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utplsql-sqldeveloper's Issues

Cannot install utPLSQL for SQL Developer without Internet connection

Installation is not possible without internet connection or if access to internet via SQL Developer is blocked. In these cases the following screen appears when the Apache license should be shown:


The Java stack (Details) looks as follows:

java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.NullPointerException
         at Method)
         at oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.wizard.UpdateLicensePage.selectUpdate(
         at oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.wizard.UpdateLicensePage.pageSelected(
         at oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.wizard.UpdateWizardPage.onEntry(
         at oracle.ide.wizard.FSMWizard.gotoPanel(
         at oracle.ide.wizard.FSMWizard.setSelectedPage(
         at oracle.bali.ewt.wizard.BaseWizard.selectPage(
         at oracle.ide.wizard.FSMWizard.selectPage(
         at oracle.ide.wizard.FSMWizard.doNext(
         at oracle.bali.ewt.wizard.BaseWizard$Action$
         at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(
         at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(
         at java.awt.EventQueue.access$500(
         at java.awt.EventQueue$
         at java.awt.EventQueue$
         at Method)
         at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
         at oracle.javatools.internal.ui.EventQueueWrapper._dispatchEvent(
         at oracle.javatools.internal.ui.EventQueueWrapper.dispatchEvent(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(
         at java.awt.WaitDispatchSupport$
         at java.awt.WaitDispatchSupport$
         at java.awt.WaitDispatchSupport$
         at Method)
         at java.awt.WaitDispatchSupport.enter(
         at java.awt.Component.setVisible(
         at java.awt.Window.setVisible(
         at java.awt.Dialog.setVisible(
         at oracle.bali.ewt.wizard.WizardDialog.runDialog(
         at oracle.bali.ewt.wizard.WizardDialog.runDialog(
         at oracle.ide.dialogs.WizardLauncher.runDialog(
         at oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.wizard.UpdateWizard.runWizard(
         at oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.WebUpdateController.checkForUpdates(
         at oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.WebUpdateController.handleEvent(
         at oracle.ideimpl.controller.MetaClassController.handleEvent(
         at oracle.ide.controller.IdeAction$ControllerDelegatingController.handleEvent(
         at oracle.ide.controller.IdeAction.performAction(
         at oracle.ide.controller.IdeAction.actionPerformedImpl(
         at oracle.ide.controller.IdeAction.actionPerformed(
         at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(
         at javax.swing.AbstractButton$Handler.actionPerformed(
         at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed(
         at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.setPressed(
         at javax.swing.AbstractButton.doClick(
         at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuItemUI.doClick(
         at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuItemUI$Handler.mouseReleased(
         at java.awt.Component.processMouseEvent(
         at javax.swing.JComponent.processMouseEvent(
         at java.awt.Component.processEvent(
         at java.awt.Container.processEvent(
         at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(
         at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(
         at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(
         at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.retargetMouseEvent(
         at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.processMouseEvent(
         at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent(
         at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(
         at java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl(
         at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(
         at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(
         at java.awt.EventQueue.access$500(
         at java.awt.EventQueue$
         at java.awt.EventQueue$
         at Method)
         at java.awt.EventQueue$
         at java.awt.EventQueue$
         at Method)
         at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
         at oracle.javatools.internal.ui.EventQueueWrapper._dispatchEvent(
         at oracle.javatools.internal.ui.EventQueueWrapper.dispatchEvent(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
         at Method)
         at Method)
         ... 83 more

Add preference to check for availability of "Run utPLSQL test"

Enabling and disabling the menu option "Run utPLSQL test" might be expensive. Especially when the context menu is called on a node of a schema with a lot of package specifications (the first time, but also the subsequent times). See #15.

The user may choose the enable/disable behaviour of the context menu in the utPLSQL preferences.

By default the "Run utPLSQL test" menu option should be available, even if no utPLSQL is installed in the database instance.

Add snippets for annotations and expectations

It would be great to have separate Snippet section in SQLDeveloper to aid users.
The snippets could contain a full list of supported annotations and expectations for current version of utPLSQL.

Ideally, utPLSQL framework could include function to provide a list of supported annotations with description and syntax examples.

