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opentrace-cloud-functions's Introduction

OpenTrace Cloud Functions

OpenTrace Logo

OpenTrace is the open source reference implementation of BlueTrace.

BlueTrace is a privacy-preserving protocol for community-driven contact tracing across borders. It allows participating devices to log Bluetooth encounters with each other, in order to facilitate epidemiological contact tracing while protecting users’ personal data and privacy. Visit to learn more.

The OpenTrace reference implementation comprises:

Setup of Cloud Functions


Create Firebase Project

  1. Create a new Firebase Project from Firebase console.
  2. Enable Google Analytics for the project, to be used for Firebase Crashlytics and Firebase Remote Config.
  3. Make sure to upgrade the project from the "Spark" free plan to the "Blaze" pay-as-you-go plan to avoid future quota issues.

Firebase Authentication

OpenTrace uses firebase auth to authenticate mobile users via OTP. An alternative approach is to setup your own OTP service to validate and store the mobile numbers in your own backend. This is not included as part of OpenTrace.

Encryption Key

Generate the key

An encryption key is required to encrypt and decrypt all Temporary Identifiers (TempIDs). The recommended key's size is 256 bits (i.e., 32 bytes). It needs to be converted to Base64 for storage in GCP Secret Manager.

A simple method to generate a random key and encode it in Base64 is:

head -c32 /dev/urandom | base64

Key Rotation

It is highly recommended that the encryption key is rotated on a regular basis. This step is not included as part of OpenTrace.

Store the key in Secret Manager

Create a new secret in Secret Manager and add a new version with the key generated above. Note that this requires Billing enabled.

If you have the gcloud CLI installed you can do this in your terminal:

# You can avoid using the project flag by setting a global default project:
#  gcloud config set project YOUR_PROJECT_ID

# Create the secret
gcloud --project="${GCLOUD_PROJECT}" secrets create "EncryptionKey" --replication-policy="automatic"

# Create a "version" which contains the actual contents
  gcloud --project="${GCLOUD_PROJECT}" secrets versions add "EncryptionKey" --data-file=-

Firebase Secret Access for Cloud Functions

The default cloud function IAM user is <project-id>, it needs to be given the Secret Manager Secret Accessor role in order to read data from Secret Manager. This can be done at IAM Admin page.

Note: Depending on your Firebase configuration, the role may need to be delegated to the firebase-adminsdk-<random5chars>@<project-id> user instead.

If you have the gcloud CLI installed you can do this in your terminal:

# Assumes you have GCLOUD_PROJECT set from the previous step
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding "${GCLOUD_PROJECT}" \
  --member "serviceAccount:${GCLOUD_PROJECT}" \
  --role roles/secretmanager.secretAccessor

Firebase CLI and login

Install the Firebase CLI via npm:

npm install -g firebase-tools@latest

Log in to the Firebase CLI:

firebase login

Initialize Project

Note: Do not use firebase init as it may overwrite some of the existing files.

Add Project

Run the following command to interactively select your project and select an alias:

firebase use --add

This will prompt you to choose your Firebase project, you can choose any alias you want such as dev, stg, prd, etc:

$ firebase use --add
? Which project do you want to add? <YOUR_PROJECT_ID>
? What alias do you want to use for this project? (e.g. staging) <YOUR_SHORT_NAME>

This will create the file .firebaserc at the root directory which will look like this:

  "projects": {

Set the working project

Run the following to set the working project:

firebase use <YOUR_SHORT_NAME>

Verify that the correct project is selected:

firebase projects:list

Firebase Storage Buckets

In the Firebase console navigate to the Storage tab and create two new buckets. To add a new bucket click on the three-dot "overflow" menu in the Storage browser and then click Add Bucket.

Note: If you have not already used Storage in this project you will be prompted to set up the "default" bucket first.

  1. upload bucket: allow Android/iOS apps to upload files here, block read access using the rule below.
rules_version = '2';
service {
  match /b/{bucket}/o {
    match /{allPaths=**} {
      allow create: if request.auth != null; // Only allow write, Cloud Functions have read/write access by default.
  1. archive bucket: store processed uploaded files, block read/write access from all users using the rule below.
rules_version = '2';
service {
  match /b/{bucket}/o {
    match /{allPaths=**} {
      allow read, write: if false; // Disable access to all users, Cloud Functions have read/write access by default.

