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owngarden's Introduction


How does it work ?

Well, it is simple : first you have to plant a sapling (any type you want). Then let it grows or use some bonemeal. When the sapling is ready to become a tree, the plugin replaces the horrible default Minecraft tree by a nice custom schematic. The custom schematic is randomly picked from a list (where you can add, remove or edit available schematics per sapling type).

NOTE : This plugin needs to have WorldEdit installed on your server (it is used to load and past legacy, sponge schematics and NBT structure files).


Your server must be stopped before editing config.yml.

updater true or false Enables Skyupdater.
metrics true or false Enables bStats.
directory directory The root directory of where to pick schematics.
random-rotation true or false Whether schematics should be randomly rotated.
check-height true or false (Experimental) Whether the plugin should check for a floor before pasting a schematic.
remove-worldedit-metadata true or false Whether the plugin should try to edit the schematics and remove all WorldEdit metadata (at startup).
oak list of files Oak trees schematics.
spruce list of files Spruce trees schematics.
birch list of files Birch trees schematics.
jungle list of files Jungle trees schematics.
acacia list of files Acacia trees schematics.
dark-oak list of files Dark oak trees schematics.
brown list of files Huge brown mushrooms schematics.
red list of files Huge red mushrooms schematics.

If you want to disable the plugin for a tree type, just put the blank list [] instead of a list of files.

Commands and permissions

Just one command : /owngarden (or /own-garden) which displays some information about the plugin, the loaded schematics, etc... This command requires the permission owngarden.command.

Bugs, improvements and feature requests

Got a bug ? Have a feature request ? Then post a ticket here !


OwnGarden (concept and logo) comes from an idea of Noxon. Big thanks to him.

A lot of thanks to Eremilion and Murokmakto for their trees schematics.


Development costs time and time is the money of life. Please feel free to donate.

PayPal Button

owngarden's People


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owngarden's Issues

Biome specific

Not a primary thing to work on, but a really nice addition.
Say if you're in a swampland, and you spawn an oak tree, it would spawn a swamp tree instead of the regular one.
Same applies to any biome with differences in trees.

Simple but awesome feature request: Only custom trees if player using bonemeal

Hey Skyost,
I love your Plugin OwnGarden. I was looking for exactly something like this!

I have to small questions:

Is it possible to add also schematic support for 22 Trees, like 22 oak saplings oder jungle saplings?
Something like this would be incredible cool! You could do this by checking on the BlockGrowEvent if there are 3 not jet grown for example oak saplings next to the Block where a tree is growing. For Big Jungle Trees you might have to work differently.

My other question: Is it possible to add a config option like:

# Default 0 Percent
# Set to for example 50 to have a 50 percent chance that an old tree grows
# Set to 100 to disable 1*1 custom tree planting
oldTreePlantingPercentage: 0

So that you can add a percentage that also normal Minecraft trees can grow.

Those chances would be unbelievable cool!
Thank you for your awesome plugin!

Enabled/disabled worlds

Function to disable or enable certain worlds for the custom schematics to work in would be nice.

Permissions for tree growth

I have a request!
On my SMP server, i would love to have this plugin for my donaters, but since we have technically players as well, i want them to have the opportunity to turn on/off the custom tree growth, so they are still able to use their automatic treefarms, by ONLY growing default trees.
Is it possible for you to make an on/off commands for the custom trees? ect. /OG on, and /OG off?

ExoticGarden compatibility

If ExoticGarden is installed, then OwnGarden should check if the sapling isn't from ExoticGarden. If so, do nothing.
This will be awesome.

CVE-2018-10237 Medium Severity Vulnerability detected by WhiteSource

CVE-2018-10237 - Medium Severity Vulnerability

Vulnerable Library - guava-21.0.jar

Guava is a suite of core and expanded libraries that include utility classes, google's collections, io classes, and much much more.

