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js-assistant's Issues

Swapping if/else does not work

I thought this used to work:


But it does not swap the branches.

If this is a who-wins thing, I would definitely expect the if branch to move when the cursor is on the if or else.

push-operator-into-assignment error

I got this message “Can push + operator into += assignment.” for this line of code:

content = excerpt + content;

The proposed replacement is (which is marked as safe):

content += excerpt;

Which is not the same as I which to put excerpt before content in resulting content variable.

v1.29.0 causes the Extension Host to crash


  • VSCode: 1.60.2
  • Extension: 1.29.0
  • OS: Windows 10.0.19043 x64

After starting VSCode, the error message "Extension host terminated unexpectedly" appears, with an option to restart it. After restarting it, it terminates again after a few seconds.

From the window log:
[2021-09-30 11:26:03.284] [renderer1] [error] Extension host terminated unexpectedly. The following extensions were running: aaron-bond.better-comments, mechatroner.rainbow-csv, vscode.extension-editing, vscode.typescript-language-features, christian-kohler.npm-intellisense, p42ai.refactor, VisualStudioExptTeam.vscodeintellicode,, ms-vscode.js-debug, vscode.debug-auto-launch, vscode.git, acarreiro.calculate, mhutchie.git-graph, PKief.material-icon-theme, rafamel.subtle-brackets, ritwickdey.LiveServer, vincaslt.highlight-matching-tag, vscode-icons-team.vscode-icons, wayou.vscode-todo-highlight, vscode.configuration-editing, vscode.json-language-features, vscode.npm

Checking the "Running Extensions" list, the P42 refactor extension is marked as unresponsive. Disabling the extension solves the problem (extension host does not terminate anymore).

Could you please look into this? TIA

Refactoring Idea: Early Return and Back

        reentrancyBarrier.makeExclusive((c) => {
            if (c.scrollTopChanged) {
                synchronizeScrolling(this.inputResultView.editor, this.input1View.editor, input1ResultMapping.get(), 2);


        reentrancyBarrier.makeExclusive((c) => {
            if (!c.scrollTopChanged) {
            synchronizeScrolling(this.inputResultView.editor, this.input1View.editor, input1ResultMapping.get(), 2);

Bug report: Comment node is removed after "Extract to function in module scope"

Hi. When I refactor a callback in my JSX, which does something rather complicated, one of my comments are removed.

Code example:

/* eslint-disable */

export default function Something() {
  return (
      aCallbackThatProducesAReactNode={() => {
        // this comment will be kept intact
        const someProps = {
          prop1: props.props1, // BUT THIS COMMENT WILL BE REMOVED :(

          prop2: props.props2 // this comment will be kept intact too

        return <SomeOtherComponent {...someProps} />;

Try refactoring the whole callback into a function in module scope.




As you see one of my comments are removed.


Smart extend keyboard short cut conflicts with default Move Line Up/Move Line Down

I am not sure if you noticed, but by default, Move Line Up is bound to Alt + UpArrow and Move Line Down is bound to Alt + DownArrow.

Given how incredibly useful Move Line Up/Down are, I would expect that everyone would be complaining that p42 just installed a conflicting set of keyboard bindings.

I am removing the bindings that p42 added. I am sure there is a better set of keys to bind the smart expand to.

Refactor idea: Refactor function to module scope, but preserve the function itself (with/out arguments)

Hi. Sometimes I use P42 for refactoring callbacks, so the code would be cleaner, but I always have to make a manual refactor to make it more performant. I want my callbacks to be preserved (instead of me




I'm not too familiar with this whole parsing and automatic refactoring thing and I don't know the thing I expect is possible or not. And I'm aware with arguments it will be more and more complicated But I believe the simple cases can be detected and put as an option.

