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autopkg's Issues

Processors cleanup

Remove old processors from outdated/replaced recipes, move remaining recipe-specific processors into the recipes repo.

Proxy support


please add a proxy support in the processor URLDownloader:

The following recipes failed:
Error in com.github.autopkg.pkg.googlechrome: Processor: URLDownloader: Error: Couldn't download <urlopen error [Errno 65] No route to host>

Nothing downloaded, packaged or imported.

Thanks Alex

unnecessary re-import to Munki if pkginfo installs-type has been changed

If I change installs-type key from 'application' to 'bundle' manually in already imported pkginfo-file then autopkg decides to re-import the same item, resulting with unnecessary duplicate item.
This happens for all items that are updated and autoimported to Munki repo by autopkg.
This happens with version 0.2.3 and 0.2.4.

Versioning autopkg

To discuss support for versioning AutoPkg and specifying a minimum required version in a recipe.

A couple commits to illustrate very basic support:

  • autopkglib support for setting an env, AUTOPKG_VERSION, to the value of the Version key in version.plist: 82c57a7
  • AutoPkg recipe update to support it: be94692

This would probably mean that new releases would be frequent, whenever new recipe-related functionality is introduced to support new and updated recipes. A build/push script could be written to automate the process of making a new tag, building a new package, formatting the version-specific release notes from a master file, incrementing to the next version in version.plist, etc.

I imagine this would make the '1.2.3' version numbering much less likely to follow the conventions of SemVer, but with frequent releases, not sure it really matters (?).

It might be nice to have an additional auto-incrementing "build" value appended to this version in the same way that Munki's pkg build script handles this. The AutoPkg building from a source zipfile would mean some additional work would be needed to derive this value, or otherwise optionally instead do a git clone, where it's easier to have direct access to the number of commits.

Core defaults system for processor variables

It would be nice if we could specify a default for a Processor's input variable:

input_variables = {
    "branch": {
        "required": False,
        "description": "Descriptive text",
        "default": "release"

So that we don't need to implement our own "defaults" logic in every processor.

autopkgserver should support package scripts

We should support being able to just add something like a 'scripts' array to a package request dictionary, and they get added via the appropriate mechanism for either bundle or flat packages.

Bundle just requires them being in the right place and executable, for flat the simplest way is via staging them in a 'scripts' directory, and passing --scripts <dir> to pkgbuild. I've tested that these get inserted properly even if a PackageInfo template is used. I don't think flat packages even require the scripts be executable within the archive, but they might as well be.

This would be useful for the AutoPkg recipe: autopkg/recipes#2

Use FoundationPlist instead of plistlib

In trying out Greg's 'auto' tool, I'm finding that since we moved autopkglib's preferences handling to use CFPreferences, that now the Obj-C types retrieved for any supported preferences - NSCFArray, at least - doesn't make plistlib happy when it tries to write these to a plist, and expectedly it raises a TypeError.

Greg, is there any reason you can think of that we couldn't just swap out plistlib for FoundationPlist? It could sit alongside autopkglib as a separate module.

I've just tested that swapping it in at places like seems to fix it.

MunkiImporter: merging environment pkginfo too late?

MunkiImporter needs to check if a previous application is installed, so it checks the 'all' catalog in Munki against the freshly generated pkginfo (from makepkginfo). This is line 387 in Code/autopkglib/ However, the environment pkginfo isn't merged into that pkginfo until after the check for the app, on line 404.

The effect of this is that, if a pkginfo has a manually added installs key in a Processor before (and thus in the environment pkginfo) and the package has a unique installer hash item (say because it is re-generated every autopkg run, then MunkiImporter will not be catching the alread packaged package in the Munki catalog (because the installs key hasn't yet been added when it checks).

Hope that makes sense. The solution (I think) is to move block at line 404 (if "pkginfo" in self.env:) to before the existing line 387 (matchingitem = self.findMatchingItemInRepo(pkginfo)).

Right now I have an autopkg that continues to add packages (using the __1, __2, etc) naming convention to autopkg, despite it already being packaged.

Thanks, and sorry for the winded explanation.

Implement timeout for processor(s) using HTTP

Sometimes a Sparkle feed or some other urlopen() call just hangs because of a server problem. Currently this causes the recipe to hang indefinitely as there's no timeout set.

