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signale's Issues

output to devtools console

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
currently, signale output goes to the CLI but there is no console output if you debug using chrome devtools (i'm using ndb).

Describe the solution you'd like
i would like for the output to also work in chrome devtools.

Additional context
screenshot 2018-08-09 13 09 06

`time` and `timeEnd` don't respect underline*: false

Describe the bug

Setting config.underlineLabel does not remove the underline from the time and timeEnd methods.

To Reproduce

Here's the code I'm working with - I've disabled any of the available underline* properties, though underlineLabel should be all that's needed:

// index.js
const { Signale } = require('signale')

const logger = new Signale({
  config: {
    underlineLabel: false,
    underlineMessage: false,
    underlinePrefix: false,
    underlineSuffix: false

logger.time('A timer')
logger.timeEnd('A timer')
node index.js


Expected behavior

I'd expect the underlineLabel: false setting to apply to the time and timeEnd methods like it does for others.

Looks like that's being set here, without a check for _config.underlineLabel:

Technical Info (please complete the following information)

  • OS: MacOS
  • Signale Version: ^1.3.0
  • Node.js Version: 10.13.0

Additional context

I discovered this in my testing of JasonEtco/actions-toolkit#45 - for some reason, the GitHub Actions log display adds additional spaces for labels with an underline:


I dug into it and discovered this code. I'm sure its needed for regular terminals/output, but it borks a little in Actions so I just disable underlines entirely (since they wouldn't show up anyway):

Let me know if I can clarify anything! Happy to open a PR fixing this if y'all are into it.

Add clean log level

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
It would be great to have an option for a clean logger method, without any labels out of the box. It is useful when you want clean message (for code frame for example) but don't want to use console.log.

Describe the solution you'd like
Something like this (method name can be changed to a preferred one):

const file = await readFile(e.loc.file ||, 'utf8')
signale.clean(codeFrameColumns(file, { start: e.loc }, { highlightCode: true }))

Setting the log level

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
This is probably more of a question than a feature request. Is there a way to set the log level? Currently its outputting everything to my terminal.

Describe the solution you'd like
Ideally it would be nice to set the log level.

new Signale({
  loglevel: 'debug'

VSCode Debugging not showing logs

Describe the bug
If you debug an js file in VSCode with signale logs, they don't show up in the debug output

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior.
Simple package with just signale as dependencie

const signale = require('signale');'foo');

'bar' gets logged, 'foo' not
Expected behavior
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
i don't see any logs.
Loggin to a file stream works

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Technical Info (please complete the following information)

  • OS: Windows 10
  • Signale Version: 1.1.0
  • Node.js Version: 9.6.1 & 10.1.0

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

Browser compatibility

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
We would like to use your package as an abstraction for console.log in both frontend (aka the browser) and backend (Node.js).

Describe the solution you'd like
Are you planning on making the package work in the browser console aswell? Or how would you achieve it?

Thanks in advance!

Print stringified and colorized objects

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Right now signale cannot log plain objects stringified as JSON:

signale.success({ test: 123 }) // => ✔  success   
signale.success({ test: 123 }, { test: 123 }) // => ✔  success   [object Object] [object Object]

Describe the solution you'd like
It would be nice if we can log stringified objects with colorized output like in util.inspect or even skip braces and colons to display something like:

✔  success
     test: 123
       port: 8080

This feature would break messageObj based logs but I think that we can use scopes instead

after duplicate block, block copy can do nothing

Describe the bug
after duplicate, block copy can't test, drag and drop connector, click block copy not show left panel

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior.

  1. Create a block
  2. Duplicate block
  3. Test block copy
  4. See error

Typescript types

Are there any plans to support typescript and add d.ts file to the project?

signale.debug() colored in red

Describe the bug
signale.debug() prints red badge but it's blue on the screenshots

To Reproduce


Expected behavior
Should print blue badge according to the screenshots in README

Technical Info (please complete the following information)

  • OS: Archlinux
  • Signale Version: 1.3.0
  • Node.js Version: 10

Add support for uppercase labels

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Add the ability to switch labels to uppercase, while preserving lowercase as the default state.