Support "Run utPLSQL test" from user node within "Other Users"

It's possible to run all utPLSQL tests in a schema/user from the connection node. But it is not possible from a user node, since the menu is not enabled for this node type.

Technically it should not be a problem to support user nodes. Hence there is no reason to not support it.

Code coverage report not produced on Windows platforms

The log pane shows the following:

SEVERE	603	34748	org.utplsql.sqldev.CodeCoverageReporter	Error when running code coverage: Failed to open file:/C:/Users/phs/AppData/Local/Temp/utplsql_476670770145486823html. Error message: No application is associated with the specified file for this operation.

There is a dot . missing before html. Hence no extension and no browser is opened.

oddgen integration (optional) - Run Test

Based on issue #11.

Evaluate suite paths and present them in the tree view. Allow to choose one ore more paths and generate the command. Alternative paths such as "alltests" and "contexts" should be considered. This is the additional value to the pure Package based test execution in the utPLSQL extension.

Implementing the oddgen interface does not have an effect if the oddgen extension is not installed. This means it is not necessary to install oddgen. However, if it is installed, oddgen will automatically detect the implementation and provide the generator in its Generators navigator tree.

Manage utPLSQL core compatiblity explicitely

In version v0.6 a part of the extension depends on functionality introduced with utPLSQL version 3.0.4.

It is expected that an official API will be introduced in a future utPLSQL version (>3.1.2) to replace the functionality provided by the UT_ANNOTATION_MANAGER package.

The following version numbers are used in released versions of utPLSQL:

Date Name Value of UT.VERSION
2017-01-18 v3.0.0.0-Alpha1
2017-05-15 v3.0.0-beta utPLSQL - Version v3.0.0.708-beta
2017-05-18 utPLSQL v3.0.0 utPLSQL - Version v3.0.0
2017-06-14 utPLSQL v3.0.1 utPLSQL - Version v3.0.1.798
2017-07-18 utPLSQL v3.0.2 utPLSQL - Version v3.0.2.938
2017-08-30 utPLSQL v3.0.3 v3.0.3.1266
2017-11-03 utPLSQL v3.0.4 v3.0.4.1372
2018-04-25 utPLSQL v3.1.0 v3.1.0.1849-develop
2018-04-29 utPLSQL v3.1.1 v3.1.1.1868
2018-07-22 utPLSQL v3.1.2 v3.1.2.2134
... ... ...

Instead of querying for the existence of UT_ANNOTATION_MANAGER the return value of the function UT.VERSION should be used to determine if a certain feature is available or not. Versions of utPLSQL without a UT.VERSION function are not supported (e.g. v3.0.0.0-Alpha1).

Features are disabled if not available in a version (context menus, oddgen generators) and a error message is written to the error log (visible in the logging pane). If not feasible an error message is shown when executing an enabled but not supported feature.

Can we use size "unlimited" for serveroutput?

utPLSQL v3 supports Oracle 11.2 and above. In those oracle versions the output can be set to unlimited size.
Can we set this to unlimited by default or have a preference to set the default output size?

Show overall elapsed during test run

At the end of a test the total elapsed time is shown.

It would be nice to see the elapsed time during the test run as well. Such a time needs to be updated independently of runtime reporter events.

Flickering on fast running tests both Windows&Oracle Look&Feel

When I run all utPLSQL tests (many of them are running really quickly) I often see that the UI is misbehaving.

  • the tests count is flickering
  • the progress bar is flickering
  • the disabled count sometimes changes into in-progress icon
  • the grid looks odd with title bar showing and hiding at the bottom of grid
  • the current test name shows in unexpected location (grri header)

I'm not sure if i's related to:

  • my graphics card (I'm on NVidia)
  • my OS (Win 10 pro x64)
  • my SQLDeveloper version (I'm on 18.2)
  • the speed at which the tests are getting executed and the frame refresh rate in UI.

Maybe it would be possible to change the refresh rate to be say every 10-20ms to avoid excessive UI flickering while maintaining the "realtime" user-experience?

Attached gifs
showing some of the flickering I've encountered.


The time unit of measure could be smart to show less zeros

In version 1.0.0 the time is shown in seconds, e.g. 0.042. When the execution time of tests varies a lot, then this is not easy to read. An alternative could be to change the unit based on the value to make it more human readable.


