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Trinotate is a transcriptome annotation and quantification pipeline that stores the results in a sqlite database. The database contains transcript to gene mapping, protein predictions, blast matches for nucleotides and proteins against multiple databases, several prediction software tools results (signalp etc) and differential expression results.
Trinotate web provides an interface to the results but requires a web server and sqlite. The interface doesn’t support filtering or pagination but only keyword search in blobs of data combining all results for a given transcript.
I have created a galaxy visualisation for Trinotate sqlite db. Currently it can display the contents of the db with filtering and pagination. The source code is in The test folder contains a sample trinotate sqlite database provided with Trinotate Web.
My plan is to add the ability to compare multiple transcriptomes and use galaxy trackster browser to see how different transcriptomes align to uniref proteins or a related species. I have several questions on how to implement this:
1-The grid was implemented using angular.js ui-grid because of the support for expandable grids. Is this a good choice? Any better alternatives?
2-Server side filtering and pagination was implemented in the sql call to sqlite data provider. In order to keep the various sub grids in sync all results include gene_id subquery that joins all tables and filters. This is quite messy. Again is there any better alternative?
3-The first improvement I need is to be able to compare multiple transcriptomes. I don’t want to modify the database schema so to maintain compatibility with trinotate. I am planning to pre- append the gene names with transcriptome name and then filter in sql. Each assembly will have a sub-grid and filtering will be done across all transcriptome so that it will be possible to see for instance how many genes are differentially expressed in each assembly or how many of these have blast results for a given e-value threshold. Is the subgrid idea reasonable?
4-Next requirement is to be able to visualise transcripts from various transcriptomes against a single reference, which can be alignments of predicted proteins against uniref. This will allow researchers to see which transcriptomes best assemble their proteins of interest. The idea is to use trackster to display blast results of transcripts aligning to a given protein. I haven’t started looking into this yet so any ideas are welcome.
Any suggestions, bug fixes, pull requests are welcome. This is my first javascript project so please forgive in advance the bugs.


Galaxy tools/conda, works in progress and to be done

Please add any tools that you're adding to conda below. Feel free to modify this comment to add things.

Galaxy Disk Usage Visualization

I'm working on ( a better way for users to view and delete the data they have. I have a work in progress branch that uses d3 to generate a treemap, and plotly to display it. It looks like this:


Would love help. It's primarily javascript w/ backbone, though we might have to add functionality to the API in Galaxy, which would of course be work in python.

Primary targets are better hover information, the ability to select histories from the view, and general usability improvements prior to linking it into Galaxy.

GCC2016 Hackathon - Comment here to be added!

Comment on this issue and I'll add your user to the hackathon team so you'll be able to create branches here and commit.

Also, please go ahead and make planning issues for any projects you'd like to work on!

Make fastq datasets compressible on the fly.

Uncompressed fastq is a huge waste of disk space. So, a proposal:

  1. Datasets should have attributes "compressible", "uncompressible", "compress_to", "uncompress_to" and "compressed" that allow to flag that this type can be compressed and what datatype it would become once compressed.
  2. The API should be extended with a "compress" and "uncompress" method.
  3. Implicit datatype converters should be leveraged to do on-the-fly decompression for tools that need it.
  4. The tool input form should be aware of where compressed datasets can be used where an uncompressed dataset of appropriate type would typically be used.
  5. A new type, FastqGz should be created to support gzipped fastq.
  6. (Optional) uncompressed datasets should be cache.

As discussed with @ashvark and @dannon.

Submit workflows to ToolShed via the Galaxy workflow interface

Galaxy can upload workflows to but it would be also nice to upload workflows directly to the Galaxy ToolShed. For the sake of simplicity we should assume a TS account for the hackathon.

Things you can learn:

  • workflows
  • Galaxy and TS API


  • python
  • JavaScript

FASTQ datatype enhancements

As discussed with @frederikcoppens it would be nice to upload compressed FASTQ-files and to handle them properly in tools.

