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ti_mmwave_rospkg's Introduction

TI mmWave ROS Package (Customized)

Auhor and Maintainer: Leo Zhang

Organization: University of Arizona

Most recent change:

Add support for XWR18XX devices. SDK version:

Initially derived from TI's origin ROS package in Industrial Toolbox 2.3.0 (new version available Industrial Toolbox 2.5.2).

Differences from origin TI's version:

  1. Added all radar parameters from calculations and can be read from rosparam get.
  2. Added Doppler data from detecting targets and form a customized ROS message /ti_mmwave/radar_scan.
  3. Added support for multiple radars working together.
  4. Added support for camera overlay (for sensor fusion).
  5. Working with xWR1443 and xWR1642 ES1.0 and ES2.0 (ES1.0 is deprecated from TI)

Available devices:

TI mmWave AWR1443BOOST
TI mmWave AWR1642BOOST
TI mmWave AWR1642BOOST ES2.0/3.0 EVM (not tested)
TI mmWave AWR1642BOOST ES2.0 EVM
TI mmWave AWR1843BOOST ES1.0 EVM

Quick start guide (AWR1642BOOST ES2.0 EVM):

  1. Mount AWR1642BOOST ES2.0 EVM (as below), connect 5V/2.5A power supply and connect a micro-USB cable to host Ubuntu 16.04 LTS with ROS Kinetic.

Note: Tested with Ubuntu 16.04 LTS with ROS Kinectic and Ubuntu 18.04 LTS with ROS Melodic

  1. Download SDK 2.0 or above (suggested SDK 2.1) from here and use UNIFLASH to flash xwr16xx_mmw_demo.bin to your device. Do not forget SOP2 jumper when flashing.

Note: AWR1642 ES1.0 (usually purchased before May 2018) uses SDK 1.2. AWR1642 ES2.0 (usually purchased after May 2018) uses SDK 2.0. Same applies to AWR1443. (You can refer to this thread)

  1. Clone this repo and ROS serial onto your <workspace dir>/src:
git clone
git clone
  1. Go back to <workspace dir>:
catkin_make && source devel/setup.bash
echo "source <workspace_dir>/devel/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
  1. Enable command and data ports on Linux:
sudo chmod 666 /dev/ttyACM0
sudo chmod 666 /dev/ttyACM1

Note: If multiple sensors are used, enable additional ports /dev/ttyACM2 and /dev/ttyACM3, etc. the same as this step.

  1. Launch AWR1642 short range config:
roslaunch ti_mmwave_rospkg 1642es2_short_range.launch

Note: If you want to build your own config, use mmWave Demo Visualizer and link the launch file to the config.

  1. ROS topics can be accessed as follows:
rostopic list
rostopic echo /ti_mmwave/radar_scan
  1. ROS parameters can be accessed as follows:
rosparam list
rosparam get /ti_mmwave/max_doppler_vel

Note: AWR1843 requires SDK, which has different output format. The later release will improve this part.

Message format:

  seq: 6264
    secs: 1538888235
    nsecs: 712113897
  frame_id: "ti_mmwave"   # Frame ID used for multi-sensor scenarios
point_id: 17              # Point ID of the detecting frame (Every frame starts with 0)
x: 8.650390625            # Point x coordinates in m (front from antenna)
y: 6.92578125             # Point y coordinates in m (left/right from antenna, right positive)
z: 0.0                    # Point z coordinates in m (up/down from antenna, up positive)
range: 11.067276001       # Radar measured range in m
velocity: 0.0             # Radar measured range rate in m/s
doppler_bin: 8            # Doppler bin location of the point (total bins = num of chirps)
bearing: 38.6818885803    # Radar measured angle in degrees (right positive)
intensity: 13.6172780991  # Radar measured intensity in dB


mmWaveCommSrv: Failed to open User serial port with error: IO Exception (13): Permission denied
mmWaveCommSrv: Waiting 20 seconds before trying again...

This happens when serial port is called without superuser permission, do the following steps:

sudo chmod 666 /dev/ttyACM0
sudo chmod 666 /dev/ttyACM1
mmWaveQuickConfig: Command failed (mmWave sensor did not respond with 'Done')
mmWaveQuickConfig: Response: 'sensorStop
'�?`???�?`???�?`???~' is not recognized as a CLI command

When this happens, re-run the command you send to sensor. If it continues, shut down and restart the sensor.

