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tile38's Introduction


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Tile38 is an open source (MIT licensed), in-memory geolocation data store, spatial index, and realtime geofencing server. It supports a variety of object types including lat/lon points, bounding boxes, XYZ tiles, Geohashes, and GeoJSON.

This README is quick start document. You can find detailed documentation at

Nearby Within Intersects Geofencing Roaming Geofences



  • tile38-server: The server
  • tile38-cli: Command line interface tool
  • tile38-benchmark: Server benchmark tool

Getting Started

Getting Tile38

Perhaps the easiest way to get the latest Tile38 is to use one of the pre-built release binaries which are available for OSX, Linux, FreeBSD, and Windows. Instructions for using these binaries are on the GitHub releases page.


To run the latest stable version of Tile38:

docker pull tile38/tile38
docker run -p 9851:9851 tile38/tile38

Visit the Tile38 hub page for more information.

Homebrew (macOS)

Install Tile38 using Homebrew

brew install tile38

Building Tile38

Tile38 can be compiled and used on Linux, OSX, Windows, FreeBSD, and probably others since the codebase is 100% Go. We support both 32 bit and 64 bit systems. Go must be installed on the build machine.

To build everything simply:

$ make

To test:

$ make test


For command line options invoke:

$ ./tile38-server -h

To run a single server:

$ ./tile38-server

# The tile38 shell connects to localhost:9851
$ ./tile38-cli
> help

Prometheus Metrics

Tile38 can natively export Prometheus metrics by setting the --metrics-addr command line flag (disabled by default). This example exposes the HTTP metrics server on port 4321:

# start server and enable Prometheus metrics, listen on local interface only
./tile38-server --metrics-addr=

# access metrics

If you need to access the /metrics endpoint from a different host you'll have to set the flag accordingly, e.g. set it to<<port>> to listen on all interfaces.

Use the redis_exporter for more advanced use cases like extracting key values or running a lua script.

Playing with Tile38

Basic operations:

$ ./tile38-cli

# add a couple of points named 'truck1' and 'truck2' to a collection named 'fleet'.
> set fleet truck1 point 33.5123 -112.2693   # on the Loop 101 in Phoenix
> set fleet truck2 point 33.4626 -112.1695   # on the I-10 in Phoenix

# search the 'fleet' collection.
> scan fleet                                 # returns both trucks in 'fleet'
> nearby fleet point 33.462 -112.268 6000    # search 6 kilometers around a point. returns one truck.

# key value operations
> get fleet truck1                           # returns 'truck1'
> del fleet truck2                           # deletes 'truck2'
> drop fleet                                 # removes all 

Tile38 has a ton of great commands.


Fields are extra data that belongs to an object. A field is always a double precision floating point. There is no limit to the number of fields that an object can have.

To set a field when setting an object:

> set fleet truck1 field speed 90 point 33.5123 -112.2693             
> set fleet truck1 field speed 90 field age 21 point 33.5123 -112.2693

To set a field when an object already exists:

> fset fleet truck1 speed 90

To get a field when an object already exists:

> fget fleet truck1 speed


Tile38 has support to search for objects and points that are within or intersects other objects. All object types can be searched including Polygons, MultiPolygons, GeometryCollections, etc.

Search Within


WITHIN searches a collection for objects that are fully contained inside a specified bounding area.

Search Intersects


INTERSECTS searches a collection for objects that intersect a specified bounding area.

Search Nearby


NEARBY searches a collection for objects that intersect a specified radius.

Search options

WHERE - This option allows for filtering out results based on field values. For example
nearby fleet where speed 70 +inf point 33.462 -112.268 6000 will return only the objects in the 'fleet' collection that are within the 6 km radius and have a field named speed that is greater than 70.

Multiple WHEREs are concatenated as and clauses. WHERE speed 70 +inf WHERE age -inf 24 would be interpreted as speed is over 70 and age is less than 24.

The default value for a field is always 0. Thus if you do a WHERE on the field speed and an object does not have that field set, the server will pretend that the object does and that the value is Zero.

