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trident's Issues


There are obvious concerns about the ability to set and execute a migrator on the router, however this gives us a major competitive advantage in combination with the master chef, I think realistically we should include it with the new router to retain this advantage for the future.

Contracts directory restructure

Move each pool type into its own folder. Something like trident/contracts/{constantProduct/concentratedLiquidity/hybrid...}

Failing migration tests make other tests fail due to `ProviderError`

When I try to run trident tests locally, Migration.test.ts always fails. Tests only pass if I explicitly

git clone
cd trident/
yarn install
yarn build
yarn test

  42 passing (2m)
  2 pending
  38 failing

  1) Migration
       "before all" hook for "Should prepare for migration in chef":
     ProviderError: Must be authenticated!
      at HttpProvider.request (node_modules/hardhat/src/internal/core/providers/http.ts:49:19)
      at getNetworkId (node_modules/hardhat/src/internal/hardhat-network/provider/utils/makeForkClient.ts:109:43)
      at Object.makeForkClient (node_modules/hardhat/src/internal/hardhat-network/provider/utils/makeForkClient.ts:40:27)
      at Function.create (node_modules/hardhat/src/internal/hardhat-network/provider/node.ts:153:15)
      at HardhatNetworkProvider._init (node_modules/hardhat/src/internal/hardhat-network/provider/provider.ts:234:46)
      at async HardhatNetworkProvider._reset (node_modules/hardhat/src/internal/hardhat-network/provider/provider.ts:327:5)
      at async HardhatModule._resetAction (node_modules/hardhat/src/internal/hardhat-network/provider/modules/hardhat.ts:206:5)
      at async HardhatNetworkProvider.request (node_modules/hardhat/src/internal/hardhat-network/provider/provider.ts:108:18)
      at async Context.<anonymous> (test/Migration.test.ts:11:5)


The weird thing is it's only only the tests in test/Migration.test.ts that fail but once they do, every test after them fails with the same message. For example TridentMath:

TS_NODE_TRANSPILE_ONLY=1 npx hardhat test test/Migration.test.ts test/TridentMath.test.ts
  3) TridentMath
       "before all" hook for "TridentMath.sqrt() returns correct values":
     ProviderError: Must be authenticated!

If your run tests for TridentMath only, they succeed:

TS_NODE_TRANSPILE_ONLY=1 npx hardhat test test/TridentMath.test.ts
    ✓ TridentMath.sqrt() returns correct values (196ms)

  1 passing (2s)

Deterministic exact output functionality is lost

There are two types of Trade which guarentee determisim in their own respects, exact input or exact output.

In my opinion a genius design decision in earlier versions of AMMs, however Trident only supports a deterministic input which is problematic for a number of reasons and common use cases of an AMM.

ExactIn - You have a specific input, the input is determistic, you will never use more input than you expect to recieve some margin (slippage) of output.

This is better understood in my mind as a seller looking to sell a specific amount of tokens, with margin on the output.

ExactOut - You have a specific output, the output is determistic, you will never get more output than you expect in return for some margin (slippage) of input.

This is better understood in my mind as a buyer looking to buy a specific amount of tokens, with margin on the input.

These are two distinct, or rather inverse functions, which have their own use cases. I believe the decision was originally made to include them in earlier versions of AMMs for a good reason, and belive we need to support or else we we lose the ability to cater for the latter case, ExactOut.


  • I want 1 PUNK BASIC
  • I want 0.1 SAK3 to qualify for airdrop

You could list a substantial number of common cases like this which require exact out to be both determistic and reliable.


  • Re-architecture of the single router into a generic, if it's desirable to use one router only.
  • Multiple routers

And functionality added to support exactOut for each pool type.

Hacky solutions:

  • Remove ability to select an output amount and only allow input amount. I don't think this is desirable and will frustrate users.
  • Hacks to give appearance of exact out. This will be prone to two, probably common, unexpected results:
    1. Revert
    2. Spending more than you need, and getting more output than you want.

In both cases above this will require a substantially rethink and evaluation of the UI from top to bottom, supporting libraries, and other areas of the application outside of trident too. Timescale for this would be an unknown and substantial, and I believe results would not be great in terms of UX and predictability.

Index Pool Token <> Token mapping

Problem: The UI needs to find the relevant pool addresses for two tokens.
Solution: When deploying an index pool store the pool address under a pools mapping so that every token combination is covered (n*(n-1)/2) combinations.

for(let i = 0; i < pools.length; i++)
for(let j = i + 1; j < pools.length; j++)
pools[tokens[i]][tokens[j]] = pool

Event naming

This is more of a nit pick than anything else, but events should always be named in a way which represents an event, meaing that they should be in past tense.

