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nightscout-connect's Issues

Requirements to get this working against LibreLinkup


So I have got Nightscout set up in Azure, and it is running fine but I wanted to use the nightscout-connect to pull data from Librelinkup and i just cant get it to pull any data through to Nightscout. No errors, just no data.

I am running Nightscout 14.2.6

And in Nightscout I have added the following variables (only showing the ones I have used for nightscout-connect)

  • ENABLE = connect
  • SHOW_PLUGINS = connect

I haven't entered anything for the region as I am based in the UK (so I am assuming this is regarded as EU in this case even though we have left the EU).... Actually is there a UK region?

[glooko] meal bolus split into insulin and carbs part

When using the glooko source, meal boli are imported into nightscout twice, separating the insulin from the carbs.


Basically, there's one meal bolus containing the given insulin and another one (offset by ~1 minute) with the carbs. I assume the data is also split like this on the glooko api side, yet I wonder if there's some way to combine the data when importing.

Glooko: Request failed with status code 432

Hello everyone,

Since the beginning of December 2023, I no longer see any values from Glooko in Nightscout. Everything worked before, but Glooko seems to have changed something, as retrieving the data fails with an error 432. The login etc. works, only the retrieval of the data seems to have changed:

event: {
type: 'error.platform.phase.Fetching:invocation[0]',
data: AxiosError: Request failed with status code 432
at settle (/node_modules/axios/dist/node/axios.cjs:1913:12)
at IncomingMessage.handleStreamEnd (/node_modules/axios/dist/node/axios.cjs:2995:11)
at IncomingMessage.emit (node:events:526:35)
at endReadableNT (node:internal/streams/readable:1359:12)
at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:82:21) {
config: [Object],
request: [ClientRequest],
response: [Object]

Is there anything known here?

Thanks and best regards

[GLOOKO] Problem with nightscout-connect using European Glooko account

I am trying to connect to a European Glooko account from Spain, and I get an error when connecting. Here are the logs from Nightscout:

2023-08-05T18:23:30.513865455Z stdout F MiniMed Connect not enabled
2023-08-05T18:23:26.821569259Z stdout F Executing setupMMConnect
2023-08-05T18:23:26.821517826Z stdout F Dexcom bridge not enabled
2023-08-05T18:23:25.015052031Z stdout F Executing setupBridge
2023-08-05T18:23:24.819624981Z stdout F }
2023-08-05T18:23:24.819622748Z stdout F kind: 'glooko'
2023-08-05T18:23:24.819620799Z stdout F baseURL: '';,
2023-08-05T18:23:24.819619004Z stdout F glookoTimezoneOffset: -7200000,
2023-08-05T18:23:24.819617002Z stdout F glookoPassword: '',
2023-08-05T18:23:24.819614804Z stdout F glookoEmail: '
2023-08-05T18:23:24.819612086Z stdout F glookoServer: '',
2023-08-05T18:23:24.819609229Z stdout F glookoEnv: 'eu',
2023-08-05T18:23:24.819593054Z stdout F INPUT PARAMS { kind: 'glooko' } {
2023-08-05T18:23:24.819203689Z stdout F GLOOKO using ms offset: -7200000 2

2023-08-05T18:23:43.195213184Z stdout F }
2023-08-05T18:23:43.195211094Z stdout F response: [Object]
2023-08-05T18:23:43.195208838Z stdout F request: [ClientRequest],
2023-08-05T18:23:43.195206737Z stdout F config: [Object],
2023-08-05T18:23:43.195204564Z stdout F code: 'ERR_BAD_REQUEST',
2023-08-05T18:23:43.195202226Z stdout F at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:83:21) {
2023-08-05T18:23:43.195199974Z stdout F at endReadableNT (node:internal/streams/readable:1358:12)
2023-08-05T18:23:43.195195974Z stdout F at Unzip.emit (node:events:525:35)
2023-08-05T18:23:43.19519297Z stdout F at Unzip.handleStreamEnd (/workspace/node_modules/nightscout-connect/node_modules/axios/dist/node/axios.cjs:2989:11)
2023-08-05T18:23:43.195188961Z stdout F at settle (/workspace/node_modules/nightscout-connect/node_modules/axios/dist/node/axios.cjs:1909:12)
2023-08-05T18:23:43.195184914Z stdout F data: AxiosError: Request failed with status code 422
2023-08-05T18:23:43.195180833Z stdout F type: 'AUTHENTICATION_ERROR',

[minimed carelink] Pulling always at :00, :05, :10, .., no matter when the upload was

I'm using the nightscout-connect plugin with minimed-connect.

