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Bayesian Optimisation & Reinforcement Learning Research

This directory contains official implementations for Bayesian optimization & Reinforcement Learning works developed by Huawei, Noah's Ark Lab.

Further instructions are provided in the README files associated to each project.

Bayesian Optimisation Research


Bayesian optimization library developed by Huawei Noahs Ark Decision Making and Reasoning (DMnR) lab. The winning submission to the NeurIPS 2020 Black-Box Optimisation Challenge.

Codebase associated to: Framework and Benchmarks for Combinatorial and Mixed-variable Bayesian Optimization accepted at NeurIPS (2023).


This paper introduces a modular framework for Mixed-variable and Combinatorial Bayesian Optimization (MCBO) to address the lack of systematic benchmarking and standardized evaluation in the field. Current MCBO papers often introduce non-diverse or non-standard benchmarks to evaluate their methods, impeding the proper assessment of different MCBO primitives and their combinations. Additionally, papers introducing a solution for a single MCBO primitive often omit benchmarking against baselines that utilize the same methods for the remaining primitives. This omission is primarily due to the significant implementation overhead involved, resulting in a lack of controlled assessments and an inability to showcase the merits of a contribution effectively. To overcome these challenges, our proposed framework enables an effortless combination of Bayesian Optimization components, and provides a diverse set of synthetic and real-world benchmarking tasks. Leveraging this flexibility, we implement 47 novel MCBO algorithms and benchmark them against seven existing MCBO solvers and five standard black-box optimization algorithms on ten tasks, conducting over 4000 experiments. Our findings reveal a superior combination of MCBO primitives outperforming existing approaches and illustrate the significance of model fit and the use of a trust region. We make our MCBO library available under the MIT license at

regret-all Codebase associated to: End-to-End Meta-Bayesian Optimisation with Transformer Neural Processes, accepted at NeurIPS (2023).


Meta-Bayesian optimisation (meta-BO) aims to improve the sample efficiency of Bayesian optimisation by leveraging data from related tasks. While previous methods successfully meta-learn either a surrogate model or an acquisition function independently, joint training of both components remains an open challenge. This paper proposes the first end-to-end differentiable meta-BO framework that generalises neural processes to learn acquisition functions via transformer architectures. We enable this end-to-end framework with reinforcement learning (RL) to tackle the lack of labelled acquisition data. Early on, we notice that training transformer-based neural processes from scratch with RL is challenging due to insufficient supervision, especially when rewards are sparse. We formalise this claim with a combinatorial analysis showing that the widely used notion of regret as a reward signal exhibits a logarithmic sparsity pattern in trajectory lengths. To tackle this problem, we augment the RL objective with an auxiliary task that guides part of the architecture to learn a valid probabilistic model as an inductive bias. We demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art regret results against various baselines in experiments on standard hyperparameter optimisation tasks and also outperforms others in the real-world problems of mixed-integer programming tuning, antibody design, and logic synthesis for electronic design automation.

Codebase associated to: Are Random Decomositions all we need in High Dimensional Bayesian Optimisation accepted at ICML (2023).


Learning decompositions of expensive-to-evaluate black-box functions promises to scale Bayesian optimisation (BO) to high-dimensional problems. However, the success of these techniques depends on finding proper decompositions that accurately represent the black-box. While previous works learn those decompositions based on data, we investigate data-independent decomposition sampling rules in this paper. We find that data-driven learners of decompositions can be easily misled towards local decompositions that do not hold globally across the search space. Then, we formally show that a random tree-based decomposition sampler exhibits favourable theoretical guarantees that effectively trade off maximal information gain and functional mismatch between the actual black-box and its surrogate as provided by the decomposition. Those results motivate the development of the random decomposition upper-confidence bound algorithm (RDUCB) that is straightforward to implement - (almost) plug-and-play - and, surprisingly, yields significant empirical gains compared to the previous state-of-the-art on a comprehensive set of benchmarks. We also confirm the plug-and-play nature of our modelling component by integrating our method with HEBO, showing improved practical gains in the highest dimensional tasks from Bayesmark.

AntBO overview

Codebase associated to: AntBO: Towards Real-World Automated Antibody Design with Combinatorial Bayesian Optimisation published in Cell Reports Methods (2023).


Antibodies are canonically Y-shaped multimeric proteins capable of highly specific molecular recognition. The CDRH3 region located at the tip of variable chains of an antibody dominates antigen-binding specificity. Therefore, it is a priority to design optimal antigen-specific CDRH3 regions to develop therapeutic antibodies to combat harmful pathogens. However, the combinatorial nature of CDRH3 sequence space makes it impossible to search for an optimal binding sequence exhaustively and efficiently, especially not experimentally. Here, we present AntBO: a Combinatorial Bayesian Optimisation framework enabling efficient in silico design of the CDRH3 region. Ideally, antibodies should bind to their target antigen and be free from any harmful outcomes. Therefore, we introduce the CDRH3 trust region that restricts the search to sequences with feasible developability scores. To benchmark AntBO, we use the Absolut! software suite as a black-box oracle because it can score the target specificity and affinity of designed antibodies in silico in an unconstrained fashion. The results across 188 antigens demonstrate the benefit of AntBO in designing CDRH3 regions with diverse biophysical properties. In under 200 protein designs, AntBO can suggest antibody sequences that outperform the best binding sequence drawn from 6.9 million experimentally obtained CDRH3s and a commonly used genetic algorithm baseline. Additionally, AntBO finds very-high affinity CDRH3 sequences in only 38 protein designs whilst requiring no domain knowledge. We conclude AntBO brings automated antibody design methods closer to what is practically viable for in vitro experimentation.


Codebase associated to: BOiLS: Bayesian Optimisation for Logic Synthesis accepted at DATE22 conference.


Optimising the quality-of-results (QoR) of circuits during logic synthesis is a formidable challenge necessitating the exploration of exponentially sized search spaces. While expert-designed operations aid in uncovering effective sequences, the increase in complexity of logic circuits favours automated procedures. Inspired by the successes of machine learning, researchers adapted deep learning and reinforcement learning to logic synthesis applications. However successful, those techniques suffer from high sample complexities preventing widespread adoption. To enable efficient and scalable solutions, we propose BOiLS, the first algorithm adapting modern Bayesian optimisation to navigate the space of synthesis operations. BOiLS requires no human intervention and effectively trades-off exploration versus exploitation through novel Gaussian process kernels and trust-region constrained acquisitions. In a set of experiments on EPFL benchmarks, we demonstrate BOiLS's superior performance compared to state-of-the-art in terms of both sample efficiency and QoR values.

Codebase associated to: High-Dimensional Bayesian Optimisation with Variational Autoencoders and Deep Metric Learning


We introduce a method based on deep metric learning to perform Bayesian optimisation over high-dimensional, structured input spaces using variational autoencoders (VAEs). By extending ideas from supervised deep metric learning, we address a longstanding problem in high-dimensional VAE Bayesian optimisation, namely how to enforce a discriminative latent space as an inductive bias. Importantly, we achieve such an inductive bias using just 1% of the available labelled data relative to previous work, highlighting the sample efficiency of our approach. As a theoretical contribution, we present a proof of vanishing regret for our method. As an empirical contribution, we present state-of-the-art results on real-world high-dimensional black-box optimisation problems including property-guided molecule generation. It is the hope that the results presented in this paper can act as a guiding principle for realising effective high-dimensional Bayesian optimisation.


