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Cross-platform Asset Bundle/Serialized File reader and writer. Originally based on (but not a fork of) UABE.

Extracting assets

I develop UABEA as more of a modding/research tool than an extracting tool. Use AssetRipper or AssetStudio if you only want to extract assets.


Many games are also now using addressables. You can tell if the bundle you're opening is part of addressables because it has the path StreamingAssets/aa/XXX/something.bundle. If you want to edit these bundles, you will need to clear the CRC checks with the CRC cleaning tool here. Use Example patchcrc catalog.json, then move or rename the old catalog.json file and rename catalog.json.patched to catalog.json.


uabea's People


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uabea's Issues

help !!

when will you add the understanding of the file?

After importing the dumped Monob, the game cannot run

After importing the dumped Monob, the game cannot run, even if I import it without modifying any data

game:IFSCL 4.1.X
Unity Ver:2019.2.21f1

错误应用程序名称: IFSCL41X.exe,版本: 2019.2.21.21133,时间戳: 0x5e38c4c5
错误模块名称: UnityPlayer.dll,版本: 2019.2.21.21133,时间戳: 0x5e38c65c
异常代码: 0x80000003
错误偏移量: 0x0000000000cebf44
错误进程 ID: 0x2cc0
错误应用程序启动时间: 0x01d75c06a4f9f675
错误应用程序路径: D:\Program Files\CodeLyokoGames\IFSCL 4.1.X\IFSCL41X.exe
错误模块路径: D:\Program Files\CodeLyokoGames\IFSCL 4.1.X\UnityPlayer.dll
报告 ID: 5401356a-e099-4ee7-8e54-48d16cd6996c
错误程序包相对应用程序 ID:

故障存储段 1824718491076365433,类型 4
响应: 不可用
Cab ID: 0

P1: IFSCL41X.exe
P2: 2019.2.21.21133
P3: 5e38c4c5
P4: UnityPlayer.dll
P5: 2019.2.21.21133
P6: 5e38c65c
P7: 80000003
P8: 0000000000cebf44



重新检查解决方案: 0
报告 ID: 5401356a-e099-4ee7-8e54-48d16cd6996c
报告状态: 268435456
哈希存储段: 1510267f62846a37e952b3ccc3b18c79nCab GUID: 0

VS error

Google Translate:
D:\Users\Pozet\Downloads\Compressed\UABEA-master\UABEA-master\TexToolWrap\TexToolWrap.vcxproj: error: The call to the COM component returned the error HRESULT E_FAIL.

Chinese original:
D:\Users\Pozet\Downloads\Compressed\UABEA-master\UABEA-master\TexToolWrap\TexToolWrap.vcxproj : error : 对 COM 组件的调用返回了错误 HRESULT E_FAIL。

build TexToolWrap error

错误 LNK1120 1 个无法解析的外部命令 TexToolWrap D:\Users\Pozet\Downloads\Compressed\UABEA-master\UABEA-master\Debug\TexToolWrap.exe 1

错误 LNK2019 无法解析的外部符号 _main,函数 "int __cdecl invoke_main(void)" (?invoke_main@@yahxz) 中引用了该符号 TexToolWrap D:\Users\Pozet\Downloads\Compressed\UABEA-master\UABEA-master\TexToolWrap\MSVCRTD.lib(exe_main.obj) 1

Google Translate:
error LNK1120: 1 external command that cannot be resolved TexToolWrap D:\Users\Pozet\Downloads\Compressed\UABEA-master\UABEA-master\Debug\TexToolWrap.exe 1

error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol _main, This symbol is referenced in the function "int __cdecl invoke_main(void)" (?invoke_main@@yahxz) TexToolWrap D:\Users\Pozet\Downloads\Compressed\UABEA-master\UABEA-master\TexToolWrap\MSVCRTD.lib(exe_main.obj) 1


Can you please Build new ver of UABEA because i have NU1202 and MSB3644 error

cli commands


would it be possible to add console commands for compressing/decompressing?


