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terraform-aws-gitlab-runner's Issues

Support for count property

Currently, I need to provision a gitlab-runner only for a stage, would be great if the module support count property to provisioning if the stage is "some"

Allow multiple runner instance types


When adding only one instance type for a spot request (in the wizard), it becomes clear this is affecting the availability (which brings down our gitlab runners sometimes with capacity-not-available)
See related #76


  • Deprecate instance_type in favour of instance_types, a list (e.g. instance_types = ['m4.large', 'm5.large'], and, err, somehow make this work downstream...


This probably isn't possible until Fleets / multiple instance types are supported in docker-machine, unless perhaps it could be done manually, or within Gitlab Runner itself somehow... ๐Ÿค”

Getting a error when runner_registration_token contains an underscore.

When the aws_ssm_parameter.runner_registration_token contains an underscore I'm getting the error:
Error creating machine: Invalid hostname specified. Allowed hostname chars are: 0-9a-zA-Z . -.
I solved it by recreating a runner to get a token without underscore. But maybe it makes sense to substitute underscore with a dash?

Detect and retry when docker machine installation fails

I started seeing this error in the Gitlab CI jobs, after updating the gitlab runner instance:

Running with gitlab-runner 11.10.1 (1f513601)
  on aws-spot-gitlab-runner DbkeXXxX
ERROR: Preparation failed: fork/exec /usr/bin/docker-machine: exec format error
Will be retried in 3s ...
ERROR: Preparation failed: fork/exec /usr/bin/docker-machine: exec format error
Will be retried in 3s ...
ERROR: Preparation failed: fork/exec /usr/bin/docker-machine: exec format error
Will be retried in 3s ...
ERROR: Job failed (system failure): fork/exec /usr/bin/docker-machine: exec format error

After some troubleshooting, I found out that the docker-machine binary was an HTML file:

# docker-machine ps
/usr/bin/docker-machine: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'
/usr/bin/docker-machine: line 1: `<!DOCTYPE html>'

Checking the contents of the file, I found a Github error page, which contained messages like this (content cleaned up for succintness):

    <title>GitHub โ€” Unexpected problem serving your request</title>
      <h1>There was an unexpected problem serving your request</h1>
      <p>Please try again and contact us if the problem persists including 35FE:25F22:C675652:12DBD87E:5CED2B45 in your message</p>

It's a bit unexpected because judging from the code here: -- I'd expect the script to fail if the curl execution failed, but maybe it isn't failing if it gets a response, even if it's an error message?

Default AMI for runner in ap-south-1 does not have jq installed

System log:

user-data: + chmod +x /tmp/docker-machine
user-data: + cp /tmp/docker-machine /usr/local/bin/docker-machine
user-data: + ln -s /usr/local/bin/docker-machine /usr/bin/docker-machine
user-data: ++ aws ssm get-parameters --names runner-public-runner-token --with-decryption --region ap-south-1
user-data: ++ jq -r '.Parameters | .[0] | .Value'
user-data: /var/lib/cloud/instance/scripts/part-001: line 96: jq: command not found
user-data: + token=
Apr 03 06:55:56 cloud-init[2236]:[WARNING]: Failed running /var/lib/cloud/instance/scripts/part-001 [127]

can't enable ssh access to the runner instance

Hi @npalm and thank you for this great module, just starting with gitlab CI.

I wanted to enable ssh in the runner instance by using the variable:


after running the plan the first time with the default value at "false"

It does create a new sg with port 22 (aws_security_group.runner-ssh) but the launch configuration still refers to the first created sg (aws_security_group.runner)

what am I missing ?
Thank you

Missing documentation makes setup fail

Just spent the better part of a day trying to setup the runner via this module without success. After some digging around I realized that there are some settings that are necessary but not provided in the documentation (but exist in the example folder):

  runners_off_peak_periods = "[\"* * 0-9,17-23 * * mon-fri *\", \"* * * * * sat,sun *\"]" 

If runners_off_peak_periods value is not set the setup script will fail due to empty variable. This either need to be a required variable or a default value needs to be set.

Thanks for a great module, apart from this little failure it works like a charm!

My runner is green but on execution it stucks on Running with gitlab-runner 10.8.0 (079aad9e) on iob-gitlab-runner 17ecdb74

Can you help me? Is the spot price to low? No clue...