Codebase associated to: Are we Forgetting about Compositional Optimisers in Bayesian Optimisation? accepted at JMLR.


Bayesian optimisation presents a sample-efficient methodology for global optimisation. Within this framework, a crucial performance-determining subroutine is the maximisation of the acquisition function, a task complicated by the fact that acquisition functions tend to be non-convex and thus nontrivial to optimise. In this paper, we undertake a comprehensive empirical study of approaches to maximise the acquisition function. Additionally, by deriving novel, yet mathematically equivalent, compositional forms for popular acquisition functions, we recast the maximisation task as a compositional optimisation problem, allowing us to benefit from the extensive literature in this field. We highlight the empirical advantages of the compositional approach to acquisition function maximisation across 3958 individual experiments comprising synthetic optimisation tasks as well as tasks from Bayesmark. Given the generality of the acquisition function maximisation subroutine, we posit that the adoption of compositional optimisers has the potential to yield performance improvements across all domains in which Bayesian optimisation is currently being applied.


Codebase associated to: Efficient Robust Bayesian Optimization for Arbitrary Uncertain Inputs


Bayesian Optimization (BO) is a sample-efficient optimization algorithm widely employed across various applications. In some challenging BO tasks, input uncertainty arises due to the inevitable randomness in the optimization process, such as machining errors, execution noise, or contextual variability. This uncertainty deviates the input from the intended value before evaluation, resulting in significant performance fluctuations in the final result. In this paper, we introduce a novel robust Bayesian Optimization algorithm, AIRBO, which can effectively identify a robust optimum that performs consistently well under arbitrary input uncertainty. Our method directly models the uncertain inputs of arbitrary distributions by empowering the Gaussian Process with the Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MMD) and further accelerates the posterior inference via Nystrom approximation. Rigorous theoretical regret bound is established under MMD estimation error and extensive experiments on synthetic functions and real problems demonstrate that our approach can handle various input uncertainties and achieve state-of-the-art performance.

Reinforcement Learning Research

Codebase associated to paper: Enhancing Reinforcement Learning Agents with Local Guides


This paper addresses the problem of integrating local guide policies into a Reinforcement Learning agent. For this, we show how to adapt existing algorithms to this setting before introducing a novel algorithm based on a noisy policy-switching procedure. This approach builds on a proper Approximate Policy Evaluation (APE) scheme to provide a perturbation that carefully leads the local guides towards better actions. We evaluated our method on a set of classical Reinforcement Learning problems, including safetycritical systems where the agent cannot enter some areas at the risk of triggering catastrophic consequences. In all the proposed environments, our agent proved to be efficient at leveraging those policies to improve the performance of any APE-based Reinforcement Learning algorithm, especially in its first learning stages.

Codebase associated to: Sauté RL: Almost Surely Safe RL Using State Augmentation and Enhancing Safe Exploration Using Safety State Augmentation.

Abstract for Sauté RL: Almost Surely Safe RL Using State Augmentation (ICML 2022)

Satisfying safety constraints almost surely (or with probability one) can be critical for deployment of Reinforcement Learning (RL) in real-life applications. For example, plane landing and take-off should ideally occur with probability one. We address the problem by introducing Safety Augmented (Saute) Markov Decision Processes (MDPs), where the safety constraints are eliminated by augmenting them into the state-space and reshaping the objective. We show that Saute MDP satisfies the Bellman equation and moves us closer to solving Safe RL with constraints satisfied almost surely. We argue that Saute MDP allows to view Safe RL problem from a different perspective enabling new features. For instance, our approach has a plug-and-play nature, i.e., any RL algorithm can be "sauteed". Additionally, state augmentation allows for policy generalization across safety constraints. We finally show that Saute RL algorithms can outperform their state-of-the-art counterparts when constraint satisfaction is of high importance.

Abstract for Effects of Safety State Augmentation on Safe Exploration (NeurIPS 2022)

Safe exploration is a challenging and important problem in model-free reinforcement learning (RL). Often the safety cost is sparse and unknown, which unavoidably leads to constraint violations -- a phenomenon ideally to be avoided in safety-critical applications. We tackle this problem by augmenting the state-space with a safety state, which is nonnegative if and only if the constraint is satisfied. The value of this state also serves as a distance toward constraint violation, while its initial value indicates the available safety budget. This idea allows us to derive policies for scheduling the safety budget during training. We call our approach Simmer (Safe policy IMproveMEnt for RL) to reflect the careful nature of these schedules. We apply this idea to two safe RL problems: RL with constraints imposed on an average cost, and RL with constraints imposed on a cost with probability one. Our experiments suggest that simmering a safe algorithm can improve safety during training for both settings. We further show that Simmer can stabilize training and improve the performance of safe RL with average constraints.

Code associdated to: Model-Based Offline Reinforcement Learning with Pessimism-Modulated Dynamics Belief accepted at NeurIPS (2022) conference.


Model-based offline reinforcement learning (RL) aims to find highly rewarding policy, by leveraging a previously collected static dataset and a dynamics model. While learned through reuse of static dataset, the dynamics model's generalization ability hopefully promotes policy learning if properly utilized. To that end, several works propose to quantify the uncertainty of predicted dynamics, and explicitly apply it to penalize reward. However, as the dynamics and the reward are intrinsically different factors in context of MDP, characterizing the impact of dynamics uncertainty through reward penalty may incur unexpected tradeoff between model utilization and risk avoidance. In this work, we instead maintain a belief distribution over dynamics, and evaluate/optimize policy through biased sampling from the belief. The sampling procedure, biased towards pessimism, is derived based on an alternating Markov game formulation of offline RL. We formally show that the biased sampling naturally induces an updated dynamics belief with policy-dependent reweighting factor, termed Pessimism-Modulated Dynamics Belief. To improve policy, we devise an iterative regularized policy optimization algorithm for the game, with guarantee of monotonous improvement under certain condition. To make practical, we further devise an offline RL algorithm to approximately find the solution. Empirical results show that the proposed approach achieves state-of-the-art performance on a wide range of benchmark tasks.

hebo's People


aivarsoo avatar ajikmr avatar alaya-in-matrix avatar alexmaraval avatar antgro avatar dennissoemers avatar eltociear avatar juliuszziomek avatar kaimo455 avatar kygguo avatar mdasifkhan avatar pauldaoudi avatar paulvstrashnov avatar petarsteinberg avatar sanket-kamthe avatar yanglin-jason avatar


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hebo's Issues

Issue with hebo/acq_optimizers/

When the eval() function in the acquisition function class involves gradient backward, because line 102 of hebo/acq_optimizers/ is ''with torch.no_grad():'', the gradient cannot be passed back. delete this line solves the problem. Why add this line ? Will deleting this line affect the final output result ?

background: I am using the genetic algrithm to find good hyperparameters for neural network training using pytorch.

