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espnetv2's Introduction

ESPNetv2: A Light-weight, Power Efficient, and General Purpose Convolutional Neural Network

IMPORTANT NOTE 1 (7 June, 2019): We have released new code base that supports several datasets and models, including ESPNetv2. Please see here for more details.

IMPORTANT NOTE 2 (7 June, 2019): This repository is obsolete and we are not maintaining it anymore.

This repository contains the source code of our paper, ESPNetv2 which is accepted for publication at CVPR'19.

Note: New segmentation models for the PASCAL VOC and the Cityscapes are coming soon. Our new models achieves mIOU of 68.0 and 66.15 on the PASCAL VOC and the Cityscapes test sets, respectively.

Real-time semantic segmentation using ESPNetv2 on iPhone7 (see EdgeNets for details)
Seg demo on iPhone7 Seg demo on iPhone7

Comparison with SOTA methods

Compared to state-of-the-art efficient networks, our network delivers competitive performance while being much more power efficient. Sample results are shown in below figure. For more details, please read our paper.

FLOPs vs. accuracy on the ImageNet dataset

Power consumption on TX2 device

If you find our project useful in your research, please consider citing:

  title={ESPNetv2: A Light-weight, Power Efficient, and General Purpose Convolutional Neural Network},
  author={Sachin Mehta and Mohammad Rastegari and Linda Shapiro and Hannaneh Hajishirzi},

  title={ESPNet: Efficient Spatial Pyramid of Dilated Convolutions for Semantic Segmentation},
  author={Sachin Mehta and Mohammad Rastegari and Anat Caspi and Linda Shapiro and Hannaneh Hajishirzi},


This repository contains source code and pretrained for the following:

  • Object classification: We provide source code along with pre-trained models at different network complexities for the ImageNet dataset. Click here for more details.
  • Semantic segmentation: We provide source code along with pre-trained models on the Cityscapes dataset. Check here for more details.


To run this repository, you should have following softwares installed:

  • PyTorch - We tested with v0.4.1
  • OpenCV - We tested with version 3.4.3
  • Python3 - Our code is written in Python3. We recommend to use Anaconda for the same.

Instructions to install Pytorch and OpenCV with Anaconda

Assuming that you have installed Anaconda successfully, you can follow the following instructions to install the packeges:


conda install pytorch torchvision -c pytorch

Once installed, run the following commands in your terminal to verify the version:

import torch

This should print something like this 0.4.1.post2.

If your version is different, then follow PyTorch website here for more details.


conda install pip
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install opencv-python

Once installed, run the following commands in your terminal to verify the version:

import cv2

This should print something like this 3.4.3.

Implementation note

You will see that EESP unit, the core building block of the ESPNetv2 architecture, has a for loop to process the input at different dilation rates. You can parallelize it using Streams in PyTorch. It improves the inference speed.

A snippet to parallelize a for loop in pytorch is shown below:

# Sequential version
output = [] 
a = torch.randn(1, 3, 10, 10)
for i in range(4):
    output.append(a), 1)
# Parallel version
num_branches = 4
streams = [(idx, torch.cuda.Stream()) for idx in range(num_branches)]
output = []
a = torch.randn(1, 3, 10, 10)
for idx, s in streams:
torch.cuda.synchronize(), 1)


  • we have used above strategy to measure inference related statistics, including power consumption and run time on a single GPU.
  • We have not tested it (for training as well as inference) across multiple GPUs. If you want to use Streams and facing issues, please use PyTorch forums to resolve your queries.

espnetv2's People


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espnetv2's Issues

Training issues (from pretrained weights)

First, great work!
Unfortunately, I ran into three weird behaviors when training your network.
I'm trying to fine-tune your network for the kitti dataset, which provides a mere 200 labeled images. Kitti uses the same labels as in CityScapes. Images are 1242 pixels wide and 375 pixels height.

  1. First, I update the train.txt and val.txt, then I relabel images using cityscapes' mapping from labelId to trainId, I then encounter a problem concerning the 255 label, which I simply discard in the Besides this small inconvenient, everything so far is good (would be nice to add --ignore_id argument in the main script).
  2. When training, regardless of using pretrained weights I would expect to have to use the arguments you provide, basically 'inWidth' and 'inHeight'. Nevertheless, when using such values the training breaks:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python3 --batch_size 8 --s 1.0 --data_dir ./kitti --cached_data_file kitti.p --inWidth 1242 --inHeight 375


RuntimeError: invalid argument 0: Sizes of tensors must match except in dimension 1. Got 72 and 71 in dimension 2 at /pytorch/aten/src/THC/generic/

Similar Issues: #6 #13

Interestingly enough, leaving the default values makes it run...

