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el-igo's Introduction

el-igo - Emacs Go Game (SGF) Editor

It displays the Go board and edits the game record (SGF format) in Emacs.

Emacs Environment

  • Emacs 27.1-30.06
  • Org-mode 9.7.5

use it in org-mode (igo-org.el)


  1. Put code inside init path. Then:
    (with-eval-after-load "org"
      (require 'igo-org)
  2. Use use-package
    (use-package igo-org
        :after org
        :vc (:url


Insert igo special block in a org-mode file:


Inside the block, you can create or edit SGF file for a Go game.

igo block options

special header args can be used following #+begin_igo.

For example, the following will display the step number on the stones when the block is boarded (e.g., when the org file is opened).

#+begin_igo :move-number t

Valid options include:

header argsmeaningvalue
:status-barStatus bar display stateHidden when nil or no
:move-numberDisplay state of step numberHidden when nil or no
:branch-textDisplay state of branch text (A, B, …)Hidden when nil or no
:editableEditableNot editable if nil or no
:read-onlyEditing prohibited (opposite of :editable)Editing possible when nil or no
:pathThe board (node) to display initiallyThe path to reach the board (see below)
:displayDisplay method when exportingValue indicating the display method (see below)
:grid-intervalGrid intervalNumber of pixels (default is igo-board-view-grid-interval-default)

Or you can set the default value of an option in the file by writing in the file. (Note: Currently, you need to reopen the file when you change it.)


#+IGO_BLOCK_DEFAULTS: :grid-interval 24 :move-number t

How to specify :path

The :path option specifies the initial board (game tree node) to display.

A path (a route to a board state) is a sequence of the following elements, and the final board state is selected by tracing the board states specified by each element in order from the initial board state (route).

NumberThe state after the current state specified by the number (if there are intermediate branches, select the first branch (A)) (if there are no intermediate branches, select the final state)
-numberThe previous board state specified by the number from the current board state (if not specified, the first board state)
Two letters of the alphabetConsider it as SGF coordinates, and place it at that location. The board state closest to the current board state (breadth-first search)
One capital alphabet characterThe first branch destination (A:0, B:1, …) after the current board state is specified, and the board state immediately after that branch
_ (underscore)The first board state with a branch after the current board state (the last board state if there are no branches)


  • 0 : First board
  • 12: The 12th move from the beginning
  • cd : First move to 3 of 4
  • cc/fc: The first move to the upper left triple (cc), followed by the first move to the two spaces (fc)
  • cc/2 : 2nd move after the first move
  • A/B/A: The board with the branches selected in the order A, B, A.
  • _ : First branch (if not, the final board state)
  • _/-1: One before the first branch (if there is none, the final board state)

Edit SGF file with igo-sgf-mode.el

Add the following code to your emacs config:

(autoload 'igo-sgf-mode "igo-sgf-mode")
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.sgf$" . igo-sgf-mode))

When you open an SGF file, the board will automatically be displayed.

Note: SGF files can also represent other games besides Go, such as Othello, chess, backgammon, etc. If you handle them, you need to make sure that igo-sgf-mode is not started when the GM property is not 1 (not yet implemented).

Make any part of the buffer the game board with igo-editor.el

If you enclose any SGF text in a region and then run M-x igo-edit-region, that region will become an editor.

Both igo-sgf-mode.el and igo-org.el are implemented using igo-editor.el. igo-sgf-mode.el automatically converts the entire buffer into an editor, while igo-org.el automatically converts the region between #+begin_igo and #+end_igo into an editor.

How to use the editor


The editor has the following main modes:

  • Text mode
  • Fixed mode (remains text even if the error is gone)
  • Auto-recovery mode (automatically switches to graphical mode when no errors are detected)

Key bindings

Text mode

C-c qQuit editorigo-editor-quit
C-c gSwitch to graphical modeigo-editor-graphical-mode
C-c iInitialize boardigo-editor-init-board

Common to all graphical modes

C-c gGo to text modeigo-editor-text-mode
C-x c-qToggle editable stateigo-editor-toggle-editable
a, |< button clickGo to the beginningigo-editor-first-node
e, >| button clickGo to the end (as far as you can reach with default selection)igo-editor-last-node
b, < button clickPreviousigo-editor-previous-node
f, > button clickNext (if default selection is available)igo-editor-next-node
M-bPrevious forkigo-editor-previous-fork
M-fNext forkigo-editor-next-fork
nSelect the next board state from the branch and display itigo-editor-select-next-node
QMove modeigo-editor-move-mode
FFree edit modeigo-editor-free-edit-mode
MMark edit modeigo-editor-mark-edit-mode
s sToggle status bar displayigo-editor-toggle-status-bar
s nToggle step number displayigo-editor-toggle-move-number
s bToggle the display of next moveigo-editor-toggle-branch-text
cEdit commentigo-editor-edit-comment
NEdit step numberigo-editor-edit-move-number
gEdit game infoigo-editor-edit-game-info
x iSVG image output of the board surfaceigo-editor-export-image
C-c iInitialize boardigo-editor-init-board