This is my config file
`concurrent = 10
check_interval = 0

name = "iob-gitlab-runner"
url = ""
token = "XXXXX"
executor = "docker+machine"
limit = 0
tls_verify = false
image = "docker:17.11.0-ce"
privileged = true
disable_cache = false
volumes = ["/cache"]
shm_size = 0
Type = "s3"
ServerAddress = ""
AccessKey = "XXXX"
SecretKey = "XXXXX"
BucketName = "442729568030-gitlab-runner-cache"
Insecure = false
IdleCount = 0
IdleTime = 600
MachineDriver = "amazonec2"
MachineName = "runner-%s"
MachineOptions = ["amazonec2-access-key=XXXXX", "amazonec2-secret-key=XXX", "amazonec2-instance-type=m4.large", "amazonec2-region=eu-west-1", "amazonec2-vpc-id=vpc-018411147ac4eff0d", "amazonec2-subnet-id=subnet-02b62af9c4fc90770", "amazonec2-private-address-only=true", "amazonec2-request-spot-instance=true", "amazonec2-spot-price=0.04", "amazonec2-security-group=preproduction-docker-machine20180731072557855900000001", "amazonec2-tags=environment,preproduction"]
OffPeakTimezone = ""
OffPeakIdleCount = 0
OffPeakIdleTime = 0`

Runner green but jobs not executed

I continue without being able to exeute runners. Docker machine create spot instancesa but nos job is running

