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loop's Issues

๐Ÿ› App icon doesn't change when new icon has been selected

Bug Description

Loop's app icon currently doesn't change when the user selects a new one, until Loop is relaunched.

Steps To Reproduce

Open settings window and select new icon

Expected Behavior

Icon changes to new icon

Actual Behavior

Icon doesn't change at all (until relaunch)


No response

MacOS Version

Sonoma 14.0

Loop Version

Version 1.0.0-beta.10 (419)

Additional Context

No response

Final Checks

  • My issue title is descriptive
  • This is a single bug (multiple bugs should be reported individually)

๐Ÿ› Small flicker when animating window resizes

Bug Description

When trying to loop to the opposite side of the current window, i experience some stutter

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Snap your windows to either side of the screen, make sure it is taking up half the screen size
  2. Then try the command to snap it to the opposite side and u will experience the bug

Expected Behavior

It should transition smoothly

Actual Behavior

Laggy behavior


No response

MacOS Version

Sonoma 14, public beta

Loop version

1.0.0-beta.10 (351)

Additional Context

No response

โœจ Import/Export Settings

Feature Request Description

While Loop is nice, being able to import and export your settings is a much-needed update. It eliminates the need to set up the app each time and allows you to have fallbacks.


No response

Additional Context

No response

Final Checks

  • My issue title is descriptive
  • This is a single feature request (multiple feature requests should be reported individually)

โœจ New Loop keybindings

As of right now, Loop contains the radial menu to resize windows, but also contains rectangle-like keybindings as well. It has been brought to my attention that it would make more sense if the keybindings could be activated while loop is open. For example, you would be able to press the right arrow key while loop is open to resize it to the right half.

โœจ Custom keybindings

Feature Request Description

Although I found the current mapping pretty good, it would be nice to give the users the option to choose their custom keybindings.

This also helps with Trigger Key conflicts.


No response

Additional Context

No response

Final Checks

  • My issue title is descriptive
  • This is a single feature request (multiple feature requests should be reported individually)

โœจ Double-click trigger key to trigger Loop

Feature Request Description

Currently, Loop's triggering can either be opened as soon as its trigger key is pressed, or after a user-set delay.


No response

Additional Context

No response

๐Ÿ› Settings toolbar items maintain active state on lost focus

Bug Description

Previously selected menu items remain highlighted until hovered again.

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Open Settings
  2. Select a menu item that isn't the current one

Expected Behavior

The previous menu item should lose highlighting.

Actual Behavior

The previous menu item remain highlighted.


Menu items maintain active state on lost focus

MacOS Version

Sonoma 14.0 (23A344)

Loop Version

1.0.0-beta.11 (465)

Additional Context

Also tested in beta.10 and seems to work as expected there.

Hope the title makes sense, I don't know if I'm using the right words :P

Final Checks

  • My issue title is descriptive
  • This is a single bug (multiple bugs should be reported individually)

โœจ Configuration for animations/transitions

Feature Request Description

Beautiful project!

I think it might be nice to have the ability to configure the speed/bounciness and toggle of the preview animations. Sometimes it's a little too much movement on the screen when quickly switching.


No response

Additional Context

No response

Final Checks

  • My issue title is descriptive
  • This is a single feature request (multiple feature requests should be reported individually)

โœจ Support mouse scroll button as trigger key

Feature Request Description

Then we can just use one hand to trigger loop, it will very convenient.


No response

Additional Context

No response

Final Checks

  • My issue title is descriptive
  • This is a single feature request (multiple feature requests should be reported individually)

โœจ More custom Loop trigger keys

Feature Request Description

Currently, Loop only supports these trigger keys:

  • Globe
  • Right Control
  • Right Option
  • Right Command

Now with the ability to set a delay to Loop's activation (#25), it is possible to set virtually any key as Loop's trigger key.
It'd make sense for the user to be able to select their own custom trigger key, rather than being limited to the above options. A way to implement might be a key selector (as opposed to the current dropdown), where the user themselves can choose their own trigger key for Loop.


