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pacopy provides various algorithms of numerical parameter continuation for ODEs and PDEs in Python.

pacopy is backend-agnostic, so it doesn't matter if your problem is formulated with NumPy, SciPy, FEniCS, pyfvm, or any other Python package. The only thing the user must provide is a class with some simple methods, e.g., a function evaluation f(u, lmbda), a Jacobian a solver jacobian_solver(u, lmbda, rhs) etc.

Install with

pip install pacopy

To get started, take a look at the examples below.

Some pacopy documentation is available here.


Basic scalar example

Let's start off with a problem where the solution space is scalar. We try to solve sin(x) - lambda for different values of lambda, starting at 0.

import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pacopy

class SimpleScalarProblem:
    def inner(self, a, b):
        """The inner product in the problem domain. For scalars, this is just a
        return a * b

    def norm2_r(self, a):
        """The norm in the range space; used to determine if a solution has been found."""
        return a**2

    def f(self, u, lmbda):
        """The evaluation of the function to be solved"""
        return math.sin(u) - lmbda

    def df_dlmbda(self, u, lmbda):
        """The function's derivative with respect to the parameter. Used in Euler-Newton
        return -1.0

    def jacobian_solver(self, u, lmbda, rhs):
        """A solver for the Jacobian problem. For scalars, this is just a division."""
        return rhs / math.cos(u)

problem = SimpleScalarProblem()

lmbda_list = []
values_list = []

def callback(k, lmbda, sol):
    # Use the callback for plotting, writing data to files etc.


# plot solution
plt.plot(values_list, lmbda_list, ".-")

Simple 2D problem

A similarly simple example with two unknowns and a parameter. The inner product and Jacobian solver are getting more interesting.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pacopy
import scipy
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

class SimpleProblem2D:
    def inner(self, a, b):
        return, b)

    def norm2_r(self, a):
        return, a)

    def f(self, u, lmbda):
        return np.array(
                np.sin(u[0]) - lmbda - u[1] ** 2,
                np.cos(u[1]) * u[1] - lmbda,

    def df_dlmbda(self, u, lmbda):
        return -np.ones_like(u)

    def jacobian_solver(self, u, lmbda, rhs):
        A = np.array(
                [np.cos(u[0]), -2 * u[1]],
                [0.0, np.cos(u[1]) - np.sin(u[1]) * u[1]],
        return np.linalg.solve(A, rhs)

problem = SimpleProblem2D()
# Initial guess and initial parameter value
u0 = np.zeros(2)
lmbda0 = 0.0

# Init lists
lmbda_list = []
values_list = []

def callback(k, lmbda, sol):

pacopy.euler_newton(problem, u0, lmbda0, callback, max_steps=50, newton_tol=1.0e-10)

# plot solution
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection="3d")
ax.plot(*np.array(values_list).T, lmbda_list, ".-")
plt.savefig("simple2d.svg", transparent=True, bbox_inches="tight")


Let's deal with an actual PDE, the classical Bratu problem in 1D with Dirichlet boundary conditions. Now, the solution space isn't scalar, but a vector of length n (the values of the solution at given points on the 1D interval). We now need numpy and scipy, the inner product and Jacobian solver are more complicated.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pacopy
import scipy.sparse
import scipy.sparse.linalg

# This is the classical finite-difference approximation
class Bratu1d:
    def __init__(self, n):
        self.n = n
        h = 1.0 / (self.n - 1)

        self.H = np.full(self.n, h)
        self.H[0] = h / 2
        self.H[-1] = h / 2

        self.A = (
            scipy.sparse.diags([-1.0, 2.0, -1.0], [-1, 0, 1], shape=(self.n, self.n))
            / h**2

    def inner(self, a, b):
        """The inner product of the problem. Can be, b), but factoring in
        the mesh width stays true to the PDE.
        return, self.H * b)

    def norm2_r(self, a):
        """The norm in the range space; used to determine if a solution has been found."""
        return, a)

    def f(self, u, lmbda):
        """The evaluation of the function to be solved"""
        out = - lmbda * np.exp(u)
        out[0] = u[0]
        out[-1] = u[-1]
        return out

    def df_dlmbda(self, u, lmbda):
        """The function's derivative with respect to the parameter. Used in Euler-Newton
        out = -np.exp(u)
        out[0] = 0.0
        out[-1] = 0.0
        return out

    def jacobian_solver(self, u, lmbda, rhs):
        """A solver for the Jacobian problem."""
        M = self.A.copy()
        d = M.diagonal().copy()
        d -= lmbda * np.exp(u)
        # Dirichlet conditions[0][self.n - 2] = 0.0[1][0] = 1.0[1][self.n - 1] = 1.0[2][1] = 0.0
        return scipy.sparse.linalg.spsolve(M.tocsr(), rhs)

problem = Bratu1d(51)
# Initial guess and parameter value
u0 = np.zeros(problem.n)
lmbda0 = 0.0

lmbda_list = []
values_list = []

def callback(k, lmbda, sol):
    # Use the callback for plotting, writing data to files etc.
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)

