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basemod-3.0's Introduction

BaseMod: PacBio DNA Modification Sequence Analysis

The polymerase kinetics data generated by PacBio's SMRT sequencing technology allows simultaneous detection of common microbial base modifications in native genomic DNA in resequencing experiments. SMRTanalysis provides two tools for interpreting the results: kineticsTools to identify modified bases, and MotifMaker to detect consensus motifs associated with modified bases. These are available in SMRTlink as an integrated pipeline.

Table of contents


base modification and motif analysis

Analyses are performed in four stages: PBAlign, kineticsTools, MotifMaker Find, and MotifMaker Reprocess.

  • PBAlign
    • PBAlign maps PacBio sequences to references using an algorithm selected from a selection of supported command-line alignment algorithms. Input can be a fasta, pls.h5, bas.h5 or ccs.h5 file or a fofn (file of file names). Output can be in CMP.H5, SAM or BAM format. If output is BAM format, aligner can only be BLASR and QVs will be loaded automatically.
  • kineticsTools
    • kineticsTools takes the AlignmentSet (mapped BAM) output of pbalign and iterates over all nucleotides in the genome. From the reads aligned at each site, a profile of polymerase kinetics is obtained in the form of inter-pulse durations (IPDs), which are compared to expectations for the given chemistry. The ratio of observed-to-expected IPD is interpreted to decide whether a base is modified and (optionally) determine the specific modification type.
  • MotifMaker
    • MotifMaker is a tool for identify motifs associated with DNA modifications in prokaryotic genomes. Modified DNA in prokaryotes commonly arises from restriction-modification systems that methylate a specific base in a specific sequence motif. The canonical example the m6A methylation of adenine in GATC contexts in E.coli. Prokaryotes may have a very large number of active restriction-modification systems present, leading to a complicated mixture of sequence motifs. PacBio SMRT sequencing is sensitive to the presence of methylated DNA at single base resolution, via shifts in the polymerase kinetics observed in the real-time sequencing traces. See our publication for more background on modification detection.


Running with SMRTLink

To run Isoseq using SMRTLink, follow the usual steps for analysing data on SMRTLink. TODO: Link to document explaining SMRTLink.

Running on the Command Line

On the command line, the analysis is performed in 4 steps:

  1. Run PBAlign on your unaligned subreads, generating an aligned BAM.
  2. Run kineticsTools on your aligned BAM, generating a GFF and CSV containing base modification information.
  3. Run MotifMaker on your GFF generated from kineticsTools, generating a CSV containing motif information.
  4. Run MotifMaker on your base modification GFF and motif CSV, generating a motif GFF.

Step 1. PBAlign

First, align your sequences to your chosen reference.

 pbalign --concordant --hitPolicy=randombest --minAccuracy 70 --minLength 50 --algorithmOptions="-minMatch 12 -bestn 10 -minPctIdentity 70.0" subreads.bam reference.fasta aligned_subreads.bam

Where reference.fasta contains your reference sequences.

Where subreads.bam contains your unaligned reads.

Where aligned_subreads.bam is where your aligned reads will be stored.

Step 2. kineticsTools

Next, analyze your aligned sequences for base modifications.

 ipdSummary aligned_subreads.bam --reference reference.fasta --gff basemods.gff --csv basemods.csv --pvalue 0.001 --numWorkers 16 --identify m4C,m6A

Note: You will need to have an index file for your reference.fasta and for your aligned_subreads.bam.

To index your reference.fasta, use samtools faidx reference.fasta.

To index your aligned_subreads.bam, use pbindex aligned_subreads.bam.

Step 3. MotifMaker Find

Next, identify consensus motifs.

 motifMaker find -f reference.fasta -g basemods.gff -o motifs.csv

Step 4. MotifMaker Reprocess

Finally, generate a GFF file of all modifications that are part of motifs.

 motifMaker reprocess -f reference.fasta -g basemods.gff -m motifs.csv -o motifs.gff

Running on the Command Line with pbsmrtpipe

####Install pbsmrtpipe pbsmrtpipe is a part of smrtanalysis-3.0 package and will be installed if smrtanalysis-3.0 has been installed on your system. Or you can download pbsmrtpipe and install.

You can verify that pbsmrtpipe is running OK by:

pbsmrtpipe --help

Create a dataset

Now create an XML file from your subreads.

dataset create --type SubreadSet my.subreadset.xml subreads1.bam subreads2.bam ...