75 gitlab-runner[8742]: time="2018-08-24T10:41:33Z" level=info msg="Error getting SSH command to check if the daemon is up: ssh command error:" driver=amazonec2 name=runner-17ecdb74-runner-1535106043-bd5f07e0 ope
Aug 24 10:41:33 ip-10-0-1-75 gitlab-runner[8742]: time="2018-08-24T10:41:33Z" level=info msg="command : sudo docker version" driver=amazonec2 name=runner-17ecdb74-runner-1535106043-bd5f07e0 operation=create
Aug 24 10:41:33 ip-10-0-1-75 gitlab-runner[8742]: time="2018-08-24T10:41:33Z" level=info msg="err : exit status 1" driver=amazonec2 name=runner-17ecdb74-runner-1535106043-bd5f07e0 operation=create
Aug 24 10:41:33 ip-10-0-1-75 gitlab-runner[8742]: time="2018-08-24T10:41:33Z" level=info msg="output : sudo: docker: command not found" driver=amazonec2 name=runner-17ecdb74-runner-1535106043-bd5f07e0 operation=create
Aug 24 10:41:34 ip-10-0-1-75 gitlab-runner[8742]: time="2018-08-24T10:41:34Z" level=info msg="Error getting SSH command to check if the daemon is up: ssh command error:" driver=amazonec2 name=runner-17ecdb74-runner-1535106043-bcbc362c ope
Aug 24 10:41:34 ip-10-0-1-75 gitlab-runner[8742]: time="2018-08-24T10:41:34Z" level=info msg="command : sudo docker version" driver=amazonec2 name=runner-17ecdb74-runner-1535106043-bcbc362c operation=create
Aug 24 10:41:34 ip-10-0-1-75 gitlab-runner[8742]: time="2018-08-24T10:41:34Z" level=info msg="err : exit status 1" driver=amazonec2 name=runner-17ecdb74-runner-1535106043-bcbc362c operation=create
Aug 24 10:41:34 ip-10-0-1-75 gitlab-runner[8742]: time="2018-08-24T10:41:34Z" level=info msg="output : sudo: docker: command not found" driver=amazonec2 name=runner-17ecdb74-runner-1535106043-bcbc362c operation=create
Aug 24 10:41:36 ip-10-0-1-75 gitlab-runner[8742]: time="2018-08-24T10:41:36Z" level=info msg="Error getting SSH command to check if the daemon is up: ssh command error:" driver=amazonec2 name=runner-17ecdb74-runner-1535106043-bd5f07e0 ope
Aug 24 10:41:36 ip-10-0-1-75 gitlab-runner[8742]: time="2018-08-24T10:41:36Z" level=info msg="command : sudo docker version" driver=amazonec2 name=runner-17ecdb74-runner-1535106043-bd5f07e0 operation=create
Aug 24 10:41:36 ip-10-0-1-75 gitlab-runner[8742]: time="2018-08-24T10:41:36Z" level=info msg="err : exit status 1" driver=amazonec2 name=runner-17ecdb74-runner-1535106043-bd5f07e0 operation=create
Aug 24 10:41:36 ip-10-0-1-75 gitlab-runner[8742]: time="2018-08-24T10:41:36Z" level=info msg="output : sudo: docker: command not found" driver=amazonec2 name=runner-17ecdb74-runner-1535106043-bd5f07e0 operation=create
Aug 24 10:41:37 ip-10-0-1-75 gitlab-runner[8742]: time="2018-08-24T10:41:37Z" level=info msg="Error getting SSH command to check if the daemon is up: ssh command error:" driver=amazonec2 name=runner-17ecdb74-runner-1535106043-bcbc362c ope
Aug 24 10:41:37 ip-10-0-1-75 gitlab-runner[8742]: time="2018-08-24T10:41:37Z" level=info msg="command : sudo docker version" driver=amazonec2 name=runner-17ecdb74-runner-1535106043-bcbc362c operation=create
Aug 24 10:41:37 ip-10-0-1-75 gitlab-runner[8742]: time="2018-08-24T10:41:37Z" level=info msg="err : exit status 1" driver=amazonec2 name=runner-17ecdb74-runner-1535106043-bcbc362c operation=create
Aug 24 10:41:37 ip-10-0-1-75 gitlab-runner[8742]: time="2018-08-24T10:41:37Z" level=info msg="output : sudo: docker: command not found" driver=amazonec2 name=runner-17ecdb74-runner-1535106043-bcbc362c operation=create
Aug 24 10:41:40 ip-10-0-1-75 gitlab-runner[8742]: time="2018-08-24T10:41:40Z" level=info msg="Error getting SSH command to check if the daemon is up: ssh command error:" driver=amazonec2 name=runner-17ecdb74-runner-1535106043-bcbc362c ope
Aug 24 10:41:40 ip-10-0-1-75 gitlab-runner[8742]: time="2018-08-24T10:41:40Z" level=info msg="command : sudo docker version" driver=amazonec2 name=runner-17ecdb74-runner-1535106043-bcbc362c operation=create
Aug 24 10:41:40 ip-10-0-1-75 gitlab-runner[8742]: time="2018-08-24T10:41:40Z" level=info msg="err : exit status 1" driver=amazonec2 name=runner-17ecdb74-runner-1535106043-bcbc362c operation=create
Aug 24 10:41:40 ip-10-0-1-75 gitlab-runner[8742]: time="2018-08-24T10:41:40Z" level=info msg="output : sudo: docker: command not found" driver=amazonec2 name=runner-17ecdb74-runner-1535106043-bcbc362c operation=create
Aug 24 10:41:41 ip-10-0-1-75 gitlab-runner[8742]: time="2018-08-24T10:41:41Z" level=error msg="Error creating machine: Error running provisioning: Maximum number of retries (60) exceeded" driver=amazonec2 name=runner-17ecdb74-runner-15351
06043-bd5f07e0 operation=create
Aug 24 10:41:41 ip-10-0-1-75 gitlab-runner[8742]: time="2018-08-24T10:41:41Z" level=info msg="The default lines below are for a sh/bash shell, you can specify the shell you're using, with the --shell flag." driver=amazonec2 name=runner-17
ecdb74-runner-1535106043-bd5f07e0 operation=create
Aug 24 10:41:42 ip-10-0-1-75 gitlab-runner[8742]: time="2018-08-24T10:41:42Z" level=warning msg="Machine creation failed, trying to provision" error="exit status 1" name=runner-17ecdb74-runner-1535106043-bd5f07e0
Aug 24 10:41:43 ip-10-0-1-75 gitlab-runner[8742]: time="2018-08-24T10:41:43Z" level=info msg="Waiting for SSH to be available..." name=runner-17ecdb74-runner-1535106043-bd5f07e0 operation=provision
Aug 24 10:41:43 ip-10-0-1-75 gitlab-runner[8742]: time="2018-08-24T10:41:43Z" level=info msg="Detecting the provisioner..." name=runner-17ecdb74-runner-1535106043-bd5f07e0 operation=provision
Aug 24 10:41:45 ip-10-0-1-75 gitlab-runner[8742]: time="2018-08-24T10:41:45Z" level=error msg="Error creating machine: Error running provisioning: Maximum number of retries (60) exceeded" driver=amazonec2 name=runner-17ecdb74-runner-15351
06043-bcbc362c operation=create

Add ability to specify availability zone

Hi. First of all, thanks for a great module (and blog post). Cool stuff.


