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phpstan-doctrine's Issues

Unable to resolve the template type

Since I updated to the latest version I'm getting this error (but strangely it's only at 1 place in my entire project):

Unable to resolve the template type T in call to method Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager::getRepository()

The line that triggers it:

$repository = $entityManager->getRepository(ApiKeyProjection::class);

How can i make custom repositories work?

Any way i could get rid of such errors? am i missing some configuration step?

43 Call to an undefined method Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository<x\Entity\Operation>::findFiltered(). 46 Call to an undefined method Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository<x\Entity\Customer>::findWithFreeFunds(). 71 Call to an undefined method Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository<x\Entity\BgzDocument>::getFilteredQueryBuilder().

find return type not actually being set?

I'm probably misunderstanding the README for this plugin, but I have this:

namespace AquaSafeModel\Repository;

use Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository as DoctrineEntityRepository;

abstract class EntityRepository extends DoctrineEntityRepository implements EntityRepositoryInterface

Then I have this

namespace AquaSafeModel\Repository;

use AquaSafeModel\Collection\EntityCollection;
use AquaSafeModel\Entity\Process;

class ProcessRepository extends EntityRepository

    /** @return Process */
    public function find($id, $lockMode = null, $lockVersion = null): ?Process
        return parent::find($id);

But I still get this from PHPStan:

  108    Call to an undefined method AquaSafeModel\Entity\BaseEntity::getCompetencies().  

I was expecting no output.

Of course, getCompetencies() exists on Process, not BaseEntity.

For reference, here's my phpstan.neon:

        repositoryClass: AquaSafeModel\Repository\EntityRepository
    - vendor/phpstan/phpstan-doctrine/extension.neon

I see in the README that "This extension does not yet support custom repositoryClass specified for each entity class." but I'm thinking that means in the ORM annotations, not my case of subclassing above...

Cannot satisfy not nullable OneToOne inverse side

I cannot find a way to satisfy the case

Property App\User::$stats type mapping mismatch: database can contain App\UserStats|null but property expects App\UserStats.

I have the following mapping :


class User

     * @var int
     * @ORM\Id
     * @ORM\Column(type="integer")
     * @ORM\GeneratedValue
    protected $id;

     * @var UserStats
     * @ORM\OneToOne(targetEntity="App\UserStats", mappedBy="user")
    protected $stats;

    // ... other properties


class UserStats
     * @var User
     * @ORM\Id
     * @ORM\OneToOne(targetEntity="App\User", inversedBy="stats")
    private $user;
    // ... other properties


If I add @ORM\JoinColumn(nullable=false) on User::$stats property then Doctrine is broken because JoinColumn annotation is expected on the owning side of the one to one relationship.

So I'm stuck with this case, because I can't explain to phpstan that my property isn't nullable :/

Call to undefined method Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr::myCustomMethod()

I have custom Expr class extended from Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr

I think, PHPStan doesn't know about that class and trigger error

In ExpressionBuilderDynamicReturnTypeExtension.php line 67:
  Attempted to call an undefined method named "myCustomMethod" of class "Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr".

is it because Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr harcoded in getClass() method?
How to fix that?

Feature request: Checking type hint of fields against Doctrine metadata

phpstan-doctrine could check if a field's typehint matches Doctrine's metadata.

In the following example, the plugin could emit a warning telling that int does not match string:

 * @var int
 * @Column(type="string")
 private $var;

In the following examples, the plugin could emit a warning telling that the field is nullable:

 * @var int // Should be nullable
 * @Column(type="integer", nullable=true)
 private $var;

 * @var Foo // Should be nullable
 * @OneToOne(targetEntity="Foo")

Feature request: Check if dynamic binding is used correctly

I'm looking at this primarily as a security feature. Ensuring that prepared statements are used correctly by binding the value or parameter accordingly.

