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Python-based Hardware Design Processing Toolkit for Verilog HDL

Copyright 2013, Shinya Takamaeda-Yamazaki and Contributors


Apache License 2.0 (


If you use Pyverilog in your research, please cite the following paper.

  • Shinya Takamaeda-Yamazaki: Pyverilog: A Python-based Hardware Design Processing Toolkit for Verilog HDL, 11th International Symposium on Applied Reconfigurable Computing (ARC 2015) (Poster), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.9040/2015, pp.451-460, April 2015. Paper
title={Pyverilog: A Python-Based Hardware Design Processing Toolkit for Verilog HDL},
author={Takamaeda-Yamazaki, Shinya},
booktitle={Applied Reconfigurable Computing},
series={Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
publisher={Springer International Publishing},

What's Pyverilog?

Pyverilog is an open-source hardware design processing toolkit for Verilog HDL. All source codes are written in Python.

Pyverilog includes (1) code parser, (2) dataflow analyzer, (3) control-flow analyzer and (4) code generator. You can create your own design analyzer, code translator and code generator of Verilog HDL based on this toolkit.

Contribute to Pyverilog

Pyverilog project always welcomes questions, bug reports, feature proposals, and pull requests on GitHub.

for questions, bug reports, and feature proposals

Please leave your comment on the issue tracker on GitHub.

for pull requests

Please check "" for the contributors who provided pull requests.

Pyverilog uses pytest for the integration testing. When you send a pull request, please include a testing example with pytest. To write a testing code, please refer the existing testing examples in "tests" directory.

If the pull request code passes all the tests successfully and has no obvious problem, it will be merged to the develop branch by the main committers.



  • Python3: 3.7 or later
  • Icarus Verilog: 10.1 or later
sudo apt install iverilog
  • Jinja2: 2.10 or later
  • PLY: 3.4 or later
pip3 install jinja2 ply

Optional installation for testing

These are required for automatic testing of tests. We recommend to install these testing library to verify experimental features.

  • pytest: 3.8.1 or later
  • pytest-pythonpath: 0.7.3 or later
pip3 install pytest pytest-pythonpath

Optional installation for visualization

These are required for graph visualization by dataflow/ and controlflow/

  • Graphviz: 2.38.0 or later
  • Pygraphviz: 1.3.1 or later
sudo apt install graphviz
pip3 install pygraphviz


Now you can install Pyverilog using script:

python3 install


This software includes various tools for Verilog HDL design.

  • vparser: Code parser to generate AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) from source codes of Verilog HDL.
  • dataflow: Dataflow analyzer with an optimizer to remove redundant expressions and some dataflow handling tools.
  • controlflow: Control-flow analyzer with condition analyzer that identify when a signal is activated.
  • ast_code_generator: Verilog HDL code generator from AST.

Getting Started

First, please prepare a Verilog HDL source file as below. The file name is 'test.v'. This sample design adds the input value internally whtn the enable signal is asserted. Then is outputs its partial value to the LED.

module top
   input CLK, 
   input RST,
   input enable,
   input [31:0] value,
   output [7:0] led
  reg [31:0] count;
  reg [7:0] state;
  assign led = count[23:16];
  always @(posedge CLK) begin
    if(RST) begin
      count <= 0;
      state <= 0;
    end else begin
      if(state == 0) begin
        if(enable) state <= 1;
      end else if(state == 1) begin
        state <= 2;
      end else if(state == 2) begin
        count <= count + value;
        state <= 0;

Code parser

Let's try syntax analysis. Please type the command as below.

python3 pyverilog/examples/ test.v

Then you got the result as below. The result of syntax analysis is displayed.

Source:  (at 1)
  Description:  (at 1)
    ModuleDef: top (at 1)
      Paramlist:  (at 0)
      Portlist:  (at 2)
        Ioport:  (at 3)
          Input: CLK, False (at 3)
        Ioport:  (at 4)
          Input: RST, False (at 4)
        Ioport:  (at 5)
          Input: enable, False (at 5)
        Ioport:  (at 6)
          Input: value, False (at 6)
            Width:  (at 6)
              IntConst: 31 (at 6)
              IntConst: 0 (at 6)
        Ioport:  (at 7)
          Output: led, False (at 7)
            Width:  (at 7)
              IntConst: 7 (at 7)
              IntConst: 0 (at 7)
      Decl:  (at 9)
        Reg: count, False (at 9)
          Width:  (at 9)
            IntConst: 31 (at 9)
            IntConst: 0 (at 9)
      Decl:  (at 10)
        Reg: state, False (at 10)
          Width:  (at 10)
            IntConst: 7 (at 10)
            IntConst: 0 (at 10)
      Assign:  (at 11)
        Lvalue:  (at 11)
          Identifier: led (at 11)
        Rvalue:  (at 11)
          Partselect:  (at 11)
            Identifier: count (at 11)
            IntConst: 23 (at 11)
            IntConst: 16 (at 11)
      Always:  (at 12)
        SensList:  (at 12)
          Sens: posedge (at 12)
            Identifier: CLK (at 12)
        Block: None (at 12)
          IfStatement:  (at 13)
            Identifier: RST (at 13)
            Block: None (at 13)
              NonblockingSubstitution:  (at 14)
                Lvalue:  (at 14)
                  Identifier: count (at 14)
                Rvalue:  (at 14)
                  IntConst: 0 (at 14)
              NonblockingSubstitution:  (at 15)
                Lvalue:  (at 15)
                  Identifier: state (at 15)
                Rvalue:  (at 15)
                  IntConst: 0 (at 15)
            Block: None (at 16)
              IfStatement:  (at 17)
                Eq:  (at 17)
                  Identifier: state (at 17)
                  IntConst: 0 (at 17)
                Block: None (at 17)
                  IfStatement:  (at 18)
                    Identifier: enable (at 18)
                    NonblockingSubstitution:  (at 18)
                      Lvalue:  (at 18)
                        Identifier: state (at 18)
                      Rvalue:  (at 18)
                        IntConst: 1 (at 18)
                IfStatement:  (at 19)
                  Eq:  (at 19)
                    Identifier: state (at 19)
                    IntConst: 1 (at 19)
                  Block: None (at 19)
                    NonblockingSubstitution:  (at 20)
                      Lvalue:  (at 20)
                        Identifier: state (at 20)
                      Rvalue:  (at 20)
                        IntConst: 2 (at 20)
                  IfStatement:  (at 21)
                    Eq:  (at 21)
                      Identifier: state (at 21)
                      IntConst: 2 (at 21)
                    Block: None (at 21)
                      NonblockingSubstitution:  (at 22)
                        Lvalue:  (at 22)
                          Identifier: count (at 22)
                        Rvalue:  (at 22)
                          Plus:  (at 22)
                            Identifier: count (at 22)
                            Identifier: value (at 22)
                      NonblockingSubstitution:  (at 23)
                        Lvalue:  (at 23)
                          Identifier: state (at 23)
                        Rvalue:  (at 23)
                          IntConst: 0 (at 23)

Dataflow analyzer

Let's try dataflow analysis. Please type the command as below.

python3 pyverilog/examples/ -t top test.v 

Then you got the result as below. The result of each signal definition and each signal assignment are displayed.

(top, 'top')
(Term name:top.led type:{'Output'} msb:(IntConst 7) lsb:(IntConst 0))
(Term name:top.enable type:{'Input'} msb:(IntConst 0) lsb:(IntConst 0))
(Term name:top.CLK type:{'Input'} msb:(IntConst 0) lsb:(IntConst 0))
(Term name:top.count type:{'Reg'} msb:(IntConst 31) lsb:(IntConst 0))
(Term name:top.state type:{'Reg'} msb:(IntConst 7) lsb:(IntConst 0))
(Term name:top.RST type:{'Input'} msb:(IntConst 0) lsb:(IntConst 0))
(Term name:top.value type:{'Input'} msb:(IntConst 31) lsb:(IntConst 0))
(Bind dest:top.count tree:(Branch Cond:(Terminal top.RST) True:(IntConst 0) False:(Branch Cond:(Operator Eq Next:(Terminal top.state),(IntConst 0)) False:(Branch Cond:(Operator Eq Next:(Terminal top.state),(IntConst 1)) False:(Branch Cond:(Operator Eq Next:(Terminal top.state),(IntConst 2)) True:(Operator Plus Next:(Terminal top.count),(Terminal top.value)))))))
(Bind dest:top.state tree:(Branch Cond:(Terminal top.RST) True:(IntConst 0) False:(Branch Cond:(Operator Eq Next:(Terminal top.state),(IntConst 0)) True:(Branch Cond:(Terminal top.enable) True:(IntConst 1)) False:(Branch Cond:(Operator Eq Next:(Terminal top.state),(IntConst 1)) True:(IntConst 2) False:(Branch Cond:(Operator Eq Next:(Terminal top.state),(IntConst 2)) True:(IntConst 0))))))
(Bind dest:top.led tree:(Partselect Var:(Terminal top.count) MSB:(IntConst 23) LSB:(IntConst 16)))

Let's view the result of dataflow analysis as a picture file. Now we select 'led' as the target. Please type the command as below. In this example, Graphviz and Pygraphviz are installed.

python3 pyverilog/examples/ -t top -s top.led test.v 

Then you got a png file (out.png). The picture shows that the definition of 'led' is a part-selection of 'count' from 23-bit to 16-bit.


