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sublime-wakatime's Issues

Timeout should be called on main thread?

After fixing my plugin as described in #33 (comment), timetracking works and the server receives my heartbeats.

Nonetheless, WakaTime is still emiting an apparently non-critical error:

Exception in thread Thread-36:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ".\", line 532, in __bootstrap_inner
  File ".\", line 181, in run
  File ".\", line 228, in send_heartbeat
  File ".\", line 233, in sent
RuntimeError: Must call on main thread, consider using sublime.set_timeout(function, timeout)

This is in fact a critical error, as it prevents the plugin from setting it's LAST_ACTION variable which in turn makes the plugin call the API on each keypress.

[Feature request] Offline support

first of all, thank you for great project. But time to time, I work on places, where internet connection isn't available. In this case, tracing my time is not work. When I connect to internet later, I see "You logged 0 minutes today" on

Feature request:
Lets time tracking events (saves etc.) write to e.g. ~/.wakatime.stack.
When internet connection is available, sublime-wakatime will push this events to and truncate ~/.wakatime.stack.
When internet connection is not available, sublime-wakatime can simple write new events into this file.

Thank you.

When left idling, infinite pop-up when I came back.

When I left my computer for awhile, I'm now getting infinite "You were away 17 minutes. Add time to current file?" pop-up prompts, and had to force-quit sublime.

It's possible that it's not infinite and I just have THAT many files open, but it's unlikely.

Internal python

Using the Sublime "internal" Python, does it make any sense instead of downloading and installing Python (version 3)?

(Maybe I am missing it, but I don't see any Python requirement in terms of version 2 or version 3 in the README or in the CLI).

overall slowliness

After installing the plugin, ST performance is greatly reduced when searching for files in project or strings in files.

Also, I get the occasionally prompt for "Plugin too slow".

git branch: fatal: ambiguous argument 'HEAD'

Hi Alan,

I recently did a "Fetch Package" within a project I was working on. I created a folder and ran a git init on it, just to log it in WakaTime. I then did the Fetch Package request to install the latest version of WordPress.

I also recently ran a package upgrade. This didn't seem to cause any issues.

I'm not sure if these two items caused the problem, but since then I have had a persistent git error in the status bar of Sublime Text.

git branch: fatal: ambiguous argument 'HEAD': unknown revision or path not in the working tree. Use '--' to separate paths from revisions, like this 'git [...] -- [...]' HEAD, index 8?,working 8?

There's also the Line and Column notices after that, but that's just the cursor on the page. I'm also not sure if that "index 8?, working 8?" is relevant.

Time is still being logged to WakaTime, but I am not receiving any popups on time away.

It appears to me the issue is git related, but I have no idea how to resolve. Can you advise if you might know?



Unicode error

I this whenever I change something in a view:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ".\logging\", line 768, in emit
  File ".\logging\", line 648, in format
  File "C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 2\Packages\WakaTime\packages\wakatime\wakatime\", line 55, in format
    return CustomEncoder().encode(data)
  File "C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 2\Packages\WakaTime\packages\wakatime\wakatime\packages\simplejson\", line 264, in encode
    chunks = list(chunks)
  File "C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 2\Packages\WakaTime\packages\wakatime\wakatime\packages\simplejson\", line 612, in _iterencode
    for chunk in _iterencode_dict(o, _current_indent_level):
  File "C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 2\Packages\WakaTime\packages\wakatime\wakatime\packages\simplejson\", line 535, in _iterencode_dict
    yield _encoder(value)
  File "C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 2\Packages\WakaTime\packages\wakatime\wakatime\packages\simplejson\", line 65, in py_encode_basestring_ascii
    s = s.decode('utf-8')
  File ".\encodings\", line 16, in decode
UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf8' codec can't decode bytes in position 30-32: invalid data

Also, there appear Error: Could not read from config file ~/.wakatime.conf lines regularly. I'm on Windows so this is only natural