DeployPool -> DeployedPool/PoolDeployed
TransferOwner -> TransferedOwnership/OwnershipTransfered
TransferOwnerClaim -> ClaimedOwnership/OwnershipClaimed

Hidden dependencies between tests - `Router.test.ts` makes `_ConstantProduct.test.ts` fail if run before


There seems to be an implicit dependency between test suites because whether they fail or not depends on their order. In particular _ConstantProduct.test.ts fails if you run Router.test.ts before it.

This is especially problematic because to work around #283 I need to exclude some tests. Hardhat does not seem to have a command-line option for that so I'm doing it like this:

tests_to_run=$(find test/ -name "*.test.ts" ! -path "test/migration/Migration.test.ts")
npx hardhat test $tests_to_run

This unfortunately may produce a different order than the one Hardhat uses.

How to reproduce

_ConstantProduct.test.ts and Router.test.ts

This fails:

npx hardhat test test/Router.test.ts test/constant-product/_ConstantProduct.test.ts
  Constant Product Pool Old
    1) "before all" hook in "Constant Product Pool Old"

  9 passing (6s)
  1 failing

  1) Constant Product Pool Old
       "before all" hook in "Constant Product Pool Old":

      AssertionError: expected '0x4B8297ba8ab03Ad9Dc81d09edD9EAB58e7d1100a' to equal '0xAD806Ef1a19DB65F12C08E0f6101Eb4cD5004CCd'
      + expected - actual


      at initialize (test/harness/ConstantProduct.ts:99:25)
      at async Context.<anonymous> (test/constant-product/_ConstantProduct.test.ts:8:5)

Reversing the order fixes the problem:

npx hardhat test test/constant-product/_ConstantProduct.test.ts test/Router.test.ts
  Constant Product Pool Old
      ✓ Should do 24 types of swaps (3300ms)
      ✓ Balanced liquidity to a balanced pool (109ms)
      ✓ Add liquidity in 16 different ways before swap fees (1938ms)
      ✓ Add liquidity in 16 different ways after swap fees (1973ms)
      ✓ Remove liquidity in 12 different ways (2649ms)


  14 passing (18s)

Sorted paths

If you sort the paths to work around it, it still fails, the errors are just different. The test suite seems to be very brittle with regard to test ordering.

tests_to_run=$(find test/ -name "*.test.ts" ! -path "test/migration/Migration.test.ts" | LC_ALL=C sort)
npx hardhat test $tests_to_run
  113 passing (3m)
  3 pending
  2 failing

  1) Constant Product Pool Old
         Add liquidity in 16 different ways before swap fees:

      AssertionError: Expected "49000000000000000000" to be equal 0
      + expected - actual

      -  "_hex": "0x00"
      +  "_hex": "0x02a802f8630a240000"
         "_isBigNumber": true

      at assertArgsArraysEqual (node_modules/@ethereum-waffle/chai/dist/cjs/matchers/emit.js:58:54)
      at tryAssertArgsArraysEqual (node_modules/@ethereum-waffle/chai/dist/cjs/matchers/emit.js:65:20)
      at /tmp/ext-test-Trident-fjO08G/ext/node_modules/@ethereum-waffle/chai/dist/cjs/matchers/emit.js:77:13
      at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)
      at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)
      at runNextTicks (node:internal/process/task_queues:65:3)
      at listOnTimeout (node:internal/timers:536:9)
      at processTimers (node:internal/timers:510:7)
      at async addLiquidity (test/harness/ConstantProduct.ts:149:3)
      at async addLiquidityInMultipleWays (test/constant-product/_ConstantProduct.test.ts:73:7)

  2) Constant Product Pool Old
         Add liquidity in 16 different ways after swap fees:

      AssertionError: Expected "35000000000000000000" to be equal 0
      + expected - actual

      -  "_hex": "0x00"
      +  "_hex": "0x01e5b8fa8fe2ac0000"
         "_isBigNumber": true

      at assertArgsArraysEqual (node_modules/@ethereum-waffle/chai/dist/cjs/matchers/emit.js:58:54)
      at tryAssertArgsArraysEqual (node_modules/@ethereum-waffle/chai/dist/cjs/matchers/emit.js:65:20)
      at /tmp/ext-test-Trident-fjO08G/ext/node_modules/@ethereum-waffle/chai/dist/cjs/matchers/emit.js:77:13
      at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)
      at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)
      at runNextTicks (node:internal/process/task_queues:65:3)
      at listOnTimeout (node:internal/timers:536:9)
      at processTimers (node:internal/timers:510:7)
      at async addLiquidity (test/harness/ConstantProduct.ts:149:3)
      at async addLiquidityInMultipleWays (test/constant-product/_ConstantProduct.test.ts:73:7)

Visual overview of contracts and their relationships

Thank you for the awesome Sushi team for shipping an excellent product.