Describe the solution you'd like
Include an uppercaseLabel option that can be utilized through the config() method.

Additional context

// example.js
const signale = require('signale');

signale.config({uppercaseLabel: false}); // Default state
signale.success('Successful operation');
//=>  ✔  success    Successful operation

signale.config({uppercaseLabel: true});
signale.success('Successful operation');
//=>  ✔  SUCCESS    Successful operation

meteor - import does not work

import signale from "signale";
const signale = require('signale');

do not work in a meteor project. Empty object {} is defined.

Progress indicator

Awesome project.

It would be nice to display a progress bar that is dynamically updated. Useful for downloading content. Similar to node-progress

Something like...

signale.progress('Downloading content', {current:0, total:100})

// and then call tick to increase the progress


// progress      Downloading content [=====             ] 29% 39/bps 3.7s

I have tried using node progress along side signale, but it requires an interrupt() function to be called if you want to log other things during progress. This could be built in, so that if a progress is running, then the new signale.[command] appears above the bar.

I think it could be kept simple and doesn't need to be as advanced as node-progress.

What do you think?

TypeError: type.badge.padEnd is not a function in node 6

Describe the bug
Calling signale methods in node 6.11.2 seem to return a TypeError

To Reproduce
Call any of the signale methods, in node 6 environment , it will fail with the following error.

  TypeError: type.badge.padEnd is not a function
  Signale._buildSignale (node_modules/signale/signale.js:198:49)
  Signale._logger (node_modules/signale/signale.js:257:20)
  fetch.then.then.catch.e (src/api/subscriptions.api.js:35:15)

Expected behavior
The logger should work as expected

Technical Info (please complete the following information)

  • OS: macOS 10.13.5
  • Signale Version: 1.2.1
  • Node.js Version: 6.11.2

Does not support print symbol

If I want to print the value of the symbol type variables,signale will throw a type error.

TypeError: Cannot convert a Symbol value to a string

signale/signale.js:141  msg = args.join(' ');

Should we support the printing of symbol type variables?

Global log disable

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
I'm incorporating signale into a project, and could not find an easy way to configure signale to be globally disabled in tests, across all files and scopes.

Describe the solution you'd like

    disable: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test'

Please let me know if there's a way to do this already and whether I can start working on this. Thanks!

Customizable timer start/end text

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
As of right now, there is no way to change the text used when a timer is started or ended. It's hard-coded in.

Describe the solution you'd like
It would be awesome if we could specify custom text and colors for this instead! For example:

const log = new Signale({
  timers: {
    start: {
      // similar to types, just without a label
      badge: '👌',
      color: 'green',
      text: 'Custom timer started...'
    end: {
      badge: '👍',
      color: 'red',
      text: ['Timer with custom text ran for:', 'and also has text here'],
      time: 'red' // color for time value

setTimeout(() => { log.timeEnd('example') }, 1000);
// 👌 example     Custom timer started...
// 👍 example     Timer with custom text ran for: 1s and also has text here

We could also use options on specific timers.
signale.time(label, options)

log.time('another example', {
  start: { color: 'cyan', 'badge': '!' },
  end: { text: 'woah custom text and this timer ran for' }

setTimeout(() => { log.timeEnd('another example') }, 1000);
// ! another example     Custom timer started...
// 👍 another example     woah custom text and this timer ran for 1s

Additional context
The text option could either take a single string (putting the time after it), or an array of two strings (putting the time between them).

Also, to avoid having to type out a whole configuration, another option could possibly be to simply grab an existing one. To have a timer's start log behave as if it was logged with, you could maybe do the following. This isn't a necessary function but it could be useful to some people.

signale.time('label', { start: { type: } }); // or perhaps just the string "star"

And if for whatever reason someone wanted the same configuration for both start and end without having two copies of it, these could be possible ways to implement that.

