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docs's Issues

Outdated links still contains lots of outdated links that are a) redirected to the correct new places or b) land on Github READMEs with links to the correct new places.

Crawl complete website, fix all files.

Output additional documented action parameters settings: env_name, default_value, optional, conflicting_options

available_options already contains information about if a param is optional, if there is a default value for a param, and if there is a environment variable that can be used to set an action parameter.

This should be surfaced in the param table of the action documentation somehow.


  • Hover title / tooltip for param name
  • Additional columns
  • Folding dropdown (similar to <details>) thingie next to description


  • default_value
  • optional / required
  • conflicting_options
  • env_name

[Feature Request] Filter action list by platform

The list of actions could really benefit from a filter for supported platforms.

A simple implementation would give each action a class. Above the list of actions it would output a checkbox per platform. Unselecting or selecting a checkbox toggles (shows/hides) the class. Additionally, the selected/unselected checkboxes could be saved in a cookie.

[Discussion] if and where we want to use colourful boxes

Using a markdown parser extension (which we can define in mkdocs.yml we could have those nice colourful boxes in our docs:

screenshot 2016-08-25 18 21 57

To render the box, only the following code is needed

!!! Caution "Reminder"
    Please read the [Usage Notes]( for information on extension compatibility and general notes to be aware of when using these extensions.

I'd love to start using these boxes for things like:

  • If fastlane is slow, try running gem cleanup
  • If you have issues uploading a binary to iTunes Connect, check out the FAQs
  • If you see a cryptic error message while building your app, try using the use_legacy_build_api option
  • Make sure to use one GitHub repo per Developer Team, or specify a custom branch per team

Would love everyone's opinion about where we can use them and how much 👍

Docs are missing good overview of "main" actions

Before the move to the new docs on Github there was a table of all the "main" actions linked on the main README and all the linked pages (the main actions). This seems to be gone now, which might make getting started with Fastlane a lot harder.

Upload Symbols to Crashlytics

I am using following lane to upload symbols to crashlytics:

lane :refresh_dsyms do
download_dsyms # Download dSYM files from iTC
upload_symbols_to_crashlytics # Upload them to Crashlytics
clean_build_artifacts # Delete the local dSYM files

Issue#1 - It always fetches all dSYM files and upload it, there is no way to keep track of already uploaded symbols.
Issue#2 - If there dSYM file is already dowloaded, it still downloads it again, and use the newly downloaded.

Using headline levels to push entries into navigation is broken


Here the headline level is used to push entries into the left navigation. For this to work, the headlines have to be on the same level # as the main document headline which means the general headline hierarchy is broken.

This could be fixed by
a) allowing ## headlines to appear in the navigation or
b) finding another way to "promote" headlines to the left navigation or
c) fix the navigation problem in a totally different way (#456).

Shell Command Not working through Fastfile

I am trying to copy file from one folder to another folder using shell commands but we couldn't able to do this operation. Below is the command which we are trying it out. Could you please help me whether I am doing something wrong here.

sh("cp Sample\ Source\ Directory/Sub\ Directory/GoogleService-Info.plist Sample\ Destination\ Directory")

Giribabu R

Code signing instructions could be clearer under Xcode 8 section

I would like to suggest some improvements to the code signing documentation under the Xcode 8 section. This is my first time using Xcode and fastlane (inherited from another dev) so keep that in mind when I mention my pain points. They may not be pain points for the vast majority of users.

I spent quite a few hours trying to get code signing working again, because we had multiple targets that had to be built with separate certificates, and I was attempting to setup configuration via the Build Settings tab which is now deprecated.

I feel this line needs much more emphasis, including updating the associated screenshot:

You can now specify which provisioning profile to use in the General tab after disabling Automatically manage signing.

The screenshot does not show Automatically manage signing, so it was easy for me to skip past. Honestly, I couldn't find the General/Signing page for quite awhile. And since I did find the Build Settings tab, I focused a lot of my attentions there.

