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Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'BlobBuilder' of undefined


Yes I know, that is the exact same problem that other issues but I tried to fix it with the uglify.mangle options but that doesn't work.

So, I use on my Express server and I try to use in my app.js like this

import VueSocketio from '';

Vue.use(VueSocketio, ''); // i'm listening on port 3000

new Vue ({
sockets : {
connect : function() {
console.log('connected to iosocket');

But when I webpack my project I've the error property blobuilder of undefined.
Does need any dependencies in blob ?

connect_error missed

I don't see connect_error event on sources.

I propose to fix it with :

["connect", "error", "disconnect", "reconnect", "reconnect_attempt", "reconnecting", "reconnect_error", "reconnect_failed"]
.forEach((value) => {
_this.Socket.on(value, (data) => {
Emitter.emit(value, data)
})'connect_error', (error) => {
Emitter.emit('connect_error', error)

to listen connection error first time when we don't need to reconnect.

this context is not VueComponent


export default {
        data() {
            return {
                test_message: '',
        mounted() {
            this.user = this.$auth.user();

        sockets: {
            onTest: (test_message) => {
                window.console.log(this); // {default: beforeCreate: [..], sockets: {...}}, but should be VueComponent
//                this.test_message = test_message;

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'BlobBuilder' of undefined

I'm sorry but my Issue isn't closed so I must re-open a new one ...

Here is my webpack.config.js

var config = {
    entry: {
        app: ['./app/appLogin.js']
    output: {
        path: __dirname + '/public/js',
        filename: 'preapp-bundle.js'
    module: {
        loaders: [{
            test: /\.js$/,
            loader: 'babel'
          test : /\.vue$/,
          loader : 'vue'
    plugins: [
      new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin({
        compress : {
          warnings : false
        mangle : false

Here is my main.js

import Vue from 'vue'
import VueSocketio from '';
import VueResource from 'vue-resource'
import VueRouter from 'vue-router'
import PreApp from './views/components/PreApp.vue'

Vue.use(VueSocketio, 'http://localhost');

const router = new VueRouter({
    mode: 'history',
    routes: [{
        path: '/',
        component: require('./views/components/PreApp.vue')

new Vue({
    el: '#preappvue',
    router: router,
    sockets: {
        connect: function() {
            console.log('socket connected')
        customEmit: function(val) {
            console.log('this method fired by socket server. eg: io.emit("customEmit", data)')
    render: h => h(PreApp)


And i've still the problem of BloBuilder undefined. :(

var i = e.BlobBuilder || e.WebKitBlobBuilder || e.MSBlobBuilder || e.MozBlobBuilder,

Force websocket

How force to use websocket ?

On the server node with :

import * as socket from ''
const port = 1337
const io = socket(port, {
  transports: ['websocket']

In my app electron-vue i have this error :

http://localhost:4100/ 400 (Bad Request)

Sry for my english

Vuex + IE

Hi to all
Get error in IE11: SCRIPT5009: "Proxy" is not defined. File: eval code (4200), string: 1, column: 30095. Sample of code there :

t.prototype.$socket=r.Socket,t.mixin({beforeCreate:function(){var t=this,e=this.$options.sockets;this.$options.sockets=new Proxy({},{set:function(e,n,r){return a.default.addListener(n,r,t),e[n]=r,!0},deleteProperty:function(e,n){return a.default.removeListener(n,t.$options.sockets[n],t),delete e.key,!0}})

Error is on this.$options.sockets=new Proxy moment. How to solve this ?

Also I`m using babel-polyfill to make promises work on IE

Register custom events dynamically

Hi! I'm trying to register custom events dynamically.

const entity = isAdmin ? 'administrator' : 'user'

this.$socket.on(`${entity}Online`, () => ....)
  1. Component's "socket" section processes on beforeCreate method, where props data, computed are not available yet.
  2. I can't register my events directly on Emitter class because of it's not a singleton.
  3. I can't register any event on this.$socket instance because of Observer's class this.Socket.onevent removes standard socket io behavior.