  1. Even more weirdly, when using the pretrained weights, I encounter the following issue:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python3 --batch_size 10 --s 1.0 --data_dir ./kitti --cached_data_file kitti.p --pretrained ./pretrained_weights/espnetv2_segmentation_s_1.0.pth


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 269, in <module>
  File "", line 30, in trainValidateSegmentation
    model = net.EESPNet_Seg(args.classes, s=args.s, pretrained=args.pretrained, gpus=num_gpus)
  File "segmentation/cnn/", line 25, in __init__
  File "venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 769, in load_state_dict
    self.__class__.__name__, "\n\t".join(error_msgs)))
RuntimeError: Error(s) in loading state_dict for DataParallel:
	Missing key(s) in state_dict: "module.level1.conv.weight", "", "", "",  ............A long list....................
	Unexpected key(s) in state_dict: "", "", "", "", "", ", ............Another long list....................

As interesting as before, if I run the same command with the pretrained weights of object classification, it runs... (this is quite confusing)

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python3 --batch_size 8 --s 1.0 --data_dir ./kitti --cached_data_file kitti.p --pretrained ../imagenet/pretrained_weights/espnetv2_s_1.0.pth 


Model initialized with pretrained weights
Total network parameters: 340782
Data statistics
[ 98.74988 102.4303   97.34298] [80.21684 78.51919 75.99867]
[ 3.5197217  7.555117   5.793313  10.019754   9.771379   9.226719
 10.181938   9.925934   3.145523   5.8163567  5.3573713 10.378751
  8.682274   6.40663   10.266428  10.30295   10.258763  10.4816475
 10.429212   7.707068 ]
Learning rate: 0.0005
Train: epoch 0
[0/23] loss: 6.070 time:6.91
[1/23] loss: 5.943 time:0.52
[2/23] loss: 5.866 time:0.48
[3/23] loss: 5.786 time:0.49
[4/23] loss: 5.752 time:0.48
[5/23] loss: 5.597 time:0.48

How can I train your network using the pretrained weights for segmentation using the kitti dataset?
The problem is that if I run the network on the kitti dataset with the pretrained weights only, it does not look very nice.

Turning ESPNet into c++ cudastream problem

I want to turn your python code into C++/Cuda Code.
So I want to convert your model into pt / ONNX model.
I found this conversion problem:
/home/wjl/project/ESPNetv2/segmentation/cnn/ TracerWarning: Converting a tensor to a Python boolean might cause the trace to be incorrect. We can't record the data flow of Python values, so this value will be treated as a constant in the future. This means that the trace might not generalize to other inputs!
if w2 == w1:
/home/wjl/project/ESPNetv2/segmentation/cnn/ TracerWarning: Converting a tensor to a Python boolean might cause the trace to be incorrect. We can't record the data flow of Python values, so this value will be treated as a constant in the future. This means that the trace might not generalize to other inputs!
if expanded.size() == input.size():

It seems "if ==" not support in cudastream, how can I avoid it?

compared with ShuffleNet V2

hi, after read your paper and run the code, I've tried compared it with shufflenet v2 1×(implemented in tensorflow) for image classification, their GPU(1080Ti) Speed as follow:
shufflenet v2 1×: 3ms/per image
ESPNet V2: 13ms/per image
I want to make sure my test process is right? (or the actual forward infer is the above speed), thanks


What was the reasoning for downsampling block to make depthwise convolution strided instead of making pointwise convolution strided?

What does 's' mean?

What does the network scale parameter 's' set during training mean?
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES = 0, 1, 2, 3 python - batch_size 10 - s 1.0

On lines 34-37 of
if s <= 0.5:
p = 0.1
p = 0.2

and line 46
self.project_l1 = nn.Sequential (nn.Dropout2d (p = p), C ( + classes, classes, 1, 1))

I interpreted 's' as a parameter of dropout. However, looking at lines 34-37, it seems that there is no difference as s = 1.0 and s = 1.5 both p = 0.2.

What does 's' mean?

What is the actual latency on ARM or CPU?

Thanks for the great work! And I also find that ESPNetv2 has comparable performance with MobileNet or ShuffleNet with even less FLOPS, but is the actual inference speed (images / sec) on ARM or CPU faster than the other light weighted architectures?

Classes Number maybe not reasonable

Hello, Writers, Firstly thanks for your share.
I find that Cityscapes Datasets includes 34 classes, thus the segmentation code write for only 20 classes, do you transform the label values to 20 classes before training?

Network parameters of segmentation model in the paper

Thanks for your impressive work and code @sacmehta .
After I read your ESPNetv2 (CVPR'19) paper and previous versions on arXiv,
I have a question about the number of network parameters of segmentation model.

In Figure 7(c) of v1 and v2 papers, there are 2 models which have 725K, 99K parameters, respectively.
However, in Figure 7(a) of v3 paper, there is a model that is more accurate than previous ones without the number of parameters.