ValueError: The value argument must be within the support

2021-11-01 08:02:44.622 ERROR Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/ma-user/work/automl-1.8_EI/vega/core/pipeline/", line 79, in run
File "/home/ma-user/work/automl-1.8_EI/vega/core/pipeline/", line 55, in do
File "/home/ma-user/work/automl-1.8_EI/vega/core/pipeline/", line 73, in _dispatch_trainer, evaluator)
File "/home/ma-user/work/automl-1.8_EI/vega/core/scheduler/", line 63, in run
self._update(step_name, worker_id)
File "/home/ma-user/work/automl-1.8_EI/vega/core/scheduler/", line 71, in _update
self.update_func(step_name, worker_id)
File "/home/ma-user/work/automl-1.8_EI/vega/core/pipeline/", line 131, in update
File "/home/ma-user/work/automl-1.8_EI/vega/algorithms/hpo/", line 84, in update
self.hpo.add_score(config_id, int(rung_id), rewards)
File "/home/ma-user/work/automl-1.8_EI/vega/algorithms/hpo/sha_base/", line 230, in add_score
File "/home/ma-user/work/automl-1.8_EI/vega/algorithms/hpo/sha_base/", line 159, in _set_next_ssa
configs = self.tuner.propose(self.iter_list[iter])
File "/home/ma-user/work/automl-1.8_EI/vega/algorithms/hpo/sha_base/", line 70, in propose
suggestions = self.hebo.suggest(n_suggestions=num)
File "/home/ma-user/work/model_zoo/HEBO-master/HEBO/hebo/optimizers/", line 126, in suggest
rec = opt.optimize(initial_suggest = best_x, fix_input = fix_input).drop_duplicates()
File "/home/ma-user/work/model_zoo/HEBO-master/HEBO/hebo/acq_optimizers/", line 122, in optimize
print("optimize: ", prob, algo,self.iter)
File "/home/ma-user/miniconda3/envs/MindSpore-python3.7-aarch64/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pymoo/model/", line 448, in str
s += "# f(xl): %s\n" % self.evaluate(self.xl)[0]
File "/home/ma-user/miniconda3/envs/MindSpore-python3.7-aarch64/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pymoo/model/", line 267, in evaluate
out = self._evaluate_batch(X, calc_gradient, out, *args, **kwargs)
File "/home/ma-user/miniconda3/envs/MindSpore-python3.7-aarch64/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pymoo/model/", line 335, in _evaluate_batch
self._evaluate(X, out, *args, **kwargs)
File "/home/ma-user/work/model_zoo/HEBO-master/HEBO/hebo/acq_optimizers/", line 50, in _evaluate
acq_eval = self.acq(xcont, xenum).numpy().reshape(num_x, self.acq.num_obj + self.acq.num_constr)
File "/home/ma-user/work/model_zoo/HEBO-master/HEBO/hebo/acquisitions/", line 39, in call
return self.eval(x, xe)
File "/home/ma-user/work/model_zoo/HEBO-master/HEBO/hebo/acquisitions/", line 157, in eval
log_phi = dist.log_prob(normed)
File "/home/ma-user/miniconda3/envs/MindSpore-python3.7-aarch64/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/distributions/", line 73, in log_prob
File "/home/ma-user/miniconda3/envs/MindSpore-python3.7-aarch64/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/distributions/", line 277, in _validate_sample
raise ValueError('The value argument must be within the support')
ValueError: The value argument must be within the support

Support for fixed parameters

Is it possible to have HEBO search the optimum over a design space where a parameter is defined in a regular fashion (e.g., as a real or integer), but also temporarily (i.e., during a single optimization session) to constrain the search space to a single value of that parameter, and to search only the subspace defined by the remaining unconstrained parameters?

I.e., something similar to Optuna's PartialFixedSampler

Why this is useful


Generally, it is useful to be able to run several optimization sessions, and use results of trials from previous sessions to improve convergence in the current session. As far as I can understand from the docs, using HEBO, one can run a bunch of trials in one or more sessions and then use observe api calls to feed the previous results to the bayesian model before further exploring using suggest in the current session.

Scenario no. 1 - Accelerate optimization by reducing the search space

Now, as explained in the Optuna docs linked above and in the related issue, after running a bunch of trials, one might decide upon a particular value of a parameter, and want to prevent the optimizer from investing more time on exploring values of that parameter are clear not to yield better results, but taking into account the results obtained with other values of that parameter (along the dimensions of other unbound params, the trained cost predictor might still provide valuable insights).

Scenario no. 2 - Transfer Learning

If this is implemented, one could do transfer learning, in a fashion similar to the one proposed, e.g., by SMAC3 (they call this feature 'Optimization across Instances') or OpenBox, i.e., to reuse knowledge about high yield sub-regions from one instance (dataset/task) to another.

Potential Solution

I'm thinking that one could simply change the bounds of a particular parameter every time a new optimization session is started. However, I'm not quite sure that the observe call will accept values that are out of bounds, and, even if it doesn't crash, that the underlying bayesian model is trained correctly.

Typo in hebo/optimizers/ Incorrect Parameter axsi instead of axis


There is a typo in the hebo/optimizers/ file on line 172 where the parameter axsi is used instead of axis.


File : hebo/optimizers/
Line : 172

Current Code

if rec.shape[0] < n_suggestions:
    rand_rec = self.quasi_sample(n_suggestions - rec.shape[0], fix_input)
    rec = pd.concat([rec, rand_rec], axsi=0, ignore_index=True)


The parameter should be axis, not axsi.

Suggested Fix

Replace axsi with axis:

if rec.shape[0] < n_suggestions:
    rand_rec = self.quasi_sample(n_suggestions - rec.shape[0], fix_input)
    rec = pd.concat([rec, rand_rec], axis=0, ignore_index=True)


This typo may cause runtime errors when this code path is executed, as pd.concat does not recognize axsi as a valid parameter.

logging module does not work when using HEBO

When I used HEBO package to run my single objective optimization, and used logging module in python to record some details, the log below the log level of ERROR does not work. It means it cannot print on the console as usual.

However, when I did this, it works. Can somebody figure it out?

can only concatenate str (not "NoneType") to str

Dear authors,

when i run the command "./weighted_retraining/scripts/robust_opt/", i got the following error, do you know how to fix it? thanks

python ./weighted_retraining/weighted_retraining/robust_opt_scripts/ --seed=3 --gpu --query_budget=500 --retraining_frequency=50 --pretrained_model_file=./weighted_retraining/assets/pretrained_models/chem_vanilla/chem.ckpt --pretrained_model_id vanilla --batch_size 128 --lso_strategy=opt --train_path=weighted_retraining/data/chem/zinc/orig_model/tensors_train --val_path=weighted_retraining/data/chem/zinc/orig_model/tensors_val --vocab_file=weighted_retraining/data/chem/zinc/orig_model/vocab.txt --property_file=weighted_retraining/data/chem/zinc/orig_model/pen_logP_all.pkl --n_retrain_epochs=0.1 --latent_dim 56 --beta_target_pred_loss 10 --target_predictor_hdims [128,128] --metric_loss triplet --metric_loss_kw {'threshold':.1} --beta_metric_loss 1 --beta_final 0.001 --n_init_retrain_epochs=1 --n_best_points=2000 --n_rand_points=8000 --n_inducing_points=500 --samples_per_model 0 --weight_type=rank --rank_weight_k=1e-3 --acq-func-id ExpectedImprovement --acq-func-kwargs {} --acq-func-opt-kwargs {'batch_limit':25} --use_pretrained
r=50 k=1e-3 seed=4
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./weighted_retraining/weighted_retraining/robust_opt_scripts/", line 1115, in
File "./weighted_retraining/weighted_retraining/robust_opt_scripts/", line 525, in main
File "./weighted_retraining/weighted_retraining/robust_opt_scripts/", line 351, in get_path
File "./weighted_retraining/weighted_retraining/robust_opt_scripts/", line 250, in get_root_path
exp_spec += '-' + METRIC_LOSSES[metric_loss]'exp_metric_id'
TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "NoneType") to str

