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gatsby-plugin-mailchimp's Introduction

😞 No longer actively maintained 😞

My sincerest apologies but this repo is no longer maintained. You can still use it and most people have reported that it works great, but I am no longer adding features or fixing bugs. Please use at your own risk and keep in mind it likely won't handle corner cases or your specific use case (it's hopefully fine for generic use cases). -- Ben (Dec 21, 2021)

🗣 Actively looking for repo maintainers! 📣

I no longer have time to manage this package and would love if someone could help me maintain it. Please open an issue if you're interested and we'll chat! 🙏🏽

Subscribe emails to your Mailchimp list

This Gatsby plugin helps you subscribe new email addresses to a Mailchimp email list. Mailchimp does not provide much direction on making clientside requests so the setup to achieve this with a static website (i.e. Gatsby) can be cumbersome.

We need your help! 🙏🏽

We're looking for active contributors to this repo! If you're interested, simply open an issue or PR of your own and indicate that you'd like to help. Check out our open issues and PRs. We also need to beef up testing. Contributors get to:

  • manage versioning and deploys by publishing new versions to NPM
  • determine which features get launched by merging pull requests
  • oversee the community through commenting on and managing pull requests and issues

⚜️ Being an active contributor is great for the community and your engineering resume.⚜️

How It Works Under The Hood

First we scan your gatsby-config for your MC endpoint. Then, once you import and invoke the addToMailchimp method in your React component, it makes a jsonp request to your endpoint with the email, attributes, and any group fields you include in the request.

Getting Started

There are three steps involved to getting started:

  1. add this plugin to your repo

    • In the root directory of your Gatsby project, run the following command in your terminal:
    # npm
    $ npm install gatsby-plugin-mailchimp
    # yarn
    $ yarn add gatsby-plugin-mailchimp
  2. add your Mailchimp endpoint to your gatsby-config.js file (see below for instructions)

  3. import & invoke the addToMailchimp method exported by this plugin

Using Gatsby v1?

If you are still on Gatsby v1.x, you need to use an old version of this plugin. There were a lot of changes made in Gatsby v2 that will cause this plugin to break so make sure to use the correct version of this plugin if you are still on Gatsby v1.

We no longer maintain this version.

Simply update your package.json to:

# npm
$ npm install

# yarn
$ yarn add

Gatsby Config Instructions

You need to provide this plugin with your Mailchimp account and list details in order for it to know which endpoint to save the email address to. Follow these directions:

In your gatsby-config.js file, add the following code to the plugin section:

plugins: [
        resolve: 'gatsby-plugin-mailchimp',
        options: {
            endpoint: '', // string; add your MC list endpoint here; see instructions below
            timeout: 3500, // number; the amount of time, in milliseconds, that you want to allow mailchimp to respond to your request before timing out. defaults to 3500

Mailchimp Endpoint

Your Mailchimp endpoint will look something like this:

Here is how you can locate your Mailchimp endpoint.

  1. Login to your Mailchimp account
  2. Click "Lists" tab at the top
  3. Locate the Mailchimp list you want to save email addresses to
  4. Click that list
  5. Click the subtab "Signup forms"
  6. Click "Embedded forms"

screenshot of how to locate your Mailchimp u settings

  1. Scroll down to the section with all the HTML code
  2. Locate the HTML form element. Copy the entire URL listed under the form "action" attribute*
  3. Paste that URL into your gatsby-configʼs option.endpoint field

screenshot of how to copy/paste your list settings URL

... that's all!

Gatsby Import Plugin Instructions

This plugin exports one method -- addToMailchimp -- that accepts one required argument (email) and two optional fields (fields and endpointOverride).

  • email is a valid email string
  • fields is an object of attributes youʼd like to save with the email address. More detailed instructions below.
  • endpointOverride is if you want to pass in a custom MC endpoint (one that is different than the one listed in your config file. See below for details)

Navigate to the file where you collect email addresses (ie, the file you want to import this plugin into). When a user submits a form and includes at least their email address, invoke the addToMailchimp method like you would any other method. Here is an example:

import addToMailchimp from 'gatsby-plugin-mailchimp'

export default class MyGatsbyComponent extends React.Component {
  // Since `addToMailchimp` returns a promise, you
  // can handle the response in two different ways:

  // Note that you need to send an email & optionally, listFields
  // these values can be pulled from React state, form fields,
  // or wherever.  (Personally, I recommend storing in state).