Some ways to solve the issue:

  1. Make Emitter class singleton:
// ... emitter class definition
const emitter = new Emitter

export default emitter

Than I can import it in my code

import Emitter from ''

  1. Set a fallback to socketIo's onevent to standard behaviour.

BTW, I can make pull request

Registered events called multiple times

if component that includes socket events has a conditional rendering with v-if after rerender event will be called twice, after next rerender - three times and etc.


  <component-b v-if="showB"></component-b>
import ComponentB from './B.vue'

export default {
  components: { ComponentB },
  data () {
    return { showB: false }
  created () {
    setInterval(() => {
      this.showB = !this.showB
    }, 1000)


export default {
  sockets: {
    message (message) {

I can make a PR that fixes this issue

Support namespaced module instead of prefix SOCKET_


I find the SOCKET_ prefix for mutations somewhat counterintuitive. I didn't know this library and came across these strange mutation names in our code which appeared to make no sense.

I would prefer to define a module that is namespaced and would handle the socket requests.

So instead of

const store = new Vuex.Store({
  state: {
    someArray: [],
  mutations: {
    // SOCKET_ prefix handles SOCKET requests
    SOCKET_rental: (state, msg) => {

we can optionally define a SOCKET submodule by passing the module name as 4th parameter
Vue.use(VueSocketio, url, store, 'SOCKET');

const store = new Vuex.Store({
  state: {
    someArray: [],
  modules: {
    SOCKET: {
      // this submodule handles SOCKET requests
      namespaced: true,
      mutations: {
        rental: function rental(state) {
          console.log('SOCKET/rental', state);
}); is not a function (using Vuex)

Hello :)

I have an issue when I try to move my receivers from a component to my vuex store.
I simply added a SOCKET_CONNECT event into my store mutations, and it throws an error everytime its called.

`import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuex from 'vuex'


const state = {
notes: [],
activeNote: {}

const mutations = {

ADD_NOTE (state) {
	const newNote = {
		text: 'New note',
		favorite: false
	state.activeNote = newNote

EDIT_NOTE (state, text) {
	state.activeNote.text = text

DELETE_NOTE (state) {
	state.activeNote = state.notes[0]

	state.activeNote.favorite = !state.activeNote.favorite

SET_ACTIVE_NOTE (state, note) {
	state.activeNote = note



export default new Vuex.Store({

It's not only for the SOCKET_CONNECT event, I tried a custom event 'SOCKET_PING' and I have the same error. I had no problem when those events are located in a component.

The error is " is not a function".

Any ideas ?

Here is how I linked my store the

import Vue from 'vue'
import store from './vuex/store'
import App from './components/App.vue'
import VueSocketio from ''

Vue.use(VueSocketio, 'http://localhost:3000/', store);

new Vue({
el: 'body',
components: { App }

Thanks in advance :)

Proxy is not defined - IE 11


in version 2.1.* you add Proxy object, and after that my app not work in IE 11, becouse in IE 11 is no Proxy object.

Can’t pass multiple arguments

I wrote like this on the server side:

io.emit('test', 'param1', 'param2', 'param3')

I can get all the three arguments when using

socket.on('test', function () {

// result:
["param1", "param2", "param3"]


But I can only get the first argument with vue-socket

sockets: {
    test: function () {

// result:


how do i use room and namespace in

i try to use this.$'sendchat_msg', data) but console.log tell this msg

Uncaught TypeError: this.$ is not a function

how do i use it

ps. sry for my bad english

Unable to use Vue-socket io with multiple stores

When I try to use vue-socket io like this :

Vue.use(VueSocketIo, SocketIoConnection, UsersStore);
Vue.use(VueSocketIo, SocketIoConnection, ProjectsStore);

ProjectStore doesn't receive message, expect if I comment first Vue.use(...)

Thanks for your help.

Error building project from vue-cli webpack

Hi there,

I used vue-cli to create the standard webpack scaffolding.

I'm using vue2 and

Running on the dev server, everything works perfectly. But when I build and run the built server, I get:

build.js:2Uncaught ReferenceError: f is not defined(…)

The problem isn't there when I don't include (but then I can't use this awesome library)


It would be great if vm.$socket.emit() would allow for broadcasting to all other clients in one way or another, e.g. following the API like vm.$socket.broadcast.emit() .