I recognized that the plugin pulls every 5 minutes (as expected), but instead of adapting the pulling time to the actual upload (or measurement) time of the uploader, it always uses :00, :05, :10, :15, ... minutes. Therefore, if the regular measurement and upload takes at, e.g., :01, the data is 4 minutes old before being downloaded at :05 by the nightscout-connect plugin.

Is there a way to determine the upload-time (or measurement time-stamp) from minimed carelink and adapt the pulling schedule of the plugin?


Connect LibreLink Time Delay

Using Nightscout v15.02. Using the following environment variables.

Glucose data points show up, but it takes 22 minutes before they show in NS.
Attached jpeg...
1-Stopped using [timoschlueter]Libre Link up and started using Connect-linkup
2- Stopped Connect-linkup and resumed [timoschlueter]Libre Link up
Note the 22 minute period of no data. This is the delay I was experiencing.

This is probably as designed... but is there a way to increase the sampling from 5 minutes to 1 minute through a CONNECT_LINK_UP_TIME_INTERVAL environment variable?

Steps to get this working?

I am probably missing something very obvious, but I did the following on my Heroku Nightscout install:

  1. Add 'connect' to the ENABLE config var list.

There is no data coming into the Nightscout site from my Libre 3. Any thoughts on the best way to move forward?

Error on empty nightscout instance (glooko)

The following code throws an error if running the connect plugin with glooko credentials on an empty nightscout instance, I assume because there is no last_known yet.

      var last_mills = Math.max(two_days_ago, last_known.entries ? last_known.entries.getTime( ) : two_days_ago);
TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'entries')
    at Object.dataFromSesssion (/opt/app/node_modules/nightscout-connect/lib/sources/glooko/index.js:85:58)
    at dataFetchService (/opt/app/node_modules/nightscout-connect/lib/machines/fetch.js:8:19)
    at Interpreter._exec (/opt/app/node_modules/xstate/lib/interpreter.js:269:63)
    at Interpreter.exec (/opt/app/node_modules/xstate/lib/interpreter.js:1026:10)
    at Interpreter.execute (/opt/app/node_modules/xstate/lib/interpreter.js:387:14)
    at Interpreter.update (/opt/app/node_modules/xstate/lib/interpreter.js:415:12)
    at /opt/app/node_modules/xstate/lib/interpreter.js:110:15
    at Scheduler.process (/opt/app/node_modules/xstate/lib/scheduler.js:69:7)
    at Scheduler.schedule (/opt/app/node_modules/xstate/lib/scheduler.js:48:10)
    at Interpreter.send (/opt/app/node_modules/xstate/lib/interpreter.js:104:23)

Add support for Dexcom Japan server

This PR just landed in Loop dev: LoopKit/dexcom-share-client-swift#42

It probably holds the info needed to get the server used by Dexcom in Japan etc to work with NS connect.

It should already be possible by using a custom server address, but should probably be added as an option too.

    case NON_US=""

    case APAC=""
    case Worldwide=""


[minimed carelink] Nightscout-connect adds 0, when no up-to-date SGV data is available

Hi all,
I just recently started using the nightscout-connect plugin, as I used xDrip as an uploader to nightscout before.

Today, I changed my sensor for the first time since starting to use nightscout-connect and I recognized, that the plugin adds data points to the database every five minutes with an SGV=0. I think that should not be.

In the following example, I fetched the recent 12 values by


I'd rather expect the downloader to recognize, that there's no new data available and leave the DB untouched. This adding of zeros might lead to unexpected behavior of other software, that fetches nightscout data through the API (like my Garmin watchface).

Thanks for your time.

Timezone offset for glooko does not respect daylight savings time (DST)

For glooko, a timezone offset needs to be configured in order for the records to correctly show up in nightscout.
However, in a lot of regions, the timezone offset changes by +/-1 hour depending on daylight savings time / summer time. As it is right now, the events will likely be wrongly offsetted when the switch from / to DST happens.

Potential improvement would be to allow specifying the actual target timezone (like Europe/Berlin) as a configurable environment variable instead of a fixed offset as to the best of my knowledge, NodeJS can automatically handle the different offset due to DST (if any) given a timezone name.

Get no data from europe dexcom share connection

Hi, I have a Dexcom account with a connection to another account as the follower. Since nightscout uses now this plugin I get no data anymore for my main account.