Guava has only one code dependency - javax.annotation,
per the JSR-305 spec.</p>

path: null

Library home page:

Dependency Hierarchy:

  • guava-21.0.jar (Vulnerable Library)

Vulnerability Details

Unbounded memory allocation in Google Guava 11.0 through 24.x before 24.1.1 allows remote attackers to conduct denial of service attacks against servers that depend on this library and deserialize attacker-provided data, because the AtomicDoubleArray class (when serialized with Java serialization) and the CompoundOrdering class (when serialized with GWT serialization) perform eager allocation without appropriate checks on what a client has sent and whether the data size is reasonable.

Publish Date: 2018-04-26

URL: CVE-2018-10237

CVSS 3 Score Details (5.9)

Base Score Metrics:

  • Exploitability Metrics:
    • Attack Vector: Network
    • Attack Complexity: High
    • Privileges Required: None
    • User Interaction: None
    • Scope: Unchanged
  • Impact Metrics:
    • Confidentiality Impact: None
    • Integrity Impact: None
    • Availability Impact: High

For more information on CVSS3 Scores, click here.

Suggested Fix

Type: Upgrade version


Fix Resolution: Red Hat has issued a fix.

The Red Hat advisory is available at:

Step up your Open Source Security Game with WhiteSource here

Can't add new schematics


I've been trying to add new birch schematics and every time I edit the config it completely removes birch from the /owngarden list - including the default ones. I've tried reinstalling the plugin too, but birch still won't show up.

It does not work in 1.13

I get this error when growing a tree, and the schematic does not come out, I'm in 1.13

[19:24:45 ERROR]: Could not pass event StructureGrowEvent to OwnGarden v0.2 org.bukkit.event.EventException: null at$1.execute( ~[spigot-1.13.jar:git-Spigot-fe3ab0d-162bda9] at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent( ~[spigot-1.13.jar:git-Spigot-fe3ab0d-162bda9] at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.fireEvent( ~[spigot-1.13.jar:git-Spigot-fe3ab0d-162bda9] at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent( ~[spigot-1.13.jar:git-Spigot-fe3ab0d-162bda9] at net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R1.ItemStack.placeItem( ~[spigot-1.13.jar:git-Spigot-fe3ab0d-162bda9] at net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R1.PlayerInteractManager.a( ~[spigot-1.13.jar:git-Spigot-fe3ab0d-162bda9] at net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R1.PlayerConnection.a( ~[spigot-1.13.jar:git-Spigot-fe3ab0d-162bda9] at net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R1.PacketPlayInUseItem.a( ~[spigot-1.13.jar:git-Spigot-fe3ab0d-162bda9] at net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R1.PacketPlayInUseItem.a( ~[spigot-1.13.jar:git-Spigot-fe3ab0d-162bda9] at net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R1.PlayerConnectionUtils.a(SourceFile:10) ~[spigot-1.13.jar:git-Spigot-fe3ab0d-162bda9] at java.util.concurrent.Executors$ [?:1.8.0_172] at [?:1.8.0_172] at net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R1.SystemUtils.a(SourceFile:198) [spigot-1.13.jar:git-Spigot-fe3ab0d-162bda9] at net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R1.MinecraftServer.w( [spigot-1.13.jar:git-Spigot-fe3ab0d-162bda9] at net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R1.DedicatedServer.w( [spigot-1.13.jar:git-Spigot-fe3ab0d-162bda9] at net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R1.MinecraftServer.v( [spigot-1.13.jar:git-Spigot-fe3ab0d-162bda9] at [spigot-1.13.jar:git-Spigot-fe3ab0d-162bda9] at [?:1.8.0_172] Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.sk89q.worldedit.extent.clipboard.Clipboard.getDimensions()Lcom/sk89q/worldedit/Vector; at fr.skyost.owngarden.listener.GlobalEvents.growBlock( ~[?:?] at fr.skyost.owngarden.listener.GlobalEvents.onStructureGrow( ~[?:?] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_172] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_172] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_172] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_172] at$1.execute( ~[spigot-1.13.jar:git-Spigot-fe3ab0d-162bda9]

Idea to improve OwnGarden

Hey there,
my Idea is quite simple. Is it possible to add an option that looks a bit like that:

  customTreeOnBonemealOnly: false

If this option is true than custom trees only grow if a player uses bonemeal on them.
I really don't like the default trees but some player really do. Adding this option would give everyone the opportunity to have those kind of trees that players prefer.