For example:

This is the preferred way of doing a native query:

$sql = <<<SQL
FROM `user` AS u
WHERE = :email

$em = $this->getEntityManager();
$connection = $em->getConnection();
$statement = $connection->prepare($sql);
$statement->bindValue('email', $email->toString());

return $statement->fetchAll();

As opposed to not binding a value:

$sql = <<<SQL
FROM `user` AS u
WHERE = {$email->toString()}

$em = $this->getEntityManager();
$connection = $em->getConnection();
$statement = $connection->prepare($sql);

return $statement->fetchAll();

The same should apply when using the ResultSetMappingBuilder

        $rsm = new ResultSetMappingBuilder($this->_em);
        $rsm->addRootEntityFromClassMetadata(User::class, 'u');
        $query = $this->_em->createNativeQuery($sql, $rsm);

            'email' => $email->toString(),

        return $query->getResult();

As well as when using the QueryBuilder:

        $qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('u')
            ->where(' = :email')
            ->setParameter('email', $email->toString())

        return $qb->execute();

Repository type does not match with ManagerRegistry

This PHP code part is valid:

$user = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository(User::class)->find(

$this->getDoctrine() return a ManagerRegistry instance.

But the final $user does not seems to be typed:

Call to an undefined method object::getUsername().

Using the EntityManagerInterface directly make things working.

Manage innerJoin not nullable associations

With this PHP code:

$qb = $this->invoiceRepository->createQueryBuilder('i')
    ->select('i, c, ba')
    ->innerJoin('i.customer', 'c', Expr\Join::WITH, 'c.automaticPaymentMethod = :automatic_payment_method')
    ->innerJoin('c.bankAccount', 'ba', Expr\Join::WITH, 'ba.activated = :activated AND ba.mandateSigned = :mandateSigned AND ba.mandateSignedDate IS NOT NULL')

foreach ($invoices as $invoice) {
    $customer = $invoice->getCustomer();
    $bankAccount = $customer->getBankAccount();


I'll have this error:

Parameter #1 $object of method Doctrine\Common\Persistence\ObjectManagerDecorator::persist() expects object, AppBundle\Entity\BankAccount|null given.

But this is not true as innerJoin will drop customers without a bank account. Am I right?

If I'm right, checking if $bankAccount in this case is overkill and will never match.

Support multiple object managers?

In my project I have multiple objectmanagers.

This currently leads to errors like:

Internal error: The class 'X' was not found in the chain configured namespaces ...

because its using the wrong objectManager (the one returned in object-manager.php) for some entities.

Doctrine and float and string

Hi, is it feasible for the plugin to detect Doctrine's behavior with respect to floats being handled as a string? Example:

 * @Entity
class Demo
    /** @Column(type="decimal", precision=10, scale=2) */
    private $price;

     * Set price.
     * @param string $number
     * @return Demo
    public function setPrice($number)
        $this->price = $number;

        return $this;

$demo = new Demo();

Error output: Parameter #1 $number of method Demo::setPrice() expects string, float given

Note: The Doctrine orm: generate-entities console command generates the method with its parameter as string.


Config-based support for custom repository classes

As the PoC of #18 seems stalled to resolve custom repository classes based on the mapping, a simpler solution could be implemented in the meantime (even though it is not as good for DX as it requires more work). Instead of configuring a single repository class used by all entities, we could configure a mapping of entity classes to their repositories (the existing option can of course still be kept for the fallback for entities not present in the map):

                        MyApp\Entity\User: MyApp\Doctrine\UserRepository
                        MyApp\Entity\Team: MyApp\Doctrine\TeamRepository
                repositoryClass: MyApp\Doctrine\BetterEntityRepository

What do you think about that solution ?

Support for ODM

Is ODM supported? I guess not. Do you plan to add the support?

issue with findOneByX

In some repositories I have some custom functions named like findOneByX


class ReviewRepository
    public function findOneByReviewConfigAndId(...) { }

Seems that is not working properly:

 ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  Line   someClass.php                                                                                                                                             
 ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  209    Call to method X\ReviewRepository<X\Entity\Review>::findOneByReviewConfigAndId() - entity X\Entity\Review does not have a field named  
 ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

Crash: Service 'rules.56' (type of PHPStan\Rules\Doctrine\ORM\DqlRule): Service of type PHPStan\Type\Doctrine\ObjectMetadataResolver needed by $objectMetadat aResolver in __construct() not found

Hey, I just tried to enable these rules and get this crash:

In Autowiring.php line 190:
  Service 'rules.56' (type of PHPStan\Rules\Doctrine\ORM\DqlRule): Service of  
   type PHPStan\Type\Doctrine\ObjectMetadataResolver needed by $objectMetadat  
  aResolver in __construct() not found. Did you register it in configuration   

analyse [--paths-file PATHS-FILE] [-c|--configuration CONFIGURATION] [-l|--level LEVEL] [--no-progress] [--debug] [-a|--autoload-file AUTOLOAD-FILE] [--error-format ERROR-FORMAT] [--memory-limit MEMORY-LIMIT] [--] [<paths>...]