An unexpected bug

When I using hebo.sklearn_tuner to optimize the hyperparameters of xgboost, there is an error that "TypeError: 'float' object cannot be interpreted as an integer", so I made a breakpoint to enter the function to find out the reason. It's because the dataframe class method iloc will transform the data type from int to float, which will cause the error.

help on optimization restart

sorry, I know this problem belongs to GPy, but I'm new to GP and I can't really solve the problem by myself.
I get following error

Training is completed. Best valid loss:2.801e-01
Warning - optimization restart 2/10 failed
Warning - optimization restart 3/10 failed
Warning - optimization restart 4/10 failed
Warning - optimization restart 5/10 failed
Warning - optimization restart 6/10 failed
Warning - optimization restart 7/10 failed
Warning - optimization restart 8/10 failed
Warning - optimization restart 9/10 failed
Warning - optimization restart 10/10 failed

My search space is following:
hps = []
hps.append({'name': 'num_layers', 'type': 'int', 'lb': 3, 'ub': 20})
hps.append({'name': 'num_nodes', 'type': 'int', 'lb': 8, 'ub': 1024})
hps.append({'name': 'learning_rate', 'type': 'pow', 'lb': 1e-4, 'ub': 1e-1, 'base': 10})

basically searching for best MLP width, layer and learning rate.
Any possible solution?

thank you in advance

'float' object cannot be interpreted as an integer

I get the following error TypeError: 'float' object cannot be interpreted as an integer when attempting to search with a XGB model.

space_cfg = [
{'name' : 'max_depth', 'type' : 'int', 'lb' : 1, 'ub' : 10},
{'name' : 'min_child_weight', 'type' : 'int', 'lb' : 1, 'ub' : 100},
{'name': 'n_estimators', 'type' : 'int', 'lb': 1, 'ub': 10000},
{'name': 'alpha', 'type': 'num', 'lb': 0, 'ub': 100},
{'name': 'lambda', 'type': 'num', 'lb': 0, 'ub': 100},
{'name': 'gamma', 'type': 'num', 'lb': 0, 'ub': 100},
{'name': 'eta', 'type': 'pow', 'lb': 1e-5, 'ub': 1},
{'name': 'colsample_bytree', 'type': 'num', 'lb': 1/3, 'ub': 1},
{'name': 'colsample_bylevel', 'type': 'num', 'lb': 1/3, 'ub': 1},
{'name': 'colsample_bynode', 'type': 'num', 'lb': 1/3, 'ub': 1},
{'name': 'subsample', 'type': 'num', 'lb': 1/27, 'ub': 100},

Problem with pest synthetic problem

I have been trying to use the pest synthetic problem in the MCBO package. If I try to run

from HEBO.MCBO.mcbo import task_factory
from HEBO.MCBO.mcbo.optimizers.bo_builder import BO_ALGOS

task = task_factory(task_name="pest")
search_space = task.get_search_space()

optimizer = BO_ALGOS['CoCaBO'].build_bo(search_space=search_space, n_init=10)

for i in range(100):
    x = optimizer.suggest(1)
    y = task(x)
    optimizer.observe(x, y)
    print(f'Iteration {i + 1:3d}/{100:3d} - f(x) = {y[0, 0]:.3f} - f(x*) = {optimizer.best_y:.3f}')

then it leads to an assertion error on line 101 in assert x.ndim == 1 and len(x) == self._n_stages

I can get around the error by manually setting the number of stages by saying task._n_stages=24. I noticed on line 108 of it says for i in range(1, n_stages): which might have something to do with it.

Am I doing something wrong or is there potentially a bug in the pest problem?

ValueError: NaN in distribution

Hi, thanks for this repository! So far it works quite well, but now I suddenly encountered a weird error after 11 optimization steps of non-batched HEBO:

ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
/tmp/ipykernel_2773121/ in <module>
     36 for i in range(opt_steps):
---> 37     rec = opt.suggest()
     38     if "bs" in rec:
     39         rec["bs"] = 2 ** rec["bs"]

~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/hebo/optimizers/ in suggest(self, n_suggestions, fix_input)
    151             sig = Sigma(model, linear_a = -1.)
    152             opt = EvolutionOpt(, acq, pop = 100, iters = 100, verbose = False,
--> 153             rec = opt.optimize(initial_suggest = best_x, fix_input = fix_input).drop_duplicates()
    154             rec = rec[self.check_unique(rec)]

~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/hebo/acq_optimizers/ in optimize(self, initial_suggest, fix_input, return_pop)
    125         crossover = self.get_crossover()
    126         algo      = get_algorithm(, pop_size = self.pop, sampling = init_pop, mutation = mutation, crossover = crossover, repair =
--> 127         res       = minimize(prob, algo, ('n_gen', self.iter), verbose = self.verbose)
    128         if res.X is not None and not return_pop:
    129             opt_x = res.X.reshape(-1, len(lb)).astype(float)

~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pymoo/ in minimize(problem, algorithm, termination, copy_algorithm, copy_termination, **kwargs)
     82     # actually execute the algorithm
---> 83     res =
     85     # store the deep copied algorithm in the result object

~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pymoo/core/ in run(self)
    211         # while termination criterion not fulfilled
    212         while self.has_next():
--> 213   
    215         # create the result object to be returned

~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pymoo/core/ in next(self)
    231         # call the advance with them after evaluation
    232         if infills is not None:
--> 233             self.evaluator.eval(self.problem, infills, algorithm=self)
    234             self.advance(infills=infills)

~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pymoo/core/ in eval(self, problem, pop, skip_already_evaluated, evaluate_values_of, count_evals, **kwargs)
     93         # actually evaluate all solutions using the function that can be overwritten
     94         if len(I) > 0:
---> 95             self._eval(problem, pop[I], evaluate_values_of=evaluate_values_of, **kwargs)
     97             # set the feasibility attribute if cv exists

~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pymoo/core/ in _eval(self, problem, pop, evaluate_values_of, **kwargs)
    110         evaluate_values_of = self.evaluate_values_of if evaluate_values_of is None else evaluate_values_of
--> 112         out = problem.evaluate(pop.get("X"),
    113                                return_values_of=evaluate_values_of,
    114                                return_as_dictionary=True,

~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pymoo/core/ in evaluate(self, X, return_values_of, return_as_dictionary, *args, **kwargs)
    123         # do the actual evaluation for the given problem - calls in _evaluate method internally
--> 124, out, *args, **kwargs)
    126         # make sure the array is 2d before doing the shape check

