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swagger1st's Issues

Vulnerability in commons-fileupload "1.3.2"

The version 1.3.2 of commons-fileupload is vulnerable (see CVE). The dependency is included in the project through ring-core:

 [ring/ring-core "1.6.1" :scope "test"]
   [commons-fileupload "1.3.2" :scope "test"]

The earliest fixed version of commons-fileupload is 1.3.3, although 1.4 was also released in Dec 2018 (see

The library has been updated in ring-core 1.6.3 (see

Proposed action: Update ring-core to 1.6.3

Implement $ref for external sources

This is applicable for $ref fields in the specification as follows from the JSON Schema definitions.

$ref should not only look at relative elements but also external files or even URLs.

Remove/extract New Relic middleware

The New Relic dependency is out of scope of the project and is not required in most cases. OTOH it can be useful as a separate Ring middleware somewhere else. So I suggest to extract New Relic adapter into separate library project.
I can do code changes but since I do not use New Relic I would be unable to verify that it still works.
As an alternative I can prepare the PR that just removes New Relic adapter.

Implement "collectionFormat" for parameter parsing

Determines the format of the array if type array is used. Possible values are:

  • csv - comma separated values foo,bar.
  • ssv - space separated values foo bar.
  • tsv - tab separated values foo\tbar.
  • pipes - pipe separated values foo|bar.
  • multi - corresponds to multiple parameter instances instead of multiple values for a single instance foo=bar&foo=baz. This is valid only for parameters in "query" or "formData".
Default value is csv.

Prismatic/schema either is deprecated

src/io/sarnowski/swagger1st/schemas/swagger_2_0.clj:170:43: deprecations: Var '#'schema.core/either' is deprecated.

See lein-eastwood for more occurences.

collectionFormat shouldn't be applied when parsing body

I have a minimal example:

  • Swagger API:

    swagger: '2.0'
     title: Dummy example
     version: "1.0.0"
    basePath: /
          operationId: foo-bar.api/foo
          - application/json
          - name: bar
            in: body
            required: true
              type: array
              description: Pet response
  • Handler of /foo/:

    (defn foo [request]
      (-> (r/response {:message (-> request :parameters :body)})
          (r/content-type "application/json")))

The server crashes when passing a JSON array in the body:

curl -v -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{ "bar": [ ] }'


Nov 18, 2016 2:10:37 PM io.sarnowski.swagger1st.parser invoke
SEVERE: internal server error java.lang.ClassCastException: clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap cannot be cast to java.lang.CharSequence
java.lang.ClassCastException: clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap cannot be cast to java.lang.CharSequence
        at clojure.string$split.invoke(string.clj:217)
        at io.sarnowski.swagger1st.parser$eval6808$fn__6809.invoke(parser.clj:153)
        at clojure.lang.MultiFn.invoke(
        at io.sarnowski.swagger1st.parser$eval6855$fn__6856$fn__6857.invoke(parser.clj:207)
        at io.sarnowski.swagger1st.parser$create_parser$fn__6914.invoke(parser.clj:317)
        at io.sarnowski.swagger1st.parser$parse$fn__6942.invoke(parser.clj:353)
        at clojure.core$map$fn__4553.invoke(core.clj:2624)
        at clojure.lang.LazySeq.sval(
        at clojure.lang.LazySeq.seq(
        at clojure.lang.RT.seq(
        at clojure.core$seq__4128.invoke(core.clj:137)
        at clojure.core.protocols$seq_reduce.invoke(protocols.clj:30)
        at clojure.core.protocols$fn__6506.invoke(protocols.clj:101)
        at clojure.core.protocols$fn__6452$G__6447__6465.invoke(protocols.clj:13)
        at clojure.core$reduce.invoke(core.clj:6519)
        at clojure.core$group_by.invoke(core.clj:6861)
        at io.sarnowski.swagger1st.parser$parse.invoke(parser.clj:355)
        at io.sarnowski.swagger1st.core$chain_handler$chain_handler__7012$fn__7013.invoke(core.clj:33)
        at io.sarnowski.swagger1st.mapper$correlate.invoke(mapper.clj:240)
        at io.sarnowski.swagger1st.core$chain_handler$chain_handler__7012$fn__7013.invoke(core.clj:33)
        at io.sarnowski.swagger1st.discoverer$discover.invoke(discoverer.clj:45)
        at clojure.core$partial$fn__4527.invoke(core.clj:2495)
        at io.sarnowski.swagger1st.core$chain_handler$chain_handler__7012$fn__7013.invoke(core.clj:33)
        at clojure.lang.Var.invoke(
        at ring.middleware.reload$wrap_reload$fn__1444.invoke(reload.clj:22)
        at ring.middleware.stacktrace$wrap_stacktrace_log$fn__876.invoke(stacktrace.clj:23)
        at ring.middleware.stacktrace$wrap_stacktrace_web$fn__938.invoke(stacktrace.clj:86)
        at ring.adapter.jetty$proxy_handler$fn__97.invoke(jetty.clj:24)
        at ring.adapter.jetty.proxy$org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.AbstractHandler$ff19274a.handle(Unknown Source)
        at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.HandlerWrapper.handle(
        at org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server.handle(
        at org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpChannel.handle(
        at org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpConnection.onFillable(
        at org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.QueuedThreadPool.runJob(
        at org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.QueuedThreadPool$

