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pavian's Introduction

Pavian is a interactive browser application for analyzing and visualization metagenomics classification results from classifiers such as Kraken, KrakenUniq, Kraken 2, Centrifuge and MetaPhlAn. Pavian also provides an alignment viewer for validation of matches to a particular genome.

For more information look at the publication at

Pavian: interactive analysis of metagenomics data for microbiome studies and pathogen identification. FP Breitwieser, SL Salzberg - Bioinformatics, 2020

Thank you for citing the publication if Pavian helps in your research :).

You can try out Pavian at

Installation and deployment

Pavian is a R package, and thus requires R to run. Look here for how to install R. On Windows, you probably need to install Rtools. On Ubuntu, install r-base-dev. Once you started R, the following commands will install the package:

if (!require(remotes)) { install.packages("remotes") }

To run Pavian from R, type


Pavian will then be available at in the web browser of you choice.

Alternatively, you can install and test Pavian with the following command:

shiny::runGitHub("fbreitwieser/pavian", subdir = "inst/shinyapp")

To try out Pavian, load the example files directly from the interface.

Installing Rsamtools

The alignment viewer uses Rsamtools. To install this package from Bioconductor, use the following commands

if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))


Installing to

In order to install to, because of the Bioconductor repo dependencies, you need to first set the options using setRepositories() in R. At that point a `rsconnect::deployApp('pavian/inst/shinapp/') should work.

Docker image

As an alternative to installing Pavian in R, a Docker image is available at florianbw/pavian. When you run this docker image, Pavian will start automatically on port 80, which you need to make available to the hosting machine. On the shell, you can pull the image and remap the Docker port to port 5000 with the following commands:

docker pull 'florianbw/pavian'
docker run --rm -p 5000:80 florianbw/pavian



Build Status

Supported formats

pavian natively supports the Kraken and MetaPhlAn-style report formats. In extension, you can use Centrifuge results by running centrifuge-kreport on Centrifuge output files, and Kaiju results by running kraken-report on Kaiju output files (see issue #11)

Error: Maximum upload size exceeded The maximum upload size is defined by the option shiny.maxRequestSize. To increase it to 500 MB, for example, type the following before pavian::runApp():


If your BAM file contains the unaligned reads, you can decrease the file size before uploading by getting rid of non-aligned reads using samtools view -F4.


We'd like to thank the creators, contributors and maintainers of several packages without whom Pavian wouldn't exist:

  • Winston Chang, Hadley Wickham, Joe Cheng, JJ Allaire and all other developers at Rstudio and outside who contribute to the amazing set of packages behind shiny and the tidyverse (shiny, shinydashboard, DT, dplyr, plyr, htmltools, htmlwidgets, rmarkdown, knitr, ggplot2, rappdirs)
  • Mike Bostock and all developers behind the amazong D3 visualization library
  • Dean Atali for the shinyjs R package
  • dreamR developers for the shinyWidgets R package
  • Jonathan Owen for rhandsontable widget, based on the handsontable javascript library
  • M. Morgan and the other developers behind Rsamtools, as well as Heng Li and the other developers behind samtools
  • Christopher Garund and the other developers behind networkD3, on which sankeyD3 is based
  • The developers of jstree, on which shinyFileTree is based

pavian's People


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pavian's Issues

.svg support

How about introducing support for generation of .svg images of Sankey diagrams?


Feature request: Kaiju reports support


I was wondering if it would be possible to add support for reports produced by Kaiju.
Pavian is an amazing piece of visualisation software, thank you very much for coding it.

Across-samples plot fails when names are equal

Warning: Error in levels<-: factor level [2] is duplicated
Stack trace (innermost first):
    105: factor
    104: data.frame [/salz/salz7-data/projects/fbreitwieser/pavian/R/sample-module.R#252]
    103: plot_it [/salz/salz7-data/projects/fbreitwieser/pavian/R/sample-module.R#252]
    102: renderPlot [/salz/salz7-data/projects/fbreitwieser/pavian/R/sample-module.R#287]
     92: <reactive:plotObj>
     81: plotObj
     80: origRenderFunc
     79: output$sample-plot1
      2: shiny::runApp
      1: pavian::runApp [/salz/salz7-data/projects/fbreitwieser/pavian/R/runApp.R#67]

Pavian Unavailable

I have been trying to access Pavian for several days through the link provided:

It says 'This Application Is Currently Unavailable' I have tried multiple web browsers each day. Is there an issue with Pavian? Has it been taken down or is there an alternative way to access it?



