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bayesnewton's Introduction


Bayes-Newton is a library for approximate inference in Gaussian processes (GPs) in JAX (with objax), built and maintained by Will Wilkinson.

Bayes-Newton provides a unifying view of approximate Bayesian inference, and allows for the combination of many models (e.g. GPs, sparse GPs, Markov GPs, sparse Markov GPs) with the inference method of your choice (VI, EP, Laplace, Linearisation). For a full list of the methods implemented scroll down to the bottom of this page.

The methodology is outlined in the following article:


Latest (stable) release from PyPI

pip install bayesnewton

For development, you might want to use the latest source from GitHub: In a check-out of the develop branch of the BayesNewton GitHub repository, run

pip install -e .

Step-by-step: Getting started with the examples

For running the demos or experiments in this repository or building on top of it, you can follow these steps for creating a virtual environment and activating it:

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

Installing all required dependencies for the examples:

python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m pip install -e .

Running the tests requires additionally a specific version of GPflow to test against:

python -m pip install pytest
python -m pip install tensorflow==2.10 tensorflow-probability==0.18.0 gpflow==2.5.2

Run tests

cd tests; pytest

Simple Example

Given some inputs x and some data y, you can construct a Bayes-Newton model as follows,

kern = bayesnewton.kernels.Matern52()
lik = bayesnewton.likelihoods.Gaussian()
model = bayesnewton.models.MarkovVariationalGP(kernel=kern, likelihood=lik, X=x, Y=y)

The training loop (inference and hyperparameter learning) is then set up using objax's built in functionality:

lr_adam = 0.1
lr_newton = 1
opt_hypers = objax.optimizer.Adam(model.vars())
energy = objax.GradValues(, model.vars())

@objax.Function.with_vars(model.vars() + opt_hypers.vars())
def train_op():
    model.inference(lr=lr_newton, **inf_args)  # perform inference and update variational params
    dE, E = energy(**inf_args)  # compute energy and its gradients w.r.t. hypers
    opt_hypers(lr_adam, dE)  # update the hyperparameters
    return E

As we are using JAX, we can JIT compile the training loop:

train_op = objax.Jit(train_op)

and then run the training loop,

iters = 20
for i in range(1, iters + 1):
    loss = train_op()

Full demos are available here.

Citing Bayes-Newton

  title={{B}ayes--{N}ewton Methods for Approximate {B}ayesian Inference with {PSD} Guarantees},
  author={Wilkinson, William J and S{\"a}rkk{\"a}, Simo and Solin, Arno},
  journal={Journal of Machine Learning Research},

Implemented Models

For a full list of the all the models available see the model class list.

Variational GPs

  • Variationl GP (Opper, Archambeau: The Variational Gaussian Approximation Revisited, Neural Computation 2009; Khan, Lin: Conugate-Computation Variational Inference - Converting Inference in Non-Conjugate Models in to Inference in Conjugate Models, AISTATS 2017)
  • Sparse Variational GP (Hensman, Matthews, Ghahramani: Scalable Variational Gaussian Process Classification, AISTATS 2015; Adam, Chang, Khan, Solin: Dual Parameterization of Sparse Variational Gaussian Processes, NeurIPS 2021)
  • Markov Variational GP (Chang, Wilkinson, Khan, Solin: Fast Variational Learning in State Space Gaussian Process Models, MLSP 2020)
  • Sparse Markov Variational GP (Adam, Eleftheriadis, Durrande, Artemev, Hensman: Doubly Sparse Variational Gaussian Processes, AISTATS 2020; Wilkinson, Solin, Adam: Sparse Algorithms for Markovian Gaussian Processes, AISTATS 2021)
  • Spatio-Temporal Variational GP (Hamelijnck, Wilkinson, Loppi, Solin, Damoulas: Spatio-Temporal Variational Gaussian Processes, NeurIPS 2021)

Expectation Propagation GPs

  • Expectation Propagation GP (Minka: A Family of Algorithms for Approximate Bayesian Inference, Ph. D thesis 2000)
  • (Stochastic) Sparse Expectation Propagation GP (Csato, Opper: Sparse on-line Gaussian processes, Neural Computation 2002; Bui, Yan, Turner: A Unifying Framework for Gaussian Process Pseudo Point Approximations Using Power Expectation Propagation, JMLR 2017)
  • Markov Expectation Propagation GP (Wilkinson, Chang, Riis Andersen, Solin: State Space Expectation Propagation, ICML 2020)
  • Sparse Markov Expectation Propagation GP (Wilkinson, Solin, Adam: Sparse Algorithms for Markovian Gaussian Processes, AISTATS 2021)

