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zooming's Introduction

Zooming npm npm bundle size

Image zoom that makes sense.

  • Pure JavaScript & built with mobile in mind.
  • Smooth animations with intuitive gestures.
  • Zoom into a hi-res image if supplied.
  • Easy to integrate & customizable.

Get Started

Try Demo or play with codepen.

Please see Documentation for detailed guide.


These projects are using Zooming. Pull requests are welcome!

Caveats / Limitations

  • Avoid working with fixed position images #34.
  • Image won't be visible after zoom-in if any parent element has style overflow: hidden #22.


Fork it. Under project folder:

yarn start

Open up index.html in browser.

Make your changes and submit a pull request!


yarn test


Inspired by zoom.js and zoomerang. First demo image from Journey. Second demo image journey by 飴村.

zooming's People


alex-lit avatar dada0423 avatar dependabot[bot] avatar kingdido999 avatar mahish avatar medakk avatar migueldemoura avatar renovate-bot avatar renovate[bot] avatar simon-briggs avatar yashha avatar zsdycs avatar


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zooming's Issues

Support specifying individual image width and height after zoom-in via data attributes

We have a global configuration to manipulate image width and height after zoom-in via scaleBase, scaleExtra and customSize, but we lack the ability to customize each individual image.

I propose a feature to zoom image into the given width and height via data attributes:

<img data-src="image.jpg" data-zooming-width="1920" data-zooming-height="1080" data-action="zooming" />

And they should overwrite any global image scaling configuration if applicable.

Mobile 2 finger zoom issue


When I use two fingers (like you normally would to zoom) it zooms in really close.

I would expect it to let you zoom closer and further away since it seems to zoom in when you hold your finger over the image :)

I am using chrome 55 on my Nexus 5x

adding gallery

tanx for your perfect plugin.
any plan for creating gallery on multiple images on this way?
it is wonderful to have such this option

ie11 compatibility

i was testing this library on same browsers: chrome 56, firefox 51, edge and ie11.
everything works fine except in ie, showing this kind of error in console:

SCRIPT438: Object doesn't support this property or method
zooming.js (914,5)

i think this line break the script
this.options = Object.assign({}, OPTIONS);

thanks for your work!

Please help me config big image show full size it.

Please help me config with image size greater than full screen.

I want to display a full size image.
And I want to scroll left or right or up and down to see the whole image instead of turning it off.

example image 1366x4900 or 1799x800.

Please help me.


Remove listeners

Hello Guys, I'm using react and my component can be rendered multiple times.
I instanciate in componentDidMount like this (new Zooming()).listen('.zommable')
So how can I remove/clean all previous listeners before re rendering ? thanks

Error: Couldn't find preset "es2015-rollup"

Getting this error when compiling my javascript: Error: Couldn't find preset "es2015-rollup" relative to directory "/Users/…/node_modules/zooming"


It can be fixed by removing .babelrc from the npm package (adding it to .npmignore). It is obviously good practice if you google it around. .babelrc with specified preset present in npm package makes my Babel to look for the preset specified in the package which I dont have installed (es2015-rollup in the package vs. env in my project).

Dont know why I didnt get this error before :(

Horizontal scrollbar on Windows

I’ve tested the demo in my browsers on Windows 10, and when zooming in on an image, the horizontal scrollbar appears. I think this is because on Windows scrollbars take up space, and on Mac they don’t (they’re overlaid), so your calculation is incorrect on Windows. Just a guess!


Improve testing

The current test focuses purely on API and is certainly not enough. This library is essentially about UI interaction and heavily relies on DOM events, but I find it hard to actually test out the interaction like a real user would do. I'm pretty new to this kind of testing, any idea/suggestion on the testing strategy is appreciated.