No response

Additional Context

No response

๐Ÿ› Window animations don't properly resize window to bottom

Bug Description

Multi-monitor setup. Primary monitor is standard horizontal, whereas secondary monitor is vertical. Windows on the secondary monitor don't snap properly when going to the bottom half. I can snap a window to the top half and the app resizes and fills from the top to halfway down the screen. If I snap a window to the bottom half it seems to properly resize it to half the resolution of the monitor, but it doesn't snap from the middle to the bottom but more like 1/8 of the way up from the bottom.


What's interesting is that if I snap to either left or right of the screen, it fills up the entire left or right and isn't limited the same way.


Steps To Reproduce

  1. Move window to secondary vertical screen
  2. Snap window to lower half, lower left, lower right

Expected Behavior

Should fill snap to the bottom half entirely

Actual Behavior

Snaps to about 1/8 of the way up, not from the bottom.


No response

MacOS Version

Sonoma 14.1.1

Loop Version

1.0.0-beta.12 (515)

Additional Context

No response

Final Checks

  • My issue title is descriptive
  • This is a single bug (multiple bugs should be reported individually)

๐Ÿ› Wrong top gap produced when `Looping`

Bug Description

Thank you for dev this amazing app.

There is an unexpected top gap when i sorted the window.

Steps To Reproduce

  1. [Hold Globe & Move mouse]
  2. [Align window]
  3. [Unexpected top gap]

Expected Behavior

There's no gap on top of desktop.

Actual Behavior

There's unexpected gap on top of desktop.


MacOS Version

Ventura 13.5.1(22G90)

Loop version

Version 1.0.0-beta.8 (298)

Additional Context

Macbook Pro 14 M1 2021
2 External display

โœจ Add option for having gaps/padding

Feature Request Description

Would be nice to be able to specify a padding to have around the window after moving it for aesthetics.


No response

Additional Context

No response

โœจ Reset Window's resize history once it has been moved/resized

Feature Request Description

Loop should reset a window's resize history once it has been moved/resized.


No response

Additional Context

No response

Final Checks

  • My issue title is descriptive
  • This is a single feature request (multiple feature requests should be reported individually)

๐Ÿ› Loop staying permanently on screen

Bug Description

Problem with window overlays

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Quciky press hotkey(option in my case) + shift

Expected Behavior

To function normally, like a termporary window that disappears as soon as you release the hotkey

Actual Behavior

Windows staying permanently


No response

MacOS Version

Sonoma 14, public beta

Loop Version

The previous issue's application

Additional Context

No response

Final Checks

  • My issue title is descriptive
  • This is a single bug (multiple bugs should be reported individually)

โœจ Option to use macOS center instead of screen center

Feature Request Description

Press return to center a window uses the actual screen center, but I found more ergonomic to have windows in the default macOS center by using func center(). I'd like to propose it as an alternative, making the user select the preferred one.


macOS center:

macOS center

Screen center:

Screen center

Additional Context

No response

Final Checks

  • My issue title is descriptive
  • This is a single feature request (multiple feature requests should be reported individually)

โœจ Option to "Almost Maximize" a window

Feature Request Description


I'd love an option to set a percent (or even a fixed percent) to almost maximize the window.

I find that I like having certain windows at a "reasonable size", like around 60-70% of the maximize size. This is useful for apps like calendars or todo apps that don't need to take up the entire screen.

Thank you so much for this awesome window manager!


No response

Additional Context

Rectangle also has this feature if you'd like to see it in action (but I like Loop a lot better :))

Final Checks

  • My issue title is descriptive
  • This is a single feature request (multiple feature requests should be reported individually)

โœจ Window resize options directly in Menubar

Feature Request Description

It would be really nice to have window resize actions in the menubar, just like how Rectangle and Magnet have it in their menubar dropdown. Maybe their respective shortcuts can also be displayed in the menubar for quick access, in case the user forgets them.


No response

Additional Context

No response

Final Checks

  • My issue title is descriptive
  • This is a single feature request (multiple feature requests should be reported indivdually)

โœจ Double tapping left/right to split into thirds

Feature Request Description

I think it would be nice to allow a toggle to double tap left/right to act as super+L/J respectively. This way users can split into horizontal thirds without moving their fingers from the arrows/WASD.