Laplace/Newton GPs

  • Laplace GP (Rasmussen, Williams: Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning, 2006)
  • Sparse Laplace GP (Wilkinson, Särkkä, Solin: Bayes-Newton Methods for Approximate Bayesian Inference with PSD Guarantees)
  • Markov Laplace GP (Wilkinson, Särkkä, Solin: Bayes-Newton Methods for Approximate Bayesian Inference with PSD Guarantees)
  • Sparse Markov Laplace GP

Linearisation GPs

  • Posterior Linearisation GP (García-Fernández, Tronarp, Sarkka: Gaussian Process Classification Using Posterior Linearization, IEEE Signal Processing 2019; Steinberg, Bonilla: Extended and Unscented Gaussian Processes, NeurIPS 2014)
  • Sparse Posterior Linearisation GP
  • Markov Posterior Linearisation GP (García-Fernández, Svensson, Sarkka: Iterated Posterior Linearization Smoother, IEEE Automatic Control 2016; Wilkinson, Chang, Riis Andersen, Solin: State Space Expectation Propagation, ICML 2020)
  • Sparse Markov Posterior Linearisation GP (Wilkinson, Solin, Adam: Sparse Algorithms for Markovian Gaussian Processes, AISTATS 2021)
  • Taylor Expansion / Analytical Linearisaiton GP (Steinberg, Bonilla: Extended and Unscented Gaussian Processes, NeurIPS 2014)
  • Markov Taylor GP / Extended Kalman Smoother (Bell: The Iterated Kalman Smoother as a Gauss-Newton method, SIAM Journal on Optimization 1994)
  • Sparse Taylor GP
  • Sparse Markov Taylor GP / Sparse Extended Kalman Smoother (Wilkinson, Solin, Adam: Sparse Algorithms for Markovian Gaussian Processes, AISTATS 2021)

Gauss-Newton GPs

(Wilkinson, Särkkä, Solin: Bayes-Newton Methods for Approximate Bayesian Inference with PSD Guarantees)

  • Gauss-Newton
  • Variational Gauss-Newton
  • PEP Gauss-Newton
  • 2nd-order PL Gauss-Newton

Quasi-Newton GPs

(Wilkinson, Särkkä, Solin: Bayes-Newton Methods for Approximate Bayesian Inference with PSD Guarantees)

  • Quasi-Newton
  • Variational Quasi-Newton
  • PEP Quasi-Newton
  • PL Quasi-Newton

GPs with PSD Constraints via Riemannian Gradients

  • VI Riemann Grad (Lin, Schmidt, Khan: Handling the Positive-Definite Constraint in the Bayesian Learning Rule, ICML 2020)
  • Newton/Laplace Riemann Grad (Lin, Schmidt, Khan: Handling the Positive-Definite Constraint in the Bayesian Learning Rule, ICML 2020)
  • PEP Riemann Grad (Wilkinson, Särkkä, Solin: Bayes-Newton Methods for Approximate Bayesian Inference with PSD Guarantees)


  • Infinite Horizon GP (Solin, Hensman, Turner: Infinite-Horizon Gaussian Processes, NeurIPS 2018)
  • Parallel Markov GP (with VI, EP, PL, ...) (Särkkä, García-Fernández: Temporal parallelization of Bayesian smoothers; Corenflos, Zhao, Särkkä: Gaussian Process Regression in Logarithmic Time; Hamelijnck, Wilkinson, Loppi, Solin, Damoulas: Spatio-Temporal Variational Gaussian Processes, NeurIPS 2021)
  • 2nd-order Posterior Linearisation GP (sparse, Markov, ...) (Wilkinson, Särkkä, Solin: Bayes-Newton Methods for Approximate Bayesian Inference with PSD Guarantees)


This software is provided under the Apache License 2.0. See the accompanying LICENSE file for details.

bayesnewton's People


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bayesnewton's Issues

Periodic Kernel outputs wrong period

The periodic kernel outputs the wrong period of my function, although the prediction result shows the correct period. I've attached my sample code at the end for reproducibility.
In the end I want to train my state space model with BayesNewton and use the resulting state space in my own models.

