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wp-librarian's Introduction


WP-Librarian is an inventory management system for WordPress. Loan, return and schedule items, efficiently tracking your extensive Library with ease.

WP-Librarian is currently in its third Alpha release. A Beta release is planned some time in the future.

The documentation is currently quite sparse, but it's being worked on. If you have questions that reading the source doesn't answer then email me at kittsville[at] and I'll try and answer it. But bear in mind that silly questions get silly answers!


  • PHP version 5.4 or higher
  • WordPress version 3.9 or higher


WP-Librarian is in Alpha release so don't go installing this on a production website unless you know what you're doing.

  1. Download the latest version of WP-Librarian
  2. Go to WordPress Admin Dashboard
  3. Go to Plugins->Add New->Upload Plugin
  4. Upload
  5. Activate plugin


If you want to contribute to WP-Librarian feel free, just remember to fork the dev branch, as it has the latest version of WP-Librarian, rather than the master. I'm usually quite busy so it might be a while before I get round to trying to merge it, but I appreciate help from those that wish to give it.

####3rd Party Software

WP-Librarian uses the following 3rd Party Software, available under GNU licence:

#####Hyphenate ISBN

Copyright © 2013 Aurimas Vinckevicius


Copyright © 2013 Steve Schwartz


Any adapted code snippets should be credited in-line

wp-librarian's People


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wp-librarian's Issues

Sorting Loans by return date hides un-returned items

Simple enough bug, if you sort the Loans table by their return dates the table only displays items that have been returned. I'm guessing because the SQL query only includes Loans that actually have the return date meta value.

Bug was introduced in d762f82 as part of #35

Sorting Loans by start date sorts only by scheduled start date

The 'Start Date' column actually represents two different data values (combined for simplicity) of wp_lib_start_date, the date/time the item is scheduled to be loaned, and wp_lib_give_date, the date/time the item actually leaves the library. These two are differenciated because a loan scheduled by one librarian for one date may well be different to the librarian and date that the item actually ends up being passed to the member.

This does however introduced a complication, the table can't be sorting using a single meta value. Using the start date would produce an incorrect sort in instances when the start/give dates differ and using the give date would would cause loans without a give date not to appear, like the issue in #40.

Implement member archiving, as alternative to deletion

Archiving would remove member from loaning options, rendering their entry as only useful for archival purposes. This would still retain their records and be an alternative to allowing loans/fines to exist after member deletion.

Implement Loan Limit

There is currently no way to prevent a Member from borrowing more than a set number of books. As this is likely part of most real libraries' policies it follows that it should be implemented within WP-Librarian. The loan limit would remove or grey-out Member's currently at the limit from the Member selection page. Forging a request or editing the HTML page to loan the item anyway would incur an error explaining the library's policy.

This could easily be implemented via:

  • The addition of a setting 'Loan Limit', or, more appropriately, combining it with an existing loan related option
  • The filtering of the members dropdown list
  • An additional check before scheduling loans

Fix Broken Pre-Deletion Checks

Currently the pre-deletion check causes PHP errors every time it is run. I'm also unsure if it even works properly. Assessment of pre-deletion checks may well lead to changes in how it's handled by the AJAX action as well.

Add means to view member owed in fines

Currently there is no way for librarians to view information on when fine payments were made (the feature implemented in 3991a18).

A way of viewing a table of this information, similar to the loan renewing table, but displaying the date, librarian and payment amount of each fine payment. The renewing table is displayed below:

Implement Dynatable Queries on Dashboard

Using Dynatable queries with dropdown menu options for filtering by author, combined with the ease of Chosen, would make for some seriously useful filtering options.

As a more general note: Dynatable has all kinds of features which could probably be implemented to a greater degree within WP-Librarian.

Add ability to choose if to fine member for late return at a past date

Currently a late item return at a past results in automatic fine suppression. Add the ability to choose if to fine the member when returning the item at a past date. A new API ability would allow for dynamic changing of displayed buttons (return with fine etc.) based on selected past date.

Might be wise to hold off on this until issue #18 is implemented. We'll see.

Add standard handling of AJAX code 3 errors

Current handling relies on server generating relevant error, so without a serverside error there is no indication that the request has even been successful.

Add handling that first checks for notifications, then, if no notifications exist, calls the default error.

Library Role Dependant on WordPress Role

Library Roles are supposed to be independent of WordPress Roles, such that a Library Administrator can be only a WordPress Contributor. This allows for the Library to be kept somewhat separate of the WP installation so that someone can manage the Library without having to be given unnecessary access to the blog.

This is not however happening. In order to access the Settings page a user has to be both a Library Admin and a WP Admin. This is not a security vulnerability as the Library's permissions still hold: You cannot modify Library settings with the WP Admin Role. This is however annoying for any site's with Library Admin's who aren't all WP Admins as well.

Testing has shown this was not introduced in development and is present on all Wolf Tail releases.