If you have the firebase CLI installed you can deploy these rules from your terminal:

# See firebase.json for the mapping between target names and rules files
firebase target:apply storage upload "YOUR_UPLOAD_BUCKET_NAME"
firebase target:apply storage archive "YOUR_ARCHIVE_BUCKET_NAME"

firebase deploy --only storage

Cloud Functions for Firebase

Install dependencies

Run the following to install dependencies:

npm --prefix functions install

Create project configuration file

Copy functions/src/config.example.ts to functions/src/config.ts and update all values accordingly. The most important configs are:

  • projectId: Project ID

  • regions: All regions to deploy the functions to, possible values can be found in: functions/src/opentrace/types/FunctionConfig.ts or at Google's Cloud locations page.

  • encryption.defaultAlgorithm: The default cipher algorithm used for encrypting TempIDs, e.g., aes-256-gcm, aes-256-cbc. The full list can be found on Mac/Linux by running openssl enc -ciphers.

  • encryption.keyPath: The name of the secret created in Encryption Key section.

  • upload.bucket and upload.bucketForArchive: The names of the buckets set up in Firebase Storage Buckets section.

Pin Generator

The class PinGenerator uses a plain substring to generate a pin from user uid. It should be subclassed with a secure implementation.


export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="path/to/your/service-account.json"
  • Once setup, run the test with:
npm --prefix functions test

Deploy the functions

Run the following to deploy the functions:

firebase deploy --only functions

Once deployed, view the Functions in Firebase console or at GCP Cloud Functions.

If you have set up either the Android app or iOS app, you can test the functions by opening the app, going through the registration and verifying that the app displays a pin code in the Upload page.



  • Added alternative for Firebase Authentication
  • Recommend key rotation


  • Initial Release

opentrace-cloud-functions's People


qtangs avatar samtstern avatar slxe6 avatar tribet84 avatar


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opentrace-cloud-functions's Issues

error:- getting encryption key

i m testing it on windows machine, and generated the key from an online linux terminal by head base64 command. i m not able to know whats the issue, i hope i have given the correct permitions on gcp secret manager.

1) config.ts
should succeed in getting encryption key:
Error: Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves. (C:\Users\Harish\firebase\opentrace-cloud-functions-master\functions\test\opentrace\config.test.ts)


Unsure about how Firestore needs to store upload keys

Got everything working, except that when I try to upload data, this function fails

const uploadCodes = await retrieveUploadCodes();

I tried mocking some data in firestore (and am using the default PinGenerator() - have not sub-classed it yet). Not very familiar with Firestore - is there some guidance on what the flow should be like and how to create the entities in firestore so this works?

Improvements to aid in community contributions and adoption

This is a very loaded issue, and probably should be broken down into separate issues. For now, it's one issue so as to not look "spammy".

Table of Contents

  • Add
  • Add
  • Add external core contributors
  • Adopt Contributor Covenant 2.0 Code of Conduct
  • Adopt Developer Certificate of Origin
  • Adopt All Contributors specification
  • Adopt Cloud Native Module LTS policy
  • Use ESlint and Prettier
  • Abstract away from Google Firebase
  • Publish to NPM
  • Utilize a monorepo structure
  • Utilize a proper dependency injection system
  • Utilize PR testing tooling
  • Utilize static vulnerability scanning platforms
  • Utilize dynamic code analysis platforms
  • Utilize license scanning tools
  • Switch to a more open license (Apache 2.0 or MIT)?
  • Add OpenAPI 3.0 Spec docs
  • Utilize proper logging tools instead of console.*()
  • Code style: do not allow anonymous functions

Currently, there are many areas of improvement to encourage contributions to the OpenTrace projects. This may cause friction in community contributions and adoption.

Some potential actionable things we can do:

  • Add


    1. How to create a new PR
      a. Should we squash our commits?
      b. Does the project adopt a certain commit message style (e.g. Conventional Commits)
      c. Which code editor is recommended, and which extensions? (e.g vscode/vscodium with ESlint and Prettier extensions)
    2. Code style guide
    3. Does the project adopt a CLA or DCO?
  • Add

    Having a well-defined responsible disclosure workflow is important. The Node.js seucirty WG Responsible Disclosure Template can be the baseline for our

  • Add external core contributors

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but this project is managed by people in GovTech or people with close connections to GovTech. It may be a good idea to bring in other people from outside as core contributors to increase support towards the community.

