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jquery-gridly's Issues

How to find the order of items in the grid?


Even after reordering items using drag and drop, the DIV tags of items are in the same order as were created, as the items use Absolute position to rearrange.

Is there any way to programmatically get the order of items from say left to right in the grid ?

Change base, gutter and columns settings and refresh layout

How can we change gridly settings after initialization?

For now I have created an override:

Gridly.prototype.refresh = function(params) {
    if (params.length === 1) {
        $.extend(this.settings, params[0]);
    } else if (params.length === 2) {
        this.settings[params[0]] = params[1];
    var b = this.settings.base;
    this.$('> *').width(b).data('width', b).height(b).data('height', b);
    return this.layout();

Then my code looks like this

// base settings
var brickWidth = 250;
var gutter = 10;

// get initial gridly settings
var gridly = $.extend(true, {}, getGridlySettings(), {
    callbacks: {
        reordered: reorderImages

// dynamically resize images
$('.gridly .brick').width(gridly.base).height(gridly.base);

// initialize gridly

// refresh gridly
function refreshGridly() {
    $('.gridly').gridly('refresh', getGridlySettings()); // <====== HERE

// get calculated gridly settings
function getGridlySettings() {
    var gridWidth = $('.gridly').width();
    var columns = Math.round(gridWidth / (brickWidth + gutter));
    var base = Math.round((gridWidth - (gutter * columns)) / columns);
    return {
        base: base,
        gutter: gutter,
        columns: columns

    // buffer execution by 50ms
    // this way we dont do multiple resizes
    // if user keeps resizing browser window
    timeout = setTimeout(refreshGridly, 50);

Request for help

'Suppose I have two div's with grildy class set to them. On dragging and dropping an inner div in the first div, the same move drag and drop is to be replicated in the second div. Can you please help with this kevin ?

Vertical grid

Hi, is there a way to have 2 grids, one which can only be ordered vertically? Something like:

Where A can only be reordered vertically, B is a normal gridly, and 0 is empty space that isn't to be filled with anything, which is ok, i can just put the BBBB sections with a margin-left spacer.

Please halp!

Remove a Brick and Update the Elements


first of all, thank you for this awesome plugin!

So, when i remove a brick from my grid, which method i could call to get the new number of elements in my grid?

Because, when i call:

$('.gridly').gridly('draggingEnded'); // Forcing call the reordered callback

the callback is called passing the old elements, with the element i removed before.

Anything i can do?

gridly functionality not loading?


been using gridly to build a project site and everything was fine until hosting time. jquery seems to be working fine (another plugin functions) though gridly is nonresponsive?

any assistance or pointers would be super helpful!

reordered callback is called with a simply click in a brick


I am experiencing this issue, the reordered callback is called simply with clicking in a brick, is this possible?

/* gridly init */

    base: 170,
    gutter: 9,
    columns: 3,
    callbacks: {
        reordered: reordered,
        reordering: reordering

/* callbacks */

var reordered = function($elements) {

var reordering = function($elements) {

Is there any way to know when the order of the bricks is really changed (using a boolean value or another) to perform some action or not?


Gridly does not re-index positions after adding or removing elements


I don't know if this behavior is related to a bug, steps to reproducing the issue (using the built-in sample):

  • Add a console entry with element positions after removing a brick (sample.js)
    $(document).on("click", ".gridly .delete", function(event) {
      var $this;
      $this = $(this);
      $('.gridly .brick').each(function(){
  • Add a HTML button to see the current positions (index.html)
        <p class='actions'>
          <a class='add button' href='#'>Add</a>
          <a class='positions button' href='#'>See positions</a>

and the event listener for that button (sample.js)

    $(document).on("click", ".positions", function(event) {


      $('.gridly .brick').each(function(){
  • Open in browser and click on "positions" button to see initial positions
0 sample.js:49
1 sample.js:49
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  • Remove first brick (position 0) and click "positions" button again
1 sample.js:49
2 sample.js:49
3 sample.js:49
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19 sample.js:49
  • Add a new brick and click "positions" button again
1 sample.js:49
2 sample.js:49
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undefined sample.js:49

Gridly does not re-index the positions inmediately but if you try to move or click in a brick then gridly re-index the element positions, is this in effect, a bug?


Feature request: Snap Resize

I see the resize is done by click on the element.
Could you create a way to resize by dragging the edges of an element?

For example, if you have a Bootstrap grid (12 columns):
Drag the edge of an item, and snap it to col-1, col-2, up to col-12.

