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monotouch.dialog's Issues

Cannot change Caption for RadioSelection when using reflection

For some reason the only way to change the field caption for RadioSelection element is to change IEnumerable field name in the class.

Neither Caption attribute nor RadioSelection attribute seem have any effect on field caption.

What is wrong?


UIWebView LoadError event

For some reason this event is getting triggered when navigating around my web site ( so I commented it out:

// web.LoadError += ....

EntryElement/Section issue with sections appearing?


Im a new developer to the iphone and to github so please be patient with me. Ive been using Monotouch and MT.D (an awesome combination btw) for a couple of months on a project and think I might have found a bug. Or an Error between Keyboard and Chair (EBKC) :-)

I have a data entry form consisting of three sections, each with their own collection of entry elements. The last section is off the screen when the view is shown and when it scrolls into view, the EntryElements are drawn incorrectly; the UITextField appears to have its dimensions calculated incorrectly.

This is a pretty obscure bug and ive had trouble tracking it down or even producing a workable demo but here is demo code below. Comment out the line indicated (to prevent section 2 from displaying) and section 3 works fine. Leave the line in and section 3 doesnt work properly.

Any ideas? is this EBKC or a genuine bug? Ive looked through Elements.cs and theres a function to calculate the width that gets fired when the section is appearing but to me the data and results from that calculation seem OK, maybe this correct calculation is being ignored?

(code follows)

        root=new RootElement("Edit Job");
        Section customerSection=new Section("Customer Details");
        EntryElement CustomerTitle=new EntryElement("Title","Mr/Miss/Mrs/Dr/Etc","Mr");
        customerSection.Add (CustomerTitle);
        EntryElement CustomerForename=new EntryElement("Forename","","Fred");
        customerSection.Add (CustomerForename);
        EntryElement CustomerSurname=new EntryElement("Surname","","Flintstone");
        customerSection.Add (CustomerSurname);
        EntryElement CustomerAddress1=new EntryElement("Address","","1 Rock Way");
        customerSection.Add (CustomerAddress1);
        EntryElement CustomerAddress2=new EntryElement("","","Bedrock");
        customerSection.Add (CustomerAddress2);
        EntryElement CustomerAddress3=new EntryElement("","","");
        customerSection.Add (CustomerAddress3);
        EntryElement CustomerAddress4=new EntryElement("","","");
        customerSection.Add (CustomerAddress4);
        EntryElement CustomerPostCode=new EntryElement("Post Code","","D1N0");
        customerSection.Add (CustomerPostCode);
        root.Add (customerSection);

        Section contactInformation=new Section("Contact Information");
        EntryElement CustomerPhoneHome=new EntryElement("Home","","01234567890");
        contactInformation.Add (CustomerPhoneHome);
        EntryElement CustomerPhoneWork=new EntryElement("Work","","");
        contactInformation.Add (CustomerPhoneWork);
        EntryElement CustomerPhoneMobile=new EntryElement("Mobile","","");
        contactInformation.Add (CustomerPhoneMobile);
        EntryElement CustomerFax=new EntryElement("Fax","","");
        contactInformation.Add (CustomerFax);
        EntryElement CustomerEmail=new EntryElement("Email","","");
        contactInformation.Add (CustomerEmail);
        root.Add (contactInformation); // <---Comment out this line and the vehicle information section works.

        Section vehicleInformation=new Section("Vehicle Information");
        EntryElement VehicleTagNo=new EntryElement("Key Tag No","","0");
        vehicleInformation.Add (VehicleTagNo);
        EntryElement VehicleModel=new EntryElement("Model","","Boxster Sleeper model 1");
        vehicleInformation.Add (VehicleModel);
        EntryElement VehicleRegNo=new EntryElement("Reg No","","AB12CDE");
        vehicleInformation.Add (VehicleRegNo);
        EntryElement VehicleVINNo=new EntryElement("VIN No","","SALLMA4DW23AB123456");
        vehicleInformation.Add (VehicleVINNo);
        root.Add (vehicleInformation);

        DialogViewController dvc=new DialogViewController(root);

        Navigation.PushViewController (dvc,true);

RadioGroup cannot be initialized with a collection object initializer because type RadioGroup does not implement IEnumerable interface


I ran into this exception when using one of your examples, showing to add a radiogroup into a rootelement.