MATCH - MATCH is similar to WHERE except that it works on the object id instead of fields.
nearby fleet match truck* point 33.462 -112.268 6000 will return only the objects in the 'fleet' collection that are within the 6 km radius and have an object id that starts with truck. There can be multiple MATCH options in a single search. The MATCH value is a simple glob pattern.

CURSOR - CURSOR is used to iterate though many objects from the search results. An iteration begins when the CURSOR is set to Zero or not included with the request, and completes when the cursor returned by the server is Zero.

NOFIELDS - NOFIELDS tells the server that you do not want field values returned with the search results.

LIMIT - LIMIT can be used to limit the number of objects returned for a single search request.


Geofence animation

A geofence is a virtual boundary that can detect when an object enters or exits the area. This boundary can be a radius, bounding box, or a polygon. Tile38 can turn any standard search into a geofence monitor by adding the FENCE keyword to the search.

Tile38 also allows for Webhooks to be assigned to Geofences.

A simple example:

> nearby fleet fence point 33.462 -112.268 6000

This command opens a geofence that monitors the 'fleet' collection. The server will respond with:


And the connection will be kept open. If any object enters or exits the 6 km radius around 33.462,-112.268 the server will respond in realtime with a message such as:


The server will notify the client if the command is del | set | drop.

  • del notifies the client that an object has been deleted from the collection that is being fenced.
  • drop notifies the client that the entire collection is dropped.
  • set notifies the client that an object has been added or updated, and when it's position is detected by the fence.

The detect may be one of the following values.

  • inside is when an object is inside the specified area.
  • outside is when an object is outside the specified area.
  • enter is when an object that was not previously in the fence has entered the area.
  • exit is when an object that was previously in the fence has exited the area.
  • cross is when an object that was not previously in the fence has entered and exited the area.

These can be used when establishing a geofence, to pre-filter responses. For instance, to limit responses to enter and exit detections:

> nearby fleet fence detect enter,exit point 33.462 -112.268 6000

Pub/sub channels

Tile38 supports delivering geofence notications over pub/sub channels.

To create a static geofence that sends notifications when a bus is within 200 meters of a point and sends to the busstop channel:

> setchan busstop nearby buses fence point 33.5123 -112.2693 200

Subscribe on the busstop channel:

> subscribe busstop

Object types

All object types except for XYZ Tiles and QuadKeys can be stored in a collection. XYZ Tiles and QuadKeys are reserved for the SEARCH keyword only.

Lat/lon point

The most basic object type is a point that is composed of a latitude and a longitude. There is an optional z member that may be used for auxiliary data such as elevation or a timestamp.

set fleet truck1 point 33.5123 -112.2693     # plain lat/lon
set fleet truck1 point 33.5123 -112.2693 225 # lat/lon with z member

Bounding box

A bounding box consists of two points. The first being the southwestern most point and the second is the northeastern most point.

set fleet truck1 bounds 30 -110 40 -100


A geohash is a string representation of a point. With the length of the string indicating the precision of the point.

set fleet truck1 hash 9tbnthxzr # this would be equivalent to 'point 33.5123 -112.2693'


GeoJSON is an industry standard format for representing a variety of object types including a point, multipoint, linestring, multilinestring, polygon, multipolygon, geometrycollection, feature, and featurecollection.

* All ignored members will not persist.

Important to note that all coordinates are in Longitude, Latitude order.

set city tempe object {"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[0,0],[10,10],[10,0],[0,0]]]}

XYZ Tile

An XYZ tile is rectangle bounding area on earth that is represented by an X, Y coordinate and a Z (zoom) level. Check out for an interactive example.


A QuadKey used the same coordinate system as an XYZ tile except that the string representation is a string characters composed of 0, 1, 2, or 3. For a detailed explanation checkout The Bing Maps Tile System.

Network protocols

It's recommended to use a client library or the Tile38 CLI, but there are times when only HTTP is available or when you need to test from a remote terminal. In those cases we provide an HTTP and telnet options.