Error on Unicode file names

[Mar20 17:17] Reading files in /ccb/salz4-1/fbreitwieser/microbiome-pipeline/processing/custom//Sample9_S1_L001
Warning: Error in nchar: invalid multibyte string, element 1
Stack trace (innermost first):
    80: read_report [/salz/salz7-data/projects/fbreitwieser/pavian/R/datainput-read_report.R#377]
    79: FUN [/salz/salz7-data/projects/fbreitwieser/pavian/R/datainput-read_sample_data.R#72]
    78: lapply
    77: sapply
    76: FUN [/salz/salz7-data/projects/fbreitwieser/pavian/R/datainput-read_sample_data.R#72]
    75: lapply
    74: read_server_directory1 [/salz/salz7-data/projects/fbreitwieser/pavian/R/datainput-read_server_directory.R#83]
    73: read_server_directory2 [/salz/salz7-data/projects/fbreitwieser/pavian/R/datainput-module.R#224]
    72: eval [/salz/salz7-data/projects/fbreitwieser/pavian/R/datainput-module.R#218]
    71: eval
    70: withProgress
    69: read_server_directory [/salz/salz7-data/projects/fbreitwieser/pavian/R/datainput-module.R#218]
    68: observeEventHandler [/salz/salz7-data/projects/fbreitwieser/pavian/R/datainput-module.R#288]
     2: shiny::runApp
     1: pavian::runApp [/salz/salz7-data/projects/fbreitwieser/pavian/R/runApp.R#67]

Error: Malformed remote specification

Hi there, trying to install pavian from github I get the following error, any ideas? thanks

Error: Malformed remote specification 'github::fbreitwieser/shinyFileTree

Loading metaphlan2 results fails

Does Pavian support metaphlan2 input yet? I just (Tue 31 Jan, 16:00 CET) downloaded the Docker image and tried loading a metaphlan2 report that looks like this:

2144_A Metaphlan2_Analysis
k__Viruses 82.75065
k__Bacteria 17.24935
k__Viruses|p__Viruses_noname 82.75065
k__Bacteria|p__Proteobacteria 16.12059
k__Bacteria|p__Actinobacteria 1.12876
... etc

and get the following error message:

The following files did not conform the report format:


What is the expected report format? In the online documentation ( ) there is no mention of metaphlan2 files, so I'm not sure if some preprocessing is needed.

centrifuge output won't load


I made a tsv from centrifuge (latest from github, default options) that I have attached. I try to load this in Pavian, but get this output:

Warning: Error in $< replacement has 0 rows, data has 5
Stack trace (innermost first):
82: $<
81: $<- [/Users/tdyar/workspace/pavian/R/datainput-read_report.R#556]
80: read_report [/Users/tdyar/workspace/pavian/R/datainput-read_report.R#556]
79: FUN [/Users/tdyar/workspace/pavian/R/datainput-read_sample_data.R#73]
78: lapply
77: sapply
76: read_sample_data [/Users/tdyar/workspace/pavian/R/datainput-read_sample_data.R#73]
75: read_server_directory1 [/Users/tdyar/workspace/pavian/R/datainput-read_server_directory.R#75]
74: read_server_directory2 [/Users/tdyar/workspace/pavian/R/datainput-module.R#229]
73: eval [/Users/tdyar/workspace/pavian/R/datainput-module.R#223]
72: eval
71: withProgress
70: read_server_directory [/Users/tdyar/workspace/pavian/R/datainput-module.R#223]
69: observeEventHandler [/Users/tdyar/workspace/pavian/R/datainput-module.R#382]
2: shiny::runApp
1: runApp [#54]
[May18 11:34] Exiting session #1


xdg-open error when running pavian

I follow the installation to run the pavian on my ubuntu 16.04 LTS... But when I run Pavian from R, type
pavian::runApp(port=5000) , there is an error just as below :


Can you help me? What should I do to fix it?
Looking for your reply. Thank you very much!