// put options in "both"
signale.time('label', { both: { color: 'red' } });

// OR just bring options outside
signale.time('label', { color: 'red' });

// however this works, start and end can still be specified to override things
signale.time('label', { color: 'red', start: { color: 'green' } });
// starts with green, ends with red

Of course, all of this would be optional in a configuration, since there's already a default for how timers should display.

🙋‍♂️ Interactive Logger

It would be really cool if signale would provide a way to create interactive loggers (not sure if that's what there called, but lemme explain 😄)

Pretty much if I have an interactive CLI that continuously changes it's output, I want to override any previous output whenever I log something new.

For example, this:


}, 500)

Should output:

☐  pending

and then 500ms later replace it with:

✔  success

Instead of just writing both and ending up with both:

☐  pending
✔  success

This oubviously shouldn't be the default, but it would be really cool if this would be a feature that could be enabled.

tldr; add option to override previous output

Multiple interactive loggers

Is it possible to have multiple interactive loggers that update independently of each other (either separated by scope or Signale instance)? It seems that the current behavior is that the most recent call to an interactive logger will overwrite any previous interactive output.

Here's an example of what I'm trying and the desired output:

const { Signale } = require('signale');

const interactive = new Signale({ interactive: true, scope: 'scope 1' });

setTimeout(() => {
    interactive.success('[%d/4] - Process A', 2);
    setTimeout(() => {
        interactive.await('[%d/4] - Process B', 3);
        setTimeout(() => {
            interactive.error('[%d/4] - Process B', 4);
            setTimeout(() => {}, 2000);
        }, 4000);
    }, 3000);
}, 2000);

const interactive2 = new Signale({ interactive: true, scope: 'scope 2' });

setTimeout(() => {'[%d/3] - starting it...', 1);
    setTimeout(() => {
        interactive2.await('[%d/3] - doing it...', 2);
        setTimeout(() => {
            interactive2.success('[%d/3] - finished it!', 3);
            setTimeout(() => {}, 2000);
        }, 4000);
    }, 3000);
}, 2000);

Only displays the "scope 2"/interactive2 logs

[scope 2] › ✔  success   [3/3] - finished it!

Desired output:

[scope 1] › ✖  error     [4/4] - Process B
[scope 2] › ✔  success   [3/3] - finished it!

Feature request: support printf-like formatting

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Cannot be used directly as a placement of the console object as string formatting is not supported:

console.log('Operation %s successful', 'xyz');
// => Operation xyz successful

const signale = require('signale');
signale.success('Operation %s successful', 'xyz');
// => ✔  success   Operation %s successful xyz

In this example %s is not replaced by the following arguments like it's with console.log.

Describe the solution you'd like
Add printf-like formatting for strings passed to any logger. Strings can be formatted with util.format().

Additionally the replaced values could be highlighted with a color specific to each logger. For example signale.success('Operation %s successful', 'xyz'); could write ✔ success Operation xyz successful with xyz in green as it is the color associated with the success logger.

Additional context
Possible implementation to use:

Extra tools inside Signale with a simple API

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
What can I do when I log something ?

Describe the solution you'd like

Hi @klauscfhq ! Signale looks awesome !

I'm currently working on a new API design architecture in my company and I'd like to use Signale to log information and errors because it's so beautiful.

Logging things is really really important on big projects with millions of users. Log is great, but usually we need to be notified when something happens.

We're currently using Bugsnag and Slack to get reports of bugs and log the activity.

It's a common pattern but sometimes developers need to use 3 or 4 others libraries and write a lot of code to do that correctly.

What do you think about adding a new API to Signale to plug some tools like that?

To be honest I don't know if it might be on the Signale scope, but I'd like to know your opinion.

What I mean by plug a tool it's something like that:

Just an idea, maybe not the best API

const slack = defaultChannel => ({
  notify: configured => (signaleType, message, extra) => {
    // send message to slack
  configure: (...args) => {
    // call on each new signal instance
    // set api keys, prepare environment config...

const bugsnag = {
  notify: configured => (signaleType, message, extra) => {
    // send message to bugsnag
  configure: (...args) => {
    // call on each new signal instance
    // set api keys, prepare environment config...