~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pymoo/core/ in do(self, X, out, *args, **kwargs)
    161     def do(self, X, out, *args, **kwargs):
--> 162         self._evaluate(X, out, *args, **kwargs)
    163         out_to_2d_ndarray(out)

~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/hebo/acq_optimizers/ in _evaluate(self, x, out, *args, **kwargs)
     47         with torch.no_grad():
---> 48             acq_eval = self.acq(xcont, xenum).numpy().reshape(num_x, self.acq.num_obj + self.acq.num_constr)
     49             out['F'] = acq_eval[:, :self.acq.num_obj]

~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/hebo/acquisitions/ in __call__(self, x, xe)
     38     def __call__(self, x : Tensor,  xe : Tensor):
---> 39         return self.eval(x, xe)
     41 class SingleObjectiveAcq(Acquisition):

~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/hebo/acquisitions/ in eval(self, x, xe)
    155             normed    = ((self.tau - self.eps - py - noise * torch.randn(py.shape)) / ps)
    156             dist      = Normal(0., 1.)
--> 157             log_phi   = dist.log_prob(normed)
    158             Phi       = dist.cdf(normed)
    159             PI        = Phi

~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/distributions/ in log_prob(self, value)
     71     def log_prob(self, value):
     72         if self._validate_args:
---> 73             self._validate_sample(value)
     74         # compute the variance
     75         var = (self.scale ** 2)

~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/distributions/ in _validate_sample(self, value)
    286         valid = support.check(value)
    287         if not valid.all():
--> 288             raise ValueError(
    289                 "Expected value argument "
    290                 f"({type(value).__name__} of shape {tuple(value.shape)}) "

ValueError: Expected value argument (Tensor of shape (100, 1)) to be within the support (Real()) of the distribution Normal(loc: 0.0, scale: 1.0), but found invalid values:
tensor([[ -1.1836],
        [ -1.2862],
        [  0.3811],
        [ -2.0235],
        [ -1.7288],
        [ -8.3472],
        [ -2.6084],
        [ -0.8098],
        [ -0.9687],
        [ -9.0626],
        [ -2.2273],
        [ -9.0942],
        [ -1.6956],
        [ -6.6197],
        [ -9.3882],
        [ -6.1594],
        [ -9.2895],
        [ -1.7074],
        [  0.8382],
        [ -0.8303],
        [  0.2808],
        [ -9.3681],
        [ -0.6729],
        [ -2.0288],
        [ -1.4389],
        [ -7.1975],
        [ -1.3800],
        [ -1.9773],
        [ -1.4668],
        [ -9.7166],
        [ -8.3093],
        [ -0.0808],
        [  0.3732],
        [ -2.3120],
        [ -8.7503],
        [ -1.6276],
        [     nan],
        [ -9.1615],
        [ -9.8093],
        [ -2.0716],
        [ -1.9259],
        [  0.9543],
        [ -8.1521],
        [ -2.5709],
        [ -1.6153],
        [ -0.0763],
        [  0.0543],
        [ -7.2755],
        [ -7.9253],
        [ -2.0001],
        [ -1.3243],
        [ -1.5527],
        [ -0.9219],
        [ -1.0130],
        [ -8.5818],
        [ -8.8115],
        [ -1.0410],
        [ -1.8399],
        [ -1.0827],
        [ -1.0277],
        [ -6.4768],
        [ -8.3902],
        [ -0.9513],
        [ -1.3429],
        [ -1.0889],
        [ -7.2952],
        [ -7.8548],
        [ -0.0231],
        [ -7.1898],
        [ -1.2503],
        [ -0.3398],
        [ -9.5764],
        [ -0.2335],
        [ -0.3788]])

Seems like there is a NaN in some distribution of HEBO. But my input parameters (opt.X) and losses (opt.y) are never NaN.
This is the design space I'm using:

space = DesignSpace().parse([{'name': 'lr', 'type' : 'num', 'lb' : 0.00005, 'ub' : 0.1},
                                 {'name': 'n_estimators', 'type' : 'int', 'lb' : 1, 'ub' : 20},  # multiplied by 10
                                 {'name': 'max_depth', 'type' : 'int', 'lb' : 1, 'ub' : 10},
                                 {'name': 'subsample', 'type' : 'num', 'lb' : 0.5, 'ub' : 0.99},
                                 {'name': 'colsample_bytree', 'type' : 'num', 'lb' : 0.5, 'ub' : 0.99},
                                 {'name': 'gamma', 'type' : 'num', 'lb' : 0.01, 'ub' : 10.0},
                                 {'name': 'min_child_weight', 'type' : 'int', 'lb' : 1, 'ub' : 10},
                                 {'name': 'fill_type', 'type' : 'cat', 'categories' : ['median', 'pat_median','pat_ema']},
                                 {'name': 'flat_block_size', 'type' : 'int', 'lb' : 1, 'ub' : 1}
opt = HEBO(space)

I already commented out flat_block_size as I thought that maybe it is a problem if lb == ub, but it still crashes.

Any ideas on how I can debug this?

applying FIFO in Concurrent trials through Ray Tune

the max_concurrent feature is extremely helpful to speed up the optimization process though parallelization. However, the problem is that to start the next set of trials, it has to wait until ALL the concurrent trials (defined by max_concurrent) finishes. which is counter intuitive in my use case as some combination of hyperparameters takes too long to finish compared to other combinations. which leaves most of the CPUs Idle most of the time due to one trial taking too long. does HEBO need to have all concurrent running trials finish to suggest the next combination or is there a way to make it suggest the next combination once any of the concurrent running trails finish so no CPUs stays Idle until all of them finish?
btw, I'm using Ray Tune to deploy HEBO.

[Quick Fix] Licence in the Setup ?

HI can you add licence info in the setup file ?

Something like

setup( .... , 
        'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License',

This will make licenses flow through PyPi correctly

mixed_variable_operator was removed from pymoo.operators in v0.6.0.

Since release v0.6.0 of pymoo yesterday (, HEBO's acq_optimizers fail to import because of an ImportError during the module's own imports:

  tests/unittests/algo/long/hebo/ in <module>
      from hebo.models.model_factory import model_dict
  .tox/algo/lib/python3.7/site-packages/hebo/ in <module>
      from . import acq_optimizers
  .tox/algo/lib/python3.7/site-packages/hebo/acq_optimizers/ in <module>
      from . import evolution_optimizer
  .tox/algo/lib/python3.7/site-packages/hebo/acq_optimizers/ in <module>
      from pymoo.operators.mixed_variable_operator import MixedVariableMutation, MixedVariableCrossover

Import error

ModuleNotFoundError Traceback (most recent call last)
---> 10 from hebo.optimizers.hebo import HEBO
11 from import BO

2 frames
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/hebo/acq_optimizers/ in
13 from torch.quasirandom import SobolEngine
14 from pymoo.factory import get_problem, get_mutation, get_crossover, get_algorithm
---> 15 from pymoo.operators.mixed_variable_operator import MixedVariableMutation, MixedVariableCrossover
16 from pymoo.optimize import minimize
17 from pymoo.core.problem import Problem

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pymoo.operators.mixed_variable_operator'

Typo in about: Developped should be Developed

In the repository About section:
Bayesian optimisation & Reinforcement Learning library developped by Huawei Noah's Ark Lab
should be
Bayesian optimisation & Reinforcement Learning library developed by Huawei Noah's Ark Lab

T-LBO conda environment PackageNotFound errors (Windows)

(base) C:\Users\sterg>git clone
Cloning into 'HEBO'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 845, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (27/27), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (17/17), done.
remote: Total 845 (delta 13), reused 10 (delta 10), pack-reused 818
Receiving objects: 100% (845/845), 10.13 MiB | 3.98 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (317/317), done.