This is the code being used:

var root = new RootElement("New Activity"){
    new Section(){
        new RootElement("Activitytype", new RadioGroup("activityType", 0){
            new Section()
                new RadioElement("Phone conversation", "activityType"),
                new RadioElement("Meeting", "activityType"),
                new RadioElement("Task", "activityType"),
                new RadioElement("Note", "activityType"),
                new RadioElement("Other", "activityType")

Please let me know how to fix this problem, i tried looking into it's source, but I couldn't find a quick solution.

Thanks, Jeroen

RadioGroup DetailTextLabel not visible on iPhone 4 w/ Retina Display

It works fine on the iOS 4 simulator and on non-iPhone 4 devices that don't have the retina display, but the blue text from the UITableViewCellStyle.Default1 style does not display with the TextLabel font size set to 20.

I resolved it by setting the TextLabel.Font = BoldSystemFontOfSize(19);

RadioGroup enhancement

Please make the "Selected" field of the RadioGroup class a virtual property in order to allow for subclasses to take action when the value changes.

MonoTouch Dialog has DateTime picker issues in Modal FormSheet on the iPad

Rotate the iPad and check the date and time pickers
Issue 1: Picker sizes and positions are different for different orientations

Select a date or time field and then change date or time and click back navigation button
Issue 2: Does not update the field on the main page.
[Tracked this down to the ViewWillDisappear method of MyViewController not being called]


DialogViewController's c'tor parameter for table style is ignored

when instantiated with for example:
var myDialog = new DialogViewController(UITableViewStyle.Plain, new RootElement(null));

the table is displayed as "grouped", i.e. the parameter is ignored.

The reason for that is that the parameter is passed to the base classes (UITableViewController) c'tor, BUT the own (public) member "UITableViewStyle Style", which is used by LoadView's call to "MakeTableView", is not updated accordingly!

So to fix this, simply add the line
this.Style = style;

at the beginning of the two c'tors "public DialogViewController(UITableViewStyle style, RootElement root)" and "public DialogViewController(UITableViewStyle style, RootElement root, bool pushing)".

Issue: EntryElement's ValueChanged event does not always get fired

Hi Miguel,

Today I stumbled upon a issue with retrieving the value's from the EntryElements and for some unknown reason the ValueChanged event does not fire when editing ends on a EntryElement.

Possible workaround for me is to change the ValueChanged event to the EditingChanged event. This event always fires and updates the Value whenever something happens to the UITextField.

After googling I found a Obj-C coder with the exact same problem, so I think it's in Apple's SDK but maybe you should check it...


BooleanElement - UISwitch Location

Hi Guys,

Is it possible to move the UISwitch in the boolean element to the AccessoryView rather positioning it directly within the cell.

Kind Regards,

Sample; Dynamically Load data - No login button shown on phone

I built this sample and when i use the simulator, I see the login button (clicking it give a protocol error) but on the real phone, the button is not shown?

I'm using Xcode 3.2.6 and iOS 4.3

Is this a known problem?

When setting the SDK option to 4.3 I don't see the Login button in the simulator either???

Error: Applications are expected to have a root view controller at the end of application launch

I've just downloaded the latest MonoTouch.Dialog project and loaded it in MonoDevelop 2.8. I've not changed the project in any way (I've made a clean install), but it doesn't run. It compiles successfully under monotouch 5.0, but then it crashes with this message:

2011-10-28 16:07:22.491 Sample[1262:1507] Applications are expected to have a root view controller at the end of application launch

RadioSelection with Reflection API ends up at bottom

As I need to use data binding, I have to use the reflection system. My first item in the class is a RadioSelectionAttribute which uses a List. I then have three other elements which are Entry and Date attributes. Regardless, the RadioSelectionAttribute ends up at the bottom of the section.


Wrong cell height in MultilineElement and StyledMultilineElement

Method GetHeight returns incorrect height for a multiline cell in cases where view width is different from 320 (e.g. in landscape orientation on the iPhone), because it uses a constant value (280) when calling StringSize.

I suggest using "tableView.Bounds.Width - 40" instead.