  • when all switch to ms
  • when over 0.999 switch so seconds
  • when over 59.99s switch to minutes

The unit must be added to the value in the cell.

Sorting should still be possible based on a unified unit behind the scenes.

Make this behavior configurable in the utPLSQL preferences.

Run utPLSQL tests in a dedicated utPLSQL view

In version 0.1 all utPLSQL tests are executed as script in a SQL Developer worksheet and the test output is shown in the script output pane. This was easy to implement and is an acceptable solution for a MVP but it has the following flaws:

  • DBMS_OUTPUT is produced after all tests have been completed. The developer does not see the progress
  • When a test fails, the developer has to navigate manually to the failing source code line (no hyperlink available)
  • Results are produced in black and white colors only, there is no "green bar" indicated a successful test execution
  • Overall it looks and feels awkward and it is less fun for the developer to work with

To address these flaws all tests should be executed by the utPLSQL extension (without blocking the current connection) and the results should be presented in a dedicated utPLSQL view. This view should look similar to the JUnit view in Eclipse.


Alternative hierarchical view

In version 1.0.0 test results are presented in a table. Here's an example:


The table representation is good and allows to sort the result. For each column (test status, suitepath/description, runtime). This representation should be kept.

However, an additional hierarchical representation would be optimal to vizualize the tree structure. Something like this:


The icon of a test could be replaced by the test status (success, failure, error, disabled) after completion. During execution the icon could be set to "progress". The same way as in the table representation. The runtime could be added at the end of the suitpath/description in square brackets, similar to the documentation reporter (e.g. [0.042 s]).

Indicators for warning and info will not be included in the tree view. Sorting is also not possible. If this is wanted then switching back to the table representation is the way to go.

The tree should be fully expanded by default.

Synchronization with detail tabs should work the same way as for the table representation.

The default view should be configurable in the utPLSQL preferences. Additionally switching view should be possible anytime within the utPLSQL realtime reporter, e.g. via context menu (kind of radio button logic).

The configuration to show suitepath or description should apply in the tree view as well.

Give warning if running on older utPLSQL

When I tried running test via SQLDeveloper extension on utPLSQL v3.1.2 I got surprised by lack of test window.

It would be nice if we could get some info/warning to users that would inform them why tests are not running with nice new UI.
Even something like a comment in SQLDeveloper worksheet would be great to say:

-- Running with SQL worksheet
-- detected utPLSQL v3.1.2.2130
-- you need utPLSQL v3.1.7 or above to use the test-runner UI
EXECUTE dbms_session.reset_package;

Improve error handling when no utPLSQL is installed

In version < 1.0.0 the worksheet reporter was started, even if no utPLSQL was installed in the database. In that case the user got the following error in the script output:

ORA-06550: line 1, column 57:
PLS-00201: identifier 'UT.RUN' must be declared
ORA-06550: line 1, column 57:
PL/SQL: Statement ignored
06550. 00000 -  "line %s, column %s:\n%s"
*Cause:    Usually a PL/SQL compilation error.

This was good.

Starting with version 1.0.0 the realtime reporter is the default. When utPLSQL is not installed, nothing happens. Based on the statement log, it's clear that the ut.version statement fails.

I see two options for a user feedback.

a) an alert message informing the user, that utPLSQL is not installed
b) run the worksheet reporter as in previous versions and let the user figure out what the message means.

utPLSQL suitepath is case-insensitive

in Oddgen (Run test) window, suite paths are shown as duplicated if they are typed with upper/lower case in unit test package spec.

So from those two suitepaths:


We get separate trees/branches in navigator.

Those should be converted into common (lower) case and displayed as one tree.

oddgen "Run test" generator is slow

The node tree is loaded eagerly, this means all nodes are loaded in one go. Oddgen is not aware of the load strategy and therefore asks the generator for every selected parent node for its child nodes recursively. This makes the generator sluggish.

A simple solution is to cache the nodes on first read. The cache will be automatically refreshed when refresh is pressed in oddgen's Generator window (old generators are discarded and new ones are created).

