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pygslib's Issues

Python 3.8 support for Linux

Please can you run a build of the wheel for the Linux/Python 3.8 version. Most modern Linuxes now use 3.8 by default.

I see there is a 3.8 build for Windows.

I did try to build it locally under Fedora 32, but I'm getting all sorts of esoteric Fortran compiler errors.

Many Thanks,

Remove pyevtk and implement the code in pure python.

pyevtk is broken, remove this package.

~...\site-packages\pyevtk\ in gridToVTK(path, x, y, z, cellData, pointData)
153 nx, ny, nz = x.size - 1, y.size - 1, z.size - 1
154 isRect = True
--> 155 ftype = VtkRectilinearGrid
156 elif (x.ndim == 3 and y.ndim == 3 and z.ndim == 3):
157 s = x.shape

NameError: name 'VtkRectilinearGrid' is not defined

Trace offset

In some cases, drill hole trace created with the desurvey method in pygslib does not align well with the trace created in other tools. Attached screenshot is an example of such offset between pygslib(yellow) and GEMS(cyan).

Crashes after installing geopandas

Crashes after installing geopandas. The issue is related to matplotlib (after excecuting import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from line 37

TODO: set vc=14.1 as a dependency

Add function to download data and/or hardcode sample data

We need good sample data to run tests, and examples in doscstring. There are some options:

  1. distribute data in text files within the python package
  2. hardcode some data, for example a dictionary with drillholes
  3. put the data online

We like the option 2. and 3...

Update OSX conda distribution for version

Update the OSX conda distribution using wheels. These are the commands for python 3.6:

git clone
cd pygslib
python sdist bdist_wheel
cp dist/<filename.whl> pygslib_conda/wheels/

Update file pygslib_conda/pygslib_OSX_py3.6/

pip install --no-deps /<local path to pygslib>/pygslib_conda/wheels/<filename.whl>

and build conda

cd pygslib_conda
conda build --python 3.6 pygslib_OSX_py3.6

Error when using pygslib on MacOS


After installing pygslib in Acancoda, which was successful, I tried to load the pygslib module:

import pygslib

I get the following error:
Unable to revert mtime: /Library/Fonts
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 5, in
import pygslib
File "/Users/esepulveda/anaconda3/envs/crcore/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pygslib/", line 32, in
import gslib
File "/Users/esepulveda/anaconda3/envs/crcore/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pygslib/gslib/", line 42, in
import __gslib__kt3d
ImportError: dlopen(/Users/esepulveda/anaconda3/envs/crcore/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pygslib/gslib/, 2): Library not loaded: /usr/local/gfortran/lib/libgfortran.3.dylib
Referenced from: /Users/esepulveda/anaconda3/envs/crcore/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pygslib/gslib/
Reason: image not found

Apparently, there is a hardcoded reference to libgfortran. I installed libgfortran with conda, but the error is the same.

I hope you can find a solution. In the meantime, I will try to build it from sources.

Add metadata to block model and function to export to *.csv with accompanying

Extra info is required to serialize block model and drillhole databases. Also to export to csv


  • add function to export csv file along with metadata file with model prototype and columns info
  • add metadata to block fields, for example, appending a string coded in jason or dic format "{'prop':'value'}" in _metadata property. Note that _metadata is to add custom properties and is a list of strings, adding a dic brakes Pandas.

export drillholes to vtp instead vtk

The export drillhole to vtk has no automatic extension assignment (e.g. replace 'file' with 'file.vtk'). Also it is better using xml format vtp (vtk poly)


The README states:

This software may be modified and distributed under the terms of the MIT and GPL licenses.

But the LICENSE file only contains terms for MIT. Could you clarify what aspects of the library are under the GPL license as GPL can be very limiting for how this library can be used?

import __gslib__kt3d

when running the script with import pygslib, there will be an error related with __gslib__kt3d, where the specified module couldn't be found.

File "C:\Anaconda\lib\site-packages\pygslib\", line 42, in
import __gslib__kt3d

ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found.