Refactoring Idea: To/From Ternary

let originalRange: LineRange;
if (c.originalEndLineNumber === 0) {
    // Insertion
    originalRange = new LineRange(c.originalStartLineNumber + 1, c.originalStartLineNumber + 1);
} else {
    originalRange = new LineRange(c.originalStartLineNumber, c.originalEndLineNumber + 1);


let originalRange: LineRange = c.originalEndLineNumber === 0
    // Insertion
    ? new LineRange(c.originalStartLineNumber + 1, c.originalStartLineNumber + 1)
    : new LineRange(c.originalStartLineNumber, c.originalEndLineNumber + 1);


export class SmartLinesDiffComputer implements ILinesDiffComputer {
	computeDiff(originalLines: string[], modifiedLines: string[], options: ILinesDiffComputerOptions): ILinesDiff {
		const diffComputer = new DiffComputer(originalLines, modifiedLines, {
			maxComputationTime: options.maxComputationTime,
			shouldIgnoreTrimWhitespace: options.ignoreTrimWhitespace,
			shouldComputeCharChanges: true,
			shouldMakePrettyDiff: true,
			shouldPostProcessCharChanges: true,
		const result = diffComputer.computeDiff();
		return {
			quitEarly: result.quitEarly,
			changes: => {
				let originalRange: LineRange;
				if (c.originalEndLineNumber === 0) {
					// Insertion
					originalRange = new LineRange(c.originalStartLineNumber + 1, c.originalStartLineNumber + 1);
				} else {
					originalRange = new LineRange(c.originalStartLineNumber, c.originalEndLineNumber + 1);

				let modifiedRange: LineRange;
				if (c.modifiedEndLineNumber === 0) {
					// Deletion
					modifiedRange = new LineRange(c.modifiedStartLineNumber + 1, c.modifiedStartLineNumber + 1);
				} else {
					modifiedRange = new LineRange(c.modifiedStartLineNumber, c.modifiedEndLineNumber + 1);

				return {
					innerChanges: c.charChanges?.map(c => new RangeMapping(
						new Range(c.originalStartLineNumber, c.originalStartColumn, c.originalEndLineNumber, c.originalEndColumn),
						new Range(c.modifiedStartLineNumber, c.modifiedStartColumn, c.modifiedEndLineNumber, c.modifiedEndColumn),

Extension doesn't show any hints

Suggestions don't appear to be working in my vscode for some reason. I've put in some code that I know should trigger a refactor suggestion, but no suggestions appear on the code or the suggestions sidebar. I tried uninstalling and reinstalled and all of the suggestions settings are set to hint.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can fix this?


Version: 1.64.2 (user setup)
Commit: f80445acd5a3dadef24aa209168452a3d97cc326
Date: 2022-02-09T22:02:28.252Z
Electron: 13.5.2
Chromium: 91.0.4472.164
Node.js: 14.16.0
OS: Windows_NT x64 10.0.22000

Convert if-else to conditional expression does not works with this.var

let x; if (me.isEnabledColumnFilter === true) { x = 'Disable Filters'; } else { x = 'Enable Filters'; }

Here, refactoring works perfectly and yield result is

let x; x = me.isEnabledColumnFilter === true ? 'Disable Filters' : 'Enable Filters';

But, the linting is not shown with this keyword. Below is the code.

if (this.isEnabledColumnFilter === true) { this.filterTitle = 'Disable Filters'; } else { this.filterTitle = 'Enable Filters'; }

Refactor Idea: Move Up / Down Braces to Extend Scope

Move Brace:

if (!modifiedBaseRange || modifiedBaseRange.isConflicting) {

for (const diff of m.rights) {
    const range = diff.outputRange.toInclusiveRange();
    if (range) {
            options: {
                className: `merge-editor-diff result`,
                description: 'Merge Editor',
                isWholeLine: true,

    if (diff.rangeMappings) {
        for (const d of diff.rangeMappings) {
                range: d.outputRange,
                options: {
                    className: `merge-editor-diff-word result`,
                    description: 'Merge Editor'

⟦}⟧ being selected.

