a user-specified constraint function for the iksolver that will help prune solutions while searching the freespace.

this would be very useful for dual manipulation tasks where the other arm's solution has to be verified.

also useful for closed chains....

grasping collision escape offset still producing collisions

Making the offset really small makes the fastgrasping demo fail. Correct behavior is that it should always work (produce the same results) regardless of what this value is set. This suggests that collisions are not being appropriately considered when finding the "non-colliding grasp"

handle joints with > 360 degree range

several industrial robots have a range of ~700 degrees, add tests/examples. As long as the planner doesn't read back the dof using GetDOFValues, it is possible to have planners plan for this. Could possibly also add a GetDOFValues(prevvalues) function to keep track of the branches.

add disabled joints to collada

Goutham Mallapragada:

I am using the latest_stable version of openrave and it seems that the
collada writer has a bug in it. My robot model as defined in XML format
has a couple of dummy joints (with enable=false). When I do a
robot.GetJoints() on the XML model it returns correctly only the enabled
joints and does not return the dummy joints. I then did a convex
decomposition of the robot and saved the model. When I load the
resulting .zae file and queried the joints using robot.GetJoints() it
returns all the joints including the dummy joints.


collada doesn't support disabled joints, so we'll have to add a custom format for it.

collada updates

In the process of organizing the collada reader/writer for openrave in order to support convex decompositions, geometric primitives, manipulator/gripper info, attached senosr info, and a couple of more custom tags for ROS integration.

After looking at the recent code, i'm really not satisfied with the current parsing structure. Especially the uri/sidref search functions. The current functions write the results in class variables, which makes things bugs prone and difficult to understand.

trajectory class redesign

redesign of the trajectory class and handling trajectory retiming algorithms inside plugins

From Mike Vande Weghe:

One thing I'm starting to think of is just having a very basic
Trajectory base class in OpenRAVE that can then be subclassed by
different specific trajectory types.  That way you don't have to put all
the different varieties of geometry and timing in a single class.  It
would also open the door for trajectory plugins, so that a user could
easily have the same trajectory functions loading into OpenRAVE and also
running on their own controller.  The base class could have virtual
functions for adding/modifying points, sampling, and
serializing/deserializing, but it wouldn't have to know much beyond that.

== Usage Cases ==

  • Planner uses the trajectory class easily to produce timestamps. It should be up to user to select trajectory type, so planner shouldn't have to deal with this.
  • Users can create, append, retime, and serialize trajectories both in C++ and Python.
  • Store arbitrary animations of an environment. Need support for any configuration space (similar to PlannerParameters) so that multiple bodies + affine transformations are supported (ie robot opening door).
  • Play back a trajectory. Current mechanism is to pass it to a controller. Although this has been working fine, how would trajectories having multiple bodies be played back easily?
  • Controller (on robot side) can link with openrave-core and use the trajectory class for interpolating (or possibly retiming) incoming trajectory data. Therefore, it should be possible to play back the trajectory classes without loading any robots. However, the usage case with a robot existing should be optimized for.

== Notes ==

  • If the trajectory geometry changes, then the timing calculations would have to be done on a planner side so that constraints and collisions are checked. Therefore, all trajectories should support a "Modifies Geometry" query.
  • Retiming should also be considered a planning process since it deals with robot movement. Perhaps have a planner that can take in a trajectory, an initial path, and the PlannerParameters structure that describes the configuration space/constraints for interpolation.
  • The interpolation method should be also sent to the controller along with the timestamps. That should allow the computed trajectory to be regenerated perfectly.
  • add quadratic solvers (quintic smoothing + retiming)
  • Dividing it into 2 subclasses? one class that users use to fill the trajectory with data and perform the retiming, and another class of the re-timed trajectory that would be only used for querying the position, velocity, and acceleration of each of the joints at every time step.
  • The computation time of a trajectory can greatly differ depending on interpolation mode. If at one point there is 10 different timing algorithms available to choose from, users will need to quickly decide which is best for their application. This can be done with "Supports" or "Modifies" flags like: "Geometry Modified", "Arbitrary Configuration Spaces", "Velocity Limits", "Acceleration Limits", "Collision Checking", "Constraint Checking" (_constraintfn), etc

support python 2.5 + boost 1.34.1

os.path.relpath does not exist.

make sure to add an automated test with ubuntu 8.04 to jenkins with virtualbox before closing this ticket.

also, collada-dom relies on XML_PARSE_HUGE being defined, check for this flag in cmake.

mimic equation parser problems

mimic equations cannot support dummy joints that have J1xxx where J1 is a real joint name, since J1 gets selected before J1xxx

could solve this by arranging the joint names to be checked from longest to shortest.

update to functionparser v4.4.3

The new library allows openrave to use it without internal modifications. make sure to email fedora thread when it is done.

move collada compressed write to collada-dom

The ColladaWriter::Save method uses minizip to write compressed (zae) files. This puts a dependency on minizip that really should go into collada-dom rather than openrave.

there are two places to put it in collada-dom:




It seems that daeIOPluginCommon handles the zlib stuff... but it would be really faster if daeLIBXMLPlugin did it.

OPENRAVE_DATABASE environment variable

OPENRAVE_DATABASE will allow multiple database directories to be read, with priority given to the first

when writing first directory in OPENRAVE_DATABASE will be used


add activedofs to pqp

From Daniel Leidner:

as i was playing around with the collision reports i found out some
additional importance about the distance queries active_dof only feature:

if your robot stands very close to some sort of table, the distance
query gives you always a very short distance due to the overall position
of the robot.
for example the base or the wheels are usually very close to the table
(or much worse the floor).
but i dont want to know that the robots feet are allmost colliding with
the floor o_O what i am interested in is my moving manipulator!

ignore unnecessary collisions

when planning for manipulator, ignore initial collisions with base link (since that doesn't move). Make sure to reflect this in the CO_ActiveDOFs option.