As the product is quite complex, does there exist visual documentation regarding the Trident contract set how the different contracts are related and interact? For example, a UML diagram would help external developers to get up to the speed up fast.

IndexPool: swap failing

Isolated test here:

IndexPool is currently failing on swap. The _getAmountOut function is returning an unexpectedly large number that causes an overflow when outRecord.amount is updated.

Also appears to be a logic error in the y value calculation - dividing tokenbalanceIn by itself

    function _getAmountOut(
        uint256 tokenBalanceIn,
        uint256 tokenWeightIn,
        uint256 tokenBalanceOut,
        uint256 tokenWeightOut,
        uint256 tokenAmountIn
    ) internal view returns (uint256 finalAmountOut) {
        uint256 weightRatio = tokenWeightIn / tokenWeightOut;
        uint256 adjustedIn = BASE - swapFee;
        adjustedIn = tokenAmountIn * adjustedIn;
        uint256 y = tokenBalanceIn / tokenBalanceIn + adjustedIn; // tokenBalanceIn/tokenBalancein ?
        uint256 foo = pow(y, weightRatio);
        uint256 bar = BASE - foo;
        finalAmountOut = tokenBalanceOut * bar;

ConcentratedLiquidityPool:rangeFeeGrowth issue

function rangeFeeGrowth(int24 lowerTick, int24 upperTick) public view returns (uint256 feeGrowthInside0, uint256 feeGrowthInside1) {
int24 currentTick = nearestTick;
Tick storage lower = ticks[lowerTick];
Tick storage upper = ticks[upperTick];

When calculating feeGrowth, currentTick must be calculated based on the current price for it to be calculated correctly.

  • AS-IS
int24 currentTick = nearestTick; 
  • TO-BE
int24 currentTick = TickMath.getTickAtSqrtRatio(price);

ConcentratedLiquidityPoolManager Allowance Check Issue

referenced : ConcentratedLiquidityPoolManager.sol

Is there any reason why it is possible to call only msg.sender?

require(msg.sender == ownerOf(tokenId), "NOT_ID_OWNER"); 

If this happens, it will be difficult to create a 3rd party contract for the position NFT in the future. How about changing it to _isApprovedOrOwner as shown below?

require(_isApprovedOrOwner(msg.sender, tokenId), "NOT_ALLOWED");;


require(address(position.pool) == address(pool), "POOL_MIS_MATCH");
require(position.lower == lower && position.upper == upper, "RANGE_MIS_MATCH");
require(ownerOf(positionId) == msg.sender, "NOT_ID_OWNER");

function burn(
uint256 tokenId,
uint128 amount,
address recipient,
bool unwrapBento,
uint256 minimumOut0,
uint256 minimumOut1
) external returns (uint256 token0Amount, uint256 token1Amount) {
require(msg.sender == ownerOf(tokenId), "NOT_ID_OWNER");

function collect(
uint256 tokenId,
address recipient,
bool unwrapBento
) public returns (uint256 token0amount, uint256 token1amount) {
require(msg.sender == ownerOf(tokenId), "NOT_ID_OWNER");

Identifier uniqueness isn't enforced

Pool implementations require a poolIdentifier to satisfiy IPool.

/// @return A unique identifier for the pool type.
function poolIdentifier() external pure returns (bytes32);

However, uniqueness is not enforced, it probably makes sense to do this.

I did suggest an alternative too which might be worth thinking about, and could be quite useful for consumers, a pool indentifier + version e.g ID: ConstantProductPool, VERSION: 1 etc..., uniqueness of the combination would need to be enforced.

Dependencies are broken without the .lock file

If you try to build the project and run tests without relying on the exact versions listed in yarn.lock, many tests fail. Some of the dependencies listed in package.json must be incorrect or not restricted enough.


git clone
cd trident/
rm yarn.lock
yarn install
yarn build
yarn test:coverage
> Istanbul reports written to ./coverage/ and ./coverage.json
Error in plugin solidity-coverage: TSError: ⨯ Unable to compile TypeScript:
test/router/helpers/index.ts:1:30 - error TS2305: Module '"@sushiswap/tines"' has no exported member 'findMultiRoute'.