No response

Additional Context

No response

Final Checks

  • My issue title is descriptive
  • This is a single feature request (multiple feature requests should be reported individually)

โœจ Ability to restore previous window size

Feature Request Description

Would be nice if there was a way to restore the previous window size, maybe with a keybind like:
trigger key + z, which is similar to the system keybind command + z


No response

Additional Context

No response

โœจ monterey ๐Ÿ’ฏ

Feature Request Description

monterey support would be super cool... (meh 2015 Mac air can't run Ventura unfortunately) if not totes fine, can find other version of window snapping tool


No response

Additional Context

No response

Final Checks

  • My issue title is descriptive
  • This is a single feature request (multiple feature requests should be reported individually)

๐Ÿ› Erratic behaviour of toolbar's divider line

Bug Description

The black line under the toolbar gets dragged over when switching between items.

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Open Settings
  2. Switch between toolbar items

Expected Behavior

The black line should remain in its original place.

Actual Behavior

The black line moves over the toolbar items.


Black line bug GIF

MacOS Version

Sonoma 14.1.1 (23B81)

Loop Version

1.0.0-beta.12 (515)

Additional Context

No response

Final Checks

  • My issue title is descriptive
  • This is a single bug (multiple bugs should be reported individually)

๐Ÿ› Arrow keys on Apple Magic Keyboard doesn't work

Bug Description

Keyboard: Magic Keyboard with Touch ID

Steps To Reproduce

  1. hold global key
  2. press arrow keys

Expected Behavior

preview show up

Actual Behavior

radial menu show up, but when press arrow keys nothing happen. (WASD keys works well)


No response

MacOS Version

Ventura 13.4.1

Loop version

Version 1.0.0-beta.7 (256)

Additional Context

No response

โœจ Option to hide Loop icon in menu bar

Feature Request Description

For a tidy and clean menu bar :)


No response

Additional Context

No response

Final Checks

  • My issue title is descriptive
  • This is a single feature request (multiple feature requests should be reported individually)

๐Ÿ› Loop stays open when `Caps Lock` is enabled

Bug Description

Loop stays open when Caps Lock is enabled.

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Enable Caps Lock
  2. Open Loop with trigger key
  3. Select direction and release trigger key

Expected Behavior

Loop should close when the trigger key is released

Actual Behavior

Loop stays open


No response

MacOS Version

Sonoma 14.0 Beta

Loop version

Version 1.0.0-beta.9 (337)

Additional Context

No response

๐Ÿ› Respect fixed dock size

Bug Description

When the dock is set to not automatically hide, moving/maximizing/centering windows does not take into account the dock size/position.

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Set dock to not auto hide
  2. Move / maximize / center a window

Expected Behavior

Expecting the window to take the dock's size/position into account when moving / maximizing / centering a window.

Actual Behavior

The dock's size/position is not taken into account.


No response

MacOS Version

Ventura 13.5.1

Loop version

Version 1.0.0-beta.7 (256)

Additional Context

No response

โœจ Preview window padding should include window padding as well

Feature Request Description

Window Padding's values in the General tab of the settings window should be added on top of the Padding setting in the Preview tab to calculate the total padding of the preview window.


image image

Additional Context

No response

Final Checks

  • My issue title is descriptive
  • This is a single feature request (multiple feature requests should be reported individually)

โœจ Allow Trigger Key to be Hyperkey

Feature Request Description

I currently use Rectangle Pro for my window management, and it allows me to set multiple keys for the trigger key. Personally, I have mapped Right โŒ˜ to โŒ˜โŒฅโŒƒโ‡ง and use Right โŒ˜ + [character] to move my windows.

I have used Loop for 1 minute, and I already want to switch to Loop from Rectangle. However, this single feature is stopping me (and custom keybinds, but I saw a ticket for that already) from replacing rectangle. Hope this feature gets implemented asap. Loop has insane potential, and the animations are incredible, following the project as its developed!



Additional Context

No response

Final Checks

  • My issue title is descriptive
  • This is a single feature request (multiple feature requests should be reported individually)

๐Ÿ› Popup to allow screen recording, even if animations are off

Bug Description

If accessibility is allowed but screen recording is not and the feature screen recording needs is turned off, every movement action pops up the dialogue to enable screen recording.

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Allow accessibility access but not screen recording
  2. Use Loop

Expected Behavior

No popups

Actual Behavior

Popups after every action.


