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lgbtq-of-the-day-bot's Issues

Text showing up not centered

Describe the bug
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

Expected behavior
The text should be centered on the image

text is not centered, it's toward the bottom right
text is not centered, it's toward the top left
text is not centered, it's toward the top left
text is not centered, it's toward the top left
text is not centered, it's toward the top left
text is not centered, it's toward the top left

Additional context
#2 #90

Don't forget to follow the bot on Twitter to see the hard work you put in.

Annual Events Tweeting Error

Describe the bug is tweeting Today is [] (example)

Screen Shot of twitter: LGBTQ of The Day @LgbtQotd - Nov 22 - Today is []

2020-11-23T17:13:11.861843+00:00 app[scheduler.1873]: Traceback (most recent call last):
2020-11-23T17:13:11.861871+00:00 app[scheduler.1873]:   File "", line 60, in <module>
2020-11-23T17:13:11.861977+00:00 app[scheduler.1873]:     tweet_annual_event()
2020-11-23T17:13:11.861978+00:00 app[scheduler.1873]:   File "", line 53, in tweet_annual_event
2020-11-23T17:13:11.862116+00:00 app[scheduler.1873]:     event_tweet = tweet_template + list_of_event_tweets[0]  # str(list_of_event_tweets) == ['a good day for testing yet another feature in production. We now support annual events with variable dates like "5th Friday of October"']
2020-11-23T17:13:11.862117+00:00 app[scheduler.1873]: TypeError: must be str, not list

I added the str() to line 51 & 53 because both gave TypeError: must be str, not list. Weird that it gave the error though because it was working fine before that. 458011e#diff-35adfeb78198446941a15787967ce372f9106ac2373e821bcb6d8a5e180456ce

event_tweet = tweet_template + str(choice(list_of_event_tweets))

event_tweet = tweet_template + str(list_of_event_tweets[0]) # str(list_of_event_tweets) == ['a good day for testing yet another feature in production. We now support annual events with variable dates like "5th Friday of October"']

    if length_list_event_tweets != 0:
        if length_list_event_tweets > 1:
            event_tweet = tweet_template + str(choice(list_of_event_tweets))
            event_tweet = tweet_template + list_of_event_tweets[0]  # str(list_of_event_tweets) == ['a good day for testing yet another feature in production. We now support annual events with variable dates like "5th Friday of October"']
        print('annual event tweet accomplished')
        print('no annual event tweet today')

To Reproduce
Currently, running and posting as Today is [] daily at 1130 EST/430 UTC

Expected behavior
It should instead be tweeting the first item of list_of_event_tweets. Should only tweet the first event in list_of_event_tweets if there is an event or print to logs no annual event tweet today

Additional context
For reference, the next 3 events are

    '12-01': 'Wolrd AIDS day \n #WorldAIDSDay',  #
    '12-08': 'Pansexual Pride Day',  #
    '12-10': 'Human Rights Day',  #

Don't forget to follow the bot on Twitter to see the hard work you put in.

Add a pre-commit hook to check for syntax errors

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Lots of times, entries to data files contain syntax errors like commas, periods, etc.,

Describe the solution you'd like
Have an automated pre-commit hook that will check for these errors. If there are, the hook won't allow a push => prompts contributors to check their changes.
This -> makes things easier for maintainer/organizer -> good practice of checking code for errors for everyone.

Additional context

Don't forget to follow the bot on Twitter to see the hard work you put in.

TOP PRIORITY: Check image for a11y before posting

Describe the bug
Sometimes text just isn't legible and therefore not accessible.

Expected behavior
Background and text should be verified to be WCAG compliant together before being allowed to post


image with text that is def not accessible with the background

Additional context

A suggested fix I was given:

  • read rgb value of pixel wit python pillow
  • then use the map function to apply the side by side contrast formula
  • Then use map again to set the pixels meeting the contrast threshold to white and the rest to black, then flatten the numpy array and feed back to the image library to make a contrast image.

Don't forget to follow the bot on Twitter to see the hard work you put in.

Decide between a & an for proper grammar

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Currently, the f'string isn't accounting for the proper use of a and an.
Screenshot from @LGBTQotd twitter  "today's queerness is a slimy panromantic snek Snake", "today's queerness is a animated two-spirit pipe made out of an apple", "today's queerness is a obsolete demiromantic floppy disc"

Describe the solution you'd like
properly decide between a and an.

