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e2fgvi's Issues

About Training


  1. 有关数据集,以下是我的路径

在我输入命令: :/data/team10/cai/E2FGV$ sh datasets/
出现文件不存在:[./datasets/davis/JPEGImages] is not exist. Please check the directory.
屏幕截图 2022-05-18 110907
config['world_size'] = get_world_size()获取的数量为0

About the pretrained model of discriminator and opt.pth

Hello, I'm very lucky and happy to know your work. What a fantastic work!
I am doing some research which also contains video inpainting. I'd like to finetune your pretrained model on my new dataset. However, I could only find the generator model in the link given in Could you please upload the discriminator model as well (also the opt.pth)? Or could you please tell me how to get access to it in case I missed the downloading link?
Thank you very much!

Environment configuration

Hi, I tried to modify the environment for training to resolve the problem incurred by DCN v2 as mentioned in #6 but things did not work out. I could not use your original configuration, which I haven't figured out why. Probably due to driver version of CUDA or something else. I tried to resume from the ckpt before loss curve goes high but did not work. I would like to follow your original configuration. Can you give some information about the system and driver version of your CUDA? Thanks a lot.

Error reported in training <IndexError: list index out of range>



查看 datasets/youtube-vos/train.json 这个文件,猜测是“数据编号:帧数量”的意思,例如 "003234408d": 180 的意思是youtube-vos数据集里面编号为003234408d的数据一共有180帧。可是 datasets/youtube-vos/JPEGImages 这个文件夹里面并没有编号为003234408d的数据,因此我猜测可能是我下载的数据集出错了。但是我是按照着Prepare dataset for training and evaluation的指引下载了youtube-vos2018(或者Google Drive)的train.zip和test_all_frames.zip这两个文件并解压,mask也用的是指引提供的。



VRAM limitations, static mask, output?

Hello. Thank you for publishing your new resolution-unlocked model. I have a couple issues to report, though.

  1. I have 8 GB of VRAM to use, but get OOM with just 500 frames of 144x120 size video. Is your software trying to load all of them into VRAM at once? After all, 200 frames works. Could I set a cap on the amount of frames loaded onto VRAM at once, so that it doesn't return OOM? I'm trying to process an input that isn't a GIF.

  2. When I have a non-moving mask, could I just point to one PNG? It's an extra step of work to duplicate the mask into thousands of files.

  3. Are you planning on making the output settings more advanced, for example by using FFmpeg output instead of cv2 video writer? Even without the distortion from resizing to 432x240, the outputs aren't the quality I'd like them to be.


作者太强了,不仅效果好还把开源做的这么棒,咨询一下您训练的时候用了几张卡,跑完500k iteration要花费多长时间呢。

How to tune the parameters for high resolution video and low memory GPU

Firstly, this work is awesome. I'm trying this for a 640*480 video on v100 GPU, and I met the OOM issue. I've successfuly got a reasonable result after resizing the video to a very small resolution, but that's not what I want. So I wonder is there any way to fit the 640p video to my v100 GPU by tuning the parameters, thanks.

add web demo/model to Huggingface

Hi, would you be interested in adding E2FGVI to Hugging Face? The Hub offers free hosting, and it would make your work more accessible and visible to the rest of the ML community. Models/datasets/spaces(web demos) can be added to a user account or organization similar to github.

Example from other organizations:

Example spaces with repos:


and here are guides for adding spaces/models/datasets to your org

How to add a Space:
how to add models:
uploading a dataset:

Please let us know if you would be interested and if you have any questions, we can also help with the technical implementation.

Object masks generation for custom recordings

Amazing paper and results, thanks for this work! I can't wait to see future updates described in Work in Progress section!
I'm interested in testing your method for object removal task on my custom videos outside of popular benchmarks. I was wondering if you could recommend any method for producing these object masks - hopefully generating one mask per object in video?



About the



RuntimeError: cuDNN error: CUDNN_STATUS_EXECUTION_FAILED occurred when was run. The environment was installed according to the issuse#3.The specific environment is as follows. May I ask what is the reason for this problem in the current operation? And how to fix it

How to convert the pytorch model to the onnx model?

