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netlogo's Issues

plot with initial space in update code can't be loaded

e.g. this line:

"" " set-plot-x-range min [fitness] of individuals  - 20 max [fitness] of individuals + 20"

won't load because of the space before set-plot-x-range:

Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Plot 'fitness histogram' contains invalid setup and/or update code: "" " set-plot-x-range min [fitness] of individuals  - 20 max [fitness] of individuals + 20"
 at scala.sys.package$.error(package.scala:27)
 at org.nlogo.plot.PlotLoader$.parsePlot(PlotLoader.scala:32)
 at org.nlogo.window.AbstractPlotWidget.load(AbstractPlotWidget.scala:255)

the mode of failure is different is you begin pen update code (instead of plot update code) with a space; there is no exception, but the code doesn't load and is lost.

Linux: shell script to run app can't be run from a symlink

the problem line is:

cd "`dirname "$0"`"

it's there to ensure that when NetLogo starts, the NetLogo installation directory is the current working directory, since the app expects that. but if there's a symlink to the script, $0 points to the symlink, rather than to the target, so we end up in the wrong directory

reported by Fred Drueck

Linux: shell script to run app handles relative paths incorrectly

because this happens:

cd "`dirname "$0"`

before the line that starts NetLogo runs, any relative pathnames passed on the command line will no longer point to the right place

it's not clear to me if this is even fixable as long as the app expects that the NetLogo directory must be the current working directory when NetLogo starts

reported by Fred Drueck

new reporters-in-command-center stuff thinks profiler:start is a reporter

add extensions [profiler] to the Code tab then type profiler:start in the command center.

or add this to headless/TestCompiler.Scala:

  test("isReporter on extension prims") {
    workspace.initForTesting(-5, 5, -5, 5, "extensions [profiler]")
    expect(false) { workspace.isReporter("profiler:start") }
    expect(true) { workspace.isReporter("profiler:report") }

it fails.

5.0 regression: stop inside foreach not working properly

these tests (if added to test/commands/Stop.txt) fail.

  to test foreach [1 2 3] [ if ? = 2 [ stop ] set glob1 glob1 + ? ] end
  O> test
  glob1 => 1

  to test1 test2 test2 end
  to test2 foreach [1 2 3 4 5] [ set glob1 glob1 + ? stop ] end
  O> test1
  glob1 => 2

reported by Onno Steenbergen

some SDM models behave incorrectly when running headless

Kevin Zollman supplied the example System Dynamics Modeler diagram below.

in the GUI, this is read in by JHotDraw, which handles it correctly. but we can't use JHotDraw from org.nlogo.headless, so we rolled our own code in sdm.AggregateManagerLite to read SDM diagrams, and that code fails on this case.

NetLogo 4.1 has the same issue.

    org.nlogo.sdm.gui.AggregateDrawing 9
        org.nlogo.sdm.gui.ConverterFigure "attributes" "attributes" 1 "FillColor" "Color" 130 188 183 242 296 50 50
            org.nlogo.sdm.gui.WrappedConverter "type-1 + ( type-2 * 3)" "type-1-fitness"
        org.nlogo.sdm.gui.ConverterFigure "attributes" "attributes" 1 "FillColor" "Color" 130 188 183 369 293 50 50
            org.nlogo.sdm.gui.WrappedConverter "type-2 * 2" "type-2-fitness"
        org.nlogo.sdm.gui.StockFigure "attributes" "attributes" 1 "FillColor" "Color" 225 225 182 177 107 60 40
            org.nlogo.sdm.gui.WrappedStock "type-1" "0.01" 0
        org.nlogo.sdm.gui.StockFigure "attributes" "attributes" 1 "FillColor" "Color" 225 225 182 479 108 60 40
            org.nlogo.sdm.gui.WrappedStock "type-2" "0.99" 0
        org.nlogo.sdm.gui.ConverterFigure "attributes" "attributes" 1 "FillColor" "Color" 130 188 183 501 286 50 50
            org.nlogo.sdm.gui.WrappedConverter "(type-1 * type-1-fitness) + (type-2 * type-2-fitness)" "ave-fitness"
        org.nlogo.sdm.gui.ReservoirFigure "attributes" "attributes" 1 "FillColor" "Color" 192 192 192 103 101 30 30
        org.nlogo.sdm.gui.RateConnection 3 133 117 149 119 165 121 NULL NULL 0 0 0
            org.jhotdraw.figures.ChopEllipseConnector REF 11
            org.jhotdraw.standard.ChopBoxConnector REF 5
            org.nlogo.sdm.gui.WrappedRate "type-1 * (type-1-fitness - ave-fitness)" "t1-replicator"
                org.nlogo.sdm.gui.WrappedReservoir  REF 6 0
        org.nlogo.sdm.gui.ReservoirFigure "attributes" "attributes" 1 "FillColor" "Color" 192 192 192 396 110 30 30
        org.nlogo.sdm.gui.RateConnection 3 426 125 446 125 467 126 NULL NULL 0 0 0
            org.jhotdraw.figures.ChopEllipseConnector REF 17
            org.jhotdraw.standard.ChopBoxConnector REF 7
            org.nlogo.sdm.gui.WrappedRate "type-2 * (type-2-fitness - ave-fitness)" "t2-replicator"
                org.nlogo.sdm.gui.WrappedReservoir  REF 8 0