I have these things in composer.json

"phpstan/phpstan": "0.11.2",
"phpstan/phpstan-doctrine": "0.11.1",
"phpstan/phpstan-mockery": "0.11.0",
"phpstan/phpstan-nette": "0.11.0",
"thecodingmachine/phpstan-safe-rule": "0.1.2"

and dev-master nette.

It should be noted that I don't use ORM but ODM.

Bug: return type resolving


I'we just noticed that when using 'phpstan-doctrine' extension, there is a weird behaviour/bug with findOneBy methods: doesnt report error on calling non-existing method.

As a proof of concept (not able to share project I work on):`

When calling a method findOneByUuid, it doesnt understand it's getting a Customer|null back but when calling findXOneByUuid it does:

I'we also created a PR msvrtan/phpstan-bug#2 that fails once I remove that Repository does extend EntityRepository...

On the other hand, if I do 'inject' repository as

/* @var \Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository<\Customer\Customer> */
private $customerRepository;

it does report ...

I know this would be a quick 'fix' to go thru codebase and add those docblocks but it still feels like unexpected behaviour

Uncaught PHPStan\ShouldNotHappenException RepositoryMethodCallRule.php


I got an issue (stack trace at the end):

Uncaught PHPStan\ShouldNotHappenException: Please provide the "objectManagerLoader" setting for magic repository Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository::findOneBy() RepositoryMethodCallRule.php:68

This happens when I have following property and findOneByNumber method using findOneBy method of EntityRepository. The EntityRepository is subclass of Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository.

/** @var \Kdyby\Doctrine\EntityRepository|\Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository<Invoice> */
private $repository;

* OrderRepository constructor.
* @param \Kdyby\Doctrine\EntityManager $em
public function __construct(\Kdyby\Doctrine\EntityManager $em)
	$this->em = $em;
	$this->repository = $em->getRepository(Invoice::class);

	 * @param int $number
	 * @return null|Invoice
	public function findOneByNumber($number)
		return $this->repository->findOneBy(['number' => $number]);
Stack trace:
#0 C:\Web\Apps\zvz-new\home\libs\vendor\phpstan\phpstan\src\Analyser\Analyser.php(154): PHPStan\Rules\Doctrine\ORM\RepositoryMethodCallRule->processNode(Object(PhpParser\Node\Expr\MethodCall), Object(PHPStan\Analyser\Scope))
#1 C:\Web\Apps\zvz-new\home\libs\vendor\phpstan\phpstan\src\Analyser\NodeScopeResolver.php(1698): PHPStan\Analyser\Analyser->PHPStan\Analyser\{closure}(Object(PhpParser\Node\Expr\MethodCall), Object(PHPStan\Analyser\Scope))
#2 C:\Web\Apps\zvz-new\home\libs\vendor\phpstan\phpstan\src\Analyser\NodeScopeResolver.php(1146): PHPStan\Analyser\NodeScopeResolver->callNodeCallbackWithExpression(Object(Closure), Object(PhpParser\Node\Expr\MethodCall), Object(PHPStan\Analyser\Scope), Object(PHPSta in C:\Web\Apps\zvz-new\home\libs\vendor\phpstan\phpstan-doctrine\src\Rules\Doctrine\ORM\RepositoryMethodCallRule.php on line 68

I can provide more info if needed.


Unable to validate field on findOneBy*

Hi, on my project the extension works great, except for findOneBy* methods-like.

I was unable to reproduce the bug within this repository, but I've created a dedicated one that shows the issue:
And this is the output of the build:
I expect the error on findOneByXyz but not on findOneByUsername.

