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leaflet-measure's Introduction


Coordinate, linear, and area measure control for Leaflet maps. Extends L.Control.


TODO. Add usage

Add control to a Leaflet map

leaflet-measure adds L.Control.Measure. This control may be used with the standard Leaflet control workflows described in the Leaflet docs.

The measure control can be instantiated directly and added to a map:

var myMap ='mapElementId', options);
var measureControl = new L.Control.Measure(options);

or instantiated via the factory:

var myMap ='mapElementId', options);
var measureControl = L.control.measure(options);

or added to a map using map options:

var myMap ='mapElementId', {
  measureControl: true

Control options


{ position: 'topright' }

Standard Leaflet control position options

primaryLengthUnit | secondaryLengthUnit

{ primaryLengthUnit: 'feet', secondaryLengthUnit: 'miles' }

Units used to display length results. secondaryLengthUnit is optional.

Valid values are feet, meters, miles, and kilometers

primaryAreaUnit | secondaryAreaUnit

{ primaryAreaUnit: 'acres', secondaryAreaUnit: undefined }

Units used to display area results. secondaryAreaUnit is optional.

Valid values are acres, hectares, sqfeet, sqmeters, and sqmiles


{ activeColor: '#ABE67E' }

Base color to use for map features rendered while actively performing a measurement. Value should be a color represented as a hexadecimal string.


{ completedColor: '#C8F2BE' }

Base color to use for features generated from a completed measurement. Value should be a color represented as a hexadecimal string.


popupOptions: { className: 'leaflet-measure-resultpopup', autoPanPadding: [10, 10] }

Options applied to the popup of the resulting measure feature. Properties may be any standard Leaflet popup options.


Custom units to make available to the measurement calculator. Packaged units are feet, meters, miles, and kilometers for length and acres, hectares, sqfeet, sqmeters, and sqmiles for areas. Additional unit definitions can be added to the packaged units using this option.

Define units as

  someNewUnit: {
    factor: 0.001, // Required. Factor to apply when converting to this unit. Length in meters or area in sq meters will be multiplied by this factor.
    display: 'My New Unit', // Required. How to display in results, like.. "300 Meters (0.3 My New Unit)".
    decimals: 2 // Number of decimals to round results when using this unit. `0` is the default value if not specified.
  myOtherNewUnit: {
    factor: 1234,
    display: 'My Other Unit',
    decimals: 0


{ captureZIndex: 10000 }

Z-index of the marker used to capture measure clicks. Set this value higher than the z-index of all other map layers to disable click events on other layers while a measurement is active.

decPoint | thousandsSep

{ decPoint: '.', thousandsSep: ',' }

Decimal point and thousands separator used when displaying measurements. If not specified, values are defined by the localization.


You can subscribe to the following events on the Map using these methods


Fired when measurement starts


Fired when measurement finishes with results of the measurement. Results data includes:

  • area: Area of a polygon measurement in sq meters. 0 for measurements with less than 3 points.

  • areaDisplay: Area formatted as displayed in the popup.

  • lastCoord: Last point clicked in both decimal degrees and degress/min/seconds.

  • length: Length of the measurement in meters. 0 for measurements with less than 2 points.

  • lengthDisplay: Length formatted as displayed in the popup.

  • pointCount: Number of points directly added by the user.

  • points: Array of points as LatLng used to calculate the measurement. Number of items in the array may differ from pointCoint because an additional point is added to close polygons during polygon measurements.

Customizing map feature styles

Map features may be styled using CSS SVG style attributes. Features generated from leaflet-measure measurements are given the following class names:

  • layer-measurearea: Feature displaying area of an active measurement

  • layer-measureboundary: Feature displaying the linear path of an active measurement

  • layer-measurevertex: Feature added at each vertex (measurement click) of an active measurement

  • layer-measuredrag: Symbol following cursor while moving during an active measurement

  • layer-measure-resultarea: Feature added to the map as a permanent layer resulting from an area (3+ points) measurement

  • layer-measure-resultline: Feature added to the map as a permanent layer resulting from a linear (2 point) measurement

  • layer-measure-resultpoint: Featured added to the map as a permanent layer resulting from a point (single click) measurement


The build process uses npm (Node Package Management) which comes with Node.js.