Control-flow analyzer

Let's try control-flow analysis. Please type the command as below. In this example, Graphviz and Pygraphviz are installed. If don't use Graphviz, please append "--nograph" option.

python3 pyverilog/examples/ -t top test.v 

Then you got the result as below. The result shows that the state machine structure and transition conditions to the next state in the state machine.

FSM signal: top.count, Condition list length: 4
FSM signal: top.state, Condition list length: 5
Condition: (Ulnot, Eq), Inferring transition condition
Condition: (Eq, top.enable), Inferring transition condition
Condition: (Ulnot, Ulnot, Eq), Inferring transition condition
# SIGNAL NAME: top.state
0 --(top_enable>'d0)--> 1
1 --None--> 2
2 --None--> 0
(0, 1, 2)

You got also a png file (top_state.png), if you did not append "--nograph". The picture shows that the graphical structure of the state machine.


Code generator

Finally, let's try code generation. Please prepare a Python script as below. The file name is ''. A Verilog HDL code is represented by using the AST classes defined in 'vparser.ast'.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import os
import pyverilog.vparser.ast as vast
from pyverilog.ast_code_generator.codegen import ASTCodeGenerator

def main():
    datawid = vast.Parameter( 'DATAWID', vast.Rvalue(vast.IntConst('32')) )
    params = vast.Paramlist( [datawid] )
    clk = vast.Ioport( vast.Input('CLK') )
    rst = vast.Ioport( vast.Input('RST') )
    width = vast.Width( vast.IntConst('7'), vast.IntConst('0') )
    led = vast.Ioport( vast.Output('led', width=width) )
    ports = vast.Portlist( [clk, rst, led] )

    width = vast.Width( vast.Minus(vast.Identifier('DATAWID'), vast.IntConst('1')), vast.IntConst('0') )
    count = vast.Reg('count', width=width)

    assign = vast.Assign(
                vast.Identifier('count'), # count
                vast.Minus(vast.Identifier('DATAWID'), vast.IntConst('1')), # [DATAWID-1:
                vast.Minus(vast.Identifier('DATAWID'), vast.IntConst('8'))))) # :DATAWID-8]

    sens = vast.Sens(vast.Identifier('CLK'), type='posedge')
    senslist = vast.SensList([ sens ])

    assign_count_true = vast.NonblockingSubstitution(
    if0_true = vast.Block([ assign_count_true ])

    # count + 1
    count_plus_1 = vast.Plus(vast.Identifier('count'), vast.IntConst('1'))
    assign_count_false = vast.NonblockingSubstitution(
    if0_false = vast.Block([ assign_count_false ])

    if0 = vast.IfStatement(vast.Identifier('RST'), if0_true, if0_false)
    statement = vast.Block([ if0 ])

    always = vast.Always(senslist, statement)

    items = []

    ast = vast.ModuleDef("top", params, ports, items)
    codegen = ASTCodeGenerator()
    rslt = codegen.visit(ast)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Please type the command as below at the same directory with Pyverilog.


Then Verilog HDL code generated from the AST instances is displayed.

module top #
  parameter DATAWID = 32
  input CLK,
  input RST,
  output [7:0] led

  reg [DATAWID-1:0] count;
  assign led = count[DATAWID-1:DATAWID-8];

  always @(posedge CLK) begin
    if(RST) begin
      count <= 0;
    end else begin
      count <= count + 1;


Related Project and Site


  • A Mixed-Paradigm Hardware Construction Framework


  • A Fully-Customizable Hardware Synthesis Compiler for Deep Neural Network


  • IP-core package generator for AXI4/Avalon


  • Python-based Portable IP-core Synthesis Framework for FPGA-based Computing


  • Cycle-Accurate Hardware Simulation Framework on Abstract FPGA Platforms


  • Pyverilog_toolbox is Pyverilog-based verification/design tool, which is developed by Fukatani-san and uses Pyverilog as a fundamental library. Thanks for your contribution!

  • Blog entry for introduction and examples of Pyverilog (in Japansese)

pyverilog's People


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pyverilog's Issues

Parser error when no newline at end of file

It looks like the parser can't handle the final line of the module not having a newline. I'm getting parse errors such as:

Syntax error
ERROR:VerilogModule::_ast: :125: before: / while parsing /some/path/to/verilog.v
endmodule   //modulename<nonewline>

AST node start position and end position support


Thanks for the practical tool to parse Verilog. I am wondering whether Pyverilog supports returning start and end position of each node.
If not, any API I can use to extract such information?


"parameter real" is not supported

Verilog lines such as

parameter    real GTHE3_CHANNEL_RX_PROGDIV_CFG = 0.0,

cause a parse error but should not. Removing "real" works around the problem.

Access to scoped signals


I found that the current pyverilog.dataflow.signalvisitor and bindvisitor do not support to access a scoped signal (both constant and variable). The corresponding example is testcode/generate.v

Test verilog code


78:         assign subout[j] = subloop[j-1]._subt.tmp ^ subin[j];

The signalvisitor and bindvisitor could not find any corresponding signal ('tmp').

Corresponding functions

  • searchScopeConstantDefinition
  • searchScopeConstantValue
  • functions that use searchConstant***

  • searchScopeConstantDefinition
  • searchScopeConstantValue
  • searchScopeTerminal
  • searchScope***
  • functions that use searchConstant and searchTerminal

This issue is very heavy.

Escaped identifiers

First off, thanks for creating a nice verilog parser and AST!

I've noticed some issues when parsing escaped identifiers such as:

Where I get a parser error because of the ".". Are escaped identifiers supported?

Task call parsing failure

Unable to parse task calls using pyverilog.

Failure signature: (fail.log)

Syntax error
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 5, in <module>
    ast, direct = parse(vfiles, [], [])
  File "/home/vdodeja2/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyverilog/vparser/", line 2322, in parse
    ast = codeparser.parse()
  File "/home/vdodeja2/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyverilog/vparser/", line 2300, in parse
    ast = self.parser.parse(text, debug=debug)
  File "/home/vdodeja2/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyverilog/vparser/", line 77, in parse
    return self.parser.parse(text, lexer=self.lexer, debug=debug)
  File "/home/vdodeja2/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyverilog/vparser/ply/", line 265, in parse
    return self.parseopt_notrack(input,lexer,debug,tracking,tokenfunc)
  File "/home/vdodeja2/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyverilog/vparser/ply/", line 1047, in parseopt_notrack
    tok = self.errorfunc(errtoken)
  File "/home/vdodeja2/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyverilog/vparser/", line 2272, in p_error
  File "/home/vdodeja2/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyverilog/vparser/", line 55, in _parse_error
    raise ParseError("%s: %s" % (coord, msg))
pyverilog.vparser.plyparser.ParseError: :25: before: (

Verilog code: (task_example.v)

module task_example ();
  reg [7:0] r_Mux_Addr_Data = 0;
  reg       r_Addr_Valid = 1'b0;
  reg       r_Data_Valid = 1'b0;
  task do_write;
    input [7:0] i_addr, i_data; 
      // demonstrates driving external Global Reg
      r_Addr_Valid    = 1'b1;
      r_Mux_Addr_Data = i_addr;
      r_Addr_Valid    = 1'b0;
      r_Data_Valid    = 1'b1;
      r_Mux_Addr_Data = i_data;
      r_Data_Valid = 1'b0;
  always @(*)
      #10 do_write(8'h01, 8'hBC);
      //do_write(8'h01, 8'hBC);
      //do_write(8'h02, 8'hCD);


Python script to parse the verilog (

from pyverilog.vparser.parser import parse

vfiles = ["./task_example.v"]

ast, direct = parse(vfiles, [], [])

OS: Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS
Python version: 3.7
PyVerilog version: 1.2.1

Attaching above files:

SV parse error


I know the SV support is a work in progress but I thought this syntax was interesting to note.

module module_name import module_name_pkg::*; `MODULE_NAME_PARAM_DECL (

sorting names option (by Alphabetical order) in the parser output

It should be great to have an option to sort the parameter/port/signals/portmap signals in their respective section (module/instance/etc).
I'm trying to compare two differents version of a RTL code (IPs). Between two RTL versions, some signals/ports/parameter name can be not at the same location in the RTL code, or can be remamed. The goal will be to be a visual diff on the parser result of each RTL code to see exactly the modification and find easily the diff.
Without any sorting, it is quite hard to see what is new or different between two RTL code.