One of the simplest ways to call a tile38 command is to use HTTP. From the command line you can use curl. For example:

# call with request in the body
curl --data "set fleet truck3 point 33.4762 -112.10923" localhost:9851

# call with request in the url path
curl localhost:9851/set+fleet+truck3+point+33.4762+-112.10923


Websockets can be used when you need to Geofence and keep the connection alive. It works just like the HTTP example above, with the exception that the connection stays alive and the data is sent from the server as text websocket messages.


There is the option to use a plain telnet connection. The default output through telnet is RESP.

telnet localhost 9851
set fleet truck3 point 33.4762 -112.10923

The server will respond in JSON or RESP depending on which protocol is used when initiating the first command.

  • HTTP and Websockets use JSON.
  • Telnet and RESP clients use RESP.

Tile38 Client Libraries

The following clients are built specifically for Tile38.
Clients that support most Tile38 features are marked with a ⭐️.

Redis Client Libraries

Tile38 uses the Redis RESP protocol natively. Therefore most clients that support basic Redis commands will also support Tile38.


Josh Baker @tidwall


Tile38 source code is available under the MIT License.

tile38's People


brncsk avatar cep-ter avatar dependabot[bot] avatar eelcocramer avatar gordysc avatar iwpnd avatar jordanarmstrong avatar kilowhisky avatar larsw avatar lennycampino avatar m1ome avatar mathieux51 avatar melbania avatar mitghi avatar mkabischev avatar mpoindexter avatar nicolas31500 avatar nkovacs avatar oliver006 avatar program-- avatar rave-eserating avatar s32x avatar saltatory avatar shadowspore avatar stephenlacy avatar superloach avatar tidwall avatar tobilg avatar umpc avatar uwer avatar


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tile38's Issues

GeoJSON Point in Polygon searches?

Hi -

I'm having trouble getting something simple to work: I want to test to see if a GeoJson Point is inside a GeoJson Polygon:

Here is the polygon definition:

SET cities tempe OBJECT {"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-111.9787,33.4411],[-111.8902,33.4377],[-111.8950,33.2892],[-111.9739,33.2932],[-111.9787,33.4411]]]}

Here is the query for a point inside the Polygon (Tempe lat/lon from Google) that I expect to work but does not:

WITHIN cities OBJECT { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -111.9400, 33.4255] }

I also tried INTERSECTS:

INTERSECTS cities OBJECT { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -111.9400, 33.4255] }

If I query with the entire Polygon, it does work:

INTERSECTS cities object {"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-111.9787,33.4411],[-111.8902,33.4377],[-111.8950,33.2892],[-111.9739,33.2932],[-111.9787,33.4411]]]}

GeoJson size

First let me say this is a very cool project, specifically the geo fencing.

I have not had a ton of time to play around with this let so I figured I may as well just ask, is there a limit to the size of the geojson you support?

I ask this because one of my files is about 200mb give or take.


HTTP POST results in invalid argument response

First off - I love the idea of Tile38. Thank you.

I'm trying to use HTTP POSTs to talk to the tile38-server but, regardless of trying from Ruby or Java, I keep getting invalid argument responses like this: {"ok":false,"err":"invalid argument '500\r\n'","elapsed":"66.045µs"}

It seems that the return-newline pair in the request body is being run on to the last parameter in the command string which, of course, results in a parse error.

To compound matters, I know nothing about Go! Any advice?



Add a GUI?

Hello !

Would you be interested that we (Redsmin) promote tile38 as a compatible server for our online real-time administration and monitoring service?

As for as I can see Tile38 already handles scan command, if only it could implement the type and info command, you would get a GUI and monitoring/alerting for free :)

Max memory setting

When quickly looking at the code I don't see any option or setting to define max memory tile38 can use up - are there plans to add this?
Just would rather have errors returned from tile38 that max memory has been reached than an OOM killer killing the whole process.