Multiple devices support (dual AWR1642 ES2.0 EVM):

  1. Connect two devices and try ll /dev/serial/by-id or ls /dev. In this case, /dev/ttyACM0 to /dev/ttyACM3 should shown.
  2. To avoid serial port confliction, you need to launch devices separately. So for first device (it will open rviz):
roslaunch ti_mmwave_rospkg multi_1642_0.launch 
  1. Change radars' location in first three arguments <node pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" name="radar_baselink_0" args="0 -1 0 0 0 0 ti_mmwave_pcl ti_mmwave_0 100"/> (stands for x,y,z for positions) in launch file multi_1642_1.launch. And launch second device:
roslaunch ti_mmwave_rospkg multi_1642_1.launch 

Note: As serial connection and the original code, you need to launch devices separately using different launch files.

Camera overlay support (working with USB camera or CV camera):

  1. Download and build USB camera repo here. And set parameters of camera in <usb_webcam dir>/launch/usb_webcam.launch.
  2. To test the device image working, try:
roslaunch usb_webcam usb_webcam.launch
rosrun rqt_image_view rqt_image_view  
  1. Make sure you have done ROS camera calibration and create a *.yaml configuration file accordingly.
  2. Launch radar-camera system using:
roslaunch ti_mmwave_rospkg camera_overlay.launch



Add support for XWR18XX devices. SDK version:

Fix bugs and update README.

Support camera overlay over 3D 1443s.

Added camera overlay support.

Strengthened code.

Improved rviz looking for point cloud data.
Added support for multiple radars working together. 
Improved radar's all around working conditions.

Added support for ES2.0 EVM devices.

Added Doppler from TI's mmWave radars.

ti_mmwave_rospkg's People


zrmaker avatar


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ti_mmwave_rospkg's Issues

collecting data with AWR1843boost and DCA1000EVM


I'm working on collecting data simultaneously from the AWR1843boost and DCA100EVM boards. After adjusting the config file to activate the ldvs streaming, I can receive data from both boards while working with mmwave demo visualizer. but with this ros node, I can only acces data from the DCA1000 and no data will be published on the /ti_mmwave/radar_scan_pcl topic. Do you have any idea what the problem could be?

Any help would be much appreciated

Bets regards,

Please help me solve this issue, i am having this error below.

[ERROR] [1649958225.980085902]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Command failed (mmWave sensor did not respond with 'Done')
[ERROR] [1649958225.980215123]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Response: ''
[mmWaveQuickConfig-3] process has died [pid 14541, exit code 1, cmd /home/jetson/usb_radar_ws/devel/lib/ti_mmwave_rospkg/mmWaveQuickConfig /home/jetson/usb_radar_ws/src/ti_mmwave_rospkg/cfg/1642es2_short_range.cfg __name:=mmWaveQuickConfig __log:=/home/jetson/.ros/log/6c49b462-bc1a-11ec-9af1-401c834229f3/mmWaveQuickConfig-3.log].
log file: /home/jetson/.ros/log/6c49b462-bc1a-11ec-9af1-401c834229f3/mmWaveQuickConfig-3*.log

error while running c_make command

I am using ubuntu 20.04 and I have ROS neotic.
When I run step 6 launch file:

I encounter an error and This is my output window in the terminal:
... logging to /home/ilab/.ros/log/5d30fa26-0e13-11ed-9007-2dabd0521c8a/roslaunch-smartlab-NUC11PAHi5-297900.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://smartlab-NUC11PAHi5:37337/