Finish migration to directory constants

In ef3f380 the hardcoded directory names (scripts/styles/lib/etc.) were replaced with constants. Allowing access of directory names to plugins, avoiding a hardcoded mess that would break everything if a change occurred.

The downside is this has not been fully implemented. Only the main class has been surveyed meaning other classes, helpers and possibly even JS code is still using hardcoded directory names.

Resolving this issue requires finding any continued uses of the hardcoded directory names and replacing them with the new constant.

PHP error when editing items

When editing items that do not have a media type set a PHP error occurs. This is owing to the code for handling item meta in admin-templates working off the assumption that all items have a media type and thus wp_get_object_terms will return an array of terms. A simple check would fix this.

Define clear sections within all Dash pages

Proposed definition of 3 sections to all Dash pages:

  1. Header - Containing the metabox and any other header elements as they are devised
  2. Actions - Buttons/fields for modifying the object being managed
  3. Table - Optional table that displays Loan History/Connected Objects/etc.

These would be defined as three arrays (or passed as false) in every page returned by the server. Similar to the current header/form split used, but with each section within a separate div, rather than the form being within the header as it currently is.

Replace PHP array shorthand with 'array()'

PHP 5.3 (and older) do not support the use of ['herp', 'derp'] to declare arrays, as a shorthand of array('herp', 'derp'). Anyone using a host running PHP 5.3 or older will be unable to run WP-Librarian. While there may be other reasons WP-Librarian will not work on older PHP versions, this one would likely cause a lot of unnecessary confusion.

Manage Item buttons on 'view-items' page lacks a psuedo URL

Issue is owing to pseudo URLs being generated in render_page() as part of the loop to render the form. The simplest solution would be move the functionality to its own function. A more cumbersome solution would involve changing the nature of forms themselves to simply be an element to be iterated over, similar to divs.

Further settings pages needed

Currently the only settings page is one for slugs, there need to be other settings pages for every other public plugin setting!

No way of viewing a renewed loan's original due date

Created in issue #17, when an item is renewed the displayed 'due date' is updated to reflect the new due date. An item due on the 15th, renewed until the 20th will be updated to display the due date as the 20th. A table will also appear on the management page for that loan, displaying all occasions when the item was renewed. Each renewing displays the updated due date.

This issue is that there is no part of the UI that displays the item's original due date. Not only is this unhelpful but potentially allows for malicious renewing of an item to hide a due date that would have resulted in a fine.

My thoughts on possible solutions all have pitfalls, so I have not implemented any of them. While it is unlikely that anyone has even noticed this repository, let alone read through the issues page, I'll leave it 'open to debate'.

  • Change renewings table such that each row displays the item's previous due date, rather than its amended due date. The pro would be all information is displayed on the page. The con would be that it feels unintuitive to display an item's past due date on a listing that would intuitively display either what things have become or both past/future states.
  • Change renewings table such that each row displays both the past and updated due date. The pro would be that this lacks the issue of feeling unintuitive by displaying something's past state. The con would be repeated data. As each new renewal makes a data cell of the past row redundant, or vice versa.
  • Add 'Original Due Date' to loans meta/info box. This would avoid the issues of the above solutions at the cost of bloating an info box that already contains four timestamps and alot of other information. This is potentially an issue with the other information already there, which could be potentially be put elsewhere or in a new element. Until the loans metabox gets less bloated this solutions seems unrealistic.

Refactor core admin scripts

Following on from #47, the core scripts (admin core, admin dashboard, meta core, etc.) are all pretty old. They slowly grew as more functionality was tagged on and as I learned more about JavaScript.

A look over all these scripts for readability, performance and other fixes will likely result in much better code.

Refactor Settings

Settings functionality is currently stretched across two classes, the template and the main class.

Using some of the new hooks in the template the functionality can be removed from the template.

The settings code in the main class potentially belongs in the settings class but I'm none too sure. It needs surveying first.

After all this is done the settings section class is riddled with useless comments and redundant functionality. It needs looking over.

Wrap Item Descriptions around cover image

Move cover image up so that the description starts a small gap below the meta rather than under the cover image. This issue existed before 1d7923e when the description was did not extend right of the item cover, post 1d7923e it now does not extend above the cover image.

Late night tea fuelled attempts to perform basic CSS were met with failure.

description text wrap

Switch Post Meta Foreign Keys to post_parent property

As it turns out, there's no need to use post meta to store foreign keys and do meta lookups to get connected posts, as there's a damn table column for it: post_parent. As such, a major part of the entire plugin needs re-jigging to use this.

Alas, considering how major this is, everything else has to be put on hold while I switch things over to using post parenting instead. The upside is it'll probably mean less DB calls and less overall code.

Single and Archive Item permalinks need to be different

Implement system similar to Tribe Events, whereby multiple and single post listings have separate permalinks, e.g. /library for items and /library/item for a single item.

Currently the item archive is held at /library/item, which is unintuitive.