--- Move down --->

if (!modifiedBaseRange || modifiedBaseRange.isConflicting) {

    for (const diff of m.rights) {
        const range = diff.outputRange.toInclusiveRange();
        if (range) {
                options: {
                    className: `merge-editor-diff result`,
                    description: 'Merge Editor',
                    isWholeLine: true,

        if (diff.rangeMappings) {
            for (const d of diff.rangeMappings) {
                    range: d.outputRange,
                    options: {
                        className: `merge-editor-diff-word result`,
                        description: 'Merge Editor'

This should not be confused with move statement up/down:

if (!modifiedBaseRange || modifiedBaseRange.isConflicting) {

for (const diff of m.rights) {
    const range = diff.outputRange.toInclusiveRange();
    if (range) {
            options: {
                className: `merge-editor-diff result`,
                description: 'Merge Editor',
                isWholeLine: true,

    if (diff.rangeMappings) {
        for (const d of diff.rangeMappings) {
                range: d.outputRange,
                options: {
                    className: `merge-editor-diff-word result`,
                    description: 'Merge Editor'

--- Move Down --->

for (const diff of m.rights) {
    const range = diff.outputRange.toInclusiveRange();
    if (range) {
            options: {
                className: `merge-editor-diff result`,
                description: 'Merge Editor',
                isWholeLine: true,

    if (diff.rangeMappings) {
        for (const d of diff.rangeMappings) {
                range: d.outputRange,
                options: {
                    className: `merge-editor-diff-word result`,
                    description: 'Merge Editor'

if (!modifiedBaseRange || modifiedBaseRange.isConflicting) {

Convert to map has issues with the ... operator

const combinedDiffs: { diff: RangeMapping; input: 1 | 2 }[] = [];

	for (const diffs of baseRange.input1Diffs) {
		combinedDiffs.push( => ({ diff, input: 1 as const })));
	for (const diffs of baseRange.input2Diffs) {
		combinedDiffs.push( => ({ diff, input: 2 as const })));

Convert to map ->

const combinedDiffs: { diff: RangeMapping; input: 1 | 2 }[] = => {
		return => ({ diff, input: 1 as const }));

	for (const diffs of baseRange.input2Diffs) {
		combinedDiffs.push( => ({ diff, input: 2 as const })));


There is also flatMap!

Feature: global/user configuration

While I really enjoy this extension, the inability to disable something like Add Numeric Separator without polluting upstream repositories with my personal preferences, kinda annoy me.

Being able to configure stuff like that in VS Code User settings would help.

On a side note: As per p42 configuration

Adding a p42.toml to .gitignore and a p42.toml file to repository root, containing:

enable = false

Have zero effect ???

Provide a good story for string literal <-> template strings conversion

I usually start with a string literal ("hello world") and later want to convert it to `hello ${name}`.

While the code actions are nice, I think the story can be improved.

I'm thinking of automatic conversion from a normal string to a template string once the user types the first ${}, and the opposite direction once the users removes the last ${}.

Also, the conversion code action should keep the cursor at its position in the string (use two edits for the prefix and suffix instead a single one for the entire string).

UI is empty


the count changes when i open different .js files, but nothing shows in the UI.

Code Action Idea: Fix Missing Argument From Context

class MyService {}

class Foo {
        private readonly myService: MyService
    ) {}

    blah() {
        bar('hello'); // Cursor is here

function bar(baz: string, service: MyService) {
    // ...


Cursor is on the squiggles.

- Use missing argument from context ->

class MyService {}

class Foo {
        private readonly myService: MyService
    ) {}

    blah() {
        bar('hello', this.myService);

function bar(baz: string, service: MyService) {
    // ...

- Use missing argument from parameter ->

class MyService {}

class Foo {
        private readonly myService: MyService
    ) {}

    blah(myService: MyServic) {
        bar('hello', myService);

function bar(baz: string, service: MyService) {
    // ...