  • /rosdistro: noetic
  • /rosversion: 1.15.14
  • /ti_mmwave/command_port: /dev/ttyACM0
  • /ti_mmwave/command_rate: 115200
  • /ti_mmwave/data_port: /dev/ttyACM1
  • /ti_mmwave/data_rate: 921600
  • /ti_mmwave/frame_id: ti_mmwave
  • /ti_mmwave/max_allowed_azimuth_angle_deg: 90
  • /ti_mmwave/max_allowed_elevation_angle_deg: 90

mmWaveQuickConfig (ti_mmwave_rospkg/mmWaveQuickConfig)
rviz (rviz/rviz)
static_tf_map_to_base_radar_link (tf/static_transform_publisher)
ti_mmwave (ti_mmwave_rospkg/ti_mmwave_rospkg)

auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [297908]

setting /run_id to 5d30fa26-0e13-11ed-9007-2dabd0521c8a
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [297918]
started core service [/rosout]
process[ti_mmwave-2]: started with pid [297925]
process[mmWaveQuickConfig-3]: started with pid [297926]
process[static_tf_map_to_base_radar_link-4]: started with pid [297927]
process[rviz-5]: started with pid [297928]
[ INFO] [1658971185.301332854]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Configuring mmWave device using config file: /home/ilab/catkin_ws/src/ti_mmwave_rospkg/cfg/1843es1_long_range_3d.cfg
[ INFO] [1658971185.302543378]: waitForService: Service [/mmWaveCLI] has not been advertised, waiting...
[ INFO] [1658971185.304412348]: Initializing nodelet with 8 worker threads.
[ INFO] [1658971185.307386416]: mmWaveCommSrv: command_port = /dev/ttyACM0
[ INFO] [1658971185.307406678]: mmWaveCommSrv: command_rate = 115200
[ INFO] [1658971185.308801508]: mmWaveDataHdl: data_port = /dev/ttyACM1
[ INFO] [1658971185.308826801]: mmWaveDataHdl: data_rate = 921600
[ INFO] [1658971185.308837653]: mmWaveDataHdl: max_allowed_elevation_angle_deg = 90
[ INFO] [1658971185.308846472]: mmWaveDataHdl: max_allowed_azimuth_angle_deg = 90
[ INFO] [1658971185.323561742]: waitForService: Service [/mmWaveCLI] is now available.
[ INFO] [1658971185.829670616]: mmWaveCommSrv: Sending command to sensor: 'sensorStop'
[ INFO] [1658971185.836871841]: mmWaveCommSrv: Received response from sensor: 'sensorStop
'f??f??f??' is not recognized as a CLI command
[ERROR] [1658971185.838279038]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Command failed (mmWave sensor did not respond with 'Done')
[ERROR] [1658971185.838314257]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Response: 'sensorStop
' is not recognized as a CLI command
[mmWaveQuickConfig-3] process has died [pid 297926, exit code 1, cmd /home/ilab/catkin_ws/devel/lib/ti_mmwave_rospkg/mmWaveQuickConfig /home/ilab/catkin_ws/src/ti_mmwave_rospkg/cfg/1843es1_long_range_3d.cfg __name:=mmWaveQuickConfig __log:=/home/ilab/.ros/log/5d30fa26-0e13-11ed-9007-2dabd0521c8a/mmWaveQuickConfig-3.log].
log file: /home/ilab/.ros/log/5d30fa26-0e13-11ed-9007-2dabd0521c8a/mmWaveQuickConfig-3*.log

ROS Package with AWR1843-CAN interface

I have been developing the ROS package for AWR1843. We have written a custom CAN message format from the RADAR side and are successfully able to publish the same on ROS. I was going through your DataHandlerClass.cpp wherein i found the implementation of threads and mutexes. Could you please explain the flow of the program, i tried but was unable to understand the implementation properly.

How can i set time stamp mode from time_from_ROS for radar to synchronise radar frame and camera frame in ROS environment.

I am using your ti_mmwave_radar awr1642. I have used ROS Driver to integrate it to the ROS environment. I can able to get sensor_msg/pointcloud2 topic named as ti_mmwave/radar_scan_pcl. I want to calibrate and fuse the RADAR data with data from a USB camera, so I have implemented the cv_camera ROS package for the camera and created a new package called calib. However, I am facing an issue where the message_filter.ApproximateTimeSynchronizer method is not able to invoke the callback function. The topics I am subscribing to are cv_camera/image_raw, cv_camera/camera_info, and ti_mmwave/radar_scan_pcl. When I try to echo the ti_mmwave/radar_scan_pcl topic, the timestamp is not showing.
How can I synchronize the time between the data streams ?
I have given below the code used.
import rospy import message_filters from sensor_msgs.msg import Image, CameraInfo, PointCloud2 def callback(image_msg, camera_info_msg, radar_msg): image_sub = message_filters.Subscriber('/cv_camera/image_raw', Image) info_sub = message_filters.Subscriber('/cv_camera/camera_info', CameraInfo) radar_sub = message_filters.Subscriber('ti_mmwave/radar_scan_pcl', PointCloud2) ts = message_filters.ApproximateTimeSynchronizer([image_sub, info_sub, radar_sub ], 10, 0.1) ts.registerCallback(callback) rospy.init_node('sync_node')