How to:
simply add something like this:

onStructureGrowEvent(StructureGrowEvent event){
  // Your code ..
  if (customTreeOnBonemealOnly)
  // Your code ..

This would help me a lot :) Thank you for your plugin.

FAWE support

Hello, im using the plugin FastAsyncWorldedit, but your plugin is not compattible with it. can you make it compattible with FAWE?

disable tree override based on it not being planted in grass

the largest issue in regards to a normal server is people make tree farms to get wood and even sell it. these trees in most cases have far less wood than default and also because they are custom shapes are much harder to cut down basically making tree farms not realistic. I'd like to see a setting where if the sapling is not planted on grass (pretty much what anyone wanting decorative trees would plant on) then assume they want default gen for a tree farm. or vice versa make a config block to use for tree farms like plain dirt, coarse dirt or such.

Block Replacing

I've planted a sapling for ornamental, below ceiling in room. Tree has grown normally but plugin replaced all blocks above sapling with woods.

A few things

Sometimes the trees spawn a few blocks from where you placed them, sometimes trapping you.
2x2 trees, like giant jungle trees don't generate.
the entire tree doesn't come down when destroyed using tree feller plugins.

Custom Trees

This would probably be quite a challenge to complete but I've seen it done before to some degree. I would like to see the ability to assign different arrays of saplings, different tree types. This could be as simple as a 2x2 oak sapling square (I understand something similar was mentioned) or something a bit more complex like a 2x2 of birch and dark oak saplings. This way you could have all of your basic tree types as custom schematics while say adding a cherry blossom as a birch and oak combination or a willow tree as a spruce and dark oak combination. This just opens up more possibilities for the plugin and makes building custom trees so much easier. Whether or not this would be possible to even configure in a config file or even code, I have yet to fully explore myself but I assume the config could look something like:


  • birch-oak/1.schematic
  • birch-oak/2.schematic
  • birch-oak/2.schematic


  • jungle-oak/1.schematic
  • jungle-oak/2.schematic
  • jungle-oak/3.schematic

But that's up to you, it would take a lot of effort to create something like this I assume as it's no longer replacing the natural tree generation. If you think you need help with coding any of it, hit me up, I'm new to plugin creation but I wouldn't mind giving it a whirl. Also, I can provide the default schematics if necessary, just reach out to me.

FAWE support!

Hi! Love this plugin, but I use FAWE instead of WE so it doesn't work :(

Can you add FAWE support?

I'll donate :)

Choose when small or big tree grows

Hello again !

Another things could be very usefull is about chosing if it's a small or big tree which is about to grow.
As with vanilla minecraft, we can chose if the tree is a small one (with a unique sapling) or a big one (with 4 sapling). It could be great to distinct small and big trees somewhere in config file for exemple and the plugins willcheck if this is only one sapling which is about to grow or 4.

Thanks a lot for your plugin o/


I'd really like to use custom mushrooms on my server, because the default ones are very lame.

How the leaves decay?

Hi Skyost,

First thanks for your incredible plugin !

I have a question and maybe a suggestion:

How the leaves decay works with Owngarden? On my server, the leaves came from a tree born with Owngarden, the leaves didn't decay.

On your bukkit's project I saw this comment :

If you are using the schematica mod to save the schematics, the leaves will act as exported so if you set the leaves to non-decay values which you could find on sites like gamepedia, they will not decay. Otherwise if you do not take this step, the leaves will behave like normal and decay based on the logs nearby.