import bayesnewton
import objax
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time

def periodicFunction(t, p):
    noise_var = 0.01
    return np.sin(2*np.pi/p * t) + np.math.sqrt(noise_var) * np.random.normal(0, 1, t.shape)

x = np.arange(0., 4., 0.05)
y = periodicFunction(x, 1.)
var_f = 1.
var_y = 1.
period = 3.
lengthscale_f = 1.

kern = bayesnewton.kernels.Periodic(variance=var_f, period=period, lengthscale=lengthscale_f)
lik = bayesnewton.likelihoods.Gaussian(variance=var_y)
model = bayesnewton.models.MarkovVariationalGP(kernel=kern, likelihood=lik, X=x, Y=y)

lr_adam = 0.1
lr_newton = 1
iters = 200
opt_hypers = objax.optimizer.Adam(model.vars())
energy = objax.GradValues(, model.vars())

@objax.Function.with_vars(model.vars() + opt_hypers.vars())
def train_op():
    model.inference(lr=lr_newton)  # perform inference and update variational params
    dE, E = energy()  # compute energy and its gradients w.r.t. hypers
    opt_hypers(lr_adam, dE)
    return E

train_op = objax.Jit(train_op)

t0 = time.time()
for i in range(1, iters + 1):
    loss = train_op()
    print('iter %2d, energy: %1.4f' % (i, loss[0]))
t1 = time.time()
print('optimisation time: %2.2f secs' % (t1-t0))

y_predict, variance = model.predict_y(x)


fig, ax = plt.subplots()

ax.plot(x, y, label="True", linewidth=2.0)
ax.plot(x, y_predict, label="Predict", linewidth=2.0)
ax.set(xlim=(x[0], x[-1]))

Missing data for experiments, (electricity ...)

First off, let me tell you. This is an amazing package, amazingly interesting models and very well done. When running some experiments there are missing data. I understand it is not always possible to commit larger files onto github, It would be amazing if there was a readme with data sources or something


But many others that are in gitignore


I was trying to find this csv file somewhere else but without some hint in readme I cant find the exact csv. Is it perhaps this one?

Thanks for help demo failing

Hi, I am trying to run the air_quality demo, and got the data from here

On running the code as is, I get this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/BayesNewton/demos/", line 433, in <module>
    mu = Y_scaler.inverse_transform(mu)
  File "/ssm/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sklearn/preprocessing/", line 1085, in inverse_transform
    X = check_array(
  File "/ssm/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sklearn/utils/", line 1043, in check_array
    raise ValueError(
ValueError: Found array with dim 3. None expected <= 2.

Any help is appreciated, Thanks!

Addition of a Squared Exponential Kernel?

This is not an issue per se, but I was wondering if there was a specific reason that there wasn't a Squared Exponential kernel as part of the package?

If applicable, I would be happy to submit a PR adding one.

Just let me know.

Cannot run demo, possible incompatibility with latest Jax

Dear all,

I am trying to run the demo examples, but I run in the following error

ImportError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [22], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 import bayesnewton
2 import objax
3 import numpy as np

File ~/opt/anaconda3/envs/aurora/lib/python3.9/site-packages/bayesnewton/, in
----> 1 from . import (
2 kernels,
3 utils,
4 ops,
5 likelihoods,
6 models,
7 basemodels,
8 inference,
9 cubature
10 )
13 def build_model(model, inf, name='GPModel'):
14 return type(name, (inf, model), {})

File ~/opt/anaconda3/envs/aurora/lib/python3.9/site-packages/bayesnewton/, in
3 import jax.numpy as np
4 from jax.scipy.linalg import cho_factor, cho_solve, block_diag, expm
----> 5 from jax.ops import index_add, index
6 from .utils import scaled_squared_euclid_dist, softplus, softplus_inv, rotation_matrix
7 from warnings import warn

ImportError: cannot import name 'index_add' from 'jax.ops' (/Users/Daniel/opt/anaconda3/envs/aurora/lib/python3.9/site-packages/jax/ops/

I think its related to this from the Jax website:

The functions jax.ops.index_update, jax.ops.index_add, etc., which were deprecated in JAX 0.2.22, have been removed. Please use the property on JAX arrays instead.

jitted predict

Hi, I'm starting to explore your framework. I'm familiar with jax, but not with objax. I noticed that train ops are jitted with objax.Jit, but as my goal is to have fast prediction embedded in some larger jax code, I wonder if predit() can be also jitted? Thanks in advance,


NaN predictions when the inference is outside of the training data.