How to debug a yacc parse error?


I'm hitting a parse error that seems to come from YACC but it's no giving a very useful error message. I don't even know what file it is parsing as I'm traversing a hierarchy.

Is there a way to get more info that just the following?

pyverilog.vparser.plyparser.ParseError: :735: before: (

A small syntax bug in line 28, within show function

I meet this bug only if I use show as: = True)
The origin code is:
attrstr = ', '.join('%s=%s' & nv for nv in nvlist)
Probably need to modify the code as:
attrstr = ', '.join(('%s=%s' % (n,v)) for (n,v) in nvlist)

By the way, is there more introductions to your AST and examples?

Windows operation


Can I operate pyverilog in windows?
Cause I get the following error, can you assist?

File "C:\Users\bk891828\Box\PyProjects\MyVerilogParser\venv\lib\site-packages\pyverilog\vparser\", line 64, in preprocess
File "C:\Python\Python38-32\lib\", line 340, in call
with Popen(*popenargs, **kwargs) as p:
File "C:\Python\Python38-32\lib\", line 854, in init
self._execute_child(args, executable, preexec_fn, close_fds,
File "C:\Python\Python38-32\lib\", line 1307, in _execute_child
hp, ht, pid, tid = _winapi.CreateProcess(executable, args,
FileNotFoundError: [WinError 2] The system cannot find the file specified


File not found error

I'm trying to generate AST from verilog code but I am facing the error below. I have put the complete address of the verilog file but still it is not locating it. Icarus is already installed in the system.
D:\>Python pyverilog-1.2.1/examples/ D:\pyverilog-1.2.1\examples Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\pyverilog-1.2.1\examples\", line 52, in <module> main() File "D:\pyverilog-1.2.1\examples\", line 43, in main ast, directives = parse(filelist, File "D:\pyverilog-1.2.1\pyverilog\vparser\", line 2322, in parse ast = codeparser.parse() File "D:\pyverilog-1.2.1\pyverilog\vparser\", line 2299, in parse text = self.preprocess() File "D:\pyverilog-1.2.1\pyverilog\vparser\", line 2293, in preprocess self.preprocessor.preprocess() File "D:\pyverilog-1.2.1\pyverilog\vparser\", line 64, in preprocess File "C:\Users\Rimsha's\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\", line 349, in call with Popen(*popenargs, **kwargs) as p: File "C:\Users\Rimsha's\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\", line 947, in __init__ self._execute_child(args, executable, preexec_fn, close_fds, File "C:\Users\Rimsha's\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\", line 1416, in _execute_child hp, ht, pid, tid = _winapi.CreateProcess(executable, args, FileNotFoundError: [WinError 2] The system cannot find the file specified

PyVerilog does not handle genvar and generate blocks

Hi Anandh,

Thank you! Now I successfully compiled your code by Icarus verilog.
I found that some additional features must be implemented in Pyverilog.
For instance, Pyverilog does not support automatic attribute of function definition.

Give me a little time to modify it ...



On 2019/03/06 1:51, anandh krishnan wrote:

Hello Shinya san,

I am very sorry, but please add these two lines in your header file:

parameter P_FLOP_STRUCT_PARITY_ENB = 1'b0;
parameter integer P_FLOP_STRUCT_PARITY_GRAN = 8;


Thank you,

On Monday, March 4, 2019, 8:49:59 PM PST, Shinya TAKAMAEDA-YAMAZAKI <[email protected] mailto:[email protected]> wrote:

Hi Anandh,

Thanks for sharing your codes.

I still have a complication error on Icarus Verilog.
Can you tell me the definitions of P_FLOP_STRUCT_PARITY_GRAN and P_FLOP_STRUCT_PARITY_ENB ?
I could not find the definitions in your main code and header.

$ iverilog -tnull -Wall tmp.v
tmp.v:29: error: Unable to bind parameter P_FLOP_STRUCT_PARITY_GRAN' in ns_s_fifo'
tmp.v:30: error: Unable to bind parameter P_FLOP_STRUCT_PARITY_GRAN' in ns_s_fifo'
tmp.v:32: error: Unable to bind parameter P_FLOP_STRUCT_PARITY_ENB' in ns_s_fifo'
tmp.v:34: error: Unable to bind parameter P_FLOP_STRUCT_PARITY_ENB' in ns_s_fifo'
tmp.v:268: error: Unable to bind parameter P_FLOP_STRUCT_PARITY_ENB' in ns_s_fifo'
tmp.v:268: error: Cannot evaluate genvar conditional expression: P_FLOP_STRUCT_PARITY_ENB
tmp.v:268: error: Unable to bind parameter P_FLOP_STRUCT_PARITY_ENB' in ns_s_fifo'
tmp.v:268: error: Cannot evaluate genvar conditional expression: P_FLOP_STRUCT_PARITY_ENB
8 error(s) during elaboration.



On 2019/03/05 13:32, anandh krishnan wrote:

Hello Shinya san,

Please find the header attached.


On Monday, March 4, 2019, 7:03:59 PM PST, Shinya TAKAMAEDA-YAMAZAKI <[email protected] mailto:[email protected] <mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected]>> wrote:

Hi Anandh,

I'm sorry for the very late response, again.

I tried to read your code by Veriloggen, but I could not do that because I don't have "ns_common_func.vh".
Can you share your header file?

Best regards,


On 2019/02/09 5:22, anandh krishnan wrote:

Shinya Sama,

Arrigato Gozaimasu!

I have a fatal error from veriloggen's veriloggen/verilog/ in the routine

"Only generate-for and generate-if statements are supported."

This is because of a "genvar" within my generate block. Please advise what I need to do.
My testcase is:

module ns_s_fifo(
// Outputs
// Inputs

`include "ns_common_func.vh"

localparam P_FPGA_INFER_RAM        = 1'b0;
parameter P_FIFO_D_WIDTH           = 32;
parameter P_FIFO_DEPTH             = 4;
parameter P_REG_OUT                = 1'b0;
parameter P_OCCUPANCY_CNT          = 1'b0;

parameter P_EXT_PARITY_GEN = 1'b1;
localparam P_EXT_PARITY_BITS        = ((P_EXT_PARITY_GEN == 1'b0) | (P_FLOP_STRUCT_PARITY_ENB == 1'b0)) ? 1 :
                                       P_DATA_PLUS_PAD_WIDTH / P_FLOP_STRUCT_PARITY_GRAN ;

localparam LP_ONE = 1;
localparam P_FIFO_DEPTH_MOD = ((P_FIFO_DEPTH <= 2) & P_REG_OUT) ? 2 :
                              ((P_FIFO_DEPTH >= 3) & P_REG_OUT) ?    (P_FIFO_DEPTH-1) :
                               (P_FIFO_DEPTH <= 1)              ? 2 : P_FIFO_DEPTH ;

localparam P_FIFO_A_WIDTH = (P_FIFO_DEPTH_MOD == 1) ? 1 : clogb2(P_FIFO_DEPTH_MOD) ;
localparam P_OCCU_CNTR_WIDTH = clog2(P_FIFO_DEPTH+1);

input                          clk;
input                          clk_g;
input                          reset;

input                          wr_enb;
input [P_FIFO_D_WIDTH-1:0]     wr_data;
input [P_EXT_PARITY_BITS-1:0]  wr_parity;

input                          rd_enb;
output [P_FIFO_D_WIDTH-1:0]    rd_data;
output                         rd_data_valid;

output [P_OCCU_CNTR_WIDTH-1:0] occupancy_cnt;
output                         fifo_full;
// NS_C: Flop Structure Parity I/O
// lint_checking USEPRT off
input                          perr_inj;
// lint_checking USEPRT on
output                         perr;