in the generated code, in system-dynamics-go in the GUI we see:

  let new-type-1 ( type-1 + local-t1-replicator )
  let new-type-2 ( type-2 + local-t2-replicator )

but from headless (adding println(source) to AggregateManagerLite.load and running headless.Main with run --model /Users/tisue/Desktop/PD-replicator.nlogo --experiment experiment) we see:

  let new-type-1 ( type-1 + local-t1-replicator )
  let new-type-2 ( type-2 )

on Linux, the exp primitive may not always return consistent answers

We have discovered a problem on at least some versions of Linux where the exp primitive sometimes returns a slightly different answer (differing only in the last decimal place) for the same input. According to an engineer at Sun, this should only happen on Linux kernel versions 2.4.19 and earlier, but we have observed the problem on more recent kernel versions. We imagine the problem is Linux-specific and does not happen on other Unix-based systems. We are not sure if the problem ever occurs in practice during actual NetLogo model runs, or only occurs in the context of our automated test regimen. The bug is in Sun's Java VM, and not in NetLogo itself. We hope that only the exp is affected, but we can't be entirely sure.

Users are encouraged to visit (free registration required) and vote for Sun to fix this bug.

output from previous model may appear in new model

if the old model was generating output, the last part of the output can end up appearing in the new model

the easiest way to see it happen is enter loop [ print timer ] in the Command Center and then do File —> New Model

NetLogo 3D on Mac OS X 10.6/7: menu items grayed out, unusable with mouse

WORKAROUND: Corey Brady discovered that you can re-enable the menus by opening a modal dialog and then closing it again. For example, a quick way is to press Command-M to open the Models Library dialog with Command-M, then press Esc key to dismiss it.

the keyboard shortcuts for the grayed out menu items still work, so it's clearly Apple's bug. though it would be good if we could find some kind of workaround to put in the code so users don't have to use the workaround above

a user reports that Mac OS X 10.5 works fine. it's broken on 10.6 and 10.7

both NetLogo 3D 4 and 5 are affected

MissingResourceException when system language is Russian

you can start up NetLogo OK, but then when you try to open almost any model it blows up with e.g.

java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find bundle for base name Errors, locale ru_RU
 at java.util.ResourceBundle.throwMissingResourceException(
 at java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundleImpl(
 at java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundle(
 at org.nlogo.api.I18N$BundleKind.getBundle(I18N.scala:60)
 at org.nlogo.api.I18N$BundleKind.<init>(I18N.scala:58)
 at org.nlogo.api.I18N$.errors(I18N.scala:94)
 at org.nlogo.compiler.SetVisitor.<init>(SetVisitor.scala:18)

the problem is also reproducible simply by running test-fast in sbt with the system language set to Russian

Mac OS X: in fullscreen mode, zooming messes up the window size

...making it no longer fullscreen

steps to reproduce:

  1. open a model with a small enough interface (e.g. Fire) on a big enough monitor
  2. switch to fullscreen mode (click the two-arrows icon in the upper right corner, in the title bar)
  3. zoom in or out (with the Zoom menu)

although NetLogo remains in fullscreen mode, the window doesn't actually fill the screen anymore

reported by Nathan Holbert

attempting to use `?0` crashes compiler

this should give a nice error message instead:

% make goshell
NetLogo 5.0RC4 (November 4, 2011)
print task [?0]
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1
    at scala.collection.mutable.ResizableArray$class.apply(ResizableArray.scala:45)
    at scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.apply(ArrayBuffer.scala:44)
    at org.nlogo.prim._reportertask.getFormal(_reportertask.scala:25)
    at org.nlogo.compiler.TaskVisitor.visitReporterApp(TaskVisitor.scala:33)
    at org.nlogo.compiler.ReporterApp.accept(AstNode.scala:168)
    at org.nlogo.compiler.DefaultAstVisitor$$anonfun$visitReporterApp$1.apply(AstVisitor.scala:27)
    at org.nlogo.compiler.DefaultAstVisitor$$anonfun$visitReporterApp$1.apply(AstVisitor.scala:27)
    at scala.collection.mutable.ResizableArray$class.foreach(ResizableArray.scala:60)
    at scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.foreach(ArrayBuffer.scala:44)
    at scala.collection.TraversableProxyLike$class.foreach(TraversableProxyLike.scala:28)
    at org.nlogo.compiler.ReporterApp.foreach(AstNode.scala:158)
    at org.nlogo.compiler.DefaultAstVisitor.visitReporterApp(AstVisitor.scala:27)
    at org.nlogo.compiler.TaskVisitor.visitReporterApp(TaskVisitor.scala:22)
    at org.nlogo.compiler.ReporterApp.accept(AstNode.scala:168)
    at org.nlogo.compiler.DefaultAstVisitor$$anonfun$visitReporterApp$1.apply(AstVisitor.scala:27)
    at org.nlogo.compiler.DefaultAstVisitor$$anonfun$visitReporterApp$1.apply(AstVisitor.scala:27)
    at scala.collection.mutable.ResizableArray$class.foreach(ResizableArray.scala:60)
    at scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.foreach(ArrayBuffer.scala:44)
    at scala.collection.TraversableProxyLike$class.foreach(TraversableProxyLike.scala:28)
    at org.nlogo.compiler.ReporterApp.foreach(AstNode.scala:158)
    at org.nlogo.compiler.DefaultAstVisitor.visitReporterApp(AstVisitor.scala:27)
    at org.nlogo.compiler.TaskVisitor.visitReporterApp(TaskVisitor.scala:38)
    at org.nlogo.compiler.ReporterApp.accept(AstNode.scala:168)
    at org.nlogo.compiler.DefaultAstVisitor$$anonfun$visitStatement$1.apply(AstVisitor.scala:29)
    at org.nlogo.compiler.DefaultAstVisitor$$anonfun$visitStatement$1.apply(AstVisitor.scala:29)
    at scala.collection.mutable.ResizableArray$class.foreach(ResizableArray.scala:60)
    at scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.foreach(ArrayBuffer.scala:44)
    at scala.collection.TraversableProxyLike$class.foreach(TraversableProxyLike.scala:28)
    at org.nlogo.compiler.Statement.foreach(AstNode.scala:99)
    at org.nlogo.compiler.DefaultAstVisitor.visitStatement(AstVisitor.scala:29)
    at org.nlogo.compiler.Statement.accept(AstNode.scala:106)
    at org.nlogo.compiler.DefaultAstVisitor$$anonfun$visitStatements$1.apply(AstVisitor.scala:30)
    at org.nlogo.compiler.DefaultAstVisitor$$anonfun$visitStatements$1.apply(AstVisitor.scala:30)
    at scala.collection.mutable.ResizableArray$class.foreach(ResizableArray.scala:60)
    at scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.foreach(ArrayBuffer.scala:44)
    at scala.collection.TraversableProxyLike$class.foreach(TraversableProxyLike.scala:28)
    at org.nlogo.compiler.Statements.foreach(AstNode.scala:75)
    at org.nlogo.compiler.DefaultAstVisitor.visitStatements(AstVisitor.scala:30)
    at org.nlogo.compiler.Statements.accept(AstNode.scala:92)
    at org.nlogo.compiler.DefaultAstVisitor.visitProcedureDefinition(AstVisitor.scala:25)
    at org.nlogo.compiler.TaskVisitor.visitProcedureDefinition(TaskVisitor.scala:15)
    at org.nlogo.compiler.ProcedureDefinition.accept(AstNode.scala:66)
    at org.nlogo.compiler.CompilerMain$$anonfun$compile$2.apply(CompilerMain.scala:43)
    at org.nlogo.compiler.CompilerMain$$anonfun$compile$2.apply(CompilerMain.scala:39)
    at scala.collection.mutable.ResizableArray$class.foreach(ResizableArray.scala:60)
    at scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.foreach(ArrayBuffer.scala:44)
    at org.nlogo.compiler.CompilerMain$.compile(CompilerMain.scala:39)
    at org.nlogo.compiler.Compiler$.compileMoreCode(Compiler.scala:35)