  // 1. via `.then`
  _handleSubmit = e => {
    addToMailchimp(email, listFields) // listFields are optional if you are only capturing the email address.
    .then(data => {
      // I recommend setting data to React state
      // but you can do whatever you want (including ignoring this `then()` altogether)
    .catch(() => {
      // unnecessary because Mailchimp only ever
      // returns a 200 status code
      // see below for how to handle errors

  // 2. via `async/await`
  _handleSubmit = async (e) => {
    const result = await addToMailchimp(email, listFields)
    // I recommend setting `result` to React state
    // but you can do whatever you want

  render () {
    return (
      <form onSubmit={this._handleSubmit(email, {listFields})}>


This plugin returns a promise that resolves to the object that is returned by Mailchimpʼs API. The Mailchimp API will always return a status of 200. In order to know if your submission was a success or error, you must read the returned object, which has a result and msg property:

    result: string; // either `success` or `error` (helpful to use this key to update your state)
    msg: string; // a user-friendly message indicating details of your submissions (usually something like "thanks for subscribing!" or "this email has already been added")

Mailchimp List Fields

Sometimes you want to send to Mailchimp more than just an email address. Itʼs very common to also send a first name, last name, pathname, etc. Honestly, you can send whatever you want to store alongside the email address. Instructions below on how to create new list fields but once youʼve set them up in Mailchimp, you send them alongside the email like this:

addToMailchimp('[email protected]', {
  PATHNAME: '/blog-post-1',
  FNAME: 'Ben',
  LNAME: 'Coder'

Mailchimp Groups

Mailchimp offers the concept of list groups. It's a bit tricky to implement here because you must use the exact key and value as defined in your MC Embedded Form for those fields.

To add these you must go back to your "Embedded Forms" (where you got your endpoint from) and find the form field that represents the group you want to add this user to. Next, copy the name and use that as your key in the addToMailchimp field param. The name field will have weird values like group[21265][2] or group[21269].

Similarly, the input field value must also be the same as you see. This means you must either set the name and value fields manually in your form or keep a mapping in your JS file.

Why do we need to use these weird structure for name and value field? Because this is what Mailchimp expects. 🤷🏽‍♂️

For example, here is a screenshot of what this looks like:

screenshot of Mailchimp Groups

And the code would be:

  Here we chose to name the input field the same as what's in
  our embedded form.  But you can name it whatever you want and keep
  a field name map in your JS. Mailchimp expects the name and value
  to match what's in its Embedded Form
<input value="2" name="group[21265][2]">

# JS
addToMailchimp('[email protected]', {
  PATHNAME: '/blog-post-1',
  FNAME: 'Ben',
  LNAME: 'Coder',
  'group[21265][2]': '2',

See here for thread.

Multiple Mailchimp lists

Many people asked for the ability to send users to different Mailchimp lists. We added that capability! How we added this capability without a breaking change is by allowing you to override the endpoint that's listed in your gatsby-config.js file. When you invoke addToMailchimp, pass in a third argument of the list you'd like to subscribe this email address to. That will override the default one listed in your config.

    '[email protected]',
        /* list fields here*/


See directory in this repo called /examples.


  1. email address: pass in the email as normal (ie, [email protected]). Do not encode or transform the email, as our plugin will do that for you!

  2. listFields: many times you want to collect more than just an email address (first/last name, birthday, page pathname). I like to store this info in React state and pass it in as list fields. See below.

  3. I like to save the returned data to React state so I can then display a success/error message to the user.

  4. There is a current known issue (#15) where this plugin does not work if the Mailchimp List has reCAPTCHA enabled. This setting should be turned off for everything to function properly.

Create, Remove, or Edit Mailchimp List Fields

To setup or modify Mailchimp list fields, navigate to your MC list, click "Settings", then click "List fields". Then add, remove, or edit fields as you wish. Make sure to update your addToMailchimp listFields object after youʼve made changes in Mailchimp.

screenshot of Mailchimp list fields settings screen


If you'd like to contribute, simply open a PR or open an issue!

gatsby-plugin-mailchimp's People


benjaminhoffman avatar charleenfei avatar gabrieluizramos avatar halkeye avatar mikelax avatar sidharthachatterjee avatar steebchen avatar tayiorbeii avatar zcei avatar


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gatsby-plugin-mailchimp's Issues

Name field not working

Tried to follow the README, but I can't get my "name" field to come through. The email address entered is pushing through to my Mailchimp list with no issues, but the Name field entry doesn't come with it. I'm new to JS so I'm assuming I have something wrong in my code (maybe but I'm not sure. Anybody mind taking a look? Thank you in advance.

import React, { Component } from 'react'
import addToMailchimp from 'gatsby-plugin-mailchimp'

export default class Mailchimp extends Component {
  state = {
    name: null,
    email: null

  _handleChange = e => {

  _handleSubmit = e => {

    console.log('submit', this.state)