//**** Signal Declarations ****
reg [P_FIFO_D_WIDTH-1:0] reg_array [P_FIFO_DEPTH_MOD-1:0] /* altera ramstyle = "MLAB, no_rw_check" */ ;
wire [P_FIFO_A_WIDTH-1:0] wr_addrs ;
wire [P_FIFO_A_WIDTH-1:0] rd_addrs ;
wire [P_FIFO_D_WIDTH-1:0] arr_rd_data_d ;
wire [P_FIFO_A_WIDTH:0] wr_pntr_plus1_d ;
wire [P_FIFO_A_WIDTH:0] wr_pntr_bin_d ;
reg [P_FIFO_A_WIDTH:0] wr_pntr_bin_q ;
wire [P_FIFO_A_WIDTH:0] rd_pntr_plus1_d ;
wire [P_FIFO_A_WIDTH:0] rd_pntr_bin_d ;
reg [P_FIFO_A_WIDTH:0] rd_pntr_bin_q ;
wire arr_wen_d ;
wire arr_ren_d ;
wire [P_FIFO_A_WIDTH-1:0] wr_pntr_plusone;
wire [P_FIFO_A_WIDTH-1:0] rd_pntr_plusone;

// synopsys sync_set_reset "reset"

assign wr_pntr_plusone = (wr_pntr_bin_q[P_FIFO_A_WIDTH-1:0] + LP_ONE[P_FIFO_A_WIDTH-1:0]);
assign wr_pntr_plus1_d = (wr_pntr_bin_q[P_FIFO_A_WIDTH-1:0] == P_FIFO_DEPTH_MIN_1) ?
{~(wr_pntr_bin_q[P_FIFO_A_WIDTH]), {(P_FIFO_A_WIDTH){1'b0}}} :
{wr_pntr_bin_q[P_FIFO_A_WIDTH], wr_pntr_plusone[P_FIFO_A_WIDTH-1:0]};
assign wr_pntr_bin_d = arr_wen_d ?
wr_pntr_plus1_d :
wr_pntr_bin_q ;

always @(posedge clk)
if (reset)
wr_pntr_bin_q <= {(P_FIFO_A_WIDTH+1){1'b0}} ;
wr_pntr_bin_q <= wr_pntr_bin_d ;

assign wr_addrs = wr_pntr_bin_q[P_FIFO_A_WIDTH-1:0] ;

if (P_FPGA_INFER_RAM) begin : G_FPGA
always @(posedge clk)
if (arr_wen_d)
reg_array[wr_addrs] <= wr_data ;
else begin : G_ASIC
genvar k;
for (k=0; k<P_FIFO_DEPTH_MOD; k=k+1) begin : G_ARR
wire reg_wr_en ;
reg [P_FIFO_D_WIDTH-1:0] reg_q ;

   assign reg_wr_en = arr_wen_d &
                      (wr_addrs == k[P_FIFO_A_WIDTH-1:0]);

   always @(posedge clk_g)
      if (reg_wr_en)
         reg_q <= wr_data ;

   always @* reg_array[k] = reg_q ;



assign rd_pntr_plusone = (rd_pntr_bin_q[P_FIFO_A_WIDTH-1:0] + LP_ONE[P_FIFO_A_WIDTH-1:0]);

assign rd_pntr_plus1_d = (rd_pntr_bin_q[P_FIFO_A_WIDTH-1:0] == P_FIFO_DEPTH_MIN_1) ?
{~(rd_pntr_bin_q[P_FIFO_A_WIDTH]), {(P_FIFO_A_WIDTH){1'b0}}} :
{rd_pntr_bin_q[P_FIFO_A_WIDTH], rd_pntr_plusone[P_FIFO_A_WIDTH-1:0]} ;

assign rd_pntr_bin_d = arr_ren_d ?
rd_pntr_plus1_d :
rd_pntr_bin_q ;
always @(posedge clk)
if (reset)
rd_pntr_bin_q <= {(P_FIFO_A_WIDTH+1){1'b0}} ;
rd_pntr_bin_q <= rd_pntr_bin_d ;

assign rd_addrs = rd_pntr_bin_q[P_FIFO_A_WIDTH-1:0] ;
//lint_checking POOBID OFF
assign arr_rd_data_d = reg_array[rd_addrs] ;
//lint_checking POOBID ON
reg array_empty_q;
reg array_full_q;

always @(posedge clk)
if (reset) begin
array_empty_q <= 1'b1;
array_full_q <= 1'b0;
else begin
array_empty_q <= (rd_pntr_bin_d == wr_pntr_bin_d) ;
array_full_q <= (rd_pntr_bin_d[P_FIFO_A_WIDTH] ^ wr_pntr_bin_d[P_FIFO_A_WIDTH]) &
(rd_pntr_bin_d[P_FIFO_A_WIDTH-1:0] == wr_pntr_bin_d[P_FIFO_A_WIDTH-1:0]) ;

assign fifo_full = array_full_q ;

//Registered output stage
//lint_checking URDWIR OFF
wire pref_stage_wen_d ;
wire pref_from_wr_data;
//lint_checking URDWIR ON
if (P_REG_OUT) begin : G_OREG

   reg                        pref_stage_valid_q ;
   reg [P_FIFO_D_WIDTH -1:0]  pref_stage_data_q ;
   wire [P_FIFO_D_WIDTH -1:0] pref_stage_data_d ;
   assign arr_wen_d = wr_enb & (~array_empty_q | (pref_stage_valid_q & ~rd_enb)) ;
   assign arr_ren_d = rd_enb & ~array_empty_q ;
   assign pref_from_wr_data = (array_empty_q & ~pref_stage_valid_q) |
                              (array_empty_q & pref_stage_valid_q & rd_enb);

   assign pref_stage_data_d = pref_from_wr_data ? wr_data :
                              rd_enb ? arr_rd_data_d :
   always @(posedge clk) begin
      if (reset)
        pref_stage_data_q <= {(P_FIFO_D_WIDTH){1'b0}} ;
        pref_stage_data_q <= pref_stage_data_d;
   assign pref_stage_wen_d = (wr_enb & array_empty_q & ~pref_stage_valid_q) |
                             (wr_enb & array_empty_q & pref_stage_valid_q & rd_enb) |
                             arr_ren_d ;
   always @(posedge clk)
      if (reset)
         pref_stage_valid_q <= 1'b0 ;
         if (pref_stage_wen_d)
            pref_stage_valid_q <= 1'b1 ;
         else if (rd_enb)
            pref_stage_valid_q <= 1'b0 ;
   assign rd_data       = pref_stage_data_q ;
   assign rd_data_valid = pref_stage_valid_q ;

else begin : G_NO_OREG
   assign arr_wen_d = wr_enb ;
   assign arr_ren_d = rd_enb ;

   assign rd_data       = arr_rd_data_d ;
   assign rd_data_valid = ~array_empty_q ;

   // NS_C : needed for flop structure parity
   assign pref_stage_wen_d = 1'b0;
   assign pref_from_wr_data = 1'b0;


reg [P_OCCU_CNTR_WIDTH-1:0] occu_cntr;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (reset) occu_cntr <= {P_OCCU_CNTR_WIDTH{1'b0}};
else if (wr_enb & ~rd_enb) occu_cntr <= occu_cntr + LP_ONE[P_OCCU_CNTR_WIDTH-1:0];
else if (~wr_enb & rd_enb) occu_cntr <= occu_cntr - LP_ONE[P_OCCU_CNTR_WIDTH-1:0];
assign occupancy_cnt = occu_cntr;
else begin: G_NO_OCCUPANCY_CNT
assign occupancy_cnt = {P_OCCU_CNTR_WIDTH{1'b0}};

// Flop Structure Parity
genvar i;

   // lint_checking URAWIR off
   wire [P_DATA_PLUS_PAD_WIDTH-1:0]    padded_wr_data ;
   // lint_checking URAWIR on
   wire [P_DATA_PLUS_PAD_WIDTH-1:0]    padded_rd_data ;
   wire [P_NUM_PARITY_BITS-1:0]        gen_parity;
   wire [P_NUM_PARITY_BITS-1:0]        raw_rd_parity;
   wire [P_NUM_PARITY_BITS-1:0]        rd_parity;
   reg  [P_NUM_PARITY_BITS-1:0]        parity_arr [P_FIFO_DEPTH_MOD-1:0] ;
   wire [P_NUM_PARITY_BITS-1:0]        perr_nxt;
   wire                                force_perr;
   reg                                 perr_q;
   // lint_checking URDREG off
   reg  [P_FIFO_A_WIDTH-1:0]           rd_addrs_q  ;
   // lint_checking URDREG on

      assign gen_parity = wr_parity;
   else begin : G_PARITY_GEN
      // NS_C: generate parity
      // NS_C: adjust by pad bits to match the granularity exactly
      assign padded_wr_data = {{P_DATA_PAD_BITS{1'b0}}, wr_data} ;

      for (i=0; i<P_NUM_PARITY_BITS ; i=i+1) begin : G_PARITY_GEN
         assign gen_parity[i] = ^padded_wr_data[P_FLOP_STRUCT_PARITY_GRAN*i+:P_FLOP_STRUCT_PARITY_GRAN];

   always @(posedge clk) begin
      rd_addrs_q <= rd_addrs;