Don't forget to follow the bot on Twitter to see the hard work you put in.

Add More Remembrance, (Inter)national, & Visibility Days

This will be a running issue to let people know how to add events to words_dir/

For all events

When adding events, please place them in order, oldest to newest

If you're adding a hashtag, please include \n to make the hashtag hop to the next line

Events from all around the world are welcome. If the event is specific to a country, please include the country in the narrative.

Events with Unchanging Dates

events added should look like the below

    'MM-DD': 'Name of day \n relevant hashtag',  # reference link, if you have one
    # November
    '11-08': 'Intersex Solidarity Day \n #IntersexSolidarityDay',
    '11-20': 'International Transgender Day of Remembrance',  #
    # December
    '12-01': 'Wolrd AIDS day \n #WorldAIDSDay',  #

Events with changing dates

# Examples

    '08-2U': 'Gay Uncles Day',
    '11-1U': 'Trans Parent Day',

For events on a nth day of the month (like 2nd Tuesday of November), the syntax is MM-xY

  • x = week number (1-5)
  • Y = day of week (MTWRFSU)
  • denoted by MTWRFSU - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, thuRsday, Friday, Saturday, sUnday
  • Example - 2nd Tuesday of November would be listed as '11-2T'
    Calendar marking weeks 1 to 5 and days of the week MTWRFSU

Proposed workflow:

  1. Fork this repo
  2. Add events to words_dir/ keeping to the existing style/conventions:
    • follow the examples above
  3. Once you are done and checked for typos, commit it & push your work to your fork
  4. Submit a PR against this repo

Someone will look it over and, if deemed appropriate, will merge your PR.

Thanks for contributing!

Be sure to follow the bot on Twitter to see the hard work you put in.

Stop the repeating words!

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Some nouns, adjectives, labels are being asked repeatedly

Describe the solution you'd like
I'd like the nouns, adjectives, labels to not be repeated so often

here's a similar solution with less moving parts than this repo VickiLanger/code-questions-bot#24

Describe alternatives you've considered

read docs on random() to see if there is a better way
remove each nouns, adjectives, labels from the list until they've all been asked, then add them back in
track nouns, adjectives, labels being used in a database

Additional context
This repo used logs to stop repeating things. Maybe do it like they did

Don't forget to follow the bot on Twitter to see the hard work you put in.

Tweet on Remembrance, (inter)national, & Visibility Days

Describe the feature you'd like
Tweet about international/national/visibility/awareness days letting people know those things are happening

Describe things you've considered

  • a dictionary of these dates/events
  • dates would only have month and day, so the year would have to be assumed
  • another version of to tweet this dictionary
  • with or without the image. No preference one way or the other

Additional context
It should probably look something similar to

Don't forget to follow the bot on Twitter to see the hard work you put in.

i am not able to understand what to do to do a successful pr in this repo mam

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...]

Describe the solution you'd like
A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.

Describe alternatives you've considered
A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.

Additional context
Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

Don't forget to follow the bot on Twitter to see the hard work you put in.

Randomize Fonts used in to Create Images

Describe the enhancement you'd like
Currently uses one font to build the images posted on It would be great if we could use a random font from assets.

This will require a new file.

Don't forget to follow the bot on Twitter to see the hard work you put in.

Organize historical events by country

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
The history of LGBTQ+ rights in the world happened differently in different countries. I would like to propose
organization of historical events by countries, a way to show the chronological differences in the achievements in rights in different countries.

Describe the solution you'd like
I would like to standardize historical events with the names of the countries.

Describe alternatives you've considered
To carry out this modification it will be necessary to change the dictionary of 'events' and modify 'tweet_historicat_event' to add the name of the country in the tweet.

Don't forget to follow the bot on Twitter to see the hard work you put in.

Math to add "X years ago" to the history tweets

The current history tweets just have the date. I think the tweets would be more impactful and incite more feeling from readers if they included how many years ago an event happened. Below is what they currently say

This day in LGBTQ history

Describe the solution you'd like
This will take doing some math to calculate the amount of years.