Saving large assets is very slow

Apparently this problem came from UABE, I tried to save a file of 1.1 GB in size and in about 20-30 minutes only 30% of the data (300 MB) was saved. I tried it in other similar programs, where I saved the entire file in two hours, here, as I understand it, the same problem awaits me


hi, amazing work , thanks!

can U add version number to realeases UABEa? about Uabea, version! thanks again!

The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception

日志名称: Application
来源: .NET Runtime
日期: 2021/4/26 15:50:47
事件 ID: 1026
任务类别: 无
级别: 错误
关键字: 经典
用户: 暂缺
计算机: PC-20201219HSPT
Application: UABEAvalonia.exe
CoreCLR Version: 5.0.521.16609
.NET Version: 5.0.5
Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception.
Exception Info: System.ArgumentException: Stream was not readable.
at System.IO.BinaryReader..ctor(Stream input, Encoding encoding, Boolean leaveOpen)
at AssetsTools.NET.AssetsFileReader..ctor(Stream stream) in C:\Users\nesquack\Documents\GitReposLocal\AssetsTools.NET\AssetTools.NET\Standard\AssetsFileFormat\AssetsFileReader.cs:line 10
at UABEAvalonia.MainWindow.DecompressToFile(BundleFileInstance bundleInst, String savePath) in C:\Users\nesquack\source\repos\UABEAvalonia\UABEAvalonia\MainWindow.axaml.cs:line 168
at UABEAvalonia.MainWindow.AskLoadCompressedBundle(BundleFileInstance bundleInst) in C:\Users\nesquack\source\repos\UABEAvalonia\UABEAvalonia\MainWindow.axaml.cs:line 144
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.<>c.b__140_0(Object state)
at Avalonia.Threading.AvaloniaSynchronizationContext.<>c__DisplayClass5_0.b__0() in //src/Avalonia.Base/Threading/AvaloniaSynchronizationContext.cs:line 33
at Avalonia.Threading.JobRunner.RunJobs(Nullable`1 priority) in /
/src/Avalonia.Base/Threading/JobRunner.cs:line 37
at Avalonia.Win32.Win32Platform.WndProc(IntPtr hWnd, UInt32 msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam) in //src/Windows/Avalonia.Win32/Win32Platform.cs:line 210
at Avalonia.Win32.Interop.UnmanagedMethods.DispatchMessage(MSG& lpmsg)
at Avalonia.Win32.Win32Platform.RunLoop(CancellationToken cancellationToken) in /
/src/Windows/Avalonia.Win32/Win32Platform.cs:line 157
at Avalonia.Threading.Dispatcher.MainLoop(CancellationToken cancellationToken) in //src/Avalonia.Base/Threading/Dispatcher.cs:line 61
at Avalonia.Controls.ApplicationLifetimes.ClassicDesktopStyleApplicationLifetime.Start(String[] args) in /
/src/Avalonia.Controls/ApplicationLifetimes/ClassicDesktopStyleApplicationLifetime.cs:line 107
at Avalonia.ClassicDesktopStyleApplicationLifetimeExtensions.StartWithClassicDesktopLifetime[T](T builder, String[] args, ShutdownMode shutdownMode) in /_/src/Avalonia.Controls/ApplicationLifetimes/ClassicDesktopStyleApplicationLifetime.cs:line 134
at UABEAvalonia.Program.Main(String[] args) in C:\Users\nesquack\source\repos\UABEAvalonia\UABEAvalonia\Program.cs:line 13

事件 Xml:



Application: UABEAvalonia.exe
CoreCLR Version: 5.0.521.16609
.NET Version: 5.0.5
Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception.
Exception Info: System.ArgumentException: Stream was not readable.
at System.IO.BinaryReader..ctor(Stream input, Encoding encoding, Boolean leaveOpen)
at AssetsTools.NET.AssetsFileReader..ctor(Stream stream) in C:\Users\nesquack\Documents\GitReposLocal\AssetsTools.NET\AssetTools.NET\Standard\AssetsFileFormat\AssetsFileReader.cs:line 10
at UABEAvalonia.MainWindow.DecompressToFile(BundleFileInstance bundleInst, String savePath) in C:\Users\nesquack\source\repos\UABEAvalonia\UABEAvalonia\MainWindow.axaml.cs:line 168
at UABEAvalonia.MainWindow.AskLoadCompressedBundle(BundleFileInstance bundleInst) in C:\Users\nesquack\source\repos\UABEAvalonia\UABEAvalonia\MainWindow.axaml.cs:line 144
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.<>c.<ThrowAsync>b__140_0(Object state)
at Avalonia.Threading.AvaloniaSynchronizationContext.<>c__DisplayClass5_0.<Post>b__0() in //src/Avalonia.Base/Threading/AvaloniaSynchronizationContext.cs:line 33
at Avalonia.Threading.JobRunner.RunJobs(Nullable`1 priority) in /
/src/Avalonia.Base/Threading/JobRunner.cs:line 37
at Avalonia.Win32.Win32Platform.WndProc(IntPtr hWnd, UInt32 msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam) in //src/Windows/Avalonia.Win32/Win32Platform.cs:line 210
at Avalonia.Win32.Interop.UnmanagedMethods.DispatchMessage(MSG& lpmsg)
at Avalonia.Win32.Win32Platform.RunLoop(CancellationToken cancellationToken) in /
/src/Windows/Avalonia.Win32/Win32Platform.cs:line 157
at Avalonia.Threading.Dispatcher.MainLoop(CancellationToken cancellationToken) in //src/Avalonia.Base/Threading/Dispatcher.cs:line 61
at Avalonia.Controls.ApplicationLifetimes.ClassicDesktopStyleApplicationLifetime.Start(String[] args) in /
/src/Avalonia.Controls/ApplicationLifetimes/ClassicDesktopStyleApplicationLifetime.cs:line 107
at Avalonia.ClassicDesktopStyleApplicationLifetimeExtensions.StartWithClassicDesktopLifetime[T](T builder, String[] args, ShutdownMode shutdownMode) in /_/src/Avalonia.Controls/ApplicationLifetimes/ClassicDesktopStyleApplicationLifetime.cs:line 134
at UABEAvalonia.Program.Main(String[] args) in C:\Users\nesquack\source\repos\UABEAvalonia\UABEAvalonia\Program.cs:line 13

Command line doesn't work

Hello. In the second version, you added a command line but nothing happens when you enter these commands.

C:\uabea_rel2_win_x64\UABEAvalonia.exe -kd batchexport C:\uabea_rel2_win_x64\test.bat
C:\uabea_rel2_win_x64\UABEAvalonia.exe -fd batchexport C:\uabea_rel2_win_x64\test.bat

In the file test.bat itself indicated the path to the folder with the files .bundle "+DIR C:/uabea_rel2_win_x64/bundles/"

Sorry if this hasn't been implemented yet and I'm asking too much. It's just that I have a lot of compressed bundles to decompressed into .decomp files and it's impossible to do it all manually.

The directory where the file is saved is wrong

When I clicked Save, the directory opened automatically by the software was the directory of a file I opened last time (For example, after I click Import, the directory where the file I imported will be opened, this is not a bug)

But there is a problem: Although the interface displays the last opened directory, if I Click Save without clicking any file/directory, it will save to the original game file directory instead of the displayed directory on the interface.

I use Google Translate, hope it can accurately translate what I mean

A suggestion about errors and exceptions.

Suggestion: If the file is being used by another process(or need for administrator mode) and cannot be saved (or other work), hope to throw an exception, now the software will crash.