I have attached the rostopic result of rostopic echo of camera and radar topics. It shows the difference in the time stamps.

Is the time stamp difference is the main reason for callback method not able to invoke ?

How can i set the time_from_ROS as the time stamp source for the ti_mmwave radar? or rather how can solve the above issue ?

Thanks in advance.

Screenshot from 2023-05-15 22-46-41
Screenshot from 2023-05-15 22-49-50

3D Point cloud

While Visualizing Data in RVIZ I can see that there is some point cloud which is in real of 3d plane but in Rviz it is shown in 2D plane itself so can u please fix this bug ?
I am using AWR1642BOOST EVM es2

Radar to camera Calibration

I would like to know how to project x,y coordinates of the radar onto the 2d image of the camera. Presently i am using usb camera and i did camera calibration. I have tried two methods to do the radar to camera calibration. First one is CV2.SolvePNP and second method is homography. Unfortunately, the both experiment results were not accurate. Its RMSE values are higher even after collecting more than 30 corresponding points. I have tried to reduce RMSE value, but its not working. can anyone suggest any solution to implement the radar to camera calibration ?

[ERROR] Client [/rostopic_26848_1560959704052] wants topic /ti_mmwave/radar_scan to have datatype/md5sum

When I roslaunch 1642_es1_shortrange, rviz shows the points..rostopic list also shows all the topics..but when I try to echo /ti_mmwave/radar_scan I get the following error

[ERROR] [1560959704.267214768]: Client [/rostopic_26848_1560959704052] wants topic /ti_mmwave/radar_scan to have datatype/md5sum [ti_mmwave_rospkg/RadarScan/a4d09446d2fc17ce80358b29d25af8b6], but our version has [ti_mmwave_rospkg/RadarScan/7a726cbc7d2934bb55d96dada9040f86]. Dropping connection.

Have you experienced this issue before? Any suggestions?

Does this work on Ubuntu20.04 and ROS neotic?

I can see pointcloud and image on Ubuntu18.04 and ROS melodic ,but see nothing on Ubuntu20.04 and ROS neotic, and there is no error ,the rviz can show image but the pointcloud can't be shown

extrinsic calibration between the radar and camera

Hi, @zrmaker Thanks for the codebase.
I see that this repo is not active recently so maybe you are not working much on it. But if you have time, can you please share information about the extrinsic calibration method between the radar and camera?

Work portability on AWR6843AOP

Hello everyone,

Would it be possible to use the work done here on an AWR6843AOP EVM board, since they have much similarities (changing the different configurations and settings).

Thanks for the answer !


Can you brief about the approach that you took here?
Like how did you come to know about the data that is coming from the DSP?
What all we have to keep in mind to read the radar coming from Radar into ROS ?


Fixes in order to make this work with Ubuntu 20.04 and ROS Noetic

Hello, I was having issues getting this package to work but the following changes have made it work, just leaving this here to help other that might have the same issues:

  1. change /src/ti_mmwave_rospkg/CMakeLists.txt to use C++14: add_definitions(-std=c++14)
  2. change the .cfg fields to match the version of the SDK on the board, use this tool for SDK 2.1 for example
  3. I had a recurring error while parsing the config file where all the parameters were being sent correctly but the command SensorStart was not returning "Done". In order to fix this I added a small delay between sending parameters in the "/src/ti_mmwave_rospkg/src/mmWaveQuickConfig.cpp": ros::Duration(0.2).sleep(); // sleep for a small time in line 38, right after this "if":
    // ROS_INFO("mmWaveQuickConfig: Sending command: '%s'", srv.request.comm.c_str() ); if ( {

With these changes everything is working fine for me in ROS Noetic.

