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gradle-license-plugin's Introduction

Gradle License Plugin

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This plugin provides a task to generate a HTML license report based on the configuration. (eg. licenseDebugReport for all debug dependencies in an Android project).

Applying this to an Android or Java project will generate the license file(open_source_licenses.html) in the <project>/build/reports/licenses/.

Also, for Android projects the license HTML file will be copied to <project>/src/main/assets/.

Compatibility Matrix

Plugin Version Minimum Gradle Version Minimum AGP Version
<= 0.9.4 <= 7.0.2 3.6.4+
0.9.5 7.0.2 3.6.4+
0.9.6 7.1.3 3.6.4+
0.9.7 7.2.2 3.6.4+



with plugins { }
plugins {
  id('com.jaredsburrows.license') version '0.9.7'
with buildscript { }
buildscript {
  repositories {
    google() // For Android projects

  dependencies {
    classpath 'com.jaredsburrows:gradle-license-plugin:0.9.7'

apply plugin: '' // or 'java-library'
apply plugin: 'com.jaredsburrows.license'

Release versions are available in the Sonatype's release repository and here.


with plugins { }
plugins {
  id('com.jaredsburrows.license') version '0.9.8-SNAPSHOT'
with buildscript { }
buildscript {
  repositories {
    maven { url '' }
    google() // For Android projects

  dependencies {
    classpath 'com.jaredsburrows:gradle-license-plugin:0.9.8-SNAPSHOT'

apply plugin: '' // or 'java-library'
apply plugin: 'com.jaredsburrows.license'

Snapshot versions are available in the Sonatype's snapshots repository.


  • license${variant}Report for Android
  • licenseReport for Java

Generates a HTML report of the all open source licenses. (eg. licenseDebugReport for all debug dependencies in an Android project).

Example build.gradle:

dependencies {
  implementation ''
  implementation 'pl.droidsonroids.gif:android-gif-drawable:1.2.3'
  implementation 'wsdl4j:wsdl4j:1.5.1' // Very old library with no license info available

Example Outputs:

CSV Example (full):
project,description,version,developers,url,year,licenses,license urls,dependency
Android GIF Drawable Library,Views and Drawable for displaying animated GIFs for Android,1.2.3,Karol Wrótniak,,null,The MIT License,,pl.droidsonroids.gif:android-gif-drawable:1.2.3
design,null,26.1.0,null,null,null,The Apache Software License,,
HTML Example (license descriptions are minimized):
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
    <style>body { font-family: sans-serif } pre { background-color: #eeeeee; padding: 1em; white-space: pre-wrap; word-break: break-word; display: inline-block }</style>
    <title>Open source licenses</title>
    <h3>Notice for packages:</h3>
      <li><a href="#1934118923">design</a>
          <dt>Copyright &copy; 20xx The original author or authors</dt>
    <a id="1934118923"></a>
    <pre>apache-2.0.txt here</pre>
      <li><a href="#1783810846">Android GIF Drawable Library</a>
          <dt>Copyright &copy; 20xx Karol WrXXtniak</dt>
    <a id="1783810846"></a>
    <pre>apache-2.0.txt here</pre>

Note, if no license information is found in the POM for a project, "No License Found" will be used. Those will be listed first. Other missing information is provided as default values that can be corrected from other sources. Projects are grouped by license name and the license text is only provided once. Projects with multiple licenses are grouped as if those licenses were a single combined license.

JSON Example (full):
    "project":"Android GIF Drawable Library",
    "description":"Views and Drawable for displaying animated GIFs for Android",
      "Karol Wr\\u00c3\\u00b3tniak"
        "license":"The MIT License",
        "license":"The Apache Software License",

Note, if no license information is found for a component, the licenses element in the JSON output will be an empty array.

Text Example (full):
Notice for packages

Android GIF Drawable Library (1.2.3) - The MIT License
Views and Drawable for displaying animated GIFs for Android

design (26.1.0) - The Apache Software License


The plugin can be configured to generate specific reports and automatically copy the reports to the assets directory (Android projects only). The default behaviours are:

  • Java projects: Generate HTML, JSON and CSV reports.
  • Android projects: Generate HTML, JSON and CSV reports, and copy the HTML report to the assets directory.

The plugin can be configured to ignore licenses for certain artifact patterns. The default is that nothing is ignored.