Add ability to filter only failed / errored tests in list of executed tests

The ability to sort results by status in the grid is great.
It wold be even better if the plugin would allow to narrow down the list of visible test to:

  • only failed & errored
  • only failed & errored & warnings
  • only failed
  • only errored
  • only warnings

This could be implemented as toggles:

  • show/hide success
  • show/hide warnings
  • show/hide errors
  • show/hide failures

The functionality would be very useful when using "tree" view to display test results.

Support multiselection

The extension supports currently only single selection. When selecting multiple items in the Connections navigator tree the Run utPLSQL test menu item is disabled explicitly. However, it would be useful to support multiple selection independent of issue #6.

Wrong procedure executed on Windows platforms

In Windows platforms the cursor position is not calculated correctly and therefore the wrong test procedure might be called, when invoking utPLSQL from the PL/SQL editor.

Example code:

create or replace package test_expect_not_to_be_null
    --%suite(expectations - not_to_be_null)

    procedure cleanup_expectations;

    procedure create_types;

    procedure drop_types;

    --%test(Gives success for not null blob)
    procedure blob_not_null;

    --%test(Gives success for blob with length 0)
    procedure blob_0_length;
    -- ...
end test_expect_not_to_be_null;

If you position the cursor on line 13, column 26 (end of line procedure drop_types;) and call Run utPLSQL test then the utPLSQL path test_expect_not_to_be_null.drop_types is executed instead of test_expect_not_to_be_null.blob_not_null.

The reason for this wrong behaviour is, that an end-of-line is calculated as a single position in the underlying Swing component of SQL Developer, regardless of the OS platform. But the utPLSQL extensions calculates two positions for an end-of-line on Windows (CR/LF). This is a bug.

Running single test from package body fails with string literals containing "create package"

When trying to execute test: test_expect_not_to_be_null.blob_not_null from utPLSQL test suites, the extension generates the following call:


The body of package can be seen here

It has constants at the top of the package body.

create or replace package body test_expect_not_to_be_null
    gc_object_name constant varchar2(30) := 't_not_to_be_null_test';
    gc_nested_table_name constant varchar2(30) := 'tt_not_to_be_null_test';
    gc_varray_name constant varchar2(30) := 'tv_not_to_be_null_test';

    procedure cleanup_expectations

    procedure create_types
        pragma autonomous_transaction;
        execute immediate 'create type '||gc_object_name||' is object (dummy number)';
        execute immediate 'create type '||gc_nested_table_name||' is table of number';
        execute immediate 'create type '||gc_varray_name||' is varray(1) of number';

    procedure drop_types
        pragma autonomous_transaction;
        execute immediate 'drop type '||gc_object_name;
        execute immediate 'drop type '||gc_nested_table_name;
        execute immediate 'drop type '||gc_varray_name;

    procedure blob_not_null
        execute immediate expectations_helpers.unary_expectation_block('not_to_be_null', 'blob', 'to_blob(''abc'')');

--and so on...


Cannot run tests with missing schema when editing a package

When I open a unit test package that belongs to different user in package editor, SQLDeveloper is aware of the package owner (and is compiling the package into the owners schema).
The plugin however fails to extract the owner information and so:

  • when trying to run tests from package editor with availability check enabled, the run option is not available
  • when trying to run tests from package editor with availability check disabled, the is invoked for package without owner and so it fails when trying to find unit tests.

Context menu is slow

In some installations the context menu containing the Run utPLSQL test menu item is shown with a delay of some seconds.

The main contributor to the delay is the query on all_synonyms, which is executed more than once.

Short term solution is to use dba_synonyms when possible. Long term solution is provided by utPLSQL/utPLSQL#571, which makes the lookup of the utPLSQL schema unnecessary.

"Run utPLSQL test" is disabled for suites without test

If the preference Check availability of "Run utPLSQL test" menu option? is enabled, then the menu option is disabled for suites without tests.


The menu option Run utPLSQL test should be enabled for CORE to make it consistent with issue #55.

oddgen integration (optional) - Generate Test

Implement the oddgen interface to support sophisticated test generation. It is similar to #10 but the oddgen integration should support file based generation (a file for each package specification and package body) and multiselection. Naming conventions may be handled through parameter settings. Finally all suite paths in a should be evaluated and presented in a tree to just run the tests based on the suite path and not only based on schema/package/procedure paths.