This will create a file called my.subreadset.xml.

Create and edit basemod options and global options for pbsmrtpipe.

Create a global options XML file which contains SGE related, job chunking and job distribution options that you may modify by:

 pbsmrtpipe show-workflow-options -o global_options.xml

Create a basemod options XML file which contains basemod-related options that you may modify by:

 pbsmrtpipe show-template-details pbsmrtpipe.pipelines.ds_modification_motif_analysis -o basemod_options.xml

The entries in the options XML files have the format:

 <option id="pbtranscript.task_options.min_seq_len">

And you can modify options using your favorite text editor, such as vim.

Run BaseMod from pbsmrtpipe

Once you have set your options, you are ready to run basemod via pbsmrtpipe:

pbsmrtpipe pipeline-id pbsmrtpipe.pipelines.ds_modification_motif_analysis -e eid_ref_dataset:reference.fasta -e eid_subread:my.subreadset.xml --preset-xml=basemod_options.xml --preset-xml=global_options.xml

Advanced Analysis Options

SMRTLink/pbsmrtpipe Basemod Options

Module Parameter (pbsmrtpipe_name) Default Explanation
PBAlign Algorithm (algorithm) quiver Algorithm name
PBAlign Diploid mode (diploid) FALSE Enable detection of heterozygous variants (experimental)
PBAlign Minimum confidence (min_confidence) 40 The minimum confidence for a variant call to be output to variants.gff
kineticsTools Minimum coverage (min_coverage) 5 The minimum site coverage that must be achieved for variant calls and consensus to be calculated for a site.
kineticsTools Compute methyl fraction (compute_methyl_fraction) FALSE When identifying specific modifications (m4C and/or m6A), enabling this option will estimate the methylated fraction, along with 95% confidence interval bounds.
kineticsTools Identify basemods (identify) Specific modifications to identify (comma-separated list). Currrent options are m6A and/or m4C.
kineticsTools Max sequence length (max_length) 2112827392 Maximum number of bases to process per contig
kineticsTools P-value (pvalue) 0.001 P-value cutoff
MotifMaker Minimum methylated fraction (min_fraction) 30 Minimum methylated fraction
MotifMaker Minimum Qmod score (min_score) 30 Minimum Qmod score to use in motif finding
PBAlign Algorithm options (algorithm_options) -minMatch 12 -bestn 10 -minPctIdentity 70.0 List of space-separated arguments passed to BLASR
PBAlign Concordant alignment (concordant) TRUE Map subreads of a ZMW to the same genomic location
pbsmrtpipe Consolidate .bam (consolidate_aligned_bam) FALSE Merge chunked/gathered .bam files
pbsmrtpipe Number of .bam files (consolidate_n_files) 1 Number of .bam files to create in consolidate mode
PBAlign Hit policy (hit_policy) randomBest Specify a policy for how to treat multiple hit random : selects a random hit. all : selects all hits. allbest : selects all the best score hits. randombest: selects a random hit from all best score hits. leftmost : selects a hit which has the best score and the smallest mapping coordinate in any reference. Default value is randombest.
PBAlign Min. accuracy (min_accuracy) 70 Minimum required alignment accuracy (percent)
PBAlign Min. length (min_length) 50 Minimum required alignment length
pbsmrtpipe Batch sort size (batch_sort_size) 10000 Intermediate sort size parameter (default=10000) (nat) what are the units?
pbsmrtpipe Force the number of regions (force_num_regions) FALSE If supplied, then try to use this number (max value = 40000) of regions per reference, otherwise the coverage summary report will optimize the number of regions in the case of many references. Not compatible with a fixed region size.
pbsmrtpipe Number of variants (how_many) 100 number of top variants to show (default=100)
pbsmrtpipe Max contigs (max_contigs) 25 Max number of contigs to plot. Defaults to 25.
pbsmrtpipe Number of regions (num_regions) 1000 Desired number of genome regions in the summary statistics (used for guidance, not strict). Defaults to 1000
pbsmrtpipe Region size (region_size) 0 If supplied, used a fixed genomic region size