    # use the norm of the currentsolution for plotting on the y-axis
    values_list.append(np.sqrt(problem.inner(sol, sol)))

    ax1.plot(lmbda_list, values_list, "-x", color="C0")
    ax1.set_xlim(0.0, 4.0)
    ax1.set_ylim(0.0, 6.0)

# Natural parameter continuation
# pacopy.natural(problem, u0, lmbda0, callback, max_steps=100)

    problem, u0, lmbda0, callback, max_steps=500, max_num_retries=10, newton_tol=1.0e-10



The Ginzburg-Landau equations model the behavior of extreme type-II superconductors under a magnetic field. The above example (to be found in full detail here) shows parameter continuation in the strength of the magnetic field. The plot on the right-hand side shows the complex-valued solution using cplot.

pacopy's People


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pacopy's Issues

readme dump

This thread is for storing videos to be used in the readme.

Add very simple examples for beginners


thank you for this great module! I think the included examples are fairly complicated, wouldn't it be nice to have some very simple examples? In my opinion a simple sin(u)-lmbda would be enough to show the "curve following process" of the given equilibrium equation(s).

My suggestion would be something like:

#from autograd import numpy
#import autograd
import numpy
import scipy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import pacopy

class SimpleProblem1D:
    def __init__(self):
        self.n = 1

    def inner(self, a, b):
        """The inner product of the problem. Can be, b), but factoring in
        the mesh width stays true to the PDE.
        return, b)

    def norm2_r(self, a):
        """The norm in the range space; used to determine if a solution has been found."""
        return, a)

    def f(self, u, lmbda):
        """The evaluation of the function to be solved"""
        out = numpy.sin(u) - lmbda
        return out

    def df_dlmbda(self, u, lmbda):
        """The function's derivative with respect to the parameter. Used in Euler-Newton
        out = -numpy.ones_like(u)
        return out

    def jacobian_solver(self, u, lmbda, rhs):
        """A solver for the Jacobian problem."""
        #df_du = autograd.jacobian(self.f)(u, lmbda)
        df_du = numpy.array([numpy.cos(u)])
        return numpy.linalg.solve(df_du, rhs)
problem = SimpleProblem1D()
# Initial guess
u0 = numpy.zeros(problem.n)
# Initial parameter value
lmbda0 = 0.0

# Init lists
lmbda_list = []
values_list = []

def callback(k, lmbda, sol):
    # Use the callback for plotting, writing data to files etc.

pacopy.euler_newton(problem, u0, lmbda0, callback, max_steps=20, newton_tol=1.0e-10)

# plot solution
fig = plt.figure()
data = numpy.hstack((numpy.array(values_list),

Best regards,

This version of pacopy is outdated. Please upgrade.

I get this error even though I download with latest pip not sure what is going on.
Successfully installed markdown-it-py-3.0.0 mdurl-0.1.2 pacopy-0.2.7

pacopy-0.2.7 is the same one available on the main page of this repo at the moment


I'm getting this broadcasting error for the shapes and having trouble sourcing the error.... any idea? Thanks!

ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with remapped shapes [original->remapped]: (3,19602,3)->(3,19602,3) (3,19602,2)->(3,19602,2)"

This is the error that is returned when code is run:

  # test_f_i_psi()
   # test_df_dlmbda()
--->      test_ginzburg_landau(max_steps=100, n=100)
   # plot_data()'''

<ipython-input-1-cd6944349cb4> in test_ginzburg_landau(max_steps, n)'''
   302         #     newton_tol=1.0e-10,
   303         # )
--> 304         pacopy.euler_newton(
   305             problem,
   306             u0,

~/opt/anaconda3/envs/fenicsproject/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pacopy/ in euler_newton(problem, u0, lmbda0, callback, max_steps, verbose, newton_tol, max_newton_steps, predictor_variant, corrector_variant, stepsize0, stepsize_max, stepsize_aggressiveness, cos_alpha_min, theta0, adaptive_theta, converge_onto_zero_eigenvalue)'''
   140     k = 0
   141     try:
--> 142         u, _ = newton(
   143             lambda u: problem.f(u, lmbda),
   144             lambda u, rhs: problem.jacobian_solver(u, lmbda, rhs),