So my suggestions would be:

  1. Update the screenshot showing the General/Signing settings to show the Automatically manage signing unticked

  2. Drop the Alternatively section that describes the Build Settings tab, which is deprecated from XCode 8.3 anyway, and doesn't seem to work in isolation.

I hope this feedback is useful.

Bamboo and Fastlane

Hello there i am trying to use fastlane in a bambo job at first it asked me to share the scheme in xcode. I did that after i ran the job again and it is saying Code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 10.2'�

this is the code in the job:
cd /Users/bamboo/app
fastlane beta

Is there anything i have missed configuring the job, the job is just a simple console job

License of the docs repo design


You have such a nice custom CSS for the documentation site, and I'm wondering if you allow to re-use it.

I did not found any notes about the license of this repository, so before stealing your code I decided to ask first 😇

Action source code files could benefit from links to their documentation link

I am looking for a way to copy files using fastlane. I google for "fastlane copy file". This returns on position #3 a result to Clicking that link I can see the source code - and from that I know this is a fastlane action documented on - but the code file doesn't say "I am an action you can use" and I have no direct way to get to the documentation of that action at

The Source code could get a standard comment/docs block at the beginning that tells the user what it is and where the proper documentation can be found.

PS: Even googling for "copy_artifacts fastlane" will return the same page as #1 instead of the real docs link.

Special documentation for tools, source hard to find

Tools have special documentation source, but docs website only links to "actions" that don't actually create the documentation. These action files could include a comment where to look for the actual documentation.

Question with Gradle : get the return value of a task


Thanks for the job on fastlane, it is really nice to use. I have a question about it.

I have a lane that is working well :

desc "Building a new release candidate version of the proto"
  lane :build_rc do
    gradle(task: "clean") 
    gradle(task: "assembleReleaseCandidate")
    gradle(task: "createNewRevisionFile")
   # upload to Beta by Crashlytics
      api_token: ENV["CRASHLYTICS_API_TOKEN"],
      build_secret: ENV["CRASHLYTICS_BUILD_SECRET"],

      message:"New release candidate version oavailable",
    # sh ""
    # You can also use other beta testing services here

My question is about the createNewRevisionFile (which is working on its own)

task createNewRevisionFile() << {
    File f = new File("changelogs/"+version+"."+gitSha()+'.txt')
    def string = 'git log -1 --pretty=%B'.execute().text.trim()
    return f.getPath()

What I want to do is :

String fileForTheRevision =  gradle(task: "createNewRevisionFile")

     notes_path: "filteForTheRevision"

How can I get the return value of a gradle task in fastlane ?

[Discussion] Unify the names of actions and plugins

So we have plugins (all external actions basically), and until now we called actions either "actions" or "integrations"

I was thinking it might make sense to call those things "integrations", as they're usually integrations with other services or tools. In the fastlane code base we'd still call them actions, as that's the term we've always used, but we can easily change the user facing docs, especially since we're writing them now.

fastlane has over 170 built-in actions


fastlane has over 170 built-in integrations

New documentation

Until now, all fastlane related docs are in the fastlane main repo.

The documentation of each of the tools was spread around the main repo, and it was hard for new users to understand fastlane, and how to get started.

We set out to think of a concept for, a separate website, for all the documentation... unified.

The goal is to have a much more stream lined onboarding flow for new users. Instead of grouping docs by tool (which have ridiculous names sometimes sigh), we group the documentation around use-cases, e.g.

  • Screenshots
  • Beta Distribution
  • App Store Distribution

A few more notes:

  • You can now search the docs
  • Using mkdocs, all things are still markdown based, so we could easily switch to a different system if we wanted
  • We will use danger to verify a few things
    • No pages can be removed, you must always do a redirect instead to not cause dead links
    • No dead links within the site
    • Auto deploy to gh-pages branch

Document Ruby version managers

I'm opening this because I can't quickly provide all of it myself. It would be good to have some basic documentation for Ruby version managers: Quick setup, common commands, basic usage with Fastlane, etc. I know RVM pretty well. I'm not aware of another brief guide to installing and using it, so I wrote this. I could contribute something similar to Fastlane, but I can't quickly write up rbenv or chruby. Perhaps others would be interested in contributing those guides.