Unhandled exception immediately after opening some compressed bundles


Unhandled exception. System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'input')
   at System.IO.BinaryReader..ctor(Stream input, Encoding encoding, Boolean leaveOpen)
   at System.IO.BinaryReader..ctor(Stream input)
   at AssetsTools.NET.AssetsFileReader..ctor(Stream stream)
   at UABEAvalonia.AssetBundleUtil.IsBundleDataCompressed(AssetBundleFile bundle) in C:\Users\nesquack\Documents\GitRepos\UABEA\UABEAvalonia\AssetBundleUtil.cs:line 54
   at UABEAvalonia.MainWindow.MenuOpen_Click(Object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) in C:\Users\nesquack\Documents\GitRepos\UABEA\UABEAvalonia\MainWindow.axaml.cs:line 131
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.<>c.<ThrowAsync>b__140_0(Object state)
   at Avalonia.Threading.AvaloniaSynchronizationContext.<>c__DisplayClass5_0.<Post>b__0() in /_/src/Avalonia.Base/Threading/AvaloniaSynchronizationContext.cs:line 33
   at Avalonia.Threading.JobRunner.Job.Avalonia.Threading.JobRunner.IJob.Run() in /_/src/Avalonia.Base/Threading/JobRunner.cs:line 166
   at Avalonia.Threading.JobRunner.RunJobs(Nullable`1 priority) in /_/src/Avalonia.Base/Threading/JobRunner.cs:line 37
   at Avalonia.Win32.Win32Platform.WndProc(IntPtr hWnd, UInt32 msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam) in /_/src/Windows/Avalonia.Win32/Win32Platform.cs:line 208
   at Avalonia.Win32.Interop.UnmanagedMethods.DispatchMessage(MSG& lpmsg)
   at Avalonia.Win32.Win32Platform.RunLoop(CancellationToken cancellationToken) in /_/src/Windows/Avalonia.Win32/Win32Platform.cs:line 157
   at Avalonia.Threading.Dispatcher.MainLoop(CancellationToken cancellationToken) in /_/src/Avalonia.Base/Threading/Dispatcher.cs:line 61
   at Avalonia.Controls.ApplicationLifetimes.ClassicDesktopStyleApplicationLifetime.Start(String[] args) in /_/src/Avalonia.Controls/ApplicationLifetimes/ClassicDesktopStyleApplicationLifetime.cs:line 107
   at Avalonia.ClassicDesktopStyleApplicationLifetimeExtensions.StartWithClassicDesktopLifetime[T](T builder, String[] args, ShutdownMode shutdownMode) in /_/src/Avalonia.Controls/ApplicationLifetimes/ClassicDesktopStyleApplicationLifetime.cs:line 134
   at UABEAvalonia.Program.Main(String[] args) in C:\Users\nesquack\Documents\GitRepos\UABEA\UABEAvalonia\Program.cs:line 47

I'm attempting to open one of the bundles from Seven Deadly Sins Grand Cross.
Included is one of the files that has the issue. I have successfully opened some of the bundles so this doesn't effect all of them however it does cause issues with quite a few.

Export plugin bug

(I am just assuming this is a bug, it may still be being worked on)

You can only export one asset at a time, if you try multiple, one file is constantly being overwritten with another and so on.
I assume this is probably because you have to specify a name when exporting at the moment.


Crashing on large files

Hey there, first of all, thanks so much for doing this.

On large files (150MB+), the program sadly just closes after ~5 seconds of loading.
I'm testing this out with the game Rust at the moment, to extract sounds, so I can add them to my video project :P

Here is the audio bundle file from the game:

Any help here is appreciated :)

2020.3 support

Currently 2020.3 isn't working properly, the application just immediately closes from my testing.

I have run your last code.

I was look your last version code,are you finish the plugin support?
I have run your code yet,but when I open the winform Plugin-Edit-Load-(choose a Texture)-Save,it tell me "System.DllNotFoundException:“Unable to load DLL 'D:\textoolwrap.dll' or one of its dependencies",I try put this textoolwrap.dll in "UABEAvalonia\bin\Debug\net5.0" ,and my system32 folder,but no use.

Saving is not done properly.

I modified the (filename).book.dat file by pressing the Import Raw button and then clicked Save, but it leaves 42.3 MB of saved files and exits without any error messages.