If you could record my code changes, you would see that parameter "wiring" is a task I do very often.

Inline occurence issue

Previous Code
const temp3 = []; temp3[0] = temp1; temp3[1] = temp2;

Uploading image.png…

After refactoring
[][0] = temp1; [][1] = temp2;

Refactor Idea: Convert React Class Component to/from Function Component

function EditorDemo() {
	return <div className="p-5 mb-4">

		<div className="mt-4 row row-cols-4">
			<div className="col">
				<label className="control-label">Language</label>
				<select className="language-picker"></select>
			<div className="col">
				<label className="control-label">Theme</label>
				<select className="theme-picker">
					<option>Visual Studio</option>
					<option>Visual Studio Dark</option>
					<option>High Contrast Dark</option>

		<div className="mt-2" style={{ height: 500, border: "1px solid gray" }}>


class EditorDemo {
	render() {
        return (
            <div className="p-5 mb-4">

                <div className="mt-4 row row-cols-4">
                    <div className="col">
                        <label className="control-label">Language</label>
                        <select className="language-picker"></select>
                    <div className="col">
                        <label className="control-label">Theme</label>
                        <select className="theme-picker">
                            <option>Visual Studio</option>
                            <option>Visual Studio Dark</option>
                            <option>High Contrast Dark</option>

                <div className="mt-2" style={{ height: 500, border: "1px solid gray" }}>

Code Action Idea: Reorder If/Else Branches

if (cond1) {
} el|se if (cond2) {
} else {

(| cursor)

-- Move Item Up ->

|if (cond2) {
} else if (cond1) {
} else {

Could use the same shortcut for reordering parameters/members etc.

Code Action Idea: Parallelize Awaits

await writeFile(ancestorUri, 'some content');
await writeFile(input1Uri, 'some content');
await writeFile(input2Uri, 'some content');
await writeFile(resultUri, 'some content');


    writeFile(ancestorUri, 'some content'),
    writeFile(input1Uri, 'some content'),
    writeFile(input2Uri, 'some content'),
    writeFile(resultUri, 'some content'),

Ideally with detection if there are any dependencies

Move In => {
f|or (const handler of this._previewHandlers) {

-> => {
    f|or (const handler of this._previewHandlers) {

inline refactor bug in jsx

export function App() {
  const handleClick = () => console.log(test);
  return (
      <div onClick={handleClick}>test</div>

If the handleClick function is refactored inline, the output is as follows. (<,t is repeated twice )

export function App() {
  return (
      <<div onClick={() => console.log(test)}>ttest</div>

Refactoring Idea: Use variable for expressions

It would be awesome to have a refactoring that can replace expressions with a variable.

In this screenshot, I would like to replace all occurences of flip(sourceNmbr) with targetNmbr:


const targetNmbr = flip(sourceNmbr);

if (firstBefore && firstBefore.getInputRange(sourceNmbr).contains(topLineNumber)) {
    sourceRange = firstBefore.getInputRange(sourceNmbr);
    targetRange = firstBefore.getInputRange(flip(sourceNmbr));
} else if (firstBefore && firstBefore.getInputRange(sourceNmbr).isEmpty && firstBefore.getInputRange(sourceNmbr).startLineNumber === topLineNumber) {
    sourceRange = firstBefore.getInputRange(sourceNmbr).deltaEnd(1);
    targetRange = firstBefore.getInputRange(flip(sourceNmbr)).deltaEnd(1);
} else {
    const delta = firstBefore ? firstBefore.getInputRange(flip(sourceNmbr)).endLineNumberExclusive - firstBefore.getInputRange(sourceNmbr).endLineNumberExclusive : 0;
    sourceRange = new LineRange(topLineNumber, 1);
    targetRange = new LineRange(topLineNumber + delta, 1);

This would basically be the second step after extracting a constant.