I'd open a PR for the RVM stuff, but if that's the only thing there, it might sound like Fastlane was recommending or endorsing RVM. It might be best to try to get the others covered as well.

Design Proposal: Table of Contents for documents


Right now it is very hard to get an overview of the content of a document, which is why other documents like use the headline levels to push entries into the navigation on the left (which has its own problems: #455)

For the create-plugin document it would be a better idea to start the document with an auto generated Table of Contents display above the actual content.

This would also work for other documents, but probably not for all of them, which means there would have to be a way to configure this.

[Proposal] Action parameter types

In the docs of actions, why don't you define the type of the parameter, or possible parameters if only a few exists? So for the tables Parameters, there should be Key Description Type or similar columns.

I had to look up an example fastfile to see what kind of value was needed for "include_bitcode". (Yes, 1, Maybe, Always, "Yes", "1", true, True, ON, on, On) ...

Document `other_action`

other_action to call an "other action" in an action exists and is very useful. Unfortunately it is not documented in the new docs, where I am creating this issue.

My usecase is that I theoretically wanted to to use plugin in a plugin, which is not possible. So I was advised to copy the action over to the second plugin and use it there. To do that, I have to go from one action to another.

Background from Slack:

janpio [7:48 PM]
Can anyone think of a plugin that has at least 2 actions and one of these uses the other one? I need an example how to best implement this.
Hmm probably this: fastlane/fastlane#4441
Which means this:
Is this documented anywhere?
Seems it was, but isn't any more in the new docs or anything accessible:

josh [10:36]
ie other_action.<action_name>

Improve search with DocSearch

The search on the docs page is not "as-you-type" and can improve. After having a quick chat with Felix at a conference, he seems to be very open to such idea.

At Algolia, we have docsearch which can help you with that for free. We power the documentation of Stripe, React and more. You can learn more about it here.

Design goals

screenshot 2016-08-28 20 41 30

Design was taken from We have to adapt it to be more like fastlane ( White, with a lot of colors (the 5 at least)

Must haves:

  • Fix my hacky way to get the currenlty active sidebar element to be white, it's in fastlane.css the bottom part. There is some comments on why it's like this. However the menu item is too far to the right when you click on Home for example (only when it's active)
  • Sidebar should look brighter
  • Background color of the page should look like the one from
  • We have to link to the fastlane GitHub page in a visible way somewhere in the docs (header, footer or sidebar?)


  • Code blocks should look more like
  • Add an Edit on GitHub button to every page to the template, so people can easily contribute changes, without manually finding the docs repo and the .md file
  • The table (e.g. emoji table on the landing page has too much padding, also the top row is rendered empty). Emoji table should look more like this:
  • The page should render nicely on mobile too. Currently some images, e.g. the badges are rendered 100% width
  • Support anchors, so people can easily link specific sections in a document (


  • Implement a way to fold some of the sidebar items. e.g. we want an Advanced button in the sidebar, with a lot of sub-pages, but we don't want to list them all the time. already does that somehow

Code samples should show Fastfile samples

To make fastlane the tool for deploying, let's get more people to start using fastlane itself too:

Let's use the following for all code samples:

snapshot(scheme: "something")
sigh(user: "[email protected]")

and also mention that you can call each tool from the command line using

fastlane snapshot --scheme "something"
fastlane sigh -u [email protected]

(note that we prefix all calls with fastlane)

Install instructions should also always mention [sudo] gem install fastlane --verbose, and not an individual tool (with the exception of spaceship)

More Structure for is quite a collection of headlines right now. This could and should be structured a bit more to offer the user more guidance.

(Will probably only work if #455 is fixed somehow)

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