      .then(({ msg, result }) => {
        console.log('msg', `${result}: ${msg}`)

        if (result !== 'success') {
          throw msg
      .catch(err => {
        console.log('err', err)

  render() {
    return (
        <div className='container'>
          <h1>Sign Up!</h1>
            Join our newsletter to receive updates on special offers and events!
          <div className='form'>
            <form onSubmit={this._handleSubmit}>

              <input type='submit' />

const FormWrapper = styled.div``

Cant install latest version

Hey, I cant seem to install the latest version of this package. Im getting

"gatsby-plugin-firebase": "^0.2.0-beta.4",

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<'

I see this was fixed in #2 but it seems to still be happening for me using 5.1.2

Example code:

export default class IndexPage extends React.Component {

  state = {
    email: null,
    firstname: null,
    lastname: null

  _handleChange = (e) => {
  _handleSubmit = e => {

    console.log('submit', this.state)
    addToMailchimp(, {
      FNAME: this.state.firstname,
      LNAME: this.state.lastname
    .then(({ msg, result }) => {
      console.log('msg', `${result}: ${msg}`)

      if (result !== 'success') {
        throw msg
    .catch(err => {
      console.log('err', err)
  render() {
    return (
      <form onSubmit={this._handleSubmit}>
        <div className='form-group'>
          <label htmlFor='email'>Email Address</label>
          <input type='email' name='email' className='form-control' id='email' aria-required='true' onChange={this._handleChange} />
        <div className='form-group'>
          <label htmlFor='firstname'>First Name</label>
          <input type='text' name='firstname' className='form-control' id='firstname' aria-required='true' onChange={this._handleChange} />
        <div className='form-group'>
          <label htmlFor='lastname'>Last Name</label>
          <input type='text' name='lastname' className='form-control' id='lastname' aria-required='true' onChange={this._handleChange} />

Handle multiple mailing lists


I am building a site that needs to handle submissions to different mailing lists from different pages. E.g. there is 1 main mailing list present in the footer of the website and on a page such as events we need to capture submissions to a different mailing list.

I saw another simillar issue opened, but there was no solution offered.

Always false condition for uppercasing fields

Hej, I've successfully included the plugin in my project, so first of all: thank you for making this a breeze for me!

I was interested in the code and had a look. One thing I couldn't explain to myself though.

// If this is a list group, not user field then keep lowercase, as per MC reqs
const fieldTransformed = field.substring(0, 6) ? field : field.toUpperCase();

I understand that this is intended to keep groups lowercased, and the .substring(0, 6) call is most likely to figure out whether it starts with group[, but there is no such check.
The only way to make the above statement is when there's a key with an empty string ('') - but frankly there's no need to uppercase an empty string 🙃

Is the intention to have it like this?

const fieldTransformed = field.substring(0, 6) === 'group[' ? field : field.toUpperCase();

Use timeout based on plugin options

Hi there! Nice plugin, it helped me a lot!

I was thinking about adding a timeout field on the options, so it can be specified by the plugin user and set a default value of the current 3500ms instead of fixing it.
What you think about it?

Great job!

Unexpected token error when submitting form.

I'm getting an error Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token < when submitting the form using this plugin with Chrome.

I guess this is related to the html that's getting returned upon submit? <!DOCTYPE html>.

Any ideas?

Error with gatsby-plugin-mailchimp/examples/gatsby-v1/

I have an error when deploying with Netlify :

3:32:49 PM: /opt/build/repo/node_modules/gatsby-plugin-mailchimp/examples/gatsby-v1/src/layouts/index.js
3:32:49 PM: error Multiple "root" queries found in file: "SiteTitleQuery" and "SiteTitleQuery".
3:32:49 PM: Only the first ("SiteTitleQuery") will be registered.
3:32:49 PM: Instead of:
3:32:49 PM: 1 | query SiteTitleQuery {
3:32:49 PM: 2 | bar {
3:32:49 PM: 3 | #...
3:32:49 PM: 4 | }
3:32:49 PM: 5 | }
3:32:49 PM: 6 |
3:32:49 PM: 7 | query SiteTitleQuery {
3:32:49 PM: 8 | foo {
3:32:49 PM: 9 | #...
3:32:49 PM: 10 | }
3:32:49 PM: 11 | }
3:32:49 PM: Do:
3:32:49 PM: 1 | query siteTitleQueryAndSiteTitleQuery {
3:32:49 PM: 2 | bar {
3:32:49 PM: 3 | #...
3:32:49 PM: 4 | }
3:32:49 PM: 5 | foo {
3:32:49 PM: 6 | #...
3:32:49 PM: 7 | }
3:32:49 PM: 8 | }

You would have to modify your code for it to work 👍
Thank you,

Leaks your entire gatsby-config into your builds

Looking at the code, specifically getPluginOptions, it imports the entire gastby-config, anything sensitive that might be in there, and loads it into your webpack bundles.