I've been setting it up here for a self-hosted, locked down Gitlab server. After getting the (organisation) region, VPC and subnet fixed for $WORK (but using data at least), the runner is green.


However it is failing with

Error creating machine: Error in driver during machine creation: Error request spot instance: 
InvalidParameterValue: Value (us-east-2a) for parameter availabilityZone is invalid. 
Subnet 'subnet-****************' is in the availability zone us-east-2c

Clearly I guess the subnet we've been given is in us-east-2c AZ but at no point can I seem to specify this, as the template seems not to have this MachineOption.

I guess the example always creates the subnet in zone a too, so maybe this is why it's never much of an issue.

Proposed improvement

It would be good to have another variable for aws_availability_zone or similar.


Use docker_machine_options, I'm guessing?

docker-machine fails starting runners when amazonec2-request-spot-instance=false

I need to launch a1 machine type for the runners.
spot instances don't exist in my region for this type of ec2 machines.
In the context of amazonec2-request-spot-instance=false, when starting my gitlab ci pipeline, I can see in the runner logs:

gitlab-runner[2517]: #033[31;1mERROR: Error creating machine: Error in driver during machine creation: Error launching instance: UnauthorizedOperation: You are not authorized to perform this operation. Encoded authorization failure message:xxxxxxxxx

AWS China Support

Hi there,

I am currently building a simple runner setup which shall be deployed to two different AWS regions, first eu-central-1, and second cn-northwest-1.

The european region is already running flawlessly by using this module (thanks for that)! However, today I started to work on the chinese region. There are multiple issues occurring there, for instance, that you do not have a "SecureString" type in parameter store. I have forked the repo and added support to parameterize that type to be a "regular" string. Probably thats not a good solution in particular but it is the only solution for the chinese regions currently (considering Parameter Store).

Additionally, there are also other issues with IAM roles which I will try to figure out in the next days.

Would you like me to create a PR with the changes or would you like to keep it separated because you do not want "support/compatibility" for the chinese AWS regions?

Best regards!

Do Not chmod local keys when they are stipulated (Windows Compat)

I'm running this on Windows. Since the template tries to chmod keys that it generates, I overrode with a key I already had. However, it still tries to chmod.

On an apply of the runner-default example, this seemed to be the only blocker for Windows execution.

Some Possible Fix Implementations:

  1. Make permissions commands natively compatible with Windows.
  2. Assume that permissions on stipulated (non-generated) keys are correct and do not run permissions commands on them - let it fall through to ssh error or maybe warn that permissions were not verified.

I'm not sure it is a good idea to change permissions on existing keys in any case?

Windows 10, PowerShell 7.0.0-preview.3, Terraform 12.7

Add ability to specify runner tags


Currently, the tags for runners (not the bastion) are hard-coded to:


(see current runner-config.tpl)


  • It'd be good if users could specify their own / extra tags for runners.
  • Perhaps the current environment could just be a default key/value pair, meaning users could override existing ones too (for example, we usually use Environment (capitalised)).

name of the instance in the ASG should be different than just "var.environment"

currently we have no way to put a name different than the environment, and it's a bit confusing to have a instance named "dev"
that's especially true if one wants to have several ASG , like one with GPU instances , tagged with "has-gpu" (to run some specific task) and one named "low-cpu-instances" , both in the same environment

plan fails when variable enable_manage_gitlab_token is false

I'm not sure if it makes sens for the variable enable_manage_gitlab_token to be false, but anyway it makes the plan fails if it is.

Error: Error running plan: 1 error(s) occurred:

* module.runner.aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.ssm: 1 error(s) occurred:

* module.runner.aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.ssm: Resource 'aws_iam_policy.ssm' not found for variable 'aws_iam_policy.ssm.arn'

Receiving 403 forbidden for shared cache

Using mostly the default setup with v3.3.0 and the jobs keep getting a 403 forbidden when trying to access the shared s3 cache. I checked the docker-machine-role assuming it would give each runner permission to access the cache but it looks like there are no permissions attached to that role by default. I tested out explicitly adding a s3:* permissions to that role just to see if that would make things work and I'm still getting 403s on cache pull.