2D mode on ARW1843


You have prepared the ROS package to work with the 4Rx,3Tx(15deg + Elevation).
I would like to use the 2D mode (4Rx,2Tx )but everything I change seems to be useless. I have tried to change the launch file but that does not seem to do anything.

I have also tried to change manually the .cfg file, but it also seems like it has no use.

How should I proceed?



Can this software work with AWR1243BOOST hardware? I have an extra Tiva-C launchpad, the and the AWR1243BOOST evaluation kit.

Could I make some modifications in this software and make them work?

Best regards,

Outputting the Range and doppler_bin values


although the project doesnt output doppler_bin range and bearing i was able to change somethings in the header file and the datahandlerclass.cpp to make it possible to have the bearing but im still having problem with the other 2 it is actually outputting the index of range and doppler_bin here is the code i am using

radarscan.range = mmwData.newObjOut.range * vrange;
radarscan.velocity = mmwData.newObjOut.v 
radarscan.doppler_bin = mmwData.newObjOut.doppler;

the outputs im getting are these :

  seq: 4706
    secs: 1648822232
    nsecs: 384347895
  frame_id: "ti_mmwave_0"
point_id: 1
x: 0.5450921058654785
y: -0.3482675850391388
z: 0.5625860691070557
range: 4775.673828125
velocity: -1.476569414138794
doppler_bin: 38806
bearing: -32.57512664794922
intensity: 47.127925872802734

Does anyone know how to solve this

radar camera calibration and radar axis issues.

I am using TI mmwave radar AWR1642 in short range. Through data collection, I have observed that the radar provides detection up-to 10m range in depth(X axis). Another feature i observed is that the axis of radar is aligned so that the origin is at centre and x axis increases from zero to max, y axis ranges from positive max to negative max. While calibrating radar and camera

  1. should i shift the origin towards the side?
  2. what is the maximum detection range horizontally(Y axis)?

Note: On the image below, Image from, it shows that horizontal range is -8.5 to 8.5m that is approx 17m. Is this valid ?

Thanks in advance.


Inquiry about new version

Appreciatie for your great work,
I like to know whether you guys have worked on extending this rospkg to suit for other ti radars, like xwr6843 and etc.
great wished!

DCA1000 EVM support

Will this allow the use of the DCA1000 EVM to get raw data out of the radar? Someone mentions it in a closed issue but not sure where to start

ti_mmwave/radar_scan rostopic outputs data for only one point at an instance ?

I am using TI mmwave AWR1642 radar on ROS. The rostopic ti_mmwave/radar_scan_pcl gives output type sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 and the data contains x,y,z, and intensity values of all the points in that particular instant. But it doesn't contain velocity information.

I found that the rostopic ti_mmwave/radar_scan gives output type ti_mmwave_rospkg/Radarscan and when I tried to extract the data it contains only one value at an instant. Like (x,y,z,range,velocity,intensity,bearing), etc. But only one coordinate at an instance instead of all the points detected at that instant.

So, coming to my doubts...

How can I get velocity using these topics?
Why does the ti_mmwave/radar_scan topic only show on point at an instance?
Is there any way to obtain the velocity and coordinates for all points at every frame using the ti_mmwave/radar_scan topic?

[ERROR] roslaunch ti_mmwave_rospkg 1642es2_short_range.launch

After I run the roslaunch ti_mmwave_rospkg 1642es2_short_range.launch
It comes some error . I have successfully complied serial and ti_mmwave_rospkg using cmake.

[ERROR] [1563196261.655115756]: Failed to load nodelet [mmWaveCommSrv] of type [ti_mmwave_rospkg/mmWaveCommSrv] even after refreshing the cache: Could not find library corresponding to plugin ti_mmwave_rospkg/mmWaveCommSrv. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists.

[ERROR] [1563196261.655205565]: The error before refreshing the cache was: Could not find library corresponding to plugin ti_mmwave_rospkg/mmWaveCommSrv. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists.

