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sylius's Issues

[RFC] Payment Integration

So payments and gateways are a lot more complicated than I had thought! As such, some more
detailed thought and community input is necessary before writing a bunch of code. This WIP
PR has two sections:

  1. Concerns: concerns are two-fold. They will first attempt to identify problems.
    Secondly, an architectural or design-based solution should be offered. Concern solutions
    should be vague in nature; that is, they should not contain any code or implementation
    details. They just say what's going to be done. Concerns should be ratified by the
    community before their solutions are included in the pull request. Any concern with a
    check mark is considered ratified.
  2. Solutions: a Concern must be associated with a solution outline in the form of a
    task list, so that specific tasks can be assigned and completed. The Solution task list
    should be a concerted effort to clearly define the steps necessary to implement a


  • Gateway Implementation: To keep the bundle decoupled, while also facilitating easy
    extensibility, a Gateway design must be decided upon, including Dependency Injection,
    Form View Rendering, and progressing the state of a Payment.
  • Payment Source Modeling: Payments may come from different sources; e.g.
    CreditCard, ACH, API, WireTransfer, BitCoin, or Physical Transference. A Payment
    Source's job is to give a Payment an object to be used in a communication with a Payment
    Method. It must provide a valid object for the particular Method to use, whether that be
    a Source accepted by the Method's gateway, or an otherwise approved mechanism.
  • Payment Processing: some abstract method of pushing payments through their states
    must be defined.
  • Native Gateway Bridging: If Gateways are services tagged with sylius.gateway,
    there must be functionality for pushing payments through their states via methods of the
    native gateway.


  • Gateway Implementation:
    • A GatewayInterface, which will stipulate what methods a Gateway must define to
      push a payment through the available states.
    • A GatewayChain whose purpose is to maintain a registry of gateway services (see:
      Working with Tagged Services" Cookbook Entry).
    • A Factory whose purpose is to facilitate creation of Gateway services in the
      Sylius domain using other libraries/bundles.
    • A Service Tag (sylius.payment_gateway) which may be used in conjunction with the
    • A Compiler Pass that will retrieve all tagged services, validate them, and
      register them with the GatewayChain
  • Payment Source Modeling:
    • A PaymentSourceInterface, which will facilitate communication and transformation
      between the Source and the Method.
    • Source Typing: before a source can be used, it must be recognized by the Payments
      Bundle. This enables us to keep track of transformation methods, and allows us to
      define and retrieve associated services, like a credit card form.
  • Payment Processing
    • A PaymentProcessorInterface will stipulate that Processors must have methods for
      each payment state. The methods will expect a boolean, and if true, push the payment
      to the target state.
    • A default PaymentProcessor will be implemented that simply returns true for all
    • A PaymentProcessor may have a $gateway (an instance of BridgedGateway; see
      below). If it has a bridged gateway, the responsibility for returning the boolean will
      be passed along to the gateway.
  • Native Gateways:
    • To bridge to native gateways, for each payment state a call method and a
      verify method will be defined. When the PaymentProcessor
    • A MethodResolver will take the strings specified in call and verify and
      turn them into actual PHP callables, a la the ControllerResolver.



On frontend knp_menu_render('sylius.frontend.main') shows non proper way of carts items
ie %items% and %total%. This is because in FrontendMenuBuilder.php title is taken from
$this->translate('') which is only translatable string without variables.

So in Menu Builder should appear simply:
$menu->addChild('cart', array(
'route' => 'sylius_cart_summary',
'linkAttributes' => array('title' => $this->translate('', array(
'%items%' => $cart->getTotalItems(),
'%total%' => $cart->$this->moneyExtension->formatMoney($cart->getTotal())
'labelAttributes' => array('icon' => 'icon-shopping-cart icon-large')
))->setLabel($this->translate('', array(
'%items%' => $cart->getTotalItems(),
'%total%' => $this->moneyExtension->formatMoney($cart->getTotal())

[RFC] SyliusACLBundle

One of the projects I'm working on is a paid content model. The application itself is very complex and as such should be decoupled as much as possible from Sylius (it will probably live in a different Kernel).