After you have Node.js installed you can do npm install to install dependencies and npm run-script start:dev to initialize a local server (localhost:8080) for leaflet-measure assets.

It detects modifications on source files and re-compiles to /leaflet-measure.css and /leaflet-measure.js.

Distribuition Build

With npm installed do npm install to install dependencies and npm run-script build to generate dist/leaflet-measure.css and dist/leaflet-measure.js.

It will also generate dist/leaflet-measure.{locale}.js files for each localization available.


TODO. Internationalization

leaflet-measure's People


barbalex avatar bekerov avatar brandoncopeland avatar brandonxiang avatar dirceu-jr avatar eriknijland avatar exequiel09 avatar haoliangyu avatar ismyrnow avatar marigerr avatar najafsen avatar napo avatar nathanvda avatar nguyenning avatar nyxelio avatar opadera avatar pedroetb avatar penpendede avatar schmidtpa avatar simon04 avatar spatialhast avatar ulrikls avatar valmilkevich avatar


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leaflet-measure's Issues

does not work with create-react-app

Steps to recreate:

Create a new app:

npm install -g create-react-app
create-react-app my-app
cd my-app
npm start


Install leaflet and leaflet-measure:

npm i --save leaflet leaflet-measure

Import into my-app/src/App.js:

import 'leaflet'
import 'leaflet-measure'

See this error in the console:

leaflet-measure.js:15Uncaught TypeError: fs.readFileSync is not a function
    at Object.<anonymous> (leaflet-measure.js:15)
    at Object.<anonymous> (leaflet-measure.js:457)
    at __webpack_require__ (bootstrap 056f279…:555)
    at fn (bootstrap 056f279…:86)
    at Object.<anonymous> (App.js:6)
    at __webpack_require__ (bootstrap 056f279…:555)
    at fn (bootstrap 056f279…:86)
    at Object.<anonymous> (index.js:3)
    at __webpack_require__ (bootstrap 056f279…:555)
    at fn (bootstrap 056f279…:86)
(anonymous) @ leaflet-measure.js:15
(anonymous) @ leaflet-measure.js:457
__webpack_require__ @ bootstrap 056f279…:555
fn @ bootstrap 056f279…:86
(anonymous) @ App.js:6
__webpack_require__ @ bootstrap 056f279…:555
fn @ bootstrap 056f279…:86
(anonymous) @ index.js:3
__webpack_require__ @ bootstrap 056f279…:555
fn @ bootstrap 056f279…:86
(anonymous) @ bootstrap 056f279…:578
__webpack_require__ @ bootstrap 056f279…:555
(anonymous) @ bootstrap 056f279…:578
(anonymous) @ bootstrap 056f279…:578

May be related to #30 and #67

Measurement geometries can't be removed if control is removed from map

When adding and removing the control, in-progress drawings on the map are removed, but the measurement geometries (the result of a completed geometry) do not get removed.

Although this may be intended, the "Delete" button for those geometries doesn't work if the control isn't enabled. The popup shows when you click the geometry, but clicking the "Delete" button shows an error in the console.

size of icon

A very very minor aesthetic point. It seems that all the other plug-ins that I have that show an icon, are 26px x 26px. So this one sticks out. I tried this code and it seems to work. What do you think about standardizing the size?

    .leaflet-control-measure .leaflet-control-measure-toggle, .leaflet-control-measure .leaflet-control-measure-toggle:hover {
        display: block;
        width: 26px;
        height: 26px;
        background-position: 50% 50%;
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        background-image: url(images/rulers.png);
        border-radius: 5px;
        text-indent: 100%;
        white-space: nowrap;
        overflow: hidden;


This project doesn't have a license, making reuse or redistribution complicated.