ST 2221, Win7x64, Python 3.3

Exception in thread Thread

Exception in thread Thread-149:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 901, in _bootstrap_inner
  File "C:\Users\cotne\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\WakaTime\", line 205, in run
  File "C:\Users\cotne\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\WakaTime\", line 224, in send_heartbeat
    project_name = find_project_from_folders(self.folders, self.target_file)
  File "C:\Users\cotne\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\WakaTime\", line 171, in find_project_from_folders
    return os.path.basename(folder)
  File "./", line 309, in basename
  File "./", line 280, in split
  File "./", line 208, in splitdrive
TypeError: object of type 'NoneType' has no len()

i don't now that this is but it's clearly wakatime bug

i have
ST 3082
Python 3.4.3

my time is not logged on os windows 8

I used before os windows 7 and wakatime there worked perfectly,but recently I started using os windows 8,there I install wakatime for sublime text and nonotepad++,but my time is not logged,I've tried everything:reinstalled several times,I wanted to see wakatime.log,but this file was not in the directory, rechecked python...all rdid not help :((

Opening python promts

I'm using sublime text2 on windows and after installing wakatime it opens python promts everytime i do something like opening the console or the command pallete

Plugin freezes Sublime during downloading python


Also, if python (both 2 & 3) installed without modifying PATH, WakaTime couldn't find it and trying to download & install on each Sublime start.

Sublime 3, Win7 x64, python 2.7.10 x86, python 3.5.0 x64.

Didnt find anything form Package Control

I and using ST2 and install Package Control from their website. When i try to install Wakatime, I use CMD+Shift+P and then Install (Enter), then Wakatime, nothing came out. WHY??

Encoding Error (Response 102)

On every action in Sublime Plugin:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ".\logging\", line 768, in emit
  File ".\logging\", line 648, in format
  File "C:\Users\Soeren\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 2\Packages\WakaTime\packages\wakatime\", line 62, in format
    return CustomEncoder().encode(data)
  File "C:\Users\Soeren\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 2\Packages\WakaTime\packages\wakatime\packages\simplejson\", line 264, in encode
    chunks = list(chunks)
  File "C:\Users\Soeren\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 2\Packages\WakaTime\packages\wakatime\packages\simplejson\", line 612, in _iterencode
    for chunk in _iterencode_dict(o, _current_indent_level):
  File "C:\Users\Soeren\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 2\Packages\WakaTime\packages\wakatime\packages\simplejson\", line 535, in _iterencode_dict
    yield _encoder(value)
  File "C:\Users\Soeren\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 2\Packages\WakaTime\packages\wakatime\packages\simplejson\", line 65, in py_encode_basestring_ascii
    s = s.decode('utf-8')
  File ".\encodings\", line 16, in decode
UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf8' codec can't decode bytes in position 29-31: invalid data
[WakaTime] Error: Response code 102 from wakatime package.

I use utf8, Sublime 2, Windows is in German, Window 7 x64

Also, nothing is being written in the wakatime.log file in my Home Folder.

Unknown Project

I installed the plugin but my file website.sublime-project was as follows:

            "follow_symlinks": true,
            "path": "/Users/Username/Documents/WORKS/website_1"
            "follow_symlinks": true,
            "path": "/Users/Username/Documents/WORKS/website_2"
            "follow_symlinks": true,
            "path": "/Users/Username/Documents/WORKS/website_3"

But wakatime is seen as "Unknown Project"
Unknown Project

I have edited the file website.sublime-project like this, but the name of the project always remains "Unknown Project".

            "name": "website 1",
            "follow_symlinks": true,
            "path": "/Users/Username/Documents/WORKS/website_1"
            "name": "website 2",
            "follow_symlinks": true,
            "path": "/Users/Username/Documents/WORKS/website_2"
            "name": "website 3",
            "follow_symlinks": true,
            "path": "/Users/Username/Documents/WORKS/website_3"

How can I solve this problem?

Thank you,

Python interpreter can't find __main__ module

~/.wakatime.log has this error:
/usr/bin/python: can't find 'main' module in '/home/user/.config/sublime-text-3/Installed Packages/WakaTime.sublime-package/packages/wakatime/'

This has been reported on OS X and Ubuntu.

new files wrong project

When creating a new file inside an open project, the time logged goes to "Unknown project" and not the current project. [edit: even after saving it]

When opening an existing file, opened after creating a new one, the time logged also goes to "Unknown project".