Move Up/Down Code Actions

Personally, I think generic Up/Down Move Code Actions are extremely useful.
There should be two clever commands: Move Up and Move Down. Dependening on the selection and context, they do "the right". Because there are only two, they should have good keybindings.

Here is an (incomplete) collection of what they would enable:

  • Move Statements / Declarations
  • Move Declarations inside multi-variable declaration
  • Move Class Members
  • Move Array Items (taking care of commas)
    • Move array destructuring items
  • Move Object Properties (taking care of commas)
    • Move object destructuring properties
  • Move If/Else Branches #28
  • Move nested if-statements up/down
  • #41
  • Move expression in homogenous condition (a && |b && c -> |b && a && c) (note: overlap/replacement of 'flip operator')
  • Move argument in function invocation (f(1, |2) -> f(|2, 1))
  • Move Parameters (fixing all call-sites) (note: technically hard - requires multi-file, dataflow, etc.; more limited version possible)
  • Move JSX elements
  • Move JSX attributes
  • Move Case-Branches in Switch Statements
  • TypeScript:
    • move interface members
    • move type members
    • re-order union types

Sometimes a move is safe, sometimes not.

A key property of move commands should be that "Move up" and "Move down" are inverse.

Showing wrong hint for inline-return

Original code:

    public replaceVariables(path: Path, variables: { [key: string]: string }) {
        const me = this;
        let newPath;

        newPath = me.resolvePath(path);

        Object.keys(variables).forEach((variable: string) => {
            newPath.replace('{' + variable + '}', variables[variable]);

        return newPath;

Screenshot 2021-11-10 133109

code after the fix:

    public replaceVariables(path: Path, variables: { [key: string]: string }) {
        const me = this;
        let newPath;

        return me.resolvePath(path);

        //unreachable code after fix
        Object.keys(variables).forEach((variable: string) => {
            newPath.replace('{' + variable + '}', variables[variable]);



Convert to template string issue

I noticed a error when refactoring this code:

    process.env.API_URL +





Bug with return statement suggestions

I found an example in the Arquero codebase where P42 makes buggy suggestions marked as "safe". The simplified snippet below involves a series of if-statement fallthroughs that can update the ast variable. P42 (correctly) notes that the assignment in the if(obj.window) branch can be replaced with a return statement. But afterward it continues suggesting similar replacements for other assignments which actually break the logic.

function test(obj) {
  if (obj.expr) {
    let ast;
    if (obj.field === true) {
      ast = obj.field;
    } else if (obj.func === true) {
      ast = obj.func;
    if (ast) {
      if (obj.desc) {
        ast = { type: Descending, expr: ast };
      if (obj.window) {
        ast = { type: Window, expr: ast, ...obj.window };
      return ast;

Optional chaining conversion issue

P42 tooltip (v1.101.1)

You can shorten 'this.control && this.control.invalid && this.control.touched' expression with optional chaining.p42 use-optional-chaining

  return this.control && this.control.invalid && this.control.touched;

P42 suggests incorrectly to convert into

return this.control?.invalid?.touched;

Idea: Support Renaming Unresolved Variables

After copy&pasting, I ended up with this code:

public extendInputRange(extendedInputRange: LineRange): LineRangeMapping {

    const startDelta = extendedInputRange.startLineNumber - l.inputRange.startLineNumber;
    const endDelta = extendedInputRange.endLineNumberExclusive - l.inputRange.endLineNumberExclusive;
    return new LineRangeMapping(
        new LineRange(
            l.outputRange.startLineNumber + startDelta,
            l.outputRange.lineCount - startDelta + endDelta

Now I would like to replace l with this.
This is not very easy to do.

It would be awesome if I could rename l to this.

Convert To Ternary

let diff = 0;
if (last) {
    diff = last.outputRange.endLineNumberExclusive - last.inputRange.endLineNumberExclusive;


const diff = last ? last.outputRange.endLineNumberExclusive - last.inputRange.endLineNumberExclusive : 0;

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