Does'nt work in webpack

npm install leaflet-measure
var L = require('leaflet');

Complains of fs..
webpackMissingModule @ leaflet-measure.js:14
(anonymous function) @ leaflet-measure.js:14
(anonymous function) @ leaflet-measure.js:407
(anonymous function) @ bundle.js:5325
webpack_require @ bundle.js:30
(anonymous function) @ Map.jsx:31
(anonymous function) @ bundle.js:5127
webpack_require @ bundle.js:30
(anonymous function) @ TraitMap.jsx:29
(anonymous function) @ bundle.js:5115
webpack_require @ bundle.js:30
(anonymous function) @ TraitMapContainer.jsx:33
(anonymous function) @ bundle.js:3681
webpack_require @ bundle.js:30
(anonymous function) @ MainContentContainer.jsx:25
(anonymous function) @ bundle.js:3675
webpack_require @ bundle.js:30
(anonymous function) @ AppContainer.jsx:35
(anonymous function) @ bundle.js:3441
webpack_require @ bundle.js:30
(anonymous function) @ app.js:45
(anonymous function) @ bundle.js:57
webpack_require @ bundle.js:30
(anonymous function) @ bundle.js:50
(anonymous function) @ bundle.js:53
webpackUniversalModuleDefinition @ bundle.js:7
(anonymous function) @ bundle.js:10

Overwritable templates

That's a great plugin! There is one thing I would very much like that it supports: custom templates. What about putting the templates into options so we can use our own templates? I think this should be pretty easy, isn't it?

L.Control.Measure = L.Control.extend({
  _className: 'leaflet-control-measure',
  options: {
    position: 'topright',
    primaryLengthUnit: 'feet',

    resultsTemplate = _.template("....")

and then in code

  _updateResults: function () {
    var calced = calc.measure(this._latlngs);

    // instead of : this.$results.innerHTML = resultsTemplate({})
    this.$results.innerHTML = this.options.resultsTemplate({});

leaflet measure for angular

Is there a way to integrate the plugin with angular leaflet directive ?

I tried to use the custom controls like this :

var measureControl = new L.Control.Measure({
        position: 'left'

angular.extend($scope, {
     controls : {
          custom : [measureControl]

<leaflet center="center" controls="controls" layers="layers"></leaflet>

But it doesn't work.

Tools doesn't work after I add my layers to the map?

Hi There,
This is a great tool and is exactly what I'm looking for but unfortunately I can't get it to work! It works fine when I add it to a map with just some generic baselayers but I have an image map service that is brought in using l.esri.imageMapService and then rendered using a raster function.

My image layer is in WGS 1984 Web Mercator Auxillary Sphere. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Question ?

how can fixed 3 decimals digits after comma with area measurements.

Assigning the measure control event to a html Button and use from there?

At present, the measure control is added to Map. I dont want the control get added to my map. Instead i had a html toolbar and on click of a button inside that, the measure control event should activate.

Leaflet.PM (drawing tool plugin) gave the option to assign the events to custom buttons. Is it possible with your plugin. Please help.

Disable clicks on other map layers while measurement is active

This should be optional, but enabled by default. While measurement is active, do not allow clicks on any other map layers (markers, polygons, etc..).

Currently, this can be handled by the user by adding some implementation in the measurestart, measureend events. Add this as standard feature.

Add sqlkilometers as predefined unit

I think sqkilometers should be supported by default (as sqmiles is supported).

It's a tiny implementation:

sqkilometers : {
    factor: 0.000001,
    display: 'Km. cuadrados', // This should be i18n files
    decimals: 2

Reduce size

leaflet-measure.min.js is relatively large. Work to reduce this size. An easy start is to decide if some of the little used dependencies (like color) are worth the overhead.

Docking with zoom controls

I would love to add this into the single control panel I currently have with zoom and fullscreen buttons.


Is there an option to combine or does it have to sit standalone?

Demo not working

The demo does not work.

TypeError: d is undefined
leaflet....min.js (Zeile 3, Spalte 1)

TypeError: L is undefined
var map ='map', {
/leaflet-measure/ (Zeile 51, Spalte 9)

Maybe a result of the JS Minification...