  • Adopt Contributor Covenant 2.0 Code of Conduct

    The "CC 2.0 CoC" helps to formalise the contributors' code of conduct and provide an avenue of reporting violations of the CoC.

  • Adopt Developer Certificate of Origin (CLA vs DCO)

    A DCO will help reduce uncertainties on the legality of contributions by the community. It's also more "open" than a CLA.

    DCO Signed-off-by can be enforced with the GitHub Probot DCO app.

  • Adopt All Contributors specification

    This will encourage community contributions as it allow them to be given visible attribution. It's adopted by several other open source projects.

  • Adopt Cloud Native Module LTS policy.

    This is useful to ensuring support of Node.js LTS and Current versions. This shouldn't be much of an issue as the project uses Typescript.

  • Use ESlint and Prettier

    To ensure code consistency, ESlint and Prettier should be adopted. They're arguably the 2 most common tools used for this purpose.

    Also, tslint has been deprecated.

  • Abstract away from Google Firebase

    The project is currently tightly-coupled with Firebase. It may not be feasible for every organisation to adopt and it puts reliance onto one vendor.

    We can abstract the core components of OpenTrace and then allow vendor-specific wrappers to adopt this common core.

    There are other FaaS services that other people may choose to adopt:

    • Apache OpenWhisk
    • Severless Framework
    • Kubeless
    • Knative

    Furthermore, other users may want to use a non-FaaS model:

    • Cloud Foundry (PaaS)
    • K8s/Docker (Containers)

    In Addition, users may want to use a different storage service:

    Note: We don't need to support these tools directly, but we need to enable users to be able to adapt the application to support it. We can achieve this by creating well-defined APIs for wrappers to utilize.

  • Publish to NPM

    Linking back to the previous point above, we should publish the common core of OpenTrace to NPM to allow other projects to more easily integrate OpenTrace.

  • Utilize a monorepo structure

    Linking back to the previous 2 points above, we should utilize a monorepo structure to manage inter-packages dependencies. This ease the management of separate wrappers for different vendors and allowing them to depend on the common core.

  • Utilize a proper dependency injection system

    Currently, there's no DI. This means that the extension points aren't as clear as they could be. One example is processUploadedData.ts. It requires direct modification of the file which may be a fragile API as the project continues to evolve.

  • Utilize PR testing tooling

    Linking back to the point about having a common core for OpenTrace, we should utilize the free tooling provided for open source projects. One case is PR testing with GitHub Actions (which is based off Azure Pipelines). It's free for open source projects and can help with:

    • Preventing regressions
    • Reducing effort to contribute
  • Utilize dependecy updater tools

    Node.js' design means that each project tends to have many dependencies. This makes it difficult to keep them up-to-date consistently. Free tools such as WhiteSource Renovate can help ensure that dependencies and package locks are up-to-date.

  • Utilize static vulnerability scanning platforms

    Snyk is a common tool for this. This will ensure that the project does not have any known vulnerabilities

  • Utilize dynamic code analysis platforms

    Dynamic code analysis platforms can mitigate potentially dangerous code from being contributed into the project. Semmle LGTM and DeepScan are the commonly-used tool.

  • Utilize license scanning tools

    As Node.js projects utilize many direct and indirect dependencies, it is difficult to ensure compliance and compatibility of the license. FOSSA is a common SAAS tool to check for license issues.

  • Switch to a more open license (Apache 2.0 or MIT)?

    GPL 3.0 can make it difficult for certain users (or other projects) to adopt the project. This can be due to restricted IPs or policies.

  • Add OpenAPI 3.0 Spec docs

    There's no OAS3 Spec docs, which prevents users from utilizing code generation tools that leverage the OAS3 Spec docs.

  • Utilize proper logging tools instead of console.*()

    Tools such as Winston help ensure that logging is managed properly. This can prevent code bloat, allow re-routing of logs to another consumer, and properly tag and filter by log levels.

  • Code style: do not allow anonymous functions

    Anonymous functions would obfuscate the stack trace should an error occur.
    An example of anonymous functions being used in this project

This isn't complete list nor a must-have by any means, but it's a good discussion starting point.