Harder to determine what would be "correct" for a URLDownloader as some downloads are large and could be slow, but I don't think the Sparkle metadata processor should wait longer than 60 seconds before raising a ProcessorError.

In the long run it would be a good idea to make a base class for any processor that uses urllib/urllib2, at least for getting metadata, for default behavior like this, but that can be another issue further down the line.

Recipe overrides should store identifier of original recipe (and use it)

Currently, recipe overrides do not store the path to the original recipe; instead they use the search path (and search rules) to find the original recipe.

This is good because the override can find the original recipe even if it's moved to different directory, as long as it's in the search path.

This is bad, because if a git pull updates a recipe repo that's earlier in the search path and adds a new recipe of the same name as one lower in the search path, the override will now start using the recipe from a different repo, with unexpected results.

Recipes should be strongly encouraged to have unique identifiers. A Recipe override should store the recipe identifier of its original recipe, and use that identifier to find the original recipe.

Additionally, there are probably scenarios in which autopkg should check all recipes in its search paths for duplicate identifiers and warn. A good time to do this might be when adding or updating a recipe repo.

Packaging requests fail if CACHE_DIR is on an external volume

Now this might just be some oversight on my part but I can't get the FlashPlayerRepackage recipes to work if my CACHE_DIR points to a folder on an external disk.

I've set the CACHE_DIR in autopkg preferences to "/Volumes/external-disk/temp/autopkg-cache" and if I run the recipe with the defaults, I get:

$ autopkg run -v AdobeFlashPlayerRepackage.pkg.recipe
Processing AdobeFlashPlayerRepackage.pkg.recipe...
AdobeFlashURLProvider: Found URL
URLDownloader: Item at URL is unchanged.
URLDownloader: Using existing /Volumes/external-disk/temp/autopkg-cache/com.github.autopkg.pkg.FlashPlayerRepackage/downloads/AdobeFlashPlayer.dmg
AdobeFlashDmgUnpacker: Mounted disk image /Volumes/external-disk/temp/autopkg-cache/com.github.autopkg.pkg.FlashPlayerRepackage/downloads/AdobeFlashPlayer.dmg
PkgCreator: Connecting
PkgCreator: Sending packaging request
PkgCreator: Disconnecting
/Volumes/external-disk/temp/autopkg-cache/com.github.autopkg.pkg.FlashPlayerRepackage/FlashPlayerPkg isn't owned by <myuid>
Receipt written to /Volumes/external-disk/temp/autopkg-cache/com.github.autopkg.pkg.FlashPlayerRepackage/receipts/AdobeFlashPlayerRepackage.pkg-receipt-20130927-092147.plist

The following recipes failed:
        Error in com.github.autopkg.pkg.FlashPlayerRepackage: Processor: PkgCreator: Error: /Volumes/external-disk/temp/autopkg-cache/com.github.autopkg.pkg.FlashPlayerRepackage/FlashPlayerPkg isn't owned by <myuid>

Nothing downloaded, packaged or imported.

The directory in question is owned by me. However, if I override the CACHE_DIR setting and set it to default, everything works perfectly:

$ autopkg run -v -k CACHE_DIR=~/Library/AutoPkg/Cache AdobeFlashPlayerRepackage.pkg.recipe
Processing AdobeFlashPlayerRepackage.pkg.recipe...
AdobeFlashURLProvider: Found URL
URLDownloader: Item at URL is unchanged.
URLDownloader: Using existing /Users/<username>/Library/AutoPkg/Cache/com.github.autopkg.pkg.FlashPlayerRepackage/downloads/AdobeFlashPlayer.dmg
AdobeFlashDmgUnpacker: Mounted disk image /Users/<username>/Library/AutoPkg/Cache/com.github.autopkg.pkg.FlashPlayerRepackage/downloads/AdobeFlashPlayer.dmg
PkgCreator: Connecting
PkgCreator: Sending packaging request
PkgCreator: Disconnecting
Receipt written to /Users/<username>/Library/AutoPkg/Cache/com.github.autopkg.pkg.FlashPlayerRepackage/receipts/AdobeFlashPlayerRepackage.pkg-receipt-20130927-092552.plist

The following packages were built:
    Identifier               Version          Pkg path                        
    ----------               -------          --------                        
    com.adobe.pkg.FlashPlayer 11.8.800.168     /Users/<username>/Library/AutoPkg/Cache/com.github.autopkg.pkg.FlashPlayerRepackage/AdobeFlashPlayer-11.8.800.168.pkg

Let me know if I'm doing something stupid here... :)


Shared processors/processors outside of recipe directory?