BooleanImageElement Issue on check/uncheck for a list of more then 10 elements

Adding more then 10 elements of type BooleanImageElement will check/uncheck only first 10 elements.
Ex: On click element 12 will take effect on element 2.
Tested in DemoDates.cs:

BooleanImageElement element;
for (int i = 1; i < 13; i++)
element = new BooleanImageElement ("Element " + i+"a", true, favorited, favorite);
imageSection.Add (element);

Entry Element Changed Evenet is never called!

In an EntryElement the Changed Event is never called,

because in the Value property you use direct the entry.Text in the get procedure, and not the stored Val!

I now removed the two lines from the value property:
if (entry != null)
val = entry.Text

But it think it's not the best solution, we should also call the Changed Event when the Value is set via Code! But it works for me!

Deriving settings from base class

In order to get the members in a base settings class to also show up in the Dialog, I had to change line 202 in Reflect.cs from BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly to BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy*. Are there any bad side effects I should be aware of in doing this?

public class BaseClass
public bool BaseBool;

public class DerivedClass : BaseClass
public bool DerivedBool;

Of course, I don't have control over ordering, but it seems like the DerivedClass bool comes up first.

*Mil gracias to RobertKozak

Index bar looks squished together

When GetSectionTitles is called, it is returning an array of the full title. This causes the aplha index bar to look fat and squished. If you only return the first char of the title, it looks good, even with uneven rows.

string [] GetSectionTitles ()
        return (from section in Root select section.Caption.Substring(0,1)).ToArray ();

Dynamically instantiating a MKMapKit object....

I'm trying to create a MapElement that uses MKMapKit.

Everything compiles, but unfortunately when an item is clicked, the MapKit View is displayed but the actual MapView itself is not shown...

The code I have so far, which is in Element.cs is...

public class MapElement : StringElement
    static NSString mkey = new NSString ("MapElement");
    private MKMapView mapView = null;
    static MKReverseGeocoder geoCoder = null;

    private CLLocationManager locationManager = new CLLocationManager();

    public class LocationManagerDelegate : CLLocationManagerDelegate
        private MapElement container;
        public LocationManagerDelegate(MapElement aContainer )
            container = aContainer;

        public override void UpdatedLocation (CLLocationManager manager, CLLocation newLocation, CLLocation oldLocation)
            MKCoordinateSpan span = new MKCoordinateSpan(0.2,0.2);
            MKCoordinateRegion region = new MKCoordinateRegion(newLocation.Coordinate,span);
            container.mapView.SetRegion(region, true);
            container.Value = newLocation.Coordinate.Latitude.ToString() + ","+ newLocation.Coordinate.Longitude.ToString();
            Console.WriteLine("Location updated : " + container.Value);

            CLLocationCoordinate2D location2 = new CLLocationCoordinate2D(newLocation.Coordinate.Latitude
            geoCoder = new MKReverseGeocoder(location2);
            geoCoder.Delegate = new GeoCoderDelegate(container);

        public override void Failed (CLLocationManager manager, NSError error)
            Console.WriteLine("Failed to find location");
            base.Failed (manager, error);


    public MapElement (string aCaption, string aValue ) : base (aCaption)
        Value = aValue;

        locationManager.Delegate = new LocationManagerDelegate(this);

        mapView = CreateMapView();

    public override UITableViewCell GetCell (UITableView tv)
        // TODO Value = viewModel.ToString();
        UITableViewCell cell = base.GetCell (tv);
        if (!ReadOnly)
            cell.Accessory = UITableViewCellAccessory.DisclosureIndicator;
        return cell;

    public override string Summary ()
        return Value;

    class MapViewController : UIViewController
        private MapElement container;

        public MapViewController (MapElement container)
            this.container = container;

        public override void ViewWillDisappear (bool animated)
            base.ViewWillDisappear (animated);
            // container.Value = container.locationManager.Location.Coordinate.Longitude.ToString() + "," + container.locationManager.Location.Coordinate.Latitude.ToString();

