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console's Issues

Nav item label and icon inconsistencies between the two consoles

In flipping between the two consoles, I noticed we use a couple of the same primary nav labels to mean different things in the two different consoles and, in the case of "Applications", the icons differ.

@spadgett and I briefly discussed these issues this morning, and would like feedback from @openshift/team-ux-review and anyone interested on how to best resolve.


  • means project overview in origin-web-console (owc)
    screen shot 2018-07-17 at 9 55 31 am
  • means cluster overview in console
    screen shot 2018-07-17 at 9 55 43 am

Presumably we'd want to keep "Overview" to mean project overview for the forthcoming project overview in console? What do we change "Overview" in console to? What icon goes with the new label?


  • means workloads minus builds plus networking (services and routes) in owc, uses cubes icon
    screen shot 2018-07-17 at 9 56 04 am
  • means things installed via open cloud services and related nav items in console, and uses a layers icon that closely resembles pficon-build
    screen shot 2018-07-17 at 9 56 19 am

@spadgett and I couldn't come up with a suggestion for the label change we liked. But presumably we don't want to use the layers icon in console at all since it so closely resembles pficon-build? What do we use instead?

Add tooltip to the "copy to clipboard" component used with Secrets, ConfigMaps, Mobile, etc

Currently when a user clicks the copy icon, there is no user feedback. Can we add a tooltip so the regular state says "Copy to Clipboard" and once clicked, the tooltip changes to "Copied"?

Note: this was discussed in PR #50 originally, but there was an issue with the tooltip getting cut off:

The mobile team is looking to use the same component, so we would like to get a tooltip implemented! cc @openshift/team-ux-review @spadgett

Add new drag and drop handle icon for reordering environment variables

I'm working with Mary Shakshober (UXD Visual Design Intern) to get some drag and drop handle icons created and put into PatternFly for use in reordering environment variables, here: PR #88

Looking to have the icons designed by 6/15, and put into PatternFly during PF's next sprint! Will update here when those icons are available to use.

Inconsistent capitalization of "YAML" throughout console

On details pages:
screen shot 2018-09-07 at 4 15 57 pm

In secrets dropdown:
screen shot 2018-09-07 at 3 02 52 pm

In Application console actions dropdown:
screen shot 2018-09-07 at 4 41 14 pm

In template suggestions on creation pages:
screen shot 2018-09-07 at 4 15 45 pm

So far this last one is the only use of "yaml" that I've found, but there may be others hidden in the console. Was there a specific reason for this styling, or is this an error?

Builds should show their pod metrics if they can

It's frustrating not seeing them. However, note that for builds the prometheus query is for pod_name="X",container_name="" (we have to show the full pod CPU because the build is run under the pod cgroup, not a container cgroup).

Can't create a new namespace when creating an app

  1. Go to Home - Catalog
  2. Pick Python
  3. Click 'Create Application'

Namespace selector doesn't allow to create a new namespace/project, so I have to go back, create one manually and create an app again

Console catalog display duplicated service

Environment info

# oc version
oc v3.9.0+ba7faec-1
kubernetes v1.9.1+a0ce1bc657
features: Basic-Auth GSSAPI Kerberos SPNEGO

Server https://openshift-1:8443
openshift v3.9.0+ba7faec-1
kubernetes v1.9.1+a0ce1bc657

Problem description

In openshift namespace, there are two same service: OpenJDK 8

The first one is not right


The other one is right:


Additional info

openjdk template source code is here

Show chained builds in Overview

Right now when using a chained build will only show the last build step as part of the Deployment Config, in our case where the first step can take several minutes it seems as though nothing is happening for a long time. You can of course check the Builds menu but it would be nice if it were possible to have this directly visible in the Overview.

Blank page displayed - http://localhost:9000/overview/ns/odo

When I use the console top of kubernetes v1.11 and click on overview button of a namespace, I'm getting this error within the Browser console and the screen stays white

index.tsx:57 destroying websocket: /api/kubernetes/apis/apps/v1/namespaces/odo/statefulsets?watch=true&resourceVersion=10213
index.tsx:57 statefulsets---{"ns":"odo"} timed out - restarting polling
react-dom.production.min.js:13 TypeError: Cannot read property 'data' of undefined
    at t.createDeploymentConfigItems (index.tsx:59)
    at t.createOverviewData (index.tsx:59)
    at t.componentDidUpdate (index.tsx:59)
    at commitLifeCycles (react-dom.production.min.js:13)
    at w (react-dom.production.min.js:13)
    at S (react-dom.production.min.js:13)
    at x (react-dom.production.min.js:13)
    at b (react-dom.production.min.js:13)
    at y (react-dom.production.min.js:13)
    at p (react-dom.production.min.js:13)

screenshot 2018-11-08 08 46 33

ImageStreamTag display won't work quite like expected

Image stream overview displays a list of tags, which are clickable. However, that takes me to image stream tags view. On that view, I don't see historical tags (you need the image stream for that). But another problem is that you can have spec or status tags, and both need to be viewable (i.e. the following states)

  1. You only have a status tag on the image stream called foo (can have history, image stream tag will return something)
  2. You only have a spec tag on the image stream called foo (no history, image stream tag api returns 404)
  3. You have both spec and status tag called foo (can have history, can have spec, and need to show image metadata).