Taking a quick look at the code (def get_processor(processor_name, recipe=None) of autopkg/Code/autopkglib/ it looks like Processors are only found in the autopkglib directory and recipe directory. I happen to have a number of recipes that share common Processors (see 1, 2, 3, and 4 for an example). Is there any way one can have a directory in a RecipeRepo for shared processors? Something like:


Thanks! For everything: autopkg rocks!

PkgCreator: relative paths in pkg_request return on paths found in cwd

I just had this error show up from running the AutoPkg recipe, when running autopkg while my shell's current directory was the autopkg Git root.

Error in com.github.autopkg.autopkg: Processor: PkgCreator: Error: Can't find scripts directory: Scripts

The new functionality for PkgCreator to support searching for relative paths also seems to return a path if it finds one in the current working directory (like the "Scripts" dir in the autopkg repo).

The doc string says this function is responsible for searching the search order, so I'm not sure if this was here for a specific reason or to account for a certain case that's not obvious to me. Since I'm not really sure, I changed it in an experimental branch to illustrate:

I also removed the conditional startswith("/") because that's already the condition used to call this function from package(). If this all makes sense, I can merge it in.

Package signing?

The package creation workflow should allow for using a cert to create signed packages.

Warnings for missing tools (git, makepkginfo)

If attempting to use git repos, or running recipes requiring munki, the corresponding tools need to be installed. Instead of the current errors, autopkg should check whether or not the tools are installed, and give the user clear warnings to install git or the munkitools.

Error when running a recipe requiring munki:
Processor: MunkiImporter: Error: makepkginfo execution failed with error code 2: No such file or directory

MunkiInstallsItemsCreator and defining the version_comparison_key in recipe

I would like to see a possibility to define a version_comparison_key for MunkiInstallsItemsCreator processor in recipe. I've mostly run into this when an installs item needs to be defined with CFBundleVersion instead of CFBundleShortVersionString.

I see that MunkiInstallsItemsCreator is calling makepkginfo -f and there's no options for makepkginfo to do this but the processor could of course modify the installs item dictionary before returning.

I could take a closer look and create a pull request when I have way to do this. Any thoughts?

AutoPackager sets RECIPE_CACHE_DIR too late

Normally running a recipe, we:

  • process cli overrides
  • verify
  • process

RECIPE_CACHE_DIR is only set in autopackager.process(), so if the previous two steps fail, the tool can't use this env to know where to write a receipt.

We could have an initial "prepare_recipe()"-like step where additional env variables like this can be set, and possibly roll the verify() step into this..

Recipes run when given by filename may not find their ParentRecipes

If a recipe path is given by a filename and it has a ParentRecipe, this recipe won't be found unless it happens to be on the search path (for instance, if the command is executed within the same directory and therefore searches the default . cwd path first).

We should be adding the dirname of the child recipe to the search path dynamically when searching for ParentRecipes.

Unhelpful "No Valid Recipe" error when ParentRecipe can't be found

If a recipe includes a ParentRecipe that can't be found for any reason, autopkg reports "No valid recipe for ". The recipe shows up in autopkg list-recipes, but trying to do autopkg info reports:

No valid recipe found for
Nothing downloaded, packaged or imported.

This is unhelpful because the recipe is clearly listed in the list of recipes, but autopkg reports that it can't find it, when the actual error is that the ParentRecipe can't be found or resolved.

It may be helpful to provide a more specific error message indicating that the ParentRecipe is the weak point.

Error reporting via GH API for known broken recipes

Homebrew does a neat thing if you try to an install a formula that doesn't yet exist, by searching open pull requests.

Since we can probably usually figure out the upstream remote for a recipe repo, we can use the GitHub API to search issues by a known label like "broken_recipe", so that if there's an error when running a recipe, we can check to see if it's already known (or at least reported by someone) to be broken and report it to the user in the run output.

The GitHub API currently allows for 60 anonymous requests per hour.

Merging of Overrides keys

For those keys that are in an Override, would be nice to have a "merging" option.