    public class MapViewDelegate : MKMapViewDelegate
        private MapElement container;
        public MapViewDelegate (MapElement aContainer):base()
            container = aContainer;
        /// <summary>
        /// When user moves the map, update lat,long text in label
        /// </summary>
        public override void RegionChanged (MKMapView mapView, bool animated)
            Console.WriteLine("Region Changed");
            // _appd.labelCurrent.Text = "Map Center " + mapView.CenterCoordinate.Latitude + ", " + mapView.CenterCoordinate.Longitude;
        /// <summary>
        /// Seems to work in the Simulator now
        /// </summary>
        public override MKAnnotationView GetViewForAnnotation (MKMapView mapView, NSObject annotation)
            Console.WriteLine("Attempt to get view for MKAnnotation "+annotation);
                var anv = mapView.DequeueReusableAnnotation("thislocation");
                if (anv == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("creating new MKAnnotationView");
                    var pinanv = new MKPinAnnotationView(annotation, "thislocation");
                    pinanv.AnimatesDrop = true;
                    pinanv.PinColor = MKPinAnnotationColor.Green;
                    pinanv.CanShowCallout = true;
                    anv = pinanv;
                    anv.Annotation = annotation;
                return anv;
            } catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("GetViewForAnnotation Exception : " + ex.Message);
                return null;

    /// <summary>
    /// MKAnnotation is an abstract class (in Objective C I think it's a protocol).
    /// Therefore we must create our own implementation of it. Since all the properties
    /// are read-only, we have to pass them in via a constructor.
    /// </summary>
    public class MyAnnotation : MKAnnotation
        private CLLocationCoordinate2D _coordinate;
        private string _title, _subtitle;
        public override CLLocationCoordinate2D Coordinate {
            get {
                return _coordinate;
        public override string Title {
            get {
                return _title;
        public override string Subtitle {
            get {
                return _subtitle;

        /// <summary>
        /// custom constructor
        /// </summary>
        public MyAnnotation (CLLocationCoordinate2D coord, string t, string s) : base()

    /// <summary>
    /// 'handler' for messages from ReverseGeocoderDelegate; pass in
    /// reference to main window via ctor so we can chat with the UI
    /// </summary>
    public class GeoCoderDelegate : MKReverseGeocoderDelegate
        MapElement container;
        public GeoCoderDelegate (MapElement aContainer)
            container = aContainer;   

        /// <summary>
        /// When the reverse geocode finds a location, it calls this method
        /// which puts the placemark on the map as an Annotation
        /// </summary>
        public override void FoundWithPlacemark (MKReverseGeocoder geocoder, MKPlacemark placemark)
            string placeMarkText = placemark.SubThoroughfare +"  " + placemark.Thoroughfare + " " + placemark.Locality + " " + placemark.AdministrativeArea + " " + placemark.Country;
            Console.WriteLine("Found placemark in " + placemark.Country);
            container.Value = placeMarkText;

            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Error adding Annotation Object : " + ex.Message);
        /// <summary>
        /// Exposed by MonoTouch, just override to make it work
        /// </summary>
        public override void FailedWithError (MKReverseGeocoder gc, NSError error)
            // _appd.labelPlacemark.Text = "Reverse Geocoder " + error.LocalizedDescription;
            Console.WriteLine("Reverse Geocoder failed");

    public virtual MKMapView CreateMapView()
        var map = new MKMapView()
            Delegate = new MapViewDelegate(this), // RegionChanged, GetViewForAnnotation,
            ZoomEnabled = true,
            ScrollEnabled = true,
            ShowsUserLocation = true,

            MapType = MonoTouch.MapKit.MKMapType.Standard,

            UserInteractionEnabled = true,
            MultipleTouchEnabled = true,

            ClearsContextBeforeDrawing = true,
            ClipsToBounds = true,
            AutosizesSubviews = true,


        return map;

    static RectangleF PickerFrameWithSize (SizeF size)
        var screenRect = UIScreen.MainScreen.ApplicationFrame;
        return new RectangleF (0f, screenRect.Height - 84f - size.Height, size.Width, size.Height);

    public override void Selected (DialogViewController dvc, UITableView tableView, NSIndexPath path)
        if (!ReadOnly)
            var vc = new MapViewController(this);
            // mapView = CreateMapView();
            mapView.Frame = PickerFrameWithSize (mapView.SizeThatFits (SizeF.Empty));

            vc.NavigationItem.Title = Caption;
            // vc.View.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Black;
            vc.View.AddSubview (mapView);

    protected override void Dispose (bool disposing)
        if (disposing)
            mapView.Dispose ();
            mapView = null;

The mapView is being added to the ActiveController stack and it is being displayed/animated on, but the actual MapView itself is never shown. Any ideas?