At some point we will release a v2 image stream tag api that corrects the gaps in the current v1 image stream tag. Until then, you'll need to do the following:

  1. Fetch image stream
  2. Fetch image stream image if the latest status tag has an image definition
  3. Show the history from status, the spec (if it exists), and the image metadata from image stream image.

Misaligned panel in Dropdown component

The placement of the Dropdown component's menu is misaligned. This is cause by improper element stack in the Dropdown's underlying components and will require their re-ordering.

Chrome crashes with out of memory exception

We have the OpenShift Cluster with the OpenShift Console deployed. We have multiple namespaces and one of the namespace has around ~ 170 pods.

When logged in, it's terrifically slow and hangs without any response. After a while the chrome window goes to the screen with Aw snap, something went wrong while displaying this webpage message.

If I have the Developer Tools opened, it automatically puts a break point and have a message as Paused before potential out-of-memory crash as shown below.

And the memory tab shows around 2Gi as shown in the next attachments.

screen shot 2018-11-27 at 4 11 56 pm

screen shot 2018-11-27 at 4 37 08 pm

Also attached the logs from the DevTools console logs.

Annotations on ImageStream overview are hard to view

The annotations link on ImageStream overview pops up a modal dialog that only shows 1 row and 30 columns for both name and value, which isn't enough to really convey annotations. It needs to be possible to view annotations easily, and those annotations can be up to hundreds of characters. A modal dialog really doesn't allow that to happen.

Project display name and description unused

Unique names for projects are used in all places and display names only appear in the details, which seems to be the opposite of their intended purpose. Additionally, project descriptions don't appear anywhere that I've been able to find. I wonder if we should emphasize these fields more, or remove them if they are not used.

Swapped position of actionMenu and resource-icon

Often after creating a first instance of a specific resource(Service, Secret, Stateful Set, ... ) the position of the actionMenu and resource-icon is swapped. Even after the navigating to some other page and back to the resource List page the order is still swapped. Only after refreshing the page the order goes back to normal.
Swapped position:

Normal position:

Also the size of the resource-icon is incorrect since it's bigger the the intended size.

Additional margin under nav section heading

There's some additional margin between the section title and the items, for instance, between "Workloads" and "Pods below. (Current is on the left, previous on the right.)

Just checking if this is intentional or an oversight.

overview okd 2018-10-26 17-33-22

cc @openshift/team-ux-review

Error "Required value" for field "metadata.namespace"

After apply kubevirt-web-ui [1] to ocp cluster, it could be able to create virtual machine in However, create a virtual machine from a typical yaml [2] file is failed because of such an error Error "Required value" for field "metadata.namespace".


Additional notes:
By adding the namespace to the VM yaml, then create it works.

test cluster console api

I want to test the okd3.11 cluster console api, but I don't know which one the header uses, it seems that the token is not used?

PodInitializing is not generally an error state, messaging is confusing


In this case the pod has failed

  phase: Failed
    - type: Initialized
      status: 'False'
      lastProbeTime: null
      lastTransitionTime: '2018-06-08T02:35:19Z'
      reason: ContainersNotInitialized
      message: 'containers with incomplete status: [initupload place-tools]'
    - type: Ready
      status: 'False'
      lastProbeTime: null
      lastTransitionTime: '2018-06-08T02:35:19Z'
      reason: ContainersNotReady
      message: 'containers with unready status: [test sidecar]'
    - type: PodScheduled
      status: 'True'
      lastProbeTime: null
      lastTransitionTime: '2018-06-08T02:35:19Z'
  startTime: '2018-06-08T02:35:19Z'
    - name: clonerefs
          exitCode: 0
          reason: Completed
          startedAt: '2018-06-08T02:35:21Z'
          finishedAt: '2018-06-08T02:35:25Z'
          containerID: >-
      lastState: {}
      ready: true
      restartCount: 0
      image: ''
      imageID: >-
      containerID: >-
    - name: initupload
          exitCode: 1
          reason: Error
          startedAt: '2018-06-08T02:35:26Z'
          finishedAt: '2018-06-08T02:35:27Z'
          containerID: >-
      lastState: {}
      ready: false
      restartCount: 0
      image: ''
      imageID: >-
      containerID: >-
    - name: place-tools
          reason: PodInitializing
      lastState: {}
      ready: false
      restartCount: 0
      image: ''
      imageID: ''
    - name: sidecar
          reason: PodInitializing
      lastState: {}
      ready: false
      restartCount: 0
      image: ''
      imageID: ''
    - name: test
          reason: PodInitializing
      lastState: {}
      ready: false
      restartCount: 0
      image: >-
      imageID: ''
  qosClass: BestEffort