Strings run with the `run` and `runresult` primitives are sometimes not able to read or set variables created with `let`

The chances are of this ever getting fixed are low. The specification and implementation difficulties are too great.

If a change were to be made, it would probably be in the direction of giving run on strings less access to local context, not more.

Disallowing access to the local lexical environment would be in line with how eval behaves in other Lisp dialects:

  • Common Lisp: "The form [passed to eval] is evaluated in the current dynamic environment and a null lexical environment" (CLtL2 20.1)
  • Scheme: eval requires an explicit environment argument and there is no standard provision for reifying the local lexical environment. (see R5RS 6.5 for details)

can't import world containing nested arrays or tables

(included in docs/issues.html)

add this to TestImportExport.scala:

  @Test def testImportingArrayInsideArray() {
    val filename = getUniqueFilename
    new filename ).delete()
    workspace.initForTesting(5, "globals [ar1] extensions [ array ]" )
    testCommand( "set ar1 array:from-list (list array:from-list [5])" )
    testCommand( "export-world \"" + filename + "\"" )
    testCommand( "ca" )
    testCommand( "import-world \"" + filename + "\"" )
    testReporter( "array:to-list array:item ar1 0", "[5]")

result is:

got a nonfatal error Warning: Error importing arrays: Error Importing at Line 176: Expected breed
Action to be Taken: This array will be ignored
There was 1 failure:
1) testImportingArrayInsideArray(org.nlogo.headless.TestImportExport)
org.nlogo.nvm.EngineException: Extension exception: 0 is not a valid index into an array of length 0

the original exception is:

Expected breed at position 4 in 
    at org.nlogo.compiler.CompilerExceptionThrowers$.exception(CompilerExceptionThrowers.scala:12)
    at org.nlogo.compiler.CompilerExceptionThrowers$.cAssert(CompilerExceptionThrowers.scala:6)
    at org.nlogo.compiler.ConstantParser.parseConstantAgentOrAgentSet(ConstantParser.scala:206)
    at org.nlogo.compiler.ConstantParser.readConstantPrefix(ConstantParser.scala:99)
    at org.nlogo.compiler.ConstantParser.parseConstantList(ConstantParser.scala:127)
    at org.nlogo.compiler.ConstantParser.readConstantPrefix(ConstantParser.scala:97)
    at org.nlogo.compiler.ConstantParser.getConstantValue(ConstantParser.scala:64)
    at org.nlogo.compiler.Compiler$.readFromString(Compiler.scala:79)
    at org.nlogo.workspace.Evaluator.readFromString(
    at org.nlogo.workspace.AbstractWorkspace.readFromString(
    at org.nlogo.workspace.ExtensionManager.readFromString(
    at org.nlogo.extensions.array.ArrayExtension.readExtensionObject(
    at org.nlogo.workspace.ExtensionManager.readExtensionObject(
    at org.nlogo.compiler.ConstantParser.parseConstantLiteral(ConstantParser.scala:138)
    at org.nlogo.compiler.ConstantParser.readConstantPrefix(ConstantParser.scala:93)
    at org.nlogo.compiler.ConstantParser.getConstantValue(ConstantParser.scala:64)
    at org.nlogo.compiler.Compiler$.readFromString(Compiler.scala:79)
    at org.nlogo.workspace.Evaluator.readFromString(
    at org.nlogo.workspace.AbstractWorkspace.readFromString(
    at org.nlogo.workspace.ExtensionManager.readFromString(
    at org.nlogo.extensions.array.ArrayExtension.importWorld(
    at org.nlogo.workspace.ExtensionManager.importExtensionData(
    at org.nlogo.workspace.AbstractWorkspace.importExtensionData(
    at org.nlogo.agent.Importer.importExtensionData(
    at org.nlogo.agent.Importer.importWorld(
    at org.nlogo.agent.World.importWorld(
    at org.nlogo.workspace.AbstractWorkspace$4.doImport(
    at org.nlogo.workspace.AbstractWorkspace.doImport(
    at org.nlogo.workspace.AbstractWorkspace.importWorld(
    at org.nlogo.prim.etc._importworld$
    at org.nlogo.headless.HeadlessWorkspace.waitFor(
    at org.nlogo.prim.etc._importworld.perform(
    at org.nlogo.nvm.Context.stepConcurrent(
    at org.nlogo.nvm.ConcurrentJob.step(
    at org.nlogo.job.JobThread.runPrimaryJobs(

