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Maintaining Hook list referential

A complete referential of hook and informations on each hook is located in modules/concepts/hooks/list-of-hooks/.

This referential can be generated with a script, crawling all:

  • PrestaShop (core) codebase
  • all native modules
  • all native themes

In the documentation, a hook is described in yaml format:

Title: string #name of the hook
hidden: boolean[true] #must be true
hookTitle: string #title for the description
description: string #description sentence
origin: string #core, module or theme
        theme: string #theme name only if origin=theme
        module: string #module name only if origin=module
        url: string #url of the file on github
        file: string #path of the file
    - string #back office, front office or both
type: string #action or display
    - string #old hook name or alias
array_return: boolean #true or false if the hook has an `$array_return` parameter set to `true`
check_exceptions: boolean #true or false if the hook has a `$check_exceptions` parameter set to `false`
chain: boolean #true or false if the hook has a `$chain` parameter set to `true` 

This YAML structure enables the shortcode hookDescriptor to generate an HTML page with condensed information for documentation, and allows the search script to search within this metadata.

Next, add the shortcode in the page's content:

{{% hookDescriptor %}}

Finally, if available, add a section with a code example and parameters details:

## Parameters details

## Call of the Hook in the origin file

docs's People


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docs's Issues

Using category variable in files tpl in Prestashop 1.7

I need the category name appears in product page. I try to find the variable in the code of ps_categorytree.tpl and I guess that's it: {$}. I paste this variable in product.tpl but it doesn't work. Can you help me? Thanks a lot

Add dev documentation about PrestaShopCollection/ObjectModel

As third party module developers, it is useful to be given context for learning how the inner workings of the core function.

As a developer, I tend to look inside classes for method that I might need. When I can't find how to do something, I look online, but with PrestaShop there just isn't much there.

There are two key examples: as mentioned in #24 there are important things to know about ObjectModel, but without a comprehensive and time consuming learning of the whole system, it's not easy to reason about. A contextual explanation would go a long way to educate developers.

Another one that is very important is PrestaShopCollection, which is practically undocumented. You have to look at the code (core and native modules) to know how to use it. It can solve many issues, for example when I had to develop a module that augments Cart Rules, I found that there is no direct method to get all the Cart Rules, so I had to resort to hand-writing queries, that IMHO is an anti-pattern for such a basic thing like querying Core objects. Also, other classes have "get" methods that return multidimensional arrays straight from database rows, others return objects. From what I could see, it would be PrestaShopCollection that adds the necessary consistency, à la jQuery objects… am I correct?

I think documentation should explain these areas better.

Missing documentation items for Symfony migration

Here's a list of things we need to document (the list will evolve in time)

Related to Grid

  • How to use reusable Javascript grid Extensions #240
  • How to add bulk actions to a grid #244
  • How link actions work (see #244 (comment))

Related to Symfony (focus on controller / app layer of the migration)

  • Reusable PrestaShop form types
  • PrestaShop console commands
  • How to create a new page / controller (step-by-step tutorial), listing and CRUD
  • How to use composition and SF services to extend PrestaShop behavior
  • Overview of the main services being used in PrestaShop
  • Twig folder structure and usage
  • Prestashop twigs macros and UI-Kit usage
  • Thin controller, fat models
  • Internal usage of roles for PrestaShop, linked with security
  • About Identifiable Objects forms #184
  • Improve "settings form" doc (see #184 (comment))
  • Reusable PrestaShop form types #245

Related to CQRS (focus on domain / core layer of the migration)

  • What is CQRS #232
  • Focus on CQRS being used by PrestaShop: legacy handlers layer
  • Use of ValueObjects and DTOs (related to CQRS)
  • Using Domain Exceptions and how to handle them #255
  • What is the usage of Adapter namespace and its content

Related to new Admin Theme

  • A zoom on how we use webpack
  • Using scss

Related to testing

  • Writing unit tests
  • Writing behat tests
  • Writing puppeeter tests (soon)

How to save changes from product custom tab in the admin panel?

In 1.7 version product info page is updating by Ajax but there is no possibility to send data from custom tabs. I mean we can't save data from modules. Maybe it should be some hook or parameter for one that already exists? Or if this method already exists it should be documented better.

Wrong params for displayOrderConfirmation hook, in documentation

Describe the bug
The devdocs list of hooks lists the former 1.6+ displayOrderConfirmation params.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to ''
  2. Scroll down to 'displayOrderConfirmation.'
  3. See params as:
    array( 'total_to_pay' => (float) Total amount with tax, 'currency' => (string) Currency sign, 'objOrder' => (object) Order, 'currencyObj' => (object) Currency );
  4. The actual params are order, cookie and cart objects.

Additionnal information
PrestaShop version:
PHP version: 7.1+

Documentation about carrier modules

We currently have documentation about payment modules, but not about carriers.