Anyway, does anyone see where I might have gone wrong, or why the MkView is not appearing.



Reflection API dont return the correct time

the problem is to call the Fetch method () and have a datetime variable does not return the time assigned by the user. the value returned is different. I need help on this problem.

OwnerDrawnElement Height bounds does not account for Style

The RectangleF bounds in "override float Height" for OwnerDrawnElement comes from TableView.Bounds. While RectangleF bounds in Draw comes from the object which holds the Section. If the TableView is not Plain, these two bounds have different widths (e.g., 320 vs 300) and the result is that the Height will be calculated wrong if you are calculating word wrap. ODE should give the right width, but I'm not sure how to compute the Grouped margin size (which will surely vary over time).

Also, in Grouped mode the rounded edges are lost in ODE.

Some controls in Elements.cs not vertically aligned

Elements.cs: Some elements don't align vertically properly such as the UISwitch. I suggest moving the code below the area where the Cell is created and use Cell.ContentView.Bounds.Height / 2 - HeightOfControlHere / 2

Error when calling from within ViewController

When invoking the DemoDynamic code from within a ViewController that gains access to the AppData from UIApplication.SharedApplication.Delegate an error is thrown when the second level element is Tapped.

Unhandled Exception: System.InvalidProgramException: Invalid IL code in (wrapper delegate-invoke) MonoTouch.Foundation.NSAction:invoke_void__this__ (): IL_004a: ldarg.1

at MonoTouch.Dialog.StringElement.Selected (MonoTouch.Dialog.DialogViewController dvc, MonoTouch.UIKit.UITableView tableView, MonoTouch.Foundation.NSIndexPath indexPath) [0x0000b] in /Users/DetroitPro/Projects/IMap/Assets/MonoTouchDialog/MonoTouch.Dialog/Elements.cs:350

public override void Selected (DialogViewController dvc, UITableView tableView, NSIndexPath indexPath)
if (Tapped != null)
tableView.DeselectRow (indexPath, true);

Suggestion: Expose UITextView on entry element class.

This can be done simply be making the 'entry' property public (and addressing casing). The reason for this is so that we can determine if the UITextView is the first responder. I modified the source locally to support this because I have a scanning application that scans in to the first responder. There is no way of determining if the EntryElement is the first responder or not without modifying the code.

Also, I need to be able to resign the first responder after I collect my scanned barcode value and updated the value of the entry element. I could see other uses for this as well.

Text elements not showing value, only placeholder

I've just taken the latest code and when the dialog is displayed it no longer shows the existing value. I've started to debug it and the value of the element is correctly set. Also I have a Save button in the nav that calls fetch. If you have two text entry elements; enter value in one -> press save -> press keyboard next is crashes because, for a reason I've not determined, the entry element is now null and a call to entry.Text in the fetch code crashes

Suggestion: AccessoryAttribute for StringElement (maybe more elements)

Hi Miguel,

It would be nice to add a AccessoryAttribute for the StringElement which enables the user to display any kind of accessory on the cell. This would come in handy at for instance a "StringElement like" button, so the user can see it's going to interact with a new view.

I already adjusted my local copy of your source, quite simple to do and it could be a great addition to this already great tool. It saved me lots of hours already!

Problem with KeyBoard NEXT in EntryElement

When tapping NEXT on the keyboard when there are more than one EntryElement items the focus will go to the LAST item in the section.

Go to UITableViewCell GetCell in the EntryElement class

You just need to break out of the foreach and stop the iteration as it's setting the last item.


Problem with owner DrawnElement and Updatetd Data

I've a problem with a owner Drawn element, the it is not redrawn when i reloaldata in the view. I've fixed this by adding a Method NeedsRedraw in OwnerDrawn Element.

This I can call then in my property.

public void NeedRedraw()
if (cell != null)

and i changed the Property view of the OwnerDrawnCell to public.

and the OwnerDrawnCell is not declared in GetCell Procedure, it's declared in the calss.

Or is there a better way to do this.