How to convert the pytorch model to the onnx model? I tried the conversion process, but I reported an error. I don't know what the problem is. I'm Xiaobai. Thank you for your advice.My script as follows:
import torch
import importlib

device = torch.device("cpu")
model = "e2fgvi_hq"

ckpt = 'release_model/E2FGVI-HQ-CVPR22.pth'

net = importlib.import_module('model.' + model)
model = net.InpaintGenerator().to(device)
data = torch.load(ckpt, map_location=device)
print(f'Loading model from: {ckpt}')
x = torch.randn(1,1, 3, 240, 864, requires_grad=True)
torch.onnx.export(model, # model being run
(x,2), # model input (or a tuple for multiple inputs)
"E2FGVI-HQ-CVPR22.onnx", # where to save the model (can be a file or file-like object)
export_params=True, # store the trained parameter weights inside the model file
opset_version=16, # the ONNX version to export the model to
do_constant_folding=True, # whether to execute constant folding for optimization
input_names = ['input'], # the model's input names
output_names = ['output'], # the model's output names
dynamic_axes={'input' : {1 : 'batch_size'}})
the error as follows:
torch.onnx.symbolic_registry.UnsupportedOperatorError: Exporting the operator ::col2im to ONNX opset version 16 is not supported. Please feel free to request support or submit a pull request on PyTorch GitHub.

Request a suggestion for model distillation

This model is great, but the calculation speed is a bit slow, I want to try to distill this model, can you give some advice? Such as which layers can be reduced or removed

Solving environment: failed

I try installing on both windows and linux however I get Solving environment: failed

conda env create -f environment.yml
Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): done
Solving environment: failed


  • libffi==3.3=he6710b0_2
  • lcms2==2.12=h3be6417_0
  • matplotlib-base==3.4.2=py37hab158f2_0
  • tornado==6.1=py37h27cfd23_0
  • brotli==1.0.9=he6710b0_2
  • scipy==1.6.2=py37had2a1c9_1
  • bzip2==1.0.8=h7b6447c_0
  • locket==0.2.1=py37h06a4308_1
  • libpng==1.6.37=hbc83047_0
  • ffmpeg==4.2.2=h20bf706_0
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  • pcre==8.45=h295c915_0
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  • certifi==2021.10.8=py37h06a4308_2
  • gstreamer==1.14.0=h28cd5cc_2
  • lame==3.100=h7b6447c_0
  • libtiff==4.2.0=h85742a9_0
  • tk==8.6.11=h1ccaba5_0
  • glib==2.69.1=h5202010_0
  • pillow==8.3.1=py37h2c7a002_0
  • libgcc-ng==9.3.0=h5101ec6_17
  • openssl==1.1.1m=h7f8727e_0
  • libstdcxx-ng==9.3.0=hd4cf53a_17
  • fontconfig==2.13.1=h6c09931_0
  • zstd==1.4.9=haebb681_0
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  • _openmp_mutex==4.5=1_gnu
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  • libvpx==1.7.0=h439df22_0
  • libgomp==9.3.0=h5101ec6_17
  • python==3.7.11=h12debd9_0
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  • mkl_fft==1.3.0=py37h42c9631_2
  • sqlite==3.36.0=hc218d9a_0
  • gnutls==3.6.15=he1e5248_0
  • icu==58.2=he6710b0_3
  • pytorch==1.5.1=py3.7_cuda9.2.148_cudnn7.6.3_0
  • libgfortran4==7.5.0=ha8ba4b0_17
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  • ninja==1.10.2=hff7bd54_1
  • nettle==3.7.3=hbbd107a_1
  • kiwisolver==1.3.1=py37h2531618_0
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  • libopus==1.3.1=h7b6447c_0
  • libunistring==0.9.10=h27cfd23_0
  • matplotlib==3.4.2=py37h06a4308_0
  • sip==4.19.8=py37hf484d3e_0
  • gmp==6.2.1=h2531618_2
  • pip==21.2.2=py37h06a4308_0
  • numpy-base==1.20.3=py37h74d4b33_0
  • libidn2==2.3.2=h7f8727e_0
  • pyyaml==5.4.1=py37h27cfd23_1
  • libxcb==1.14=h7b6447c_0
  • gst-plugins-base==1.14.0=h8213a91_2
  • ld_impl_linux-64==2.35.1=h7274673_9
  • mkl-service==2.4.0=py37h7f8727e_0
  • libuuid==1.0.3=h7f8727e_2
  • mkl_random==1.2.2=py37h51133e4_0
  • mkl==2021.3.0=h06a4308_520
  • libxml2==2.9.12=h03d6c58_0
  • intel-openmp==2021.3.0=h06a4308_3350
  • numpy==1.20.3=py37hf144106_0

Demo videos to contribute


Thanks for this great repo and project.

Not really an issue, more a question:
I see the demo video section is TBD, would you be interested by some inferenced test videos in the wild for the read me?
I am planning to run some anyway, hopefully in the next week or so, let me know and I ll share.