We want to use Sylius as the "store", but are trying to figure out a way to facilitate the ACL rules for the content. The content is currently produced using Sonata with a bunch of different ContentProvider classes that include things like basic CKEditor, impress.js editor, pdf generator, etc.

The current plan using existing Sylius functionality:

  1. add a product_id to the Content model
  2. add a Product form type to the Content Admin form type.
  3. manage the Product entity in lifecycle events of Content
  4. when an order is paid for, dispatch an event. The Content bundle has a listener that creates ACL entries for any Contents with corresponding product_id.

This feels really clunky. Using all of the Sonata bundles is really heavy. There's two different administration panels. The app itself is not decoupled at all from Sylius, because it needs to listen for those events. It's just a mess.

Enter SyliusACLBundle! (and/or SyliusPaidContentBundle?).

The idea I have is to add something like an accessControls property to Product. So instead of having to do the whole event and listener deal, it would just be a function of a completed order to check if it should create any ACL entries.

A simple AccessControllableInterface in SyliusACLBundle would be created, implemented by any class that contains paid content.

This way, there would be 3 kernels: a BaseKernel that contains all of the bundles shared between Sylius and MyApp, the SyliusKernel, and MyAppKernel. Assets would be properly separated. The list of benefits goes on.

So... I know there are a lot of other things that need to be completed with the existing set of bundles. But does anybody see a purpose for this sort of bundle? Or maybe a better way to make this happen?

Builiding product from prototype

I write you because i have a problem building product from prototype.
When I add image, and submit it fail. I see the form hasn't {{
form_enctype(form) }} in WebBundle,
Backend views Prototype, build.htmltwig. Then I add it but now it say
that path is null while make insert in database and throw an exception.

An exception occurred while executing 'INSERT INTO sylius_variant_image (path, created_at, updated_at, variant_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)' with params {"1":null,"2":"2013-05-07 16:26:42","3":"2013-05-07 16:26:43","4":12}:

Please, some idea??

CartBundle has to be initialized before DoctrineBundle

Otherwise, the following error is produced:

The class 'Sylius\Bundle\CartBundle\Model\CartItemInterface' was not found in
the chain configured namespaces Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Entity,
Sylius\Bundle\SettingsBundle\Entity, Sylius\Bundle\CartBundle\Entity,
Sylius\Bundle\AssortmentBundle\Entity, Sylius\Bundle\TaxationBundle\Entity,
Sylius\Bundle\ShippingBundle\Entity, Sylius\Bundle\PaymentsBundle\Entity,
Sylius\Bundle\PromotionsBundle\Entity, Sylius\Bundle\AddressingBundle\Entity,
Sylius\Bundle\SalesBundle\Entity, Sylius\Bundle\InventoryBundle\Entity,
Sylius\Bundle\TaxonomiesBundle\Entity, FOS\UserBundle\Entity

Find the according SO-topic here: Implement Sylius into Symfony2 Standard Edition

Problem with Simultaneous Register and Buy

When I try to buy with unregistered user , and with simultaneously register him i'm getting the error.

Catchable Fatal Error: Argument 1 passed to Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Entity\Order::setUser() must implement interface FOS\UserBundle\Model\UserInterface, null given, called in /home/sargath/public_html/wb1/src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Checkout/Step/FinalizeStep.php on line 79 and defined in /home/sargath/public_html/wb1/src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Entity/Order.php line 88

Plz help. Thx

Vagrant and Apache2

The default vagrant chef cookbook has two issues with Apache2:

  • the service is restartet/loaded too early, the vhost configuration is not used (just after a manual restart/load)
  • mod_rewrite is not enabled (thus the rewriting does not work properly, e.g. fontawesome fonts not loading)

I'm not that nimble with chef/cookbooks so I hope someone else can provide a quick fix.