Best wishes,

sankey visualisation for kraken2

I have pavian installed as R package, almost all works fine, but I have this error:

Warning: It looks like Source/Target is not zero-indexed. This is required in JavaScript and so your plot may not render.

... and plot not render!

Use pavian to read recentrifuge output

Hi, when using recentrifuge ( ) after centrifuge, the output of recentrifuge cannot be parsed by pavian anymore. There is a column with confidence data added that isn't parsed by pavian and there are some general layout changes compared to centrifuge. What would be a good way to get started fitting recentrifuge output into pavian?

Shiny issues: increasing maxRequestSize value not working

Dear Florian,

I cannot increase the maxRequestSize value. I tried as you suggested but it is still not working (in Pavian, I get the error message: 'Maximum upload sie exceeded'). I am a newbie to RStudio; and don't know how to set environmental variables porperly. Please could you help me?

Cheers Bastian

Problem exporting comparison data

I write you because I'm using pavia to compare the taxonomic profiles of 9 sequence libraries binned with centrifuge; I'm able to visualize the full dataset with pavian, but when I try to download the comparison table in tab format the following error message appears and nothing is saved:
ERROR: could not find function "r_summarized_report"
Eugeni Belda

Install error: Error in if (type == "binary") { : argument is of length zero

I'm having trouble getting Pavian running in R on an Amazon Linux ec2 instance. This is probably not an issue with Pavian itself but I'm hoping someone can help. Neither of the following install commands work for me, giving the error "Error in if (type == "binary") { : argument is of length zero":

> remotes::install_github("fbreitwieser/pavian") Downloading GitHub repo fbreitwieser/pavian@master Installing 13 packages: crosstalk, DT, ggplot2, gtable, lazyeval, plyr, rappdirs, reshape2, rhandsontable, shinycssloaders, shinydashboard, shinyjs, withr Error in if (type == "binary") { : argument is of length zero

> shiny::runGitHub("fbreitwieser/pavian", subdir = "inst/shinyapp") Downloading Loading required package: pavian Warning in library(package, lib.loc = lib.loc, character.only = TRUE, logical.return = TRUE, : there is no package called ‘pavian’ Downloading GitHub repo fbreitwieser/pavian@master Installing 13 packages: crosstalk, DT, ggplot2, gtable, lazyeval, plyr, rappdirs, reshape2, rhandsontable, shinycssloaders, shinydashboard, shinyjs, withr Error in if (type == "binary") { : argument is of length zero

I'm not having any luck googling around so any suggestions would be appreciated.

Edit: I just tried the install on my local machine (a chromebook running linux) and I get the same exact error. However I ran it on our remote server and that works fine. I'm pretty much stumped for now.

Edit2: I got pavian working on my local machine via Docker but would still be interested if anyone has insight on the R issue.

Load example datasets fails. Metaphlan2 results import fails too. Kraken2 results works.

I installed Pavian (ver. 0.8.3) using:


However, when I try to Load example datasets, it shows error.
Furthermore, I am able to import and visualize Kraken2 results but, when I try to import Metaphlan2 results, it fails.
I guess the problem in both cases are the same. Because these sample examples are also processed by Metaphlan.

The second set is sequenced stool from the Human Microbiome Project, analyzed with MetaPhlAn.

Screen Shot 2019-03-19 at 19 59 08

Alignment viewer -- upload completed, what's next?

The docker image looks perfect now, except for the alignment viewer. I have uploaded the bam file to pavian, but nothing was displayed on the web page. Anything wrong here? The bam is sorted and indexed. I also tried to upload the bai after uploading the bam, but still got nothing in return.

screen shot 2016-11-14 at 3 46 49 pm

Does not generate HTML or TSV files at all


Thanks for the fantastic bit of software. I have aggregated ~250 Kraken2 reports, and it seems to visualise just fine. However trying to output a HTML file or TSV fails without any error message that I can see on the console.