exported world has:


"{{array: 0: 5}}"
"{{array: 1: {{array: 0}}}}"

when an (unhandled) runtime error occurs, all open files should be closed

As file-close doesn't throw errors if you try to close file that isn't open, an easy workaround is to use file-close before code like this:

; Delete a file if exists
if [file-exists filename][
   file-delete filename

Although the workaround exists, it would still really be better if the system closed all open files when a runtime error (unhandled by carefully) occurs.

reported by Onno Steenbergen

performance: "one-of turtles" is O(n), should be O(1)-ish

both TreeAgentSet and ArrayAgentSet are affected

I made a benchmark to measure it, models/test/other/One-Of Turtles Benchmark.nlogo

TreeAgentSet and ArrayAgentSet are different problems.

in the TreeAgentSet case, we know the sets contain no dead agents. we could go straight to a random agent in O(log n) time if we were using a tree that knew the size of it's subtrees. e.g. starting at root if we have 10 agents on the left and 7 on the right, we have a 1 in 18 chance to stop, a 10 in 18 to go left, and a 7 in 18 to go right. but java's TreeMap.Entry doesn't store this information.

in the ArrayAgentSet case, the array may contain dead agents. we could pick randomly and if we hit a dead agent pick again, but then the worst-case runtime is unbounded. can we be cleverer? we can't pick a random location and scan forward for the next live turtle, because that would favor live turtles that follow clusters of dead ones.

5.0 regression: error recompiling models using temporary plot pens

steps to reproduce:

  1. open Models Library, HubNet, Disease
  2. make any change to the code tab (add a space somewhere )
  3. go to the interface tab (you will get an error)

bug is reproducible in 5.0RC1 and 5.0RC6, but not 5.0beta1

the bug still happens if you resave the model in 5.0RC6 first

the bug doesn't happen until after reset-ticks has run. (you can test this by renaming startup so it doesn't run automatically, then running the commands in the body manually, testing for the bug after each one)

I was unable to reproduce the bug with two other HubNet models (Gridlock, Tragedy of the Commons.)

reported by Corey Brady

the following error details seem to indicate that temporary plot pens are the culprit ("run 1" is the name of a temporary pen)

java.util.NoSuchElementException: key not found: PlotPen(run 1, Plot(Number Sick))
 at scala.collection.MapLike$class.default(MapLike.scala:224)
 at scala.collection.JavaConversions$JMapWrapper.default(JavaConversions.scala:792)
 at scala.collection.MapLike$class.apply(MapLike.scala:135)
 at scala.collection.JavaConversions$JMapWrapper.apply(JavaConversions.scala:792)
 at org.nlogo.plot.PlotManager.getPenSetupError(PlotManager.scala:179)
 at org.nlogo.plot.PlotManager.hasErrors(PlotManager.scala:177)
 at org.nlogo.plot.PlotManager$$anonfun$hasErrors$1.apply(PlotManager.scala:172)
 at org.nlogo.plot.PlotManager$$anonfun$hasErrors$1.apply(PlotManager.scala:172)
 at scala.collection.LinearSeqOptimized$class.exists(LinearSeqOptimized.scala:79)
 at scala.collection.immutable.List.exists(List.scala:45)
 at org.nlogo.plot.PlotManager.hasErrors(PlotManager.scala:172)
 at org.nlogo.window.AbstractPlotWidget.anyErrors(AbstractPlotWidget.scala:287)
 at org.nlogo.window.AbstractPlotWidget.recolor(AbstractPlotWidget.scala:269)
 at org.nlogo.window.AbstractPlotWidget.handle(AbstractPlotWidget.scala:282)
 at org.nlogo.window.Events$CompiledEvent.beHandledBy(
 at org.nlogo.window.Event.doRaise(
 at org.nlogo.window.Event.raise(
 at org.nlogo.window.CompilerManager.compileProcedures(
 at org.nlogo.window.CompilerManager.compileAll(
 at org.nlogo.window.CompilerManager.handle(
 at org.nlogo.window.Events$CompileAllEvent.beHandledBy(
 at org.nlogo.window.Event.doRaise(
 at org.nlogo.window.Event.raise(