Unable to generate uploadToken

It appears that the Firebase and Cloud Functions definition may be incomplete.

How does one go about generating an upload code?

Error with Test Function

npm --prefix functions test

functions@ test C:\TraceTogether\functions
mocha -r ts-node/register test/**/*.test.ts

Warning, FIREBASE_CONFIG and GCLOUD_PROJECT environment variables are missing. Initializing firebase-admin will fail

Error: Failed to read credentials from file "C:\TraceTogether\functions\src\credentials\testdev.json": Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '"C:\TraceTogether\functions\src\credentials\testdev.json"'
at FirebaseAppError.FirebaseError [as constructor] (C:\TraceTogether\functions\node_modules\firebase-admin\lib\utils\error.js:42:28)
at FirebaseAppError.PrefixedFirebaseError [as constructor] (C:\TraceTogether\functions\node_modules\firebase-admin\lib\utils\error.js:88:28)
at new FirebaseAppError (C:\TraceTogether\functions\node_modules\firebase-admin\lib\utils\error.js:123:28)
at readCredentialFile (C:\TraceTogether\functions\node_modules\firebase-admin\lib\auth\credential.js:383:15)
at credentialFromFile (C:\TraceTogether\functions\node_modules\firebase-admin\lib\auth\credential.js:362:27)
at Object.getApplicationDefault (C:\TraceTogether\functions\node_modules\firebase-admin\lib\auth\credential.js:281:16)
at FirebaseNamespaceInternals.initializeApp (C:\TraceTogether\functions\node_modules\firebase-admin\lib\firebase-namespace.js:61:47)
at FirebaseNamespace.initializeApp (C:\TraceTogether\functions\node_modules\firebase-admin\lib\firebase-namespace.js:409:30)
at Object. (C:\TraceTogether\functions\test\index.test.ts:10:9)
at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1147:30)
at Module.m._compile (C:\TraceTogether\functions\node_modules\ts-node\src\index.ts:836:23)
at Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1167:10)
at Object.require.extensions. [as .ts] (C:\TraceTogether\functions\node_modules\ts-node\src\index.ts:839:12)
at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:996:32)
at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:896:14)
at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1036:19)
at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:72:18)
at requireOrImport (C:\TraceTogether\functions\node_modules\mocha\lib\esm-utils.js:15:12)
at Object.exports.loadFilesAsync (C:\TraceTogether\functions\node_modules\mocha\lib\esm-utils.js:28:26)
at Mocha.loadFilesAsync (C:\TraceTogether\functions\node_modules\mocha\lib\mocha.js:351:19)
at singleRun (C:\TraceTogether\functions\node_modules\mocha\lib\cli\run-helpers.js:107:15)
at exports.runMocha (C:\TraceTogether\functions\node_modules\mocha\lib\cli\run-helpers.js:144:11)
at Object.exports.handler (C:\TraceTogether\functions\node_modules\mocha\lib\cli\run.js:306:11)
at Object.runCommand (C:\TraceTogether\functions\node_modules\yargs\lib\command.js:242:26)
at Object.parseArgs [as _parseArgs] (C:\TraceTogether\functions\node_modules\yargs\yargs.js:1096:28)
at Object.parse (C:\TraceTogether\functions\node_modules\yargs\yargs.js:575:25)
at Object.exports.main (C:\TraceTogether\functions\node_modules\mocha\lib\cli\cli.js:68:6)
at Object. (C:\TraceTogether\functions\node_modules\mocha\bin\mocha:133:29)
at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1147:30)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1167:10)
at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:996:32)
at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:896:14)
at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (internal/modules/run_main.js:71:12)
at internal/main/run_main_module.js:17:47
npm ERR! Test failed. See above for more details.

I have generated a JSON key for local but i am getting the following error. Any ideas?

any document about uploaded file format?

Hi ,
I can uploaded file to firebase, but don't know why I got message "not found"?

do you have any suggestion?