Unfortunately I'm not sure to understand, Owngarden's trees leaves are able to decay? If we use defaults Owgarden's trees or our own custom trees (from worldedit schematics), is it work?

Thanks !

Unknown block when pasting schematic

26.09 18:14:37 [Server] INFO Enabled OwnGarden v0.2.1 by Skyost !
26.09 18:14:37 [Server] INFO They are not going to be used by the plugin. Please fix them and restart your server.
26.09 18:14:37 [Server] INFO spruce/WhitePineLarge5.schematic
26.09 18:14:37 [Server] INFO spruce/PineLarge5.schematic
26.09 18:14:37 [Server] INFO spruce/2PineLarge5.schematic
26.09 18:14:37 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:4. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:37 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:12. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:37 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:12. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:37 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:4. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:37 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:7. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:37 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:13. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:37 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:13. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:37 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:6. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:37 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:5. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:37 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:15. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:37 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:13. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:37 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:7. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:37 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:5. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:37 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:14. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:37 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:13. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:37 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:15. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:37 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:7. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:37 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:14. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:37 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:13. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:37 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:15. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:37 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:6. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:37 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:7. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:36 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:12. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:36 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:5. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:36 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:13. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:36 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:12. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:36 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:5. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:36 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:8. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:36 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:1. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:36 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:12. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:36 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:5. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:36 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:1. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:36 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:9. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:36 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:13. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:36 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:12. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:36 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:5. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:36 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:13. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:36 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:13. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:36 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:5. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:36 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:15. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:36 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:15. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:36 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:13. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:36 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:15. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:36 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:15. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:36 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:13. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:36 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:15. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:36 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:4. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:36 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:8. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:36 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:13. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:36 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:15. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:36 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:14. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:36 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:12. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:36 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:3. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:36 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:1. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:36 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:14. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:36 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:5. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:36 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:4. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:36 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:13. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:36 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:11. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:36 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:8. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:36 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:9. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:36 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:10. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:36 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:12. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:36 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:4. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:36 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:8. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:36 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:10. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:36 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:9. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:36 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:11. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:36 [Server] WARN Unknown block when pasting schematic: 0:12. Please report this issue.
26.09 18:14:36 [Server] INFO Testing schematics...
26.09 18:14:36 [Server] INFO Configuration loaded !
26.09 18:14:36 [Server] INFO Loading the configuration...
26.09 18:14:36 [Server] INFO Enabling OwnGarden v0.2.1

Another Idea

I was wondering if you could make per-world configurations for the trees. I use multiverse in my server and would like to set each world to have their own trees, this isn't pressing for me but while you're at it, I figured I'd make this suggestion.


a option so when a tree grows it will only occupy the blocks that hasnt been occupied this will prevent blocks from being broken cause of trees

1.12 compatibility

Hey! i just find your plugin and it looks very good. This is just what i need. But i have a server with 1.12.2 version :/ Can you do the compatibility?


compatible with Fast Async WorldEdit

add command

can u plss add a command like the /tree command in worldedit. it makes it mutch easier!

[enhancement] different trigger event to keep vanilla trees

Hi, love the idea of custom trees and our server would love it but the loss of normal vanilla trees is a concern. Maybe there is already an option to it but I would suggest to have a alternative triggers. Here are some that I just made up on the fly.

  • check for nametag on used items
    Could be either to name the saplings to something specific, though I don't know if saplings lose that data when placed or to generate custom trees one could use named bonemeal e.g 'fertilizer'

  • use another item to fertilize instead of bonemeal

  • check for player sneaking whilst bonemealing

Need little help.

I am using FAWE WorldEdit on my server. Does OwnGarden support this type of WE? Because OwnGarden isn´t working on my server...

Verify on which world OwnGarden can run

Hello !