[ERROR] [1563196261.668999948]: Failed to load nodelet [mmWaveDataHdl] of type [ti_mmwave_rospkg/mmWaveDataHdl] even after refreshing the cache: Could not find library corresponding to plugin ti_mmwave_rospkg/mmWaveDataHdl. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists.

[ERROR] [1563196261.669049214]: The error before refreshing the cache was: Could not find library corresponding to plugin ti_mmwave_rospkg/mmWaveDataHdl. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists.

Where to check the Message?


I was able to run the rviz and see the point cloud and maybe save it to a .csv file. However, I want to check the data(x, y, z coordinate and doppler, etc.). Which command should I use to see the message the save it? I didn't find the message in the terminal or somewhere else.

Also, the second question is I only want the dynamic point cloud. But when I change the clutterremoval in .cfg file from 0 to 1, rviz doesn't show any point cloud then. What should be the correct way to do it?

Thanks a lot!

Getting velocity details

How can i get the velocity of each detected objects using radar ? can anyone help me to sort out the issue ?

Thanks in advance

why the velocity is always zero?

header: seq: 4890 stamp: secs: 1570222264 nsecs: 810949472 frame_id: "ti_mmwave" point_id: 4 x: 4.4609375 y: 1.46875 z: 0.0 range: 5.76523923874 velocity: 0.0 doppler_bin: 8 bearing: 18.2239704132 intensity: 22.3552837372
I test the package on IWR1443, however the velocity output is always 0.

cannot access dev/ttyACM0: No such a file or directory

I have been developing the ROS package for AWR1642ES2.0 EVM. However, when run the command "sudo chmod 666 /dev/ttyACM0", I encountered the error "cannot access dev/ttyACM0: No such a file or directory". I wonder if you have seen this error before and how to fix it. Looking forward to your reply, thanks!

AWR1843AOP data issue


I am currently using the AWR1843AOP with the driver. Unfortunately, I am not able to "rostopic echo /ti_mmwave/radar_scan". I am not sure whether there is some problem with my ROS setting or your driver has a small problem.

Regardless of that, I am able to echo the topic /ti_mmwave/radar_scan_pcl_0 with launching the driver 1843_multi_3d_0.launch
Here is one sample of the data I am getting. I know that there are 6 objects detected from the header. However, I am not capable of understanding what the numbers mean in data array. I know it is better to reshape the data into a 6*32 matrix. Could you please give me some hint with that?

seq: 6701
secs: 0
nsecs: 0
frame_id: "/ti_mmwave_0"
height: 1
width: 6

name: "x"
offset: 0
datatype: 7
count: 1
  • name: "y"
    offset: 4
    datatype: 7
    count: 1
  • name: "z"
    offset: 8
    datatype: 7
    count: 1
  • name: "intensity"
    offset: 16
    datatype: 7
    count: 1
  • name: "velocity"
    offset: 20
    datatype: 7
    count: 1
    is_bigendian: False
    point_step: 32
    row_step: 192
    data: [180, 122, 18, 60, 127, 10, 73, 188, 191, 136, 39, 61, 0, 0, 0, 0, 102, 102, 12, 66, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 130, 75, 60, 255, 96, 95, 60, 31, 243, 33, 61, 0, 0, 0, 0, 102, 102, 12, 66, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 90, 232, 148, 63, 63, 50, 17, 63, 255, 6, 6, 63, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 148, 65, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 208, 190, 159, 63, 67, 6, 43, 63, 167, 151, 18, 63, 0, 0, 0, 0, 205, 204, 216, 65, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 100, 204, 63, 247, 184, 43, 63, 159, 246, 228, 62, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 164, 65, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 251, 14, 34, 64, 1, 158, 63, 63, 143, 83, 170, 62, 0, 0, 0, 0, 102, 102, 110, 65, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    is_dense: True

I really appreciated your help.

Best regards

catkin_make failure

Hi I am trying to install your repo on Ubuntu 20.04 with ROS Noetic and catkin_make is failing. It seems to be to do with also having the common_msgs package in the src folder. Several of the errors shown below come up relating to the different message types in common_msgs.