// Each keys might be a signale type
  errors: [bugsnag, slack('errors-production')],
  userLogout: [slack('user-logout')],
  // ... others types

What do you think about that ? :)

clone method

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
One way to clone Signale instance is through .scope() method. Wouldn't be convenient if you could clone instance for change just interactivity without changing its scope, like this:

const interactive = signale.clone({ interactive: true }); 

It seems pretty easy to change in the code base:

  clone(configObj) {
    return new Signale(Object.assign(this.currentOptions, ...configObj));

What are your thoughts about this idea?

Logging a SyntaxError crashes signale

Describe the bug
Logging an unraised Error causes Signale to explode because it expects a .stack property which is undefined.

TypeError: Cannot read property 'split' of undefined
    at Signale._buildSignale (/home/code/js/armstrong/node_modules/signale/signale.js:163:41)
    at Signale._logger (/home/code/js/armstrong/node_modules/signale/signale.js:81:20)

According to MSDN, which is linked from MDN as being more relevant for IE and V8, the .stack property starts out as undefined, and is populated only later.

It seems what I've hit is one of those cases where the .stack property isn't set at the time of Signale's processing of the Error.

Actually none of that is relevant.

What's happening is that another library is generating a SyntaxError while parsing something else, and not setting the stack property.

To Reproduce
Make an Error, set .stack to undefined, give it to Signale:

const { log } = require('signale')
const e = new SyntaxError
e.stack = undefined

// TypeError: Cannot read property 'split' of undefined
//    at Signale._buildSignale (/home/code/js/armstrong/node_modules/signale/signale.js:163:41)
//    at Signale._logger (/home/code/js/armstrong/node_modules/signale/signale.js:81:20)

Technical Info (please complete the following information)

  • OS: Linux
  • Signale Version: 1.1.0
  • Node.js Version: 10.1.0

Logo design proposal

Good day @klauscfhq , I am a graphics designer and an open source enthusiast. I passed by your project and i thought of proposing a logo design for your good project. Ill be doing it as a gift for free. I need your permission first before i start my design. Thanks and best regards! - Tobaloidee

Align output when using multiple scopes

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

Much of the logger output is aligned to columns. You can see it in screenshots in the README.

However scopes are not, which looks weird and seems inconsistent.

Describe the solution you'd like

Right now each instance only knows about one scope, so it wouldn't know what the maximum possible scope length is in order to add the right amount of padding. But there are a few ways around this. We could pass in all the scopes to each instance. It’s a little gross. Or one instance could be responsible for multiple scopes. That would require altering the interface a bit. Something like:

const { Signale } = require("signale")

const options = {
  scopes: ["server", "client"]

const logger = new Signale(options)

If you're using multiple scopes you might have already created a similar interface yourself to simplify usage. For example, I don’t re-instantiate new instances with the scope I need in different parts of my application. I have one module that contains all the instances, each with their own scope, and then I access the one I need, much like in the example above.

Add conditional logging

It would be nice to add a property to the custom options that can control logging on a certain condition


const option = {
  stream: process.stdout,
  debug: {
     condition: process.env.LOG_LEVEL === 'info'

proccess.env.LOG_LELEV = 'info';
logger.debug('Some debug info');
> Some debug info

proccess.env.LOG_LEVEL = 'error';
logger.debug('Some debug info');

Multiple write streams?


Signale is awesome, but any idea how should I handle real life use cases such as logging stuff into console AND logging stuff into filesystem or websockets? It seems like a heavy limitation to have maximum one out stream available in config?


Feature Request: Logo!

@klauscfhq It would be awesome for this project to have a matching logo showcasing its character, would you be interesting into adding one? 🙏

Support logging of JSON objects

Hey, thanks for this awesome JS logging solution. 💟

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
I'd like to log a JSON object to the console. Currently signale doesn't log anything when passing an object to the log methods.