(Product) Exception on image upload

This field is only working properly when doctrine fixtures was ran, with some data inside db.
On empty db and with empty schema it goes:

An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("Parameter "path" for route "_imagine_sylius_gallery" must match ".+" ("" given) to generate a corresponding URL.") in SyliusWebBundle:Backend/Product:create.html.twig at line 21.

Ajax Layer

I have added an ajax layer using the addItem function of the CartItemController and everything works fine:

$('#ajax_test_1').submit(function(e) {
    var url = "/web/app_dev.php/ajax/add?id=1";
        type: "POST",
        url: url,
        data: $(this).serialize(),
        dataType: "html",
        success: function(msg){

The item with id=1 is added and the success message is displayed.

But when I try to create another function in that same controller, let's say ajaxAddItem (to keep the original addItem unaltered), with the exact same code inside, it just doesn't work.
Does anyone have any idea of what might cause the problem? What is specific to the addItem function that is not replicated in the new ajaxAddItem.


[RFC] Multiple currency handling

Hello awesome Sylius community!

I'm working on configurable currencies feature.

It allows defining exchange rate for multiple currencies. And now I need your feedback.

Currently we show prices in twig templates using SyliusMoneyExtension (sylius_money). I changed it a bit to be able to convert price into desired currency using CurrencyConverter.
Maybe it have sense to split this into separate extension, sylius_price?

Another thing we should discuss is currency context. User will be able to switch between offered currencies, similar to (currency swiitcher on top).
To be able to track chosen currency we may introduce CurrencyContext with get/set currency methods. It will read currency from current user or from session if user is anonymous.


Problem with localized signs in Taxonomy

When I add taxonomy with example some spec signs like polish letter signs, I get a problem when adding product:

The name "muł" contains illegal characters. Names should start with a letter, digit or underscore and only contain letters, digits, numbers, underscores ("_"), hyphens ("-") and colons (":").


This things goes only, when the main/root Taxonomy is added with special sign.

Careful enabling order sof-deleting

Hi, following good practice from contributors i enabled sof-deleting for order entity. Now when i add a new order "Place Order" it fail because constrain in data base.
Order has field order_number and it is unique, it is generated by OrderNumberGenerator in SalesBundle/Generator.

While it generate the number it call getLastOrderNumber that use findBy and is enable sof-deleting so it generate existing order number.

To solve this in Order Repository on CoreBundle y create method to return last order but now softdeleting is disable, and change on classs OrderNumberGenerator method getLastOrderNumber to use my new method.

I hope this help you, and please suggest other solution more elegant.

 protected function getLastOrderNumber()
       // $lastOrder = current($this->repository->findBy(array(), array('createdAt' => 'desc'), 1));
       $lastOrder = current($this->repository->findLast(1));

        if (!$lastOrder) {
            return str_repeat('0', $this->numberLength);

        return $lastOrder->getNumber();
//namespace Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Repository;
    public function findLast($limit = 1)
        $em = $this->getEntityManager();
        $filter = $em->getFilters()->disable('softdeleteable');
        $lastOrder = $this->findBy(array(), array('createdAt' => 'desc'), $limit);

        return $lastOrder;

Master variant price should not show

Hi, when I have created a product with a master variant I have to give it a price (which could be anything), even if I need to create variants which all have different prices to the master. By creating the variants the master price becomes redundant. However, this price still shows on the frontend homepage view, which in my case it shouldn't. Is this an oversight or a feature?


Taxonomies - not showing up on product edit page..

Hi, I've noticed an issue, when editing product, and adding taxonomies/categorization, and save it is all OK. But when I re-edit product and I go do Categorization Tab there are no taxonomies that I've already added to it.

Plz help.