Suggestion: Html attribute

Add htmlattribute to create html element via reflection, then change Populate to;
Element element = null;
if (mType == typeof (string)){
PasswordAttribute pa = null;
EntryAttribute ea = null;
NSAction invoke = null;
bool multi = false;
HtmlAttribute html = null;

                foreach (object attr in attrs){
                    if (attr is PasswordAttribute)
                        pa = attr as PasswordAttribute;
                    else if (attr is EntryAttribute)
                        ea = attr as EntryAttribute;
                    else if (attr is HtmlAttribute)
                        html = attr as HtmlAttribute;
                    else if (attr is MultilineAttribute)
                        multi = true;

                    if (attr is OnTapAttribute){
                        string mname = ((OnTapAttribute) attr).Method;

                        if (callbacks == null){
                            throw new Exception ("Your class contains [OnTap] attributes, but you passed a null object for `context' in the constructor");

                        var method = callbacks.GetType ().GetMethod (mname);
                        if (method == null)
                            throw new Exception ("Did not find method " + mname);
                        invoke = delegate {
                            method.Invoke (method.IsStatic ? null : callbacks, new object [0]);

                string value = (string) GetValue (mi, o);
                if (pa != null)
                    element = new EntryElement (caption, pa.Placeholder, value, true);
                else if (ea != null)
                    element = new EntryElement (caption, ea.Placeholder, value);
                else if (multi)
                    element = new MultilineElement (caption, value);
                else if (html != null)
                    element = new HtmlElement(caption, value);

Error: RadioElement crash

The application crashes
if a RadioElement is selected but
the current selected RadioElement is not visible on the screen.

I mad this fix in the file elements.cs.

public class RadioElement : StringElement {......

    public override void Selected (DialogViewController dvc, UITableView tableView, NSIndexPath indexPath)
        RootElement root = (RootElement)Parent.Parent;
        if (RadioIdx != root.RadioSelected) {
            var cell = tableView.CellAt (root.PathForRadio (root.RadioSelected));

fix: if (cell != null) {
cell.Accessory = UITableViewCellAccessory.None;
cell = tableView.CellAt (indexPath);
fix?: if (cell != null) {
cell.Accessory = UITableViewCellAccessory.Checkmark;
root.RadioSelected = RadioIdx;
base.Selected (dvc, tableView, indexPath);

Dialog Footer text not sized properly

Take a look at the Dynamically loaded data sample, look at the huge gap between the first section footer text and the next section. I fixed this by returning the StringSize of the footer text, etc.


EntryElement doesn't check if already disposed

I was using the same EntryElement twice in a dialog (second time in a nested root) - but it revealed that this class has an issue if Dispose is called twice (because the "entry" field is nulled the first time)

Fetch does not retrieve value where the keyboard is still active

I have a save button which calls bindingContext.Fetch, however if I'm editing a textbox and press save it returns the original value of the text box and not the current value.

Also if I clear the value of a textbox then it doesn't appear to null or empty the value after the fetch, it still has the previous value in it

Cancel Button on DVC Searching doesnt properly reset.

In DialogViewController.cs when you click search cancel button it calls FinishSearch(). This does not properly reset the table. I believe it needs to call this.ReloadData(); as a final step to the FinishSearch() method.

OwnerDrawnElement Cell Corners

Using the code supplied:

public override void Draw (RectangleF bounds, CGContext context, UIView view)

        view.DrawString(this.Text, new RectangleF(10, 15, bounds.Width - 20, bounds.Height - 30), UIFont.BoldSystemFontOfSize(14.0f), UILineBreakMode.TailTruncation);

the corners seems to be drawn incorrect:

UIWebView doesn't fill view frame

In the HtmlElement I noticed the UIWebView isn't filling the available view space. I corrected this in my code using:

new UIWebView ( new RectangleF(0, 0, dvc.View.Frame.Width, dvc.NavigationController.View.Frame.Height)

Assigning a value to Root property causes NavigationController view stack to be empty

I'm trying to set the Root property from the DialogViewControl's ViewDidLoad method. When I do this the Back button on the navigation bar doe snot appear.

Here is the Code;

public class HomePageViewController : DialogViewController
    public HomePageViewController ( RootElement root) : base( root )

    public override void ViewDidLoad ()
        Title = "test";

        Root = new RootElement("Test");

called as follows

        var dv = new HomePageViewController(null) {
            Autorotate = true
        navigation.PushViewController (dv, true);   

I'm trying to do this because I want to build up the view from within the DialogViewController rather than build it in the calling controller. What am I missing here.

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