INPUT PARAMS { kind: 'dexcomshare' } {
  shareRegion: 'ous',
  shareServer: undefined,
  shareAccountName: 'XYZ',
  sharePassword: 'XYZ',
  baseURL: '',
  kind: 'dexcomshare'

here is the log output_

Load Complete:
data loaded: reloading sandbox data and updating plugins
  context: {
    retries: 0,
    duration: 0,
    session: '57ca4572-c13f-4a75-99c7-e1fa3569cd72',
    last_known: null,
    diagnostics: {},
    started: 1701122421439,
    startedWaiting: 1701122421439,
    endedWaiting: 1701122421440,
    elapsedWaiting: 1,
    data: [],
    transformed: { entries: [] }
  event: {
    type: 'done.invoke.phase.Transforming:invocation[0]',
    data: { entries: [] },
    toString: [Function (anonymous)]
ALL SETTLED INTERNAL PERSIST [ undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, null ] [Arguments] {
  '0': [ undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, null ]
  context: {
    retries: 0,
    duration: 0,
    session: '57ca4572-c13f-4a75-99c7-e1fa3569cd72',
    last_known: null,
    diagnostics: {},
    started: 1701122421439,
    startedWaiting: 1701122421439,
    endedWaiting: 1701122421440,
    elapsedWaiting: 1,
    data: [],
    transformed: { entries: [] },
    persisted: null
  event: {
    type: 'done.invoke.phase.Persisting:invocation[0]',
    data: null,
    toString: [Function (anonymous)]

Any suggestions for this issue?

Question/idea: Passthrough of cloud connection status to AAPS/xDrip etc?


without any knowledge about the inner workings of nightscout, would it in general be possible to pass some (status) information from the cloud provider connection to the "end device" (like xDrip, AAPS)?

My use case is: From time to time, the LibreLinkUp site requires accepting new EULAs. Without this, no access to the readings is possible (see timoschlueter/nightscout-librelink-up#100). So far, this is indicated in xDrip/AAPS as no readings available for the last x minutes. In my setup (currently running nightscout-librelink-up, not nightscout-connect), I'll have to dig through the server logs and find the error message...

As I am considering testing/switching to nightscout-connect, I wonder how this and similar cases are handled - it would be very helpful to see some more detailed status message on the end device, e.g. Cloud EULA changed, please acknowledge...


Hi, I got an error when trying to pull Dexcom data from I believe it should be

best regards

Glooko returns 0 treatments


I'm using nightscout-connect plugin to syng from glooko. Authorization is successuful but Heroku logs shows that zero treatments are returned:

2024-01-27T12:58:59.055619+00:00 app[web.1]: FETCHING
2024-01-27T12:58:59.055705+00:00 app[web.1]: GLOOKO passing batch for transforming
2024-01-27T12:58:59.055795+00:00 app[web.1]: GLOOKO data transformation complete, returning 0 treatments

What am I missing?


Wrong time of SG on Nightscout with minimedcarelink source


I've started using nightscout with nightscout-connect plugin using docker. I've configured everything and no matter what combination of timezones I'm setting, I get always shifted data. It looks like mesurements time from CareLink is in local time but is treated like UTC time. Below more information:


    image: nightscout/cgm-remote-monitor:latest_dev
    container_name: nightscout
      TZ: Europe/Warsaw
      TIME_FORMAT: 24
      MONGO_CONNECTION: mongodb://mongo:27017/nightscoutdb
      BG_HIGH: 200
      BG_LOW: 70
      BG_TARGET_TOP: 180
      AUTH_DEFAULT_ROLES: readable devicestatus-upload
      ENABLE: careportal boluscalc food bwp cage sage iage iob cob basal ar2 rawbg pushover bgi pump openaps cors connect
      SHOW_FORECAST: openaps
      SHOW_PLUGINS: careportal openaps pump iob sage cage
      CUSTOM_TITTLE: Nightscout
      DISPLAY_UNITS: mg/dl
      INSECURE_USE_HTTP: "true"
      CONNECT_SOURCE: minimedcarelink
      - 1337:1337
      - mongo
      - ./nightscout:/var/opt/ssl/:ro
    restart: unless-stopped

    image: mongo:4.4.23
    container_name: mongo
      TZ: Europe/Warsaw
      - ./mongo/data:/data/db
    restart: unless-stopped

extract from docker logs:

      lastSGTrend: 'UP',
      type: 'sgv',
      sgv: 174,
      date: 1691354760000,
      dateString: '2023-08-06T20:46:00.000Z',
      device: 'nightscout-connect://minimedcarelink/NGP',
      trend: 2,
      direction: 'SingleUp'
  devicestatus: [
      created_at: '2023-08-06T18:47:18.807Z',
      lastMedicalDeviceDataUpdateServerTime: 1691347606617,
      device: 'nightscout-connect://minimedcarelink/NGP',
      uploader: [Object],
      connect: [Object],
      pump: [Object]
  treatments: []
got data-received event, requesting reload