This happens with Swagger1st 0.22.0+. It turned out the collectionFormat is applied with parameters in body, which it shouldn't according to Swagger 2.0 spec:

If in is any value other than "body"

Implement swagger client

Similar to the ring router, implement an http client, that uses a swagger definition to construct an appropriate request.

(def call (create-client "api.yaml"))

(call "my-operation-id" {:path {:param1 "value1"}})

Client will figure out operation by operationId and then construct request with the given parameter map.

Implement security validation

Support all security implementations according to the spec, basically always refer to an user-defined configuration or function to actually verify authentication/authorization.

(swagger-security :oauth2-config {:client-id "123" :client-secret "xyz" :idp ""})

Implement parameter and response validation

Validate all parameters and the response according to the schema given by the swagger definition.

  • generate prismatic schema structures during initialization
  • run validation of schema against parsed parameters and returned response
    ** fail if parameter is not valid
    ** log error if result is not valid according to schema

Implement parameter collection parsing

The swagger spec allows parsing parameters from collection styles like 'csv', meaning comma separated parameters:

GET /users/123,456,789

would get the user 123, 456 and 789.

Support all JSON schema validation and parsing attributes

Currently missing:

  • allowEmptyValue
  • default
  • maximum
  • exclusiveMaximum
  • minimum
  • exclusiveMinimum
  • maxLength
  • minLength
  • maxItems
  • minItems
  • uniqueItems
  • enum
  • multipleOf
  • maxProperties
  • minProperties
  • allOf
  • additionalProperties
  • discriminator

(striked through entries are already done)

Remove WARN log lines for authentication failures

Should not spam the log with WARNINGS about client's missing permissions. I propose changing these log lines to "INFO" and delete some places (e.g. if no auth was given).

See also zalando/friboo#34

This issue is about having clean logs. Internet-facing services will always get random requests without authentication --- this should not lead to WARNINGs in the logs as it does not trigger any action (developers will see WARNINGs but can't do anything about it as you cannot "control the internet" to avoid "random" requests from spiders etc).

WARNINGs should always be "actionable", i.e. I should be able to fix them as a developer.

Handler parameters parsed from URL should be url-decoded

It seems that path parameters (ones that have property "in: path") are passed to handler function as is.
This causes a problem since handler should now process values these parameters differently depending on how they are passed to API.

So parameters that are passed via path should be url-decoded before passing them to handler.
With API declared as

        - name: parameter-name
          in: path 
          type: string

and actual call curl "localhost:8080/somepath/abc%3D%3D"
the handler function should get parameter map {:parameter_name "abc=="}

Used swagger1st implementation passes instead parameter map as {:parameter_name "abc%3D%3D"}

Version used 0.22.0-beta2

I admit that this is backwards-incompatible change but the right one.