I'm thinking this might need a gatsby-ssr.js to set the mailchimp specific configs somewhere public so you don't need the entire config object.

Submission error in Brave browser

When testing the v2 example in the Brave browser (, the plugin throws an error upon submission rather than returning the Mailchimp response:

err Error: Timeout
    at index.js:63 

index.js is /node_modules/jsonp/index.js

Enable honey pot?

Great plugin! 😎

In Mailchimp form builder output, there's a field that looks something like:

<div style="position: absolute; left: -5000px;" aria-hidden="true">
  <input type="text" name="b_1a45e336541f2uhe6ef351e00_f58763f205" tabindex="-1" value="" />

Is there a way to make this work through your plugin?



System details

  • node v8.9.3
  • npm 6.5.0
  • gatsby: "^2.13.23"
  • gatsby-plugin-mailchimp: "^5.1.2",


The endpoint is defined in gatsby-config.js as:

      resolve: 'gatsby-plugin-mailchimp',
      options: {
        endpoint: `;id=Y`, 

And called:

const IndexPage = props => {
  const [email, setEmail] = useState('')

  const handleSubmit = async (e) => {
    const result = await addToMailChimp(email)

  const handleChange = e => {
  return (
  <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
      <input type='text' value={email} onChange={handleChange}/>
      <input type="submit" value="Request access"/>


  12 | const IndexPage = (props) => {
  13 |   const [email, setEmail] = useState('')
  14 | 
> 15 |   const handleSubmit = async (e) => {
  16 |     e.preventDefault();
  17 |     const result = await addToMailChimp(email)
  18 |   }
View compiled
▼ 7 stack frames were expanded.
Generator.invoke [as _invoke]
Generator.prototype.<computed> [as next]
(anonymous function)
(anonymous function)
▲ 7 stack frames were expanded.
  12 | const IndexPage = (props) => {
  13 |   const [email, setEmail] = useState('')
  14 | 
> 15 |   const handleSubmit = async (e) => {
  16 |     e.preventDefault();
  17 |     const result = await addToMailChimp(email)
  18 |   }
View compiled
▼ 20 stack frames were expanded.
(anonymous function)

Unhandled exception on invalid email

Try submitting an email which looks like this: test@test. An unhandled exception will be thrown. The stracktrace doesn't say anything, but I assume it's because the error is thrown, instead I think the function should return a promise by default and reject it if the email is invalid. If this is confirmed, I'd be glad to send a PR.

Trouble getting the plugin to work

I have set up the code and configured the plugin in the gatsby-config.js file, but when I click submit the form, I do not get any of the console.log that I expect to see.

Any ideas on what I am missing?

`import React from 'react'
import addToMailchimp from 'gatsby-plugin-mailchimp'

export default class JoinNewsletter extends React.Component {
state = {
email: null,
firstName: null,
lastName: null,

_handleChange = e => {
console.log({ [${}]: });

_handleSumbit = e => {
console.log('submit', this.state)
addToMailchimp(, {firstName: this.state.firstName, lastName: this.state.lastName})
.then(({msg, result}) => {
console.log('msg', ${result}: ${msg});
if(result !== 'success') {
throw msg;
.catch(err => {
console.log('err', err);
render() {
return (

First Name

Last Name



List is GONE

Following instruction and step 1 does not work. List is nowhere to be found!


The plugin "[email protected]" is exporting a variable named "modifyWebpackConfig" which isn't an API.

I'm getting the following error when I build my gatsby project... I'm using Gatsby v2, and I'm wondering if that's the issue.

Your plugins must export known APIs from their gatsby-node.js.
[1] The following exports aren't APIs. Perhaps you made a typo or your plugin is outdated?
[1] See for the list of Gatsby Node APIs
[1] - The plugin "[email protected]" is exporting a variable named "modifyWebpackConfig" which isn't an API.

Updating existing entry in Mailchimp list


I have a question if there is any functionality for updating an existing entry in a Mailchimp list as of now?
I have a list where i would like to update an existing entry with additional data if it exists prior to the function call.

Am I wrong or is there only an add function right now? Can you modify that function or will a new function be needed to perform this sort of update?

I looked around a bit and there seems to be functionality for this in Mailchimps API.

Updating user - API


Compile error if you use dotenv in gatsby-config file


After I install this plugin, and import the addToMailchimp function into a component, the site will fail to compile.