I've committed both the composer.json and composer.lock so you can deep down the versions, which are:

  1. PHP 7.3.12
  2. PHPStan 0.12.5
  3. PHPStan Doctrine 0.12.9
  4. Doctrine ORM 2.7.0

Method test::getItems() with return type void returns *NEVER* but should not return anything.

When the doctrine plugin is enabled, I get an error with when analysing this code in level 7:


use Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection;
use Doctrine\Common\Collections\Selectable;

class test
     * @var test[]&Collection&Selectable
    private $items;

     * @return test[]&Collection&Selectable
    public function getItems(): Collection
        return $this->items;

The error:

Method test::getItems() with return type void returns *NEVER* but should not return anything.

Internal error: Class Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository does not exist

I'd like to open new issue here, but it was discussed after closing this issue: #51

Looks like this plugin depends on the doctrine/orm although it definitely is useful for doctrine/odm as also stated in readme (Also supports Doctrine ODM.).

The fact is that it really works well for ODM project and I could delete a few ignore patterns. But I had to add doctrine/orm to my composer.json to make it work. Which is a shame.

I think it would not harm if this package added doctrine/orm as one of its own dependencies.

Discriminator detection


I have an abstract class BasicFile which is used as a Discriminator with Single Table Inheritance.

 * @ORM\Table(name="files")
 * @ORM\Entity
 * @ORM\HasLifecycleCallbacks
 * @ORM\InheritanceType("SINGLE_TABLE")
 * @ORM\DiscriminatorColumn(name="type", type="string")
 * @ORM\DiscriminatorMap({"data" = "DataFile"})
abstract class BasicFile {}

And my entity:

 * @ORM\Entity
class DataFile extends BasicFile {}

When I initiate a method on the DataFile entity, which is not available on the BasicFile class, i get an error stating the method does not exist.

$dataFile = new DataFile();

Call to an undefined method App\Entity\BasicFile::setName().

Symfony 5.0.1
doctrine/orm: 2.7.0
phpstan-shim: 0.11.19
phpstan-doctrine: 0.11.6

Support for Repositories as a Services (Symfony)

Hi, this feature request follows #65 (comment) and #65 (comment).

Since Symfony 4.0, it is possible to define Repositories as as Service by extending from ServiceEntityRepository like this:


namespace App\Repository\User;

use App\Entity\User;
use Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepository;
use Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\RegistryInterface;

 * @method User|null find($id, $lockMode = null, $lockVersion = null)
 * @method User|null findOneBy(array $criteria, array $orderBy = null)
 * @method User[]    findAll()
 * @method User[]    findBy(array $criteria, array $orderBy = null, $limit = null, $offset = null)
class UserRepository extends ServiceEntityRepository
    public function __construct(RegistryInterface $registry)
        parent::__construct($registry, User::class);

And we can accessing it directly from services constructor or constroller's actions with type hinting:


namespace App\Controller;

use App\Repository\User\UserRepository;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route;

class HomeController extends AbstractController
     * @Route("/", name="home")
    public function index(UserRepository $userRepository)
        $user = $userRepository->find(123);

But there are some issues.

If we use this phpstan extension, calling whatever method on $user that does not exist on App\Entity\User will not fails.

If we don't use it, $userRepository->find* methods will works correctly (due to @method annotations, but they are needed for PHPStorm too) and we will see the error Cannot call method getFooBar() on App\Entity\User|null.

As said in the issue, we can use /** @var App\Repository\UserRepository<App\Entity\User> */ to make phpstan works, but:

  • this is verbose, we have to add it everytime we inject a repository as service dependency
  • this is non sense, since the type is UserRepository, phpstan should be able to works with it

To make it work, this extension (or the Symfony extension?) should:

  • Find classes that extends from ServiceEntityRepository
  • Get the entity type from constructor 2nd parameter
  • And do some magic ✨

In fact, I think it would be better if the repositories detection is part of Symfony extension. Since the Symfony extension can access the Symfony container, we can find services tagged with doctrine.repository_service and then use them:
Capture d’écran de 2019-07-10 06-37-23

What do you think?