BodyTransformations -> LinkTransformations

body transformations is misleading, should also conform to GetLinkVelocities

    virtual void GetLinkTransformations(std::vector<Transform>& transforms) const;

    virtual void GetBodyTransformations(std::vector<Transform>& transforms) const RAVE_DEPRECATED { GetLinkTransformations(transforms); }

    virtual void SetLinkTransformations(const std::vector<Transform>& transforms);

    virtual void SetBodyTransformations(const std::vector<Transform>& transforms) RAVE_DEPRECATED { SetLinkTransformations(transforms); }

ability to set multiple custom ikfilters

IkSolver::SetCustomFilter should be transformed to

boost::shared_ptr IkSolver::RegisterCustomFilter()

where the returned handled maintains the registration of the filter similar to how plotting and other registrations work.

debug contexts

specify debug contexts like per environment, per plugin, etc. this is related to better logging and log4cxx stuff.

separating path smoothing from planning

smoothing is a post processing step on a path (it needs to know path constraints, but does not need to search). possibly add a path smoothing class

remove _bComputeSmoothPath from planner parameters

add joint resolutions and weights to collada

add joint resolutions and weights as planning parameters to collada. after this, perhaps add some auto-generation step that fill sthe correct weights for each of the robots (otherwise hanoi won't work with default weights)

auto generate plugin documentation

have a script that runs through all available plugins in openrave and records the interfaces they offer and who they were developed by.

basic kinbody unit tests

== kinbody kinematics, geometry, transformations, basic information retrieval, updating ==

  • transformation: SetTransform, GetTransform, SetBodyTransformations, GetBodyTransformations
  • joint: SetJointValues, GetJointValues
  • info: GetDOF, SetName/GetName, GetJointLimits, ,GetJoints, GetLinks
  • AABB: ComputeAABB
  • body hierarchy: DoesAffect
  • link geometries: hinge, slider, and spherical
  • any structural change to the body (new kinematic structure) or positional change should be propagated and update the corresponding time stamp and kinbody properties, which can be checked by GetUpdateStamp and KinBodyProperty
  • any static property change should trigger RegisterChangeCallback

== initializing, adding, and accessing objects ==

  • creating objects
  • reading bodies through '''ReadKinBodyXMLFile''' and '''ReadKinBodyXMLData''' (the Data functions allow you to pass XML directly)
    load a kinbody with bad grammar using '''ReadKinBodyXMLFile'''
    ** load a kinbody with good grammar using '''ReadKinBodyXMLFile'''
    ** add the loaded kinbody to the environment using '''AddKinBody'''
    ** check # of bodies the environment using '''GetBodies'''
    ** check added body's networkid using '''GetNetworkId'''
    ** check added body's name using '''GetName'''
    ** check added body's transform using '''GetTransform'''
  • reading robots through ReadRobotXMLFile and ReadRobotXMLData
  • adding objects to the environment through AddKinBody, AddRobot; accessing through GetKinBody, GetRobot

== destroying kinbodies ==

  • make sure all destructors are called properly
  • to test shared pointers: have several kinbodies each using one more feature than the other, e.g., first kinbody has just one link, the next has several links and introduces joints

better representation for inertia

current openrave represents inertia as the tensor, however this requires doing a eigenvalue analysis to get the major axes. instead, it would be simpler to represent inertia as the mass frame (COM + orientation of major axes) and a 3 vector inertia.

using "with env" in multiple python threads causes a dead lock

Using "with env" locks the python thread from C++, which causes a deadlock if the python thread holding the environment lock needs to be switched over.

The reason is because the python threading/locking and c++ mutexes are independent.

A temp workaround is to always create a environment lock on the python side and lock that always before attempting the C++ lock.

collada writer

update collada writer so written files can be read back by openrave

python database add load from specific file

because hashes on the robots can change (and they currently are not consistent across OSes), we should add a feature that manually loads the database files given the filename. Passing an argument to load()? undefined reference to `clock_gettime'

I've tried to compile a simple test that is linked with the, but this shared object contains a dependency from clock_gettime function:

264: 00000000 0 NOTYPE GLOBAL DEFAULT UND clock_gettime

This function is from library that doesn't listed in the NEEDEDs of

0x00000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: []
0x00000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: []
0x00000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: []
0x00000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: []
0x00000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: []
0x00000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: []
0x00000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: []
0x00000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: []
0x00000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: []
0x00000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: []
0x00000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: []

I think one of the possible solution is to add -lrt flag when compiling the library.

add CO_AllCollisions option to return all links

mehmet dogar says:

I have a grasp planner which can also reason about
moving obstacle objects out of the way, if needed. Given a pose of the
robot hand to grasp the goal object, it gets all the other colliding
objects, and then plans to move them away, so that the original grasp
can be executed.
In fact, I have already been doing this by calling CheckCollision over
and over until no collision occurs, each time adding the object
pointed to by report->plink1 to the vbodyexcluded argument to the next
CheckCollision. Then, when CheckCollision returns false, vbodyexcluded
gives you all the colliding bodies. But of course this takes a huge
amount of time.

at least add this into the oderave collision checker before making the option official. If option is set, then CollisionReport::vLinkColliding should be filled. contacts holds all points for all links.

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