{"records":[{"id":1,"modelC":"iPhone 6s","modelP":"MI MAX 3","msg":"not_found","org":"OT_HA","rssi":-68,"timestamp":1587447428,"v":2},{"id":2,"modelC":"iPhone 6s","modelP":"MI MAX 3","msg":"not_found","org":"OT_HA","rssi":-52,"timestamp":1587447506,"v":2},{"id":3,"modelC":"iPhone 6s","modelP":"MI MAX 3","msg":"not_found","org":"OT_HA","rssi":-25,"timestamp":1587447541,"v":2},{"id":4,"modelC":"iPhone 6s","modelP":"MI MAX 3","msg":"not_found","org":"OT_HA","rssi":-59,"timestamp":1587447600,"v":2},{"id":5,"modelC":"iPhone 6s","modelP":"MI MAX 3","msg":"not_found","org":"OT_HA","rssi":-33,"timestamp":1587447659,"v":2},{"id":6,"modelC":"iPhone 6s","modelP":"MI MAX 3","msg":"not_found","org":"OT_HA","rssi":-38,"timestamp":1587447720,"v":2},{"id":7,"modelC":"iPhone 6s","modelP":"MI MAX 3","msg":"not_found","org":"OT_HA","rssi":-33,"timestamp":1587447779,"v":2},{"id":8,"modelC":"iPhone 6s","modelP":"MI MAX 3","msg":"not_found","org":"OT_HA","rssi":-38,"timestamp":1587447839,"v":2},{"id":9,"modelC":"iPhone 6s","modelP":"MI MAX 3","msg":"not_found","org":"OT_HA","rssi":-38,"timestamp":1587447902,"v":2},{"id":10,"modelC":"iPhone 6s","modelP":"MI MAX 3","msg":"not_found","org":"OT_HA","rssi":-31,"timestamp":1587447960,"v":2},{"id":11,"modelC":"iPhone 6s","modelP":"MI MAX 3","msg":"not_found","org":"OT_HA","rssi":-34,"timestamp":1587448020,"v":2},{"id":12,"modelC":"iPhone 6s","modelP":"MI MAX 3","msg":"not_found","org":"OT_HA","rssi":-33,"timestamp":1587448082,"v":2},{"id":13,"modelC":"iPhone 6s","modelP":"MI MAX 3","msg":"not_found","org":"OT_HA","rssi":-34,"timestamp":1587448141,"v":2},{"id":14,"modelC":"iPhone 6s","modelP":"MI MAX 3","msg":"not_found","org":"OT_HA","rssi":-49,"timestamp":1587448199,"v":2},{"id":15,"modelC":"iPhone 6s","modelP":"MI MAX 3","msg":"not_found","org":"OT_HA","rssi":-48,"timestamp":1587448259,"v":2}

error: functions/lib/index.js does not exist, can't deploy Cloud Functions

I encountered the following error when running the 'firebase deploy' command.
is it anything to with parameter regions in config.ts?

Please kindly help.

Following my environment:
OS: Debian 10
Node: v10.20.1
Npm: v6.14.4
Firebase tools: v8.2.0

⚠ functions: package.json indicates an outdated version of firebase-functions.
Please upgrade using npm install --save firebase-functions@latest in your functions directory.

=== Deploying to 'mytracetogetherproject'...

i deploying functions
Running command: npm --prefix "$RESOURCE_DIR" run lint

functions@ lint /home/alexisdemo009/functions
tslint --project tsconfig.json

Running command: npm --prefix "$RESOURCE_DIR" run build

functions@ build /home/alexisdemo009/functions

✔ functions: Finished running predeploy script.
i functions: ensuring required API is enabled...
✔ functions: required API is enabled
i functions: preparing functions directory for uploading...

Error: Error occurred while parsing your function triggers.

Error: You must specify at least one region
at assertRegionsAreValid (/home/alexisdemo009/functions/node_modules/firebase-functions/lib/function-builder.js:59:15)
at FunctionBuilder.region (/home/alexisdemo009/functions/node_modules/firebase-functions/lib/function-builder.js:107:13)
at Object.https (/home/alexisdemo009/functions/lib/firebaseFunctions.js:13:10)
at Object. (/home/alexisdemo009/functions/lib/index.js:11:45)
at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:778:30)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:789:10)
at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:653:32)
at tryModuleLoad (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:593:12)
at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:585:3)
at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:692:17)

Having trouble? Try firebase [command] --help

How to get each unique Bluetooth ID

How do I get each Bluetooth unique ID of every device I connect to? How is the number of detections increased? And how do you know when a device found has been detected before. Where is the unique Bluetooth ID saved for all these functions???