I don't import PyGSLIB

Why I don't import PyGSLIB

ImportError Traceback (most recent call last)
~/anaconda3/envs/pygslib/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vtk/ in
4 # use relative import for installed modules
----> 5 from .vtkIOParallelPython import *
6 except ImportError:

ImportError: dlopen(/Users/ekim/anaconda3/envs/pygslib/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vtk/, 2): Library not loaded: @rpath/libjsoncpp.11.dylib
Referenced from: /Users/ekim/anaconda3/envs/pygslib/lib/libvtkIOParallel-8.1.1.dylib
Reason: image not found

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

ModuleNotFoundError Traceback (most recent call last)
----> 1 import pygslib

~/anaconda3/envs/pygslib/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pygslib/ in
25 # import pygslib modules (compatible with python 3x)
---> 26 from . import drillhole, blockmodel, vtktools, nonlinear, sandbox, gslib, plothtml, charttable, progress
28 from . import version

cython_code/drillhole.pyx in init pygslib.drillhole()

~/anaconda3/envs/pygslib/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vtk/ in
78 from .vtkIONetCDF import *
79 from .vtkIOPLY import *
---> 80 from .vtkIOParallel import *
81 from .vtkIOParallelXML import *
82 from .vtkIOSQL import *

~/anaconda3/envs/pygslib/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vtk/ in
7 # during build and testing, the modules will be elsewhere,
8 # e.g. in lib directory or Release/Debug config directories
----> 9 from vtkIOParallelPython import *

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'vtkIOParallelPython'

Feat. Req.: PyPI and updated conda deployment (for Mac)

Would it be possible to set up a deployment process for this library on PyPI using a continuous integration service like Travis CI?

I cannot successfully build from source and would greatly benefit to have a whl or simple installation means (Mac OS). I see linux and windows have stable conda distributions.

Additional Context:

If we could get this deployed on PyPI then I could get some feature request going on PVGeo to create an interface directly in ParaView for pygslib. I think there could be some really awesome interoperability between PVGeo and pygslib.

simple examples for kriging and sequential simulation

Hi, I just found your package and it looks very interesting. I was trying to wrap gslib for my research and I came across your work. Do you have any examples of calling gslib functions like kriging and sequential simulation?

Import Error

I can't import de module in python 3.8

This is the output

ImportError Traceback (most recent call last)
----> 1 import pygslib

~\pygslib\ in
25 # import pygslib modules (compatible with python 3x)
---> 26 from pygslib import drillhole, blockmodel, vtktools, nonlinear, sandbox, gslib, plothtml, charttable, progress, surpac
28 from pygslib import version

~\pygslib\pygslib\ in
41 #gslib fortran code
---> 42 from pygslib.gslib import __gslib__kt3d
43 from pygslib.gslib import __gslib__postik
44 from pygslib.gslib import __read_gslib

ImportError: cannot import name '_gslib__kt3d' from partially initialized module 'pygslib.gslib' (most likely due to a circular import) (C:\Users*********\pygslib\pygslib\

export_core_vtk_line error

I am sorry but when I try mydholedb.export_core_vtk_line('CMP', 'cmp.vtk') in the tutorial, the result is

AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-29-09f1873a59b1> in <module>()
      3 #mydholedb.export_core_vtk_line('CMP', 'cmp.vtk', nanval=0, title = '')
      4 #see(mydholedb.export_core_vtk_line)
----> 5 mydholedb.export_core_vtk_line('CMP', 'cmp.vtk')

cython_code/drillhole.pyx in pygslib.drillhole.Drillhole.export_core_vtk_line (cython_code/drillhole.c:32985)()

cython_code/drillhole.pyx in pygslib.drillhole.Drillhole.export_core_vtk_line (cython_code/drillhole.c:32636)()

AttributeError: SetInputData

Issue with number of downhole composites

Problema: queda 'colas' sin compositar al final de un sondaje, cuando el largo de la cola es menor a la mitad del largo del compósito.

Creo que esto se produce porque la función 'int' redondea hacia abajo y al iterar sobre ncomp el último valor del rango no es incluido


593: ncomp = int(ito[-1]/cint + 1) # number of composites

624: # for each composite
625: for i in range (ncomp):


pygslib.blockmodel.calc_ixyz_fromijk() data type issue

ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
in ()
----> 1 mod.calc_ixyz_fromijk()

cython_code\blockmodel.pyx in pygslib.blockmodel.Blockmodel.calc_ixyz_fromijk()

cython_code\blockmodel.pyx in pygslib.blockmodel.Blockmodel.calc_ixyz_fromijk()

cython_code\blockmodel.pyx in pygslib.blockmodel.ijk2ind()

ValueError: Buffer dtype mismatch, expected 'long' but got 'long long'

No module named 'pygslib.drillhole' on 'import pygslib'

I followed the install from source directions. The installation finishes with no errors or warnings.

Did I miss something?

opengeostats and pygslib are not found when using conda install -c opengeostats pygslib.