To override the defaults, add the licenseReport configuration closure to the build script.

apply plugin: "com.jaredsburrows.license"

licenseReport {
  // Generate reports
  generateCsvReport = false
  generateHtmlReport = true
  generateJsonReport = false
  generateTextReport = false

  // Copy reports - These options are ignored for Java projects
  copyCsvReportToAssets = false
  copyHtmlReportToAssets = true
  copyJsonReportToAssets = false
  copyTextReportToAssets = false
  useVariantSpecificAssetDirs = false
  // Ignore licenses for certain artifact patterns
  ignoredPatterns = []
  // Show versions in the report - default is false
  showVersions = true

The copyHtmlReportToAssets option in the above example would have no effect since the HTML report is disabled.

The useVariantSpecificAssetDirs allows the reports to be copied into the source set asset directory of the variant. For example, licensePaidProductionReleaseReport would put the reports in src/paidProductionRelease/assets. They are copied into src/main/assets by default.

The ignoredPatterns allows for ignoring artifact patterns. These can be partial or full patterns.

apply plugin: "com.jaredsburrows.license"

licenseReport {
  ignoredPatterns = [""] // Ignores all artifacts of the given group
  ignoredPatterns = [""] // Ignores the given artifact regardless of version
  ignoredPatterns = [""] // Ignores the given artifact with the given version

Usage Example

Create an open source dialog

import android.annotation.SuppressLint
import android.content.DialogInterface
import android.os.Bundle
import android.webkit.WebView

class OpenSourceLicensesDialog : DialogFragment() {

  fun showLicenses(activity: AppCompatActivity) {
    val fragmentManager = activity.supportFragmentManager
    val fragmentTransaction = fragmentManager.beginTransaction()
    val previousFragment = fragmentManager.findFragmentByTag("dialog_licenses")
    if (previousFragment != null) {

    show(fragmentManager, "dialog_licenses")

  override fun onCreateDialog(savedInstanceState: Bundle?): Dialog {
    val webView = WebView(requireActivity())

    return AlertDialog.Builder(requireActivity())
      .setTitle("Open Source Licenses")
      ) { dialog: DialogInterface, _: Int -> dialog.dismiss() }
import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.webkit.WebView;

import androidx.annotation.Nullable;

public final class OpenSourceLicensesDialog extends DialogFragment {

  public void showLicenses(AppCompatActivity activity) {
    FragmentManager fragmentManager = activity.getSupportFragmentManager();
    FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction = fragmentManager.beginTransaction();
    Fragment previousFragment = fragmentManager.findFragmentByTag("dialog_licenses");
    if (previousFragment != null) {

    show(fragmentManager, "dialog_licenses");

  public Dialog onCreateDialog(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    WebView webView = new WebView(requireActivity());

    return new AlertDialog.Builder(requireActivity())
      .setTitle("Open Source Licenses")
      .setPositiveButton("OK", (dialog, which) -> dialog.dismiss())

How to use it

new OpenSourceLicensesDialog().showLicenses(this);


License HTML



Copyright (C) 2016 Jared Burrows

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

gradle-license-plugin's People


bradan avatar christianciach avatar danielesegato avatar dependabot[bot] avatar donnkey avatar fllink avatar goooler avatar iankerr avatar jaredsburrows avatar markhoughton avatar markhoughton-microfocus avatar mkubiczek avatar monae avatar mudkiplex avatar nisrulz avatar rabidaudio avatar realdadfish avatar renovate[bot] avatar saschpe avatar sergeys-opera avatar t-beckmann avatar


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gradle-license-plugin's Issues

Publish to Maven Central?

Hi, this is not a request but rather I would like to know your thought about publishing this plugin to Maven Central as well?

Jcenter has some recent changes that break builds and there have been some public debates about switching from jcenter() to mavenCentral() (or google() when appropriate), which I'd rather not quote here.

I think it would be nice if there is an option to adopt this plugin via Maven Central as well, if that's possible at all.

Versions are not picked up from parent poms

Some projects like okHttp seems to not codify versions directly, but in the parent pom files that have a 1:1 mapping with each release.
I can't tell if this is in accordance to the pom spec. But the maven plugin for gradle itself seems to honor this codification.


The problem I see if that the license plugin has versions set to null, which is frankly quite reasonable.

        "project": "OkHttp",
        "description": null,
        "version": null

Could we have this pickup the version from the parent pom instead ?

Gradle instructions are wrong

README says:

repositories {
compile "com.jaredsburrows:gradle-license-plugin:0.4.0"

But it should say:

dependencies {
  classpath "com.jaredsburrows:gradle-license-plugin:0.4.0"

apply plugin: 'com.jaredsburrows.license'

Or am I wrong? I can make a PR if you want.