But showing PodInitializing here is a bit confusing since it's usually a forward action (the pod is initializing). I think "InitContainerFailed" or "InitializationFailed" would be more appropriate.

auth: link OAuth2 state parameter with user agent

(NOTE: we have someone internally who's been assigned this)

Currently we generate a "state" redirect parameter because some providers reject requests without them. However we don't actually link the state parameter to the user's session, leaving us vulnerable to certain cross-site request forgery attacks.


Lines 232 to 238 in 9c80cb3

// TODO(ericchiang): actually start using the "state" parameter correctly
var randData [4]byte
if _, err := io.ReadFull(rand.Reader, randData[:]); err != nil {
state := hex.EncodeToString(randData[:])
http.Redirect(w, r, a.oauth2Client.AuthCodeURL(state), http.StatusSeeOther)

Cookie the user with something that can link back to the "state" parameter we pass, per the recommendations in RFC 6819.

5.3.5. Link the "state" Parameter to User Agent Session

The "state" parameter is used to link client requests and prevent
CSRF attacks, for example, attacks against the redirect URI. An
attacker could inject their own authorization "code" or access token,
which can result in the client using an access token associated with
the attacker's protected resources rather than the victim's (e.g.,
save the victim's bank account information to a protected resource
controlled by the attacker).

The client should utilize the "state" request parameter to send the
authorization server a value that binds the request to the user
agent's authenticated state (e.g., a hash of the session cookie used
to authenticate the user agent) when making an authorization request.
Once authorization has been obtained from the end user, the
authorization server redirects the end-user's user agent back to the
client with the required binding value contained in the "state"

The binding value enables the client to verify the validity of the
request by matching the binding value to the user agent's

We can't display/access the Web Terminal of a container


Openshift Console: master branch
Cloud platform : k8s - 1.13


Issue : No terminal console is displayed as you can see here when we try to access a pod' terminal

screenshot 2018-12-18 09 51 00

Console has been launched using these commands

2018/12/18 09:46:06 cmd/main: cookies are not secure because base-address is not https!
2018/12/18 09:46:06 cmd/main: running with AUTHENTICATION DISABLED!
2018/12/18 09:46:06 cmd/main: Binding to
2018/12/18 09:46:06 cmd/main: not using TLS
2018/12/18 09:46:07 CheckOrigin: Proxy has no configured Origin. Allowing origin [http://localhost:9000] to ws://
2018/12/18 09:46:08 CheckOrigin: Proxy has no configured Origin. Allowing origin [http://localhost:9000] to ws://
2018/12/18 09:46:13 http: proxy error: context canceled
2018/12/18 09:46:14 CheckOrigin: Proxy has no configured Origin. Allowing origin [http://localhost:9000] to ws://

I can access remotely a pod using the kubectl command

 kubectl exec -it fruit-backend-sb-66ff974cd-2lwjl -n my-spring-app -- /bin/bash
/usr/bin/id: cannot find name for user ID 1001
[I have no name!@fruit-backend-sb-66ff974cd-2lwjl ~]$ ls -la
total 28
drwxrwx--- 4 1001 root 4096 Dec 18 08:11 .
drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4096 Dec 18 08:11 ..
-rw------- 1 1001 root   16 Dec 18 08:11 .bash_history
-rw-rw-r-- 1 1001 root   18 Sep 26  2017 .bash_logout
-rw-rw-r-- 1 1001 root  193 Sep 26  2017 .bash_profile
-rw-rw-r-- 1 1001 root  231 Sep 26  2017 .bashrc
drwxrwxr-x 2 1001 root 4096 Jul 16 09:30 .m2

Using browser Find will find Catalog Items not being displayed

The patternfly react CatalogTileViewCategory component implementation caused the tiles to be rendered but not visible. This meant the browser Find was still able to find those items. Fix for the CatalogTileViewCategory is in patternfly-react-extensions version 2.9.1

To fix this issue the catalog view needs to pass CatalogTile components to the CatalogTileViewCategory component which now work as links if an href or onClick are passed.

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