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sourcedemorender's Issues

Failed to load plugin TF2

Team Fortress 2, Windows 10

] exec sdr_load_mp
Loading unsigned module SourceDemoRender.Multiplayer.dll
Access to secure servers is disabled.
SDR: Creating 11 modules
SDR: Enabled module "OutputDebugString" -> kernel32.dll @ 0x75813570
SDR: Enabled module "ActivateMouse" -> engine.dll @ 0x69555730
SDR: Enabled module "AppActivate" -> engine.dll @ 0x6953FD10
SDR: Could not enable module "StartMovie" - "MH_ERROR_NOT_EXECUTABLE"
Failed to load plugin "SourceDemoRender.Multiplayer.dll"
Unable to load plugin "SourceDemoRender.Multiplayer.dll"

Linux Version

Any chance of a version for Linux systems any time soon? This software looks interesting and I'd love to try it out but I don't use Windows.

Momentum in Game config seems to be outdated

I can't add Momentum as a game with SDR because it tells me it does not exist in game config.
I checked the game config, and it seems to list Momentum's exe as being in folder "Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer"
That's not the case with the current Steam version of Momentum, the exe is in folder "Momentum Mod"

What I assume to be the issue (I could be wrong), in GameConfig.json, here below

		"Inherit": "Counter-Strike Source\\cstrike",
		"DisplayName": "Momentum",
		"ExecutableName": "Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer\\hl2.exe"

The sequence number 8 was not found in the DLL d2d1.dll.

This error appears after "Looking for updates." step. If automatic updates is disables it doesn't appear at the startup, but still appears when I click on "Extensions" button. Unfortunately, I'm from Russia and have Russian language OS, so maybe I translated this error wrong, I'll include original error text.

Title 1: SDR Launcher UI: LauncherUI.exe - Порядковый номер не найден
Title 2: CiceroUIWndFrame: LauncherUI.exe - Порядковый номер не найден
Content: Порядковый номер 8 не найден в библиотеке DLL d2d1.dll.

Title could be one of two, but error is still the same.

OS: Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 x64

CS:GO overlay

Overlay for CS:GO is showing up, but value always stays 0

Tested with multiple demos, still works fine with version from #43 comments

Recording Times

I want to record my 2 hour speed runs and surf demos... whats the best options to lower record time? It takes up 2gb and 30+ min for 3minutes... any alternatives or settings that I can change ?

Awesome tool btw

CSGO SourceTV demo not support

i tested the pr #57 on CSGO with my player demo and SourceTV demo, those vel are in follow

player SourceTV
dynamic 0

this doesn't happen on CSS!

btw it seems to have to solve this: #57 (comment)
should replace get_player_by_idx with get_entity_by_idx ?

Old Counter-Strike Source ( support?

Is there any support for old Counter-Strike Source?

Protocol version 7
Exe version (cstrike)
Exe build: 17:27:58 Dec  3 2009 (4044)

It is also known as "v34".

I tried to launch it via SDR but got following error:

            Null pointer
SDR: Could not enable module "MaterialsPtr"
Could not pass stage "Load"

[SOLVED] Velocity Overlay

For some reason the velocity-overlay is not showing up on my recordings...
Pasting code underneath if someone could help out, that'd be great!

    "velocity-overlay": {
        "enabled": true,
        "font-family": "Arial",
        "font-size": 72,
        "color-r": 50,
        "color-g": 205,
        "color-b": 50,
        "color-a": 125,
        "font-style": "normal",
        "font-weight": "bold",
        "font-stretch": "normal",
        "text-align": "leading",
        "paragraph-align": "center",
        "padding": 100

EDIT: Only supports CS:S, I am trying to use it in CS:GO, sorry.
Would there be support for it on CS:GO?