[Jan13 14:09] Started new shiny session #2 (2 session(s) running)
[Jan13 14:09] Exiting session #2
[Jan13 14:13] Writing RMD to /tmp/RtmplJQvv2/Uploaded_sample_set__-report.Rmd

processing file: Uploaded_sample_set__-report.Rmd
  |......                                                           |   9%
   inline R code fragments

  |............                                                     |  18%
label: setup (with options) 
List of 1
 $ include: logi FALSE

  |..................                                               |  27%
  ordinary text without R code

  |........................                                         |  36%
label: sample_summary (with options) 
List of 1
 $ message: logi FALSE

  |..............................                                   |  45%
  ordinary text without R code

  |...................................                              |  55%
label: classifications (with options) 
List of 3
 $ message: logi TRUE
 $ warning: logi TRUE
 $ eval   : logi TRUE

  |.........................................                        |  64%
  ordinary text without R code

  |...............................................                  |  73%
label: unnamed-chunk-1 (with options) 
List of 1
 $ eval: logi FALSE

  |.....................................................            |  82%
  ordinary text without R code

  |...........................................................      |  91%
label: sankey_vis
  |.................................................................| 100%
   inline R code fragments

output file:

/usr/bin/pandoc +RTS -K512m -RTS --to html4 --from markdown+autolink_bare_uris+ascii_identifiers+tex_math_single_backslash --output /tmp/RtmplJQvv2/file495d578f2e1.html --smart --email-obfuscation none --self-contained --standalone --section-divs --table-of-contents --toc-depth 3 --variable toc_float=1 --variable toc_selectors=h1,h2,h3 --variable toc_collapsed=1 --variable toc_smooth_scroll=1 --variable toc_print=1 --template /home/beggsa/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.4/rmarkdown/rmd/h/default.html --no-highlight --variable highlightjs=1 --variable 'theme:bootstrap' --include-in-header /tmp/RtmplJQvv2/rmarkdown-str495d22c196a1.html 

Output created: /tmp/RtmplJQvv2/file495d578f2e1.html

Centrifuge report not recognized


Below are the first 30 lines of the file centrifuge_report.tsv I want to submit to pavian.

name	taxID	taxRank	genomeSize	numReads	numUniqueReads	abundance
Buchnera aphidicola	9	species	621119	397	397	0.0
Dictyoglomus	13	genus	1907773	22	22	0.0
Shewanella	22	genus	5140018	5785	5785	0.0
Shewanella putrefaciens	24	species	4749735	64	64	0.0
Myxococcales	29	order	9744470	46	46	0.0
Myxococcaceae	31	family	9924679	2	2	0.0
Myxococcus	32	genus	9885694	29	29	0.0
Cystobacteraceae	39	family	10260756	1	1	0.0
Archangium gephyra	48	species	12489432	74	74	0.0
Polyangiaceae	49	family	13907952	427	427	0.0
Chondromyces crocatus	52	species	11388132	5081	5081	0.0
Sorangium cellulosum	56	species	13907952	111	111	0.0
Lysobacter	68	genus	0	95	95	0.0
Caulobacter	75	genus	4238499	275	275	0.0
Hyphomicrobium	81	genus	3700497	6	6	0.0
Planctomycetales	112	order	6589575	7	7	0.0
Spirochaetaceae	137	family	2844607	8	8	0.0
Borrelia	138	genus	1104217	271	271	0.0
Borreliella burgdorferi	139	species	1329613	96	96	0.0
Spirochaeta	146	genus	3243173	1	1	0.0
Spirochaeta thermophila	154	species	2516433	30	30	0.0
Treponema	157	genus	2625101	148	148	0.0
Leptospira	171	genus	4731147	31	31	0.0
Leptospira biflexa	172	species	3953768	65	65	0.0
Leptospira interrogans	173	species	5395453	154	154	0.0
Leptospira borgpetersenii	174	species	3948532	19	19	0.0
Leptospirillum	179	genus	2432093	11	11	0.0
Azospirillum	191	genus	7223069	14	14	0.0
Azospirillum brasilense	192	species	13978806	152	152	0.0

Error in .graphValueChange: could not find function ".graphValueChange"


When I am loading my kraken report file in the following error comes and the session gets closed.

However, the same file is working well with docker instance.