Would be great to have higher res trained model to produce better quality demo videos too, but I see it is on the book of work.

RuntimeError: modulated_deformable_im2col_impl: implementation for device cuda:0 not found

I am getting the following error when I try to run the test script on the following docker image. Am I missing something?

FROM nvidia/cuda:11.6.0-base-ubuntu18.04
LABEL maintainer="Ayush Saraf"
ARG CONDA_DIR=/opt/conda

# Instal basic utilities
RUN apt-get update && \
    apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends git wget unzip bzip2 sudo build-essential ca-certificates ffmpeg libsm6 libxext6 && \
    apt-get clean && \
    rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
# Install miniconda
RUN wget --quiet \$ && \
    echo 'export PATH=$CONDA_DIR/bin:$PATH' > /etc/profile.d/ && \
    /bin/bash -b -p $CONDA_DIR && \
    rm -rf /tmp/*
# Create the user
RUN useradd --create-home -s /bin/bash --no-user-group -u $USERID $USERNAME && \
    chown $USERNAME $CONDA_DIR -R && \
    adduser $USERNAME sudo && \
    echo "$USERNAME ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers

# Conda env
RUN wget
RUN conda env create -f environment.yml

GPU is not working for prediction

Hi, I meet a problem when I was predicting using the E2FGVI-HQ. My CPU and Memory working for whole time but GPU does not work at all. I have ensure my CUDA is installed successfully, and the device for this code is return cuda.
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")

About custom datasets

Hello, very lucky to learn about your model.
I was able to successfully train the davis dataset, but there are some issues with defining the dataset.
There are 320 zip files in JPEGImages, each zip has ten photos.
There are 320 normal mask files in test_masks, each with ten mask photos.
test.json is the same as train.json.

But when we run our own file, the following error occurs:is invalid for input of size 11272192

Custom dataset directory:
—————— .........
—————— xxx

specific error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/u202080087/data/E2FGVI/", line 84, in
mp.spawn(main_worker, nprocs=config['world_size'], args=(config, ))
File "/home/u202080087/.conda/envs/e2f/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/multiprocessing/", line 199, in spawn
return start_processes(fn, args, nprocs, join, daemon, start_method='spawn')
File "/home/u202080087/.conda/envs/e2f/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/multiprocessing/", line 157, in start_processes
while not context.join():
File "/home/u202080087/.conda/envs/e2f/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/multiprocessing/", line 118, in join
raise Exception(msg)

-- Process 0 terminated with the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/u202080087/.conda/envs/e2f/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/multiprocessing/", line 19, in _wrap
fn(i, *args)
File "/home/u202080087/data/E2FGVI/", line 64, in main_worker
File "/home/u202080087/data/E2FGVI/core/", line 288, in train
File "/home/u202080087/data/E2FGVI/core/", line 307, in _train_epoch
pred_imgs, pred_flows = self.netG(masked_frames, l_t)
File "/home/u202080087/.conda/envs/e2f/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 727, in _call_impl
result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs)
File "/home/u202080087/.conda/envs/e2f/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/parallel/", line 619, in forward
output = self.module(*inputs[0], **kwargs[0])
File "/home/u202080087/.conda/envs/e2f/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 727, in _call_impl
result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs)
File "/home/u202080087/data/E2FGVI/model/", line 255, in forward
trans_feat = self.transformer([trans_feat, fold_output_size])
File "/home/u202080087/.conda/envs/e2f/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 727, in _call_impl
result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs)
File "/home/u202080087/.conda/envs/e2f/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 117, in forward
input = module(input)
File "/home/u202080087/.conda/envs/e2f/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 727, in _call_impl
result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs)
File "/home/u202080087/data/E2FGVI/model/modules/", line 551, in forward
attn_windows = self.attn(x_windows_all, mask_all=x_window_masks_all)
File "/home/u202080087/.conda/envs/e2f/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 727, in _call_impl
result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs)
File "/home/u202080087/data/E2FGVI/model/modules/", line 252, in forward
0] * self.window_size[1], C // self.num_heads), (q, k, v))
File "/home/u202080087/data/E2FGVI/model/modules/", line 248, in
lambda t: window_partition(t, self.window_size).view(
File "/home/u202080087/data/E2FGVI/model/modules/", line 132, in window_partition
window_size[1], C)
RuntimeError: shape '[2, 8, 6, 5, 4, 9, 512]' is invalid for input of size 11272192

Looking forward to your reply

Question about learning rate

你好,感谢您的工作。我有一个关于学习率的问题。我注意到您文章中写到 initial learning rate is 0.0001,reduce at 400k by factor of 10
但在对比工作fuseformer中initial learning rate is 0.01,之后分别在200k,400k和450k时reduce by factor of 10
您是否测试过这二者的区别?是什么让您选择没有follow fuseformer的配置呢?