CMake Error at /home/charlie/catkin_ws/build/common_msgs/sensor_msgs/cmake/sensor_msgs-genmsg.cmake:343 (add_custom_target):
add_custom_target cannot create target "sensor_msgs_generate_messages_cpp"
because another target with the same name already exists. The existing
target is a custom target created in source directory
"/home/charlie/catkin_ws/src/ti_mmwave_rospkg". See documentation for
policy CMP0002 for more details.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
/opt/ros/noetic/share/genmsg/cmake/genmsg-extras.cmake:307 (include)
common_msgs/sensor_msgs/CMakeLists.txt:46 (generate_messages)

However, if i remove common_msgs from the folder I get this error:

CMake Error at /home/charlie/catkin_ws/devel/share/sensor_msgs/cmake/sensor_msgsConfig.cmake:113 (message):
Project 'sensor_msgs' specifies
'/home/charlie/catkin_ws/src/common_msgs/sensor_msgs/include' as an include
dir, which is not found. It does neither exist as an absolute directory
nor in
Check the website '' for information and
consider reporting the problem.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
/opt/ros/noetic/share/catkin/cmake/catkinConfig.cmake:76 (find_package)
ti_mmwave_rospkg/CMakeLists.txt:10 (find_package)

I was wondering if there is a workaround or if my setup is wrong.
Looks like the repo will be really useful when it works!

Can AWR1642 boost capture the z-coordinate?

Hello, I want to know whether the coordinate of three axes can be obtained while using the board of AWR1642ES2.0 EVM. Or just the x,y-coordinate can be captured? Looking forward to your reply, thanks!

No license

I'm interested in using this package for academic research purposes, but it doesn't contain a license. Could you please add one so that this code is legally usable for other purposes? It would be very much appreciated!


Hi I was wondering if it was possible to get a ROS2 version of this package? I am new to ROS and so was wondering how we would be able to port this over.

why the velocity, range, intensity (...) is always zero?


I am trying to use the device AWR1843 BOOST. However, the fields for the range profile, the data I need to work, are always zero:
Also, how can I change this for the 2D configuration?

  seq: 1265
    secs: 1591712679
    nsecs:  33523020
  frame_id: "ti_mmwave"
point_id: 2
x: 2.1605360508
y: -0.458005964756
z: 1.04359507561
range: 0.0
velocity: 0.0
doppler_bin: 0
bearing: 0.0
intensity: 0.0

Micro Doppler signature with IWR6843AOP


i was wondering if you can help me with making this tutorial work with IWR6843AOP in fact i am not looking for traffic monitoring or anything i am just looking to publish the pointcloud and get the micro doppler signature but i can't run the demo with IWR6843AOP
it might be the binaries flashed with or anything else

i hope someone can help me and thank you in advance

Best regards

awr1843 ES2

I am not sure if you have already tested the code for awr1843ES2 yet. I am looking at artifacts in the detection as seen from rzi and also found some typos in the source file.

Frame to combine radar and camera


where can I buy the frame holding radar and camera? Could you tell us something about the recommended usb camera (mounted on top of the radar)?

[ERROR] VIDIOC_S_FMT error 22, Invalid argument

When starting roslaunch ti_mmwave_rospkg camera_overlay.launch the following error appears:

[ INFO] [1571750773.048121698]: camera calibration URL: file:///home/dkubatin/catkin_ws/src/usb_webcam/cfg/ost.yaml
[ INFO] [1571750773.049147686]: Starting 'elp-usb8mp02g-l36' (/dev/video1) at 640x480 via mmap (grey) at 30 FPS
[ERROR] [1571750773.049215268]: VIDIOC_S_FMT error 22, Invalid argument
[usb_webcam-1] process has died [pid 11063, exit code 1, cmd /home/dkubatin/catkin_ws/devel/lib/usb_webcam/usb_webcam_node __name:=usb_webcam __log:=/home/dkubatin/.ros/log/fb634874-f4c2-11e9-abf3-704d7b8625db/usb_webcam-1.log].
log file: /home/dkubatin/.ros/log/fb634874-f4c2-11e9-abf3-704d7b8625db/usb_webcam-1*.log

ROS works, dots are displayed, but the window with the camera is constantly black.
Changing pixel_format does not entail any changes.

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