Reproduction Steps

  • Install this plugin
  • Import import addToMailchimp from 'gatsby-plugin-mailchimp'; into a component

IF your gatsby-config.js file imports dotenv because you are using environment variables, the command yarn develop will fail with the following error:

 ERROR  Failed to compile with 2 errors                                                                                  08:39:41

This dependency was not found:

* fs in ./gatsby-config.js, ./~/dotenv/lib/main.js

To install it, you can run: npm install --save fs
 WAIT  Compiling...                                                                                                      08:39:41

 ERROR  Failed to compile with 2 errors                                                                                  08:39:42

This dependency was not found:

* fs in ./gatsby-config.js, ./~/dotenv/lib/main.js

To install it, you can run: npm install --save fs

Here is the line in my gatsby-config, where if I comment it out then build will then work.
const dotenv = require('dotenv').config({ path: '.env.gatsby' });

missing fs and net dependencies

I'm getting an error that I'm missing fs and net node dependenices whenever I import addToMailchimp.

I get the same issue trying to import jsonp package so I'm guessing it's tied to that. I tried adding net and fs packages by installing them to package.json but the error for fs doesn't go away. From what I understand, fs is a core package that doesn't need to be added as a dependency but for some reason I can't get this error to go away. I tried updating node and npm to latest version (10.10.0 and 6.4.1) and the error still persists

These dependencies were not found:

* fs in ./node_modules/debug/src/node.js

To install them, you can run: npm install --save fs

Any ideas what could be causing this?

Troubles with making plugin work

First of all thanks so much for the plugin and any help you can provide me with!

I want to use it to capture some emails from my blog, but can't make it work for some reason.

I have my email in state and my component is quite simple for now, as I am trying to figure out why it's not working:

class SubscriptionForm extends React.Component {
    state = {
        email: '',
        isSubmitted: false

    handleChange = (event) => {
        this.setState({ email: });
    handleSubmit = (event) => {
        this.setState({ isSubmitted: true })
        addToMailchimp( => console.log(data))
    render() {
        return (

            <form onSubmit={this.handleSubmit}>
                <input type="text" value={} onChange={(event) => this.handleChange(event)} />

I get the following error Unhandled promise rejection Error: "Timeout"

I would appreciate any help or advice!

example not working

I cloned the repo to get the simple example working for v2: I see everything in the console, but the submission does not work. I keep the same error regarding the email not being the right format so it won't go through.

In my personal project, the values of the submit (the handleChange does show up) do not show up in the console because the whole page re-renders when the submit button is clicked. I am using the gatsby-starter-netlify-cms.

Thanks in advice for any thoughts...

gatsby build gives error || "Mailchimp endpoint required and must be of type string. "

Hi everybody!

i implemented a subscription form in gatsby.when i run the server with "gatsby develop" everything works just fine.
but when i tried to build the website with "gatsby build" it gives error both on netlify and my computer.


11:17:22 PM: error "gatsby-plugin-mailchimp" threw an error while running the onCreateWebpackConfig lifecycle:
11:17:22 PM: Mailchimp endpoint required and must be of type string. See repo README for more info.
11:17:22 PM: 10 |
11:17:22 PM: 11 | if (!isString) {
11:17:22 PM: > 12 | throw new Error(
11:17:22 PM: | ^
11:17:22 PM: 13 | 'Mailchimp endpoint required and must be of type string. See repo README for more info.',
11:17:22 PM: 14 | );
11:17:22 PM: 15 | } else if (endpoint.length < 40) {
11:17:22 PM:
11:17:22 PM:
11:17:22 PM: Error: Mailchimp endpoint required and must be of type string. See repo README for more info.
11:17:22 PM:

this is my configrutaion of gatsby-plugin-mailchimp , dotenv


path: .env.${process.env.NODE_ENV},

resolve: "gatsby-plugin-mailchimp",
options: {
endpoint: process.env.MAILCHIMP_ENDPOINT, // string
timeout: 3500,

i set MAILCHIMP_ENDPOINT in .env.development file.In netlify i also set environment variables with same value.

if you have any ideas you can comment.any response will be appreciated.

btw thank you for this plugin.

Cannot access to Tags

Hi everybody !

I am working to implement a registration form for my mailchimp audience list with Gatsby and I would like to use your plugin for this 😃

However, we succeed to use the Groups function, but we did not succeed to tag our new contacts with the plugin :/

Is there any possibility to use my tags from mailchimp to tag my new contacts ?

I am adding a colleague to the topic : @knabeth

Thank you for your work !

TinyLetter integration?


I've recently published my Gatsby blog and subscribed to TinyLetter, a service owned by MailChimp.

Can I use this plugin to add users to my TinyLetter? (

Honestly I have no idea if this issue even makes sense (all this is new to me), but as I don't find any discussion regarding this it may be helpful to others too...

Option for when email already exist in list

Might be a very specific request, but, I'm working on a site currently where users will be able to sign up to a mailchimp list to get future updates whenever the product is release (it's a pre-order campaign).

There are three unreleased products which customers can apply for future stock availability. Let's say a customer tries to sign up for two of the products, I imagine Mailchimp will throw an error saying the email already exist in the list, no?