Moving geofences, or assigning a geofence to an object

In our project, we need to check if two users are near to each other. How should we go about using webhooks to achieve this result? If we needed to check if a user was close to a static location, but since these are relative and moving positions...

How to backup data?

if I store about ten thousand fence , how do I export a copy of the data?


how to query using geojson object

hi,i met a problem about query.
When i query using geojson object, such as
'within city object OBJECT {"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-111.9787,33.4411],[-111.8902,33.4377],[-111.8950,33.2892],[-111.9739,33.2932],[-111.9787,33.4411]]]}
it always returns error 'invalid argument object'.
can you help me solve the problem,thank you!

Hope add a values fencing

If Tile38 have a mechanism that can set a range of monitoring would be the best. For example, the client sent the "fset" command to set the values of a field can also bind a hook, specifically, if a truck‘s speed reaches a certain value,tile38 will trigger a values fencing event.

Using redis-rb, how do you interface with Tile38?

Sorry if this is a dumb question...just a little lost on how to interact w/ the tile38-server via redis-rb. I've got as far as starting the the tile38-server and then connecting to the server & port using redis-rb, but then I'm lost. What syntax should I use to do something like setting a point?

Redis-rb docs say this for setting a key: redis.set("mykey", "hello world")
So I tried: redis.set("fleet", "truck", "point", "33.5123 -112.2693") (didn't worK)
..and, stuff like redis.set("fleet", "truck", point: "33.5123 -112.2693").

Setting multiple (small) fields, big size overhead

you can set multiple fields, but internally it's always stored as a float64..which take up 8 bytes,
I have a lot of boolean values/ small integer values < 255 that could fit in one byte,
would be nice if there was an option to define the size during set..
maybe some prefix b: f.e. SET FIELD b:somefield 5


How to query the envelope of all elements of a key

Hi, tidwall:
In order to quickly locate the data within a key, I need to know the minimum bounding rectangle of all the objects in this key. What shall I do?
R tree indexs should store this information, but I did not find such an interface.

MATCH clause problem

scan FenceXY cursor 0 match 00010/13/00010002*

scan FenceXY cursor 0 match 00010/13*



Let the listening host/address to be configured

I've seen that you are just supporting the configuration of a listening port, but not of the host/address. If one wants to let tile38-server to just listen e.g. on, one needs another option. I recommend to apply a patch like the following to support this. Thanks.

Index: cmd/tile38-server/main.go
--- cmd/tile38-server/main.go.orig  2016-03-05 13:08:02.000000000 +0100
+++ cmd/tile38-server/main.go   2016-03-05 13:18:59.712581631 +0100
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@

 var (
    dir         string
+   host        string
    port        int
    verbose     bool
    veryVerbose bool
@@ -25,6 +26,7 @@

 func main() {
+   flag.StringVar(&host, "h", "", "The listening host for communication.")
    flag.IntVar(&port, "p", 9851, "The listening port for communication.")
    flag.StringVar(&dir, "d", "data", "The data directory.")
    flag.BoolVar(&verbose, "v", false, "Enable verbose logging.")
@@ -59,7 +61,7 @@
 `+"\n", core.Version, core.GitSHA, strconv.IntSize, runtime.GOARCH, runtime.GOOS, port, os.Getpid())

-   if err := controller.ListenAndServe(port, dir); err != nil {
+   if err := controller.ListenAndServe(host, port, dir); err != nil {
Index: controller/controller.go
--- controller/controller.go.orig   2016-03-05 13:08:02.000000000 +0100
+++ controller/controller.go    2016-03-05 13:18:09.792727850 +0100
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
 // Controller is a tile38 controller
 type Controller struct {
    mu        sync.RWMutex
+   host      string
    port      int
    f         *os.File
    cols      *btree.BTree                      // use both tree and map. provide ordering.
@@ -80,9 +81,10 @@

