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xv2-tools's Issues

ACE v0.9.0 broke ADX compatibility

As title says, it is no longer possible to open acb/awb files containing ADX sound files, ACE gives an error saying "not a valid HCA file" and then refuses to open the acb/awb file.


LB Mod Installer: BCS Reinstallation Error

When reinstalling an already installed BCS this error is received "Object reference not set to an instance of an object". This doesn't happen during the first installation or with older versions of the installer
Update: trying to install the newer versions of BCS with the new installer gives the error overall.
Update 2: Found the main reason for the error. Apparently when installing CAC partsets, they should have atleast the , and when saving the changes

Cannot save SMT V ACB files.

Log +

Unfortunately ACE can't save SMT V ACB files, I'm not sure what incurs this as even without editing the file at all the error persists. Sorry, if this is my fault somehow then I'll take the fall for it.

ACE can add new adx file types but wont let you select ADX for file

While ACE works perfectly for games that use ADX audio, while it can add new ADX CUE IDs to the ACB, it will not allow you to select an ADX sound when adding it, meaning you need to use wav or hca, which is rather strange, I'd like to be able to select existing ADX audio files when adding a new ADX to an acb.

The file is too long. This operation is currently limited to supporting files less than 2 gigabytes in size.

Hi I am trying to import an acb that imports an awb with it, and I can not import it due to this. Is this something that can be fixed?

The AWB file is nearly 3GB being imported, and the ACB file is only 81KB.

System.IO.IOException: The file is too long. This operation is currently limited to supporting files less than 2 gigabytes in size.
at System.IO.File.InternalReadAllBytes(String path, Boolean checkHost)
at Xv2CoreLib.ACB.ACB_File.Load(String path, Boolean writeXml) in C:\source\XenoverseTools\XV2 Tools\Xv2CoreLib\ACB\ACB_File.cs:line 259
at AudioCueEditor.MainWindow.<>c__DisplayClass28_0.b__0()
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at AudioCueEditor.MainWindow.d__28.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs)
at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)

Where can I find the xml serializer?


sorry for asking this, but I just can't find anything...

If I want to use the xml serializer, do I have to download and run the whole project in Visual Studios or is there an "xml Serializer.exe" somewhere?

To try making my own ".exe" I downloaded the whole project and opened it in Visual Studios.
Now here comes my problem:

when trying to start xml serializer within visual studios it gives me the following error message:

As it is stated here: "FodyIsolated.dll or an instance (Abhängigkeit) of it was not found."
Please, I hope you can help me, I really tried everything.