E.g. for the "pkginfo" key it would be nice not to have to keep the whole pkginfo key in the Override file, in case the pkginfo key changes in the parent recipe.

Feature: adding third-party recipes

To discuss how this should work. Here are my thoughts:

Assuming we could add a new recipe:

autopkg add-recipes

(using .git as a hint that it needs to git clone rather than unzip or mirror over a locally-accessible folder) would git clone to a new location and update the RECIPE_SEARCH_DIRS preference array by adding the new location to the end of the list.

Currently we have ~/Library/AutoPkg/Recipes as a default recipe location, but I'm thinking it should be the default directory where recipes wind up as subdirectories with some namespacing.

From what little I've seen of Go, it manages third-party libraries separated by domain and path components. If your project imports "" as a dependency, it will clone this dependency into the src root that could be laid out like:

  - foo
    - recipes
  - bar
    - MyAutoPkgRecipes
  - baz
    - corporate-recipes

autopkg could also provide the convenience of updating one or more recipe repos:

autopkg update-recipes --all

autopkg update-recipes autopkg

The second form would be simply a match across the list of repo urls that we've cloned, so that I can just say "foo" to update anything that matches foo's recipes. Or, specify an exact URL.

Updating or recipe development could also be done with the git clones as one normally would, because they're just Git clones.

PkgUnpacker does not deal with nested mpkg

Reported by mosen1, Jul 22, 2013 via

What steps will reproduce the problem?

  1. Run PkgUnpacker on flat package containing a nested (m)pkg.
  2. The nested package isn't unpacked properly (due to xar not caring abo?)

The example package is the Centrify DirectControl 5.1.1 agent. This package is not available for public download but basically it is a flat package containing another (m?)package. When using xar you get the flat package content but the nested package isn't unpacked.

pkgutil --expand does not exhibit the same issue (the scripts are unpacked inside the nested package).

If it's feasible to use pkgutil in another processor then that might be an option.

autopkg fails to make the pkg

Apologies but i am following the getting started on the Wiki but not using Munki.

I am getting error. I haven't created any autopkgserver of find documentation in the wiki as to what this might point to.

I would appreciate a hand if possible.

The following recipes failed:
Error in com.github.autopkg.pkg.Firefox_EN: Processor: PkgCreator: Error: Couldn't connect to autopkgserver: No such file or directory

Full verbose of command below

autopkg run -v Firefox.pkg
Processing Firefox.pkg...
MozillaURLProvider: Found URL
URLDownloader: Storing new Last-Modified header: Thu, 05 Dec 2013 17:54:42 GMT
URLDownloader: Storing new ETag header: "57af9b-2d7ff56-4eccd3961bc80"
URLDownloader: Downloaded /Users/tkimpton/Library/AutoPkg/Cache/com.github.autopkg.pkg.Firefox_EN/downloads/Firefox.dmg
AppDmgVersioner: Mounted disk image /Users/tkimpton/Library/AutoPkg/Cache/com.github.autopkg.pkg.Firefox_EN/downloads/Firefox.dmg
AppDmgVersioner: BundleID: org.mozilla.firefox
AppDmgVersioner: Version: 26.0
PkgRootCreator: Created /Users/tkimpton/Library/AutoPkg/Cache/com.github.autopkg.pkg.Firefox_EN/Firefox
PkgRootCreator: Created /Users/tkimpton/Library/AutoPkg/Cache/com.github.autopkg.pkg.Firefox_EN/Firefox/Applications
Copier: Mounted disk image /Users/tkimpton/Library/AutoPkg/Cache/com.github.autopkg.pkg.Firefox_EN/downloads/Firefox.dmg
Copier: Copied /private/tmp/dmg.8KiRNc/ to /Users/tkimpton/Library/AutoPkg/Cache/com.github.autopkg.pkg.Firefox_EN/Firefox/Applications/
PkgCreator: Connecting
PkgCreator: Disconnecting
Couldn't connect to autopkgserver: No such file or directory
Receipt written to /Users/tkimpton/Library/AutoPkg/Cache/com.github.autopkg.pkg.Firefox_EN/receipts/Firefox-receipt-20140108-151600.plist

The following recipes failed:
Error in com.github.autopkg.pkg.Firefox_EN: Processor: PkgCreator: Error: Couldn't connect to autopkgserver: No such file or directory

The following new items were downloaded:

autopkgserver should support --component and --install-location

Would be nice to be able to package applications using the equivalent of:

pkgbuild --component /path/to/ --install-location /Applications

Even, better, to be able to point to the application on a mounted disk image to eliminate the need to copy from the disk image.

