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biotoolsregistry's Introduction

What is biotoolsregistry?

biotoolsregistry ( is the Web application of the ELIXIR Tools & Data Services Registry. It allows the curation and discovery of bioinformatics resources including databases, tools, services and so on, available under a variety of interfaces. provides a query interface, registration interface and API. The query interface allows a user to search the corpus of resource descriptions, display what fields of information are shown and filter and sort the results by various attributes. The registration interface allows the manual creation and editing of resource descriptions. The HTTP-based API allows query as well as automated creation and update of accessions. depends upon a resource description model: biotoolsSchema.


In support of discoveries in the life sciences, a plethora of databases and tools are deployed, in technically complex and diverse implementations, across a spectrum of scientific disciplines. The corpus of documentation of these resources is fragmented across the Web, with much redundancy, and has lacked a common standard of information. The outcome is that scientists must often struggle to find, understand, compare and use the best resources for the task at hand. The need - which biotoolsregistry supports - is for a comprehensive and consistent registry of information about bioinformatics resources.

Documentation and website, supported by ELIXIR — the European infrastructure for biological information - is available at (production version) (latest development version)

Please read the documentation.

Source code and installation is available under open license.


The registry content is freely available to all under the Creative Commons Attribution licence CC BY 4.0.

Governance development is covered by the emerging governance model of the project.


Please see the contributors page for a list of people involved with the project.


If you use, please cite:

Ison, J. et al. (2015). Tools and data services registry: a community effort to document bioinformatics resources. Nucleic Acids Research.

doi: 10.1093/nar/gkv1116 PMID: 26538599

This article is freely available (Open Access).

biotoolsregistry's People


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biotoolsregistry's Issues

Ontology tree widget

A thread for gathering & discussing requirements for improving the usability of the ontology tree widget

Html Widget to pull tools by query

jmcejuela says ...

Use case: group wants to show case all its tools in its own webpage, with all the info kept in the elixir registry

This should be simple enough for any group to pull the JSON and create an interface list of it. However, this could be made easier and more standard for all users as a general widget. Furthermore, the widget could include something like "Powered by Elixir Registry" to make some kind of publicity of the registry itself.

Matus commented that one group already has this specific to their needs. Cannot promise anything at this moment, but would like to standardize this and use the widget on the webpage.

matuskalas says ...

Thank you @jmcejuela . Various institution would benefit from having something like this.

It is, however, a request for the Tools Registry, not EDAM. But let's leave it here until the Tools Registry has it's own GitHub repo ;-)

jmcejuela says ...

True, I realized that later when I posted :-)


Better API documentation

API is described in a google doc

Would be nice to get a real API page description with operations and object types, such as provided (for example) by swagger.

EDAM Topic-based navigation

Graphic for scientific domains (EDAM topics) could provide an intuitive / usable way to browse.

Requested at various hackathons.

JSON download is empty

When I download a JSON repressentation of the record entry it's "empty":

  "resourceType": [
  "interface": [
      "interfaceType": ""
  "topic": [
  "publications": {
    "publicationsPrimaryID": "None"
  "function": [
      "functionName": [
  "contact": [
  "affiliation": "ELIXIR-NO"

support CORS

registry does not support CORS (cross origin requests) preventing querying the registry directly from a browser with Javascript. This complexifies the integration with other tools.

Would be nice to get CORS access, at least for GET requests

Bugs, feature requests / thoughts from ELIXIR Technical Hackathon II

A summary of requests / issues from the hackathon (


  • Sometimes the popups, even after ‘disappearing', stay above input fields blocking them from receiving any input
  • Make sure the primary publication is required/not required in both the API and web interface consistently
  • After saving changes of the entry in, no further changes can be made. The page needs to be reloaded in order to be capable of storing additional changes.