Example of details to give:

In case of several carriers created by the same module, how to differentiate their price during getOrderShippingCost ?

By declaring the property id_carrier in the module, and relying on it in the method.

class MyModule extends CarrierModule
    * @var int Current ID carrier in shipping cost calculation
    public $id_carrier;

    public function getOrderShippingCost(...)
        if ($this->id_carrier === /* ID of one of the module carriers */) {
            // Specific calculation for one carrier

Add doc about staging / production setup

I get more and more questions about how the best way to handle a staging environment and a production environment for a PrestaShop, all of it versioned into git.

Additionnal questions are:

  • how to handle upgrades using git*
  • how to setup continous integration
  • how to setup continuous deployment

*Several developers asked the following:
"I have a staging environment and a production environment.
If I run the auto-upgrade module on staging, this will upgrade both the code and the database of staging. Then I commit the new file structure into git. However if I pull these changes into production, I have in production an environment with up-to-date code but outdated database."

⏩ the real issue is actually "how to handle database upgrade and code upgrade separately"

Another issue which is kinda related: some developers wonder whether they should use the release zip archive of the github release tag:

The release zip archive contains a zipped ready-to-use prestashop application however if the developer wishes to develop on top of it, it lacks some dev features such as the tests, the composer.json file ...

The release tag on github has all of these dev tools but need some processing to be production-ready.

Add doc about "lite display" mode

I want to write documentation about the lite display mode that will be enabled in SF pages with PR PrestaShop/PrestaShop#12897.

I'm wondering how do I write it 🤔. In some "layout features" part ? In "what you can do with BO pages" part ? Where would it belong ?

I also thought maybe we could write doc about any BO (and soon FO) page that has some trick in it. So if I follow this idea, it would be a "Order page insights" part where we would explain how this page is different from the other, what kind of code is related to it, and the "lite display" mode being used there.

Prestashop 1.7 error generated during the multistore mode.

when Logistician user try to configure module for his own store then this error is generated

SmartyException in smarty_internal_templatebase.php line 129: Unable to load template file =>inside admin folder ==>'/themes/default/template/content-legacy.tpl'

url for the regeneration ==> /index.php?controller=AdminModules&configure=googleshopping&token=

We need a full completed module for modern pages (Symfony) PS_1.7.5.1

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
The current documentation isn't clear (

PrestaShop/PrestaShop#11926 - This isn't the reply i would like either. A) That is for a legacy module B) The Main Forums seem slow/inactive C) Stackoverflow, no one replies as they don't know either.

Describe the solution you'd like
A full "Modern" module that we can download/install and view the source. A module that adds a new field to the product admin page. When the admin product page is loaded, it will load this new fields data, also when the product is saved it will save that field data. Would also be good to render the result to a twig template.

Additional context
The Prestashop documentation isn't the best (It's okay, but seems rushed tbh)

I'm developing/testing out creating new modules for PS. Symfony isn't the problem. Mainly its the best practices we need to learn and how Symfony and PS mix together, ready for current and future versions of PS. Currently from the dev docs it looks like we need to work in "src/PrestaShopBundle..." but how does that relate to a "Module", hows the install handled, or are all files meant to be within the module folder?

Basically, if a PS dev could knock up a quick module for us to download (Described above) it will answer 100's of questions in one go 👍

Module installation

I think there is no the "Other Modules" section in prestashop 1.7. After I created the appropriate module in /modules directory, not happened to the modules section in back office, but in the Getting Started tutorial you mentioned it appears in the "Other Modules" section. If it is for the prestashop version 1.6 please change this content.

Question: are we able to use community modules in the official docs?

As spotted in some contributions already, it could be great for everyone to be able to download some modules linked to the tutorials in the documentation.

Also, I'm thinking about a page where people can contribute to and share good community resources.

So my question is the following: are we able to mention and use community modules and resources in the documentation?


Documentation for phpunit testing

Currently, documentation at mentions that tests can be used using selenium. Can there be documentation on how to run a phpunit test just to check if the data in a database is what I would expect it to be at time of running the phpunit test.

It'd be great if there were specifics on where to save our test, how to pull in necessary classes correctly, directory structure, etc.

My final goal is to run a phpunit test that indicates whether or not my module can insert orders into the database correctly.

Doc about logic

from @prestarocket on Gitter:

is there any documentation for the new "logic" ( CategoryProductSearchProvider, ProductSearchQuery, ProductSearchContext etc...) ?

Better explanation for tables product/product_shop and product_attribute/product_attribute_shop

Initially posted to:

In Gitter chat it was noted that it is an important feature for multi-store shops (sharing product with different features and price). Since this is the case, I guess it would be important to document for third-party module developers how to behave and how to deal with the tables. Also, the tables are present and written to even if multi-store was never enabled.