Would be awesome to be able check if the content of the specified listField is the same as before, or different and in that case, update the existing listField to include (important not to erase previous value) the new listField value.


Multiple SiteTitleQuery getting picked up in Netlify builds causes it to fail

Getting this error in Netlify all of a sudden using Gatsby v2.

2:55:32 PM: warning Using the global `graphql` tag is deprecated, and will not be supported in v3.
2:55:32 PM: Import it instead like:  import { graphql } from 'gatsby' in file:
2:55:32 PM: /opt/build/repo/node_modules/gatsby-plugin-mailchimp/examples/gatsby-v1/src/layouts/index.js
2:55:42 PM: error #85901 GRAPHQL
2:55:42 PM: There was an error in your GraphQL query:
2:55:42 PM: Error: RelayParser: Encountered duplicate defintitions for one or more documents: each document must have a unique name. Duplicated documents:
2:55:42 PM: - SiteTitleQuery

I forked the project and nuked the /examples folder and it worked for me after that.

error Multiple "root" queries found in examples/gatsby-v1/src/layouts/index.js

Gatsby build (even develop) fails with the following error:

7:43:47 AM: /opt/build/repo/node_modules/gatsby-plugin-mailchimp/examples/gatsby-v1/src/layouts/index.js
7:43:47 AM: error Multiple "root" queries found: "SiteTitleQuery" and "SiteTitleQuery".
7:43:47 AM: Only the first ("SiteTitleQuery") will be registered.
7:43:47 AM: Instead of:
7:43:47 AM: 1 | query SiteTitleQuery {
7:43:47 AM: 2 |   site {
7:43:47 AM: 3 |     #...
7:43:47 AM: 4 |   }
7:43:47 AM: 5 | }
7:43:47 AM: 6 |
7:43:47 AM: 7 | query SiteTitleQuery {
7:43:47 AM: 8 |   site {
7:43:47 AM: 9 |     #...
7:43:47 AM: 10 |   }
7:43:47 AM: 11 | }
7:43:47 AM: Do:
7:43:47 AM: 1 | query siteTitleQueryAndSiteTitleQuery {
7:43:47 AM: 2 |   site {
7:43:47 AM: 3 |     #...
7:43:47 AM: 4 |   }
7:43:47 AM: 5 |   site {
7:43:47 AM: 6 |     #...
7:43:47 AM: 7 |   }
7:43:47 AM: 8 | }
7:43:47 AM: This can happen when you use two page/static queries in one file. Please combine those into one query.
7:43:47 AM: If you're defining multiple components (each with a static query) in one file, you'll need to move each component to its own file.


  • node: v11.10.1
  • dependencies:
    "dependencies": {
      "@contentful/gatsby-transformer-contentful-richtext": "12.1.2",
      "@mdx-js/mdx": "^1.6.1",
      "@mdx-js/react": "^1.6.1",
      "@researchgate/react-intersection-observer": "0.7.4",
      "babel-plugin-styled-components": "1.10.0",
      "cheerio": "1.0.0-rc.2",
      "gatsby": "^2.0.76",
      "gatsby-image": "^2.0.26",
      "gatsby-plugin-catch-links": "^2.0.9",
      "gatsby-plugin-google-analytics": "^2.0.13",
      "gatsby-plugin-mailchimp": "^4.0.0",
      "gatsby-plugin-manifest": "^2.0.9",
      "gatsby-plugin-mdx": "^1.2.5",
      "gatsby-plugin-netlify": "^2.0.6",
      "gatsby-plugin-netlify-cache": "^1.0.0",
      "gatsby-plugin-react-helmet": "^3.0.2",
      "gatsby-plugin-sharp": "^2.6.1",
      "gatsby-plugin-sitemap": "^2.0.4",
      "gatsby-plugin-styled-components": "^3.0.4",
      "gatsby-remark-copy-linked-files": "^2.3.2",
      "gatsby-remark-images": "^3.3.1",
      "gatsby-source-apiserver": "^2.1.0",
      "gatsby-source-contentful": "^2.0.26",
      "gatsby-source-filesystem": "^2.2.5",
      "gatsby-transformer-yaml-plus": "^0.2.2",
      "grommet": "2.3.1",
      "intersection-observer": "0.5.1",
      "js-cookie": "2.2.0",
      "jsonframe-cheerio": "3.0.1",
      "lodash.countby": "4.6.0",
      "lodash.uniqby": "4.7.0",
      "lottie-api": "^1.0.2",
      "lottie-react-web": "2.1.4",
      "node-fetch": "2.3.0",
      "prop-types": "15.6.2",
      "react": "16.8.1",
      "react-dom": "16.8.1",
      "react-hanger": "1.1.2",
      "react-helmet": "5.2.0",
      "react-jsx-parser": "1.13.0",
      "react-player": "1.9.3",
      "remark-html": "^11.0.1",
      "rich-text-react-renderer": "mgmolisani/rich-text-react-renderer",
      "styled-components": "4.1.3",
      "styled-icons": "6.8.0"

NOTE: when I go to the mentioned file (examples/gatsby-v1/src/layouts/index.js) and remove the code from the Layout component , everything works fine.