Erstellen gestartet...
1>------ Erstellen gestartet: Projekt: Xv2CoreLib, Konfiguration: Debug Any CPU ------
1>MSBUILD : error : Fody: An unhandled exception occurred:
1>MSBUILD : error : Exception:
1>MSBUILD : error : Die Datei oder Assembly "file:///D:\Games\Mods\Xenoverse 2 mods\XV2-Tools-master\XV2-Tools-master\packages\Fody.3.3.2\netclassictask\FodyIsolated.dll" oder eine Abhängigkeit davon wurde nicht gefunden. Der Vorgang wird nicht unterstützt. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80131515)
1>MSBUILD : error : Type:
1>MSBUILD : error : System.IO.FileLoadException
1>MSBUILD : error : StackTrace:
1>MSBUILD : error : bei System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly._nLoad(AssemblyName fileName, String codeBase, Evidence assemblySecurity, RuntimeAssembly locationHint, StackCrawlMark& stackMark, IntPtr pPrivHostBinder, Boolean throwOnFileNotFound, Boolean forIntrospection, Boolean suppressSecurityChecks)
1>MSBUILD : error : bei System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly.nLoad(AssemblyName fileName, String codeBase, Evidence assemblySecurity, RuntimeAssembly locationHint, StackCrawlMark& stackMark, IntPtr pPrivHostBinder, Boolean throwOnFileNotFound, Boolean forIntrospection, Boolean suppressSecurityChecks)
1>MSBUILD : error : bei System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly.InternalLoadAssemblyName(AssemblyName assemblyRef, Evidence assemblySecurity, RuntimeAssembly reqAssembly, StackCrawlMark& stackMark, IntPtr pPrivHostBinder, Boolean throwOnFileNotFound, Boolean forIntrospection, Boolean suppressSecurityChecks)
1>MSBUILD : error : bei System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly.InternalLoadFrom(String assemblyFile, Evidence securityEvidence, Byte[] hashValue, AssemblyHashAlgorithm hashAlgorithm, Boolean forIntrospection, Boolean suppressSecurityChecks, StackCrawlMark& stackMark)
1>MSBUILD : error : bei System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFrom(String assemblyFile, Evidence securityEvidence)
1>MSBUILD : error : bei System.Activator.CreateInstanceFromInternal(String assemblyFile, String typeName, Boolean ignoreCase, BindingFlags bindingAttr, Binder binder, Object[] args, CultureInfo culture, Object[] activationAttributes, Evidence securityInfo)
1>MSBUILD : error : bei System.AppDomain.CreateInstanceFrom(String assemblyFile, String typeName)
1>MSBUILD : error : bei System.AppDomain.CreateInstanceFromAndUnwrap(String assemblyName, String typeName)
1>MSBUILD : error : bei System.AppDomain.CreateInstanceFromAndUnwrap(String assemblyName, String typeName)
1>MSBUILD : error : bei Processor.ExecuteInOwnAssemblyLoadContext() in C:\projects\fody\Fody\Processor.cs:Zeile 143.
1>MSBUILD : error : bei Processor.Inner() in C:\projects\fody\Fody\Processor.cs:Zeile 103.
1>MSBUILD : error : bei Processor.Execute() in C:\projects\fody\Fody\Processor.cs:Zeile 51.
1>MSBUILD : error : Source:
1>MSBUILD : error : mscorlib
1>MSBUILD : error : TargetSite:
1>MSBUILD : error : System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly _nLoad(System.Reflection.AssemblyName, System.String, System.Security.Policy.Evidence, System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly, System.Threading.StackCrawlMark ByRef, IntPtr, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)
1>MSBUILD : error : Es wurde versucht, eine Assembly von einer Netzwerkadresse zu laden, was in früheren Versionen von .NET Framework zum Ausführen der Assembly als Sandkastenassembly geführt hätte. In dieser Version von .NET Framework wird die CAS-Richtlinie standardmäßig nicht aktiviert, dieser Ladevorgang kann daher gefährlich sein. Wenn Sie nicht beabsichtigen, durch diesen Ladevorgang eine Sandkastenassembly zu erstellen, aktivieren Sie den loadFromRemoteSources-Schalter. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter "".
1>MSBUILD : error : Type:
1>MSBUILD : error : System.NotSupportedException
1>MSBUILD : error : StackTrace:
1>MSBUILD : error :
1>MSBUILD : error :
2>------ Erstellen gestartet: Projekt: XV2 Xml Serializer, Konfiguration: Debug Any CPU ------
2>CSC : error CS0006: Metadatendatei "D:\Games\Mods\Xenoverse 2 mods\XV2-Tools-master\XV2-Tools-master\Xv2CoreLib\bin\Debug\Xv2CoreLib.dll" wurde nicht gefunden.
========== Erstellen: 0 erfolgreich, 2 fehlerhaft, 0 aktuell, 0 übersprungen ==========

Still thanks for the great work!
Hope hearing from you soon

Unable to change ACB files

I'm trying to edit ACB/AWB files for Lost Judgment and I'm not able to change files for some reason.

System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
at VGAudio.Containers.Hca.HcaReader.ReadHcaData(BinaryReader reader, HcaStructure structure) in C:\source\XenoverseTools\XV2 Tools\LB_Common\Audio\VGAudio\Containers\Hca\HcaReader.cs:line 133
at VGAudio.Containers.Hca.HcaReader.ReadFile(Stream stream, Boolean readAudioData) in C:\source\XenoverseTools\XV2 Tools\LB_Common\Audio\VGAudio\Containers\Hca\HcaReader.cs:line 39
at VGAudio.Containers.Hca.HcaReader.ParseFile(Byte[] bytes) in C:\source\XenoverseTools\XV2 Tools\LB_Common\Audio\VGAudio\Containers\Hca\HcaReader.cs:line 24
at Xv2CoreLib.AFS2.AFS2_File.TryGetEncrpytionKey(AFS2_File awbFile) in C:\source\XenoverseTools\XV2 Tools\Xv2CoreLib\AFS2\AFS2_File.cs:line 621
at AudioCueEditor.View.AddTrackForm..ctor(Window parent, ACB_File acbFile)
at AudioCueEditor.View.CueEditorView.d__90.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs)
at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)