Hi, @wil-j-wil

I randomly stumbled upon your work when researching temporal GPs and found this cool package. (Thanks for such an awesome work behind it)

I am running into the following issue when using your package

  • whenever I use a more complex kernel my predictions that are outside of the X_train values are all NaNs.

For example airline passenger dataset using some default setup:

kernel = QuasiPeriodicMatern32()
likelihood = Gaussian()
model = MarkovVariationalGP(kernel=kernel, likelihood=likelihood, X=X_train, Y=y_train)
  • Again, whenever I predict value "within" the X_train, it works well:
mean_in, var_in = model.predict(X=X_train[-1]) # this is inside X_train, E[f] = "perfetto"
  • Whenever I try to "extrapolate" I get NaNs.
mean_out, var_out = model.predict(X=X_test[0]) # this is outside X_train, E[f] = nan

I also get NaN for the first observation of X_train, (see plots below)

  • This does not happen when using basic kernels such as:
kernel = Matern12()
  • Specifically, it does happen whenever I try to use Sum of kernels or any of the combination kernels.


Am I perhaps misunderstanding the purpose of the model or doing something wrong? (Thanks in advance for your help : ). I am just a beginner GP enthusiast looking into what these models are capable of doing)

P.S. I installed bayesnewton (hopefully) according to requirements:

python = "3.10.11"
tensorflow-macos = "2.13.0"
tensorflow-probability = "^0.21.0"
numba = "^0.58.0"
gpflow = "^2.9.0"
scipy = "^1.11.2"
pandas = "^2.1.1"
jax = "0.4.2"
jaxlib = "0.4.2"
objax = "1.6.0"
ipykernel = "^6.25.2"
plotly = "^5.17.0"
seaborn = "^0.12.2"
nbformat = "^5.9.2"
scikit-learn = "^1.3.1"
convertbng = "^0.6.43"

How to set initial `Pinf` variable in kernel?

I note that the initial Pinf variable for Matern-5/2 kernel is as follows:

        Pinf = np.array([[self.variance,    0.0,   -kappa],
                         [0.0,    kappa, 0.0],
                         [-kappa, 0.0,   25.0*self.variance / self.lengthscale**4.0]])

Why it is like that? Any references I should follow up?

PS: by the way, the data ../data/aq_data.csv is missing.

issue with SparseVariationalGP method

When I run the code file demos/ with SparseVariationalGP, something wrong happens:

AssertionError: Assignments to variable must be an instance of JaxArray, but received f<class 'numpy.ndarray'>.

It seems that a mistake in method SparseVariationalGP . Can you help to fix the problem? Thank you very much!

Sparse EP energy is incorrect

The current implementation of the sparse EP energy is not giving sensible results. This is a reminder to look into the reasons why and check against implementations elsewhere. PRs very welcome for this issue.

Note: the EP energy is correct for all other models (GP, Markov GP, SparseMarkovGP)

Input-dependent noise model

Thank you for open-sourcing your work! It has been incredibly useful to me ^-^
Also, is there a method to model input-dependent observation noise? (Snelson and Ghahramani, 2006)

GPU training

How can I speed up training on GPU such as VariationalGP?

Double Precision Issues


Many thanks for open-sourcing this package.

I've been using code from this amazing package for my research (preprint here) and have found that the default single precision/float32 is insufficient for the Kalman filtering and smoothing operations, causing numerical instabilities. In particular,

  • for the Periodic kernel, it is rather sensitive to the matrix operations in _sequential_kf() and _sequential_rts().
  • Likewise, the same when the lengthscales are too large in the Matern32 kernel.

However, reverting to float64 by setting config.update("jax_enable_x64", True) makes everything quite slow, especially when I use objax neural network modules, due to the fact that doing so puts all arrays into double precision.

Currently, my solution is to set the neural network weights to float32 manually, and convert input arrays into float32 before entering the network and the outputs back into float64. However, I was wondering if there could be a more elegant solution as is done in, where all arrays are assumed to be float64. My understanding is that their package depends on Haiku, but I'm unsure how they got around the computational scalability issue.