Decryption Example

What is the recommended way to decrypt the msg property in the files uploaded by the user? Is there an example of this or a recommended approach?

Error: firebase use must be run from a Firebase project directory.

when i try to run firbase add commend throws below error

C:\Users\Harish>firebase use --add

Error: firebase use must be run from a Firebase project directory.

Run firebase init to start a project directory in the current folder.

Having trouble? Try firebase [command] --help

illegal character in authority at index 8: https...

The app keeps crashing with this error after deploying to firebase functinos
Caused by: Illegal character in authority at index 8: https://<asia-east2> at$ at$Parser.parseAuthority( at$Parser.parseHierarchical( at$Parser.parse( at<init>( at okhttp3.HttpUrl.uri( at okhttp3.internal.connection.RouteSelector.resetNextProxy(  at okhttp3.internal.connection.RouteSelector.<init>(  at okhttp3.internal.connection.StreamAllocation.<init>(  at okhttp3.internal.http.RetryAndFollowUpInterceptor.intercept(  at okhttp3.internal.http.RealInterceptorChain.proceed(  at okhttp3.internal.http.RealInterceptorChain.proceed(  at okhttp3.RealCall.getResponseWithInterceptorChain(  at okhttp3.RealCall$AsyncCall.execute(  at  at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(  at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$  at 
Please assist

Having issues deploying to firebase function

Keep getting this error in command prompt...

> functions@ build C:\Users\Jerome\Videos\Tracer-1\functions
> tsc

src/config.ts:9:30 - error TS1011: An element access expression should take an argument.

9   regions: SUPPORTED_REGIONS[],

Found 1 error.

npm ERR! errno 2
npm ERR! functions@ build: `tsc`
npm ERR! Exit status 2
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the functions@ build script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR!     C:\Users\Jerome\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache\_logs\2020-04-23T14_37_32_030Z-debug.log

Error: functions predeploy error: Command terminated with non-zero exit code2

getUploadToken Unhandled error Error [ERR_CRYPTO_INVALID_STATE]: Invalid state for operation getAuthTag

Hi All
Everything working ok with the deploy on firebase. Build ok in AndroidStudio the app. Validating ok OTP but can't reach the upload. Gettign this error "getUploadToken
Unhandled error Error [ERR_CRYPTO_INVALID_STATE]: Invalid state for operation getAuthTag" and "getTempIDs
Unhandled error Error [ERR_CRYPTO_INVALID_STATE]: Invalid state for operation getAuthTag"

Codes collection is missing in firebase.



When a user enters PIN to upload, there is an error logged in Firebase functions getUploadToken: Unhandled error Error [ERR_CRYPTO_INVALID_STATE]: Invalid state for operation getAuthTag. What can I do to fix it?

Issue with NPM - Windows

I'm stuck at the below step:
npm --prefix functions install

npm ERR! Can't install : Missing package version

Any help will be appreciated. I'm using Powershell


When scanning via bluetooth it fails:

Should succeed in getting encryption key

All test passing except Encryption key retrieval:

keyPath: "OpenTraceESKey"

#encryption getEncryptionSecret: Getting encryption key: projects/XXX/secrets/OpenTraceESKey/versions/1 getEncryptionKeyTest Error: 7 PERMISSION_DENIED: Permission 'secretmanager.versions.access' denied for resource 'projects/XXX/secrets/OpenTraceESKey/versions/1' (or it may not exist). at Object.callErrorFromStatus (C:\src\opentrace-cloud-functions\functions\node_modules\@grpc\grpc-js\src\call.ts:79:24) at Http2CallStream.<anonymous> (C:\src\opentrace-cloud-functions\functions\node_modules\@grpc\grpc-js\src\client.ts:155:18) at Http2CallStream.emit (events.js:322:22) at C:\src\opentrace-cloud-functions\functions\node_modules\@grpc\grpc-js\src\call-stream.ts:186:14 at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:79:11) { code: 7, details: "Permission 'secretmanager.versions.access' denied for resource 'projects/XXX/secrets/OpenTraceESKey/versions/1' (or it may not exist).", metadata: Metadata { internalRepr: Map { 'grpc-server-stats-bin' => [Array] }, options: {} }, note: 'Exception occurred in retry method that was not classified as transient' }

Key is stored in Secret Manager and [email protected] user has the access rights (in both IAM and Secret Manager).