Uncaught TypeError: this.setStyle is not a function

Hello @kingdido999

When I'm trying to use the lib in the following way:

  Zooming = require('zooming/build/zooming'),
  zooming = new Zooming( {} );

It throws an exception:

Uncaught TypeError: this.setStyle is not a function
    at Zooming.config (zooming.js:816)
    at Zooming (zooming.js:463)

But the following code without configuration object works fine:

  Zooming = require('zooming/build/zooming'),
  zooming = new Zooming();

zooming.config() doesn't throw an exception, but seems it has no effect at all:

  zooming = new Zooming();
  defaultZoomable: 'img[data-action="zoom2"]',
  scrollThreshold: 250,
  transitionDuration: 2.4

I use version

  version "1.0.0"
  resolved ""

I'd appreciate any help.

Wrong vertical center

Hey, I have an issue with the latest version (1.0.9), the images don't appear in the middle of the screen because the windowCenter function returns a "wrong" value, if I change the code to the one below it does take the correct windowCenter:

function getWindowCenter() {
        var docWidth = docElm.clientWidth || body.clientWidth;
        var docHeight = window.innerHeight; // this didn't work: docElm.clientHeight || body.clientHeight;

        return {
            x: half(docWidth),
            y: half(docHeight)

Limit the amount of grab pan area beyond the image

Is there a way to limit the grab pan area?

Possibly with a margin option with the ability to specify the amount in px.
Then the maximum amount of white color one could see from the edge of the image to the edge of the browser would be this margin amount in px.

I have very limited coding experience and do not know how to approach this.
Any help greatly appreciated.


Support for data-original with srcset

Hey, pretty cool project!

I noticed that the data-original functionality doesn't work with img's srcset. Replacing the image's src doesn't change the image since srcset takes precedence. This is usually used for responsive images.

Edit: just noticed this commit 717b997, which isn't included in the latest version.
Closing this issue.

Issue with zoom on hover while grabbing and releasing outside of image

About your example of zooming while hovering #31.
When photo was zoomed via hover event if you begin to grab and your mouse is outside of image, photo is zooming out and it doesn't work anymore. It works only after reload a page.
How to fix it?
I think it need add if statement to

img.addEventListener('mouseleave', function onMouseLeave (event) {

Something like this

img.addEventListener('mouseleave', function onMouseLeave (event) {
    } else if (grabbedFunc_release)

But I didn't found this events in ducumentation. Maybe it needs to work with drag, dragend events, but maybe there is an easier way.

How to dinamically initialaze new photoes

How to dinamically initialaze new photoes?
I add new photo with markup of data-action='zoom' then I add code:

var zooming = new Zooming({
	  defaultZoomable: 'img[data-action="zoom"]'

After that it doesn't work properly
I can not find re-init or rebuild function in your documentation
How to do that?

Zooming doesn't work when div content set dynamically

Hello, I have an issue with your otherwise excellent library.

If I set all the attributes for zooming in the HTML, no problem, but if I try something like this:

$infoPanel.html("<img src='contenuti/ap" + thumbID + ".png' data-action='zoom' data-original='contenuti/ap" + thumbID + "_z.png'/>");

(html: <div id="infoPanel"></div>)

zoom doesn't work anymore.

Am I doing anything wrong or is it supposed to be like this?

Thank you.

Angularjs 2 Webpack and jade/pug, this is not working

For feature request or questions, ignore everything below.

For any issue related to demo page, please include the following details:

  • OS: Linux
  • Steps to reproduce:
    npm install zooming --save

add reference in archive app.module.ts
import { Zooming } from 'zooming';

add data-action to an image in .pug file
img.img-responsive([src]="imageZoomText.imagePath", data-action="zoom" )

Additional comments:
hello, this is not working
captura de pantalla de 2017-02-13 15-51-03
captura de pantalla de 2017-02-13 15-50-27

Handle horizontal scrolling to exit the overlay

The current behavior is to exit the zoomed overlay when the user scrolls more than scrollThreshold. However, the library only supports vertical scrolling, and horizontal webpages just become blank as the user scrolls and scrolls.

A solution would be to implement lastScrollPositionX and lastScrollPositionY instead of just lastScrollPosition, and check for both deltaX and deltaY. I'm willing to send a tentative workaround pull request if needed.