  • Add an endpoint to GET the latest version of a resource, not only a specific one
  • Some of the tools are quite similar (in general terms). A nice piece of functionality would be to create a new entry while using information from already existing entry. copy-pasting and subsequent editing of JSON file is pretty annoying.
  • It would be nice to have possibility how to style the Summary description of the resources. At least paragraphs, bold or italics.
  • Use only URIs for EDAM attributes, instead of URIs and/or terms
  • Quicker page loading
  • (Lukas) The service seems to be slow (or is doing a plenty of backend operations). After logging in I have been waiting for 10+ seconds until I was capable of working. (other) The initial loading of the home page is slow. It seems to do complex SQL DB queries, however, no data are cached, therefore, after each reloading I have to wait for a long time until the DB query finishes.-
  • (Egon) add means to group entries (e.g. all around WikiPathways: website, webservices, RDF version, etc…)
  • (Egon) Question: what about more social tools? Like CiteULike which can have a role in, for example, text mining?
  • (Egon) support for the ORCID in registry account
  • (Egon) support adding developers/contributors by ORCID
  • (Egon) ability to bookmark (and socially share otherwise) share a search query (with a lengthy URL, for example) UPDATE: already implemented in the dev version
  • (Egon) provide and allow searching for entries with publications with a high #altmetrics score
  • (Egon) convertor for Swagger configuration files (e.g. used by WikiPathways, eNanoMapper, Open PHACTS, BridgeDb) to Registry XML
  • (Egon) Question: can you define dependencies? E.g. if one tool uses another tool also in the registry?
  • example: and depend/use
  • (Egon) feature request: allow a search with “collection:ELIXIR-NL”
  • (Egon) add a field for Wikidata Q-code (which effective links to all Wikipedia language sites). Discussion start: edamontology/edamontology#36
  • (Egon) Have the GUI use the latest EDAM ontology, pref even the development version. This provides an incentive for people to improve the ontology, and without much delay get return-on-investment by being able to use their own contribution in the Registry GUI
  • (Egon) ability to add one (or more) screenshots of a tool (“a picture says…”; good for search results :)
  • Thinking about interface and functionality ‘standards’ over tools, services and resources
  • What standards have been defined over the tools, services and resources stored in the resource registry? e.g. which tools currently support MINSEQE?
  • Which tools are programmatically available via an interface that supports the given standard? e.g. at a low level, which services expose REST interfaces e.g. at a higher level, which services support queries for data using standard ‘x’ (as yet to be defined, e.g. by the interoperability platform).

Service change alert service

Service alerts – registry to support alerts / notify for when a service changes ; you can sign up to receive these alerts. This important for APIs, less so for tools (buy maybe still useful?)

API development to support various use-cases

  • Allowing link / pre-filter for the "BioMedBridges tools" (i.e. per affiliation)
  • API revisions requested by ELIXIR Hub
    API requests (Query the resources by one or several fields. ie. resourceType="ELIXIR", Return entries just with the information that is relevant for us. ie. fields="title,description,topics,institution", Pagination option ie. start=50&entries=100)
  • API support for custom views of columns
    e.g. for EBI, showing specific rows (only EBI tools) but also only specific columns (i.e. info in the EBI Tools Census)
  • Requested by WP 7 - new attribute to capture an API is WP7-compliant, then pull all databases from the registry with this attribute set.

Structured FAQ

Provide this for common tasks as part of improved docs (suggestion from user)

Support shortDescription and description

shortDescription is limited to 80 characters in Debian Med

description is unlimited

both are desirable!

we can improve the Debian Med short descriptions in due course

publication is mandatory in web interface

When creating a new tool, publication is mandatory. However it is not the case through the API.
All tools do not have a publication, this field should not be mandatory

Add a link to "latest" version of a tool

To access to a tool page (web or API), one need to specify its version.
would be best to get an access to latest version




URGENT: Implement and show statistics about

Numbers over time (can be in 1 or 2 graphs):

  • number of records over time
  • of EDAM annotations
  • of size of entries
  • of number of operations
  • of number of users(!), accounts(!), affiliations(!), institutions, ORCIDs, DOIs, PMIDs, collections, etc !!!
  • of countries!!! How? (See also next)

Geographical distributions and growth over time!


add password recovery

There is no way to recover a password if lost
One should be able to update his password (for security) or regenerate a new password.

Show "tools similar to these"

Lots of people have asked for this! Lots of ways to do it, need some score:
by function primarily
by input/output
then topic

Sorting by columns/attributes (grid view and cards view)

It's awesome that the default sorting is by modification date!

  • It should state 'modification' or so, instead of 'addition'
  • There should be a corresponding column available in the grid view
  • It should be possible to sort by ALL columns/attributes (otherwise hard to search for some stuff)

Bugs, feature requests and thoughts from ELIXIR/de.NBI hackathon

List of suggestions from

What are the highest priority developments on the registry ?