I would like the history tweet adjusted. It should read like below

x years ago on this day in LGBTQ history

tweet_template = "This day in LGBTQ history ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€โšง๏ธ๐Ÿ“œ\n\n"

Additional context
Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

Don't forget to follow the bot on Twitter to see the hard work you put in.

Add more Queer Historical Events!

This will be a running issue to let people know how to add events to words_dir/

All events added should look like the below

    '2020-10-04': 'title',
    '1969-06-28': 'Stonewall riots',
    '2019-09-16', 'words that will be tweeted and a reference link url',

When adding events, please place them in order, oldest to newest

Events from all around the world are welcome. If the event is specific to a country, please include the country in the narrative.

These links may help:

Proposed workflow:

  1. Fork this repo
  2. Add events to words_dir/ keeping to the existing style/conventions:
    • Each event should have a date, some text, and a reference link
    • follow the examples above
  3. Once you are done and checked for typos, commit it & push your work to your fork
  4. Submit a PR against this repo

Someone will look it over and, if deemed appropriate, will merge your PR.

Thanks for contributing!

Don't forget to follow the bot on Twitter to see the hard work you put in.

Add more LGBTQ labels and/or definitions

This will be a running issue to let people know how to add nouns to words_dir/

In the file, there are some labels & definitions separated by comments to have different categories.

Here's a good source to work from:

Important: Gatekeeping terms (eg gold star lesbian, gold star gay) will not be merged or accepted in any way. Terms like this do not adhere to our Code of Conduct. We make every effort to provide a harassment-free experience with empathy, inclusion, and respect being at the core of the project.

Within categories, please keep in alphabetical order.

All labels added should look like the below

'label': 'definition',

If you're adding a new category of items, do it like this

# category name here
'label': 'definition',
'label': 'definition',
'label': 'definition',

If you would like to add just the label and no definition, that is fantastic. Please do it like below. Leave the key string empty.

# category name here
'label': '',
'label': '',
'label': '',

Proposed workflow:

  1. Fork this repo
  2. Add answers to words_dir/ keeping to the existing style/conventions:
    • follow the examples above
  3. Once you are done and checked for typos, commit it & push your work to your fork
  4. Submit a PR against this repo

Someone will look it over and, if deemed appropriate, will merge your PR.

Thanks for contributing!

Don't forget to follow the bot on Twitter to see the hard work you put in.

Make emojis show on images, if possible

Describe the bug
Emojis are in the strings but don't show in the images generated by this file.

I'm thinking it's a font issue, but maybe it's more than just that.

Expected behavior
Show emojis, pretty please

Screenshot showing generated image with emoji not working and showing as a box with and x in it

Don't forget to follow the bot on Twitter to see the hard work you put in.

Suggest to loosen the dependency on tweepy

Dear developers,

Your project LGBTQ-of-the-day-bot requires "tweepy==3.9.0" in its dependency. After analyzing the source code, we found that the following versions of tweepy can also be suitable without affecting your project, i.e., tweepy 3.10.0. Therefore, we suggest to loosen the dependency on tweepy from "tweepy==3.9.0" to "tweepy>=3.9.0,<=3.10.0" to avoid any possible conflict for importing more packages or for downstream projects that may use ddos_script.

May I pull a request to further loosen the dependency on tweepy?

By the way, could you please tell us whether such dependency analysis may be potentially helpful for maintaining dependencies easier during your development?


Your project (commit id: 6767b41) directly uses 3 APIs from package tweepy.

tweepy.api.API.__init__, tweepy.auth.OAuthHandler.__init__, tweepy.auth.OAuthHandler.set_access_token

Beginning fromwhich, 1 functions are then indirectly called, including 0 tweepy's internal APIs and 1 outsider APIs as follows:

|      +--tweepy.parsers.ModelParser.__init__
|      +--requests_oauthlib.OAuth1Session

Since all these functions have not been changed between any version for package "tweepy" from [3.10.0] and 3.9.0. Therefore, we believe it is safe to loosen the corresponding dependency.