I cannot install pygslib in Anaconda

This is the error message I got when trying to run conda and install pygslib. Same issue on Linux.

conda install -c opengeostat pygslib
Solving environment: failed

PackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are not available from current channels:

  • pygslib
  • ezdxf

Current channels:

To search for alternate channels that may provide the conda package you're
looking for, navigate to

and use the search bar at the top of the page.

numpy dependency

I just installed the package using conda install. It worked, however it asked me to downgrade numpy:
numpy: 1.12.0-py27_0 --> 1.11.3-py27_0
I was wondering if this is necessary or it can also be used along with python 1.12.

Add support for CGAL and IGL

CGAL and IGL are now easy to install via conca. Add support to process 3D geometry and adding computational geometry functionality.

add packages and update dependencies...

conda install -c conda-forge igl cgal

BABBITT zone data

I am a graduate student in Geology and my thesis is reserve estimation. For this purpose, I want to get help from PyGSLIB library. Ihave used to learn, but i can not download BABBITT zone of the KEWEENAWAN DULUTH COMPLEX data. please send me this data for better learning. Thanks for your gratitude.

Problem with vktools

When I try

renderer = gslib.vtktools.polydata2renderer(mycube, color=(1,0,0), opacity=0.50, background=(1,1,1))

The result is

cython_code/vtktools.pyx in pygslib.vtktools.polydata2renderer (cython_code/vtktools.c:3902)()
cython_code/vtktools.pyx in pygslib.vtktools.polydata2renderer (cython_code/vtktools.c:3471)()
AttributeError: SetInputData

(Mac OS X, Python 2.7.12, compiled by me)

Model IJK index not compatible with Datamine

IJK index in PyGSLIB is compatible with GSLIB order (first X, then Y, and finally Z), for example, equal to the row number in a GSLIB grid file. See function pygslib.blockmodel.ind2ijk()... ijk = iz*nx*ny+ iy*nx + ix

Datamine files have a different IJK (first Z, then Y, and finally X)

a) add a function to calculate Datamine IJK index.
b) add functions to convert: (1) from Datamine IJK to GSLIB IJK and (2) from GSLIB IJK to Datamine IJK

ERROR collecting tests/

hello everyone mi name is Heber from Chile and I appreciate very much the work developed with this python library, but I have the following problem when I install pygslib:

=================================== ERRORS ==================================== ____________ ERROR collecting tests/ ____________ tests\ in <module> from pygslib.drillhole import ang2cart E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pygslib' ____________ ERROR collecting tests/ ____________ ImportError while importing test module 'C:\Users\Heber\Desktop\python_heber\pygslib\tests\'. Hint: make sure your test modules/packages have valid Python names. Traceback: tests\ in <module> from pygslib.drillhole import ang2cart E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pygslib' ____________ ERROR collecting tests/ ____________ tests\ in <module> from pygslib.drillhole import ang2cart E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pygslib' ____________ ERROR collecting tests/ ____________ ImportError while importing test module 'C:\Users\Heber\Desktop\python_heber\pygslib\tests\'. Hint: make sure your test modules/packages have valid Python names. Traceback: tests\ in <module> from pygslib.drillhole import ang2cart E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pygslib' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Interrupted: 4 errors during collection !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =========================== 4 error in 0.37 seconds =========================== OPENGEOSTAT SAYS CYTHON/FORTRAN CODE COMPILED

I use Python 3.6.4.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Add full test set

Add a full test set to make sure calculations are OK. This may be a time consuming task, probably we may use tests to create/extend examples and documentation.

  • Go to each function and design a test (by hand and probably on paper)
  • Implement set of tests for functions and class members in pygslib.drillhole, pygslib.blockmodel, ...
  • Select a unit testing tool: unittest, pytest, nose, doctest.
  • Implement unit testing in

Unit testing tool: pytest, pytest --doctest-modules and doctest

Our idea is creating a unit testing set in the directory tests:


Each file is a separated test [t01, t02, ...] for functions [funa, funb, ...], in modules [modulea, moduleb]
Each testing file may call a separated function to get the docstring, for example

# test file to test docstring example: call with ~pytest --doctest-modules
from pygslib.drillhole import ang2cart #Load a function and its docstring
#create dummy function and assign docstring (pytest does not run directly from ang2cart, didn't liked a cython function)
def dummy():
dummy.__doc__ = ang2cart.__doc__

In this way we isolate the test (recommended for doctest).