BTW: great project, thank you! :)

Ignored api_key in .wakatime.cfg

After reading FAQ (see #42) and adding the api key in .wakatime.cfg, when SublimeText is started, it prompts to enter the api key, the input field is filled with the api key.

Is this behavior expected?
Is it mandatory to create the settings WakaTime.sublime-settings?

( list index out of range


I have had some issues with Wakatime not reporting anything since the 11:th of this month. I noticed this now so I'm afraid others might be having the same issue.

The error i .wakatime.log is

File "/Users/blomqvist/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/WakaTime/packages/wakatime/wakatime/projects/", line 75, in _get_info
    info[line[0]] = line[1]
IndexError: list index out of range

At line 75 we have info[line[0]] = line[1]. I think I fixed the error by inserting an if-statement above (

                    line = line.split(': ', 1)
                    if len(line) > 1:
                        info[line[0]] = line[1]

My output of svn info:

~/S/SNO2-416 $ svn info
Path: .
Working Copy Root Path: /Users/blomqvist/Sites/SNO2-416
Relative URL: ^/branches/SNO2-416
Repository Root:
Repository UUID: cf3a2f34-bad1-dea-a2b1-dead4dead
Revision: 1307
Node Kind: directory
Schedule: normal
Last Changed Author: nblomqvist
Last Changed Rev: 1307
Last Changed Date: 2014-11-16 21:53:57 +0100 (Sön, 16 Nov 2014)

I am using Fish Shell (if it mathers) on OSX 10.9.


Separate api key file

I suggest to create an api key file, removing that property from WakaTime User Settings file.

For instance, you may name WakaTime-key.sublime-settings.

My use case is sharing Sublime settings via GitHub.
I can add this file to .gitignore, letting the rest of the settings in WakaTime.sublime-settings.

Complete list of settings

Would it be possible to have the complete list of options that we can set in the the config file?

PS: It would be great if they were just displayed in the default setting file, with their default (and every other possible) values.

PPS: Would it be possible to add the possibility to reset/wipe all data?

Move the api url to the settings file


I definitely love wakatime. But sadly, as a student, the pricing are quite expensive, so I am working on a custom dashboard. The problem is that on every update the hard coded api url is overwritten.

I am working on creating an api_url entry in the settings file but the settings loading is not that obvious and they are many configuration files.

Project detection

How can I tell WakaTime which files belong to the open project and which don't?

What I mean is: I don't have any parameters or special .wakatime files yet. My sublime has a project open, but I also occasionally edit files in sublime that do not belong to that project and are not in the project folder, but WakaTime is counting them towards this project as well (I think because of the find_project_name_from_folders() fallback detection). Now, is there a way that I can only include files that are in the project into the project on wakatime and all other files into Unknown Project?

Find python installation path

From #53:

If python (both 2 & 3) installed without modifying PATH, WakaTime couldn't find it and trying to download & install on each Sublime start.

It seems, you need to look on InstallPath of suitable version.

Sublime 3, Win7 x64, python 2.7.10 x86, python 3.5.0 x64.

Sublime wakatime doesn't work

cat $HOME/.wakatime.log gives

IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/httplib2-0.9.1-py2.7.egg/EGG-INFO/top_level.txt'

I'm using sublime2 version 2.0.2 in OSX. Also cmd + shift + p -> wakatime opens my wakatime dashboard. But there is no data. Also sublime console is doesn't give any wakatime api logs(heartbeats).