Create Basic Website



  • use Jekyll (docs)
  • Accessible

Stuff Needed

  • 404 (docs)
  • About page
  • Marketing page
  • Main page
  • submit issue button
  • follow on twitter button (same as the one in the readme)

Requirements for Consistency

  • Must adhere to WCAG accessibility standards for contrast and color blindness

Standard Fonts

Standard Colors

  • #0b3c49 a dark blue, most text
  • #f2a130 an orangey yellow
  • #444444 a dark gray
  • #86b500 greenish
  • #f4f4f4 almost white, kinda gray

Proposed workflow:

  1. Fork this repo
  2. Once you are done and checked for typos, commit it & push your work to your fork
  3. Submit a PR against this repo

Someone will look it over and, if deemed appropriate, will merge your PR.

Thanks for contributing!

Don't forget to follow the bot on Twitter to see the hard work you put in.

Repeating annual event??

Describe the bug
This same event keeps getting posted, even on days when it shouldn't

Expected behavior
Events should only post on their assigned dates

Screenshot of Twitter showing multiple tweets on different days posting about "trans parent day"

Don't forget to follow the bot on Twitter to see the hard work you put in.

Change image text from default to a real font

Describe the bug
Posting of images was an added feature with #90 & #94. The image post great, but there are issues with the text. In, the font is currently set to ImageFont.load_default() but it needs to use a file from the assets folder.

Expected behavior
Use font from file from the assets folder.

Should be able to do this, but Heroku is throwing errors. Not sure if my path isn't right or if it's something with Heroku

font_type = ImageFont.truetype('/assets/Nunito-Regular.ttf', 40)
font_type2 = ImageFont.truetype('/assets/Nunito-Regular.ttf', 40*2)
2020-10-16T12:00:22.737878+00:00 app[scheduler.1478]:     font_type = ImageFont.truetype('/assets/Nunito-Regular.ttf', 40)
2020-10-16T12:00:22.737901+00:00 app[scheduler.1478]:   File "/app/.heroku/python/lib/python3.6/site-packages/PIL/", line 836, in truetype
2020-10-16T12:00:22.738235+00:00 app[scheduler.1478]:     return freetype(font)
2020-10-16T12:00:22.738236+00:00 app[scheduler.1478]:   File "/app/.heroku/python/lib/python3.6/site-packages/PIL/", line 833, in freetype
2020-10-16T12:00:22.738581+00:00 app[scheduler.1478]:     return FreeTypeFont(font, size, index, encoding, layout_engine)
2020-10-16T12:00:22.738582+00:00 app[scheduler.1478]:   File "/app/.heroku/python/lib/python3.6/site-packages/PIL/", line 194, in __init__
2020-10-16T12:00:22.738752+00:00 app[scheduler.1478]:     font, size, index, encoding, layout_engine=layout_engine
2020-10-16T12:00:22.738756+00:00 app[scheduler.1478]: OSError: cannot open resource

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
screenshot of the image post with super tiny ugly default python pillow font

Don't forget to follow the bot on Twitter to see the hard work you put in.

Generate a thread of historical events when there are multiple events per date

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Right now, the bot will tweet a random historical event that match a date

Describe the solution you'd like
It would be cool to see that the bot will also generate a thread of these multiple events in chronological order to see how things progresses/setbacks. => insightful.

Additional context
Researching on how to implement this

Fix Spelling Errors (first timers only)

This will be a running issue to let people know how to add events to

NOTE: this issue is only for you if you'd consider yourself a Code Newbie.

Have you seen a typo you'd like to fix? Go ahead and fix it.

Need help? Check out this article on using the github website to navigate git or use this repo as an example to use the command line. You're also welcome to comment on this issue and I'll be happy to help.

Proposed workflow:

  1. Fork this repo
  2. Find the file with spelling errors and fix them.
  3. Once you are done and checked for typos, commit it & push your work to your fork
  4. Submit a PR against this repo

Someone will look it over and, if deemed appropriate, will merge your PR.

Thanks for contributing!

Don't forget to follow the bot on Twitter to see the hard work you put in.

Variable Dates for Annual Events

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
#238 is for adding annual events to words_dir/ However, many of these annual events fall on variable days each year.

#243 (comment)

Describe the solution you'd like
Be able to add events with variable dates like 3rd tuesday of march in an as easy as possible manner to keep this repo #CodeNewbie friendly

Describe alternatives you've considered

Additional context
Current files:

Don't forget to follow the bot on Twitter to see the hard work you put in.

tweet_historical_event() in needs some tweaks to be functional

Describe the bug
Right now, the tweet_historical_event() function in only generates the tweet when the today's date (YYYY-MM-DD) matches exactly that in the events list.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to
  2. Scroll down to 'tweet_historical_event()' on line 46
  3. See error -> can be followed along by just reading or work in Jupyter notebook to see error by copying the events list and the function.