CS:S crash on launch

F:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Counter-Strike Source\cstrike\SDR>.\LauncherCLI.exe "F:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Counter-Strike Source\hl2.exe" -window -w 1920 -h 1080 -novid
Searching game config for matching name
Found "cstrike" in game config
Appending parameters: "-steam -insecure +sv_lan 1 -console"
Game: "cstrike"
Executable path: "F:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Counter-Strike Source\hl2.exe"
Directory: "F:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Counter-Strike Source\cstrike"
Parameters: "-steam -insecure +sv_lan 1 -console -window -w 1920 -h 1080 -novid"
Starting "cstrike"
Injecting into "cstrike"
Waiting for signals
Received remote SDR signal
SDR initialized in "cstrike"
Waiting for finished loading event
SDR fully loaded
SDR: Creating 26 modules
SDR: Enabled module "ActivateMouse"
SDR: Enabled module "AppActivate"
SDR: Enabled module "MaterialsPtr"
SDR: Enabled module "MaterialSystem_GetBackBufferDimensions"
SDR: Enabled module "EngineClientPtr"
SDR: Enabled module "EngineClient_ConsoleVisible"
SDR: Enabled module "EngineClient_FlashWindow"
SDR: Enabled module "EngineClient_ClientCommand"
SDR: Enabled module "D3D9_Device"
SDR: Enabled module "DrawLoading"
SDR: Enabled module "View_Render"
SDR: Enabled module "StartMovie"
SDR: Enabled module "StartMovieCommand"
SDR: Enabled module "EndMovie"
SDR: Enabled module "EndMovieCommand"
SDR: Enabled module "SUpdateGuts"
SDR: Enabled module "CvarPtr"
SDR: Enabled module "Cvar_FindVar"
SDR: Enabled module "ConVar_Info"
SDR: Enabled module "ConVar_Constructor3"
SDR: Enabled module "ConCommandBase_Info"
SDR: Enabled module "CCommand_Info"
SDR: Enabled module "ConCommand_Info"
SDR: Enabled module "ConCommand_Constructor1"
SDR: Enabled module "Console_Info"
SDR: Enabled module "Engine_Info"
SDR: Startup procedure (1/2): "MovieRecord console variables"
SDR: Startup procedure (2/2): "PluginInterface console commands"
SDR: Library version: 20
SDR: Current game: "cstrike"
SDR: Source Demo Render loaded
You can close this window now

Haven't found a clear guide on using recent versions of SDR, so I easily could have just done some setup wrong, or somesuch. I used to use it in version 6 or so, but it's not the same anymore.

Running the batch file, the prompt prints what I've pasted above, and then game launches and I get the Windows error that it has stopped responding. (Different error to 'is not responding', as that one you can just wait out, usually.)

Crashing on Tf2

When the demo reaches the tick that I've set to start recording the game freezes and then crashes, I've tried deleting and reinstalling sdr and have tried a lot of different demos as well, any ideas whats causing this / how i can try and prevent it? thanks

Can no longer launch game

After launching the new build it shows "Installed Games" for me which is CSS and CSGO. I select CSGO and it just says "not found in any Steam library"


SDR refuses to render a video on my PC regardless of container

Every time I try to record anything, it manages to successfully finish the recording process, but leaves me with an empty low MB (2mb per 4 seconds) container .avi with a black screen, and only game audio.
I have an AMD dual link GPU integrated HP Notebook laptop PC.
It just simply refuses to render any video, and I've been wanting to use this for over 2-3 months now but absolutely nothing seems to be working in any way, shape or form.
Note: I have a laptop with integrated APU, you mentioned something about this before, but I never fully figured out why it just simply refuses to work. I've managed to install Dokan for srcdemo2 on my pc successfully, with no real problems aside from the depreciation and it looking terrible

Add L4D2?

If possible, could L4D2 be added to the list of supported games?

SDR Request for Old CSS v34

It would be very nice if SDR becomes compatible with old source engine (CSS v34). A lot of players will be using it for sure and will start recording their Frags, Bhop runs, etc..
And we'll appreciate that very much.

SDR Don't Start

Hello Guys,
I wanted to test out SDR in Gmod but im keep getting this error message when im launching it in the LauncherUI:

Parameters: "-steam -insecure +sv_lan 1 -console -window -w 1920 -h 1080"
Starting: "Garry's Mod"
Injecting into: "Garry's Mod"
Waiting for stage: "Initialize"
Process exited at stage "Initialize"
You can close this window now

Pls help

Could not write data.

I get the following error in the console every frame when recording

windows: Could not write 8294400 bytes to pipe 0x1ff0 (232)
Could not write 8294400 bytes to movie pipe. Has process 11752 ended?

Nothing appears in movies folder after recording, no matter the profile.
Simple fix?