   // NS_C: store parity into array if arr_wen_d = 1
   genvar k;
   for (k=0; k<P_FIFO_DEPTH_MOD; k=k+1) begin : G_PARITY_ARR
      wire parity_wr_en ;
      reg [P_NUM_PARITY_BITS-1:0] parity_q ;

      assign parity_wr_en = arr_wen_d & (wr_addrs == k[P_FIFO_A_WIDTH-1:0]);

      always @(posedge clk_g)
         if (parity_wr_en)
            parity_q <= gen_parity ;

      always @* parity_arr[k] = parity_q ;

   // NS_C: store/assign pref_stage parity
   if (P_REG_OUT) begin : G_OREG

      reg  [P_NUM_PARITY_BITS-1:0] pref_stage_parity;
      wire [P_NUM_PARITY_BITS-1:0] pref_stage_parity_d;
      // NS_C: Choose the correct parity based on the source of the prefetch load
      assign pref_stage_parity_d = pref_from_wr_data ? gen_parity :
                                   rd_enb ? parity_arr[rd_addrs] :

      always @(posedge clk) begin
         if (pref_stage_wen_d)
            pref_stage_parity <= pref_stage_parity_d;

      // lint_checking IDXTSM off
      assign raw_rd_parity = pref_stage_parity;
      // lint_checking IDXTSM on

   end // G_OREG

   else begin : G_NO_OREG

      assign raw_rd_parity = parity_arr[rd_addrs];

   end // G_NO_OREG

   // NS_C: force a parity error if programmed to do so
   assign force_perr = perr_inj & rd_enb & (rd_addrs=={P_FIFO_A_WIDTH{1'b0}});
   assign rd_parity = ~force_perr ? raw_rd_parity : ~raw_rd_parity;
   assign padded_rd_data = {{P_DATA_PAD_BITS{1'b0}},rd_data};

   // NS_C: check parity
   for (i=0; i<P_NUM_PARITY_BITS ; i=i+1) begin : G_PARITY_CHECK
         wire data_p_bit;

         assign data_p_bit =  ^padded_rd_data[P_FLOP_STRUCT_PARITY_GRAN*i+:P_FLOP_STRUCT_PARITY_GRAN] ;

         assign perr_nxt[i] = rd_data_valid &  ~(rd_parity[i] == data_p_bit);

   always @(posedge clk) begin
      if (reset) begin
         perr_q <= 1'b0 ;
      else begin
         perr_q <= |perr_nxt ;

   assign perr = perr_q;

   assign perr = 1'b0;


//lint_checking TPRUSD OFF
// synthesis translate_off

reg done;
always @(posedge clk) begin
   if (~reset) begin
      if (!done && fifo_full===1'b1) begin
         done <= 1'b1;
         $display("%0d: FIFO_FULL_1ST_DETECTED: ns_s_fifo: %m", $time);
initial begin
   done <= 1'b0;
   $display("%0d: FIFO_INSTANTIATION: ns_s_fifo: %m", $time);

// synthesis translate_on
//lint_checking TPRUSD ON


On Thursday, February 7, 2019, 7:20:56 AM PST, Shinya TAKAMAEDA-YAMAZAKI <[email protected] mailto:[email protected] <mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected]> <mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected] <mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected]>>> wrote:

Hi Anandh,

I'm sorry for the very late response.

"Always" object of Veriloggen has the "self.sensitivity" field. (Please see veriloggen/core/
A list of Always objects for each Module can be found at "Module.always" field. (Please see veriloggen/core/

If the Always statement is realized as a sequential circuit, self.sensitivity must be "Posedge" or "Negedge" object.
Otherwise, the field will be None or a list of some signals.

I think the software can predict whether the Always statement is realized as a sequential circuit or not

Thanks again!


On 2019/01/25 6:40, anandh krishnan wrote:

Shinya san,

I was able to accomplish this task (computing registers/flip-flop count) in each module
using veriloggen. Thank you Shinya San!. Arrigato.

I also would like to infer always blocks which could be realized as a flip-flop and wished to
get your advice on how to proceed on this. As I need to know the total flipflop count of a module
I need to also add up the costs due to the flipflops which can arise out of the always blocks such
as this-

|module top (q, d, clk) output q; input d, clk; reg q; always @(posedge clk) q = d; endmodule|

On Saturday, January 19, 2019, 6:24:25 PM PST, Shinya TAKAMAEDA-YAMAZAKI <[email protected] mailto:[email protected] <mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected]> <mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected] <mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected]>> <mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected] <mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected]> <mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected] <mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected]>>>> wrote:

Hi Anandh,

Thank you for using Pyverilog.

I think you can figure out the number of register by using Veriloggen, not Pyverilog.
Veriloggen is a hardware design framework based on Pyverilog.
Veriloggen can import the existing Verilog HDL design.


Please see the examples in veriloggen/tests/verilog/from_verilog_/module

Module class has a "variable" member, which contains all "reg"s and "wire"s.

By using isinstance method like "if isinstance(obj, veriloggen.Reg): ...", you can gather only regs from all variables.



On 2019/01/20 10:56, anandh krishnan wrote:

Hello Shinya san,


I am trying to leverage PyVerilog AST to count the registers in each
module in my Verilog design. The design is highly parameterized:

An example module from my Verilog design is listed below.

Please help me with pointers on how this can be done with the AST
PyVerilog builds.

Anandh Krishnan
module ns_noc_data_ppln
parameter P_DATA_WIDTH = 32,
parameter P_DATA_ERRCHK_WIDTH = 4,
parameter P_USRSB_ERRCHK_WIDTH = 4,
parameter P_WC_WIDTH = 2,
parameter P_SB_WIDTH = 15,
parameter P_OUTP_WIDTH = 3,
parameter P_USRSB_WIDTH = 1,
parameter P_NUM_OF_STAGES = 1,
parameter P_VALID_WIDTH = 4,
parameter P_COARSE_CLOCK_GATE = 1,
parameter P_FINE_CLOCK_GATE = 1
) (

 input                            clk,
 input                            reset_n,
 input                            reset_pd_n,
 input                            tst_rst,
 input                            tst_rst_bypass,

 input                            system_cg_or,
 input                            scan_mode,

 input  [P_VALID_WIDTH-1:0]       i_flit_valid,
 input  [P_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]        i_flit_data,
 input  [P_SB_WIDTH-1:0]          i_flit_sb,
 input  [P_USRSB_WIDTH-1:0]       i_flit_usrsb,
 input                            i_flit_type,
 input                            i_flit_mcpkt,
 input                            i_flit_sop,
 input                            i_flit_eop,
 input  [P_WC_WIDTH-1:0]          i_flit_bv,
 input  [P_OUTP_WIDTH-1:0]        i_flit_outp,
 input                            i_pktctl_parity,
 input                            i_rinfo_parity,
 input [P_DATA_ERRCHK_WIDTH-1:0]  i_data_parity,
 input [P_USRSB_ERRCHK_WIDTH-1:0] i_usrsb_parity,

 input                            i_cg_busy,
 output  [P_VALID_WIDTH-1:0]      o_flit_valid,
 output  [P_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]       o_flit_data,
 output  [P_SB_WIDTH-1:0]         o_flit_sb,
 output  [P_USRSB_WIDTH-1:0]      o_flit_usrsb,
 output                           o_flit_type,
 output                           o_flit_mcpkt,
 output                           o_flit_sop,
 output                           o_flit_eop,
 output  [P_WC_WIDTH-1:0]         o_flit_bv,
 output  [P_OUTP_WIDTH-1:0]       o_flit_outp,
 output                           o_pktctl_parity,
 output                           o_rinfo_parity,
 output [P_DATA_ERRCHK_WIDTH-1:0] o_data_parity,
 output [P_USRSB_ERRCHK_WIDTH-1:0]o_usrsb_parity,

 output                           o_cg_busy

) ;


wire [P_DATA_GROUP_WIDTH-1:0] in_data_bundle ;
wire [P_DATA_GROUP_WIDTH-1:0] data_ppln [P_NUM_OF_STAGES:0] ;
wire [P_VALID_WIDTH-1:0] valid_ppln [P_NUM_OF_STAGES:0] ;
wire busy_ppln [P_NUM_OF_STAGES:0] ;