LibreLinkUp crashes when last_known is null

I have the following error when using the nightscout-connect plugin 0.0.12 on nightscout version 15.0.1:

       var last_updated = last_known.entries;

 TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'entries')
     at Object.transformGlucose [as transformer] (/opt/app/node_modules/nightscout-connect/lib/sources/librelinkup.js:124:37)
     at transformService (/opt/app/node_modules/nightscout-connect/lib/machines/fetch.js:14:37)
     at Interpreter._exec (/opt/app/node_modules/xstate/lib/interpreter.js:269:63)
     at Interpreter.exec (/opt/app/node_modules/xstate/lib/interpreter.js:1026:10)
     at Interpreter.execute (/opt/app/node_modules/xstate/lib/interpreter.js:387:14)
     at Interpreter.update (/opt/app/node_modules/xstate/lib/interpreter.js:415:12)
     at /opt/app/node_modules/xstate/lib/interpreter.js:110:15
     at Scheduler.process (/opt/app/node_modules/xstate/lib/scheduler.js:69:7)
     at Scheduler.schedule (/opt/app/node_modules/xstate/lib/scheduler.js:48:10)
     at Interpreter.send (/opt/app/node_modules/xstate/lib/interpreter.js:104:23)

It seems the variable last_known is no longer used so the line lib/sources/librelinkup.js:124 can probably be removed.

I tried contributing myself but I don't have permissions to open a PR :(.

Crashing when attempting to sync with Glooko

Hey y'all,

So I've got this basically set up it seems, but there is an error when trying to sync with Glooko. It's authenticating correctly from the logs I've seen, but then I see this error which leads to a crash:

2023-08-26T09:35:04Z app[1781975b54e178] fra [info]/opt/app/node_modules/nightscout-connect/lib/sources/glooko/index.js:85
2023-08-26T09:35:04Z app[1781975b54e178] fra [info]      var last_mills = Math.max(two_days_ago, last_known.entries ? last_known.entries.getTime( ) : two_days_ago);
2023-08-26T09:35:04Z app[1781975b54e178] fra [info]                                                         ^
2023-08-26T09:35:04Z app[1781975b54e178] fra [info]TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'entries')
2023-08-26T09:35:04Z app[1781975b54e178] fra [info]    at Object.dataFromSesssion (/opt/app/node_modules/nightscout-connect/lib/sources/glooko/index.js:85:58)
2023-08-26T09:35:04Z app[1781975b54e178] fra [info]    at dataFetchService (/opt/app/node_modules/nightscout-connect/lib/machines/fetch.js:8:19)
2023-08-26T09:35:04Z app[1781975b54e178] fra [info]    at Interpreter._exec (/opt/app/node_modules/xstate/lib/interpreter.js:269:63)
2023-08-26T09:35:04Z app[1781975b54e178] fra [info]    at Interpreter.exec (/opt/app/node_modules/xstate/lib/interpreter.js:1026:10)
2023-08-26T09:35:04Z app[1781975b54e178] fra [info]    at Interpreter.execute (/opt/app/node_modules/xstate/lib/interpreter.js:387:14)
2023-08-26T09:35:04Z app[1781975b54e178] fra [info]    at Interpreter.update (/opt/app/node_modules/xstate/lib/interpreter.js:415:12)
2023-08-26T09:35:04Z app[1781975b54e178] fra [info]    at /opt/app/node_modules/xstate/lib/interpreter.js:110:15
2023-08-26T09:35:04Z app[1781975b54e178] fra [info]    at Scheduler.process (/opt/app/node_modules/xstate/lib/scheduler.js:69:7)
2023-08-26T09:35:04Z app[1781975b54e178] fra [info]    at Scheduler.schedule (/opt/app/node_modules/xstate/lib/scheduler.js:48:10)
2023-08-26T09:35:04Z app[1781975b54e178] fra [info]    at Interpreter.send (/opt/app/node_modules/xstate/lib/interpreter.js:104:23)

Looks like somehow last_known is being passed in as null? Any idea why this might happen or how I can resolve it? Maybe we just need to have an explicit if last_entries === null in there to handle this?

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