Thanks! :)

Internal error in Type/Doctrine/QueryBuilder/Expr/NewExprDynamicReturnTypeExtension

 ------ --------------------------------------------------------------
  Line   Doctrine/Expr/PartialSelect.php
 ------ --------------------------------------------------------------
         Internal error: Class 'parent' not found
         Run PHPStan with --debug option and post the stack trace to:
 ------ --------------------------------------------------------------
PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Class 'parent' not found in /.../vendor/phpstan/phpstan-doctrine/src/Type/Doctrine/QueryBuilder/Expr/NewExprDynamicReturnTypeExtension.php:52
Stack trace:
#0 /.../vendor/phpstan/phpstan/src/Analyser/Scope.php(1498): PHPStan\Type\Doctrine\QueryBuilder\Expr\NewExprDynamicReturnTypeExtension->getTypeFromStaticMethodCall(Object(PHPStan\Reflection\Php\PhpMethodReflection), Object(PhpParser\Node\Expr\StaticCall), Object(PHPStan\Analyser\Scope))
#1 /.../vendor/phpstan/phpstan/src/Analyser/Scope.php(372): PHPStan\Analyser\Scope->resolveType(Object(PhpParser\Node\Expr\StaticCall))
#2 /.../vendor/phpstan/phpstan/src/Rules/FunctionCallParametersCheck.php(98): PHPStan\Analyser\Scope->getType(Object(PhpParser\Node\Expr\StaticCall))
#3 /.../vendor/phpstan/phpstan/src/Rules/Methods/CallStaticMethodsRule.php(265): PHPStan\Rules\FunctionCallParamet in /.../vendor/phpstan/phpstan-doctrine/src/Type/Doctrine/QueryBuilder/Expr/NewExprDynamicReturnTypeExtension.php on line 52

How to remove CallStaticMethodsRule

I want to use phpstan in laravel project with level 0 and need to remove PHPStan\Rules\Methods\CallStaticMethodsRule, how can I create the same config as level 0, but without this rule?

I tried to copy whole conf/ dir and tried only to remove this rules and pass this config to -c, but I still get exceptions.

Compatibiliy with EntityRepository::createQueryBuilder

It seems that query builders built with \Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository::createQueryBuilder are not validating DQL, only ones built with \Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface::createQueryBuilder.

I'm trying to analyse a Symfony 4 project where all queryBuilder are created within repository classes with $this->createQueryBuilder.
Am I missing something ?


GetRepository return value mismatch for ODM\GridFSDocument

I have this code:

$repository = $this->documentManager->getRepository(Document::class);
assert($repository instanceof \Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Repository\DefaultGridFSRepository);

The assert passes but I get this PhpStan error:

Instanceof between                                                   
Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository<MyCompany\ODM\File\Document> and           
Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Repository\DefaultGridFSRepository will always  
evaluate to false. 

Note that the document for which I am getting a repository is not a standard document but rather GridFS file document which has some specifics.

The code snippet is taken from here.

Internal error: Argument 5 passed to PHPStan\Analyser\Scope::enterClassMethod() must be of the type string or null, boolean given


PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught TypeError: Argument 5 passed to PHPStan\Analyser\Scope::enterClassMethod() must be of the type string or null, boolean given, called in vendor/phpstan/phpstan-doctrine/src/Type/Doctrine/QueryBuilder/QueryBuilderMethodDynamicReturnTypeExtension.php on line 180 and defined in phar://vendor/phpstan/phpstan-shim/phpstan.phar/src/Analyser/Scope.php:1265
Stack trace:
#0 vendor/phpstan/phpstan-doctrine/src/Type/Doctrine/QueryBuilder/QueryBuilderMethodDynamicReturnTypeExtension.php(180): PHPStan\Analyser\Scope->enterClassMethod(Object(PhpParser\Node\Stmt\ClassMethod), Array, NULL, NULL, false, false, false)
#1 vendor/phpstan/phpstan-doctrine/src/Type/Doctrine/QueryBuilder/QueryBuilderMethodDynamicReturnTypeExtension.php(108): PHPStan\Type\Doctrine\QueryBuilder\QueryBuilderMethodDynamicReturnTypeExtension->findQueryBuilderTypesInCalledMetho in phar://vendor/phpstan/phpstan-shim/phpstan.phar/src/Analyser/Scope.php on line 1265` 

Manage findOneBy and findBy


$dnsDomain = $dnsEntityManager->getRepository('PowerDNSBundle:PowerDNSDomain')->findOneBy([
    'ownerId' => $user->getId()
if (!$dnsDomain) {
    throw new \RuntimeException("Unable to find DNS domain of user {$user->getUsername()}");
$client->request('DELETE', $this->getUrl('api_delete_dns', [
    'domain' => $dnsDomain->getId(),

Should work because I check if $dnsDomain is not null. But I have:

Call to an undefined method object::getId().