~/opt/anaconda3/envs/fenicsproject/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pacopy/ in newton(f, jacobian_solver, norm2, u0, tol, max_iter, verbose)'''
     9     u = u0
---> 11     fu = f(u)
    12     nrm = math.sqrt(norm2(fu))
    13     if verbose:

~/opt/anaconda3/envs/fenicsproject/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pacopy/ in <lambda>(u)'''
   141     try:
   142         u, _ = newton(
--> 143             lambda u: problem.f(u, lmbda),
   144             lambda u, rhs: problem.jacobian_solver(u, lmbda, rhs),
   145             problem.norm2_r,

<ipython-input-1-cd6944349cb4> in f(self, psi, mu)'''
    99     def f(self, psi, mu):
--> 100         keo = pyfvm.get_fvm_matrix(self.mesh, edge_kernels=[Energy(mu)])
   101         cv = self.mesh.control_volumes
   102         out = (keo * psi) / cv + (self.V + self.g * numpy.abs(psi) ** 2) * psi

~/opt/anaconda3/envs/fenicsproject/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pyfvm/ in get_fvm_matrix(mesh, edge_kernels, vertex_kernels, face_kernels, dirichlets)'''
    11     dirichlets = [] if dirichlets is None else dirichlets
---> 13     V, I, J = _get_VIJ(mesh, edge_kernels, vertex_kernels, face_kernels)
    15     # One unknown per vertex

~/opt/anaconda3/envs/fenicsproject/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pyfvm/ in _get_VIJ(mesh, edge_kernels, vertex_kernels, face_kernels)'''
    44             cell_mask = mesh.get_cell_mask(subdomain)
---> 46             v_matrix = edge_kernel.eval(mesh, cell_mask)
    48             V.append(v_matrix[0, 0].flatten())

<ipython-input-1-cd6944349cb4> in eval(self, mesh, cell_mask)'''
    35         # The dot product <magnetic_potential, edge>, executed for many
    36         # points at once; cf. <>.
---> 37         beta = numpy.einsum("...k,...k->...", magnetic_potential, edge)
    39         return numpy.array( <__array_function__ internals> in einsum(*args, **kwargs)

~/opt/anaconda3/envs/fenicsproject/lib/python3.8/site-packages/numpy/core/ in einsum(out, optimize, *operands, **kwargs)'''
  1348         if specified_out:
  1349             kwargs['out'] = out
-> 1350         return c_einsum(*operands, **kwargs)
  1352     # Check the kwargs to avoid a more cryptic error later, without having to

ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with remapped shapes [original->remapped]: (3,19602,3)->(3,19602,3) (3,19602,2)->(3,19602,2) 

version bump for pacopy.natural.milestones

pacopy.natural.milestones #5 is working nicely but I just realized that it's not yet available with pip install pacopy which is still at v. 0.1.0.

I'd submit a PR but I'm not sure whether it would mean 0.1.1 or 0.2.0.

default maximum parameter stepsize

The default maximum parameter stepsize is finite

and small, depending on the system. A couple of times I have forgotten this and removed the explicit setting, hoping for a faster run through the milestones #6 (Δλ ~ 10², in the example given there, kinnala/scikit-fem#145), only to have it tiptoe at Δλ = 1.

What about defaulting to no limit as for


(Otherwise, pacopy.natural is proving very useful for stationary Navier–Stokes work.)


Would it be useful to add an optional argument to natural and euler_newton to force solution at certain values of λ ?

It's easy enough now to reproduce, as in test/, most of the left plot in figure 1.1 of ‘Deflation techniques…’ (Farrell, Birkisson, & Funke), but not the blue or red cross at λ = 2 or the right plot with the corresponding solutions u (x; λ = 2).

scipy.integrate.solve_ivp has a couple of related features:

  • t_eval: ‘Times at which to store the computed solution’
  • events: ‘defined by a continuous function of time and state that becomes zero value in case of an event’

I envisage something like replacing


milestone = next(milestones)
while ...:
    lmbda_next = lmbda + lmbda_stepsize
    if milestone < lmbda_next:
        lmbda = milestone
        milestone = next(milestones)
        lmbda = lmbda_next

plus handing:

  • lmbda_stepsize might be negative
  • milestones might be empty

The motivation is a steady Navier–Stokes solver for which the solutions are desired at certain Reynolds numbers.

no code in main branch

I'm wondering why there is no code in the main branch?
If I'd like to use pacopy shall I consider using branch-switching instead


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