Listening on
[May10 13:40] Started new shiny session #1 (1 session(s) running)
[May10 13:40] Reading files in /tmp/RtmpFKCbSe/d256e6438fb70ed911f4b839
[May10 13:40] Reading 1 reports ...
Warning: Error in .graphValueChange: could not find function ".graphValueChange"
[No stack trace available]
[May10 13:40] Exiting session #1


R version 3.4.0 (2017-04-21)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS

Matrix products: default
BLAS: /usr/lib/openblas-base/
LAPACK: /usr/lib/


attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base

other attached packages:
[1] shiny_1.3.2 readr_1.3.1

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] Rcpp_1.0.0 pillar_1.3.1 compiler_3.4.0 later_0.8.0 plyr_1.8.4 bindr_0.1.1
[7] shinyWidgets_0.4.8 shinyjs_1.0 tools_3.4.0 digest_0.6.18 jsonlite_1.5 tibble_1.4.2
[13] gtable_0.2.0 pkgconfig_2.0.1 rlang_0.3.0.1 rstudioapi_0.7 crosstalk_1.0.0 yaml_2.2.0
[19] bindrcpp_0.2.2 dplyr_0.7.8 htmlwidgets_1.3 hms_0.4.2 DT_0.6 shinydashboard_0.7.1
[25] grid_3.4.0 tidyselect_0.2.5 shinyFileTree_0.0.0.9000 glue_1.3.0 R6_2.2.2 pavian_0.8.4
[31] ggplot2_3.1.0 purrr_0.2.3 magrittr_1.5 sankeyD3_0.3.2 scales_1.0.0 promises_1.0.1
[37] htmltools_0.3.6 assertthat_0.2.0 xtable_1.8-2 rhandsontable_0.3.7 mime_0.6 colorspace_1.3-2
[43] httpuv_1.5.1 lazyeval_0.2.1 munsell_0.5.0 crayon_1.3.4

Kraken2 reports not opening in Pavian

Hey Florian,

I tried to upload kraken2 report format to pavian. After the upload; an error says that

The following files did not confirm the report format.

Is there any way around this?

Something missing in the `docker run` command


I am trying to run the docker implementation, but there seems to be something missing from the docker run command:

docker run --rm -p 5000:80 florianbw/pavian <command> to start up the shiny server?

Thank you.


Create report while loading datasets

Hello !
I really like this tool so far, great job !
However, I'd like to know if there was a way to generate your html reports automatically after uploading a dataset without having to click on that button ?

increase upload size with Docker image

Is there a way to increase the upload size when using the Docker image? Sorry if I'm missing something obvious, but the instructions in the readme don't seem to apply when using the Docker version. Thanks!

Results Overview tab not showing uploaded sample sets

Whatever I try, I cannot see the "Results Overview" table populated except for the example data sets.


In case it makes a difference, I imported the data using centrifuge-kreport.

PS: @fbreitwieser, many thanks for Pavian! I hope its related paper is about to be published. 👍

Idea: Make pavian use "abundances" from centrifuge summaries rather than percents

In my centrifuge summary I have something like this:
But in Pavian it looks like this:
It would be nice if there was a column in Pavian that showed the abundance calculated by centrifuge, since that is a major feature of centrifuge (if I read the centrifuge paper correctly, they argue that percentages are not accurate since genome sizes are different between viruses, bacteria, etc.)

Nothing happens when trying to run Docker image

I have used Pavian via Docker before (about a year ago). Now I had a few samples that I processed with Kraken2 that I wanted to view in Pavian, but when I try to run the Docker image nothing happens.

I ran

docker run --rm -p 5000:80 florianbw/pavian

Nothing happens. The terminal is waiting for the command to complete, and in htop I can see that the container is started, but when trying to access port 5000 in my browser I get nothing.

Pavian reading from Docker import/

I'm implementing Pavian as an interactive environment within Galaxy Project ( and When the user launches Pavian through Galaxy they are prompted to select a report to launch Pavian with. When the Docker container is being created the users report is put into the containers /import . I've tried moving the the report from /import into /tmp but since the folders in /tmp are dynamically created I found no success in moving the file from /import.

Maybe there's a way for a Shiny App to read from the import/ directory in the Docker container?