One way to do this is to enhance the already existing FASTQ datatype with a new metadata element that indicates if it compressed or not. Tools should then be able to recognize this metadata element. GSNAP is one of the tools which would benefit from it.

You can learn about:

  • datatypes
  • metadata
  • tools & metadata


  • python

Data manager for GTF/GFF files

There should be a data manager for genome annotation files to populate the .loc file (e.g. to use for featurecounts).

Microbial reference data tool wrapper

A colleague has written a python script that uses the data library api to add data libraries of microbial references to Galaxy by genus and/or species from Refseq.

  • It will need to be an admin only tool.

Galaxy Security Issues

Adding more support for password strength, changes and handling; inactive account suspension, and adding account creation with tokens and email to bioblend.

Installation of workflow re-installs existing tools?

When installing a workflow with dependencies, the tools are installed again while they were already available in the instance.
Can this be avoided?

I did not specify versions in the xml for dependencies (in case this would make a difference)

IGV.js browser needs galaxy api updates

Make changes to the galaxy to allow access from IGV.js

  • api/
  • return fasta index .fai
  • type param to return raw sequence from show

retrieve external dataset url for bed,gff,bam,vcf from api

Publishing a Workflow to TS & installing it elsewhere

POC of steps needed to

  • export a workflow
  • define dependencies
  • get it in TS
  • install it elsewhere (with dependencies)

To Do

  • add test data set to come along at install
  • same for interactive tour

make an interactive tour for this too?

Enhancing Shared Data Libraries

Design representative testing/tutorial/training data to be published as Shared Data Libraries.


  • Migrate intact Data Libraries from one Galaxy to another #40 #24
  • Compile and provide small, representative data that is well annotated.
  • Aim for data that provides interesting results or highlights typical issues in the analysis
  • Aim for a range of workflows
  • Base off of published analyses (key publications with reproducible results)
  • Publically accessible original data source
  • Capture data reduction methods

Discussion points:

  • Analyses to target? I.e: genomes, transcriptomes/exomes, NGS samples, reference annotation, and any other content required to execute complete workflows.
    • what are the common issues with each analysis to highlight?
  • Useful data already on the site?


  • Submit workflows to ToolShed via the Galaxy workflow interface #4
  • Training Data (includes tutorial, example) #28
  • Coding Hack: Make the necessary modifications to Data Library structure/interface etc.

History item labels: preserve sample names in datasets

Provide a way to label history items, and have the labels propagate downstream to derivative history items.

In other words: Show sample names on history items, which is much more useful than sticking "on data 11" onto the title.

Show each label in a box off to the side of the title.

  • even when collapsed
    If the label list is too wide, show a "..." label which shows a drop-down of the rest on click.
    User can delete or rename any label.
  • but it won't propagate to existing downstream history items (?)

Store in a new database table

  • 2 fields: HDA id, label
    When a new history item is created, label it with all the labels of its inputs.

2016 GCC Data Hackathon Hub

2016 GCC Data Hackathon Hub

The 2nd annual Data Wrangling Hackathon (“Datathon”) starts on Saturday, June 25 and continues on Sunday, June 26. The associated Coding Hackathon #1 overlaps with these dates. The working rooms of both hacks will be in close proximity and the two Hackathons will share meals to encourage and facilitate collaboration.


Datathon Focus

Code Hack Focus Collaboration

Those participating in the GCC 2016 Datathon will have the opportunity to contribute to Galaxy in the following areas:

  1. Help to improve the overall Galaxy experience from a scientific usage perspective by suggesting how specific use-cases and other interface changes make “Using Galaxy” even better.
  2. Contribute ideas, provide example data, and perform follow-up testing for point-changes involving wrapped tools and/or the user interface for modifications performed in collaboration with the Coding Hackathon. Participants are encouraged to directly contribute to coding activities if interested.
  3. Develop best-practice workflows for publication at (tutorial design: written, video, shared objects, tours - all could be part of this effort). There are many analysis areas that are well represented, yet there are opportunities for those in the scientific community to contribute and to share in their area of expertise.
  4. Design representative testing/tutorial/training data to be published as Shared Data Libraries. Data that has been manipulated to be small, representative, and provides interesting results or highlights typical issues in the analysis, for a range of analysis workflows, is the primary goal. Which analysis to target? This is up to the participants. "Data" may include genomes, transcriptomes/exomes, NGS samples, reference annotation, and any other content required to execute complete workflows.
  5. General documentation of all flavors and types. Learned something new? Have a tip? We’ll wrangle these up during the Datathon and find the best place to get the information out there where other users can benefit.