XmlTool & XV2 Xml Serializer sort skill_item.idb by IDB_Entry IDs

I've done multiple tests with skill_item.idb file using XmlTool & XV2 Serializer, seems when the XML file is dragged into the .exe, it sorts them by IDB_Entry ID, the other IDB files are being sorted correctly by IDB_Entry ID & Type value. Sorting only by IDB entry is most likely the cause of the type values be changed. Example: Feint Crash is a Type 0 (Super Skill) after dragging into XmlTool or Serialzer its type value is changed to Type 2 (Evasive), making the skill disappear in-game. (This actually seems to be random, changing type values of different skills each time)

I've also noticed multiple entries of the same IDB are made when saved with XmlTool or Serializer, one with the edits, another base game entry, this also seems to conflict with not all entries being applied with the edits made.

I'm almost certain it's not caused by any issues on my end, as multiple users have confirmed this issue.

Apologies if this comes off a bit blunt, I don't intend it to be that way. If I'm mistaken about this issue, please let me know.

[Suggestion] Add exception to EMB install

Files that are installed in "data" by the installer (add or replace content) require to be serialised to XML, this causes an issue with EMB files (especially CHARA01.emb) as YAXS can take 5-8 minutes during install to convert all the string binary data to actual binary.

was wondering about the possibly of an exception for EMB files, so the modder can just place a binary EMB file as the source EMB and the installer will attempt to replace data in destination EMB by matching the file names, or add a file if the name doesn't exist in destination.

AudioCueEditor Bug Report: Inaccurate Loop Points Playback

something like literally changing the numbers of the loop start and ends like Eternity Audio Tools
While dragging the points is cool and all, it also tends to be incredibly unprecise
Example: something like this + dragging the loop start and end points

LB Mod Installer: X2MSkillPath Binding problem for bdm and shot bdm

When binding a skill BDM in for example {X2MSkillPath=(4ff20928-5147-3c1f-c8ef-2689b24f10ee; Ultimate; shotbdm)} instead of looking for the said skill's NNNN_CCC_SSSS_PLAYER.shot.bdm, the installer looks for NNNN_CCC_SSSS.shot.bdm which is the incorrect name of the file and it can't find so it gives an error.

Skill Merger sound issues

I'm merging skills with their SE and VOX files, everything is merging well,
but the only problem is that the vox ones doesn't sound in game, only the se ones sound in game.
i'm merging skills with their SE and VOX files, everything is merging well
On some skills the se sounds right on each skill, but other merged skills they don't sound right, like the second skill's se sounds on the first skill and reverse.

Optimise/Merge Duplicate textures error

Using EEPKOrg version 0.9.3 and up to 0.9.6 all have this same issue.
When using "Optimise textures", I'm given an error (or it just goes to "Not Responding..." and exits)
The directory is set, doing this with BTL_AURA loaded from the CPK or from my game's modded directory both result in the error, same with no mods. I've tested on every version from 0.9.3 to 0.9.6 with no success. Not entirely sure if it's still user error or a tool issue itself but troubleshooting it didn't give me any solutions.
Edit: This is on 1.16, not 1.17
The error log:

EEPK glare issue on V1.03

Seems the new version has an issue with the glare value when saving imported files. I tested with a backup file i did a month ago and it works fine but when importing the EMOs with new version they have wrong glare values.
What i did was:
deleting effect IDs
deleting PBINDs
deleting textures
deleting materials
deleting LIGHTs
deleting EMOs
saving and deleting the files from hard disk clicking "Yes" option
closed the EEPK and re-opened it
importing files from my backup and save
tested ingame, wrong glare
the backup works because putting it inside the game has no wrong glare values on effects
i tested this on Vegito's spirit sword (ultimate) and vegito's barrier (evasive) but the issue appears also on focus flash (vegeta blue super skill)
vegito's barrier
in this folder u have the corrupted version and the backup one (XMLs)

AudioCueEditor: Sounds are being treated as 3D even without ever enabling 3D Sound in any tracks

Title, it seems like any acb I resave with ACE turns all audio into 3D audio which is sometimes causing unwanted behavior (such as audio now being barely audible because the distance is too great).