How Do I Run UABEA

I have installed all the necessary files and have failed to find out how to run it

Importing dump does not work

When trying to import dump, it does literally nothing. Tried to import freshly exported dump and edited dump. No indication in "Modified" column, no change when saving.
File -> Save from main window also does nothing, no saving dialog, no change in file.
Export dump and View data work fine.

Sample bundle (Unity 2019.4)

Tried same on another game bundle (Unity 2018.4), same result.


when i try to press plugins to export some 2d textures simply nothing happens this realy needs an update no rush i just wanted to point that out for the next version

Editing Assets

How do I edit assets in here? Is there no way to do that without Plugins?


Can you add plugin features please? I like to make texture pack for games but old UABE doesn't support Unity 2019.4.22

Could you add to DerPopo's UABE ?

1st let me say that I've no idea how you or DerPopo make these UABE's but thanks for doing so.
Is there a way to add to or are they completely incompatable ? The only problem with DerPopo's is it can't open shared assets files since the April updates while your UABE can.

The issue I ran into with the latest release is while you can add png's through Edit they don't stay added and it bugs after Saving at least for me

The software crashes when exporting raw

Application: UABEAvalonia.exe
CoreCLR Version: 5.0.621.22011
.NET Version: 5.0.6
Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception.
Exception Info: System.IO.IOException: The process cannot access the file 'D:\Users\Pozet\Documents\Tencent Files\849392294\FileRecv\Perfect\assets\bin\Data\新建文件夹\1' because it is being used by another process.
at System.IO.FileStream.ValidateFileHandle(SafeFileHandle fileHandle)
at System.IO.FileStream.CreateFileOpenHandle(FileMode mode, FileShare share, FileOptions options)
at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options)
at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share)
at System.IO.File.OpenWrite(String path)
at UABEAvalonia.InfoWindow.BtnExportDump_Click(Object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) in D:\a\UABEA\UABEA\UABEAvalonia\InfoWindow.axaml.cs:line 189
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.<>c.b__140_0(Object state)
at Avalonia.Threading.AvaloniaSynchronizationContext.<>c__DisplayClass5_0.b__0() in //src/Avalonia.Base/Threading/AvaloniaSynchronizationContext.cs:line 33
at Avalonia.Threading.JobRunner.RunJobs(Nullable`1 priority) in /
/src/Avalonia.Base/Threading/JobRunner.cs:line 37
at Avalonia.Win32.Win32Platform.WndProc(IntPtr hWnd, UInt32 msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam) in //src/Windows/Avalonia.Win32/Win32Platform.cs:line 210
at Avalonia.Win32.Interop.UnmanagedMethods.DispatchMessage(MSG& lpmsg)
at Avalonia.Win32.Win32Platform.RunLoop(CancellationToken cancellationToken) in /
/src/Windows/Avalonia.Win32/Win32Platform.cs:line 157
at Avalonia.Threading.Dispatcher.MainLoop(CancellationToken cancellationToken) in //src/Avalonia.Base/Threading/Dispatcher.cs:line 61
at Avalonia.Controls.ApplicationLifetimes.ClassicDesktopStyleApplicationLifetime.Start(String[] args) in /
/src/Avalonia.Controls/ApplicationLifetimes/ClassicDesktopStyleApplicationLifetime.cs:line 107
at Avalonia.ClassicDesktopStyleApplicationLifetimeExtensions.StartWithClassicDesktopLifetime[T](T builder, String[] args, ShutdownMode shutdownMode) in /_/src/Avalonia.Controls/ApplicationLifetimes/ClassicDesktopStyleApplicationLifetime.cs:line 134
at UABEAvalonia.Program.Main(String[] args) in D:\a\UABEA\UABEA\UABEAvalonia\Program.cs:line 47