On details of product i can see that categories are added, and in taxonomy menu they are displaying properly too.

cap deploy failed

Hi, I am using capifony to deploy my Sylius app to AWS EC2 Ubuntu using the deploy.rb supplied. Everything works fine up until Composer dependencies, and I get error below (ip replaced):

--> Updating Composer dependencies

  • executing "sh -c 'cd /var/www/releases/20130515073822 && php composer.phar update --no-scripts --verbose --prefer-dist'"
    servers: ["ec2-[ip]"]
    [ec2-[ip]] executing command
    ** [out :: ec2-[ip]] Loading composer repositories with package information
    ** [out :: ec2-[ip]] Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
    ** [out :: ec2-[ip]] Killed
    command finished in 128784ms
    *** [deploy:update_code] rolling back
  • executing "rm -rf /var/www/releases/20130515073822; true"
    servers: ["ec2-[ip]"]
    [ec2-[ip]] executing command
    command finished in 1031ms
    failed: "sh -c 'sh -c '''cd /var/www/releases/20130515073822 && php composer.phar update --no-scripts --verbose --prefer-dist''''" on ec2-[ip]

Could anyone shed some light on why this might be happening please?


Backend: No exeption page or error, on product delete.

I think this is a relation problem, when product has been bought, I can't delete him from db. Of course this is obvious, because he has a relation. But I think that some exception info should appear.

An exception occurred while executing 'DELETE FROM sylius_variant WHERE id = ?' with params {"1":1}:

SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1451 Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (sylius_db.sylius_order_item, CONSTRAINT FK_77B587EDA75DE531 FOREIGN KEY (sellable_id) REFERENCES sylius_variant (id))

Payment Integration


First: Thank you for the awesome library!

Sylius would be perfect in a product I have scheduled for imminent release, but I was confused about some things regarding the payment process. I'm hoping to figure out what's missing so I can bridge the gap for my project, and submit some pull requests if the code might help others.

  • Is Omnipay missing from the standard distro? The two options set in sylius/app/config/sylius.yml are 'dummy' and 'stripe', which are names of omnipay gateways. But neither the omnipay library nor sylius/omnipay-bundle is included in sylius/sylius or sylius/payments-bundle.
  • (related) Is the CreditCard From Type missing? I see the PaymentStep in the Checkout process and the PaymentMethodType in the PaymentBundle. But I can't seem to find how the actual entry of credit card information is facilitated? Is this a work in progress related to the integration of the Omnipay library?
  • What else? I've only started reading the source in the past day, so I'm sure there are things I've missed or overlooked. Not to say "hurry up and finish!", only that it would be nice to have a list of things that need to be done before using the lib in its current state. I.e. "If you plan to use Sylius in a live project, you will have to do X, Y, Z."

Again, thanks for the awesome library; I look forward to seeing what you come up with next, and hope to have an opportunity to contribute in the future!

  • dyjo

How to update Sylius CoreBundle and WebBundle

Hi, I recently installed the full stack of Sylius using

composer.phar create-project sylius/sylius -s dev

I have since added additional code to both bundles such as additional front end Controllers for About and Search, various view additions and an addition to an Entity. I thought of creating a new bundle to do this in but CoreBundle and WebBundle seemed to be the right place

So now I need to update my CoreBundle and WebBundle

How do I do this without overwriting my additional code
Have I done something wrong in the way I have added code
What is the correct way to do this?


Display / edit soft deleted resources in backend

Soft deleted resources should surely be displayed in the backend (like products for example).

Here are my thoughts :

  • adding a new parameter (for example getSoftDeletedResources) to ResourceBundle\Controller\Configuration
  • retrieving it in the indexAction and updateAction methods of ResourceBundle\Controller\ResourceBundle\Controller
$getSoftDeletedResources = $config->get('getSoftDeletedResources', false);
  • disabling it before getting resources
if ($getSoftDeletedResources) {
 // get ressources
  • re enabling it after getting resources
if ($getSoftDeletedResources) {
  • configuring the listing of product backend
    pattern: /
    methods: [GET]
        _controller: sylius.controller.product:indexAction
            template: SyliusWebBundle:Backend/Product:index.html.twig
            method: createFilterPaginator
            arguments: [$criteria, $sorting, $getSoftDeletedResources]
        criteria: {}
        sorting: { createdAt: desc }
        getSoftDeletedResources: {true}

I have not tested yet but I think this can work. However if I really don't know if it's good way to do. I'll code it if you find it valid.