Can you tell me the number of parameters of your model in Figure 7(a) of v3 paper?
Or the value of 's' which is scaling parameter in your model would be enough.
Thank you.

A strange problem encountered during training

I redesigned the network architecture by using the EESP module, and used the open source code method to train the network, but there was a strange phenomenon. The miou value of the training set is constantly increasing, but the miou value of the verification set is like a Random value, the value will remain unchanged at the end of the network training and is very small !

train/eval for another dataset

Hello, how can I be training/evaluating the network for other datasets except imagenet? For exemple, for people classification or something like this? I tried to run the same command on README changing only the classes number on the model variable and changing the dataset path (my dataset is divided into train and val folders and each one with folders for classes) and got some errors, can you help me? I want to use this network on raspberry pi.

Espnet .pth with another scale factor

I searched for the .pth files in your repository with s == 1.0 trained with COCO / VOC and couldn't find it. Could you make these files available?

Can anyone upload a pretrained model?

HI, Deal all,
Can anyone kindly upload a pretrained model. Training is really time consumping, I just want to evaluate the performance. Thank you.

How to train own dataset?

Hello, I'm a student studying machine running.

I found ESPNet v2 after looking for a network of real time semantic segmentation processing on TX2.

I don't have the cityscapes dataset, so I want to do training with own dataset.

I'm a beginner about machine running.

Could you provide a tutorial that trains to own dataset?

Thank you in advance.

Using sum of 2 losses

Hi, thank you for your works and share.

I found there are two outputs from EESPNet_Seg
output1 from level 4 (used in inference)
output2 from level 2 (only used in training stage)

I'm wondering why did you use sum of 2 losses
loss1 = criterion(output1, target)
loss2 = criterion(output2, target)
loss = loss1 + loss2

  1. What if trying "loss = criterion(output1+output2, target)" and using "output1+output2" as a final segmentation output, which is similar to "skip layer" used in FCN-8s.

  2. What if using one more (another) output from level 3.

If you have already tried those combination, can you inform the details you tried and explain the reason why you didn't use that?
If not, what do you think about that concept? what can we expect?

get 8% miou when train ade datasets with 7classes

Hello, firstly thanks for your share!
Recently, I am using your model 'cityscapes.bisenet.R18.speed' to training my own dataset which is processed to 7classes with pretrained model 'R 18', But i got 8% class iou .
Could you help me to find where the fault is?

Is it possible to get probability(likelihood) for foreground class label?

Hello Sachin, I am very beginner of Deep Learning , I apologize if my question is stupid.

I trained with my own annotation images (background is 0, foreground is 1 ) and set "--classes=2".
Then I want to know the probability(likelihood) of label 1 for each pixel of test images.
In other word, I want to get heat-map of probability of foreground label.
Is it possible?
And, I want to know whether trying 2 class segmentation on this network is correct approach or not.

About Power consumption

First, I'm impressed by your good work.

I wonder how to measure power consumption on TX board.

I can't find more details about measuring power consumption in your paper.


RuntimeError: invalid argument 0: Sizes of tensors must match except in dimension 1. Got 136 and 135 in dimension 2 at /opt/conda/conda-bld/pytorch_1532581333611/work/aten/src/THC/generic/`

Thank you for developing ESPNet!
I have three questions

・ About labels to be ignored
My own dataset has 11 classes except the background. And we assigned 255 labels to the background.
So in and
label_img [label_img == 255] = 19
label_img [label_img == 255] = 11
Written and executed
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES = 0, 1, 2, 3 python - data_dir ./izunuma - classes 11 - batch_size 10 - s 1.0

Labels can take value between 0 and number of classes 10.
You have following values ​​as class labels:
[0 1 11]
Some problem with labels. Please check image file

I encountered this error.
To solve this, include the background in the number of classes, assign 12 to the --classes argument The solution is correct.

・About errors during learning
I set the number of classes in the above method and started training, the following error occurred.
Image size width 640 height 360
~/github/ESPNetv2/segmentation$ CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python --data_dir ./izunuma --classes 12 --batch_size 10 --s 1.0
Total network parameters: 338430
Data statistics
[131.47914 144.9144 134.75436] [76.80522 68.83018 71.792274]
[ 9.698015 9.98296 7.912603 8.275558 3.726631 10.492059
10.192185 4.4507203 10.4207115 10.338895 10.329051 1.9822153]
Learning rate: 0.0005
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 263, in
File "", line 200, in trainValidateSegmentation
train(args, trainLoader_scale1, model, criteria, optimizer, epoch)
File "/home/nouki/github/ESPNetv2/segmentation/", line 89, in train
output1, output2 = model(input)
File "/home/nouki/.pyenv/versions/anaconda3-5.3.1/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 477, in call
result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs)
File "/home/nouki/.pyenv/versions/anaconda3-5.3.1/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/parallel/", line 121, in forward
return self.module(*inputs[0], **kwargs[0])
File "/home/nouki/.pyenv/versions/anaconda3-5.3.1/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 477, in call
result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs)
File "/home/nouki/github/ESPNetv2/segmentation/cnn/", line 62, in forward
merge_l2 = self.project_l2([out_l2, out_up_l3], 1))
RuntimeError: invalid argument 0: Sizes of tensors must match except in dimension 1. Got 136 and 135 in dimension 2 at /opt/conda/conda-bld/pytorch_1532581333611/work/aten/src/THC/generic/