5.0 regression: file reading doesn't work in applets

it worked in 5.0beta3:

it's broken in 5.0beta5 and all of the release candidates:

the error is an AccessControlException in org.nlogo.api.RemoteFile.getAbsolutePath(RemoteFile.scala:72):

thanks to Jim Westervelt for discovering and reporting this

parallel BehaviorSpace doesn't work with extensions that use native libraries

amackenzieus writes:

I'm in the midst of some changes to my linear programming
solver extension, and it was brought to my attention that
there were some issues when using the extension in a model
with behaviorspace, specifically when spread across
multiple processors.

Since the extension makes a call to a native library (.dll), the
initial thread's classloader already has the .dll loaded.
As I understand it, only a single classloader can have a
native library open and be calling to it.

Is there a potential to identify the specific classloader
that's calling the native library and then utilize that
classloader to make multiple calls to the library, or
does the architecture behind behaviorspace make
that impossible?

I'm not sure yet if it will be fixable by changing the code in the extension, or if we'll need to make some change to NetLogo in a 5.0.x release

some unit tests fail when the system language isn't English

with my system language set to Russian on Mac OS X, I get:

> test-fast
[info] == org.nlogo.plot.PlotPenTests ==
[info] PlotPenTests:
[info] - PlotModeConstants *** FAILED *** (28 milliseconds)
[info]   Expected "[Line]", but got "[Линия]" (PlotPenTests.scala:8)
[info] == org.nlogo.window.UpdateManagerTests ==
[info] UpdateManagerTests:
[info] - tick-based: default speed *** FAILED *** (36 milliseconds)
[info]   "...0, frameRateGap = 30[,00 fps, nanoGap = Infinity fps, slowdown = 0,0 ms, every 1,]000 ticks" did not equal "...0, frameRateGap = 30[.00 fps, nanoGap = Infinity fps, slowdown = 0.0 ms, every 1.]000 ticks" (UpdateManagerTests.scala:28)
[info] - tick-based: max speed *** FAILED *** (1 millisecond)
[info]   "...rameRateGap = 498256[,10 fps, nanoGap = 0,33 fps, slowdown = 0,0 ms, every 1000026,]000 ticks" did not equal "...rameRateGap = 498256[.10 fps, nanoGap = 0.33 fps, slowdown = 0.0 ms, every 1000026.]000 ticks" (UpdateManagerTests.scala:32)
[info] - tick-based: min speed *** FAILED *** (1 millisecond)
[info]   "...50, frameRateGap = 0[,15 fps, nanoGap = Infinity fps, slowdown = 9000,0 ms, every 0,]010 ticks" did not equal "...50, frameRateGap = 0[.15 fps, nanoGap = Infinity fps, slowdown = 9000.0 ms, every 0.]010 ticks" (UpdateManagerTests.scala:36)
[info] - tick-based: all speeds *** FAILED *** (25 milliseconds)
[info]   "...50, frameRateGap = 0[,15 fps, nanoGap = Infinity fps, slowdown = 9000,0 ms, every 0,010 ticks
[info] speed = -49, frameRateGap = 0,17 fps, nanoGap = Infinity fps, slowdown = 7501,0 ms, every 0,011 ticks
[info] speed = -48, frameRateGap = 0,19 fps, nanoGap = Infinity fps, slowdown = 6252,0 ms, every 0,012 ticks

perhaps there are more failing tests that aren't part of test-fast. all of should be checked.

the Command Center should allow reporters to be entered

and insert the show command automatically


  • you get the answer you wanted
  • we don't have to resort to the traditional "You don't say what to do with" Logo thing which I think mainly comes across as pedantic
  • we still educate users about the existence of the show command, which they'll need in the Code tab