Can replace ModulatedDeformConv2dFunction with another function? I'm having trouble converting to another format to save as

Looks like it's caused by not being able to export ModulatedDeformConv2dFunction

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 370, in <module>
  File "", line 294, in main_worker"")
  File "/Users/mac/opt/anaconda3/envs/e2fgvi36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/jit/", line 487, in save
    return*args, **kwargs)
Could not export Python function call 'ModulatedDeformConv2dFunction'. Remove calls to Python functions before export. Did you forget to add @script or @script_method annotation? If this is a nn.ModuleList, add it to __constants__:

Save code add like this place,

with torch.no_grad():
         masked_imgs = selected_imgs * (1 - selected_masks)
         mod_size_h = 60
         mod_size_w = 108
         h_pad = (mod_size_h - h % mod_size_h) % mod_size_h
         w_pad = (mod_size_w - w % mod_size_w) % mod_size_w
         masked_imgs =
             [masked_imgs, torch.flip(masked_imgs, [3])],
             3)[:, :, :, :h + h_pad, :]
         masked_imgs =
             [masked_imgs, torch.flip(masked_imgs, [4])],
             4)[:, :, :, :, :w + w_pad]
         ids[0] =len(neighbor_ids)
         # Jit.trace seems all values with tensor. so change the second integer  with tensor. And inpaint forward, use
         # l_t = num_local_frames.item()
         traced_model = torch.jit.trace(model, (masked_imgs,ids) ) 

Request for the visualization codes

Hi, thanks for your wonderful work. I notice you visualize the feature maps of local frames' features, could you please provide it?

In supp material: To further investigate the effectiveness of the feature propagation module, we visualize averaged local neighboring features with the temporal size of 5 before conducting content hallucination in Fig. 10.

怎么优化GPU 内存?

RuntimeError: CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 64.00 MiB (GPU 2; 11.93 GiB total capacity; 11.07 GiB already allocated; 56.12 MiB free; 11.43 GiB reserved in total by PyTorch)
我的机器有四个·GPU, 把 "batch_size": 从8改为4后 才工作。 对于每个GPU来说batch_size 是 2.
如果我想要增加batch_size, 不知道有没可能优化内存, 您有什么建议吗?

Output encoding settings

Hello. After a long while of trial and error, I managed to get this software running. It still doesn't run well, giving me OOM with more than 250 frames of 120x144 video. I have an 8GB 3060ti, which should be fine for this, in my opinion. Needing to split tasks many times is a pain, but might be manageable.

What isn't manageable are the output settings. H.263 is outdated and with tiny input sizes and lengths, lossy is a baffling pick. Maybe I missed a customizing option somewhere? I would like to have lossless h264 or FFV1. In addition, I would like to decide the video's framerate (very important for syncing) and not have the video resized. That causes distortions that look bad.

Thank you. Looking forward to the high-resolution model.

About the feat propagation function

Hello, I found that the return value of forward bidirect flow function is (forward, backward), but the input of feat propagation function is (backward, forward). It seems like you put the forward flow as backward flow into the propagation function. Is that your design or a mistake? Looking forward to your reply. :)

E2FGVI_HQ in Google Colab

I attempted to use E2FGVI_HQ in Google Colab, replacing the model/release model and any reference to e2fgvi to e2fgvi_hq. I made sure I was in the bounds of the CUDA limit and set the width and height to the source value.

When inpainting it returns the error: "IndexError: list index out of range"

Is there a way to get this to work properly?

Welcome update to OpenMMLab 2.0

Welcome update to OpenMMLab 2.0

I am Vansin, the technical operator of OpenMMLab. In September of last year, we announced the release of OpenMMLab 2.0 at the World Artificial Intelligence Conference in Shanghai. We invite you to upgrade your algorithm library to OpenMMLab 2.0 using MMEngine, which can be used for both research and commercial purposes. If you have any questions, please feel free to join us on the OpenMMLab Discord at or add me on WeChat (van-sin) and I will invite you to the OpenMMLab WeChat group.