PBAlign Options

Type Parameter Example Explanation
positional Input File unaligned.bam SubreadSet or unaligned .bam
positional Reference File reference.fasta Reference DataSet or FASTA file
positional Output File aligned.bam Output AlignmentSet file
optional Help -h, --help show this help message and exit
optional Version -v, --version show program's version number and exit
optional Verbose --verbose No Description (greg)
optional Debug --debug Writes the debug reporting to stdout
optional Profile --profile Print runtime profile at exit
optional input Region Table --regionTable REGIONTABLE Specify a region table for filtering reads.
optional input Configuration File --configFile CONFIGFILE Specify a set of user-defined argument values.
optional input Pulse File --pulseFile PULSEFILE When input reads are in fasta format and output is a cmp.h5 this option can specify pls.h5 or bas.h5 or FOFN files from which pulse metrics can be loaded for Quiver.
alignment Algorithm --algorithm {blasr, bowtie, gmap} Select an aligorithm from ('blasr', 'bowtie', 'gmap'). Default algorithm is blasr.
alignment Maximum Hits --maxHits MAXHITS The maximum number of matches of each read to the reference sequence that will be evaluated. Default value is 10.
alignment Minimum Anchor Size --minAnchorSize MINANCHORSIZE The minimum anchor size defines the length of the read that must match against the reference sequence. Default value is 12.
alignment Use CCS --useccs {useccs, useccsall, useccsdenovo} Map the ccsSequence to the genome first, then align subreads to the interval that the CCS reads mapped to. useccs: only maps subreads that span the length of the template. useccsall: maps all subreads. useccsdenovo: maps ccs only.
alignment No Split Subreads --noSplitSubreads Do not split reads into subreads even if subread regions are available. Default value is False.
alignment Concordant --concordant Map subreads of a ZMW to the same genomic location.
alignment Number of Threads --nproc NPROC Number of threads. Default value is 8.
alignment Algorithm Options --algorithmOptions ALGORITHMOPTIONS Pass alignment options through.
filter criteria Maximum Divergence --maxDivergence MAXDIVERGENCE The maximum allowed percentage divergence of a read from the reference sequence. Default value is 30.0.
filter criteria Minimum Accuracy --minAccuracy MINACCURACY The minimum percentage accuracy of alignments that will be evaluated. Default value is 70.0.
filter criteria Minimum Length --minLength MINLENGTH The minimum aligned read length of alignments that will be evaluated. Default value is 50.
filter criteria Score Cutoff --scoreCutoff SCORECUTOFF The worst score to output an alignment.
filter criteria Hit Policy --hitPolicy {randombest, allbest, random, all, leftmost} Specify a policy for how to treat multiple hit random: selects a random hit. all: selects all hits. allbest: selects all the best score hits. randombest: selects a random hit from all best score hits. leftmost: selects a hit which has the best score and the smallest mapping coordinate in any reference. Default value is randombest.
filter criteria Filter Adapter-Only --filterAdapterOnly If specified, do not report adapter-only hits using annotations with the reference entry.
for cmp.h5 For Quiver --forQuiver The output cmp.h5 file which will be sorted, loaded with pulse QV information, and repacked, so that it can be consumed by quiver directly. This requires the input file to be in PacBio bas/pls.h5 format, and --useccs must be None. Default value is False.
for cmp.h5 Load QVs --loadQVs Similar to --forQuiver, the only difference is that --useccs can be specified. Default value is False.
for cmp.h5 By Read --byread Load pulse information using -byread option instead of -bymetric. Only works when --forQuiver or --loadQVs are set. Default value is False.
for cmp.h5 Metrics --metrics METRICS Load the specified (comma-delimited list of) metrics instead of the default metrics required by quiver. This option only works when --forQuiver or --loadQVs are set. Default: DeletionQV, DeletionTag, InsertionQV, MergeQV, SubstitutionQV
miscellaneous Seed --seed SEED Initialize the random number generator with a none-zero integer. Zero means that current system time is used. Default value is 1.
miscellaneous Temporary Directory --tmpDir TMPDIR Specify a directory for saving temporary files. Default is /scratch.