Explain main FrontEnd classes roles

New version come with a lot of change; for example, in module ps_featuredproducts, you use
use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Module\WidgetInterface;
use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Adapter\Category\CategoryProductSearchProvider;
use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Adapter\Image\ImageRetriever;
use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Adapter\Product\PriceFormatter;
use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Product\ProductListingPresenter;
use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Adapter\Product\ProductColorsRetriever;
use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Product\Search\ProductSearchContext;
use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Product\Search\ProductSearchQuery;
use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Product\Search\SortOrder;

It s very hard to understand... could you provide an explanation step by step ?

Can't upload new module!

I've tried to install couple modules and I got "Upload failed" :-(
"Cannot extract module in D:\Web sites (local)\prestashop-1.7/app/cache/prod\sandbox/5805c95e34c28/ to get its name."

Figuring out back-office tabs

It would be nice to have it documented, which I'll do as a common courtesy :)

The goal:

In my MYMODULE_NAME.php, I'm setting up the public tabs property:

public $tabs = [
            'name'              => 'Referify',
            'class_name'        => 'AdminWithdrawRequests',
            'visible'           => true,
            'parent_class_name' => 'SELL',
            'name'              => 'Withdraw Requests',
            'class_name'        => 'AdminWithdrawRequests',
            'visible'           => true,
            'parent_class_name' => 'AdminWithdrawRequests',

I'll update the documentation to show a better example once I figure this out. I tried omitting "parent_class_name" from the Referify tab's options to see if it would do what I want.

Document how to debug travis build


$ docker run --name travis-debug -dit travisci/ci-garnet:packer-1512502276-986baf0 /sbin/init
$ docker exec -it travis-debug bash -l 
// in docker
$ su - travis
// as travis user
$ git clone --depth=50 PrestaShop/PrestaShop
$ cd PrestaShop/PrestaShop/
// 11321 is PR number
$ git fetch origin +refs/pull/11321/merge
$ git checkout -qf FETCH_HEAD
$ cp travis-scripts/.composer-auth.json ~/.composer/auth.json
$ bash travis-scripts/
$ bash travis-scripts/
$ cp tests-legacy/parameters.yml.travis app/config/parameters.yml
$ composer install --prefer-dist --no-interaction
$ bash travis-scripts/install-prestashop
$ bash tests-legacy/

Thanks for the tip @matks

how to load custom js and css

Hello, how to load custom css and js only from that hook execute. Like in the past if any one want to load js and css from a dynamic hook they didn't load.

<div id="footer">
  {widget name="ps_contactinfo" hook="displayFooter"}

The goal of this is load different js and css from different widget area, one from home another for special in footer.

Improve menu navigation

Current menu structure is more or less weird, it seems that topics are randomly put in any location that seems "most appropriate".

Some rules should be defined:

  1. What is "Core development"? What can be considered as "Core development"? What should be at the root of this section? Same for "Modules" and "Themes" sections.

My suggestion for menu (it's more like "big picture" without much details):

  1. Basics
    • Introduction
    • Installation
  2. Core development
    • Standards & conventions
      • Coding standards
      • Naming conventions
    • Architecture
    • Components
      • Grid
    • Testing
      • Unit tests
      • BDD tests
      • E2E tests
    • CLDR
    • Database
    • Webservice
  3. Module development
    • Getting started
      • Legacy Admin controllers
      • Symfony admin controllers
      • Front controllers
    • Testing
    • Hooks
    • Payment modules
    • Shipping modules
  4. Theme development
    • Getting started
  5. Contribute
    • Code
    • Documentation
  6. Cookbook (Scale previously)
    • Optimization
      • How to benchmark PrestaShop?
      • How to optimize PrestaShop?

Some things that could be improved:

  1. Core changes should not be under "Modules" section. Maybe there should be "Changelog" as separate section to document BC breaks & most notable changes (just an idea).

  2. I think that "Documentation" section should not be part of Documentation itself. It's mainly about contributing to Docs, so I think it should be moved under "Contribute".

  3. There should not be "How tos" at the root of "Core development". These are very small topics thus should be under some subsection, for example "Cookbook", like:

  1. Side menu levels are not easy to follow. Maybe styling should be improved or maybe dropdowns added, not sure. :/

Convert ReSt to Markdown

Install pandoc

use this script:

for f in $FILES
  echo "Converting $f to $"
  `pandoc $f -f rst -t markdown -o $`

The new customization system problem

According guide:

There is problem in new customization system.
If my module creates a custom customization field for product and there is no any other customizations, product.customizable will set to '0' after product update (save).

Code is here:


    function processProductCustomization() {

And that's why even if I set the value of the input #product_customization_id to include the customization in the cart - It not work, because:


    public function updateQty()
        if ($product->customizable) {
            return $this->_updateCustomizationQuantity((int)$quantity, (int)$id_customization, (int)$id_product, (int)$id_product_attribute, (int)$id_address_delivery, $operator);
        } else {
            return true;


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