I installed and configured Wakatime to Sublime Text 2. Everytime I save any open file, I get error in python console and no time is tracked by Wakatime:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ".\logging\", line 768, in emit
  File ".\logging\", line 648, in format
  File "C:\Dropbox\SublimeText2\Data\Packages\WakaTime\packages\wakatime\wakatime\", line 60, in format
    return CustomEncoder().encode(data)
  File "C:\Dropbox\SublimeText2\Data\Packages\WakaTime\packages\wakatime\wakatime\packages\simplejson\", line 264, in encode
    chunks = list(chunks)
  File "C:\Dropbox\SublimeText2\Data\Packages\WakaTime\packages\wakatime\wakatime\packages\simplejson\", line 612, in _iterencode
    for chunk in _iterencode_dict(o, _current_indent_level):
  File "C:\Dropbox\SublimeText2\Data\Packages\WakaTime\packages\wakatime\wakatime\packages\simplejson\", line 535, in _iterencode_dict
    yield _encoder(value)
  File "C:\Dropbox\SublimeText2\Data\Packages\WakaTime\packages\wakatime\wakatime\packages\simplejson\", line 65, in py_encode_basestring_ascii
    s = s.decode('utf-8')
  File ".\encodings\", line 16, in decode
UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf8' codec can't decode bytes in position 22-26: unsupported Unicode code range
Error: Response code 102 from wakatime package 

I have Windows 7 64bit.


Unable to detect branch name (Subversion)


I have this problem where every branch I work in shows up as Unknown Project. I quickly looked at the plugin files, but could not see why it doesn't work.

The output of svn info in my branch (which follows typical JIRA-issue naming, in my case SNO2-XXX):

~/S/SNO2-151 $ svn info
Path: .
Working Copy Root Path: /Users/blomqvist/Sites/SNO2-151
Relative URL: ^/branches/SNO2-151
Repository Root:
Repository UUID: wasp
Revision: 456
Node Kind: directory
Schedule: normal
Last Changed Author: nblomqvist
Last Changed Rev: 456
Last Changed Date: 2014-08-25 16:43:43 +0200 (Mån, 25 Aug 2014)

Shouldn't it be able to extract the branch name from this info?

~/S/SNO2-151 $ which svn

/usr/local/bin is also the first row in /etc/paths

When I check my history from last year, I can see that it did recognize the project as well as the branches. (The project was sno-xx then, but everything else is the same regarding the svn repo).
I have since reinstalled OS X and updated to a newer version of Subversion.

OS: OS X Mavericks
Sublime Text 3

~/S/SNO2-151 $ svn --version
svn, version 1.8.10 (r1615264)

Proxy not working

My package user settings look like this:

    "api_key": "mykey",
    "hidefilenames": false,
    "proxy": "http://alan:[email protected]:3178"

and my ~/.wakatime.cfg looks like this:

debug = false
hidefilenames = false
proxy = http://alan:[email protected]:3178
api_key = mykey

I looked at while logged in and saw lines:

    "last_heartbeat": null,
    "last_plugin": null,
    "last_plugin_name": null,
    "last_project": null,

so I guess it's not working.

What am I doing wrong?

unable to find python binary

I havent a student on Windows and Wakatime isn't logging any any time. He is getting the error "unable to find python binary". Any idea what this is?

Can't save user preferences

Trying to set user preferences, I use the menu to open Settings -- User.

After entering my api key in the correct format, I cannot save the file. Mac.

Only on Windows, cmd windows open on tab change & saves


it's very very disturbing that on every tab change or save of any file are popping up like five python cmd windows! Sometimes when I'm programming something the windows pops up and disturbs me while I'm coding. I even sent about 2 days a tweet on your account - no response.

I installed the latest python version from the page you linked on the sublime-help page and put it with the name "Python" in the Sublime folder and in C:\Progs\ and added the python.exe to my $PATH variable.

I've Windows Ultimate x64. Please fix it. I really love the project, but the much disturbing blinking windows makes me really crazy.


Could not read registry value

I report this warnings:

[WakaTime] Initializing WakaTime plugin v4.0.20
[WakaTime] Warning: Could not read registry value "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Python\PythonCore".
[WakaTime] Warning: Could not read registry value "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Python\PythonCore".
[WakaTime] Warning: Could not read registry value "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Python\PythonCore".