Display bug whith css columns in Chrome

When the image is inside a CSS column layout, the zoomed image stay in the column layout, and the bottom wrap on the next col when the zoomed image is grabbed (which is both weird and awesome).

  • OS: OSX
  • Browser and version: Chrome 60

The grid

.grid {
  column-count: 2;
  column-gap: 1rem;

  figure {
    display: inline-block;
    margin: 0 0 0 0;
    width: 100%;


The bug

last image on the left col


last image on the right col


Zoom at most to original image's size

I'd like zoom to at most to the original image's size. It seems that the only way of doing that is with customSize or data-zooming-width / data-zooming-height, which requires knowing the image size. The two values also override the max scaling as well, meaning that I'd have to ajust those depending on the user's window size.

Any way an additional option could be added in for this use case?

Add pkg.module field to package.json for ES6 module import

Im using "rollup": "^0.56.1", to bundle my js. So I would love to be able to import ES6 modules by default if possible. In case of Zooming package, it is not possible for me at the moment.

However, i can make it work when I add this line "module": "src/index.js" to the Zooming package.json so my rollup can find the (source) es6 module and import it simply as that import Zooming from 'zooming';. See

Webpack 2: import

I get an error in Webpack 2 when I try to do import Zooming from 'zooming';

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ;
    at Object../node_modules/zooming/src/main.js (global.js:4121)
    at __webpack_require__ (global.js:660)
    at fn (global.js:84)
    at eval (sitewide.js:1)
    at Object../assets/sitewide.js (global.js:843)
    at __webpack_require__ (global.js:660)
    at fn (global.js:84)
    at eval (global.js:4)
    at Object../bundles/global.js (global.js:851)
    at __webpack_require__ (global.js:660)

But when I change main.js to include a semicolon at the export default like this export default Zooming; it works.

Can we fix it in this project or should I go to the Webpack repo?

responsive image

I see an issue in demo page:

  • OSX version 10.12.5
  • Chrome version 61.0.3141.7

Steps to reproduce:

  1. go to the demo page
  2. click on an image to open zooming
  3. try to resize the windows

I'm not sure it's a bug or a missing feature but here image are not responsive.

If it's not a bug it could be nice to add this option into zooming.js core, it shouldn't be difficult to do.

Anyway thanks @kingdido999 for this nice plugin I like it a lot πŸ˜„ !

Can you zoom within an element?

Considering using this but the demo only displays a zoom interaction in which the image is clicked and then zoomed over the entire document width.

Curious if there is any possibility of being able to zoom within an element like a div with a defined height/width?

Zoom on hover

Hi, is there any possibility to zoom in on high res image on hover? I've only found on click. Thanks!

Improve UI testing

Currently, only very basic Zooming APIs are tested through mocha in browser. We should probably include some end-to-end tests by leveraging a web automation framework.


Zooming with Bootstrap carousel

First of all, this is a great project, thanks! However, I am having difficulties using this project along with a Bootstrap carousel, I have forked your page on codepen and have integrated a default Bootstrap v4 carousel. If I then click on an image in the carousel, the zooming animation gets triggered but the screen stays blank, seems to be on multiple browsers. Any idea what is causing this? I assume it's likely not related to the zooming.js itself, but due to some technicality in the Bootstrap framework, so apologies if this would not be the right place to ask this. Thanks in advance.

Safari flickrs when zooming

This is happening when image-zoom-overlay class is applied when zooming in:


Click on overlay does not close image after 1.1.6 with `enableGrab: false`

  • OS: Ubuntu 16.04
  • Browser and version: Chromium Version 58.0.3029.110 Built on Ubuntu , running on Ubuntu 16.04 (64-bit)

Steps to reproduce:

  1. open
  2. click on image
  3. click on white overlay around image - nothing happens
  4. set enableGrab: true
  5. click on image
  6. click on white overlay around image - image properly zoomed out

As i debugged instance.close method has wrong this reference on overlay click - clicked element instead of zooming instance.
It works with 1.1.6 due to explicit method call instead of method reference passed as listener callback

this.el.addEventListener('click', () => this.instance.close())

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