Aside from the aforementioned areas, all forms of contribution are welcome! Everyone is strongly encouraged to post suggestion/opinion/criticism below.

We will be using Github to organize this year (not Trello). This is how it works:

  1. Get a Github account
  2. Watch this repository and star this ticket
  3. Share your ideas and feedback
  4. New tickets opened and linked to this one - for concrete and actionable tasks directly related to Galaxy and/or specific Tools (created in the appropriate repositories).

See all soon! Cheers from Christian (@cschu), Frederik (@frederikcoppens), and Jennifer (@jennaj)

For prior comments, please see: galaxyproject#2520

uwsgi by default, IE proxy improvements (maybe?)

Finish up this galaxyproject/starforge#95 and then this: galaxyproject#2385

Package uWSGI in a standalone wheel (pyuwsgi). Make it the default for checked out Galaxy (already will be default for packaged Galaxy).

This would mean IEs will require uwsgi. We can enable features conditionally based on whether the uwsgi module is available.

Stretch goal: create some endpoint that uses websockets for testing.


uWSGI component

  • build and test pyuwsgi wheel using extension class approach
  • write a wrapper script
  • modify and test paster configuration loading uwsgi

IE component

  • proxy endpoint with dynamic routes
  • what can be streamlined in the current Galaxy side of the proxy
  • test like mad

UCSC TrackHub Visualization

#Tool_development #Python #UCSC_trackHub #Visualization #Tracks #Cheetah


Another project we could work on is...TrackHub UCSC Visualization through Galaxy:

Track hubs are web-accessible directories of genomic data that can be viewed on the UCSC Genome Browser.

Track hubs can be displayed on genomes that UCSC directly supports, or on your own sequence. Hubs are a useful tool for visualizing a large number of genome-wide data sets. For example, a project that has produced several wiggle plots of data can use the hub utility to organize the tracks into composite and super-tracks, making it possible to show the data for a large collection of tissues and experimental conditions in a visually elegant way, similar to how the ENCODE native data tracks are displayed in the browser.

Here are a few screenshots about what we have available:

screen shot 2016-06-09 at 7 31 41 pm

trackhub viz color and config width 1440

The project is already well advanced, and you can see the repository here:
The TODO is here, but new ideas are more than welcome :)

You can also already play with it on this instance, under the G-OnRamp category.

Will be glad to work with you, guys!

Galaxy Communication Server (Chat)


So with @bgruening and @erasche, we are implementing a chat inside Galaxy for users to discuss all together, and have private rooms. If you are interested in such a way of people interacting right inside Galaxy, please come to talk with all three of us and take a look at the PR we made into Galaxy branch:


The project contains Python / Javascript / Galaxy communication so everyone could contribute :)

Python 3 support

Python 2.7 will not be maintained past 2020.

Add support for Python >= 3.3 while maintaining support for Python 2.6 and 2.7.


The list of files already fixed is in .ci/py3_sources.txt

Useful tools and documentation:

Requirements which need to be ported or dropped:

xref: galaxyproject#1715

Revival of Galaxy Scientists

Last year we started Galaxy Scientists as a forum for power uses to discuss UX improvements.
This did not really take of using Slack.

Is it worth to try to revive this? e.g. through a galaxy/galaxy_scientists github repo and discuss there?