  • 1026 0 2 0 0 0x80000000000000 13932 Application DESKTOP-6PVK1CF
  • Application: UABEAvalonia.exe CoreCLR Version: 5.0.621.22011 .NET Version: 5.0.6 Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception. Exception Info: System.IO.IOException: The process cannot access the file 'D:\Users\Pozet\Documents\Tencent Files\849392294\FileRecv\Perfect\assets\bin\Data\新建文件夹\1' because it is being used by another process. at System.IO.FileStream.ValidateFileHandle(SafeFileHandle fileHandle) at System.IO.FileStream.CreateFileOpenHandle(FileMode mode, FileShare share, FileOptions options) at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options) at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share) at System.IO.File.OpenWrite(String path) at UABEAvalonia.InfoWindow.BtnExportDump_Click(Object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) in D:\a\UABEA\UABEA\UABEAvalonia\InfoWindow.axaml.cs:line 189 at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.<>c.b__140_0(Object state) at Avalonia.Threading.AvaloniaSynchronizationContext.<>c__DisplayClass5_0.b__0() in /_/src/Avalonia.Base/Threading/AvaloniaSynchronizationContext.cs:line 33 at Avalonia.Threading.JobRunner.RunJobs(Nullable`1 priority) in /_/src/Avalonia.Base/Threading/JobRunner.cs:line 37 at Avalonia.Win32.Win32Platform.WndProc(IntPtr hWnd, UInt32 msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam) in /_/src/Windows/Avalonia.Win32/Win32Platform.cs:line 210 at Avalonia.Win32.Interop.UnmanagedMethods.DispatchMessage(MSG& lpmsg) at Avalonia.Win32.Win32Platform.RunLoop(CancellationToken cancellationToken) in /_/src/Windows/Avalonia.Win32/Win32Platform.cs:line 157 at Avalonia.Threading.Dispatcher.MainLoop(CancellationToken cancellationToken) in /_/src/Avalonia.Base/Threading/Dispatcher.cs:line 61 at Avalonia.Controls.ApplicationLifetimes.ClassicDesktopStyleApplicationLifetime.Start(String[] args) in /_/src/Avalonia.Controls/ApplicationLifetimes/ClassicDesktopStyleApplicationLifetime.cs:line 107 at Avalonia.ClassicDesktopStyleApplicationLifetimeExtensions.StartWithClassicDesktopLifetime[T](T builder, String[] args, ShutdownMode shutdownMode) in /_/src/Avalonia.Controls/ApplicationLifetimes/ClassicDesktopStyleApplicationLifetime.cs:line 134 at UABEAvalonia.Program.Main(String[] args) in D:\a\UABEA\UABEA\UABEAvalonia\Program.cs:line 47

Program doesn't do anything on launch

Program doesn't do anything when launched/ran. Doesn't even flash on screen for a second before closing immediately after.
I would love to provide logs but it seems no logs are created. Guess I'm sticking to the normal UABE for now.

MonoBehaviour cannot dump normally

MonoBehaviour cannot dump normally, it seems that the program does not automatically load the dll file in Managed.
But occasionally it can be dumped successfully, most of the time it can’t succeed.

Search by name not working and Plugin crash

Hi! I found two mayor issues with the program. First when i click on the Search by name button nothing happens. Second is the with the plugins button. When i click on the plugins button the UABEA stop working and then a crash.

Parse error when importing MonoBehaviour dump files

Hiya. When I try to import MonoBehaviour files using your tool, I get a 'Parse error' message saying that something went wrong when reading the dump file. It happens even when I try to import an unedited, freshly exported MonoBehaviour dump file.

Please support 2020.3.5f1c1

I can’t load an assetbundle which starts with UnityFS and its version is 2020.3.5f1c1. It’s in the StreamingAssets folder. But I can load the other archives like “resources.assets”.

I can decompress it to a file which is about 2.8GB. But when I pressed "info" button, it was not responding and finally failed to open this archive.

Maybe the reason is that the version of the game is too new.
Could you please update the UABEA to support new versions?
Thank you very much!

The assetbundle which I can’t open is here, about 780MB

The download link of the game is here, about 1GB

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