kineticsTools Options

Parameter Example Explanation
Input Reads aligned_subreads.bam This is a positional argument and the first argument to be specified. Can be a BAM or Alignment DataSet.
Reference File --reference reference.fasta Fasta or Reference DataSet (default: None)
Modifications GFF --gff basemod.gff Output GFF file of modified bases (default: None)
Modifications CSV --csv basemod.csv Output CSV file out per-nucleotide information (default: None)
Help -h, --help show this help message and exit
Version -v, --version show program's version number and exit
Log Level --log-level {DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL} Set log level (default: INFO)
Verbose --verbose Print verbose job information to stdout
Debug Mode --debug Debug to stdout (default: False)
Number of Jobs --numWorkers NUMWORKERS, -j NUMWORKERS Number of thread to use (-1 uses all logical cpus) (default: 1)
P-Value --pvalue PVALUE Kinetic Deviation P-value cutoff (default: 0.01) (nat)
Maximum Length --maxLength MAXLENGTH Maximum number of bases to process per contig, the default is 3 trillion. (default: 3000000000000)
Identify --identify IDENTIFY Specific modifications to identify (comma-separated list). Currrent options are m6A, m4C, m5C_TET. Cannot be used with --control. (default: )
Compute Methyl Fraction --methylFraction In the --identify mode, add --methylFraction to command line to estimate the methylated fraction, along with 95% confidence interval bounds. (default: False)
Output Files --outfile OUTFILE Use this option to generate all possible output files. Argument here is the root filename of the output files. (default: None)
m5C Scores --m5Cgff M5CGFF Name of output GFF file containing m5C scores (default: None)
m5C Classifier --m5Cclassifer M5CCLASSIFIER Specify csv file containing a 127 x 2 matrix (default: None)
CSV H5 Format -csv_h5 CSV_H5 Name of csv output to be written in hdf5 format. (default: None)
Summary H5 --summary_h5 SUMMARY_H5 Name of output summary h5 file. (default: None)
Multisite Detection --ms_csv MS_CSV Multisite detection CSV file. (default: None)
Case-Control Mode --control CONTROL cmph.h5 file containing a control sample. Tool will perform a case-control analysis (default: None)
LDA --useLDA Set this flag to debug LDA for m5C/Ca5C detection (default: False)
Minimum Call Coverage --minCoverage MINCOVERAGE Minimum coverage required to call a modified base (default: 3)
Maxmimum Queue Size --maxQueueSize MAXQUEUESIZE Max Queue Size (default: 20)
Maximum Coverage --maxCoverage MAXCOVERAGE Maximum coverage to use at each site (default: -1)
MapQV Threshold --mapQvThreshold MAPQVTHRESHOLD No Description (nat)
IPD Model --ipdModel IPDMODEL Alternate synthetic IPD model HDF5 file (default: None)
IPD Percentile Cap --cap_percentile CAP_PERCENTILE Global IPD percentile to cap IPDs at (default: 99.0)
Minimum MethylFraction Coverage --methylMinCov METHYLMINCOV Do not try to estimate methylFraction unless coverage is at least this. (default: 10)
Minimum Modification Coverage --identifyMinCov IDENTIFYMINCOV Do not try to identify the modification type unless coverage is at least this. (default: 5)
Maximum Alignments --maxAlignments MAXALIGNMENTS Maximum number of alignments to use for a given window (default: 1500)
Reference Window -w REFERENCEWINDOWSASSTRING, --referenceWindow REFERENCEWINDOWSASSTRING, --referenceWindows REFERENCEWINDOWSASSTRING, --refContigs REFERENCEWINDOWSASSTRING The window (or multiple comma-delimited windows) of the reference to be processed, in the format refGroup [:refStart-refEnd] (default: entire reference). (default: None)
Reference Window File -W REFERENCEWINDOWSASSTRING, --referenceWindowsFile REFERENCEWINDOWSASSTRING, --refContigsFile REFERENCEWINDOWSASSTRING A file containing reference window designations, one per line (default: None)
Skip Unregognized Contigs --skipUnrecognizedContigs SKIPUNRECOGNIZEDCONTIGS Whether to skip, or abort, unrecognized contigs in the -w/-W flags (default: False)
Alignment Window --alignmentSetRefWindows DEVELOPER OPTION
Reference Contig Index --refContigIndex REFCONTIGINDEX DEVELOPER OPTION
Model Iterations --modelIters MODELITERS DEVELOPER OPTION
Thread --threaded, -T DEVELOPER OPTION
Profile --profile DEVELOPER OPTION
Emit Tool Contract --emit-tool-contract DEVELOPER OPTION
Resolved Tool Contract --resolved-tool-contract RESOLVED_TOOL_CONTRACT DEVELOPER OPTION

MotifMaker Options

MotifMaker options, except for --help, require the specification of a command first- either find or reprocess.