Move Mode

P, click Pass buttonPassigo-editor-pass
pput stoneigo-editor-put-stone
Click on the boardPlace a stoneigo-editor-move-mode-board-click
Right click on Pass buttonDisplay menu for “Pass”igo-editor-pass-click-r
Right-click on the boardDisplay menu for intersections (stones and empty points)igo-editor-move-mode-board-click-r
\dollarMake current node rootigo-editor-make-current-node-root

Free edit mode

(Currently, it can only be used on the first board)

Click Quit buttonSwitch to move modeigo-editor-move-mode
pSet intersection point to selected stateigo-editor-free-edit-put
Click on the boardSelect the intersectionigo-editor-free-edit-board-down
B, Click Black buttonSelect black stoneigo-editor-free-edit-black
W, White button clickSelect white stoneigo-editor-free-edit-white
E, Click Empty buttonSelect empty pointigo-editor-free-edit-empty
T, Click Turn buttonReverse next turnigo-editor-free-edit-toggle-turn

Mark Edit Mode

Click Quit buttonSwitch to move modeigo-editor-move-mode
pSet intersection point as selectedigo-editor-mark-edit-put
Click on the boardMark the intersection as selectedigo-editor-mark-edit-board-down
X, X button clickSelect with ╳ markigo-editor-mark-edit-cross
Click O, O buttonSelect with ○ markigo-editor-mark-edit-circle
Click S, SQ buttonSelect with □ markigo-editor-mark-edit-square
Click T, TR buttonSelect with △ markigo-editor-mark-edit-triangle
E, Click Text buttonSelect with textigo-editor-mark-edit-text
D, click Del buttonDelete the select nodeigo-editor-mark-edit-del

Editing a branch

If you go back and hit a different place, a branch will be created automatically. The editor keeps track of all the branches in a tree structure.

Branches are displayed with an alphabet starting with A on the board just before the branch.

Left-click on the alphabet that indicates a branching point to proceed to that branch.

The “Next” button will proceed to the last selected branch, but you must explicitly select it if it is not already selected.

If you want to delete a branch or change the (alphabetical) order of the branches, right-click on the alphabet. A pop-up menu will appear with options for what to do with the branch.

Export HTML in org-mode


If you have embedded a game record in an org-mode document, you will probably want the game board to be displayed in the exported document. Here we explain how to output the game board when exporting to HTML.

How to process using only standard org-mode functions

The standard HTML backend outputs special blocks enclosed in div tags. Since #+begin_igo to #+end_igo are also special blocks, when output in HTML they are output in the form <div class="igo"><p> SGF text </p></div>.

If you want to display it in the shape of a board, it is a good idea to convert it all at once using JavaScript when the page has finished loading.

For example, if you want to use my JavaScript Go board, download igo.js, igo_view.js, and igo.css from misohena/js_igo: JavaScript Go Game Board and do the following.

#+HTML_HEAD: <script src="igo.js"></script>
#+HTML_HEAD: <script src="igo_view.js"></script>
#+HTML_HEAD: <link rel="stylesheet" href="igo.css" />
#+HTML_HEAD: <script>window.addEventListener("load", ev=>{ for(elem of document.querySelectorAll("div.igo")){ let sgf = elem.textContent; while(elem.hasChildNodes() ){elem.removeChild(elem.firstChild);} new igo.GameView(elem, sgf, {"showBranchText": true, "showLastMoveMark": true, "showComment": true, "path":1000}); }} );</script>

They just got two stars from each other.


Customizing the exporter

There is also a way to change the output (conversion result) of the igo special block itself.

To change the output of igo special blocks, you need to customize the org-mode exporter. There are three ways to do this:

  • Modify an existing HTML backend
  • Define a new backend that is derived from the HTML backend
  • Overwrite buffer local variables

Modifying an existing HTML backend

The easiest way to do this is to modify an existing HTML backend, so once you’ve set it up you don’t have to configure it for each file, and you can export as you normally would.