Attached is an example zip file, I opened an ACB in ACE, deleted a few (repeated) tracks from the some Cue IDs to only leave 1 track, then deleted the cue IDs not being used and resaved the ACB, nothing else was done to the ACB (and 3D Audio was not enabled on any track either).

AudioCueEditor takes a really long time to launch up

For comparison, audio tools like eternity audio tools or foobar2000 with vgmstream take like 2 seconds to launch, while ACE (latest version) takes a whole 10 seconds to launch. and it doesn't matter if you loaded an acb/awb or not, it always takes this long to launch.

EMD Corruption

Hi Lazybone, i'm reporting this issue where seems that your tool corrupts the EMDs of all the SSJ4 characters in the game, i'm talking about Rists and Face base, no errors with other characters's rists or face and no errors about other EMDs of SSJ4 characters. here the link to the image for the error.

AudioCueEditor issue with JJBA:ASBR v_charasel.acb

When opening the file there are duplicates of an unwanted sound (Dio Brando's first select quote, the first track in the archive) in all of the cues, adding 2 more to the should be 2 total sounds per cue.
After saving and testing in game, all of the new character cues added to the R release go silent, and Will Zeppeli's (1zpl) cue get's shared with Jonathan Joestar's (1jnt) cue.

Here are the two files.

Audio goes silent when importing or replacing new tracks

I tried to import tracks for a mobile game called Sonic Runners (which is no longer playable, but we have a custom server going on) but whenever I test it in-game it just goes silent.

The game uses ecrypted hca's, we know the key.
Maybe adding re-encryption could fix this?

game download at
ACB and AWB files I tested are "BGM_menu.acb" and "BGM_menu_streamfiles.awb"
can be found here:

LB Mod Installer: Enhancements request

  1. Function Support for "Values". Example: PartSet value="" in CUS. (Great for editing CUS data for awoken skills)
  2. Value or ID skip. Basically making installer not change some data that is specified by us. Example: specifying PUP ID="" and CUS_Aura value="" in CUS to not change during LB mod installation. (Great for leaving some data as they were when installed by eternity's installer)
  3. BAC and BCS Subentry append installation. basically enabling subentries for these files to be added without replacing the whole entry. Example: adding a subentry to BAC entry without having that whole entry in bac.xml just that one subentry. Same for BCS subentries. (Great for adding skill upgrades to vanilla awoken skills with different mods while avoiding compatibility issues between those mods)

Added audio is silent

Added audio is silent in the game im trying to add audio to, but audio that i havent added plays fine. Game was made for UE4.19.

LB Mod Installer: BAC.xml Binary false error

Newest version of LB Mod Installer cannot install bac.xml files. it says Failed at BAC Install Phase. Type: Binary is not possible for BAC files. must use XML. However the file inside the installer is already in bac.xml (turned to xml by the xmltool within the installer). However the older versions of the mod installer seems to work fine

ACE VOX/SE issue

Seems that saving a VOX file corrupts the IDs from 58 to 69, based on what i tested seems that the voice line played on ID 70 is copypasted over all the others 11.

A similar issue could be the one about DEMO SEs, for example the CAR_D05_10_SE has the last sound (the ID 6) repeated in all the other IDs except on the number 4 (you can also check CAR_D05_17_SE, this time there are 2 sounds repeated). This issue appear without saving or adding anything to the SE.

Unable to add audio to the awb instead of the acb file.

When trying to edit a awb file, i open the ACB file in ACE, import new songs and it saves them to the acb it looks like, because it goes from 36kb to 3mb. is there a way to inject it into the AWB file instead? (note the awb file is like 1.1 gigs)

AudioCueEditor Yakuza 5 fighter voices don't work

When trying to open fighter voices from Yakuza 5 Remastered, the tool throws an error:

"cannot get command at index 0 on SynthParameterPallet because it is out of range."
Log file: ace_log.txt

This doesn't happen with fighter voices from other games on the same engine or a few other acbs from 5 that I tried.
I've attached a few example acbs.

Account for AlphaBlend = 2 when recoloring EEPKs

for a particle effect, if the material used has AlphaBlend set to 2 as one of its parameters, then the color in that particle effect should be negative

if the user choose blue, then the color should be red

EEPK Organiser features not working.