Certainly because only the find method is managed.

Entity check error : has no typehint specified


I used the new version of Symfony 5, and I want to check my code with phpstan 0.12.2 and phpstan-doctrine 0.12.2.
I have many error in this version, for example :

  Line   Entity/User.php

  18     Property App\Entity\User::$id has no typehint specified.
  23     Property App\Entity\User::$email has no typehint specified.
  28     Property App\Entity\User::$name has no typehint specified.
  33     Property App\Entity\User::$password has no typehint specified.
  38     Property App\Entity\User::$enable has no typehint specified.
  43     Property App\Entity\User::$notification has no typehint specified.

And my Entity


namespace App\Entity;

use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\UserInterface;

 * @ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="App\Repository\UserRepository")
class User implements UserInterface
     * @ORM\Id()
     * @ORM\GeneratedValue()
     * @ORM\Column(type="integer")
    private $id;

     * @ORM\Column(type="string", length=500)
    private $email;

     * @ORM\Column(type="string", length=255)
    private $name;

     * @ORM\Column(type="string", length=75)
    private $password;

     * @ORM\Column(type="boolean")
    private $enable;

     * @ORM\Column(type="boolean")
    private $notification = false;

I used phpstan/extension-installer (I will try before with file add manually in phpstan.neon /var/www/html/vendor/phpstan/phpstan-doctrine/extension.neon and /var/www/html/vendor/phpstan/phpstan-doctrine/rules.neon)

In the previous version I haven't this error type without @var in my code.

Can you help me ?


Error with entity aliases

Hello, although I define an object-manager, the plugin cannot correctly process the entity aliases.


$entityManager->getRepository('App\Entity\User'); // works

$entityManager->getRepository('Entity:User'); // error unknown class Entity:User


Avoid trying to resolve repository by interface

I have the following code:

 * @param class-string<MyInterface> $entityClass
public function test($entityClass)
    $entityRepository = $this->entityManager->getRepository($entityClass);

This will throw class_exists error as it tries to call class_exists on MyInterface.

Repository type not matched when set to a property

In a nutshell, this PHP class:

use Doctrine\ORM\Decorator\EntityManagerDecorator;
use PowerDNSBundle\Doctrine\ORM\PowerDNSEntityManager;
use PowerDNSBundle\Entity\PowerDNSDomain;

class DnsManager extends EntityManagerDecorator
     * @var ObjectRepository
    private $domainRepository;

    public function __construct(PowerDNSEntityManager $wrapped)

        $this->domainRepository = $this->getRepository(PowerDNSDomain::class);

    public function addDomainIfNotExists($name, User $user, $ipV4 = null, $ipV6 = null, $checkDNS = true)
        $nameCanonical = \idn_to_ascii($name);
        $domain = $this->domainRepository->findOneBy(['name' => $nameCanonical]);

        if (!$domain) {
            $domain = new PowerDNSDomain();
            $this->saveDomain($domain, $ipV4, $ipV6, $checkDNS);

        return $domain;


 ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  Line   src/AppBundle/Manager/DnsManager.php                                  
 ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  170    Method AppBundle\Manager\DnsManager::addDomainIfNotExists() should    
         return PowerDNSBundle\Entity\PowerDNSDomain but returns object.       

Replacing the line by $domain = $this->getRepository(PowerDNSDomain::class)->findOneBy(['name' => $nameCanonical]); directly "solve" the issue.

It seems the property assignation of repositories is not handled by the extension.

Missing DynamicReturnType for annotations Reader

There should be a DynamicReturnType for Doctrine\Common\Annotations\Reader. The getClassAnnotation, getMethodAnnotation and getPropertyAnnotation can only return the requested annotation or null.