My current workaround is to first emit from Vue, then broadcast using the original client on the server.

disconnect event?

you have this example in your readme:

import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuex from 'vuex'


export default new Vuex.Store({
    state: {
        connect: false,
        message: null
        SOCKET_CONNECT: (state,  status ) => {
            state.connect = true;
        SOCKET_USER_MESSAGE: (state,  message) => {
            state.message = message;
    actions: {
        otherAction: (context, type) => {
            return true;
        socket_userMessage: (context, message) => {
            context.dispatch('newMessage', message);
            context.commit('NEW_MESSAGE_RECEIVED', message);
            if (message.is_important) {
                context.dispatch('alertImportantMessage', message);

how will connect become false again when e.g. the socket server crashes? Is there a disconnect event on the client?

Great library 👍

Unique instance

Hi! @MetinSeylan
Thank you for this great package!
In a normal flow, works pretty awesome!
But in my flow, I need start the socket connection when the application starts, I put the connection in my main.js... ok until here... when I open the application window I can see the connection was made in the server console.
I want to use the connection that was opened when the application was started in other application places... Eg. on the dashboard component and set his own listeners on the sockets { }.
This is possible? you know a way to do that?

Best regards

It dosn't work well when I use vue2.0( I develop the server end with nodejs)

SOS!!! The server-end can receive the event emitted by client-end, but the client-end can't receive the event from server-end. I show my code as below:

// client.vue (client-end)

export default {
    sockets: {
        connect: function () {
            console.log('socket connected');  //  This cmd dosn't works
        serverEmit: function (msg) {
            console.log("Message:"+msg);  //  This cmd dosn't works
    methods: {
        trigger () {
            this.$socket.emit('clientEmit', "I'm a message from client."); //  This cmd works well
// server.js(server-end)
io.on('connection', (socket) => {
        console.log('Socket connect successful.'); //  This cmd works well

        socket.on('clientEmit', (msg) => {
            console.log("Message: " + msg);

            socket.emit('serverEmit', "I'm a message from server."); //  This cmd works well

I think the option 'sockets' is not useful in vue2.0 anymore.

plugin.apply is not a function

Hello. I do not know much english, so I use a translator. I have extensive experience in backend, but little experience frontend.

I have a simple project and easy task, I do not need to use webpack or other.
That's where I started:


<div id="app">
	<input v-model="name"><br>
	<textarea v-model="message"></textarea><br>
	<button @click.prevent="send">Send</button>
<script src="js/vendor/vue.js"></script>
<script src="js/vendor/build.js"></script>
<script src="js/main.js"></script>


Vue.use(VueSocketio, 'http://host:8080');


Object {default: Object, __esModule: true}
vue.js:3450 Uncaught TypeError: plugin.apply is not a function

Of course I was looking for ways to solve this problem, try install webpack and rebuilt the project - did not help.

Is it possible to use this with Vuex?

Wondering how I might implement the sockets property into Vuex, right now I'm basically doing this to work around

let socket = io.connect('http://localhost:3000');
const store = new Vuex.Store({
  state: {
    user: {
      loggedIn: false,
      avatar: "",
      displayName: ""
    chatUsers: []
  mutations: {
    setUser (state, {loggedIn, avatar, displayName}) {
      state.user.loggedIn = loggedIn;
      state.user.avatar = avatar;
      state.user.displayName = displayName;
    addChatUser (state, displayName) {
      if (state.chatUsers.indexOf(displayName) !== -1) return;
    remChatUser (state, displayName) {
      let index = state.chatUsers.indexOf(displayName);
      if (index !== -1) {
        state.chatUsers.splice(index, 1);

socket.on('addUserToList', function(user) {
  store.commit('addChatUser', user);

socket.on('remUserFromList', function(user) {
  store.commit('remChatUser', user);

The only thing is that it's creating 2 socket connections per person

Difference between Vuex Actions and Mutations

I don't understand between Vuex Actions and Mutations with sockets:

I fully understood this #42 (Actions are called when socket server send an event).
But how to uses Mutations with sockets?