assign in_data_bundle = {i_flit_data, i_flit_sb, i_flit_usrsb, i_flit_type, i_flit_mcpkt, i_flit_sop, i_flit_eop, i_flit_bv, i_flit_outp,
i_pktctl_parity, i_rinfo_parity, i_data_parity, i_usrsb_parity} ;

assign data_ppln[0] = in_data_bundle ;
assign valid_ppln[0] = i_flit_valid ;
assign busy_ppln[0] = i_cg_busy ;

genvar i;
for (i=1; i<=P_NUM_OF_STAGES; i=i+1) begin : G_DATA_PPLN
ns_data_ppln_stage AUTO_TEMPLATE (
.i_flit_valid (valid_ppln[i-1]),
.i_flit_data_group (data_ppln[i-1]),
.i_cg_busy (busy_ppln[i-1]),
.o_flit_valid (valid_ppln[i]),
.o_flit_data_group (data_ppln[i]),
.o_cg_busy (busy_ppln[i]),
ns_data_ppln_stage #(/AUTOINSTPARAM/
// Parameters
u_ns_data_ppln_stage (/AUTOINST/
// Outputs
.o_flit_valid (valid_ppln[i]), // Templated
.o_flit_data_group (data_ppln[i]), // Templated
.o_cg_busy (busy_ppln[i]), // Templated
// Inputs
.clk (clk),
.reset_n (reset_n),
.tst_rst (tst_rst),
.tst_rst_bypass (tst_rst_bypass),
.reset_pd_n (reset_pd_n),
.system_cg_or (system_cg_or),
.scan_mode (scan_mode),
.i_flit_valid (valid_ppln[i-1]), // Templated
.i_flit_data_group (data_ppln[i-1]), // Templated
.i_cg_busy (busy_ppln[i-1])); // Templated

wire [P_DATA_GROUP_WIDTH-1:0] data_ppln_exit;
wire [P_DATA_GROUP_WIDTH-1:0] data_ppln_exit_clean;

assign data_ppln_exit = data_ppln[P_NUM_OF_STAGES];

ifdef NS_ECC_X_SQUASH_DEGREE2 genvar x; generate endgenerate for (x=0; x<P_DATA_GROUP_WIDTH; x=x+1) begin : G_DATA assign data_ppln_exit_clean[x] = (data_ppln_exit[x] === 1'bx) ? in_data_bundle[x]: data_ppln_exit[x]; end else
assign data_ppln_exit_clean = data_ppln_exit;

assign {o_flit_data, o_flit_sb, o_flit_usrsb, o_flit_type, o_flit_mcpkt, o_flit_sop, o_flit_eop, o_flit_bv, o_flit_outp,
o_pktctl_parity, o_rinfo_parity, o_data_parity, o_usrsb_parity} = data_ppln_exit_clean;
assign o_flit_valid = valid_ppln[P_NUM_OF_STAGES] ;
assign o_cg_busy = busy_ppln[P_NUM_OF_STAGES] ;


parser issue when comparing with a 'H, 'D, 'B uppercase value

There is a bug when a constant is assigned in a port map of the module to detect.
The issue is located in the letter that define the type (ie X, H, D, O)
In example:

I saw that your the code to detect a number is lowercase only instead of supporting both uppercase and lowercase.
I think you should change these lines by something like this:
bin_number = '[0-9]'[bB][0-1xz?][0-1xz?]'
octal_number = '[0-9]
hex_number = '[0-9]'[hH][0-9a-fA-Fxz?][0-9a-fA-Fxz?]'
decimal_number = '([0-9]

Thanks for your job.

Part-select addressing


I looked in the verilog standard ieee 1364-2005 regarding the partselect adressing. I've created a module base on their example.

module partselect_test
   (input wire [15:0] big_vect,
    input wire [0:15] little_vect,

    output wire [7:0] big_part1,
    output wire [7:0] big_part2,

    output wire [0:7] little_part1,
    output wire [0:7] little_part2);

    assign big_part1 = big_vect[ 0 +: 8]; // == big_vect[ 7 : 0]
    assign big_part2 = big_vect[15 -: 8]; // == big_vect[15 : 8]

    assign little_part1 = little_vect[ 0 +: 8]; // == little_vect[0 :  7]
    assign little_part2 = little_vect[15 -: 8]; // == little_vect[8 : 15]


When I parsed the code, I obtained the following AST (I've put only the assign nodes) :

      Assign:  (at 11)
        Lvalue:  (at 11)
          Identifier: big_part1 (at 11)
        Rvalue:  (at 11)
          Partselect:  (at 11)                   // The partselect parsed is [0:8]
            Identifier: big_vect (at 11)         // The standard says [7:0]
            IntConst: 0 (at 11)
            Plus:  (at 11)
              IntConst: 0 (at 11)
              IntConst: 8 (at 11)
      Assign:  (at 12)
        Lvalue:  (at 12)
          Identifier: big_part2 (at 12)
        Rvalue:  (at 12)
          Partselect:  (at 12)                     // The partselect parsed is [15:7]
            Identifier: big_vect (at 12)           // The standard says [15:8]
            IntConst: 15 (at 12)
            Minus:  (at 12)
              IntConst: 15 (at 12)
              IntConst: 8 (at 12)
      Assign:  (at 14)
        Lvalue:  (at 14)
          Identifier: little_part1 (at 14)
        Rvalue:  (at 14)
          Partselect:  (at 14)                     // The partselect parsed is [0:8]
            Identifier: little_vect (at 14)        // The standard says [0:7]
            IntConst: 0 (at 14)
            Plus:  (at 14)
              IntConst: 0 (at 14)
              IntConst: 8 (at 14)
      Assign:  (at 15)
        Lvalue:  (at 15)
          Identifier: little_part2 (at 15)
        Rvalue:  (at 15)
          Partselect:  (at 15)                     // The partselect parsed is [15:7]
            Identifier: little_vect (at 15)        // The standard says [8:15]
            IntConst: 15 (at 15)
            Minus:  (at 15)
              IntConst: 15 (at 15)        
              IntConst: 8 (at 15)

I think that you cannot resolve the "+:" or "-:" without analyzing the declaration of the variable to know if the bit range is ascending or descending (see lines 726, 731, 741, 746).

In my opinion the best way to manage this issue would be to create a new node type (PartselectDynamic for instance). This node would be instantiated by the parser when the tokens PLUSCOLON or MINUSCOLON are found. The codegen would be easy to modify, but I don't know the impact on the other parts of PyVerilog.

I can try this solution if you want.


Question: replace parameter with its value

how can I replace all the occurrences of a specific verilog parameter with their value?
I mean, suppose I have "parameter [3:0] x = 4'b3;" and then a lot of usages of x, I'd need to effectively remove the parameter and replace every occurrence of x with 4'b3.


could i auto-generate verilog code from a AST.