  • pull mechanism, a URL is registered, and the registry pulls the content from here, validates and imports
    this implies that such content would not be world-editable : changes would have to be made on the provider side
    it would also be needed to register a contact email to report errors
  • character restriction : UI should tell you how many chars you have left
  • a staging post for adding content, that is kept private until folk want to publish errors in JSON when edited in UI, couldn’t edit description in UI, had to edit in the JSON directly (bug)
    • staging post no longer needed given lower info. requirement, editor bug fixed
  • declaration of schema version in JSON or XML output
  • cloning an entry, to facilitate editing of similar entries
  • custom license - provide link to license text
    • license would be "Other", add link via <link><type>Terms of use</type></link>
  • tool, which is also offered as a service with similar but not same functions. Need way to preserve then edit the description (conversion tool for Christian Anton)
  • make regex visible on publication fields
    • examples, not regex, now given
  • change EDAM term using UI, this changes the label but not the URI in the JSON (bug)
    • fixed
  • fine-grained user control similar to google doc style PLUS “drive by” edits, with some moderation page that can accept these suggestions
  • enhance credit system: use of subdomains, with basic branding (but this a political decision)
  • support for card view, or basic query UI, in local places
  • basic docs on how to provide a basic view of content, from download of a JSON for a collection etc.
  • must have unique names for tools (via URI) - and at least tag duplicates
    • fixed
  • twitter announcement of every new tool registered - especially once we have the new API / reference set of tools


  • add a role of “consultancy” role to the field for tool-specific consultancy
  • add a section “friend of” which is a link to relevant bioinformatics support sites,fora, community projects etc.
  • user feedback system that lets user rate quality of tools
    This would help to identify access or other problems and would useful to rank tool search results
    Sebastian Juenemann: no good idea. Any rating creates some kind of ranking and rankings creates competition. Also such systems must then be protected from abuse and fraud. Strictly separate ratings and registry (only link to external resources for feedback and rating).
    • will not fix
  • provide a DOI per registered service that enable authors to reference it in a paper
    • use unique biotoolID assigned for each tool
  • support of metrics for frequency of tool discovery, access, update etc.
    Sebastian Juenemann: Again, this is not top priority for a registry and should be used with caution to prevent competition, abuse, and so on.
  • consider quality measurements like available source code
  • regularily check for broken links, report them to authors and mark non responding authors or broken links
  • suggest reviewer guidelines
  • request authors to register tools of their submission into EDAM registry
  • EDAM ontology switch terms deposition and submission

Sebastian Juenemann:

  • Offer the possibility to keep new registry entries unpublished until published explicitly by the authors upon they are publicly available and cannot be unpublished anymore. This allows for joint creation of new entries without publishing unfinished tools/services.
  • no longer needed now info. requirement is lower
  • Enable sub-domains for different levels in the affiliation hierarchy (or for the collections) for the registry front end (e.g.; or -> -> -> ....) and maybee offer front end customizations for each sub-domain to allow for affiliation specific branding (again, denbi here is currently the main topic until de.NBI joins ELIXIR)
    • sub-sub-domains not supported, but you can emulate the structure using '-' (dash) character, e.g. etc._
  • Sustain old tool cards (in the registry) for old versions or for tools/services which are outdated in terms of the schema they are supporting (they were created under). This way the registry also keeps track of the history of all tools/services ever registered and not only of the most recent (and currently maintained) one.
    • _all entries / biotoolIDs (hence Tool Cards) persist once created (although deprecated tools, or unfindable / 404 entries may be hidden)


  • Schemas should have a version so it is defined to a parser/importer what version of a schema to apply to validate. This might ease transition to new versions.
    Maybe a scheme like “Semantic Versioning” might be applied:
    • done
  • add in Web UI the possibility to select top level term for defining input and output for field “data type” and “format”
    • will not fix instead there's an "I don't know" button prompting to specify terms as free text (in cases where an EDAM term didn't exist or couldn't be found)
  • the description field is restricted to 1000 characters, is this restriction needed? If yes, it would be helpful to show how many characters are already used
  • IPK plan to push updated or new service registrations as part of the internal deployment process that is done using maven.
  • allow own License

Link to CTD (common tool descriptor) schema:

CBS tools : various issues

Some of this may have been fixed (the issues is to check / fix as necessary)

  1. ProP has wrong data format : GIF should be only one of the formats, we should amend it by adding 'textual format' (or child of)
  2. SIgnalP has wrong data format : binary format, should be textual
  3. Empty documentation on some tools
  4. Wrong licenses (is "CBS License" needed, i.e. special license?)

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