Is there a way to change the return promise message?

Hi Benjamin,

Love this plugin and very easy to implement mailchimp with gatsby thanks to this.

I'm wondering if there's a way to change the returned promise messages? The error message I get right now when the user is already subscribed is:

msg: "[email protected] is already subscribed to list Famiglia Newsletter. <a href="">Click here to update your profile</ a>"

I'd like it to only be something like "It seems that you already are subscribed!".

Thank you,

How can I display success message?

How should I redirect the user once the form gets submitted, to show the success message. If I add action="/success/" to form tag it doesn't redirects. Please advise.

  <form onSubmit={this._handleSubmit} action="/success/">
          <Typography variant="button">Sign Up</Typography>

Address parameters are capitalized in request to mailchimp

I have a sign-up form in mailchimp and it also has fields for the user to input their address. When I list these parameters in list fields, I am getting the error.

    msg: "3 - enter complete address"
    result: "error" 

Looking at the headers I believe this is due to the address parameters being capitalized and not matching the exact name in HTML address fields. The names in my embedded html form has names in this way for the address fields:

<input type="text" maxLength="70" name="ADDRESS[addr1]" className="form-control mb-3" placeholder="Address / line 1*" />
<input type="text" maxLength="70" name="ADDRESS[addr2]" className="form-control mb-3" placeholder="Address / line 2" />

When I take a look at the headers in the network tab, I am seeing that the address sub-fields are being capitalized and I am thinking that may be the issue and should instead be 'ADDRESS[addr1]', etc.. in the request to mailchimp. (see below)
Screen Shot 2020-07-11 at 2 00 29 PM

Please let me know if there is a work around for this issue or if I can be pointed to any solution, that would be great!

Submitting to multiple MC endpoints

Hey guys,

I'm building a Gatsby site that needs to use 2 MailChimp endpoints (2 different lists). I suspect this may be somewhat common, and the way the current configuration is leaves this plugin a bit inflexible. It might be better to pass the endpoint as a parameter to addToMailChimp as opposed to defining it in the config file. Thoughts?

Plugin fails if Enable reCAPTCHA is enabled


If you have a mailing list with the setting for Enable reCAPTCHA turned on, publishing to the list will fail with the error message: captcha.

To get things working I turned off this setting, but it would be nice to have an option for having this feature enabled. I am not exactly sure of the best course of action to get this resolved. At a minimum, the README should be updated to document this issue.

It would be nice to have the option to using this feature within this plugin, if their API supports it then it should be added.

"gatsby-plugin-mailchimp" threw an error while running the onCreateWebpackConfig lifecycle

"gatsby-plugin-mailchimp" threw an error while running the onCreateWebpackConfig lifecycle

Seeing the above error when I run a gatsby develop.

The code that I have written seems to work and updates the mailchimp endpoint but I get this Error in the terminal when running gatsby develop.

It says that I haven't added my endpoint but I have entered it in the plugins section as illustrated in the ReadMe.

I've tried to do a yarn upgrade to see if it was a dependency out of date causing the problem but it doesn't seem to be.

Strange syntax error (related to jsonp)

So I'm getting a very strange syntax error whenever I try to use the addToMailchimp function in my code. Same error comes up when I tried use jsonp to submit the form so these might be related.

Here's the error I get in the browser's console:

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token .

As you can see, it's very vague, so it'll probably help if I share my component's code. I'm using Formik as a dependency so that might also be part of the problem although I can't see why (my solution worked on older versions of the plugin).

Here's the relevant dependencies I have:

"formik": "^1.3.2",
"gatsby": "^2.0.55",
"gatsby-plugin-mailchimp": "^4.0.0",
"react": "^16.5.1",
"yup": "^0.26.6"

Here's how my form component looks like:

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import addToMailchimp from 'gatsby-plugin-mailchimp';
import { Formik } from 'formik';

import { NewsletterContainer, NewsletterField, NewsletterInput, NewsletterButton, NewsletterInfo } from './newsletter.css';
import { validateEmail } from 'utils/validation';

class FormNewsletter extends Component {
  static propTypes = {
    action: PropTypes.string,
    method: PropTypes.string,
    name: PropTypes.string,
    pending: PropTypes.string,
    pass: PropTypes.string,
    fail: PropTypes.string,
    button: PropTypes.string,
    field: PropTypes.shape({
      type: PropTypes.string,
      name: PropTypes.string,
      placeholder: PropTypes.string,

  state = {
    message: null,
    result: null,

  handleFormSubmit = (payload, actions) => {
    addToMailchimp( => {
      if (data.result === 'success') actions.resetForm();

        result: data.result,
        message: data.msg,

  render() {
    const { message, result, status } = this.state;
    const { action, method, name, button, field } = this.props;

    return (
        initialValues={{ email: '' }}
        }) => (
              { && && (
              {result && message && (

export default FormNewsletter;