(base) C:\Users\sterg>cd HEBO

(base) C:\Users\sterg\HEBO>conda env create -f lsbo_metric_env.yml

EnvironmentFileNotFound: 'C:\Users\sterg\HEBO\lsbo_metric_env.yml' file not found

(base) C:\Users\sterg\HEBO>cd T-LBO

(base) C:\Users\sterg\HEBO\T-LBO>conda env create -f lsbo_metric_env.yml
Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): done
Solving environment: failed

  - certifi==2020.12.5=py37h06a4308_0
  - libpng==1.6.37=hbc83047_0
  - tensorflow-gpu==2.2.0=h0d30ee6_0
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  - numpy-base==1.19.1=py37hfa32c7d_0
  - expat==2.2.10=he6710b0_2
  - tensorflow==2.2.0=gpu_py37h1a511ff_0
  - setuptools==50.3.0=py37hb0f4dca_1
  - sqlite==3.33.0=h62c20be_0
  - libprotobuf==
  - lcms2==2.11=h396b838_0
  - ninja==1.10.1=py37hfd86e86_0
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  - bzip2==1.0.8=h7b6447c_0
  - wrapt==1.12.1=py37h7b6447c_1
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  - pyyaml==5.3.1=py37h7b6447c_1
  - cairo==1.14.12=h8948797_3
  - fontconfig==2.13.0=h9420a91_0
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  - multidict==4.7.6=py37h7b6447c_1
  - sip==4.19.8=py37hf484d3e_0
  - mkl_fft==1.2.0=py37h23d657b_0
  - zstd==1.4.5=h9ceee32_0
  - kiwisolver==1.2.0=py37hfd86e86_0
  - pillow==8.0.0=py37h9a89aac_0
  - c-ares==1.16.1=h7b6447c_0
  - pytorch==1.7.1=py3.7_cuda10.1.243_cudnn7.6.3_0
  - mkl_random==1.1.1=py37h0573a6f_0
  - python==3.7.9=h7579374_0
  - libxml2==2.9.10=he19cac6_1
  - protobuf==
  - tensorflow-base==2.2.0=gpu_py37h8a81be8_0
  - openssl==1.1.1k=h27cfd23_0
  - xz==5.2.5=h7b6447c_0
  - tornado==6.0.4=py37h7b6447c_1
  - rdkit==2020.03.3.0=py37hc20afe1_1
  - regex==2020.10.15=py37h7b6447c_0
  - libuuid==1.0.3=h1bed415_2
  - lz4-c==1.9.2=heb0550a_3
  - libxcb==1.14=h7b6447c_0
  - libboost==1.67.0=h46d08c1_4
  - brotlipy==0.7.0=py37h7b6447c_1000
  - cupti==10.1.168=0
  - mkl-service==2.3.0=py37he904b0f_0
  - dbus==1.13.18=hb2f20db_0
  - scikit-learn==0.23.2=py37h0573a6f_0
  - freetype==2.10.3=h5ab3b9f_0
  - libedit==3.1.20191231=h14c3975_1
  - libtiff==4.1.0=h2733197_1
  - pyqt==5.9.2=py37h05f1152_2
  - matplotlib-base==3.3.1=py37h817c723_0
  - ca-certificates==2021.4.13=h06a4308_1
  - ncurses==6.2=he6710b0_1
  - libstdcxx-ng==9.1.0=hdf63c60_0
  - libgcc-ng==9.1.0=hdf63c60_0
  - zlib==1.2.11=h7b6447c_3
  - glib==2.66.1=h92f7085_0
  - hdf5==1.10.6=hb1b8bf9_0
  - cffi==1.14.3=py37he30daa8_0
  - qt==5.9.7=h5867ecd_1
  - icu==58.2=he6710b0_3
  - gstreamer==1.14.0=hb31296c_0
  - h5py==2.10.0=py37hd6299e0_1
  - tk==8.6.10=hbc83047_0
  - jpeg==9b=h024ee3a_2
  - pixman==0.40.0=h7b6447c_0
  - cryptography==3.1.1=py37h1ba5d50_0
  - libffi==3.3=he6710b0_2
  - ld_impl_linux-64==2.33.1=h53a641e_7
  - libuv==1.40.0=h7b6447c_0
  - readline==8.0=h7b6447c_0
  - py-boost==1.67.0=py37h04863e7_4
  - numpy==1.19.1=py37hbc911f0_0
  - pcre==8.44=he6710b0_0
  - gst-plugins-base==1.14.0=hbbd80ab_1
  - aiohttp==3.6.3=py37h7b6447c_0


"I want to know what path should be filled in the file named 'abc_release_path.txt'. Initially, I filled in 'abc' as the path after compiling with 'make'. However, I encountered an error."

Definition of "compositional" in "compositional optimizers"

At one point, I may have understood this, but I find myself often wondering and asking again: what does "compositional" in "compositional optimizer" refer to? Part of my confusion probably stems from my materials informatics background, where composition often refers to the chemical make-up (i.e. chemical formula) of a particular compound. In other cases, it just implies that the contribution of individual components sums to one.

Superfluous LightGBM Dependency Apple Silicon Incompatible

This package requires lightgbm - which I can find no instance of being used in the code - however, this breaks the install on Apple silicon, e.g. there are no simple ways to install LightGBM on Mac M1/M2/M3.

If this unneeded dependency can be removed, I can simply pip install HEBO in my code once more!

Installation issue for Agent on java branch

@AntGro i tried installing Agent from the java branch. But came into this error:

$ conda create -n agent --file conda-linux-64.lock
Retrieving notices: ...working... done

CondaFileIOError: 'conda-linux-64.lock'. [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'conda-linux-64.lock'

switching to master resolved.

Issues with Cholesky decompositions on simple benchmark

I get some issues with the Cholesky Decompositions. Here's how to reproduce it:

  1. Go to:
  2. Run all cells.
  3. Then, either we get the exception:
NanError: cholesky_cpu: 3716 of 3721 elements of the torch.Size([61, 61]) tensor are NaN.


NotPSDError: Matrix not positive definite after repeatedly adding jitter up to 1.0e-04.

What matrix is being decomposed here? Can I influence or change this matrix using some hyperparameters? What can I do?

Thank you!

Support for `numpy>=1.25`

Right now it's pinned to numpy<1.25,>=1.16, which is blocking us from upgrading numpy to the latest version 1.26.