Update: On Windows 10 64bit with Python 2.7.10 32 bit installed.

unresponsive plugin warning message


I'm using Sublime Text 2 on Ubuntu 14.04 64bits and I keep getting this error with the WakaTime plugin. I've disable it and the error disappears. It usually happens when I stop typing code, leave it for maybe 10 or 20 minutes and go back to Sublime. It freezes and then throws the following error:


Plugin not logging time; throwing error to ~/.wakatime.log

From .wakatime.log:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/eden/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/WakaTime/packages/wakatime/", line 20, in <module>
  File "/Users/eden/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/WakaTime/packages/wakatime/wakatime/", line 401, in main
  File "/Users/eden/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/WakaTime/packages/wakatime/wakatime/", line 336, in send_action
    if response.getcode() in ALWAYS_LOG_CODES:
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'getcode'
shell-init: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: No such file or directory
job-working-directory: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: No such file or directory

The lines Traceback (most recent call last): to AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'getcode' were repeated multiple times. No time is being logged.

Working through proxy does not connect

How do you set up to work through a proxy? I noticed in the code that it does have code for dealing with proxies, however there are no settings listed and setting http_proxy and https_proxy in environment variables does not work.

Error when saving a file

Sometimes (not always) when I press CTRL+S, I get this error:


The error says: "Access denied". But before I installed WakaTime I had no such error. Removing WakaTime fixes it.
This error allso appears when I press CTRL+S twice very fast.

And another thing:
Every time I press CTRL+S and move my cursor on tabs panel, I see the waiting cursor:
I find it a bit annoying.

I use Sublime Text 3 in Windows 8.1.

WindowsError: [Error 2] | a file can't be found

Writing file __INSERT_FILENAME_HERE with encoding UTF-8
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ".\", line 190, in on_post_save
  File ".\", line 154, in run_timed_function
  File ".\", line 189, in <lambda>
  File ".\", line 159, in on_post_save
  File ".\", line 130, in handle_write_action
  File ".\", line 71, in api
  File ".\", line 633, in __init__
  File ".\", line 842, in _execute_child
WindowsError: [Error 2] Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden

The last sentence is (translated) something like:
The system can't find the given file

So WakaTime isn't tracking any time :(
I hope you know a fix or can find a fix. I will have a look into the plugin.

New version do not log time in Sublime Text 3

Hi guys,

I have a problem with Wakatime sublime package in Sublime text 3 - it did not log time at all. Since wakatime updated from 1.5.2 to 1.6.1 on December 16th it stopped working completely. I tried everything, even downgrading back to 1.5.2 It started to work for a while but then stopped again that same day.
I have git initialized in the project directory and make commits almost on daily basis.
This log from sublime console looks little bit suspicious to me but don't know if it may be the cause of my issue:

File "C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 3\", line 73, in reload_plugin
m = importlib.import_module(modulename)
File "X/importlib/", line 88, in import_module
File "", line 1577, in _gcd_import
File "", line 1558, in _find_and_load
File "", line 1525, in _find_and_load_unlocked
File "", line 586, in _check_name_wrapper
File "", line 1023, in load_module
File "", line 1004, in load_module
File "", line 562, in module_for_loader_wrapper
File "", line 854, in _load_module
File "", line 981, in get_code
File "", line 313, in _call_with_frames_removed
File "C:\Users\doddi\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\Prefixr\", line 162
except (urllib2.HTTPError) as (e):
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
reloading plugin SCSS.scss_completions
reloading plugin Search WordPress Codex.WordPressCodex
reloading plugin SFTP.SFTP
reloading plugin SideBarEnhancements.Edit
reloading plugin SideBarEnhancements.SideBar
reloading plugin SideBarEnhancements.SideBarDefaultDisable
reloading plugin SideBarEnhancements.StatusBarFileSize
reloading plugin SideBarEnhancements.StatusBarModifiedTime
reloading plugin SideBarGit.SideBarGitCommands
reloading plugin SideBarGit.StatusBarBranch
reloading plugin sublime-wakatime.WakaTime
reloading plugin SublimeCodeIntel.SublimeCodeIntel
reloading plugin sublimelint.commands
reloading plugin sublimelint.sublimelint
reloading plugin SublimeLinter.commands
reloading plugin SublimeLinter.sublimelinter
reloading plugin SublimeOnSaveBuild.SublimeOnSaveBuild
reloading plugin TrailingSpaces.trailing_spaces
reloading plugin User.import os
reloading plugin User.SessionSaver
reloading plugin User.w3c-validator