 // ListenAndServe starts a new tile38 server
-func ListenAndServe(port int, dir string) error {
+func ListenAndServe(host string, port int, dir string) error {
    log.Infof("Server started, Tile38 version %s, git %s", core.Version, core.GitSHA)
    c := &Controller{
+       host:    host,
        port:    port,
        dir:     dir,
        cols:    btree.New(16),
@@ -127,7 +129,7 @@
        return nil
-   return server.ListenAndServe(port, handler)
+   return server.ListenAndServe(host, port, handler)

 func (c *Controller) setCol(key string, col *collection.Collection) {
Index: server/server.go
--- server/server.go.orig   2016-03-05 13:08:02.000000000 +0100
+++ server/server.go    2016-03-05 13:18:41.413563459 +0100
@@ -20,10 +20,11 @@

 // ListenAndServe starts a tile38 server at the specified address.
 func ListenAndServe(
+    host string,
    port int,
    handler func(command []byte, conn net.Conn, rd *bufio.Reader, w io.Writer, websocket bool) error,
 ) error {
-   ln, err := net.Listen("tcp", fmt.Sprintf(":%d", port))
+   ln, err := net.Listen("tcp", fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", host, port))
    if err != nil {
        return err

CONFIG SET requirepass mypass

First of all, I type the following command:"config+set+requirepass+1234",
Then enter the command "config+rewrite".Now the password is permanent.
Could I please without manually delete the config file, how to remove the password

Authentication required

When one lets tile38-server listening on not just one needs authentication. For this tile38-server should perhaps support a config file with users/passwords pairs and tile38-cli should have options to supply username/password during connect. Optimally, the connection between tile38-cli and tile38-server should be SSL/TLS encrypted so that the password is not transmitted unprotected. Or at least a hash of the password should be transmitted only.

Nearby command 's where conditions how to express equal?

I use the FIELD clause in the set command.
SET name id Field routecode abc Field stationid 123456 POINT lat lon
which "routecode" value is string

NEARBY FenceXY where routecode 69030 POINT 23.135278 113.325000 100.000000
where conditions how to express equal?

Using as Library

I'm thinking of using tile38 as a library rather than separate process. Looks like I can just instantiate a controller/collection.Collection and go. Is that the best drop-in place? I'd basically like access to most of your features, but I don't need/want replication and I can't afford a separate daemon and the complexity that entails.

Also, with regard to my tweet: when wrapping around -180/180, at what point in the code does mapping to multiple geometries occur?

Special hook

I'm using Tile38, but i have a problem.
I will try to explain it with an example application:
This is an app that let you communicate with the first person near you but this feature is a communication with the opposite sex, so for example i have a person (male) that is looking for someone (woman) and in the application i set a static geofence (i need it static) with a radius of 150m that detect if a woman is inside the area.
When a woman enters to the area the man is notified, but i have this problem:

  • The man is looking for a woman in a radius of 150m, and there is no one.
  • Another man, closer to the first man (10m) is also looking for a woman, but again, there is no one.
  • A woman enters to the area.

In this case, both men are notified and i want that just the first (time based) man looking for a woman receives the notification and the other man needs to wait until another woman enters to the area.

How can i do it?

I was thinking severals methods to do it in the code, but in every case i have problems with two instances doing the same thing (hook receives two notification, one for every man, so the backend will do the same operation for every man) for example:

  • The woman enters
  • The resources get notified (two men)
  • I update a field of the men, with the user id (woman) that is looking for
  • I have to query all the users (man) that are looking for the same user (woman). To send the notification to the older one looking for the woman.

In this case, maybe one of the two resources that are executing the same operation in the same time, hasn't updated the field, this could be the first man, so the second man will detect there is no other man looking for that woman so will get notified, but when the resource for the first man detect the two men, the resource will also detect that this user is the older one and will get notified. So, the both men are notified.

Pipeline Issues (python client)

I haven't been able to get pipelines to work (using Python Client). In #14 it appears that this should be supported?