Describe the solution you'd like
JSON objects get formatted and logged to the console.

Additional context
Here's a screenshot of the code and the resulting log output

bildschirmfoto 2018-06-11 um 12 53 45

Config displayFilename path.js error

Describe the bug
Adding displayFilename: true config throw this error:
'"The "path" argument must be of type string"'
Stack error:

TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "path" argument must be of type string
at assertPath (path.js:39:11)
at Object.basename (path.js:1300:5)
at (/MYAPP/node_modules/signale/signale.js:63:41)
at (<anonymous>)
at Signale.get filename [as filename] (MYAPP/node_modules/signale/signale.js:63:27)
at Signale._formatFilename (MYAPP/node_modules/signale/signale.js:91:21)
at Signale._meta (MYAPP/node_modules/signale/signale.js:115:22)
at Signale._buildSignale (MYAPP/node_modules/signale/signale.js:142:26)
at Signale._logger (MYAPP/node_modules/signale/signale.js:79:20)
at Object.<anonymous> (MYAPP/src/hooks/logger.js:17:12)

To Reproduce
Install feathers.js.
Replace winston by signale in sr/index.js and scr/hooks/logger.js. It's work.
Add this config after const logger = require('signale');:

  displayFilename: true

💥 Boom! 💥

Technical Info (please complete the following information)

  • OS: OSX 10.13.1 (17B1003)
  • Signale Version: ^1.0.1
  • Node.js Version: v9.11.1

How can i get readable log

Describe the bug
when i output the log to file, I got a file that content is human unreadable. something like that:

�[90m[2018-6-2]�[39m �[90m[18:01:14]�[39m �[90m›�[39m �[32m✔ �[39m SUCCESS
�[90m[2018-6-2]�[39m �[90m[18:01:14]�[39m �[90m›�[39m �[31m✖ �[39m SOME ERROR

To Reproduce
source code:

const fs = require('fs')
const {Signale} = require('signale')

const writeStream = fs.createWriteStream('out.txt', {
  flags: 'a',
  encoding: 'utf8',
  autoClose: true

const signale = new Signale({
  stream: writeStream

signale.error('SOME ERROR')

thank for your work and this awesome module!

import with webpack

How can I import it with webpack?
import signale from "signale"
I get error

index.js:2 Uncaught Error: Cannot find module "fs"
    at webpackMissingModule (index.js:2)
    at Object../node_modules/path-exists/index.js (index.js:2)
    at __webpack_require__ (bootstrap:19)
    at Object.<anonymous> (index.js:3)
    at Object../node_modules/locate-path/index.js (index.js:24)
    at __webpack_require__ (bootstrap:19)
    at Object../node_modules/find-up/index.js (index.js:3)
    at __webpack_require__ (bootstrap:19)
    at Object../node_modules/pkg-conf/index.js (index.js:3)
    at __webpack_require__ (bootstrap:19)

Filename output not correct when invoke logger indirectly

If I write my custom logger function ,for example in logger.ts using signale like below:

import  signale =require('signale');

  underlineLabel: false,
  displayFilename: true,
  displayBadge: false
export function success(content, ...args: any[]):void {

If I invoke my success function in another file for example app.ts,filename output will be logger.ts but not app.ts expected.

Set global callback function for `success`, `error` , etc etc

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Would it be possible to allow one to set a global callback for each individual log type? Like whenever one calls .success() , it would run a particular callback globally, and if one calls .error() it would also run another global callback etc....same for all of the other logging commands.

Describe the solution you'd like
Allow one to set a global callback for each log command. Success, Error, Fatal, Info... etc etc

Option to hide lable (icon only)

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
I'd like loglines to only have the icon, not the label (like "success" etc).

Describe the solution you'd like
An option displayLabel

interactive not working with IntelliJ runnerw.exe

Describe the bug
Using the interactive demo, running this code will not work in JetBrains IDE's which are using runnerw.exe to run node.exe and the code.