Enter PIN to upload

Do we need the PRODUCTION_SERVICE_UUID And V2_CHARACTERISTIC_ID in order for the PIN to show up when the user wants to upload data for contact tracing...

Or did i do something wrong in my cloud functions?

There are no errors in the console when i run the app on my android device.
When i run the test i get the following results
√ should have a valid default algorithm
getEncryptionSecret: Getting encryption key: projects/project/secrets/Encrykey/versions/1
√ should succeed in getting encryption key (1845ms)
√ should have valid buckets (1303ms)
√ should use a good pin generator

Testing without billing information

Would like to do some testing on the android application. Is there a way to do so without filling billing information for 'blaze' account on cloud functions? Currently having issues due to error "NOT-IDLE Failed to retrieve HandShakePin NOT_FOUND", possibly caused by no cloud functions being deployed.

processUploadedData: File is not streetPassRecords, ignore.

UploadFragment: NOT-IDLE Uploading to Cloud Storage
UploadFragment: NOT-IDLE uploaded successfully

Here is the file format received by
processUploadedData: Detected new file: streetPassRecords/20200517/StreetPassRecord_Xiaomi_MI 9_2020-05-17_22-04-02.json

processUploadedData: File is not streetPassRecords, ignore.

What is missing here in the file format to go through all the Steps in processUploadedData ?

Unhandled error { Error: 7 PERMISSION_DENIED: Missing or insufficient permissions.

When I called
which in turn calls await admin.firestore().collection('codes').doc('uploadCode').set({uploadCode: payloadData.toString('base64')});
I received the folowing error
Unhandled error { Error: 7 PERMISSION_DENIED: Missing or insufficient permissions.

The database is in native mode

I tried several database rules, but did not succeed to overcome this issue.
Below is one of the database rules

rules_version = '2';
service cloud.firestore {
match /databases/{database}/documents {
match /{document=**} {
allow read, write: if request.auth != null;

Did someone come through this issue and solve the problem ?

Question regards the API

How are the service endpoints exposed? Is there one endpoint which is called via an encrypted transport, with the envelope containing the target function/service? Or is it REST-style where the function name is exposed via the endpoint?

error while running getUploadToken

checking the log on the getUploadToken i am getting this error message :
Unhandled error Error [ERR_CRYPTO_INVALID_STATE]: Invalid state for operation getAuthTag

anyone can help please???

Confused with last step

I'm refering to this:
Download the json credential file and set the path to GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable

Couldn't find it anywhere. I already downloaded the JSON file and I'mnot sure where to put it and where to set the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS variable.

Building on Android

Help appreciated.

getEncryptionKeyTest { Error: 3 INVALID_ARGUMENT: Resource ID is not in a valid format

✓ should have a valid default algorithm
getEncryptionSecret: Getting encryption key:
1) should succeed in getting encryption key
✓ should have valid buckets (984ms)
✓ should use a good pin generator

3 passing (3s)
1 failing

  1. config.ts
    should succeed in getting encryption key:
    Error: Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves. (config.test.ts)

getEncryptionKeyTest { Error: 3 INVALID_ARGUMENT: Resource ID [projects/12312323131/secrets/B/ASDMALDSACNAKSCNASCNKASC/UI=/versions/1] is not in a valid format.
at Object.callErrorFromStatus (opentrace-cloud-functions/functions/node_modules/@grpc/grpc-js/src/call.ts:79:24)
at (opentrace-cloud-functions/functions/node_modules/@grpc/grpc-js/src/client.ts:155:18)
at Http2CallStream.emit (events.js:203:15)
at process.nextTick (opentrace-cloud-functions/functions/node_modules/@grpc/grpc-js/src/call-stream.ts:186:14)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:61:11)
code: 3,
'Resource ID [projects/12312323131/secrets/B/ASDMALDSACNAKSCNASCNKASC/UI=/versions/1] is not in a valid format.',
Metadata {
internalRepr: Map { 'grpc-server-stats-bin' => [Array] },
options: {} },
'Exception occurred in retry method that was not classified as transient' }
npm ERR! Test failed. See above for more details.