5.0RC3 regression: double-clicking models on Windows doesn't work

multiple users are reporting:

Startup error
An error has occurred during startup:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Error parsing command line arguments: you can only specify one model to open at startup.

perhaps an accidental side effect of c278463

let + nested scopes + run/runresult of task = error

to bomb
  ca crt 1
  ask turtles [
    let c 0
    ask self [ set label task [c] ]
    __ignore runresult label

It bombs running the task, trying to access c

the outer ask can equally well be a foreach

error (NullPointerException)
 while observer running ASK
  called by procedure BOMB
  called by Button 'bomb'

 at org.nlogo.nvm.Context.getLet(
 at org.nlogo.nvm.Context.getLet(
 at org.nlogo.prim.etc._ignore.perform(
 at org.nlogo.nvm.Context.runExclusive(
 at org.nlogo.nvm.Context.runExclusiveJob(
 at org.nlogo.prim._asm_procedurebomb_ask_1.perform(:1)
 at org.nlogo.nvm.Context.stepConcurrent(
 at org.nlogo.nvm.ConcurrentJob.step(

in-cone is broken in 3D when turtle's pitch isn't 0

Christoph Möslinger reports:

I was trying to implement my own flocking simulation with the latest
NetLogo 3D version and came upon a bug with the "in-cone" primitive:

When the pitch of the turtle is 0 degrees then it works as it should,
but as soon as the pitch of the turtle increases, the cone is more and
more "cut" and is (much) less than half of its usual size if the turtle
pitch is 90 degrees.

the bug is demonstrated visually in models/benchmarks/other/3D Cone Tester.nlogo

a test should also be added to tests/commands/InCone.txt

can't import world with an array containing strings with curly braces

there are now commented-out tests for this in TestImportExport and TokenizerTests.
a string like this: {{array: 0: "}}" "{{"}}

confuses the tokenizer because it doesn't know the }} are part of the string rather than terminating the array

I'm not sure how fixable this even is without redesigning the export format

add to TokenizerTests:

  test("array of strings containing doubled curly braces") {
    val tokens = tokenize("{{array: 0: \"}}\" \"{{\"}}")
    expect("Token({{array: 0: \"}}\" \"{{\"}},LITERAL,{{array: 0: \"}}\" \"{{\"}})")(

add to TestImportExport:

  test("testImportingArrayContainingStringsWithBraces") {
    roundTripHelper("set a array:from-list [\"}}\" \"{{\"]",
                    "extensions [array] globals [a]")

headless NetLogo should complain about models from old NetLogo versions

maybe ideally it would do the same auto-conversions that the app does, but in practice it's unlikely to happen. so it at least ought to notice the NetLogo version doesn't match and print a warning.

for now, we advise users to resave their old models in the GUI before running them headless in a new version

the sizing of interface elements varies from platform to platform

this means that button names, slider names, and so on that look fine on the model author's computer might be cut off when somebody else looks at the model.

for now, it is advisable to leave some extra space in the sizes of buttons, sliders, etc. in any model that isn't intended merely for personal use.

file-read and read-from-string don't support extension types (e.g. tables and arrays)

so for example read-from-string (word table:make) results in:

java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "[]"
 at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(
 at java.lang.Long.parseLong(
 at java.lang.Long.parseLong(
 at org.nlogo.extensions.table.TableExtension.readExtensionObject(
 at org.nlogo.workspace.ExtensionManager.readExtensionObject(
 at org.nlogo.compiler.ConstantParser.parseConstantLiteral(ConstantParser.scala:140)

this isn't just a bug, it's a missing feature.

we may need to rethink our whole approach on serializing extension types; see also #12, #13

reduce default stack size for 5.0 (and don't set it VM-wide)

we have two reports now (from Steve Railsback and Rainer Joswig) of errors on Windows that went away when the -Xss parameter was reduced.

and on Linux, I had OutOfMemoryErrors on Ubuntu (running under VirtualBox) until I reduced the setting

currently we have -Xss16m; try 8m, or even 4m?

also, at Ivan Sopov suggests setting the stack size for NetLogo job threads only using an alternate Thread constructor, rather than setting it VM-wide. he's right.

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