Implementing the oddgen interface does not have an effect if the oddgen extension is not installed. This means it is not necessary to install oddgen. However, if it is installed, oddgen will automatically detect the implementation and provide the generator in its Generators navigator tree.

Run utPLSQL tests option disabled in SQL Developer

utPLSQL version: v3.0.4.1372
utPLSQL-SQLDeveloper plugin Version: 0.2.1
Database Version: Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit

“Run utPLSQL test” option went disabled


  1. Uninstall, and install the utplsql plugin, and restart SQL Developer tool.
  2. Uninstall, and install the SQL Developer tool & utplsql plugin, and restart SQL Developer tool.

But the problem still persists. Can you help us with necessary steps to fix the issue?


Populate default utPLSQL code templates

Oracle SQL Developer's code template are a good way to support test-first approach.

Managing code template is a responsibility of SQL Developer. However, it would be nice if the utPLSQL extension could install a default set of templates, e.g. via a button in its preference dialog.

The following code templates should be installed:

ut_spec_proc - Test Procedure Skeleton in Package Specification

PROCEDURE [procedure_name];

ut_body_proc - Test Procedure Skeleton in Package Body

-- test ... case ...: ...
PROCEDURE [procedure_name] IS
   l_actual   INTEGER := 0;
   l_expected INTEGER := 1;
   -- populate actual
   -- ...

   -- populate expected
   -- ...

   -- assert
END [procedure_name];

ut_spec - Full Test Package Specification Skeleton

CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE test_[package_name] IS


   PROCEDURE [procedure_name_1];

   PROCEDURE [procedure_name_2];


END test_[package_name];

ut_body - Full Package Body Skeleton


   -- test ... case 1: ...
   PROCEDURE [procedure_name_1] IS
      l_actual   INTEGER := 0;
      l_expected INTEGER := 1;
      -- populate actual
      -- ...

      -- populate expected
      -- ...

      -- assert
   END [procedure_name_1] ;

   -- test ... case 2: ...
   PROCEDURE [procedure_name_2] IS
      l_actual   INTEGER := 0;
      l_expected INTEGER := 1;
      -- populate actual
      -- ...

      -- populate expected
      -- ...

      -- assert
   END [procedure_name_2];

END test_[package_name];

Support utPLSQL template creation

Based on an existing PL/SQL unit (package, function, procedure, type) an utPLSQL test package (spec and body) may be created based on a template. Add a dedicated context menu item in the Connections navigator tree.

This is independent of #11. It works without oddgen for a single unit. The output is generated in a new worksheet (spec and body). More generation options are provided with #11 via oddgen.

No "Run utPLSQL test" context menu in Connections window


Sometimes after the installation or reinstallation of the utPLSQL extensions the context menu is missing in Connections window. It does look similar to this:


The SQL Developer About dialog shows that the extension is not fully loaded.


Opening the context menu in the Connections window (database navigator) does not trigger the load of the extension. This is a bug. The extensions should be fully loaded as soon as a context menu with a "Run utPLSQL test" option is opened (or the assigned keyboard shortcut is pressed). However, triggering works in the PL/SQL editor or in the Worksheet but not in the Connections window. This is a bug.


As a workaround the context menu in the PL/SQL editor or the Worksheet can be opened. After a restart of SQL Developer the extension is fully loaded and fully functional.


Optimize availability check for "Run utPLSQL test" menu option

In the preferences you can configure if you want to check for the availability of the menu option "Run utPLSQL test". When set, the extension enables the menu option only when at least one test has been found. This may be slow for two reasons:

  1. because the annotation cache needs to be updated
    this happens only, if you do not use a DDL trigger to track changes, in this case changes are detected delayed, when running a test or when checking for availability of tests

  2. large schemas
    there is more data in the annotation cache and in the data dictionary, affecting the runtime performance of the queries, especially when no DDL trigger is in place, due to delayed annotation detection

Since version 3.1.8 the following functions are available in ut_runner:

  • has_suites
  • is_suite
  • is_test

These functions are optimized for performance and are faster than the generic table function get_suites_info. Hence these functions should be used whenever possible by the SQL Developer extension.

In fact these functions are available since utPLSQL version 3.1.3, but since version 3.1.8 they are considered reliable (see also utPLSQL/utPLSQL#976). Hence the use of this functions should be limited to utPLSQL version 3.1.8 and higher.