I have not had time to learn pytorch, so I did not know what this error means by examining.

・Code mistake?
Perhaps the code of this part is wrong line 41
label_img [label_img = 255] = 19

label_img [label_img == 255] = 19
label [label = 255] = 19

label [label == 255] = 19

Thank you!

train.txt create

Hi,I'm a beginner about machine learning.
How can i do for make train.txt.

Is using
Which parameters should I change?

Can you provide a practice?


Performance Issues on NVIDIA GTX1080

I trained the same ESPNetV2 on my GTX 1080 CUDA GPU for 10 class semantic segmentation. I did some modifications to code so it works for my 10 classes. Input image size was 640x480 I got an mIoU of 62% on validation which is really good. However I was expecting a greater performance but I got 52 fps as inference speed which is average of all samples[5:]. I wanted to know why there is a huge difference in performance claimed by paper(140 fps) and implementation(50fps) ?... this is how ran the code
python --batch_size 10 --s 1.0 --inWidth 640 --inHeight 480 --max_epochs 350 --batch_size 32 --classes 10 --csvfile ~/data/Cityscape_v2/class_dict_grouped.csv --data_dir pwd
the last parameter I have added to train for my dataset.

Question about predict on espnetv2

How can I be using ESPNETv2 to make inferences on random images? In your repository and in the Edgenets repository I just found ways to evaluate in a specific dataset, but I would like to pass external images as a parameter and see the net result, how can I be doing this?

Question about the comparison between ESPNet and ESPNetv2 on your paper.


I have a question about the graph (It's on 4.2 Semantic segmentation -- Results -- (a) ESPNet vs. ESPNetv2 (validation set)) on your ESPNetv2 paper.
There are 6 points in the graph, 3 is for ESPNetv2 and the others' for ESPNet.
I am wondering those points' parameters are p=2, q=3,5,8 for ESPNet and s=0.5,1.0,1.5 for ESPNetv2 or any other parameters.



Hi, thank you for your work and for open sourcing your code!

As you don't list mail addresses in the paper I abuse the Github issue tracker to ask a question about the paper:
Have you compared your work to MNasNet (
MNasNet is stronger than Mobilenet v2 across different FLOP settings and achieves 75% TOP-1 imagenet accuracy with a comparable compute envelope as you used for Figure 3c. Is there a reason why you excluded MNasNet from your comparisons?


I cannot get your accuracy after following your steps to train on the cisyscapes datase.

here is my result:
Epoch: 124 Overall Acc (Tr): 0.8973 Overall Acc (Val): 0.8530 mIOU (Tr): 0.4831 mIOU (Val): 0.4305
Per Class Training Acc: [0.9563952 0.87780535 0.9068668 0.43044552 0.5774933 0.5071546
0.43101206 0.6368849 0.921697 0.7282442 0.9652385 0.788574
0.32997596 0.94641626 0.22630975 0.26235422 0.14418961 0.17280169
0.6403003 0.64186233]
Per Class Validation Acc: [0.9250288 0.7664717 0.9041689 0.2594584 0.4326968 0.47890368
0.36922717 0.6052691 0.89565104 0.5700432 0.92304826 0.7061085
0.36114156 0.89745665 0.21361473 0.30452752 0.04327752 0.09240897
0.6547894 0.64558077]
Per Class Training mIOU:
[0.93848205 0.6837373 0.826016 0.31308392 0.36571708 0.32630438
0.29591504 0.4236251 0.853054 0.5105453 0.8888189 0.5311395
0.23751496 0.84709704 0.18447216 0.21306016 0.12266205 0.13488355
0.41068017 0.55468637]
Per Class Validation mIOU:
[0.8795196 0.59463114 0.78535455 0.20169742 0.21248965 0.32275337
0.2726844 0.45283318 0.82542694 0.3319856 0.82660824 0.43451232
0.2278607 0.7965249 0.138431 0.2273348 0.02951417 0.07179707
0.40751818 0.57027286]
and the miou can't be improved.
I want to know whether this situation happened while your training. Thanks a lot.

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