Error when building with webpack

When I try to include leaflet-measure as a dependency and build with webpack I get this error:

ERROR in .../leaflet-measure/dist/leaflet-measure.js
Module build failed: SyntaxError: Invalid number (4006:32)

4006 | fs.mkdirSync(, 0755);

It seems like this is non-standard way of writing an octal number - it should be:

fs.mkdirSync(, 0o755);

See options defaults here:

Compatibility with

Love the plugin! However, I'm building a map using mapbox extensions (e.g., and my code hiccups if I try to add leaflet-measure. Change to, and measure works (though on my maps, a lot of other stuff breaks). Any chance of supporting mapbox?

Allow custom templates and translations

Currently look of measure templates are hardcoded. There could be configuration parameters which allow to :

  • specify custom templates
  • custom translation messages

Get the results

Hi, is there any way to get the result values? As far as I examine the "measurefinish" event, it is just used for warning the user. By the way I don't want to get the values from DOM search, after popup appears.


Custom point display formatting

Currently the map shows things like

1017° 00' 00" S / 14° 30' 00" W
-1,017.000000 / -14.500000

For one on my map the N/S and E/W are switched over (I think that's the behaviour for any TRS map?), i.e. those coordinates would be 1017 W / 14.5 S. Next part is that we don't even have a degree / minutes / seconds based system, so it really should just show it as 14.5 S / 1017(.0) W. Would be nice if the display of coordinates could be made available as a function that can be passed into the measure constructor to override default behaviour.

Using leaflet-measure module in Angular2

I tried to import leaflet-measure as a module in Angular2 but apparently it is not possible:

import * as C from 'leaflet-measure' I have also tried import * as C from 'leaflet-measure/dist/leaflet-measure.min.js'

        var mapOptions = {
            center: L.latLng(0, 0),
            zoom: 3

        var measureControl = C.Control.Measure(mapOptions)

Any suggestion on how to accomplish this?

Find measure by LatLeng


I am use on map click handle for show popup identify features.

If measure created on click handle hide measure popup...

How to find measure object by coords and disable identify features popup?

Changing mouse cursor during measurement

Hello every body!
I think the mouse cursor on map isn't proper when the measurement control is active.
So I tried to change it:

.layer-measuredrag {
  cursor: crosshair !important;

But it doesn't work! Any idea?

Allow setting options from map options

Appreciate it if you could allow setting of leaflet-measure options from map options during map initialization.

In leaflet-measure.js from line 7480:

  measureControl: false,
  measureControlOptions: null

L.Map.addInitHook(function () {
  if (this.options.measureControl) {
    this.measureControl = (new L.Control.Measure(this.options.measureControlOptions)).addTo(this);

Then we can do this:

var myMap ='mapElementId', {
  measureControl: true,
  measureControlOptions: options

Much appreciated if we can have this feature.
Thank you.

Webpack compile error upon import

One of the dependencies of this package is causing a Webpack compile error which comes out simply by importing leaflet-measure.


Here is the PR for the fix: #83

Three points and it works?

Very odd issue with new version. I am using Chrome v51. The first measurement I try to make, The First click (no lat/lon) Second No lat/lon, third, then I get a three point measurement. (using latest beta of Leaflet).

But then if I cancel or accept the measurement, and start making new measurements, I get correct operation from the very first point (first: lat/long, second click: a line measurement, etc.)

             measureControl = new L.Control.Measure({
                 position: 'topleft',
                 captureZIndex: 10000,
                 primaryLengthUnit: 'meters',
                 secondaryLengthUnit: 'cm',
                 primaryAreaUnit: 'sqmeters',
                 secondaryAreaUnit: 'sqm',
                 units: {
                     cm: {
                         factor: 100,
                         display: 'cm',
                         decimals: 2
                     sqm: {
                         factor: 1,
                         display: 'sqm',
                         decimals: 4

Measurement to Map Markers (with popup)

I have lots of MapMarkers with bound popups (click) that give details about that sensor reading. Users love the leaflet-measure tool. But the issue is that they cannot take measurements of distances between map markers due to the conflict of what .click() does.

Any suggestions?

When using `preferCavas`, measure tool is broken

If using a canvas renderer for leaflet, the measurement tool is somewhat broken. The control points dont show up and there is an error stating layer._path is undefined. Is there some way to support the canvas renderer or trick the map into using svg renderer for measurement drawing?