Wrong indentation in SQL Developer package body code template

Here's an example


   -- test
   PROCEDURE procedure_name IS
      l_actual   INTEGER := 0;
      l_expected INTEGER := 1;
         -- populate actual
         -- ...
         -- populate expected
         -- ...
      -- assert
   END procedure_name;
END t2_package_name;

should be


   -- test
   PROCEDURE procedure_name IS
      l_actual   INTEGER := 0;
      l_expected INTEGER := 1;
      -- populate actual
      -- ...
      -- populate expected
      -- ...
      -- assert
   END procedure_name;
END t2_package_name;

Validate utPLSQL paths before running utPLSQL

In version 0.1 every package is considered a test suite and every package procedure is considered a test. If this is not true a error message similar to the following is shown in the script output panel:

Error starting at line : 2 in command -
Error report -
ORA-20204: Suite package plscope.lineage_util not found
ORA-06512: at "UT3.UT_RUNNER", line 101
ORA-06512: at "UT3.UT_SUITE_MANAGER", line 245
ORA-06512: at "UT3.UT_SUITE_MANAGER", line 305
ORA-06512: at "UT3.UT_RUNNER", line 84
ORA-06512: at "UT3.UT", line 105
ORA-06512: at "UT3.UT", line 272
ORA-06512: at "UT3.UT", line 324
ORA-06512: at line 1

Starting with utPLSQL v3.0.4 it is possible to get a list of annotations (Thanks to @jgebal for the example queries)

Annotated objects:

SELECT o.object_owner, o.object_type, o.object_name, o.annotations
  FROM TABLE(ut3.ut_annotation_manager.get_annotated_objects(USER, 'PACKAGE')) o;

All annotations:

SELECT o.object_owner, o.object_type, o.object_name,, a.text, a.subobject_name
  FROM TABLE(ut3.ut_annotation_manager.get_annotated_objects(USER, 'PACKAGE')) o
 CROSS JOIN TABLE(o.annotations) a;

These queries should be used for the following:

  • disable a Run utPLSQL test menu entry, if no test exists for the selected scope
  • enable a Run utPLSQL testmenu entry, if one or more tests exist for the selected scope
  • consider only test procedures when evaluating the test procedure at a PL/SQL editor cursor position

If a utPLSQL version less than 3.0.4 is used than the extension should still work, but will not validate utPLSQL paths (as in v0.1).

Context menu slow when annotation cache is not initialized

On a large schema (with more than 40'000 PL/SQL packages) the query

SELECT o.object_owner, o.object_type, o.object_name,, a.text, a.subobject_name
  FROM TABLE(UT3.ut_annotation_manager.get_annotated_objects(upper(?), 'PACKAGE')) o
 CROSS JOIN TABLE(o.annotations) a
 WHERE o.object_name = upper(?)

took 2 minutes to complete. The UI is blocked during this time. This is very bad.

When the cache is initialized the query takes about 700 milliseconds. Since this query is executed twice the context menu is delayed by 1.4 seconds, which is too much.

Since this statement might be expensive, it should be executed once.

Furthermore a mechanism should be defined to limit the wait time for the query response and to define a default behaviour.

Coverage on another schema objects

There are following issues:

Include objects not populated when selecting Other user

When opening a Code coverage report window by navigating: Connection->Other Users->Some User->Packages->UT_package->Right click (Code coverage), the field Include objects is not getting populated.

Expected behavior

Include objects gets populated the same way as it is when navigating: Connection->Packages->UT_package->Right click (Code coverage)

The objects on Include objects list re not prefixed with owner

When tests are located in different schema then the tested code, the populated Include objects list does not give expected results - no coverage is showing.

The objects need to be prefixed with schema name.

Below animation illustrates both issues as well as the correct outcomes


Missing initial indentation in generated utPLSQL test packages

Here's an example of a generated package specification without comments:







END test_type_util;

The initial indentation within the package is missing. It should look as follows (using 3 indent spaces):




   PROCEDURE dedup1;

   PROCEDURE dedup2;


END test_type_util;

Same issue with the package body.

Other indentations are not affected.

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  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

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    Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.