Command Parameter Example Explanation
Help -h, --help show this help message and exit
find Reference FASTA -f reference.fasta, --fasta reference.fasta Reference fasta file
find Modifications GFF -g basemod.gff, --gff basemod.gff basemod.gff or .gff.gz file
find Minimum Qmod Score -m SCORE, --minScore SCORE Minimum Qmod score to use in motif finding (default: 30.0)
find Motif CSV -o motifs.csv, --output motifs.csv Output motifs csv file
find Parallelize -p, --parallelize Parallelize motif finder (default: true)
find Motif XML -x motifs.xml, --xml motifs.xml Output motifs xml file
reprocess Modifications CSV -c basemod.csv, --csv basemod.csv Raw basemod.csv file
reprocess Reference FASTA -f reference.fasta, --fasta reference.fasta Reference fasta file
reprocess Modifications GFF -g basemod.gff, --gff basemod.gff original basemod.gff or .gff.gz file
reprocess Minimum MethylFraction --minFraction FRACTION Only use motifs above this methylated fraction (default: 0.0)
reprocess Motifs CSV -m motifs.csv, --motifs motifs.csv motifs csv
reprocess Motifs GFF -o motifs.gff, --output motifs.gff Reprocessed basemod.gff with motif information added


PBAlign Files


Unaligned Reads File (subreads.*)

(Required) This file contains your input reads. It can be a BAM, FASTA, XML, CCS.H5 or BAS.H5 file.

Reference File(reference.fasta)

(Required) This file contains the reference sequences that your input reads will be aligned against.

Configuration File

(Optional) If you prefer to specify all arguments in a config file rather than on the command line, use the --configFile argument.

Example config text file:

# This is a config file for pbalign where users can specify
# values for an arbitary subset of optional arguments for pbalign.
# Lines which start with '#' are comments. Otherwise each line
# should specify the value for exactly one optinal argument.
# Note that:
#   [1] Positional arguments, including inputFileName, outputFileName,
#       and referencePath, can not be specified in a config file.
#   [2] Sepcial arguments, including --verbose, --version (-v..),
#       --debug and --profile, in a config file will be ignored.
#   [3] Arguments specified in a config file will be overwritten
#       by arguments on command-line.

# Aligner's options.
--maxHits       = 20
--minAnchorSize = 1
--minLength     = 100
--algorithmOptions = "-noSplitSubreads -maxMatch 30 -nCandidates 30"

# SamFilter's filtering criteria and hit policy.
--hitPolicy     = randombest
--maxDivergence = 40

# Miscellaneous
--seed = 10

Pulse File

(Optional) Path to *.bas.h5 or *.pls.h5 when input type is *.fasta, and output type is *.cmp.h5. This is necessary to load pulse metrics into the alignment file (*.cmp.h5) for subsequent consumption by variantCaller.

Region Table

(Optional) path to *.rgn.h5. When input file is of type *.bas.h5, you may supply an optional Region table (*.rgn.h5) to filter the reads prior to alignment


Aligned Reads File (aligned_subreads.*)

This file contains your aligned output reads. You can specify *.cmp.h5, *.sam or *.bam Note: *.bam output format only works if --algorthim blasr

kineticsTools Files

Modifications CSV File (basemods.csv)

The modifications.csv file contains one row for each (reference position, strand) pair that appeared in the dataset with coverage at least x. x defaults to 3, but is configurable with ‘–minCoverage’ flag to The reference position index is 1-based for compatibility with the gff file the R environment.

The output columns vary depending on whether --control was used to run in case-control mode, or whether the program ran in the default in-silico control mode.

in-silico control mode output columns

Column Description
refId reference sequence ID of this observation
tpl 1-based template position
strand native sample strand where kinetics were generated. ‘0’ is the strand of the original FASTA, ‘1’ is opposite strand from FASTA
base the cognate base at this position in the reference
score Phred-transformed pvalue that a kinetic deviation exists at this position
tMean capped mean of normalized IPDs observed at this position
tErr capped standard error of normalized IPDs observed at this position (standard deviation / sqrt(coverage)
modelPrediction normalized mean IPD predicted by the synthetic control model for this sequence context
ipdRatio tMean / modelPrediction
coverage count of valid IPDs at this position (see Filtering section for details)
frac estimate of the fraction of molecules that carry the modification
fracLow 2.5% confidence bound of frac estimate
fracUpp 97.5% confidence bound of frac estimate