Empty collection parameters not supported

Array parameters don't support empty arrays: collection format multi returns (nil), all other collection formats raise an exception if no array is passed. The expected result is [] in all cases.

How should we handle the empty string? In the multi case I would treat it as an array element, but how about the other formats? Would an empty string be equivalent to the parameter being absent, or should we interpret it as an array with a single element (i.e. the empty string)? @harti2006, @neremic, do you have an opinion?

Support custom format definitions

However, the format property is an open string-valued property, and can have any value to support documentation needs. Formats such as "email", "uuid", etc., can be used even though they are not defined by this specification.

  1. Do not error out but ignore if an unknown format is found and just handle as base type.
  2. Allow adding custom logic for parsing and validating custom formats.

Include "wrap-params" in parser

Instead of letting everyone specify it. s1st depends on this middleware so its not optional and s1st expects its behaviour, so its unlikely to be exchanged with some other parser

`create-value-parser "array"` splits strings passed in body into characters

With schema parameters like:

      - in: "body"
        name: "body"
        description: "JSON array of words to add to the corpus"
        required: true
          type: "object"
          - words
              type: "array"
                type: "string"

Sending a request like:


The create-value-parser "array" will use the string value "foobar" since body is the first value in path. The subsequent map function applies the items-parser to each character of the string.

I would expect just the word "foobar" to be parsed since the default split array would be a csv split.

Support "multipart/form-data" for body parameters

multipart/form-data - each parameter takes a section in the payload with an internal header. For example, for the header Content-Disposition: form-data; name="submit-name" the name of the parameter is submit-name. This type of form parameters is more commonly used for file transfers.

Implement or document hot-reloading of Swagger definition

For development, it would be convenient to automatically reload the Swagger definition when it changes. One way could be to load the definition again on each request - as this is only meant for development purposes, this could be a clean start. Either implement supporting code for that or provide a documentation, how to set up your Ring handler, so that it reloads everything all the time.

Implement mimetype (de)serialization

Deserialization of application/json already works, also support application/yaml and application/xml.

Serialize data structure during response according to response mimetype.

Integration of swagger ui, definition and discovery endpoint

(swagger-endpoints :discovery "/.discovery" :definition "/.definition" :ui "/ui")
  • :definition exposes the swagger definition as JSON
  • :ui provides the swagger UI
  • :discovery exposes a simple json document, that shows the location of the definition and ui endpoints

discovery document:

    "definition": "/.definition",
    "ui": "/ui"

split parsing of swagger into own lib

i'm currently working on a project that will need parse swagger definitions and was looking around for a lib in clojure(-script) to do that. this project seem to be the most complete, but i will not need all of the other functionality here, so i wondered if you would be interested in splitting the swagger parsing into it's own lib.

I would also need to call from cljs, so maybe it's feasible to make one cljc lib instead of me including half a fork.

Document available options

As we expected swagger1st to allow undefined properties in definitions, but it didn't, it took me a while to find out actually we can allow this using an option(:allow-undefined-keys) in parser, like below.
(s1st/parser :allow-undefined-keys true)
This and if there are other undocumented options, it should be documented so that devs can easily discover the option and use them.

Recognize arbitrary Json responses

Currently the s1st parser serializes json responses with automatically:

Unfortunately this happens only if the content type matches "application/json" exactly. In other words

  • "application/problem+json"
  • "application/json; charset=UTF-8"
  • ...

are not recognized and hence not serialized.

Swagger1st should either support all possible json formats (like or not none at all.

Improve definition validation

The current schema for the swagger definition parsing is too weak (e.g. number validation). Make the validation more precise.

In addition add more functional validation too (like existants of mappings for operationIds)

Provide more advanced examples

3 scenarios should be shown:

  • simplest helloworld with lein-ring
  • component based setup
  • full-featured example with component and maybe yesql to show full interaction

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