Also this is latest records from .wakatime.log:

{"now": "Tue Nov 19 17:36:21 Stredoeur\u00f3psky \u00e8as (norm\u00e1lny) 2013", "version": "0.4.9", "plugin": "sublime/3047 sublime-wakatime/1.4.10", "time": 1384878953.910759, "file": "C:\xampp\htdocs\wp\wp-content\themes\portfolio\library\scss_768up.scss", "level": "DEBUG", "message": {"response_code": 201}}
{"now": "2013/12/23 19:13:58 Stredoeur\u00f3psky \u00e8as (norm\u00e1lny)", "version": "0.5.1", "plugin": "sublime/3059 sublime-wakatime/1.6.1", "time": 1387822423.884237, "file": "C:\Users\doddi\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\WakaTime\WakaTime.sublime-settings", "level": "ERROR", "message": {"HTTPError": "HTTP Error 401: UNAUTHORIZED", "response_code": 401}}
{"now": "2013/12/23 19:14:02 Stredoeur\u00f3psky \u00e8as (norm\u00e1lny)", "version": "0.5.1", "plugin": "sublime/3059 sublime-wakatime/1.6.1", "time": 1387822438.893096, "file": "C:\Users\doddi\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\User\WakaTime.sublime-settings", "level": "ERROR", "message": {"response_code": 401, "HTTPError": "HTTP Error 401: UNAUTHORIZED"}}
{"now": "2013/12/23 19:14:19 Stredoeur\u00f3psky \u00e8as (norm\u00e1lny)", "version": "0.5.1", "plugin": "sublime/3059 sublime-wakatime/1.6.1", "time": 1387822456.97913, "isWrite": true, "file": "C:\Users\doddi\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\User\WakaTime.sublime-settings", "level": "ERROR", "message": {"response_code": 401, "HTTPError": "HTTP Error 401: UNAUTHORIZED"}}

Please help if you can as I simply love your tool :)

Constant alert due to inactivity

Hi Alan,

Just to log this here so you have it. If I leave ST open and go do something else for a few minutes, when I come back to ST, I get an alert that looks like the following:


It always says "1 days" or "2 days", even if it's only been 5 minutes or so. I also can't cancel the alert. When I click "Cancel", it just reappears. I thought it might be that it appeared for every file in the project, but I've clicked both ignore and "Yes, log this time" for a long time and it's deffo more than the number of files in the project. The only way I can get rid of the alert is to Force Quit ST.

The feature itself is great, because if I go and work in PhotoShop or something, the time can still be logged to the project, so that bit is awesome.

UPDATE: I removed and re-installed the package and it hasn't appeared since. I'll keep an eye on it! The only thing that's changed was setting "git init" on the folder after the project started tracking time. Not sure if that's anything to do with it, but worth mentioning I suppose!


Remove 'heartbeat' message from Sublime status bar


I (and I guess others) use Sublimelinter and many more linter plugins. Most of these plugins put their active notifications/messages/etc in Sublime's status bar. Since the latest update however, WakaTime plugin also started to put its very long static 'heartbeat' message in there. So now, I have too much text in the status bat for it to be any useful.

I feel like this message is not necessary (vital) to the operation of WakaTime and it doesn't need to be there. Regardless, I think at least it should be an option to display it in the status bar if you really want to or otherwise to disable it. In my opinion, having it appear in the console log is just enough, as it is not showing all the time and does not contribute to clutter.

I also think that the status bar should be kept for real time status updates that require attention/action or otherwise crucial to the current situation. The 'heartbeat' message appears as soon as the WakaTime loads and stays static forever - just taking up precious space. I hope you can address this at your earliest convenience.

Thank you in advance,

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    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉

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    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

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    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

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    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

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