No response

MacOS Version

13.6 (22G120)

Loop version

1.0.0-beta.10 (brew)

Additional Context

No response

โœจ Cycle through 1/3, 1/2 and 2/3 using the same Loop direction

Feature Request Description

This would be similar to how Rectangle does it. For example, if the user Loops to the right once, it would resize to the right 1/2 of the screen. If they Loop towards the right again, it would resize to right 1/3 of the screen, then after that, the right 2/3 of the screen and so on.


No response

Additional Context

No response

Final Checks

  • My issue title is descriptive
  • This is a single feature request (multiple feature requests should be reported individually)

๐Ÿ› Preview window should show new proposed size when centering a window

Bug Description

So there is a bug when switching from maximized to center position

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Go to fullscreen method by clicking right command twice(in my case) + space
  2. Try going to center position by clicking right command twice + enter

Expected Behavior

Should go to center mode with a smaller windows

Actual Behavior

Doesn't resize and remains as it is

screen recording:


No response

MacOS Version

Sonoma 14, public beta

Loop version

1.0.0-beta.10 (351)

Additional Context

No response

โœจ Configuration for Loop triggering time

Feature Request Description


If it works so that the Loop takes a certain amount of time to be triggered, I can use both the action assigned(macOS) and the Loop triggering.


Tap Globe to trigger action assigned(macOS)
Hold (100ms) to trigger the Loop triggering



Additional Context

No response

โœจ Ability to configure any app's window's initial frame

Feature Request Description

macOS doesn't follow the user's window size for the Finder when it's opened via a device or a folder on the Desktop, a folder from another program, etc.

I find it frustrating and it's the main reason why I normally choose a window management app over another, so I'd like to request it for Loop too :)


No response

Additional Context

No response

Final Checks

  • My issue title is descriptive
  • This is a single feature request (multiple feature requests should be reported individually)

๐Ÿ› Enabling "Middle Button Trigger Loop" will affect the drag operation of the left mouse button.

Bug Description

This bug will not disappear unless the computer is restarted.

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Enable "Middle Button Trigger Loop"
  2. Use mouse middle button trigger Loop. For example, move a window to right.
  3. Open chrome and select full url in the address bar, and press mouse left button to drag the selected url to bookmark bar, release the button. It will failed to drop it.

Expected Behavior

Normally, use left mouse button drag the selected url to the bookmark bar will add it.

Actual Behavior

It will failed to drop it.


No response

MacOS Version

Sonoma 14.2

Loop Version

Version 1.0.0-beta.11 (465)

Additional Context

Final Checks

  • My issue title is descriptive
  • This is a single bug (multiple bugs should be reported individually)

โœจ Custom window padding on each side of screen

Feature Request Description

Loop is lovely so far. Really love the intuitive feeling of the gestures as well as the animations, I use yabai for automated window management and have some custom window size settings since I'm using apps like Ubersicht for custom task bars.

Would be great if when using Loop, they would respect these window gaps and borders.


What window looks like with yabai window gaps normally:


What window looks like after loop resizing:


Additional Context

No response

Final Checks

  • My issue title is descriptive
  • This is a single feature request (multiple feature requests should be reported individually)

โœจ Automatic Tiling

Feature Request Description

It would be cool to have an option to automatically tile windows, rather than only being able to do it with shortcuts.


No response

Additional Context

This is what yabai and amethyst do, if you would like some inspiration :)

โœจ Animate window resizes

Feature Request Description

Would be cool if Loop could animate window resizes!


No response

Additional Context

No response

โœจ Ability to restore initial frame when window is dragged

Feature Request Description

Hey @MrKai77,
i would love if you could add an option that the pinned window gets its initial size automatically if the window is dragged away from its pinned position after some threshold.

You drag an Finder window to the top to get it fullscreen. If you drag it a little bit away from the top bar it will get its initial frame size automatically instead of pressing hotkey + Z. Hope you get an idea what i mean.

thank you and best regards!


No response

Additional Context

No response

Final Checks

  • My issue title is descriptive
  • This is a single feature request (multiple feature requests should be reported individually)

โœจ Multi-monitor support

Feature Request Description

It would be nice to use a modifier along with the existing shortcuts to move a window to a new monitor. The existing orientation of the window could be preserved or it could just be sent to a generic default position in size on the new monitor.