Sylius development guidelines

Currently, Sylius doesn't have a guideline for translations. Is possible to find translations key as sylius.form.image.file, sylius.image.file, sylius.form.label.file and some other variants. Furthermore, there are translations in YML and XLIFF format.

My suggestion is introducing a document with guidelines for coding, documentation, translations, etc and make it a requirement to get a PR accepted.

User orders

What do you guys think about adding full list of user orders into user details page?

Installation schema create error


I followed all the steps of installation successfully until command

php sylius/console doctrine:schema:create 

which gives the following error:

Fatal error: Can't inherit abstract function Sylius\Bundle\InventoryBundle\Model\StockableInterface::getSku() (previously declared abstract in Sylius\Bundle\AssortmentBundle\Model\Variant\VariantInterface) in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/delicecook/sylius/vendor/sylius/core-bundle/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Model/VariantInterface.php on line 27

Has anyone encountered that error?
Thank your for your help,

core-web-bundle and sku

Hello, 2 quick questions:

  • aren't the core and web bundle repo not updated anymore? I thought they were supposed to be in their read-only version.
  • where and when is the sku supposed to be added? Why isn't it included in the product/variant form?


SQL : Duplicate entry on finalize step


I've just setup a new project and encountered this issue a the last step, just before the payment :

url : /sylius/web/app_dev.php/checkout/finalize/forward
error :

An exception occurred while executing 'INSERT INTO sylius_order (number, confirmed, items_total, adjustments_total, total, created_at, updated_at, user_id, shipping_address_id, billing_address_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)' with params {"1":"000033","2":1,"3":4148,"4":3454,"5":7602,"6":"2013-05-19 22:17:32","7":"2013-05-19 22:17:32","8":17,"9":101,"10":"102"}:

SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '000033' for key 'UNIQ_6196A1F996901F54'

I've created the project with this command line :

composer create-project sylius/sylius -s dev

Should I made a mistake somewhere ?
Thanks for all

[FrontendMenuBuilder]: Routing problem.

I've got , a small problem with routing. When my MenuBuilder inherits FrontendMenuBuilder class, it tries use routes from my Bundle but they don't work. Working routes are only available form SyliusWebBundle. Is there a re possibility to workaround this ? BR.

user property of order entity not mapped


Why isn't the user property of the order entity mapped in Order.orm.xml. Also I noticed that in the WebBundle, in the views/Backend/Order/show.html.twig, the part related to the user has been commented out (there is of course an error if decommented as the user field does not exist).

Is there any reason for having removed the relation between user and order?


[RFC] Guest Checkout

Goal to give a user choice to have a regular registration to suppose that the user come back in future or a put a quick order with a minimal required (configured) steps.


Using ProductRepository

Hi, I need to add a method to Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Repository\ProductRepository.php which I am calling from my own controller, in order to do an A to Z search

$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getEntityManager();
$productEntities = $em->getRepository('SyliusCoreBundle:Product')->findByFirstLetter($letter);

However, it doesn't find the repository class. It finds the Product entity but not the method in the repository. I've looked in the Product entity and I can't see how it is associated with the repository as there is no ORM repositoryClass annotation like this:

I tried adding it but it gets ignored. Please can someone tell me how the repository class is associated with the entity and how I can add/call methods on it please?


Translation discussion

It's very hard to do translation on global level (though all bundles) atm.
Main reason is difference in formats (eg. Addressing bundle is yml). I'm trying to extend all bundles in my app and create translations, now I can do that and merge them in their respective formats, but wouldn't it be easier if there was a global effort in converting those to one singular format?

Opening discussion as I will be doing development on app based on sylius and am planing on helping wherever I can.

[Enhancement] Customer ID and registration date for users

What about adding a real customer ID (that could be printed on invoices) and a registration date for customers. What do you think about it ?

Maybe the customer ID could be a slug defined with first name and last name, plus a number. For example JANVIJU8975.