Incorrect IV Initialisation for AES-256-GCM and Constraints on the Number of Invocations

The current implementation does not follow NIST Special Publication 800-38D, in particular Section 8.2 IV Constructions and 8.3 Constraints on the Number of Invocations regarding the secret key.

To mitigate 8.2: IVs can be converted to deterministic construction per 8.2.1.
To mitigate 8.3: Temporary IDs should use an ephemeral key derived from the secret key and uid values, so that the same key is not used for more than 2^32 operations.

The current implementation may permit an adversary to fabricate IDs or Upload Tokens, if they collect duplicated IVs or more than 2^32 encryption operations are performed against the same key.

getHandshakePin problem

As I understood from the flow of the system, the pin that is generated from getHandshakePin function is also used in getUploadToken to validate whether user has a right to upload his history data.

I am curious about this flow. If it's the case that the same pin taken from then getHandshakePin process used as a token via getUploadToken, is't it a bad approach to save that pin in local storage of the device. And why backend should send that pin to the user at getHandshakePin process?

Or if we look from different prespective, let's say we do not use the same pin generated from getHandshakePin to store it as an UploadToken using storeUploadCodes function, so that we will use different tokens generated by Health Authorities instead of those pins. Then, why we need that pin from getHandshakePin?

I understand that maybe I am not understanding the flow fully, so I ask for an advice to shed the light in this situation.


Analyst Uploaded data

Hi, with the uploaded data on Bucket storage, how do we know the phone number(or any info) that connected with our device?
Please find my uploaded data here.

And what will we do with this function : processUploadedData
Currently it's not implemented yet.

> @mchmielarski

I called await storeUploadCodes(['1234']); inside getUploadToken.ts class in the getUploadToken to set the PIN and it seems to work fine. I was able to upload data from the App using the PIN 1234

hi sorry, it tried this but does not seems to work. can someone provide some explanation of where and how to put this in the getUploadToken

Originally posted by @rez20004 in #6 (comment)

Simulate Positive case, trigger upload code

Hi guys,
I got everything working, now I would like to know, how to I simulate a active case, for example, I have installed this on two Android phones close by, so I want the other phone to act a a user who is positive and upload data.

Trigger the upload code.

Any Documentation for that.

Getting encryption key error

Android Error:
[TempID] Error getting Temporary IDs

Cloud Function error is below.
Screenshot from 2020-05-01 19-17-26

I follow all the mentioned steps. But it seems there is some issue while getting encryption key from GCP in code.

Note: I am using "aes-256-gcm" encryption that I already set in the config.js file. DO we need to add this encryption type somewhere else too? Or how I can get rid of this error.

OS: Ubuntu 18.04
Node: v10.20.1
Npm: 6.14.4
Firebase-tools: [email protected]

Test functions fail: #encryption: should succeed in getting encryption key; #upload: should have valid buckets

I'm trying to npm --prefix function test but only 2 tests succeed and 2 fails. Below are the errors:

1) config.ts
        should succeed in getting encryption key:
    Error: Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves. (C:\DEVELOPMENT\Cloud\functions\test\opentrace\config.test.ts)
     at listOnTimeout (internal/timers.js:549:17)
     at processTimers (internal/timers.js:492:7)

 2) config.ts
        should have valid buckets:
    Error: Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves. (C:\DEVELOPMENT\Cloud\functions\test\opentrace\config.test.ts)
     at listOnTimeout (internal/timers.js:549:17)
     at processTimers (internal/timers.js:492:7)

I'm certain that the buckets are valid and the authorization are also given to the user. I'm on Windows.

Please assist.


Verification Code and PIN usage

It says in Open Trace app, that contact tracer will give the code that should match the verification code shown in the user's Phone(who tested positive). It is not mentioned how the contact tracer will get this code?

Could anyone explain this?

Cloud Functions use-case?

Thank you for open sourcing the project, been looking to develop something similar to traceTogether for my country.

My question, can this cloud-functions with React Native give me ability to offer same functionality as the traceTogether app?

Error: Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves

1) should have valid buckets
✓ should use a good pin generator

3 passing (3s)
1 failing

  1. config.ts
    should have valid buckets:
    Error: Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves. (/Users/lover/Downloads/opentrace-cloud-functions/functions/test/opentrace/config.test.ts)
    at listOnTimeout (internal/timers.js:531:17)
    at processTimers (internal/timers.js:475:7)

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