HEBO demo codes fail


I installed the HEBO library, and tried to run the demo codes here:


Both begin executing but eventually fail with the error:
TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'prob_per_variable'

The complete stacktrace for the second demo code (auto-tuning sklearn estimator) is:

Iter 0, best metric: 0.398791  
Iter 1, best metric: 0.492467
Iter 2, best metric: 0.658477
Iter 3, best metric: 0.658477
Iter 4, best metric: 0.658477
Iter 5, best metric: 0.658477
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/redacted_path_1/HEBO-master/HEBO/hebo/", line 74, in sklearn_tuner
    rec     = opt.suggest()
  File "/redacted_path_1/HEBO-master/HEBO/hebo/optimizers/", line 153, in suggest
    rec = opt.optimize(initial_suggest = best_x, fix_input = fix_input).drop_duplicates()
  File "/redacted_path_1/HEBO-master/HEBO/hebo/acq_optimizers/", line 126, in optimize
    algo      = get_algorithm(, pop_size = self.pop, sampling = init_pop, mutation = mutation, crossover = crossover, repair =
  File "/redacted_path_2/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pymoo-0.6.0.dev0-py3.7-linux-x86_64.egg/pymoo/", line 85, in get_algorithm
    return get_from_list(get_algorithm_options(), name, args, {**d, **kwargs})
  File "/redacted_path_2/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pymoo-0.6.0.dev0-py3.7-linux-x86_64.egg/pymoo/", line 49, in get_algorithm_options
    from pymoo.algorithms.moo.ctaea import CTAEA
  File "/redacted_path_2/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pymoo-0.6.0.dev0-py3.7-linux-x86_64.egg/pymoo/algorithms/moo/", line 223, in <module>
    class CTAEA(GeneticAlgorithm):
  File "/redacted_path_2/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pymoo-0.6.0.dev0-py3.7-linux-x86_64.egg/pymoo/algorithms/moo/", line 230, in CTAEA
    mutation=PM(eta=20, prob_per_variable=None),
  File "/redacted_path_2/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pymoo-0.6.0.dev0-py3.7-linux-x86_64.egg/pymoo/operators/mutation/", line 77, in __init__
    super().__init__(prob=prob, **kwargs)
  File "/redacted_path_2/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pymoo-0.6.0.dev0-py3.7-linux-x86_64.egg/pymoo/core/", line 29, in __init__
  File "/redacted_path_2/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pymoo-0.6.0.dev0-py3.7-linux-x86_64.egg/pymoo/core/", line 10, in __init__
TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'prob_per_variable'

Can you provide pointers for fixing this? Thanks!

asap7.lib not Found

When I run the command:
python ./core/algos/bo/boils/ --designs_group_id log2 --n_parallel $n_parallel 1 --seq_length 20 --mapping fpga --action_space_id extended --ref_abc_seq resyn2 --n_total_evals 200 --n_initial 20 --device 0 --lut_inputs 4 --use_yosys 1 --standardise --ard --acq ei --kernel_type ssk --length_init_discrete_factor .666 --failtol 40 --objective lut --seed 0
It shows 'asap7.lib' not found. Can you share it?
Thank you.

The inverse_transform does not work as expected.

Original Codes:

def inverse_transform(self, x):
return (self.base ** x).astype(int)

As I understand here the function inverse_transform() should worked as taking a arbiraty input(s) as exponent, however we cannot guaranteed the input(s) as Int dtype. In such case, if we have codes as below:

def suggest(self, n_suggestions = None, fix_input : dict = None):
self.pop = self.algo.ask()
pop_x = torch.from_numpy(self.pop.get('X').astype(float)).float()
x = pop_x[:,]
xe = pop_x[:,].round().long()
rec =, xe)
if fix_input is not None:
for k, v in fix_input.items():
rec[k] = v
x, xe =
x_cat =[x, xe.float()], dim = 1).numpy()
self.pop.set('X', x_cat)
return rec

Here x could be arbitary number, assuming we have x=np.array([5.4]), write some toy codes below to demostrate the problem:

from hebo.design_space.int_exponent_param import IntExponentPara
p = IntExponentPara({'name': 'p', 'base': 2, 'lb': 32, 'ub': 256})  # expected parameter values [32, 64, 128, 256]
x = np.array([5.4])
# >>> [42]
# 2**5.4=42.22, after astype(int) is 42, but not in valid values [32, 64, 128, 256]

That is to say, what optimzer.evolution.suggest() produces suggested parameter(s) could violate its definition. To resovled this issue, I open a pull request.

Comparison of HEBO models

Hi! HEBO seems to support a great variety of models but in your paper you only mention Gaussian Processes. Is this the recommended type of model to use? Is there a comparison somewhere?

HEBO class for constrained optimization

Hi HEBO. Through online documentation, the GeneralBO class can be used to achieve constrained BO. But I want to use HEBO class to achieve constrained Bayesian optimization, how to achieve it? example failing with pymoo version 0.5.0

Using the latest version of pymoo==0.5.0 the example fails with the error:

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pymoo.algorithms.so_genetic_algorithm'

It would be great if we could either make the example compatible with pymoo==0.5.0 or update the requirements and install instructions to specify pymoo==0.4.2 as the required version.

The example runs with pymoo==0.4.2 albeit breaks with a different error after 5 iterations:

/Users/~/opt/miniconda3/envs/hebo/bin/python /Users/ryan_rhys/ml_physics/HEBO/HEBO/hebo/
Iter 0, best metric: 0.389011
Iter 1, best metric: 0.496764
Iter 2, best metric: 0.649803
Iter 3, best metric: 0.649803
Iter 4, best metric: 0.649803
Iter 5, best metric: 0.649803
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/~/opt/miniconda3/envs/hebo/lib/python3.8/site-packages/hebo/acq_optimizers/", line 119, in optimize
    res   = minimize(prob, algo, ('n_gen', self.iter), verbose = self.verbose)
  File "/Users/~/opt/miniconda3/envs/hebo/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pymoo/", line 85, in minimize
    res = algorithm.solve()
  File "/Users/~/opt/miniconda3/envs/hebo/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pymoo/model/", line 226, in solve
  File "/Users/~/opt/miniconda3/envs/hebo/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pymoo/model/", line 321, in _solve
  File "/Users/~/opt/miniconda3/envs/hebo/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pymoo/model/", line 246, in next
  File "/Users/~/opt/miniconda3/envs/hebo/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pymoo/algorithms/", line 93, in _next =, self.pop, self.n_offsprings, algorithm=self)
  File "/Users/~/opt/miniconda3/envs/hebo/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pymoo/model/", line 40, in do
    _off =, pop, off)
  File "/Users/~/opt/miniconda3/envs/hebo/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pymoo/model/", line 26, in do
    pop = pop[~self._do(pop, None, np.full(len(pop), False))]
  File "/Users/~/opt/miniconda3/envs/hebo/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pymoo/model/", line 75, in _do
    D = self.calc_dist(pop, other)
  File "/Users/~/opt/miniconda3/envs/hebo/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pymoo/model/", line 66, in calc_dist
    D = cdist(X, X)
  File "/Users/~/opt/miniconda3/envs/hebo/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pymoo/util/", line 90, in cdist
    return scipy.spatial.distance.cdist(A, B, **kwargs)
  File "/Users/~/opt/miniconda3/envs/hebo/lib/python3.8/site-packages/scipy/spatial/", line 2954, in cdist
    return cdist_fn(XA, XB, out=out, **kwargs)
ValueError: Unsupported dtype object

hebo take up too much cpus

The main process of HEBO take up 1600% cpus, which makes other parts of the program run very slowly. Is there any way to reduce the cpu usage of hebo? Thanks!