Dragging and dropping a report from Galaxy to the file input doesn't work (That's a Galaxy issue), however, dragging a file from the users system to the file input works, it's just a workaround.

Any ideas, changes, or suggestions will be greatly appreciated!

Maximum upload size exceeded


When attempting to upload a bam and index file I get the message:
Maximum upload size exceeded

Is there an option to increase the upload size when running locally?


Disconnected from the server after loading the example data


Thanks for your works.

I followed your instructions online to install pavian successfully. It, however, displayed disconnected from the server immediately after I tried to load the example data.

Here is some information you may need:

R: 3.3.2
Docker version 17.05.0-ce.

Here is the information from Rstudio:


Listening on
Reading files in C:/Users/Yang_/Documents/R/win-library/3.3/pavian/shinyapp/example-data
Reading reports ...
logical 33 3349 0
Warning: Error in : 'max' is not an exported object from 'namespace:stats'
Stack trace (innermost first):
86: getExportedValue
85: ::
84: stat_name_to_f[[stat]]
83: FUN
82: apply
81: FUN
80: lapply
79: FUN
78: lapply
77: one_df
65: summarized_report_df
64: eval
63: eval
62: inherits
61: isTruthy
60: fun_
59: dotloop
58: req
57: observerFunc
2: shiny::runApp
1: pavian::runApp
ERROR: [on_request_read] connection reset by peer

Thanks for your helps in advance.


generate HTML output

Dear Florian,

Thank you for programming this fancy software.
During the HTML report generation, Is there any way to add Homo Sapiens to Sankey visualization?
It doesn't include Homo sapiens and Synthetic construct in Sankey visualization.
I appreciate your time.


Running pavian on a remote machine and accessing sample there

Howdy there. I run Pavian on a remote machine that is my computational workhorse and use ssh to do port forwarding to my local machine to actually view the Pavian interface.

I want to access the kraken files I have on that remote machine and view them in Pavian, but whenever I go to 'Upload files' in the interface I can only access my local files. Is there a remedy to this? Can I tell the actual Pavian server to look only at the remote machine's file system? For the record, I tried the following when starting the Pavian server (again on the remote machine)
pavian::runApp(port=5000, server_dir="/path/to/kraken/files/on/remote/machine/")
but this doesn't seem to fix anything when trying the 'Upload files' button.

Thanks much in advance!

*.kraken file not working?

Whenever I load a .kraken file I get an error saying that the report format is bad. Are .kraken files not supported?


Dear Developer,
i`m trying to use Pavian with Kraken2 report but I get an error. I did a bit of checking and I noted the Kraken results given as examples are different from my outputs.
the examples have 7 columns while my results have 6 like described at

can you please help me to figure out the problem?


unable to start page view

start web services by "pavian::runApp(port=5000)", the page display abnormal in my google-chrome. the loading icon on the left side showed always and if uploaded data or load example data, nothing refreshed.

the error shows:

VM1157:35 WebSocket connection to 'ws://' failed: Data frame received after close
WrappedWebSocket	@	VM1157:35
b	@	shinyapp.js:85
createSocket	@	shinyapp.js:91
connect	@	shinyapp.js:38
initShiny	@	init_shiny.js:443

the error in rstudio is:

Warning: Error in %in%: 在为'%in%'函数选择方法时评估'table'参数出了错: Error in colnames(sample_data()) : 
  在为'colnames'函数选择方法时评估'x'参数出了错: 错误: 
Stack trace (innermost first):
    80: %in%
    79: inherits
    78: isTruthy
    77: need
    76: lapply
    75: sapply
    74: validate
    73: <reactive:reports> [/home/mark/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.2/pavian/shinyapp/app.R#241]
    62: reports
    61: observeEventExpr
     2: shiny::runApp
     1: pavian::runApp
Warning: Error in %in%: 在为'%in%'函数选择方法时评估'table'参数出了错: Error in colnames(sample_data()) : 
  在为'colnames'函数选择方法时评估'x'参数出了错: 错误: 
Stack trace (innermost first):
    136: <Anonymous>
    135: stop
    134: reports
    133: <reactive:summarized_report> [/home/mark/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.2/pavian/shinyapp/app.R#264]
    122: summarized_report
    121: <reactive>
    110: get_summarized_report1
    109: <reactive>
     98: get_summarized_reportc
     97: eval
     96: eval
     95: inherits
     94: isTruthy
     93: fun_
     92: dotloop
     91: req
     90: <reactive>
     79: r_summarized_report
     78: <reactive>
     67: summarized_report_df
     66: eval
     65: eval
     64: inherits
     63: isTruthy
     62: fun_
     61: dotloop
     60: req
     59: observerFunc
      2: shiny::runApp
      1: pavian::runApp
Warning: Error in %in%: 在为'%in%'函数选择方法时评估'table'参数出了错: Error in colnames(sample_data()) : 
  在为'colnames'函数选择方法时评估'x'参数出了错: 错误: 
Stack trace (innermost first):
    124: <Anonymous>
    123: stop
    122: summarized_report
    121: <reactive>
    110: get_summarized_report1
    109: <reactive>
     98: get_summarized_reportc
     97: eval
     96: eval
     95: inherits
     94: isTruthy
     93: fun_
     92: dotloop
     91: req
     90: <reactive>
     79: r_summarized_report
     78: <reactive>
     67: summarized_report_df
     66: eval
     65: eval
     64: inherits
     63: isTruthy
     62: fun_
     61: dotloop
     60: req
     59: observerFunc
      2: shiny::runApp
      1: pavian::runApp
Warning: Error in %in%: 在为'%in%'函数选择方法时评估'table'参数出了错: Error in colnames(sample_data()) : 
  在为'colnames'函数选择方法时评估'x'参数出了错: 错误: 
Stack trace (innermost first):
    125: <Anonymous>
    124: stop
    123: summarized_report
    122: filter_func [/home/mark/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.2/pavian/shinyapp/app.R#275]
    121: <reactive>
    110: get_summarized_report1
    109: <reactive>
     98: get_summarized_reportc
     97: eval
     96: eval
     95: inherits
     94: isTruthy
     93: fun_
     92: dotloop
     91: req
     90: <reactive>
     79: r_summarized_report
     78: <reactive>
     67: summarized_report_df
     66: eval
     65: eval
     64: inherits
     63: isTruthy
     62: fun_
     61: dotloop
     60: req
     59: observerFunc
      2: shiny::runApp
      1: pavian::runApp
Warning: Error in %in%: 在为'%in%'函数选择方法时评估'table'参数出了错: Error in colnames(sample_data()) : 
  在为'colnames'函数选择方法时评估'x'参数出了错: 错误: 
Stack trace (innermost first):
    125: <Anonymous>
    124: stop
    123: summarized_report
    122: filter_func [/home/mark/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.2/pavian/shinyapp/app.R#278]
    121: <reactive>
    110: get_summarized_report1
    109: <reactive>
     98: get_summarized_reportc
     97: eval
     96: eval
     95: inherits
     94: isTruthy
     93: fun_
     92: dotloop
     91: req
     90: <reactive>
     79: r_summarized_report
     78: <reactive>
     67: summarized_report_df
     66: eval
     65: eval
     64: inherits
     63: isTruthy
     62: fun_
     61: dotloop
     60: req
     59: observerFunc
      2: shiny::runApp
      1: pavian::runApp
Warning: Error in %in%: 在为'%in%'函数选择方法时评估'table'参数出了错: Error in colnames(sample_data()) : 
  在为'colnames'函数选择方法时评估'x'参数出了错: 错误: 
Stack trace (innermost first):
    125: <Anonymous>
    124: stop
    123: summarized_report
    122: filter_func [/home/mark/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.2/pavian/shinyapp/app.R#281]
    121: <reactive>
    110: get_summarized_report1
    109: <reactive>
     98: get_summarized_reportc
     97: eval
     96: eval
     95: inherits
     94: isTruthy
     93: fun_
     92: dotloop
     91: req
     90: <reactive>
     79: r_summarized_report
     78: <reactive>
     67: summarized_report_df
     66: eval
     65: eval
     64: inherits
     63: isTruthy
     62: fun_
     61: dotloop
     60: req
     59: observerFunc
      2: shiny::runApp
      1: pavian::runApp
Warning: Error in %in%: 在为'%in%'函数选择方法时评估'table'参数出了错: Error in colnames(sample_data()) : 
  在为'colnames'函数选择方法时评估'x'参数出了错: 错误: 
Stack trace (innermost first):
    125: <Anonymous>
    124: stop
    123: summarized_report
    122: filter_func [/home/mark/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.2/pavian/shinyapp/app.R#284]
    121: <reactive>
    110: get_summarized_report1
    109: <reactive>
     98: get_summarized_reportc
     97: eval
     96: eval
     95: inherits
     94: isTruthy
     93: fun_
     92: dotloop
     91: req
     90: <reactive>
     79: r_summarized_report
     78: <reactive>
     67: summarized_report_df
     66: eval
     65: eval
     64: inherits
     63: isTruthy
     62: fun_
     61: dotloop
     60: req
     59: observerFunc
      2: shiny::runApp
      1: pavian::runApp
Warning: Error in %in%: 在为'%in%'函数选择方法时评估'table'参数出了错: Error in colnames(sample_data()) : 
  在为'colnames'函数选择方法时评估'x'参数出了错: 错误: 
Stack trace (innermost first):
    125: <Anonymous>
    124: stop
    123: summarized_report
    122: filter_func [/home/mark/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.2/pavian/shinyapp/app.R#292]
    121: <reactive>
    110: get_summarized_report1
    109: <reactive>
     98: get_summarized_reportc
     97: eval
     96: eval
     95: inherits
     94: isTruthy
     93: fun_
     92: dotloop
     91: req
     90: <reactive>
     79: r_summarized_report
     78: <reactive>
     67: summarized_report_df
     66: eval
     65: eval
     64: inherits
     63: isTruthy
     62: fun_
     61: dotloop
     60: req
     59: observerFunc
      2: shiny::runApp
      1: pavian::runApp