Fatal after sylius/console sylius:install --fixtures

After sylius/console sylius:install --fixtures
get an error:
13:32:52 [file+] /home/andrey/sandbox/sylius.loc/sylius/sylius/../web/assets/compiled/backend_backend_3.css
13:32:52 [file+] /home/andrey/sandbox/sylius.loc/sylius/sylius/../web/js/b7d7eda.js
13:32:52 [file+] /home/andrey/sandbox/sylius.loc/sylius/sylius/../web/js/b7d7eda_sylius-property-choices_1.js
Careful, database will be purged. Do you want to continue Y/N ?Y

purging database
loading [1] Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\DataFixtures\ORM\LoadPromotionsData
loading [1] Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\DataFixtures\ORM\LoadCountriesData
PHP Fatal error: Class 'ResourceBundle' not found in /home/andrey/sandbox/sylius.loc/sylius/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Locale/Locale.php on line 51

After going to hyttp://sylius.loc/ got blank page. Turning on errors_reporing in index.php changes nothing.

andrey@z11:~/sandbox/sylius.loc/sylius$ php -v
PHP 5.4.6-1ubuntu1.2 (cli) (built: Mar 11 2013 14:57:54)
Copyright (c) 1997-2012 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.4.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2012 Zend Technologies
with the ionCube PHP Loader v4.2.2, Copyright (c) 2002-2012, by ionCube Ltd.

Data fixture load error

when loading the data fixture i got this error :
PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '[' in /var/www/sylius/vendor/sylius/core-bundle/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/DataFixtures/ORM/LoadProductsData.php on line 276.

i solved it by using :
$productName = explode(' ', $product->getName());
$image = clone $this->getReference(

Error creating database schema

After a fresh installation with "php composer.phar create-project sylius/sylius -s dev", i've created the database with "php app/console doctrine:database:create" and then, when i run the command "php app/console doctrine:schema:create" i've got the error:

[Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\MappingException] It is illegal to put an inverse side one-to-many or many-to-many association on mapped superclass 'Sylius\Bundle\ShippingBundle\Entity\ShippingMethod#rules'.

Doctrine Mapping error

The association Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Entity\Taxon#taxonomy refers to the inverse side field Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Entity\Taxonomy#taxons which does not exist.

The field Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Entity\Taxon#children is on the inverse side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified mappedBy association on the target-entity Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Entity\Taxon#parent does not contain the required 'inversedBy=children' attribute.

[Enhancement] User Interface.

I worked a litlle bit on the Sylius interface, look screen shots below :

Before :

After :

It is only the list of orders but it can be applied to all crud lists, this interface is more compact... With it :

  • All labels of the button are removed, replaced by tooltips.
  • The filters are displayed like magento, we could add a button to reset filters (button with cross on the screen shot).
  • We could add select to choose the number of line that you want to print

Not on the screen shot :

  • Delete action : we could ask to the user if he really wants to do that with a confirmation popin (like a confirm in javascript but we can do it with boostrap).

I think the menu on the left on the left could be removed because it is the same as the top menu, on the small screen it take space for nothing.

What do you think about that?

I still get an error when try to Soft delete order/product etc.

I've noticed that when I use fixtures to load examples from Sylius fixtures , everything seems OK when i delete something, from those data.
But when i add manually an Order or Product and then try to delete it , error still appears with:

An exception occurred while executing 'DELETE FROM sylius_addressing_address WHERE id = ?' with params ["202"]:

SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1451 Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (sylius_dev.sylius_core_cart, CONSTRAINT FK_90C0F3079D0C0E4 FOREIGN KEY (billing_address_id) REFERENCES sylius_addressing_address (id))

Plz. Help thx

Choose File UI overlay Bug

Hi, In the backend, if I try and edit images, and click 'Choose file' nothing happens. If I remove the overlay span node to reveal the html file input below, then this works. I am using Chrome browser on Mac mountain Lion.

[Enhancement] Consider use events for flash message creation

The flash messages are useful for applications with GUI. For REST applications, normally, it doesn't have any usefulness. My suggestion is, once Sylius is modular and event based, extract all flash message and use events for creation. At this point is possible enable and disable flash messages beyond have all in one place, improving the maintainability.

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