1 import { RToken, MultiRoute, findMultiRoute } from "@sushiswap/tines";


npx hardhat test $(
    find test/ -name "*.test.ts" ! -path "test/Migration.test.ts"
  27 passing (31s)
  2 pending
  43 failing

  1) MultiPool Routing Tests - Random Topologies & Random Swaps
       Random topology output prediction precision is ok:
     TypeError: (0 , tines_1.findMultiRoute) is not a function
      at Object.createRoute (test/router/helpers/index.ts:40:31)
      at Context.<anonymous> (test/router/RoutingMultiPoolComplex.test.ts:51:34)
      at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:97:5)
      at runNextTicks (internal/process/task_queues.js:66:3)
      at listOnTimeout (internal/timers.js:523:9)
      at processTimers (internal/timers.js:497:7)
  9) HybridPool Typescript == Solidity check
       Check regular liquidity values
         Test 1:

      swap amount not close enough to predicted amount
      + expected - actual

      at checkSwap (test/router/RoutingHybrid.test.ts:162:72)
      at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:97:5)
      at runNextTicks (internal/process/task_queues.js:66:3)
      at listOnTimeout (internal/timers.js:523:9)
      at processTimers (internal/timers.js:497:7)
      at async Context.<anonymous> (test/router/RoutingHybrid.test.ts:188:11)
  40) Concentrated Pool Routing
       swap without crossing:

      AssertionError: expected NaN to be below 1e-12
      + expected - actual


      at Context.<anonymous> (test/router/RoutingCL.test.ts:71:54)
      at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)
      at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:97:5)
      at runNextTicks (internal/process/task_queues.js:66:3)
      at listOnTimeout (internal/timers.js:523:9)
      at processTimers (internal/timers.js:497:7)

Convert calls to low level calls

This should theoretically be cheaper since low-level calls do not check for extcode. However, gas should be compared before and after on the target Solidity version.

Subgraph viability

One thing I've run into immediately with the subgraph is unable to distinguish with the NewPoolCreated event what factory this is related to since it contains a pool address only and no context on the factory which created it, nor any data to build this pool without making external calls which should be avoided in the subgraph.

I think we may need to include separate events for each pool type since they can have different initial parameters, like constant product (token0, token1, swapFee), hybrid (token0, token1, swapFee, a), etc... but I'm not entirely sure the best way to proceed here, I would be interested on your thoughts.

Other potentially missing events

  • Hybrid Pool: No swap event
  • Hybrid/ConstantProduct: No sync events

Data fetching via Web3 viability

Gathering data via Web3 is not viable via public metered RPCs across networks at the moment


  • Add poolLength to IPoolFactory
  • Add poolAddresses list to IPoolFactory
  • Add getPool function to IPoolFactory
  • Update concrete factory implementations to satisfy new interface

ConcentratedLiquidityPool Missing


The link to ConcentratedLiquidityPool via trident/blob/master/contracts/pool/concentrated/ConcentratedLiquidityPool.sol doesn't seem to lead to a valid file.

Is this code forthcoming?

ConcentratedLiquidityPool ensureTickSpacing logic issue

when the value of lower is TickMath.MIN_TICK and upper is TickMath.MAX_TICK, I think it should be passed _ensureTickSpacing() method. But current _ensureTickSpacing() block this case.

My Suggestion is below.


function _ensureTickSpacing(int24 lower, int24 upper) internal view {
if (lower % int24(tickSpacing) != 0) revert InvalidTick();
if ((lower / int24(tickSpacing)) % 2 != 0) revert LowerEven();
if (upper % int24(tickSpacing) != 0) revert InvalidTick();
if ((upper / int24(tickSpacing)) % 2 == 0) revert UpperOdd();


    function _ensureTickSpacing(int24 lower, int24 upper) internal view {
        if (lower != TickMath.MIN_TICK) {
            if (lower % int24(tickSpacing) != 0) revert InvalidTick();
            if ((lower / int24(tickSpacing)) % 2 != 0) revert LowerEven();

        if (upper != TickMath.MAX_TICK) {
            if (upper % int24(tickSpacing) != 0) revert InvalidTick();
            if ((upper / int24(tickSpacing)) % 2 == 0) revert UpperOdd();

IndexPool mint

IndexPool mint function has strange behaviour:

  • It doesn't check pool balance income
  • At first launch It adds 1/100 of 'toMint' value to balanced of all tokens

tests\IndexPool.test.ts'pool balance should be equal to transferred value'

Test coverage

We should be aiming for complete code coverage, at least of relevent contracts for intial release.

Master Deployer is already covered.

ConstantProductPoolFactory, ConstrantProductPool & Router need some work to hit 100%.

ConcentratedLiqudity additional balance checks

ConcentratedLiquidity pools need additional checks to validate balances

In the existing tests that add liquidity to a CL pool should have and additional requirement to remove all liquidity and then validate the pool balances.

There is an expectation of remaining dust in the pool. The acceptable value is less than a value less that 10 * (10 ** 18) of any given token.

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