No response

Additional Context

No response

Final Checks

  • My issue title is descriptive
  • This is a single feature request (multiple feature requests should be reported individually)

โœจ App icons shadow

Feature Request Description

I've found that all the app icons have a narrower shadow than the ones normally found in macOS icons.


Icon differences

Additional Context

If you want I can help with that by redoing the icons, or suggest using the Production Templates by Apple's HIG (the same one that I'm using but in Pixelmator).

Final Checks

  • My issue title is descriptive
  • This is a single feature request (multiple feature requests should be reported individually)

โœจ Ability to hide/minimize window from Loop

Feature Request Description

Would be nice if the user could hide/minimize a window by scrolling down when the radial menu is open.


No response

Additional Context

No response

Final Checks

  • My issue title is descriptive
  • This is a single feature request (multiple feature requests should be reported individually)

๐Ÿ› Trigger Key and conflicts

Bug Description

Loop gets triggered whenever the trigger key is pressed alone or in combination with other keys; this frequently conflicts with other keybindings, making them unusable.

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Set Trigger Key to left Command
  2. Open Safari
  3. Try to open a new tab with left Command+Shift+N

Expected Behavior

Loop should let me open a new Safari tab

Actual Behavior

Loop intercepts the key and makes Command+Shift+N impossible, since pressing Command alone triggers the app


No response

MacOS Version

Sonoma 14.0 (23A344)

Loop Version

1.0.0-beta.11 (465)

Additional Context

I'm using Caps Lock as Hyper Key (โŒƒโŒฅโŒ˜โ‡ง), and every time I press it, Loop gets triggered and I can't call my custom key bind (if Loop is set to any keys in the left side of the keyboard).

It would be nice to make Loop recognize when its key is being used alone or when a combination of keys is pressed so it won't get triggered, paired with the option to remove the trigger key altogether or set it to multiple trigger keys instead of just one.

I know there's the option to make the trigger key only work when it's double pressed โ€“ and this partially solves the issue โ€“ but I'd love to use Hyper Key for Loop. However, I don't know if that would be feasible since it invokes Loop and takes control of that key combination. I'm not informed enough to understand what is happening under the hood, but apps like Moom or Rectangle do not conflict with other apps in which I'm using the Hyper Key such as Raycast or macOS System Settings.

Perhaps if it's just the Radial Menu, add an option to disable it or activate it only when the Keybinds are pressed? So you'll be able to see the preview anyway but it won't affect other key combinations.

Final Checks

  • My issue title is descriptive
  • This is a single bug (multiple bugs should be reported individually)

โœจ Ability to snap windows

Feature Request Description

This feature would allow users to easily resize windows to specific positions without needing to press a single key on their keyboard.


No response

Additional Context

No response

๐Ÿ› Key icons not being previewed properly

Screen Shot 2023-01-30 at 4 17 30 PM

I am very sure this is an issue with a font not being installed on certain computers (an SF font?). Will probably need to switch from embedding the icon into text to using Label() in the SwiftUI view.

๐Ÿ› Potential memory leak?

Bug Description

Loop starts around 70mb but upon opening the preferences it continues to jump (I've seen to 160mb) and doesn't fall once the preferences are closed.

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Monitor memory
  2. Start Loop
  3. Open prefs
  4. Watching increase
  5. Close prefs
  6. Memory remains the same

Expected Behavior

Memory is released after prefs are closed

Actual Behavior

Memory is held once prefs are opened


No response

MacOS Version


Loop Version


Additional Context

No response

Final Checks

  • My issue title is descriptive
  • This is a single bug (multiple bugs should be reported individually)

โœจ Ability to restore initial window frame

Feature Request Description

Would be nice if we could restore the initial window frame, maybe using the already-existing keybind of trigger + z, after resizing (if that makes sense).


No response

Additional Context

No response

โœจ Controlling Loop's window with Loop

Feature Request Description

I'd love to have the option to also control Loop's window with Loop :)


No response

Additional Context

No response

Final Checks

  • My issue title is descriptive
  • This is a single feature request (multiple feature requests should be reported individually)

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