Source: (at 10)
Description: (at 10)
ModuleDef: fsm (at 10)
Paramlist: (at 0)
Portlist: (at 10)
Port: clk, None (at 10)
Port: a, None (at 10)
Port: out1, None (at 10)
Port: out2, None (at 10)
Decl: (at 11)
Input: clk, False (at 11)
Decl: (at 12)
Input: a, False (at 12)
Decl: (at 13)
Output: out1, False (at 13)
Decl: (at 14)
Output: out2, False (at 14)
Decl: (at 16)
Reg: state, False (at 16)
Width: (at 16)
IntConst: 2 (at 16)
IntConst: 0 (at 16)
Decl: (at 19)
Parameter: IDLE, False (at 20)
Rvalue: (at 20)
IntConst: 3'b001 (at 20)
Width: (at 19)
IntConst: 2 (at 19)
IntConst: 0 (at 19)
Parameter: STATE_1, False (at 20)
Rvalue: (at 21)
IntConst: 3'b010 (at 21)
Width: (at 19)
IntConst: 2 (at 19)
IntConst: 0 (at 19)
Parameter: FINAL, False (at 20)
Rvalue: (at 22)
IntConst: 3'b100 (at 22)
Width: (at 19)
IntConst: 2 (at 19)
IntConst: 0 (at 19)
Assign: (at 25)
Lvalue: (at 25)
Identifier: out1 (at 25)
Rvalue: (at 25)
Eq: (at 25)
Identifier: state (at 25)
Identifier: STATE_1 (at 25)
Assign: (at 26)
Lvalue: (at 26)
Identifier: out2 (at 26)
Rvalue: (at 26)
Eq: (at 26)
Identifier: state (at 26)
Identifier: FINAL (at 26)
Always: (at 29)
SensList: (at 29)
Sens: posedge (at 29)
Identifier: clk (at 29)
Block: None (at 29)
CaseStatement: (at 30)
Identifier: state (at 30)
Case: (at 31)
Identifier: IDLE (at 31)
IfStatement: (at 32)
Identifier: a (at 32)
Block: None (at 32)
NonblockingSubstitution: (at 33)
Lvalue: (at 33)
Identifier: state (at 33)
Rvalue: (at 33)
Identifier: STATE_1 (at 33)
Block: None (at 34)
NonblockingSubstitution: (at 35)
Lvalue: (at 35)
Identifier: state (at 35)
Rvalue: (at 35)
Identifier: IDLE (at 35)
Case: (at 37)
Identifier: STATE_1 (at 37)
IfStatement: (at 38)
Identifier: a (at 38)
Block: None (at 38)
NonblockingSubstitution: (at 39)
Lvalue: (at 39)
Identifier: state (at 39)
Rvalue: (at 39)
Identifier: FINAL (at 39)
Block: None (at 40)
NonblockingSubstitution: (at 41)
Lvalue: (at 41)
Identifier: state (at 41)
Rvalue: (at 41)
Identifier: IDLE (at 41)
Case: (at 43)
Identifier: FINAL (at 43)
IfStatement: (at 44)
Identifier: a (at 44)
Block: None (at 44)
NonblockingSubstitution: (at 45)
Lvalue: (at 45)
Identifier: state (at 45)
Rvalue: (at 45)
Identifier: FINAL (at 45)
Block: None (at 46)
NonblockingSubstitution: (at 47)
Lvalue: (at 47)
Identifier: state (at 47)
Rvalue: (at 47)
Identifier: IDLE (at 47)
Case: (at 49)
NonblockingSubstitution: (at 50)
Lvalue: (at 50)
Identifier: state (at 50)
Rvalue: (at 50)
Identifier: IDLE (at 50)

function in module can not be parse, and get error

Test the module which contain the funtion code in it, then I got error.
I check the code of lex. It has the key word "function". So I guess that I have to modify yacc to make it work well.

I already have run the pyverilog well with some simple verilog code which do not have function in it.

ParseError: None: at end of input because Pyverilog doesn't parse `include and `define statements

Pyverilog doesn't parse include and define statements. I've shown a simple example below, but this applies to circuits with a define.v file with hundreds of defined variables shared among the rest of the .v files in the circuit.

I've attached some files so that the error can be reproduced. To reproduce the error, unzip the circuit 1000base-x (taken from and download & rename (from .txt to .py) the file. Add f=open("output.txt", "w+") under line 2315 and f.write(text) under the new line 2317 in path_to_pyverilog/ Run in terminal: py 1000base-x\. Notice you get the error pyverilog.vparser.parser.ParseError: None: at end of input. If you open the output.txt file, the parser failed on the line include "timescale.v" in the file clean_rst.v. If this line is commented out, pyverilog supposedly completes but the output parsed stops before the same line in decoder_8b10b.v (I've included my .txt version).

Commenting out the include statement in all files will allow pyverilog to complete with the correct output with the caveat that all defined variables in the include file will have to be copied over locally to all files. Include statements in verilog files are really common and copying variable is very tedious, so I wondered if it might be possible to include a fix for pyverilog parsing function.

Additionally, I've been looking for extra opensource circuits that are successfully parsed by pyverilog to test my application with. I would really appreciate any help in this area!

1000base-x_latest (1).tar.gz

It fails to parse two-dimensional array


My p_sram.v and my python file are as attached files and the version of verilog code parser is 1.1.1.
After parsing the p_sram.v, it shows out the below error. I think it parser does not support the two-dimensional array like reg [7:0] test_r [127:0][63:0]. Would you please reproduce my case?
Thank you
Generating LALR tables
WARNING: 160 shift/reduce conflicts
Syntax error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./", line 164, in
File "./", line 116, in main
File "/CAD/Anaconda2/4.4.0/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyverilog/vparser/", line 2225, in parse
ast = codeparser.parse()
File "/CAD/Anaconda2/4.4.0/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyverilog/vparser/", line 2211, in parse
ast = self.parser.parse(text, debug=debug)
File "/CAD/Anaconda2/4.4.0/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyverilog/vparser/", line 64, in parse
return self.parser.parse(text, lexer=self.lexer, debug=debug)
File "/CAD/Anaconda2/4.4.0/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyverilog/vparser/ply/", line 265, in parse
return self.parseopt_notrack(input,lexer,debug,tracking,tokenfunc)
File "/CAD/Anaconda2/4.4.0/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyverilog/vparser/ply/", line 1047, in parseopt_notrack
tok = self.errorfunc(errtoken)
File "/CAD/Anaconda2/4.4.0/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyverilog/vparser/", line 2184, in p_error
File "/CAD/Anaconda2/4.4.0/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyverilog/vparser/", line 54, in _parse_error
raise ParseError("%s: %s" % (coord, msg))
pyverilog.vparser.plyparser.ParseError: :22: before: [

Why does p_taskvardecl not support Output types?

I've just hit a parse error that seems strange. In, why does p_taskvardecl not include a check for the Output type?

def p_taskvardecl(self, p):
        """taskvardecl : decl
        | integerdecl
        if isinstance(p[1], Decl):
            for r in p[1].list:
                if (not isinstance(r, Input) and not isinstance(r, Reg) and
                        not isinstance(r, Integer)):
raise ParseError("Syntax Error")

how to generate case

Can someone give a short introduction about how to code case statements using ast? Thanks!

how to output the AST from verilog?

I want to output a AST file ,after command' python3 pyverilog/examples/ test.v' . i get' Generating LALR tables'

Source: (at 1)
Description: (at 1)
ModuleDef: TOP (at 1)
Paramlist: (at 0)
Portlist: (at 1)
Port: CLK, None (at 1)
Port: RST, None (at 1)
Decl: (at 2)
Input: CLK, False (at 2)
Input: RST, False (at 2)
Decl: (at 3)
Reg: cnt, False (at 3)
Width: (at 3)
IntConst: 7 (at 3)
IntConst: 0 (at 3)
Always: (at 4)
SensList: (at 4)
Sens: posedge (at 4)
Identifier: CLK (at 4)
Block: None (at 4)
IfStatement: (at 5)
Identifier: RST (at 5)
Block: None (at 5)
NonblockingSubstitution: (at 6)
Lvalue: (at 6)
Identifier: cnt (at 6)
Rvalue: (at 6)
IntConst: 0 (at 6)
Block: None (at 7)
CaseStatement: (at 8)
Identifier: cnt (at 8)
Case: (at 9)
IntConst: 'h0 (at 9)
IntConst: 'h1 (at 9)
IntConst: 'h2 (at 9)
Block: None (at 9)
NonblockingSubstitution: (at 10)
Lvalue: (at 10)
Identifier: cnt (at 10)
Rvalue: (at 10)
Plus: (at 10)
Identifier: cnt (at 10)
IntConst: 1 (at 10)
Case: (at 12)
IntConst: 'hff (at 12)
Block: None (at 12)
NonblockingSubstitution: (at 13)
Lvalue: (at 13)
Identifier: cnt (at 13)
Rvalue: (at 13)
IntConst: 0 (at 13)
Case: (at 15)
Block: None (at 15)
NonblockingSubstitution: (at 16)
Lvalue: (at 16)
Identifier: cnt (at 16)
Rvalue: (at 16)
Plus: (at 16)
Identifier: cnt (at 16)
IntConst: 1 (at 16)
this is AST? if not ,what i should do to get ast?

Suggestion for clock and reset recognition

Currently, pyverilog recognize clock and reset signal by their name at bind_visitor._createAlwaysinfo.

But I hope to be implemented other method using if branch structure (as command-line option or default).