Voice chat never fades away until round end

While performing demo playback recordings in Counter-Strike: Source, players who initiate voice chat will have voice chat enabled on them for the rest of the round or until I issue snd_restart to clear the sounds. This means that if one person presses voice chat by accident, they can appear in the voice chat for the remainder of the round, even if they say nothing for the rest of the round.

When I do not issue the startmovie command (but having SDR and all configs loaded), the voice chat is normal, with non-speaking players being removed from the chat as normal. This behavior also does not happen with the original TGA demo recorder.

TF2 crashing on startup

Whenever I launch tf2 through launcherUI, the game opens briefly and then crashes with the following error.

            Null pointer
SDR: Could not enable module "CvarPtr"
Could not pass stage "Load"

Could not start movie

This is the error message :

No supported container format. Prefer to use the mp4 or mkv containers
Could not verify movie
Could not open movie
Could not initialize with profile 'hq' // default not work too
Could not start movie

CS:GO recordings just being a black screen

When recording csgo, svr didn't record any of the video and it was just a black screen with the speed on the bottom, why might this be happening? When I originally rendered it, I was in borderless window so I thought that was the issue, but then I recorded in fullscreen and still got the same issue. It also performs very slowly when previewing, could this be the issue?

This is all I get for a recording

Stutter while rendering

This has been plaguing me for months, when i start rendering the demo playback becomes stuttery and weird producing an unsmooth video, its nothing to do with the demos themselves as on their own the playback is fine, its only when rendering, ive tried pretty much everything i can think of to fix this, tried older versions, even reformatted, nothing helps. You can see the stutter in the attached video, though it is hard to notice, its there.

e: fixed,if anyone else is having this issue enable performance counter access

ConVar methods are deprecated. (At least in TF2)

Game: TF2 (BuildID: 3001717)
Get/Set Bool/Float/Int are deprecated. Strings should be used. Proof:

How i know that they are deprecated? They used to segfault me all the time i was writing a ConVar system for my cheats.

Add Audio Support

Would it be possible to add the audio support the older version had?

This is how the current workflow looks like when trying to render a demo with video and audio:

  • Start game with SVR attached and render video with startmovie video.mp4 <profile>
  • Restart the game but without SVR and record audio using the game's startmovie audio.wav wav

Not only restarting the game, but recording audio without the ability to disable video adds a lot total render time.

From testing, audio recording took as long as the video rendering for me.
(I also tried using -textmode to record audio, but that just makes it take longer...)

The old audio support SDR had would certainly speed up this process!

Steam overlay in recordings

Steam overlay shows up in TF2 SVR recordings since version 35. This was not present in 1.1.

The overlay can of course be avoided by not opening it, but steam notifications etc. will also show up. The primary issue for me is the "Access the Steam community while playing" -popup that happens shortly after game launch since my recordings are automated and can start shortly after the game if the demo file is short enough. See for example (00:36, bottom right corner).

I couldn't find any launch args to disable steam overlay at unless I missed something. Remembering to disable overlay through steam library > game properties every time before recording is a pain.

Unable to load plugin

] plugin_load SourceDemoRenderer.dll
Loading unsigned module SourceDemoRenderer.dll
Access to secure servers is disabled.
Unable to load plugin "SourceDemoRenderer.dll"
Unable to load plugin "SourceDemoRenderer.dll"

Did everything as in the readme.

SVR uses nonlinear sRGB for frame blending

Only tested in CS:GO.

Frame blending should be done in linear sRGB, but SVR currently uses nonlinear sRGB leading to darkened blending between some colours and between light and dark areas:

Compared with correct blending:

Here's the map i used for testing:

My crude fix was done like this:

void main(uint3 dtid : SV_DispatchThreadID)
    uint2 pos = dtid.xy;

    float4 source_pix = source_texture.Load(dtid); = pow(max(, 0), 2.2);
    dest_texture[pos] += source_pix * mosample_weight;


void proc(uint3 dtid)
    float4 pix = input_texture[dtid.xy]; = pow(max(, 0), 1.0 / 2.2);

csgo support

Have you planned on making this compatible with csgo in the near future?