Alternatively you can add a more complex tests with pytest. For example:

# test file to test pytest example: call with ~pytest -v
import pytest
from pygslib.drillhole import ang2cart

#create dum function and assign docstring (pytest does not run directly from ang2cart)
def test_ang2cart_01():
    # use pytest.approx to avoid precision issues
    assert ang2cart( azm = 45, dip = 75) == pytest.approx((0.1830, 0.1830, -0.9659), abs=0.0001)

def test_ang2cart_02():
    assert ang2cart( azm = 0, dip = 0) == (0., 0., 0.) # fails 

To run all the tests in docstrings
pytest --doctest-modules

To run all the tests created with pytest just type
pytest -v

Compatibility issue

Note that some docstring are only compatible with python 2.7 and will require compatibility updates. For example, this only works on python 2.7:

    >>> print ang2cart( azm = 45, dip = 75)
    (0.1830127239227295, 0.1830127090215683, -0.9659258127212524)

Integrating testing on

Automatic integration of pytest in failed because we use numpy.distutils. The manual integration described in fails in windows because we use mingw-w64 and it creates separated /*.dll files that are copied after setup-build
and after test. The trick we use is "manually" running the command after setup and after copying the dlls.

	# copy dll if so is windows
        mayor = sys.version_info[0]
        minor = sys.version_info[1]
        os.system('copy build\\{}.{}\\pygslib\\.libs\\*.dll build\\{}.{}\\pygslib\\gslib'.format(mayor,minor,mayor,minor))
        os.system('del /s /q build\\{}.{}\\pygslib\\.libs'.format(mayor,minor))

    # running tests
    os.system('pytest --doctest-modules -v tests/') #pytest of both, docstrings and pytest tests...


FORTRAN kt3d code

Good day everyone and thanks to the authors for creating such a great program.

I'm trying to use this program in my study data but i can't replicate the demo lesson. I have installed all the necessary libraries as described in the tutorial. The error occurs during estimation.

estimating in one block

estimate, debug, summary = pygslib.gslib.kt3d(kt3d_Parameters)

The error message i get is as follows:

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/Users/markjuvert/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pygslib/gslib/", line 1328, in kt3d
output['outwmean']) =__gslib__kt3d.pykt3d(**parameters)

TypeError: 'bhidint' is an invalid keyword argument for this function

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/markjuvert/Desktop/Babbitt/", line 356, in
estimate, debug, summary = pygslib.gslib.kt3d(kt3d_Parameters)

File "/Users/markjuvert/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pygslib/gslib/", line 1332, in kt3d
raise NameError('unexpected error in FORTRAN kt3d code')
NameError: unexpected error in FORTRAN kt3d code

I've tried to trouble shoot the code in the best way i can but i'm stuck here.

Please if anyone can help, I'll be very grateful.

Thanks in advanced!

Use PyVista for 3D viz instead of ParaView

PyVista can do most things that ParaView can do and would meet the needs of the examples I have seen in the docs. It would be great if this library leveraged PyVista for native Python 3D viz to keep users from having to save out static copies of their data. Since PyVista is simply a wrapping layer on top of VTK, users could still use ParaView if they like, but would now have the additional option of using PyVista out of the box. The vtktools module could mostly be replaced by calls to PyVista which would cut down on a lot of maintenance for the VTK code, especially IO functions with formats like VTK, STL, etc. Also, if there are unique utilites in there leveraging VTK features we haven't yet wrapped in PyVista, I'd be happy to implement those functions in PyVista to keep VTK related maintence over in PyVista.

I'm willing to help implement this. @opengeostat, what do you think this might look like?

FYI: With PyVista support, all of the examples in the docs could be converted to be fully reproducible code to make the figures much like PyVista's examples gallery

Supported by Python 3.6

Was wondering if you could enable the code to be supported by higher versions of Python. Also, I am not able to download the package from the Pycharm platform as well.

Incompatible with mingw from conda distribution

Compiling in Windows return error if using conda distribution and conda package mingw is installed. In case of error compiling make sure you use mingw-w64 and try this command:

conda unistall mingw

Apparently pygslib for python 2.7 in windows requires mingw 4.7-1 (?) and libpython: 1.0-py27_1 to run properly.

Errors in Installing PYGSLIB setup

Hi I have these errors when I try to run python setup build. May I ask how to resolve this?