That is, if the first "if" branch conditions is a signal in the sensitivity list, it should be determined as reset.


def _is_reset(self, node, sig):
    if not isinstance(node.statement.statements[0], pyverilog.vparser.ast.IfStatement):
        return False
    if isinstance(node.statement.statements[0].cond, pyverilog.vparser.ast.Ulnot) and edge == 'negedge':
        target = node.statement.statements[0].cond.children()[0]
    elif edge == 'posedge':
        target = node.statement.statements[0].cond
        return False

    if isinstance(target, pyverilog.vparser.ast.Pointer):
        if sig.ptr == target.ptr:
            target = target.var
            return False

    return target == sig

I look forward to listening your opinion when there is your time.

function integer

The current parser may not be able to parse the code as below.

function integer funcname;
  input invalue;
  // ...
  funcname = 0;

Howto analysis verilog basing on filelist

The filelist include defines related files, IP modules files, but after I start to read the filelist within, it generate below errors:
Syntax error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/pkg/eclipse-/4.2.1-dvt3.2.2/x86_64-linux/plugins/org.python.pydev_2.7.1.2012100913/pysrc/", line 1397, in['file'], None, None)
File "/pkg/eclipse-/4.2.1-dvt3.2.2/x86_64-linux/plugins/org.python.pydev_2.7.1.2012100913/pysrc/", line 1090, in run
pydev_imports.execfile(file, globals, locals) #execute the script
File "/pkg/eclipse-/4.2.1-dvt3.2.2/x86_64-linux/plugins/org.python.pydev_2.7.1.2012100913/pysrc/", line 38, in execfile
exec(compile(contents+"\n", file, 'exec'), glob, loc) #execute the script
File "/home/iverilog/python37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyverilog/joe/jojo/", line 61, in
File "/home/iverilog/python37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyverilog/joe/jojo/", line 45, in main
File "/home/iverilog/python37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyverilog/vparser/", line 2322, in parse
ast = codeparser.parse()
File "/home/iverilog/python37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyverilog/vparser/", line 2300, in parse
ast = self.parser.parse(text, debug=debug)
File "/home/iverilog/python37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyverilog/vparser/", line 77, in parse
return self.parser.parse(text, lexer=self.lexer, debug=debug)
File "/home/iverilog/python37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyverilog/vparser/ply/", line 265, in parse
return self.parseopt_notrack(input,lexer,debug,tracking,tokenfunc)
File "/home/iverilog/python37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyverilog/vparser/ply/", line 1047, in parseopt_notrack
tok = self.errorfunc(errtoken)
File "/home/iverilog/python37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyverilog/vparser/", line 2272, in p_error
File "/home/iverilog/python37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyverilog/vparser/", line 55, in _parse_error
raise ParseError("%s: %s" % (coord, msg))
pyverilog.vparser.plyparser.ParseError: :1: before: /

test error

Hi, I followed installation instructions on MacOS 10.14.6 and all is good. Then I get this error with the example_parser on test.v

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "examples/", line 10, in
import pyverilog.utils.version
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pyverilog.utils.version'

Initial statement support in dataflow analyzer

In some hardware designs, initial statements are utilized to set initial values of registers and memory cells. However the current dataflow analyzer in Pyverilog does not support the initial statement completely.

Module Initiation Syntax

I am trying to initiate the module inside my file. But i am not aware of the syntax that how to use InstanceList and Instance function to initiate a module.

Delay recognition problems

Hi, I try to parse cell library, and getting error near delay statement. Here is example:


module MODULE_NAME(Q);
    not #(1) (Q);

from pyverilog.vparser.parser import parse
lib_ast, lib_directives = parse(["test.v"])

And I got this Traceback:

λ python
Syntax error
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 7, in <module>
    lib_ast, lib_directives = parse(["test.v"])
  File "C:\Miniconda2\lib\site-packages\pyverilog\vparser\", line 2110, in parse
    ast = codeparser.parse()
  File "C:\Miniconda2\lib\site-packages\pyverilog\vparser\", line 2098, in parse
    ast = self.parser.parse(text, debug=debug)
  File "C:\Miniconda2\lib\site-packages\pyverilog\vparser\", line 63, in parse
    return self.parser.parse(text, lexer=self.lexer, debug=debug)
  File "C:\Miniconda2\lib\site-packages\pyverilog\vparser\ply\", line 265, in parse
    return self.parseopt_notrack(input,lexer,debug,tracking,tokenfunc)
  File "C:\Miniconda2\lib\site-packages\pyverilog\vparser\ply\", line 1047, in parseopt_notrack
    tok = self.errorfunc(errtoken)
  File "C:\Miniconda2\lib\site-packages\pyverilog\vparser\", line 2074, in p_error
  File "C:\Miniconda2\lib\site-packages\pyverilog\vparser\", line 54, in _parse_error
    raise ParseError("%s: %s" % (coord, msg))
pyverilog.vparser.plyparser.ParseError: :2: before: (

New Tokens in PyVerilog

I am trying to expand the lexer to add more tokens. However I am running into a issue I can't figure out.

Here is my test error:

python /pyverilog-1.1.3/examples/ -D CLK test.v
WARNING: Token 'ALWAYS_FF' defined, but not used
WARNING: Token 'ALWAYS_COMB' defined, but not used
WARNING: Token 'LOGIC' defined, but not used
WARNING: There are 3 unused tokens
Generating LALR tables
WARNING: 160 shift/reduce conflicts
Syntax error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/nfs/sc/disks/sdg74_2970/pyverilog-1.1.3/examples/", line 52, in
File "/nfs/sc/disks/sdg74_2970/pyverilog-1.1.3/examples/", line 45, in main
File "/nfs/sc/disks/sdg74_2970/pyverilog-1.1.3/pyverilog/vparser/", line 2225, in parse
ast = codeparser.parse()
File "/nfs/sc/disks/sdg74_2970/pyverilog-1.1.3/pyverilog/vparser/", line 2211, in parse
ast = self.parser.parse(text, debug=debug)
File "/nfs/sc/disks/sdg74_2970/pyverilog-1.1.3/pyverilog/vparser/", line 64, in parse
return self.parser.parse(text, lexer=self.lexer, debug=debug)
File "/nfs/sc/disks/sdg74_2970/pyverilog-1.1.3/pyverilog/vparser/ply/", line 265, in parse
return self.parseopt_notrack(input,lexer,debug,tracking,tokenfunc)
File "/nfs/sc/disks/sdg74_2970/pyverilog-1.1.3/pyverilog/vparser/ply/", line 1047, in parseopt_notrack
tok = self.errorfunc(errtoken)
File "/nfs/sc/disks/sdg74_2970/pyverilog-1.1.3/pyverilog/vparser/", line 2184, in p_error
File "/nfs/sc/disks/sdg74_2970/pyverilog-1.1.3/pyverilog/vparser/", line 54, in _parse_error
raise ParseError("%s: %s" % (coord, msg))
pyverilog.vparser.plyparser.ParseError: :10: before: logic

Here is my test.v:
ifndef TOP define TOP

module top
ifndef CLK input vcc, endif
input wire CLK,
input logic RST,
input enable,
input [31:0] value,
output logic [7:0] led
reg [31:0] count;
reg [7:0] state;
assign led = count[23:16];
always_ff @(posedge CLK) begin
if(RST) begin
count <= 0;
state <= 0;
end else begin
if(state == 0) begin
if(enable) state <= 1;
end else if(state == 1) begin
state <= 2;
end else if(state == 2) begin
count <= count + value;
state <= 0;

I added these keywords:

keywords = (

If you have any guidance, it would be appreciated.


While using parser all defparam statments returns error like this:
pyverilog.vparser.plyparser.ParseError: :145: before: .

Proposed Fix

In dataflow/ I am seeing an issue in getDsts where left is an Concat object instead of an LConcat object which looking at the code I posted below is just a matter of naming scheme. If you add the following change it will fix this issue and treat them as the same. This is happening when using a dataflow analyzer feel free to contact me to reproduce the error.

  • 1277 if isinstance(left, LConcat):
  • 1277 if isinstance(left, Concat) or isinstance(left, LConcat):

266 class Concat(Node):
267 attr_names = ()
268 def init(self, list, lineno=0):
269 self.lineno = lineno
270 self.list = list
271 def children(self):
272 nodelist = []
273 if self.list: nodelist.extend(self.list)
274 return tuple(nodelist)
275 class LConcat(Concat): pass

Gate primitives

It seems like instance names are currently required by the parser. However, they are not always needed in the case of gate primitives like: and, or, not, etc. Example:

and(out1, in1, in2);

unsupport concat type when parse dataflow.

Thanks for your excellent work, but I found it unsupport some operation when parse dataflow graph. The error message it returns is :

File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/pyverilog-1.1.3.dev0-py3.5.egg/pyverilog/dataflow/", line 1339, in getDst
    (str(type(left)), str(left)))
pyverilog.utils.verror.FormatError: unsupported AST node type: <class 'pyverilog.vparser.ast.Concat'> <pyverilog.vparser.ast.Concat object at 0x7fa687524f98>

it seems that the function getDst in dataflow/ does not support vparser.ast.concat operation.
My verilog source code in attach files. And the top module I want parse is one_round module.
Hope the tool could be better and I can also do something for the project if possible.

verilog to ast

please tell how to convert verilog to ast code by pyverilog

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