Add the following code to your emacs config:

(with-eval-after-load "ox-html"
  (require 'igo-org-export-html)

Then, immediately after the org-mode HTML backend is loaded, it is rewritten to handle the igo special blocks (the #+begin_igo to #+end_igo parts) specially.

By default, it outputs HTML that uses my own JavaScript Go board, so download igo.js, igo_view.js, and igo.css from misohena/js_igo: JavaScript Go Game Board and place them in the same location as the html.

Now just export it as HTML as you normally would.

Define a new backend that derives from the HTML backend

If for some reason you don’t want to modify the HTML backend directly, you can define a new custom backend.

The following code will register a backend named igo-html.

(require 'igo-org-export-html)
(igo-org-define-html-backend t)

Specifying t as an argument to igo-org-define-html-backend will add an item to the menu.

After bringing up the export menu with Cc Ce, you can specify this backend by pressing g.

Setting filters for individual files

You can change the conversion process by setting buffer-local variables for each file without customizing the backend.

To use this method, add the following code to your org-mode document:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports results :results none
(require 'igo-org-export-html)

Specifying :exports results causes the source block to be evaluated each time an export is made, and specifying :results none suppresses the output of the results.

Then export it as HTML as usual.

By default, org-mode will ask you whether you want to evaluate the source block every time you export, so enter yes.

This sets a conversion filter in the buffer local variable, which converts the igo special blocks in a special way.


When converting using igo-org-export-html.el the following options are available:

OptionMeaningDefault Value
#+IGO_JS_PATH: <path-to-directory>Path to the directory containing the scriptValue of igo-org-js-path (./)
#+IGO_JS_TEMPLATE: <header-template>Text template to insert into HTML HEAD (when display is js)Value of igo-org-js-template
#+IGO_LAZY_JS_TEMPLATE: <block-template>Template for text to insert into igo special blocks (when display is lazy-js)Value of igo-org-lazy-js-template
#+IGO_HEADER_TEMPLATE: <header-template>Template of text to insert into HTML HEAD (when display is custom)Value of igo-org-header-template
#+IGO_BLOCK_TEMPLATE: <block-template>Template for text to insert into igo special blocks (when display is custom)Value of igo-org-block-template
#+IGO_ENABLE: <boolean>Whether to convert igo special blockst
#+IGO_DISPLAY: <display-type>How to convert igo special blocksjs

You can suppress all conversions in the file by specifying #+IGO_ENABLE: nil.

#+IGO_DISPLAY: can be one of the following:

<display-type>Display method
noconvDo not convert (remain SGF text)
jsJavaScript Goboard by js_igo
lazy-jsJavaScript Go board by js_igo (lazy loading type, does not insert scripts in <head></head>)
svgEmbed SVG image

The display method can also be specified for each block in the form #+begin_igo :display <display-type>.


#+IGO_JS_PATH: ./js_igo/

#+begin_igo :move-number t :path A/A/B
....Omitted (SVG view)...

#+begin_igo :read-only t :move-number t :path 5 :display js
....Omitted (displayed by js_igo)...

Depending on the display method, you can specify a template string.

The optional <header-template> is a template for the text to be inserted into the HTML HEAD element. If a block with the display method js exists, the template specified by the #+IGO_JS_TEMPLATE: option will be used. If a block with the display method custom exists, the template specified by the #+IGO_HEADER_TEMPLATE: option will also be used.

The following syntax can be used within <header-template>.

% <var-name> %Replace with
%PATH%#+IGO_JS_PATH: option value

The optional <block-template> is the template for the text to be inserted into the igo special block. For blocks with lazy-js display style, the template specified by the #+IGO_LAZY_JS_TEMPLATE: option will be used. For blocks with custom display style, the template specified by the #+IGO_BLOCK_TEMPLATE: option will be used.

The following syntax can be used within <header-template>.

% <var-name> %Replace with
%PATH%#+IGO_JS_PATH: option value
%SGF%SGF text
%OPT_JSON%Options for js_igo
%SVG%SVG version of the board

You can also escape some characters within the text by specifying one of the following after the %:

NotationCharacter to replaceCharacter to replace
%HTML_<var-name>%& < >& < >
%ATTR_<var-name>%& < > ”& < > ”
%LITERAL_<var-name>%\ ” line break <!– <script </script\ " \n <\!– <\script <\/script

In other words, use %ATTR_ when writing inside an HTML attribute, %HTML_ when writing inside the HTML content, and %LITERAL_ when writing inside a JavaScript string literal. For example, if you want to convert an SGF into a JavaScript string and parse it, write it as follows: parseSGF("%LITERAL_SGF%").

el-igo's People


misohena avatar rnaer avatar

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