Input form isuues

I have added input text and other form elements. But its not click able. Please let me know how to solve the issu.

Custom drag handle

Is it possible to have a custom drag handle?

I've seen I can pass a selector:

  base: 40, // px 
  gutter: 20, // px,
      draggable: {
        selector: '> *'
      callbacks: {
        reordered: function($elements) {

Passing selector > .drag does not work....I thought it would....

Here is a codepen:

I want to be able to only drag the element when I click on the move icon.

Any ideas?


Columns dont seem to respect values.

When I put columns: 3 I only get one column, when I put columns 10 I get 3 column.

How do I get the columns to work? Is this all a matter of pixel widths? In the given example columns is set to 12 yet even then the bricks drop to a new line after 6 or so.

Jquery version compatibility


I would like if this lib will working with jQuery 1.7.1 ?
If not, do you have some recommandations ?


Explicit reordering constraints

Usually the reordering is linear (eg. the list slides backwards to fill holes), but after playing around with it a bit occasionally a block will slide down, changing the implicit order of the bricks. IDK if this is a bug or not, but it would be nice if gridly supported keeping their implicit order and/or had a little api from moving a brick from eg (0,0) to (5,4), though looking at your impl obviously you would have to track that state somewhere else. Or in this case, would you prefer users to modify the positioning of elements themselves?

Strange enlarged brick positioning


Starting from this:
capture decran 2013-06-24 a 14 03 50

And clicking on the second orange brick of the third line, why do I get this?
capture decran 2013-06-24 a 14 03 58

Shouldn't it stay second instead of moving on third?


hey is it possible to make gridly responsive??

Add an async update function?

Does anyone have thoughts on being able to call gridly to update asynchronously?
See my video here:

I'm using Gridly for the cards, but when the card opens I'd like to asynchronously call the update using the step method of jQuery's .slideDown (found here: ). See the code below for an illustration of this.

See how the card slides down, and then gridly updates the dom? I'd like to do that asynchronously. The step function would be called after jQuery calculates its element's position, and then Gridly would have to calculate where all its elements go just then. I already tried this with the way that Gridly is implemented now, but it did not work.

I'm motivated to implement this myself, but it would be appreciated if anyone can give me an idea of where to start in the code (like a description of how the element's positions are calculated). And if anyone has any ideas of exactly how to implement this it would be appreciated.

Here's sample code for how I'm updating the dom:

$.fn.expand = function($listItem) {
    var $subAccordion = $'.list-item');
            duration: 350,
            queue: false,
            step: function() {

Question: callback after finishing possible (?)

Sorry, n00b question, non-coder, but jquery and its plugin(s)/authors get me a long way mostly, as jquery sorta makes JS something usable for an alpha guy (with some time). As such, when searching for something like this, highly prefer simple setup/eyecandy of Gridly as compared to Wookmark (no eyecandy, still good), and Masonry/Isotope/packery (overkill on options/complexity, too much unneeded things).

Anyway, I wanna use Gridly for a design where I load long chunks of texts from external pages on click/expand (mine). Got that working, .load and .empty, one '.brick' open only, differing width/height, skinned the boxes with (css) images even, all perfect including transitions.

And then I want to fire jScrollpane inside the '.brick' after Gridly finishes. Toying around with jQuery api to see if I can hook in anyhow (prolly can, but so far I spend 8 hours on it (non-coder, remember :p)), but it seems I'm missing what is called a callback (?), I in other cases could use to hook jScrollpane into other plugins (used before with some, it also rocks)? Just one, when done, do this, that would be the bomb.

Might be an ignorant question/request, if so, delete/close etc. Gridly is awesome anyway. Greetings, Luuc.

Multiple grids misbehaviour

(this is in reference to issue #57 )

The gridly for the vertical section doesn't work when the second grid is called; what happens is that the first gridly (vertical) doesn't snap to the desired sections when dragged. Instead they move pixel by pixel.

The other grid works fine. Both gridlys are instanciated separately, with different classes.

    function setUpGridly(){
            base: 600, // px
            gutter: 20, // px
            columns: 3
            base: 60, // px
            gutter: 20, // px
            columns: 9

The divs are built this way:

<div class="gridlya vertical">
        for($i=0; $i<$numMainItems; $i++){
        $basic = retrieve_big_data('#'.$i);
        echo "
           <div class='brick large'>

Where retrieve_big_data is an ajax call returning an image link which is like this:

<img src="'number_of_image_in_loop_as_text" />

and the resulting div block, which is like this:

<div>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec odio. Praesent libero. Sed cursus ante dapibus diam. Sed nisi. Nulla quis sem at nibh elementum imperdiet. Duis sagittis ipsum. Praesent mauris. Fusce nec tellus sed augue semper porta. Mauris massa. Vestibulum lacinia arcu eget nulla</div>

Any advice or any more details you want to know? Really appreciate any details or ideas you have..