Software and hardware details:

NVIDIA-SMI 460.56       Driver Version: 460.56       CUDA Version: 11.2
GeForce RTX 3090 GPUs

Thanks in advance.


energy function can output NaN if compiled

I'm using the MarkovVariationalGP model to compute the energy function. When I compile the energy function, the returned values are not the same, when I use the non compiled function. Sometimes, I get a NaN as output.

My minimal example is the following:

x = np.arange(0., 4., 0.05)
y = x**2
var_f = 1.
var_y = 1.
lengthscale_f = 1.

kern = bayesnewton.kernels.Matern32(variance=var_f, lengthscale=lengthscale_f)
lik = bayesnewton.likelihoods.Gaussian(variance=var_y)
model = bayesnewton.models.MarkovVariationalGP(kernel=kern, likelihood=lik, X=x, Y=y)

energy = objax.GradValues(, model.vars())

energy_Jit = objax.Jit(energy, model.vars())
dE, E = energy()
dE_comp, E_comp = energy_Jit()

print(f"Energy={E}, Gradient of Energy={dE}")
print(f"EnergyComp={E_comp}, Gradient of EnergyComp={dE_comp}")

I digged further and the NaN is the result of gaussian_expected_log_lik in utils. The masks used here are not the same in the compiled and uncompiled version. The used mask here is mask_pseudo_y from the BaseModel. Especially mask and maskv can have different values which result in noise=0. This produces a NaN inmvn_logpdf.

I've included the function here for easier access:

def gaussian_expected_log_lik(Y, q_mu, q_covar, noise, mask=None):
    :param Y: N x 1
    :param q_mu: N x 1
    :param q_covar: N x N
    :param noise: N x N
    :param mask: N x 1
        E[log 𝓝(yₙ|fₙ,σ²)] = ∫ log 𝓝(yₙ|fₙ,σ²) 𝓝(fₙ|mₙ,vₙ) dfₙ
    if mask is not None:
        # build a mask for computing the log likelihood of a partially observed multivariate Gaussian
        maskv = mask.reshape(-1, 1)
        jax.debug.print("mask={mask}, maskv={maskv}", mask=mask, maskv=maskv)
        q_mu = np.where(maskv, Y, q_mu)
        noise = np.where(maskv + maskv.T, 0., noise)  # ensure masked entries are independent
        noise = np.where(np.diag(mask), INV2PI, noise)  # ensure masked entries return log like of 0
        q_covar = np.where(maskv + maskv.T, 0., q_covar)  # ensure masked entries are independent
        q_covar = np.where(np.diag(mask), 1e-20, q_covar)  # ensure masked entries return trace term of 0

    ml = mvn_logpdf(Y, q_mu, noise)
    trace_term = -0.5 * np.trace(solve(noise, q_covar))
    return ml + trace_term

In my opinion, the compiled and uncompiled versions should output the same value.

Latest versions of JAX and objax cause compile slow down

It is recommended to use the following versions of jax and objax:


This is because of this objax issue which causes the model to JIT compile "twice", i.e. on the first two iterations rather than just the first. This causes a bit of a slow down for large models, but is not an problem otherwise.

SparseMarkovVariationalGP vs S2CVI

I've been using markovflow.SpatioTemporalSparseCVI, which implements S2CVI from this paper, for some modeling, and I'm now experimenting with BayesNewton. Is SparseMarkovVariationalGP with a SpatioTemporalKernel that has inducing points essentially equivalent to S2CVI?

Also, can the current implementations handle 2 spatial dimensions as well as a temporal dimension?

error in with MarkovPosteriorLinearisationQuasiNewtonGP method

As the title said, there is an error after running with MarkovPosteriorLinearisationQuasiNewtonGP method:

File "", line 101, in train_op
model.inference(lr=lr_newton, damping=damping)  # perform inference and update variational params
File "/BayesNewton-main/bayesnewton/",  line 871, in inference
mean, jacobian, hessian, quasi_newton_state =self.update_variational_params(batch_ind, lr, **kwargs)
File "/BayesNewton-main/bayesnewton/",
line 1076, in update_variational_params
jacobian_var = transpose(solve(omega, dmu_dv)) @ residual
ValueError: The arguments to solve must have shapes a=[..., m, m] and b=[..., m, k] or b=[..., m]; got a=(117, 1, 1) and b=(117, 2, 2)

Can you tell me where it is wrong ? Thanks in advance.

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