case-control mode output columns

Column Description
refId reference sequence ID of this observation
tpl 1-based template position
strand native sample strand where kinetics were generated. ‘0’ is the strand of the original FASTA, ‘1’ is opposite strand from FASTA
base the cognate base at this position in the reference
score Phred-transformed pvalue that a kinetic deviation exists at this position
caseMean mean of normalized case IPDs observed at this position
controlMean mean of normalized control IPDs observed at this position
caseStd standard deviation of case IPDs observed at this position
controlStd standard deviation of control IPDs observed at this position
ipdRatio tMean / modelPrediction
testStatistic t-test statistic
coverage mean of case and control coverage
controlCoverage count of valid control IPDs at this position (see Filtering section for details)
caseCoverage count of valid case IPDs at this position (see Filtering section for details)

Modifications GFF File (basemods.gff)

The modifications.gff is compliant with the GFF Version 3 specification. Each template position / strand pair whose p-value exceeds the pvalue threshold appears as a row. The template position is 1-based, per the GFF spec. The strand column refers to the strand carrying the detected modification, which is the opposite strand from those used to detect the modification. The GFF confidence column is a Phred-transformed pvalue of detection.

The modifications.gff file will not work directly with most genome browsers. You will likely need to make a copy of the GFF file and convert the seqid columns from the generic ‘ref0000x’ names generated by PacBio, to the FASTA headers present in the original reference FASTA file. The mapping table is written in the header of the modifications.gff file in #sequence-header tags. This issue will be resolved in the 1.4 release of kineticsTools.

The auxiliary data column of the GFF file contains other statistics which may be useful downstream analysis or filtering. In particular the coverage level of the reads used to make the call, and +/- 20bp sequence context surrounding the site.

Column Description
seqid Fasta contig name
source Name of tool – ‘kinModCall’
type Modification type – in identification mode this will be m6A, m4C, or m5C for identified bases, or the generic tag ‘modified_base’ if a kinetic event was detected that does not match a known modification signature
start Modification position on contig
end Modification position on contig
score Phred transformed p-value of detection - this is the single-site detection p-value
strand Sample strand containing modification
phase Not applicable
attributes Extra fields relevant to base mods. IPDRatio is traditional IPDRatio, context is the reference sequence -20bp to +20bp around the modification, and coverage level is the number of IPD observations used after Mapping QV filtering and accuracy filtering. If the row results from an identified modification we also include an identificationQv tag with the from the modification identification procedure. identificationQv is the phred-transformed probability of an incorrect identification, for bases that were identified as having a particular modification. frac, fracLow, fracUp are the estimated fraction of molecules carrying the modification, and the 5% confidence intervals of the estimate. The methylated fraction estimation is a beta-level feature, and should only be used for exploratory purposes.

MotifMaker Files

Motifs GFF File (motifs.gff)

This is a reprocessed version of modifications.gff with the following changes. If a detected modification occurs on a motif detected by the motif finder, the modification is annotated with motif data. An attribute ‘motif’ is added containing the motif string, and an attribute ‘id’ is added containing the motif id, which is the motif string for unpaired motifs or ‘motifString1/motifString2’ for paired motifs. If a motif instance exists in the genome, but was not detected in modifications.gff, an entry is added to motifs.gff, indicating the presence of that motif and the kinetics that were observed at that site.

Motifs CSV File (motifs.csv)

This file summarizes the modified motifs discovered by the tool. The CSV contains one row per detected motif, with the following columns.

Column Description
motifString Detected motif sequence
centerPos Position in motif of modification (0-based)
fraction Fraction of instances of this motif with modification QV above the QV threshold
nDetected Number of instances of this motif with above threshold
nGenome Number of instances of this motif in reference sequence
groupTag A string identifying the motif grouping. For paired motifs this is “/”, For unpaired motifs this equals motifString
partnerMotifString motifString of paired motif (motif with reverse-complementary motifString)
meanScore Mean Modification Qv of detected instances
meanIpdRatio Mean IPD ratio of detected instances
meanCoverage Mean coverage of detected instances
objectiveScore Objective score of this motif in the motif finder algorithm

Algorithm Modules


BLASR is a read mapping program that maps reads to positions in a genome by clustering short exact matches between the read and the genome, and scoring clusters using alignment. The matches are generated by searching all suffixes of a read against the genome using a suffix array. Global chaining methods are used to score clusters of matches. It is exremely useful to have read filtering information, and mapping runtime may decrease substantially when a precomputed suffix array index on the reference sequence is specified.