You will get the following error:

"C:\Program Files\JetBrains\PhpStorm 2018.1.6\bin\runnerw.exe" "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe" D:\test\index.js
[interactive] » ...  awaiting  [1/4] - Process A
      stream.moveCursor(0, -1);

TypeError: stream.moveCursor is not a function
    at Signale._write (D:\test\node_modules\signale\signale.js:240:14)
    at (D:\test\node_modules\signale\signale.js:251:14)
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at Signale._log (D:\test\node_modules\signale\signale.js:250:35)
    at Signale._logger (D:\test\node_modules\signale\signale.js:257:10)
    at Timeout.setTimeout [as _onTimeout] (D:\test\index.js:8:17)
    at ontimeout (timers.js:498:11)
    at tryOnTimeout (timers.js:323:5)
    at Timer.listOnTimeout (timers.js:290:5)

Process finished with exit code 1

It happens as soon as the second log message should appear.

To Reproduce

Expected behavior
Get a nice interactive output like in the signale project

Technical Info

  • OS: Windows 10 Build 1803 64 Bit
  • Signale Version: 1.2.1
  • Node.js Version: v8.11.3
  • IDE Version: PhpStorm 2018.1.6 (runnerw.exe Version

I would be happy if i can help you testing in this case. Feel free to contact me 👋

Errors when running with node 8.11


TypeError: type.badge.padEnd is not a function
at Signale._buildSignale (/Users/merickson/Documents/code/node/test-signale/node_modules/signale/signale.js:149:49)
at Signale._logger (/Users/merickson/Documents/code/node/test-signale/node_modules/signale/signale.js:79:20)
at Object. (/Users/merickson/Documents/code/node/test-signale/index.js:3:9)
at Module._compile (module.js:570:32)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:579:10)
at Module.load (module.js:487:32)
at tryModuleLoad (module.js:446:12)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:438:3)
at Module.runMain (module.js:604:10)
at run (bootstrap_node.js:389:7)

To Reproduce
Using node 8.11, I have a simple index.js calling the same routes that you do in the demo

Expected behavior
Expect to see output as shown in demo


Technical Info (please complete the following information)

  • OS: macOS 10.12.6

  • Signale Version: 1.0.1

  • Node.js Version: 8.11

Additional context
I have tested with node 8.9 and newer node versions and all seems to work just fine (seems to be node 8.11 issue -- which is important for us as it is the latest 8.x LTS)

Multiple logger instances with different options

Describe the bug
Different logger instances created with different options ends up sharing the same options for the last created instance across all instances.

To Reproduce
Create 2 different instances of Signale with different options before starting to log anything :

const {Signale} = require('signale');
const options = {
  types: {
    error: {
      badge: '!!',
      label: 'fatal error'
    success: {
      badge: '++',
      label: 'huge success'
const signale = new Signale();
const custom = new Signale(options);

// then log
signale.error('Default error log');
custom.error('Custom error log');

Expected behavior
Instances created with different options should use the options they were created with.


Sample from the README
screen shot 2561-06-17 at 21 44 26

Put in practice, everything is ok :

Sample, behaves inconsistently :

Another sample, behaves inconsistently :

Technical Info (please complete the following information)

  • OS: MacOS (High Sierra 10.13.4)
  • Signale Version: 1.2.0
  • Node.js Version: v.8.10

Additional context
This issue seems very similar with #44.

p.s : I love your lib ❤️

Replace using Date.toLocaleDateString()/Date.toLocaleTimeString() with own implementation

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
For the date and timestamp the library uses Date.toLocaleDateString() and Date.toLocaleTimeString(), which has different output for different Node versions.
For instance, Node lts/carbon returns [2019-3-2] [13:00:00] and Node lts/dubnium returns [3/2/2019] [1:00:00 PM].

Describe the solution you'd like
Use an own implementation to format the date and timestamp (preferably [2019-3-2] [13:00:00] in my case) , so this is consistent for different Node versions. Possibly add the option to specify the format through the configuration for Signale.

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