Link to plunker

adding languages


i translated leaflet-measure into several languages (hu,sl,sk,ro,cz) and would like to share them with you.
I don't fully comprehend how the localization structure works so I'll just post it here hoping someone with more understanding can integrate it.

hu = {
'measure': 'Mérés',
'measureDistancesAndAreas': 'Távolság- és területmérések',
'createNewMeasurement': 'Egy új mérés elvégzése',
'startCreating': 'Végezzen mérést pontok elhelyezésével a térképen.',
'finishMeasurement': 'Mérés befejezése',
'lastPoint': 'Utolsó pont',
'area': 'Terület',
'perimeter': 'Szegély',
'pointLocation': 'Pont helyzete',
'areaMeasurement': 'Mért terület',
'linearMeasurement': 'Mért távolság',
'pathDistance': 'Kijelölt vonal távolsága',
'centerOnArea': 'Közelítés erre a területre',
'centerOnLine': 'Közelítés erre a vonalra',
'centerOnLocation': 'A település közepére igazítani',
'cancel': 'Mégse',
'delete': 'Törlés',
'acres': 'Holnap',
'feet': 'Láb',
'kilometers': 'Kilométer',
'hectares': 'Hektár',
'meters': 'Méter',
'miles': 'Mérföld',
'sqfeet': 'Négyzetláb Feet',
'sqmeters': 'Négyzetméter',
'sqmiles': 'Fedvények',
'decPoint': ',',
'thousandsSep': ' '

[others to follow]

Metric/SI linear and area units

Current measurements are presented as feet, miles, and acres. Add control options to use other units, like meters, kilometers, sq meters.

Delete Last Point of measurment

Hi, is there a way to delete the last point of measurement, in case of user commit an error in measurement. Is there some implementation for this functionality ?


Custom distance calculations

Are there any plans to support custom calculators for distances? E.g. in my setup I have a flat map and a change of 1.0 in either direction represents exactly 1 meter. Now I could probably just create a custom unit myMeters with a really small "factor" value but I suppose it might be neat to have it more generalised.

Clicking on map after starting measurement not doing anything

Hi there,

just added the measure control to my map (after trying it on your demo and now I really want it ;) ). The control itself works fine: It enlarges when hovering, I can start measurements and cancel / "finish" them. But after starting a measurement clicking on the map does not add any points.

Stripped my stuff from the code so it's now basically just a Leaflet map instance with the control added, still not working. You can have a look at it here: (or download that test on ).

Any idea what's going wrong with my map?

Kind regards,

add a point on a created layer

After clicking on finish measurement and the layer created , if a new measurement is created and a point is placed inside the created feature, it shows the information window instead of adding a new point. The same happens if external layers are added to the map.

A way to handle that is to get the measure start event , then catch layer click and simulate a map click :

map.fireEvent('click', {
  latlng: latlngPoint,
  layerPoint: map.latLngToLayerPoint(latlngPoint),
  containerPoint: map.latLngToContainerPoint(latlngPoint)

I tried that on handling click on my layers and it works .

yarn install failed

I try to install leaflet-measure with yarn install command, i've got an error and install failed, "Cannot read property 'toUpperCase' of undefined" but npm install is fine ...
Test with all version, when i remove leaflet-measure from package.json, yarn install done with success..

Localization support

Hello. thanks for lib. is it possible add translation to lib and use own translating?

Option to export drawn feature as GeoJSON?

I could not find any documentation regarding this feature. If this feature is not yet included, it would be really great if this option was added. leaflet.draw.js has this functionality, that is, minus the measurements.

Add less dependency on SVG and CSS for map feature styling

The current expectation is styling of map graphics is done via CSS. This works when 1. paths are rendered as SVG and 2. there is browser SVG CSS styling support. This leaves too many cases for issues.

Better option.. Still support CSS styling if this is the preferred customization method, but apply default styles to features directly and add additional control options to better support style customization.

Additional control options: I don't want to add detailed pathOptions for every map feature produced by the control. That would suck. We can add 2 new options: 1. activeColor and 2. completedColor. These will be used to set colors on all paths. Other style details like line widths, opacity, marker size, etc... will only be available through CSS. If that level of styling is necessary, just fork and do something different.

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