Install conda packages at install-time

@bwlang and me have decided to check if we can

  • trigger conda installation when installing from the toolshed (as opposed to when first running the tool).
  • display the resolver status (seems to already work partially in current code-base)

The API endpoint already works, although strikingly a GET causes the dependency to be resolved and installed.
r = requests.get(url+"/api/dependency_resolvers/0/requirements", params={"key": your_api_key, "name": "bowtie2==2.2.8"})

One difficulty here is that the tool shed takes the dependency information (or requirements) from the tool_dependencies.xml file (which I guess will be phased out in new tools at some point).
So if we want to do that nice "Install dependencies / requirements " the toolshed should probably return the requirements from the tool xml.

And indeed, the toolsshed does already provide that information through the API
r = requests.get(ts_url+"/api/repositories/get_repository_revision_install_info", {"name":"msp_sr_readmap_and_size_histograms", "owner":"drosofff", "changeset_revision":"d6b93af0da55"})

Compression of existing FASTQ datasets

We have Galaxy instance running in our laboratory for more than 4 years. Recently, we ran out of disk space (100TB) and then we realised the FASTQ files occupied more than 60% of our disk space. I would like whether there is any solution to compress the existing FASTQ datasets both in histories and libraries of the galaxy.

Coding Hack Request: History functionality tweaks

  • Directly import data from history to data libs
  • Multiple history panel
    search all datasets should offer more options for what to do with the results
    • import everything into a datalib
    • delete selected data
    • import everything into new history
    • multi-dataset visualisation (e.g. visualise selected data in Trackster)
    • multi-set renaming?
    • run specific single-input tool on selected datasets

Optional dataset naming based on original fastq files

I'd like to implement an optional default naming convention that includes

*tool name* on *original input dataset*

@mvdbeek thinks this could be implemented with the element identifier field being talked about:

Perhaps as a next phase we could find a way to designate an input dataset or collection as a "naming source"

I'd like to find a way to make this work in the context of a workflow, but also in the context of ad-hoc analysis.

JBrowse extensions

E Rasche's (@erasche) JBrowse tool is pretty awesome.. The idea here is to add some functionality to the tool.

  • Add the indexed reference genomes to @erasche's JBrowse tool
  • Add some minor display options
    • gff default label type (gene, product etc)
    • Same for vcf
  • Default start display options and location

Should be a small job.

All your cloud are belong to us

An all new CloudLaunch is under development - multiple pluggable applications (with versions), multiple clouds, list of public Galaxy instances (+eventual search across those), and other features you would like to add.

The backend is done in Django (, exposing a REST API, and the front-end is done in Angular2 (

Feel free to join and add your components or help polish the existing functionality.

screen shot 2016-06-25 at 11 01 33 am

(Subject ref:

Training Data (includes tutorial, example)

Contributors: @jennaj @griffinp @kpoterlo @yvanlebras @BoughAida @ssander5 @devikaatgit @cschu @tnabtaf @kmurat1

This issue is dedicated to Training Data hackathon group. The idea is to gather sample data who can be used as example, tutorial, .... on Galaxy instances.

Please, don't hesitate to create a comment and add data links and description ;)


RADseq technology

Genetic map


female http://546969.197.189.163/datasets/bbbfa414ae315caf/display/
male http://546969.197.189.163/datasets/4467809fea030689/display/


progeny 1 http://546969.197.189.163/datasets/ddf83cf807e6e774/display/
progeny 2 http://546969.197.189.163/datasets/30bf7a4ced2335cc/display/

Population genomics

barcode http://546969.197.189.163/datasets/6df0b7b066ddc4c9/display/
population map http://546969.197.189.163/datasets/d796ca8e1687a54b/display/
reference genome http://546969.197.189.163/datasets/06cf32e9aa8aad75/display/
FastQ file http://546969.197.189.163/datasets/34c3e3c01e1a37f4/display/

If data are not reachable through the web (personal data on your laptop, ...) , the best way is to upload the data on a Galaxy history

The idea can be to meet after having gathering data and discuss about which one are good / duplicate / too big before proposing actions like, data directly shareable, need to be reduced, ....

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