I'm not really sure what the error means since it's so vague. inspecting the error in console, common.js references this function as the cause:

 * Save `namespaces`.
 * @param {String} namespaces
 * @api private

function save(namespaces) {
  if (null == namespaces) {
    // If you set a process.env field to null or undefined, it gets cast to the
    // string 'null' or 'undefined'. Just delete instead.
    delete {}.DEBUG;
  } else {
    {}.DEBUG = namespaces;

Again, not much info to go on. Maybe it's an issue with my versions or maybe it's something to do with Formik. Also I set my node config to this in gatsby-node to remove the missing fs dependency issue that I was getting with previous attempts to make this plugin work.

node: {
      fs: 'empty',
      net: 'empty',

This worked fine when I was on the older version (gatsby-plugin-mailchimp": "") so it might be something to do with the latest version update.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

Email validation?

Firstly, thanks for this plugin - super simple and perfect for what I need.

I was just wondering what the status is with email validation? If I submit the form with some malformed text, I get the error in the console:

Uncaught gatsy-plugin-mailchimp: email must be of type string and a valid email address. See README for more information.

Which suggests something is validating the email address somewhere - is there a built in way to report that out to the user? I'm happy adding in my own validation to my form, but it seems like it already exists in some form.


Doesn't work when using privacy plugins

The jsonp request simply times out when you have privacy plugins like Disconnect or Ghostery installed. It also happens when you use the privacy mode in Firefox Quantum. The error does get caught, but jsonp's default timeout is 60s. Do you think we could this set to maybe, let's say, 5 or 10 seconds, using jsonp's timeout option? I don't think there's too much value waiting for a request if it didn't respond after 5 seconds - it will likely not ever return.

v1 branch missing


yarn add\#gatsby-v1


Couldn't find match for "gatsby-v1" in "refs/heads/lint,refs/heads/master,refs/tags/4.1.0,refs/tags/5.0.0,refs/tags/5.1.1,refs/tags/v5.2.0" for ""

Looks like v1 branch is missing?

Bug: Error in your GraphQL query due to example page query

I get the following error:

There was an error in your GraphQL query:

Error: RelayParser: Encountered duplicate defintitions for one or more documents: each document must have a unique name. Duplicated documents:

  • SiteTitleQuery

the mentioned query is used duplicated in the gatsby v1 example and gatsby v2 example in the layouts/index.js

during yarn dev and build

The MailChimp API responds with html doc not JSON


When I follow the instructions in the readme and use a matching URL from my MC account as the endpoint the response I get back from API is an html document.

It should be JSON I think. I compared my code against GatsbyJS's newsletter form signup and it seems similar. Not sure if theres a bug in this project or if I havent changed something correctly but I followed the README pretty closely.

Here's my component code (I mirrored the GatsbyJS code to minimize issues):

class Content extends React.Component {
    constructor() {
    this.state = {
      email: ``,
    this._handleEmailChange = this._handleEmailChange.bind(this);
    this._handleFormSubmit = this._handleFormSubmit.bind(this);

  // Update state each time user edits their email address
  _handleEmailChange = e => {
    this.setState({ email: })

  // Post to MC server & handle its response
  _postEmailToMailchimp = (email, attributes) => {
    addToMailchimp(email, attributes)
    .then(result => {
      // Mailchimp always returns a 200 response
      // So we check the result for MC errors & failures
      if (result.result !== `success`) {
          status: `error`,
          msg: result.msg,
      } else {
        // Email address succesfully subcribed to Mailchimp
          status: `success`,
          msg: result.msg,
    .catch(err => {
      // Network failures, timeouts, etc
        status: `error`,
        msg: err,

  _handleFormSubmit = e => {

        status: `sending`,
        msg: null,
      // setState callback (subscribe email to MC)
      this._postEmailToMailchimp(, {
        pathname: document.location.pathname,

How to secure the Mailchimp's POST URL?


Maybe it's a dumb question but I can't figure out how to do it without having a backend. I set up the Mailchimp URL to be the environment variable to be used in a form, but whoever knows where to look will easily be able to find it in Dev Tools -> Network -> request -> Headers in any browser. How do people usually handle such sensitive information so it's not so easily discoverable?

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