Here are the OpenMMLab 2.0 repos branches:

OpenMMLab 1.0 branch OpenMMLab 2.0 branch
MMEngine 0.x
MMCV 1.x 2.x
MMDetection 0.x 、1.x、2.x 3.x
MMAction2 0.x 1.x
MMClassification 0.x 1.x
MMSegmentation 0.x 1.x
MMDetection3D 0.x 1.x
MMEditing 0.x 1.x
MMPose 0.x 1.x
MMDeploy 0.x 1.x
MMTracking 0.x 1.x
MMOCR 0.x 1.x
MMRazor 0.x 1.x
MMSelfSup 0.x 1.x
MMRotate 1.x 1.x

Attention: please create a new virtual environment for OpenMMLab 2.0.


[syujung] 在七月20号 问了以下这个问题(Issue#25)






: )



Model Performance on Medical Video Datasets

First off, your paper on an end-to-end framework for guided video completion is amazing! I used it on a medical task and it provided satisfactory results. However, it seems that the original iterative FGVC method performed better for my medical image-related task. Is there any way that I can use the pre-trained weights to fine-tune the model? If so, can you advise me as to which parts of the network I should freeze to preserve inpainting quality while allowing the network to familiarize itself with my domain-specific data?

I also only have access to one V100 GPU through Google Colab, so I'm unable to use distributed training. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Question about the method of saving inference result

Hi, thanks for your contribution. I am very inspired by your work.
I have one question. Is there any specific reason to make the final result with the code comp_frames[idx] = comp_frames[idx].astype(np.float32) * 0.5 + img.astype(np.float32) * 0.5 ? Since this code will add the last made one with weighted value 0.5, and previous made result impacts are decreased by half, so the result will be biased to the result that made with end neighbor frame result. Is this a common way to make the video inpainting result?

Windows environment

Hey there, Just a FYI, this works for me in Windows with Cuda 11.1 and a 3090.

conda create -n e2fgvi python=3.7
conda activate e2fgvi
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install --no-cache-dir --ignore-installed --force-reinstall --no-warn-conflicts matplotlib==3.4.1
pip install --no-cache-dir --ignore-installed --force-reinstall --no-warn-conflicts opencv-python==
pip install --no-cache-dir --ignore-installed --force-reinstall --no-warn-conflicts vispy==0.9.3
pip install --no-cache-dir --ignore-installed --force-reinstall --no-warn-conflicts transforms3d==0.3.1
pip install --no-cache-dir --ignore-installed --force-reinstall --no-warn-conflicts networkx==2.3
pip install --no-cache-dir --ignore-installed --force-reinstall --no-warn-conflicts scikit-image==0.19.2
pip install --no-cache-dir --ignore-installed --force-reinstall --no-warn-conflicts pyaml==21.10.1
pip install --no-cache-dir --ignore-installed --force-reinstall --no-warn-conflicts torch==1.9.0+cu111 torchvision==0.10.0+cu111 torchaudio==0.9.0 -f
pip install --no-cache-dir --ignore-installed --force-reinstall --no-warn-conflicts moviepy==1.0.3
pip install --no-cache-dir --ignore-installed --force-reinstall --no-warn-conflicts pyqt6==6.3.0
pip install mmcv-full -f
pip install tensorboard matplotlib

The original environment solve bug thread resulted in getting to the inference portion after an abnormally long time with no feedback.. and then it crashing saying that there was no kernel on the device.

After setting up the environment this way,
python --model e2fgvi_hq --video examples/tennis --mask examples/tennis_mask --ckpt release_model/E2FGVI-HQ-CVPR22.pth
processed the test video in about 10 seconds.

About Speed Test~

作者您好,感谢您的精彩工作!我从中学到了许多 =)

Simplify google colab notebook

Thanks for your colab notebook.
The cell named "Download model with PyDrive" can be simplified to built-in gdown tool from

Hi about the memory error

When I was trying to run my own video, it meet the problem of memory.

RuntimeError: CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 1.62 GiB (GPU 0; 8.00 GiB total capacity; 5.05 GiB already allocated; 0 bytes free; 7.01 GiB reserved in total by PyTorch) If reserved memory is >> allocated memory try setting max_split_size_mb to avoid fragmentation. See documentation for Memory Management and PYTORCH_CUDA_ALLOC_CONF

Frame number and video are small than the tennis or school girl demo. I am able to run those two demo, but not able to run my own demo.

about the loss

Hello, when I try to train your e2fgvi_hq model on the youtube-vos datasets, after 400k iterations the model will always collapse, and the flow loss will became nan. Have you ever face this problem? Looking forward to your answer!

Training datasets?

请问您训练时是只用youtube-vos?还是用了YouTube-vos and Davis? 您的源代码好像只用YouTube-vos.

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