Currently autopkgserver/ disallows this because the files on a mounted disk image are not (usually) owned by the user calling AutoPkg.

Merging autopkg and automunkiimport

automunkiimport was designed to be an experiment, where I could push the functionality of autopkg without worrying about breaking the core autopkg tool.

I think autopkg and automunkiimport should be merged.

The Munki-specifc functionality aside, automunkiimport has several features that would be generally useful for autopkg:

  1. Recipe search directories
  2. Support for recipe lists
  3. Support for the "unified" recipe format
  4. Support for recipe input overrides
  5. More reporting/logging

...and probably some other things I'm forgetting. In the near future we'd like to add support for disacovering and downloading additional recipes.

Here's a thought about one approach:

autopkg processes one or more recipes.

automunkiimport processes one or more Munki-specific recipes, then runs makecatalogs if there have been any imports. Ideally, though, automunkiimport should also mount the Munki repo before it begins.

Merging the functionality ends up having a lot of "if munkimporting: foo; else: bar" crap in various places.


automunkiimport supports recipe lists: these are simply lists of recipes to process in order.
What if there was a "mount the munki repo" recipe and a "run makecatalogs" recipe? Then you could remove a lot of special logic from automunkiimport, and just use a recipe list:


It might be difficult to factor out everything automunkiimport knows about Munki into recipes, but I have some ideas there.

If we can move this direction (merging the non-Munki functionality of automunkiimport into autopkg -- or more practically, factoring out the munki-specific stuff from automunkiimport and calling it the new autopkg tool), it makes it easier to add support for Absolute Manage, Casper, FielWave, etc if anyone wants to.

ObjC mutating method sent to immutable object on 10.9

autopkg run -k MUNKI_REPO=/tmp/munki munkitools.munki
Processing munkitools.munki...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/bin/autopkg", line 1206, in <module>
  File "/usr/local/bin/autopkg", line 1200, in main
  File "/usr/local/bin/autopkg", line 1026, in run_recipes
    autopackager.process_cli_overrides(recipe, cli_values)
  File "/Library/AutoPkg/autopkglib/", line 293, in process_cli_overrides
    update_data(self.env, key, value)
  File "/Library/AutoPkg/autopkglib/", line 124, in update_data
    a_dict[key] = do_variable_substitution(value)
  File "/Library/AutoPkg/autopkglib/", line 121, in do_variable_substitution
    item[key] = do_variable_substitution(value)
  File "/Library/AutoPkg/autopkglib/", line 121, in do_variable_substitution
    item[key] = do_variable_substitution(value)
  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Extras/lib/python/PyObjC/objc/", line 246, in __setitem__setObject_forKey_
    self.setObject_forKey_(container_wrap(value), container_wrap(key))
objc.error: NSInternalInconsistencyException - -[__NSCFDictionary setObject:forKey:]: mutating method sent to immutable object

/cc @arubdesu

Remove bundle package creation code ?

Originally, autopkgserver supported creating both 'bundle"-syle and "flat" packages. Now that autopkgserver uses pkgbuild (with productbuild a future possibility), only flat packages are supported. Remove all code associated with creating bundle packages and update autopkg/recipes to have only flat pkg resources.

Autopkg 0.2.5 fails under 10.6.8


i tried the 0.2.5. release unter two 10.6.8 server installations and both failed.

vmserver:RecipeOverrides virt$ autopkg list-recipes
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/bin/autopkg", line 1247, in
File "/usr/local/bin/autopkg", line 1241, in main
File "/usr/local/bin/autopkg", line 848, in list_recipes
if valid_recipe(match):
File "/usr/local/bin/autopkg", line 102, in valid_recipe
return (valid_plist_with_keys(filename, ["Input", "Process"])
File "/usr/local/bin/autopkg", line 88, in valid_plist_with_keys
recipe_plist = FoundationPlist.readPlist(filename)
File "/Library/AutoPkg/FoundationPlist/", line 72, in readPlist
plistData, NSPropertyListMutableContainersAndLeaves, None, None))
ValueError: too many values to unpack

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