Retrieve Current Orderer List

How can I get the same list, that is posted by the reordered callback by calling gridly directly?
example: gridly("$sorted")
I tried all methods like $sorted, layout,... but it does not work.

Resizing, but not by clicking

I have a gridly-aware block that is divided into three parts, the draggable/clickable portion, and the resize and the edit portion.


What I want to know is how to duplicate the functionality of the demo where a click resizes and grid re-calculates. At the moment, on clicking the resize portion, I add the class "large" and sure enough the block resizes, but there is no subsequent adjustment by the other blocks.


I tried simulating a click (although this is not ideal, since a click would navigate the user to the href) and I also tried calling gridly() on the grid wrapper.

Get Ordered List

Hi, is possible make a function for get the ordered list? I tried with "reordered" callback , but if the user doesn't touch the bricks, this callback is never called...

gridly does not calculate left and top position if brick css class has border


This is my brick (imagen) css class

.imagen {
background: #EEE;
width: 170px;
height: 170px;
overflow: hidden;
border-radius: 4px;
box-shadow: 0px 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.055);

without border gridly calculates the right left and top position


but if the css class has "border" gridly cant calculate the left and top position

.imagen {
background: #EEE;
width: 170px;
height: 170px;
overflow: hidden;
border: 1px solid;
border-radius: 4px;
box-shadow: 0px 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.055);


Any help would be appreciated.

How to find item's position


Very first thank you for awesome plugin. How can I find each item's position after I dragging & dropping items?

How to reorder column-wise

Hi Thanks for the great plugin ,
Currently the grid items reorder row wise that is when i select an item in first row and put in second row
the reorder is row wise ,can any one suggest how can i have the reorder to happen column wise

disable drag and drop for certain divs

when i click add more buttons new divs are created with an additional class i included named addons.i would like to make this divs whose class is addons to be not draggable i used

$('.addons').gridly('draggable', 'off'); // Will disable dragging.

but its not working for me
please help me as soon as possible

Remember size and position of blocks in grid

Hello. Firstly, I love this script - looks great. I was wondering if it was possible to stop the grid resetting back to original size and block positions?

Is this possible with JQuery Cookies? Or is this similar to callbacks, in some way? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Disabling part of the grid


I would like to disable the centre square in this grid to leave 8 'bricks' around the outside. No brick should be draggable to the centre but reordering should be possible. Can you suggest an approach for this using your plugin?

Also, can you clarify the base and columns parameters? Why do I have three columns with the columns param set to 12?


"X" draggable but other elements do not reorder in response


This is a great plugin! I'm going to use it as part of the image upload process of my site so that users can easily dictate the order that images are displayed.

In this use case, I've noticed different behaviour when the drag event is triggered by a child element rather the parent "brick" div. Initating the drag on the parent div works fine but if initiated from a child element (such as an img) the other "brick" divs don't always move around as you drag.

This same behaviour can be seen on your demo page. Starting a drag by clicking on the coloured blocks work fine. However, starting the drag by clicking on the "x" allows you to move the brick around but the other bricks rarely reorder themselves to accommodate the current mouse position.

This happens for me in the latest versions of Firefox and IE (haven't tested chrome).

Gridly draggable anchor


I found your plugin and found it great but I need to have only the header of my div who can allow drag and not the all div.
Anyway to do this ?

I try to set draggable.selector with css class but not all div was dragged :( only the css class


Responsive ?

Hi, it's possible to add responsive calculation of culumn for your plugin ?
Now, you should set number of column manually and the size is very different on mobile, tablet and monitor.

Added new feature

Hi , i have added support for brick selection and calling reordering method for both reordering and select brick event. Allow me commit my changes.

Issue with multiple use of Gridly in same page

Thanks to your wonderful plugin. I came across a strange issue with Gridly plugin. If we use the "gridly" function more than 1 grid group in a single page, only the first grid group have gridly effect.

I have set it on jsFiddle

Refer the attached image for source code I used

When I removed Gridly from #grid-1 , second group(#grid-2) starts working. ie only one grid group is possible per page

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