Any ideas?

Warning in terraform registry needs to be resolved

This is a submodule used internally by //. Using this submodule on its own is not recommended.

Submodules without a README or are considered to be internal-only by the Terraform Module Registry. If this submodule should not be considered internal, add a readme which describes what this submodule is for and how it should be used.

For more information about the expected structure of modules in the Registry, see the Standard Module Structure in the Terraform Module Registry documentation.

creating IAM policy XXX-service_linked_role: EntityAlreadyExists when changing the module name

I've recently updated our modufle configuration to change the terraform ressource name


module "runner_c5_xlarge_eu_west_3_b" {                                                                                                                                                       
  source  = "npalm/gitlab-runner/aws"                                                                                                                                                        
  version = "4.1.0"                                                                                                                                                                          
  aws_region = "eu-west-3"                                                                                                                                                                   
  aws_zone   = "b"                                                                                                                                                                           
  # Here we set a different environment than the previous (and other runner modules)                                                                                                         
  # because every resource created by this module is indexed by this variable                                                                                                                
  # so in order not to have name conflicts, we need a different environment for                                                                                                              
  # each runner                                                                                                                                                                              
  environment = "Service-4"        


module "runner_c5_large_eu_west_3_b" {                                                                                                                                                       

(only the module name as changed)

when running the apply we got

Error: Error import KeyPair: InvalidKeyPair.Duplicate: The keypair 'Service-4-gitlab-runner' already exists.
	status code: 400, request id: f132a471-57ea-4106-97bb-5e8beb85a0a5

  on .terraform/modules/runner_c5_large_eu_west_3_b/npalm-terraform-aws-gitlab-runner-31b0bab/ line 1, in resource "aws_key_pair" "key":
   1: resource "aws_key_pair" "key" {

Error: Error creating IAM Role Service-4-instance-role: EntityAlreadyExists: Role with name Service-4-instance-role already exists.
	status code: 409, request id: cbb8b28e-ca34-11e9-b038-abe555558e62

  on .terraform/modules/runner_c5_large_eu_west_3_b/npalm-terraform-aws-gitlab-runner-31b0bab/ line 288, in resource "aws_iam_role" "instance":
 288: resource "aws_iam_role" "instance" {

Error: Error creating IAM policy Service-4-docker-machine: EntityAlreadyExists: A policy called Service-4-docker-machine already exists. Duplicate names are not allowed.
	status code: 409, request id: ca24f337-ca34-11e9-aaa5-3d97689ee397

  on .terraform/modules/runner_c5_large_eu_west_3_b/npalm-terraform-aws-gitlab-runner-31b0bab/ line 302, in resource "aws_iam_policy" "instance_docker_machine_policy":
 302: resource "aws_iam_policy" "instance_docker_machine_policy" {

Error: Error creating IAM Role Service-4-docker-machine-role: EntityAlreadyExists: Role with name Service-4-docker-machine-role already exists.
	status code: 409, request id: cc06365f-ca34-11e9-ae4f-bb716bff761d

  on .terraform/modules/runner_c5_large_eu_west_3_b/npalm-terraform-aws-gitlab-runner-31b0bab/ line 331, in resource "aws_iam_role" "docker_machine":
 331: resource "aws_iam_role" "docker_machine" {

I guess it happens because of a ordering problem in the order the resources are deleted / recreated ?

Misleading Variable-Description

Thanks for this awesome Module.

While trying it out I ran into a problem. The description of the variable enable_manage_gitlab_token is kind of misleading.

variable "enable_manage_gitlab_token" {
  description = "Boolean to enable the management of the GitLab token in SSM. If `true` the Gitlab token will be managed via terraform state. If `false` the token will still be stored in SSM however, it will not be managed via terraform."
  default     = true

The first sentence of the description states, that this will enable the management via SSM. But the following sentences are implying the opposite.

As I want to manage it in terraform I thought the default-value would be great, when reading the description (aside the first sentence) in conjunction with the variable_name (since we are in terraform and i would like to enable the management via terraform)

Looking at it gets clear, that the first sentence of the description is telling the truth.

Besides the semantical point of view the description should be updated anyways imho.

Best regards

2 instances of this module can not share the same cache-bucket


when I use your module twice, so I can use different sizes of instances for different jobs, I see no possibility to use the same bucket as cache.