Expected behavior

  • Let's say today is 2020-06-28, ideally I would see a tweet about the Stonewall Riots since the date and month matches that of the event (go to line 18)
  • However, since there are no conditions to only check date and month, the function tweet_historical_events() does not return anything.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Mac OS Catalina 10.15.7

Additional context

  • Also, a conditional statement to handle multiple events on the same date would be necessary - what if there are 2 major events on the same date and month but different years ?
  • I can make a PR for this :)

Add More Adjectives!

This will be a running issue to let people know how to add adjectives to words_dir/

In the words_dir/ file, there are some adjectives separated by comments to have different categories.

Within categories, please keep in alphabetical order and all lowercase.

All adjectives added should look like the below

'adjective goes here',

If you're adding a new category of items, do it like this

# category name here
'adjective goes here',
'adjective goes here',
'adjective goes here',

Proposed workflow:

  1. Fork this repo
  2. Add answers to words_dir/ keeping to the existing style/conventions:
    • all lower case letters, unless it's a Proper noun
    • follow the examples above
  3. Once you are done and checked for typos, commit it & push your work to your fork
  4. Submit a PR against this repo

Someone will look it over and, if deemed appropriate, will merge your PR.

Thanks for contributing!

Don't forget to follow the bot on Twitter to see the hard work you put in.

Non specific dates for lgbtq history

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Although I understand that for the dictionary it would be good to have specific dates to look-up to find facts,
doing that leaves out a lot of other LGBTQ history. Especially those before the common era (BCE).

Describe the solution you'd like
I would like to see either another dictionary containing only centuries as the key or allow nonspecific dates for keys on the original dictionary.

Don't forget to follow the bot on Twitter to see the hard work you put in. has a syntax error that might jeopardize the app

Describe the bug

  • Missing comma

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to
  2. See lines:
  • 62: comma inside string


I won't make a PR because there's only one syntax error. Someone who has a PR up should fix the comma :)

Don't forget to follow the bot on Twitter to see the hard work you put in.

Add More Background Images

This will be a running issue to let people know how to add more images to the img_bg directory

Make and add some backgrounds to be used at random for posting on @LGTBTotd on twitter

Requirements for Consistency

  • in one of the standard fonts, include twitter handle @LGBTQotd somewhere on the image
  • Keep the file name convention. Just numbers like 101 or numbers with the letter 'a' like 101a.
  • Must adhere to WCAG accessibility standards for contrast and color blindness with #0b3c49 a dark blue as the text that will be on them.
  • Dimensions should be 1600 x 900 16:9

Standard Fonts

Standard Colors

  • #0b3c49 a dark blue
  • #f2a130 an orangey yellow
  • #444444 a dark gray
  • #86b500 greenish
  • #f4f4f4 almost white, kinda gray

Proposed workflow:

  1. Fork this repo
  2. Add images to img_bg keeping to the existing naming conventions:
    • Each image should have the twitter handle and meet accessibility standards
    • follow the examples in img_bg
  3. Once you are done and checked for typos, commit it & push your work to your fork
  4. Submit a PR against this repo

Someone will look it over and, if deemed appropriate, will merge your PR.

Thanks for contributing!

Don't forget to follow the bot on Twitter to see the hard work you put in.

TOP PRIORITY: Alt text not working

Describe the bug
Tweet alt text just shows alt="Image". Here's an example tweet. It should read the same text as what is being put on the image.

Alt text was added via PR #100 from issue #98

Expected behavior
Alt text should read the same text as what is being put on the image.

Screen Shot showing image not having actual alt text

Additional context
Alt-text is currently at
tweet_text is currently at

Don't forget to follow the bot on Twitter to see the hard work you put in.

Fix text showing up on image

Describe the bug
Image text should be centered-ish and have space to breathe. Currently lines spacing and margins are non-existant

Expected behavior
Words should be legible, with space between lines and kinda in the center

It should be fixable in this file:

Screen Shot 2020-10-19 at 9 17 20 PM
Screen Shot 2020-10-19 at 9 17 27 PM
Screen Shot 2020-10-19 at 9 17 40 PM

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

Don't forget to follow the bot on Twitter to see the hard work you put in.