Namespaced SOCKET_ mutations

SOCKET_ mutations are very useful but is there a way to make possible using them in namespaced store modules of Vuex? We can't catch even CONNECT inside the module, because it needs a module prefix. Or I don't understand something...

Demo site broken

On this page: When I click "Join chat" button nothing happens.

I went to the console and saw this: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found).

Thanks for building this.

is not assignable to parameter of type 'ComponentOptions<Vue>

I just installed the package and set it up in my main.ts (yes typescript) as:

import * as VueSocketio from '';
import * as socketio from '';
Vue.use(VueSocketio, '');

var vm = new Vue({
connect: function(){
console.log('socket connected')
customEmit: function(val){
console.log('this method was fired by the socket server. eg: io.emit("customEmit", data)')

But my compiler and complains that:

(43,1): error TS2345: Argument of type '{ sockets: {}; router: VueRouter; store: Store<{ AppName: string; UserID: number; Crumb: string; ...' is not assignable to parameter of type 'ComponentOptions'.
Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'sockets' does not exist in type 'ComponentOptions'. +

All custom handlers added in "native" style wont work:

   console.log('It will never fired');
I think it happens because you redefine the native function Socket.onevent

I solved it like this:

onEvent() {
        this.Socket.onevent = (packet) => {

            if ( this.passToStore('SOCKET_' +[0],[1])

        let _this = this;
        let nativeEvents = ["connect", "error", "disconnect", "reconnect", "reconnect_attempt", "reconnecting", "reconnect_error", "reconnect_failed", "connect_error", "connect_timeout", "connecting", "ping", "pong"]

        nativeEvents.forEach((value) => {
                _this.Socket.on(value, (data) => {
                    Emitter.emit(value, data);
                    if( _this.passToStore('SOCKET_'+value, data)

        for (let event in this.Socket._callbacks) {
            this.Socket._callbacks[event].forEach(fn => {
                    Emitter.addListener(event, fn);

        this.Socket.on = function (event, fn) {
            Emitter.addListener(event, fn);
        } = function (event, fn) {
            Emitter.removeListener(event, fn);

Openshift hosting

Hello is it possible to specify a different Port when doing the handshake to upgrade from HTTP to WS (or HTTPS to WSS)?

The problem is that OpenShift PaaS uses ports 80/443 for HTTP and HTTPS. However, it listens for WS/WSS traffic on 8000/8443 .

For example this code will not work for OpenShift:

if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
Vue.use(VueSocketio, '');

Since the code detects https it will assume that when upgrading to WSS it will use port 443 and it wont be able to complete the handshake. What I need is to specify HTTPs traffic = 443 but WSS to use 8443.

I would appreciate if someone could point me where to change client code or the THank you.

Is it possible to use sockets from Vuex commits



enterQueue: function(state) {
   // bunch of other code

Right now I'm working around it like this

const socket = io('http://localhost:3000');
const store = new Vuex //blah blah
Vue.use(VueSocketio, socket, store);

So I can use the socket global variable from within the store, as well as the socket functionality provided from this package

Trigger Vuex action with on socket event


Currently, you can trigger vuex mutations with the "SOCKET_" prefix and this is nice !

But sometime, socket events must do more that just change the vuex state. for me it's also very important to be able to trigger Vuex actions by a similar way. Somehting like "event-name" triggering "socketEventName" action.

socket with vuex not work

On Server

io.on('connection', function(socket){
  console.log('a user connected');
  socket.on('disconnect', function(){
      console.log('user disconnected');


  socket.on('emit_method', function(data){

On Vuex

SOCKET_CONNECT : (state,status) => {
		state.connect = true;
		alert('connect with')
	SOCKET_USER_MESSAGE : (state,message) => {
		state.newMessage = message

connect is success, but i can't get message.

And in this way,it's work

sockets: {
            SOCKET_USER_MESSAGE : function (data) {

What did I do wrong ??

Problem listning socket events on vuex actions

Hi, thank you for your work in this package.
I'm not been able to listning socket events on vuex actions , tell me if i'm doing it wrong .

vuex action function :

socket_myEvent: (context) => {
   //some code
  } emit



ie problem

I have this problem width ie ;
L’objet ne gère pas la propriété ou la méthode « startsWith »

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