"rmd_file does not exist"


I tried creating an HTML report of my pavian results using the web interface button "Generate HTML report...". I received an error saying Error : file.exists(rmd_file) is not TRUE. Below is the code from the R console:

> pavian::runApp(port=5000)
Loading required package: shiny

Listening on

Attaching package: ‘shinyjs’

The following object is masked from ‘package:shiny’:


The following objects are masked from ‘package:methods’:

    removeClass, show

Attaching package: ‘shinydashboard’

The following object is masked from ‘package:graphics’:


Reading files in /var/folders/xd/jvj80vvn5yxb752vlv6mgyx80000gn/T//RtmpnTNsfk/21a3e787a67ad7d19402cd84
Reading reports ...
   Mode   FALSE    TRUE    NA's 
logical       3    9729       0 
Warning: Error in : file.exists(rmd_file) is not TRUE
Stack trace (innermost first):
    52: stopifnot
    51: download$func
     2: shiny::runApp
     1: pavian::runApp
Error : file.exists(rmd_file) is not TRUE

Searching the pavian GitHub repo, I found the code below in the R/shinyapp-server.R file. I seems like the program is trying to find an Rmd file pavian-report.Rmd on my local hard drive that does not exist. Should this pavian-report.Rmd be located somewhere in the R package files?

content = function(file) {

rmd_file <- "~/projects/refactor-pavian/pavian/inst/pavian-report.Rmd"
# Copy the report file to a temporary directory before processing it, in

Visualize Midas results

Hi, I am asking this as a third party. I was wondering if you could help with Midas visualization. I want to suggest to others that they should visualize their Midas results. Is this possible?

Ability to export data

Is it possible to export the data from Pavian for all data?
For example, one can export 10 or 100 rows but I cannot find a way to export all the rows. The server gets unresponsive when trying to render all rows.
It would be nice to have export data button which outputs all the data as CSV or TSV without trying to show it on one page.

Thanks for making Pavian

Load several centrifuge reports into one sample sets

Dear All,

I have several centrifuge reports in a folder and I can't seem to be able to import them all in a single dataset ?
I tried to create a csv file as in the example dataset (sample_data.csv) but it tells me that

The following files did not conform the report format:


Any ideas.


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