Some of the features in the EEPK org just flat out don't work.

  1. The ability to remove particle/ child particle effect subentries from an EMP's Edit panel often does nothing. The only viable fix is removing the concerned subentries manually in XML.

  2. The Remove Color Animations option in the PBIND menu also often does nothing at all. Only alternative is removing the Color Animations for each EMP in the Edit panel one by one.

LB Mod Installer: Super Soul Name Mix

Whenever new custom super souls are installed if they have their full msgscomponents (name, info, LimitBurst, LimitBurstBattle) their names get mixed up with other custom super souls despite having different effects


SMT V ACB seem to have some new field (newer format?) that makes ACE error out when opening normally, however the file can be opened and previewed perfectly fine with the Force Open option.

attached are ACB files that give error and the error log from ACE.

LB Mod Installer: EMB dummy entries cause texture invisibility

When trying to install an emb entry, The dummy entry indexes added to the emb makes every dds file that comes after them be invisible ingame. This is specially problematic when trying to install custom portraits for pre existing characters. I suggest making the dummy files dds type as well to avoid this issue

[LB Installer] Error when installing EAN animation data on EAN files modified with YaEAN

New EAN code seems to have compatibility issues with files modified with YaEAN, this is a problem in regards to installing new data to CMN.ean

XV2 Serializer will just hang on an infinite loop
while the Installer spits this log

System.Exception: Failed at EAN install phase (CMN/CMN.ean.xml). ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at Xv2CoreLib.EAN.EAN_Node.LinkEskData(ESK_Skeleton skeleton) in C:\Users\Unleashed\Documents\GitHub\XV2-Tools\Xv2CoreLib\EAN\EAN_File.cs:line 1164
   at Xv2CoreLib.EAN.EAN_Animation.LinkEskData(ESK_Skeleton skeleton) in C:\Users\Unleashed\Documents\GitHub\XV2-Tools\Xv2CoreLib\EAN\EAN_File.cs:line 574
   at Xv2CoreLib.EAN.EAN_File.LinkEskData() in C:\Users\Unleashed\Documents\GitHub\XV2-Tools\Xv2CoreLib\EAN\EAN_File.cs:line 111
   at LB_Mod_Installer.Installer.Install.GetParsedFileFromGame(String path, Xv2FileIO fileIO, Boolean onlyFromCpk, Boolean raiseEx)
   at LB_Mod_Installer.Installer.Install.GetParsedFile[T](String path, Boolean fromCpk, Boolean raiseEx)
   at LB_Mod_Installer.Installer.Install.Install_EAN(String xmlPath, String installPath, Boolean isXml)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at LB_Mod_Installer.Installer.Install.Install_EAN(String xmlPath, String installPath, Boolean isXml)
   at LB_Mod_Installer.Installer.Install.StartInstall()
   at LB_Mod_Installer.Installer.Install.Start()

this issue is regarding this line
EskRelativeTransform = esk?.RelativeTransform;

not sure what's wrong, it's as if the null check isn't really working
i tried the traditional If statement check aswell with the same issue

LB Mod Installer [Enhancement]: Include existing chara slots in x2s file

Wondering if the next update could allow already existing chara slots to be edited with LB Mod Installer?

Here's the error I got using version 3.85:
System.Exception: Failed at CharaSlots install phase (XV2P_SLOTS.x2s.xml). ---> System.Exception: Attempted to install a slot that already existed.
at LB_Mod_Installer.Installer.Install.Install_CharaSlots(String xmlPath)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at LB_Mod_Installer.Installer.Install.Install_CharaSlots(String xmlPath)
at LB_Mod_Installer.Installer.Install.StartInstall()
at LB_Mod_Installer.Installer.Install.Start()

Also, could XV2P_SLOTS_STAGE.x2s & XV2P_SLOTS_STAGE_LOCAL.x2s be included in the next update?

ACE: Can't paste CUEs

Error when pasting a CUE (either from another or self ACB)

System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: 'Data on clipboard is invalid (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800401D3 (CLIPBRD_E_BAD_DATA))'

on ACB_FILE.cs line 444

a bit off-topic but this information from the debugger, as ACE also wasn't writing ace_log.txt even after running on Administrator

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