CSGO support now that it's on D3D9ex

Great work here! I think this would be very handy on the CSGO community.
I see that you mentioned the reason for not supporting is because they were still on D3D9. Now that they finally upgraded to D3D9ex, any chance we could have CSGO support as well? :)
Or maybe some pointers of what needs to be done. I'd be happy to contribute, just don't have enough experience to get it started myself.


is there a possibility to make the video not look so "colorful"


so it says to start launcherui.exe to run the program but i can't find the .exe anywhere

what am i doing wrong/how do i launch SDR on CS:S?

Broken after latest CSGO update

New update for CSGO got released and SDR is no longer compatible. It gives the error without allowing you to use it normally

WARNING: Mismatch between installed Steam build and tested SVR build. Steam game build is 8128170 and tested build is 7866056. Problems may occur as this game build has not been tested!
Starting Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (build 8128170). If launching doesn't work then make sure any antivirus is disabled
Launcher finished, rest of the log is from the game
Hello from the game
Pattern get_get_spec_target_fn had no match
!!! ERROR: Mismatch between game version and supported SVR version. Ensure you are using the latest version of SVR and upload your SVR_LOG.txt.```

Steam is not open error even though it is

When trying to launch the exe, im getting the [Steam is not open] error despite it being open, is this due to me starting steam in offline mode due to the wifi I'm currently connected to blocking it?

What do I do for directory?

trying to get the game directory but it is saying " Game Half-Life 2 and Portal Source Unpack/hl2 does not exist in game config."

Preview window extension doesnt load properly

I have activated, selected and it says that the plugin has been loaded on both the log screen and the ingame console. However i cannot for the life of me to get the preview window to appear. Im running counter strike source on windowed mode if that makes any difference.

Garrys mod fails to enable module "StartMovieCommand"

PS D:\SDR> .\LauncherCLI.exe /GAME "D:\Steam\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\hl2.exe" /PATH "D:\Steam\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod" "-novid -nojoy -windowed -w 1920 -h 1080"
SDR library version: 26
Appending parameters: "-steam -insecure +sv_lan 1 -console"
Searching game config for matching name
Found "Garry's Mod" in game config
Game: "Garry's Mod"
Executable: "D:\Steam\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\hl2.exe"
Directory: "D:\Steam\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod"
Resource: "D:\SDR"
Parameters: "-steam -insecure +sv_lan 1 -console"
Starting "Garry's Mod"
Injecting into "Garry's Mod"
Waiting for stage "Initialize"
Passed stage "Initialize"
Waiting for stage "Load"
SDR: Creating 23 game modules
SDR: Enabled module "MaterialsPtr"
SDR: Enabled module "EngineClientPtr"
SDR: Enabled module "View_Render"
SDR: Enabled module "StartMovie"
Null pointer
SDR: Could not enable module "StartMovieCommand"
Could not pass stage "Load"
You can close this window now`

OS: Windows 10
GPU: Nvidia GTX-1050 TI (MSI 4GT OC)

Am I doing anything wrong on my end that prevents this from working?

CS:GO running very slowly and crashing when opening demos

When launching a demo in csgo after I booted it through the exe, it runs very slowly, like barely moving. And when I try to skip forward into the demo, the game freezes and basically crashes.
Is this an issue on my end or is it a bug? Any help would be appreciated,

Add support for other codecs?

I've tried this software, and it works great in some cases.

But I found that it seems to only support x264 codec, yet codecs like h264_nvenc could improve the speed a lot faster.

something like cqp=0 preset=hq pix_fmt=yuv444 or rgb, recording hugely faster to get footages and after all editing jobs are done

Then we could highly compress them to make very small archieves.

d3d11: Could not create shader 'motion_sample_cs.svs'

Tried everything out, but it simply won't work because of that error:

Starting process
Created process with id 9836 and thread id 7404
Allocating 4096 remote bytes
Remote address: 0x990000
Resuming process
Using game thread 1504
Waiting for libraries:
- hl2.exe
- shaderapidx9.dll
- materialsystem.dll
- engine.dll
- tier0.dll
- client.dll
Libraries loaded, initializing
d3d11: Creating release device
d3d11: Created device with feature level 45056
d3d11: Could not create shader 'motion_sample_cs.svs' (-7ff8ffa9)
Could not create graphics backend
Could not initialize game. Terminating
Initialization failure

The game just pops in, start loading and then crashes after that.

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