My code looks something like

pipe = self.r.pipeline()
        for item in items:
            id = item['id']
            geojson = item['geometry']
            pipe.execute_command("set", "key", id, "object", geojson)

Tile38 reports [ERRO] Protocol error: unbalanced quotes in request


Redis client is redis==2.10.5

Individual execute_commands directly against the client, "non-pipelined" work great, I just want to speed up bulk loads. Thanks

About lettuce

I was a little white,there is a problem need to consult you.
I want to send some instructions through the lettuce to tile38,
But I can't find the call in the lettuce source.For example,["set", "fleet", "truck", "point", "33.5123", "-112.2693"])
Looking forward to your reply,thank you

questions about in_memory geodata

hi,i have two questions.
one is dose tile38 use redis to store geodata, and if does, how can i find related code in the project.
The other is how can i use redis client to insert data by batch as tile38 uses Redis Protocol.
thanks for your help!

How to use the password?

How to use "AUTH" in the HTTP request,when I call the "CONFIG SET requirepass mypass" command,?
Can you give me an example? Thank you!

a few questions

hi, tidwall

  1. when using the HOOKS or KEYS command, the results can provide a number of HOOK or KEY display?
  2. for what reason, HOOK collection can not be seen through the KEYS command?
  3. when I set the KEY expiration date, when the KEY expires, Will affect the results of FENCE event?

thanks :)

Search within MultiPolygon

I have GEOJSON objects, in this format:

{"type":"MultiPolygon","coordinates":[[[[-69.47657387098774,-20.577241016355124],[-69.47743687205649,-20.730774540841214],[-69.47073936300552,-20.729771961542188],[-69.46597958706174,-20.72983009675763],[-69.45877723512393,-20.730084380669112],[-69.44686656121634,-20.730974121623348],[-69.43723371262506,-20.73045672747964],[-69.42880075385169,-20.731381525443332],[-69.41873262589603,-20.731487645905986],[-69.40542652633845,-20.731835767898335],[-69.39577493752837,-20.73263531750617],[-69.38372958341907,-20.730241017367664],[-69.36200202890991,-20.71836987920766],[-69.35253550207952,-20.714973987675318],[-69.33589939397065,-20.71372416190152],[-69.3306638946128,-20.713029501441095],[-69.3191057828514,-20.706789468081535],[-69.31293032540394,-20.70372860854936],[-69.30836410831125,-20.7031495131714],[-69.29004944359707,-20.700036843688718],[-69.27794024100051,-20.696557660221398],[-69.27767269653012,-20.696793024726926],[-69.27732856059063,-20.696990109602993],[-69.27692694816037,-20.697099186283605],[-69.27650612989353,-20.69720829285809],[-69.27612342146159,-20.697317337332464],[-69.2757982302911,-20.697372073560402],[-69.27547277143243,-20.697444881381966],[-69.27509039024032,-20.697569735853595], ...

I want to know if i can search within this MultiPolygon and what data can i store in (or with) a MultiPolygon. If it can't be done will be a nice feature.

Generalized hook interface?

Is there any thought going on or something I've maybe missed about writing custom outputs for hooks? As in, we can define webhooks right now, but in my application, I don't use HTTP at all, and would like to be able to call back to clients via some other protocol. To support this, there'd need to exist some generalized hook interface that could support multiple protocols. Is this something that is interesting enough to consider?

missing documentation about performance

This looks like a great project and especially (dynamic) geofencing is super-interesting.

However, I didn't find any documentation on performance. To take one example of interest, if
one stored a set of 1 million moving points in tile38 representing people in a large country, and then issued a dynamic geofencing query on that set, what is the memory usage and what latency can we expect?

To answer such questions, it would be helpful to have performance (time+memory) comments per query type/operators, maybe big-O-notation hints related to the underlying algorithms, and hints on scalability, the various limits affecting it etc.

Even a subset of such documentation would be very helpful.