Synthetic Control

Studies of the relationship between IPD and sequence context reveal that most of the variation in mean IPD across a genome can be predicted from a 12-base sequence context surrounding the active site of the DNA polymerase. The bounds of the relevant context window correspond to the window of DNA in contact with the polymerase, as seen in DNA/polymerase crystal structures. To simplify the process of finding DNA modifications with PacBio data, the tool includes a pre-trained lookup table mapping 12-mer DNA sequences to mean IPDs observed in C2 chemistry.

Filtering and Trimming

kineticsTools uses the Mapping QV generated by BLASR and stored in the BAM file to ignore reads that aren’t confidently mapped. The default minimum Mapping QV required is 10, implying that BLASR has 90% confidence that the read is correctly mapped. Because of the range of read lengths inherent in PacBio data. This can be changed in using the –mapQvThreshold command line argument, or via the SMRT Link configuration dialog for Modification Detection.

There are a few features of PacBio data that require special attention in order to acheive good modification detection performance. kineticsTools inspects the alignment between the observed bases and the reference sequence – in order for an IPD measurement to be included in the analysis, the PacBio read sequence must match the reference sequence for k around the cognate base. In the current module k=1, the IPD distribution at some locus be thought of as a mixture between the ‘normal’ incorporation process IPD, which is sensitive to the local sequence context and DNA modifications and a contaminating ‘pause’ process IPD which have a much longer duration (mean >10x longer than normal), but happen rarely (~1% of IPDs). Note: Our current understanding is that pauses do not carry useful information about the methylation state of the DNA, however a more careful analysis may be warranted. Also note that modifications that drastically increase the Roughly 1% of observed IPDs are generated by pause events. Capping observed IPDs at the global 99th percentile is motivated by theory from robust hypothesis testing. Some sequence contexts may have naturally longer IPDs, to avoid capping too much data at those contexts, the cap threshold is adjusted per context as follows: capThreshold = max(global99, 5*modelPrediction, percentile(ipdObservations, 75))

Statistical Testing

We test the hypothesis that IPDs observed at a particular locus in the sample have a longer means than IPDs observed at the same locus in unmodified DNA. If we have generated a Whole Genome Amplified dataset, which removes DNA modifications, we use a case-control, two-sample t-test. This tool also provides a pre-calibrated ‘synthetic control’ model which predicts the unmodified IPD, given a 12 base sequence context. In the synthetic control case we use a one-sample t-test, with an adjustment to account for error in the synthetic control model.


Existing motif finding algorithms such as MEME-chip and YMF are sub-optimal for this case for the following reasons:

  1. They search for a single motif, rather than attempting to identify a complicated mixture of motifs

  2. They generally don't accept the notion of aligned motifs - the input to the tools is a window into the reference sequence which can contain the motif at any offset, rather a single center position that is available with kinetic modification detection.

  3. Implementations generally either use a Markov model of the reference (MEME-chip), or do exact counting on the reference, but place restrictions on the size and complexity of the motifs that can be discovered.

Here we give a rough overview of the algorthim used by MotifMaker.

Define a motif as a set of (position relative to methylation, required base) tuples. Positions not listed in the motif are implicitly degenerate. Given a list of modification detections and a genome sequence, we define the following objective function on motifs:

Motif score(motif) = 
(# of detections matching motif) / (# of genome sites matching motif)  *  (Sum of log-pvalue of detections matching motif) = 
(fraction methylated) * (sum of log-pvalues of matches)

We search (close to exhaustively) through the space of all possible motifs, progressively testing longer motifs using a branch-and-bound search. The 'fraction methylated' term must be less than 1, so the maximum achievable score of a child node is the sum of scores of modification hits in the current node, permitting us to prune all search paths whose maximum achievable score is less than the best score discovered so far.


  • Inter-Pulse Duration (IPD)
  • In the terminology of SMRT sequencing, pulses are single-molecule fluorescence signals interpreted as basecalls. The IPD for a basecall is the time between the current pulse and the next one. Many covalent base modifications cause a temporary pause in the sequencing reaction, which varies depending on the type of modification. For detecting basemods, kineticsTools uses the IPD averaged over many subreads aligned at the same position.

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