File "", line 155, in
File "C:\Users\Jasper\miniconda3\lib\site-packages\numpy\distutils\", line 169, in setup
return old_setup(**new_attr)
File "C:\Users\Jasper\miniconda3\lib\site-packages\", line 153, in setup
return distutils.core.setup(**attrs)
File "C:\Users\Jasper\miniconda3\lib\distutils\", line 148, in setup
File "C:\Users\Jasper\miniconda3\lib\distutils\", line 966, in run_commands
File "C:\Users\Jasper\miniconda3\lib\distutils\", line 985, in run_command
File "C:\Users\Jasper\miniconda3\lib\site-packages\numpy\distutils\command\", line 60, in run
r = self.setuptools_run()
File "C:\Users\Jasper\miniconda3\lib\site-packages\numpy\distutils\command\", line 54, in setuptools_run
File "C:\Users\Jasper\miniconda3\lib\site-packages\setuptools\command\", line 109, in do_egg_install
File "C:\Users\Jasper\miniconda3\lib\distutils\", line 313, in run_command
File "C:\Users\Jasper\miniconda3\lib\distutils\", line 985, in run_command
File "C:\Users\Jasper\miniconda3\lib\site-packages\setuptools\command\", line 164, in run
cmd = self.call_command('install_lib', warn_dir=0)
File "C:\Users\Jasper\miniconda3\lib\site-packages\setuptools\command\", line 150, in call_command
File "C:\Users\Jasper\miniconda3\lib\distutils\", line 313, in run_command
File "C:\Users\Jasper\miniconda3\lib\distutils\", line 985, in run_command
File "C:\Users\Jasper\miniconda3\lib\site-packages\setuptools\command\", line 11, in run
File "C:\Users\Jasper\miniconda3\lib\distutils\command\", line 107, in build
File "C:\Users\Jasper\miniconda3\lib\distutils\", line 313, in run_command
File "C:\Users\Jasper\miniconda3\lib\distutils\", line 985, in run_command
File "C:\Users\Jasper\miniconda3\lib\site-packages\numpy\distutils\command\", line 119, in run
self.compiler = new_compiler(compiler=compiler_type,
File "C:\Users\Jasper\miniconda3\lib\site-packages\numpy\distutils\", line 765, in new_compiler
compiler = klass(None, dry_run, force)
File "C:\Users\Jasper\miniconda3\lib\site-packages\numpy\distutils\", line 61, in init
distutils.cygwinccompiler.CygwinCCompiler.init (self, verbose,
File "C:\Users\Jasper\miniconda3\lib\distutils\", line 129, in init
if self.ld_version >= "2.10.90":
TypeError: '>=' not supported between instances of 'NoneType' and 'str'

Add implicit function to clip block model with surface

Clipping a model (or a vtkImageData) will allows generating solid estimation domains from external or generated surfaces.


  • Create a function to clip model (vtkImageData) with surface (vtkpolydata), use this example:
  • Create function to generate surface from points using linear rbf (already tested, add prototype in sandbox)
  • Create function to generate implicit surfaces (intrusion style) interpolating distances. Will require adding function to generate contact points in drillholes and interior/exterior points

Releases and tags

Why is the version ''? I propose switching to a traditional semantic versioning scheme of: major.minor.patch and reversioning the current release as 4.0.0 (if it is a stable release, otherwise 0.4.0).

Also, the tags in the git repository should match the version of the code. Can you please tag the version upon switching to a semantic versioning scheme so the the releases reflect the stages of this software's development? You tag by running the following in the local clone of the repository:

git tag 4.0.0
git push origin --tags

Cpython Code not Reading from Correct Location

I am currently trying to setup the pygslib library with my computer (Mac OSX Catalina 10.15.1) but I am receiving the following traceback:

ImportError Traceback (most recent call last)
----> 1 import pygslib

~/opt/anaconda3/envs/deepmine/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pygslib/ in
25 # import pygslib modules (compatible with python 3x)
---> 26 from . import drillhole, blockmodel, vtktools, nonlinear, sandbox, gslib, plothtml, charttable, progress
28 from . import version

~/opt/anaconda3/envs/deepmine/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pygslib/gslib/ in
41 #gslib fortran code
---> 42 from . import __gslib__kt3d
43 from . import __gslib__postik
44 from . import __read_gslib

ImportError: dlopen(/Users/[email protected]/opt/anaconda3/envs/deepmine/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pygslib/gslib/, 2): Library not loaded: /usr/local/gfortran/lib/libgfortran.3.dylib
Referenced from: /Users/[email protected]/opt/anaconda3/envs/deepmine/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pygslib/gslib/
Reason: image not found`

Not sure why is reading from my /usr/local directory.

In addition, when trying from pysgslib.drillhole import Drillhole I end up with the following error statement:
AttributeError: type object 'pygslib.drillhole.Drillhole' has no attribute '__reduce_cython__'

Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated!

Question: notebook with co-kriging

Thank to the contributor for this interesting opensource geostat lib. I am wondering if this library can do multivariate modeling with co-kriging? Is there any notebook template for it ?



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    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

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    Data-Driven Documents codes.