Installation problems

Hi, i'm trying to install Tile38 with no success.
I set the gopath (/opt/go) and i clone the repo in a src directory, and i run "make test" and show me errors like this:

/opt/go/src/_/opt/src/ (from $GOPATH)
can't load package: package _/opt/src/ cannot find package "_/opt/src/" in any of:
        /usr/local/go/src/_/opt/src/ (from $GOROOT)
        /opt/go/src/_/opt/src/ (from $GOPATH)
can't load package: package _/opt/src/ cannot find package "_/opt/src/" in any of:
        /usr/local/go/src/_/opt/src/ (from $GOROOT)
        /opt/go/src/_/opt/src/ (from $GOPATH)

Could you add an explanation step by step please? I'm new with go and I just want to test it.
Thanks u very much

Missing Results when records with Large ID length

I'm seeing some odd issues with long(ish) id lengths. I have some multipart IDs I'm placing inside the same key in order to do a NEARBY search. Basically its a concatenation of the type + as I want to search multiple classes of things within the same key. With longer IDs of 77 characters, I'm seeing that the records are never found with a NEARBY search.

When In invert the ID, (category at the end), which puts greater uniqueness up front, the record is found so I'm pretty sure that the issue is related to ID character length. Unrelated, I am trying to use "SEARCH" to debug but it always returns 0 count and IDs so I have to use SCAN with a high limit. This is version 1.4.1

Does tile38 use CPU's single core?

Does tile38 use CPU's single core? The source code does not seem to set the use of multi-core, if set to multi-core, whether it can enhance the performance of it?

Are there any benchmarks ?


this server is a piece of great work. I like it very much. Do you have any benchmarks or metric numbers we can expect? How many points / fences / notifications can be handled by one instance?

Thank you fro this great piece of software !

Maciej Bednarz, Hannover, Germany

Nearby Returning results outside the range Point -> Linestring

First of all, this is a really cool project. I like that is very fast. I was doing some testing and computed distances for each of my matches returned by tile38 (point to linestring). I'm doing a nearby search with 1km and still getting some items over 74km away. Looking at the code it looked like was doing an intersection so I would of thought that it would work or is this bounding box based?

tested Tile38 1.1.4
Geojson in error ->

curl --data "nearby Infrastructure/Pipelines point 33.5 36.3833 1000"

About Pipeline

Recently, I am using Lettuce channel model,
But tile38 seems doesn't work.I want to ask you, whether tile38 support channel model?
And then, there is a problem, Lettuce with dispitch tile38 operation, then the jedis is in what way?
I hope you can help me

To evaluate how much memory tile38 will use

Before loading the AOF file in tile38, is there a relatively conservative and simple method to evaluate how much memory tile38 will use ?

In addition, in order to reduce memory fragmentation, do you have any suggestion on the design of GeoJSON ?

Tile38 support nginx ?

I set up a nginx . I send a request to nginx reverse proxy tile38 after the visit .But This request
Does not return anything. This request is only "http://localhost:9851/server" . I have tried many ways, hope to get your help.

About attribute query

I have a question about the attributes of the query.
‘GET’ is similar to the 'where' in the SQL statement?
I want to pass the ‘where’ condition to check the properties of the node containing the attribute value

How to make better use of TILE38 in this business?

There is a scene in the business, the use of real-time GPS data of the device to simulate multiple real-time access to the fence, the message can be triggered at each access(out/in).

GPS data generated by the terminal about tens of thousands, each terminal every 10 seconds to produce a GPS message; and the fence is relatively static definition(Hundreds of thousands of).

How to use TILE38 to achieve such a scene more concise it?


STATS command input/output be careful!> STATS FenceXY
{"ok":true,"stats":[{"in_memory_size":6813930,"num_objects":104830,"num_points":104830}],"elapsed":"57.39µs"}> STATS FenceXY # note: 2 spaces

Add EXPIRE, TTL commands and EX keyword

Add the eviction commands EXPIRE, TTL, and the EX keyword to the SET command.


# Remove truck1 from fleet after 5.4 seconds.
EXPIRE fleet truck1 5.4  
# Check how many second before truck1 is removed from fleet. 
TTL fleet truck1
# Add truck1 to fleet and remove after 5.4 seconds.
SET fleet truck1 EX 5.4 POINT 33.5 -115.6

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