It could be very usefull to choose in which world we allow OwnGarden to change trees.
For example, there is 2 maps. One map for RolePlay where OwnGarden run for trees and another map for collecting ressources where OwnGarden doesn't run.
It could be not so hard by verifying a list of world (in the config file) where we allow the plugin to run when a tree will grow :)

Fences and leaves don't get removed?


This plugin is wonderful, but I have some suggestions. When using a tree-feller plugin (in this case a Craftbook feature), my players express to me that the whole tree does not come down. With minecraft generated trees, there is not an issue. However its only with the special OwnGarden trees that the whole tree doesn't come down. This would include some of the wood, fences present in the trees design, and the leaves. Will there be a feature to enable a tree-feller plugin to cut down the entire tree, including the special parts?


Could not pass event StructureGrowEvent to OwnGarden v0.2 org.bukkit.event.EventException: null

[12:41:15 ERROR]: Could not pass event StructureGrowEvent to OwnGarden v0.2
org.bukkit.event.EventException: null
at$1.execute( ~[spigot-latest.jar:git-Spigot-a1ba5fe-3359cb1]
at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent( ~[spigot-latest.jar:git-Spigot-a1ba5fe-3359cb1]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.fireEvent( [spigot-latest.jar:git-Spigot-a1ba5fe-3359cb1]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent( [spigot-latest.jar:git-Spigot-a1ba5fe-3359cb1]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R2.BlockSapling.a( [spigot-latest.jar:git-Spigot-a1ba5fe-3359cb1]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R2.Block.b( [spigot-latest.jar:git-Spigot-a1ba5fe-3359cb1]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R2.IBlockData.b(SourceFile:265) [spigot-latest.jar:git-Spigot-a1ba5fe-3359cb1]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R2.WorldServer.n_( [spigot-latest.jar:git-Spigot-a1ba5fe-3359cb1]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R2.WorldServer.doTick( [spigot-latest.jar:git-Spigot-a1ba5fe-3359cb1]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R2.MinecraftServer.b( [spigot-latest.jar:git-Spigot-a1ba5fe-3359cb1]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R2.DedicatedServer.b( [spigot-latest.jar:git-Spigot-a1ba5fe-3359cb1]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R2.MinecraftServer.a( [spigot-latest.jar:git-Spigot-a1ba5fe-3359cb1]
at [spigot-latest.jar:git-Spigot-a1ba5fe-3359cb1]
at [?:?]
Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.sk89q.worldedit.extent.clipboard.Clipboard.getDimensions()Lcom/sk89q/worldedit/Vector;
at fr.skyost.owngarden.listener.GlobalEvents.growBlock( ~[?:?]
at fr.skyost.owngarden.listener.GlobalEvents.onStructureGrow( ~[?:?]
at jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:?]
at jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:?]
at jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:?]
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:?]
at$1.execute( ~[spigot-latest.jar:git-Spigot-a1ba5fe-3359cb1]
... 13 more

Can you help me ? Thanks
Discord : Angelt9Dev#0001

Tree random rotation

I am playing in minecraft 1.16.5 and for some reason the trees dont randomly rotate. Its always the same direction and yes i have it turned on in the config.

small issue and big ideas

My issue:
when the schematics origin is an air block rather than a log, the sapling stays in place. It would be really nice to see the sapling removed when it grows regardless of the schematic being placed!

My Ideas:

  1. You could add biome dependent trees. For example, I would personally make jungle trees grow into a palm tree in a beach biome and regular jungle trees in the jungle biome. (and obviously, default to jungle if a biome isn't specified)
  2. You could also make certain trees rarer than others. Or maybe a "strong sapling" of somesort? This would be really cool to add because I like the idea of players being able to grow MASSIVE trees, but not everyone will want to just for a tree farm. So either added an optional rarity value or special way of growing different (presumably bigger/unique, depending on settings) trees would be really cool.

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  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

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    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.