The reason for this, is the fact that the module will always try to create a bucket, but if this bucket already exists, terraform will fail.

Maybe it makes sense to remove the cache-bucket from this module and better inject a cache_bucket-name into the module as parameter to be able to get the required information of the bucket inside of the module.

I tried to work around this issue, by introducing a count-variable for the bucket in conjunction with an extra parameter, but that forced me to add count-variables to most of the other resources too, which enforces a lot of duplication.

Runner cannot reach Internet in public subnet

I am trying to use this module in the public subnet. It seems the runner EC2 instance cannot reach the Internet because it does not have a public IP address due to the following config:

I changed the above to true and finally the runner has been registered successfully. Is this expected design? Some extra config needed?

Thank you for the great work.

Pass an EIP to the EC2 instance created

In some cases when using spot, I'd like to be able to provide an EIP and reuse them in case the spot is terminated.

This is useful to prevent changing inbound rules that uses the runner's public IP as a source in their inbound rule.

Runner tags namespaced with ":" are split wrong in userdata.

If runner tags are passed in using the "tags" variable, and those runner tags contain ":" (which we're using for namespacing tags), the string passed into the gitlab runner's user_data is incorrect, splitting the name of the key into two (or more) strings.

Moonpig@f97efeb is an alternative (tf 12 only) strategy to processing the keys, which treats those keys correctly.

If you're okay with that implementation, I can add an example to runner-default(?) and PR this change.

Couldn't change runners' instance type


I have the following issue.

In my terraform configuration for GitLab runners I specify instance type equals to "t2.medium".
After terraform apply I can see the new Launch Configuration and its Instance Type param is also set to "t2.medium".
But when I launch a new pipeline in GitLab I see that a new spot instance for runner is created and its type is "t2.small" instead of "t2.medium".

Here is my terraform config:

module "gitlab-runner" {
  source = "npalm/gitlab-runner/aws"

  aws_region     = "${var.region}"
  environment    = "${var.prefix}-ci-runners"
  ssh_public_key = "${file("generated/")}"

  vpc_id                  = "${module.networking.vpc_id}"
  subnet_id_gitlab_runner = "${element(module.networking.public_subnet_ids, 0)}"
  subnet_id_runners       = "${element(module.networking.public_subnet_ids, 0)}"

  runners_name       = "${var.prefix}-ci-runner"
  runners_gitlab_url = ""
  runners_token      = "${var.runner_token}"
  cache_user         = "${var.prefix}-new-cache_user"

  runners_off_peak_timezone   = "Europe/Amsterdam"
  runners_off_peak_idle_count = 0
  runners_off_peak_idle_time  = 60
  runners_off_peak_periods = "[\"* * 0-9,17-23 * * mon-fri *\", \"* * * * * sat,sun *\"]"
  gitlab_runner_version = "11.1.0-1"
  docker_machine_spot_price_bid = "0.04"
  instance_type = "t2.medium"
  docker_machine_instance_type = "t2.small"
  runners_use_private_address = "false"
  allow_iam_service_linked_role_creation = "false"

Make `tmpfs` runner configuration accessible


First, thank you for this module, it makes setting up a CI infrastructure a breeze ;-)

We are currently facing performances issues during docker push/pull operations due to IOPS limitations on EBS storage (see AWS documentation)
We successfully tried to mount /var/lib/docker to tmpfs, using the runner's tmpfs configurations.

Those configurations cannot be customized in the module so the suggestion is, for instance, to add runners_services_tmpfs and runners_tmpfs variables. What would you think ?

Volume size


How can i change a volume size of the instance created? there is no option!

Thanks in advance

Allow spot requests in multiple availability zones


At $WORK, we have a pre-defined VPC, and one subnet within that (but want more to avoid any further capacity issues) for Gitlab & runners.

Having multiple AZs is entirely possible, as the spot request wizard has checkboxes for each:



  • Multiple availability zones (via aws_zone) can be specified as parameters, or
  • Multiple subnets (via a new subnet_ids_runners perhaps?) in various AZs, with the AZ inferred automatically, so deprecating aws_zone perhaps?


I don't know if this necessarily makes sense, but am definitely keen to find ways to improve our capacity-not-available problems (not pricing), and this seems like one major cause

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    Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.

  • server

    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

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  • Facebook photo Facebook

    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google โค๏ธ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.