False positive when entity doesn't have a field but repository has a method

What happens:
If I have a repository with a method findBySomething and the entity doesn't have the property $something I get an error about the missing field when I try to use this method.

Call to method App\Repository\ThingsRepository<App\Entity\Thing>::findBySomething() - entity App\Entity\Thing does not have a field named $something.                                                                                                          

What I expect:
No error as the method is present

Support ResolveTargetEntityListener

We are using the ResolveTargetEntityListener of doctrine to allow using interfaces and it allows us to overwrite entities without using mapping superclass behaviour e.g.:

    <join-column name="directoryNo" referenced-column-name="no" on-delete="CASCADE" nullable="false"/>
     * @var DirectoryInterface
    private $directory;

This ends currently with:

Sulu\Bundle\MyBundle\Model\DirectoryTranslation::$directory type mapping mismatch: property can contain Sulu\Bundle\MyBundle\Model\DirectoryInterface but database expects Sulu\Bundle\MyBundle\Model\Directory.

It would be awesome if it would take the Interface instead of the resolved entity so that phpstan would not error for resolved.

The setParameters method in AbstractQuery shows error on mixed type

This is for Doctrine ORM 2.7.0

In a Repository with the following:

$query = $em->createQuery('SELECT u FROM ForumUser u WHERE (u.username = :name OR u.username = :name2) AND = :id');
    'name' => 'Bob',
    'name2' => 'Alice',
    'id' => 321,
$users = $query->getResult();

According to the method, this should be allowed:

* @param ArrayCollection|mixed[] $parameters

But instead, the following error is generated:

Parameter #1 $parameters of method                                       
         Doctrine\ORM\AbstractQuery::setParameters() expects                      
         Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection&iterable, array<string,      
         string> given.  

Support Symfony Doctrine Bridge

In Symfony's Doctrine bridge you 'must' inject Doctrine via the Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\RegistryInterface:

    /** @var UserRepository */
    private $userRepository;

    public function __construct(RegistryInterface $registry)
        $this->userRepository = $registry->getRepository(User::class);

This code fails however with:

Property xxx::$userRepository (xxx\UserRepository) does not accept Doctrine\Common\Persistence\ObjectRepository.

Doctrine QueryBulder typehint

Level 5 gives me such warnings: Parameter #4 $condition of method Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder::leftJoin() expects string|null, Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Andx given

That happens when you dont use simple string conditions like this ->leftJoin('u.Phonenumbers', 'p', Expr\Join::WITH, 'p.is_primary = 1'); while joining but when using Expr builder instead. QueryBuilder's join functions document that argument as string|null but it also takes Expr

Do you think I should mark this warning as ignored?

Detect invalid annotation

I have several errors in the following example, none is detected by phpstan-doctrine currently.


phpstan/phpstan                       0.12.4       
phpstan/phpstan-doctrine              0.12.8       
octrine/annotations                   v1.8.0           
doctrine/orm                          v2.6.6      

Errors expected

  • repositoryClass does not exist
  • InheritanceType value is invalid
  • DiscriminatorColumn key "namse" does not exist
  • ORM\DiscriminatorsadMap does not exist
  • type "sting" does not exists.


 * @ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="EmailRepositoryInterface")
 * @ORM\InheritanceType("SINGLsdTABLE")
 * @ORM\DiscriminatorColumn(namse="email_type", type="string")
 * @ORM\DiscriminatorsadMap({
 *     "default": "Full\NameSpace\Default",
 *     "device_email": "Full\NameSpace\DeviceEmail"
 * })

     * @ORM\Column(type="sting")


        - bootstrap/autoload.php
    - vendor/phpstan/phpstan-doctrine/extension.neon

EntityManager::getRepository should return the correct EntityRepository class

$em = $this->managerRegistry->getManager();

$travelDestinationRepository = $em->getRepository(TravelDestination::class);

$childDestinationIdsQueryBuilder = $travelDestinationRepository->getChildrenQueryBuilder($parentDestinationIds);

Line src/AppBundle/ApiPlatform/Doctrine/Orm/Filter/EventLocationFilter.php

99 Call to an undefined method

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