Generate WCAG compliant Images for Backgrounds instead of using files in `img_bg

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Currently, a light-colored translucent box is used on top of the background images. It was used as a way to make the words accessible, but it's hindering the legibility in a lot of cases.

Describe the solution you'd like
Generate a background image that complies with WCAG a11y standards.

Describe alternatives you've considered
randomized pride flag colored backgrounds masked to lighten them up and allow for AA accessibility

Additional context
Currently using images in the img_bg folder. is used to add text to those images.

Image Requirements

  • in one of the standard fonts, include twitter handle @LGBTQotd somewhere on the image
  • Must adhere to WCAG accessibility standards for contrast and color blindness with #0b3c49 a dark blue as the text that will be on them.
  • Dimensions should be 1600 x 900 16:9

Standard Fonts

Standard Colors

  • #0b3c49 a dark blue used for text
  • #f2a130 an orangey yellow
  • #444444 a dark gray
  • #86b500 greenish
  • #f4f4f4 almost white, kinda gray

Proposed workflow:

  1. Fork this repo
  2. Add images to img_bg keeping to the existing naming conventions:
    • Each image should have the twitter handle and meet accessibility standards
    • follow the examples in img_bg
  3. Once you are done and checked for typos, commit it & push your work to your fork
  4. Submit a PR against this repo

Someone will look it over and, if deemed appropriate, will merge your PR.

Thanks for contributing!

Don't forget to follow the bot on Twitter to see the hard work you put in.

Add historical events for when things were legalized/decriminalized

I would love to see an event for each US state like the below:

'2009-04-03': 'Same-sex marriage is legal in the state of Iowa.',

In addition, it would be great to have events like that for all the countries that have made things legal.

All events added should look like the below

    '2020-10-04': 'title',
    '1969-06-28': 'Stonewall riots',
    '2019-09-16', 'words that will be tweeted and a reference link url',

Proposed workflow:

  1. Fork this repo
  2. Add events to words_dir/ keeping to the existing style/conventions:
    • Each event should have a date, some text, and a reference link
    • follow the examples above
  3. Once you are done and checked for typos, commit it & push your work to your fork
  4. Submit a PR against this repo

Someone will look it over and, if deemed appropriate, will merge your PR.

Thanks for contributing!

Don't forget to follow the bot on Twitter to see the hard work you put in.

Add More Nouns!

This will be a running issue to let people know how to add nouns to words_dir/

In the file, there are some nouns separated by comments to have different categories.

All nouns should be singular and lower case (unless a proper noun). (eg boot, not boots)

Nouns must make sense after "{adjective} {label}" (example: tiny queer [something])

Within categories, please keep in alphabetical order.

All nouns added should look like the below

'noun goes here',

If you're adding a new category of items, do it like this

# category name here
'noun goes here',
'noun goes here',
'noun goes here',

Proposed workflow:

  1. Fork this repo
  2. Add answers to words_dir/ keeping to the existing style/conventions:
    • Each noun word should be singular (eg boot, not boots)
    • all lower case letters, unless it's a Proper noun
    • follow the examples above
  3. Once you are done and checked for typos, commit it & push your work to your fork
  4. Submit a PR against this repo

Someone will look it over and, if deemed appropriate, will merge your PR.

Thanks for contributing!

Don't forget to follow the bot on Twitter to see the hard work you put in.

Add a reply tweet defining the label using in the initial tweet

Describe the solution you'd like

  • Adjust to have definitions for each label OR have definitions in
  • add definition for each label

Additional context
reply code in needs to uncommented and adjusted as necessary

def main():
    api = authenticate_api()
    #reply_with = get_reply()

    print("finding a tweet...")
    tweet = get_tweet()
    print("chose tweet: " + tweet)
    tweet = api.update_status(tweet)  # variable used later for reply to this tweet
    print('tweet has been tweeted')
    #api.update_status(status=reply_with,, auto_populate_reply_metadata=True)
    #print('chose reply:' + reply_with)
    #print('reply has been tweeted')


Don't forget to follow the bot on Twitter to see the hard work you put in.

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