Issues using aig_optimization task in MCBO


I have been struggling to use the 'aig_optimization' task that is included in the mcbo package. When I say:

task = task_factory(task_name='aig_optimization')
search_space = task.get_search_space()
x = search_space.sample()
y = task(x)

it throws the error:

File ".../HEBO/MCBO/mcbo/tasks/eda_seq_opt/utils/", line 72, in get_designs_path
for design_id in group:
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'group' referenced before assignment

I tried to correct this by specifying 'designs_group_id':

task = task_factory(task_name='aig_optimization', **{'designs_group_id': 'epfl_arithmetic'})
search_space = task.get_search_space()
x = search_space.sample()
y = task(x)

But then it throws an error saying that \filepath\abc does not exist, so I went to MCBO/mcbo/tasks/eda_seq_opt/abc_release_path.txt and changed the file path. Then, I tried again, and it threw the error:

File ".../.../lib/python3.9/", line 528, in run
    raise CalledProcessError(retcode, process.args,
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['../libs/EDA/abc', '-c', 'read ./mcbo/tasks/data/epfl_benchmark/arithmetic/hyp.blif; balance; rewrite; refactor; balance; rewrite; rewrite -z; balance; refactor -z; rewrite -z; balance; if -K 6;print_stats; ']' returned non-zero exit status 127.

From here I am really not sure what else to try. Have I done something wrong? Is there a bug in the aig_optimization task?

Update PyPI package to version 0.3.5

The newest version of HEBO fixes a lot of dependencies, for instance with pymoo and pandas as mentioned in #26 and #42. Currently running pip install git+ fixes this issue however, I believe it would be a better solution to update the PyPI package from 0.3.2 to 0.3.5


我在近期的文献阅读中发现了“Efficient Robust Bayesian Optimization for Arbitrary Uncertain Inputs”这篇由您撰写的文章,这篇文章我认为非常优秀。在学习过程中,我注意到文章标注了其将开源于HEBO项目,不过可能受限于时间问题,目前该部分尚未更新。

mcbo error

When I try to run the file inside the test folder of mcbo, I first encountered a group error. I looked up the corresponding groups and selected one, naming the designs_group_id in task_kwargs as 'open_abc_orig'. Are there any other options or alternative solutions for this?

Secondly, when I ran it again, I encountered a TypeError: init() missing 3 required positional arguments: 'obj_dims', 'out_constr_dims', and 'out_upper_constr_vals'. Currently, I'm trying to solve this by providing values for these three arguments. Is this a reasonable solution? If so, how do I know what values are most appropriate to assign?

Lastly, I encountered a PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/root/autodl-tmp/MCBO2/abc'. What should be the path filled in abc_release_path.txt?

Support for conditional/hierarchical design spaces

Can one specify a conditional/hierarchical search space to HEBO? I.e., something similar to SMAC3?

E.g., only sample the number of convoutional filters in the second layer of a neural net only if we decide (by another parameter )to have a network with at least two layers.

I'm thinking that this can be somewhat circumvented by returning a high cost value for infeasible combinations, but I imagine this might be a suboptimal approach as it might affect optimization performance since, e.g., some optima might lie on the edge of feasible regions, and the cost estimator, if it has some sort of smoothness prior (which they usually do), has a chance of assigning unfaithfully high cost values near the infeasible configurations - at least initially (i.e., the a priori probability of a kink in the error surface is generally lower).

Some optimizers are able to address this by training a different model - a feasability predictor (which has the advantage of being able to work with unknown feasibility constraints).

So how should one deal with this in HEBO?

Issues running the

a. Please see a screenshot of the changes where I modified the output of the get_hpo_specs, the saved_model_path, the T value in env_spec. I also changed the “param_iter” to 1999 as I finished the training with 2000 iterations and I see the file of weight_1999 in the directory.


I saw an error thrown by checking below (7200%295!=0), and I changed the T to make it pass:
assert self.params["max_steps"] % gym.spec(self.params['env_id']).max_episode_steps == 0
b. Errors are thrown for self.dispatch_seeds[0] out of index is fixed by:


ValueError in HEBO

HEBO/hebo/models/gp/ Line 154
pred = torch.distributions.normal.Normal(torch.zeros(len(Xc)), torch.eye(len(Xc)))
should be written as,
pred = torch.distributions.MultivariateNormal(torch.zeros(len(Xc)), torch.eye(len(Xc))).sample()

Independent features for hebo: "EmbeddingAlignmentCells(EACs)"

Impressive repo:) Thanks to all the contributors!!

I notice that EACs only support tree-structure features. But, if i have some features independent to the stages, the property "EACs.subspaces" will ignore the independent features. Maybe some modifications to these independent features should be done in the object EACs.

Looking forward to your response.

[BUG] Demo example fails to run


I pull the repo and install via

pip install -e .

then I run the Demo example, but it fails to execute with the following error

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/HEBO/HEBO/benchmarks/", line 17, in <module>
    opt.observe(rec, obj(rec))
  File "/HEBO/HEBO/hebo/optimizers/", line 206, in observe
    self.X   = self.X.append(XX, ignore_index = True)
  File "/HEBO/HEBO/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 5989, in __getattr__
    return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
AttributeError: 'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'append'

My guess is there is some data conversion wrong. Could anyone fix that?


pymoo has no module 'algorithms.so_genetic_algorithm'

When running the example code for sklearn tuner, I get the following error message

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pymoo.algorithms.so_genetic_algorithm'

The line of code in question is from pymoo.algorithms.so_genetic_algorithm import GA within

I can reproduce it standalone as well (i.e. installing pymoo and trying to run that import), and I don't see this algorithm in pymoo's API reference.

Looks like this comes from a breaking change in pymoo 0.5.0, which they detailed "The package structure has been modified to distinguish between single- and multi-objective optimization more clearly."

Based on their updated API for version 0.5.0, I believe but am not sure that the genetic algorithm import needs to be changed to:

from import GA

CUDA out of memory for BOiLS

X1_full = torch.repeat_interleave(X1.unsqueeze(0), len(indicies), dim=0)[ RuntimeError: CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 3.89 GiB (GPU 0; 11.93 GiB total capacity; 3.49 GiB already allocated; 3.65 GiB free; 7.67 GiB reserved in total by PyTorch)

BOiLS takes up too many GPU memories. Do you have any suggestions about it?

missing library_file asap7.lib

We are reproducing the results of the work HEBO/BOiLS at master. An AssertionError about the missing of library_file asap7.lib is caught when running the following commands.
python ./core/algos/bo/boils/ --designs_group_id log2 --n_parallel $n_parallel 1 \ --seq_length 20 --mapping fpga --action_space_id extended --ref_abc_seq resyn2 \ --n_total_evals 200 --n_initial 20 --device 0 --lut_inputs 4 --use_yosys 1 \ --standardise --ard --acq ei --kernel_type ssk \ --length_init_discrete_factor .666 --failtol 40 \ --objective both \ --seed 0
Could you please provide it? Thanks.

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