Implement sortable admin post type columns

It is currently only possible to sort the items post table by title and by no columns for other post types. A simple modification to the post table class would allow for sorting by relevant fields.

Dashboard AJAX failure improperly reported as server down

For some time errors have not been correctly reported by Dashboard AJAX. Errors that result in malformed JSON are being reported as the server being down (Unable to contact $site_name The website may be down or you may be having connection issues). This is probably just a minor issue with wp_lib_send_ajax().

Use object orentation

Reduce database queries and similar by using classes for Library Objects, with their relevant functions held inside those functions.

Merge helper classes into main class library

The classes currently in the helper folder are identical to the library classes. I would think of the helper classes as for classes that can be used between projects. Such as the Dev Kit's ISBNdb class.

While the settings class for registering settings sections could be made a helper that would be a separate issue.

I propose merging the helper classes directory into the library (lib) directory. When a class is actually re-usable between projects the helper folder and relevant main class method can be easily re-added.

Selectively display meta fields on item edit page

Currently all meta fields are displayed regardless of appropriateness. A simple JS implementation could be used to display only relevant media type dependant meta fields.

Clearing hidden fields on submission could also be considered.

Datepickers styling needs to be utilised

Currently only the default basic jQuery datpicker styling is being used, the Mellon styles are not being applied. This is resulting in an unsightly datepicker.

Refactor all scripts as modules or helpers

WP-Librarian's scripts are a mess. A collection of small pieces of functionality that merged and connected together with no clear structure. Pretty much all of the scripts reflect some stage in my level of experience with JavaScript, creating a diverse range of methods to achieve their purpose.

This issue aims to deal primarily with restructuring the scripts into modules, with helpers where it would be silly to wrap unconnected functions up as a module. It is inevitable though that some scripts will end up being worked on during this process to some degree. Even if just to remove some of the more feckless comments (read: 'x.doY() // Does Y to X).

Add management of total member fines

Allow member fines to be paid off from the Member Management page on the Dashboard. The amount to be paid being a numeric value that would be subtracted from the member total, if both it is valid and would not result in an invalid (negative) member fine total.

Implement Email Notification System

Currently there is no way for a librarian to be made aware of an item's lateness or upcoming lateness. This means librarians have to regularly check the item listing to see what items are approaching lateness. Users that have provided an email address are also not notified if an item they have borrowed is soon due for return.

Assess User Permissions Handling Systems

There are currently two ways in which users are authorised to view pages and perform actions: WordPress Capacities and WP Library Role
Consider the viability of merging the Library Role into WP capacities and access the effectiveness of the current function used for managing user capacities.

Create class for generating URLs

There are multiple helper functions which only serve to help other helper functions and all perform similar functionality. By moving the internal functions to a class and removing repeated elements the helper file should be able to be reduced greatly.

Edit Item Button Works Selectively

The Edit button seems to only work on occasion, on failure the default posts page is loaded (../wp-admin/edit.php). Unable to establish pattern of failure/success.

Implement selective loading of Dash page elements

Allow Dash page elements to be selectively changed, rather than creating an entire page from scratch if multiple elements of the page will remain the same. An example is that moving from manage-item to resolve-loan requires re-rendering the Item Management Header. If, while creating the resolve-loan page, the function had known that the previous page was manage-item, it could have avoided creating the item-management header and simply sent back that the header shouldn't be changed (by setting the header section to true rather than an array or false.

Create test data generator

Creating test data by hand is annoying. Create a development infrastructure that allows test items to be created and some accompanying test data to be parsed when needed.

Sort GPL3 incompatibilities

There are numerous StackOverflow snippets used in the project and cited inline. A Creative Commons licence is generally assumed for SO responses, which is incompatible with GPL2. As such either of the following actions must be undertaken for each snippet:
A - Contact the snippet's creator and ask for their permission to use the snippet in the plugin. If the creator does not want their snippet used then B:

B - Remove the snippet and write your own damn code, punk.

Option A would be preferable.

Move date formatting to clientside

Dates displayed on the Dashboard are currently formatted at the server, unnecessarily sending a abbr element to the client. A new Dash element type should be created, that formats a given unix timestamp at the client.

This will also necessitate local time being added to the vars included in wp_lib_vars

Implement Renewing Functionality

Implement ability to renew items on loan so that they can continue to remain with a member, avoiding need to 'return' item to then loan it straight after. This distinction would avoid a single extended loan being kept track of as two or more seperare loans, and would avoid the item being incorrectly noted as being returned and re-loaned.

Renewing functionality could be achieved by updating an item's due date, while adding loan meta to distinguish between regular loans and to keep track of the number of times an item has been loaned.

Further functionality could be implemented to limit the number of times an item can be loaned.

Improve tracking of users' Library modifications

Add a custom post type of which a post is created for every notable event, logging the relevant WordPress user and any relevant objects modified by the user. This post type should be editable by noone and only visible to Library admins. Accessible through the Library Dashboard.

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