Ignore specify dependency modules?

Hi there,
I would like to thanks Jared Burrows for this awesome project.
I have question about using this project.

  1. Does these have the configure settings for ignore specify modules not show up in gradle configuration?
apply plugin: "com.jaredsburrows.license"

licenseReport {
    ignoreModules = ["...", "...", "..."]

or something equals or relevant?

  1. I found there have ${project.groupId}.${project.artifactId} show up in accident.
    (${project.groupId}.${project.artifactId} using Apache License 😂)

screen shot 2018-03-24 at 7 17 07 am

Can I detach it from gradle config? or I need to edit HTMLs manually?


pull in project dependency

Hi Jared,

thanks for the plugin for really good. But one question, would it be possible that the plugin checks all dependencies transitively through the dependent subprojects? Currently, I have to duplicate all dependencies into the Android App module, otherwise, they are not recognized.

Version is null for some dependencies

For example, in my project, we use Apache HttpCore, and the JSON file contains this entry:

    "project": "Apache HttpCore",
    "description": "Apache HttpComponents Core (blocking I/O)",
    "version": null,
    "developers": [

    "url": "",
    "year": "2005",
    "licenses": [
            "license": "Apache License, Version 2.0",
            "license_url": ""

Version should be extractible from some location. For example, plugin "Gradle-License-Report" managed to figure out that in my project we use httpcore 4.4.9 (they titled it "Manifest version"). That plugin does not feature a JSON report mode, which is why I wanted to use your plugin, but sadly the JSON report doesn't specify the version for many of our dependencies.

Your efforts will be highly appreciated, keep up the good work, and thanks for the plugin :)

Dependencies without poms are ignored

If a dependency exists but doesn't have a pom associated with it, this plugin will not include the dependency in either the HTML or JSON reports, or in the console logging.

We get logging when a dependency doesn't have any license info listed in the pom, but nothing is logged when the pom itself is not found.

Empty JSON Report

I'm using v0.8.41, gradle v4.5.1, android plugin v3.0.1.

My applied plugins are:

apply plugin: ''
apply plugin: 'kotlin-android'
apply plugin: 'kotlin-android-extensions'
apply plugin: 'kotlin-kapt'
apply plugin: 'realm-android'
apply plugin: 'io.fabric'
apply plugin: 'com.jaredsburrows.license'

My licenseReport extension is:

licenseReport {
  generateHtmlReport = false
  generateJsonReport = true

  // These options are ignored for Java projects
  copyHtmlReportToAssets = false
  copyJsonReportToAssets = false

If I run :app:license<my flavor>DebugReport it completes and logs that it wrote the json report, but opening that file just shows [].

My dependencies are a mix of local modules, and maven artifacts.

Support for licenseDebugReport or licenseReleaseReport using Gradle 4.0 / Android


I'm trying to run licenseDebugReport or licenseReleaseReport on my Android app using Gradle 4.0 and Android Plugin Version 3.0.0-alpha2. The task fails to run, see error report below:

arocha$ ./gradlew :android:licenseDebugReport --stacktrace
Parallel execution with configuration on demand is an incubating feature.
Configuration 'compile' in project ':android' is deprecated. Use 'implementation' instead.
:android:licenseDebugReport FAILED

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':android:licenseDebugReport'.
> Resolving configuration 'debugCompile' directly is not allowed

* Try:
Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.

* Exception is:
org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskExecutionException: Execution failed for task ':android:licenseDebugReport'.
        at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.ExecuteActionsTaskExecuter.executeActions(
        at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.ExecuteActionsTaskExecuter.execute(
        at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.SkipUpToDateTaskExecuter.execute(
        at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.ResolveTaskOutputCachingStateExecuter.execute(
        at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.ValidatingTaskExecuter.execute(
        at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.SkipEmptySourceFilesTaskExecuter.execute(
        at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.ResolveTaskArtifactStateTaskExecuter.execute(
        at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.SkipTaskWithNoActionsExecuter.execute(
        at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.SkipOnlyIfTaskExecuter.execute(
        at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.ExecuteAtMostOnceTaskExecuter.execute(
        at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.CatchExceptionTaskExecuter.execute(
        at org.gradle.execution.taskgraph.DefaultTaskGraphExecuter$EventFiringTaskWorker$1.execute(
        at org.gradle.execution.taskgraph.DefaultTaskGraphExecuter$EventFiringTaskWorker$1.execute(
        at org.gradle.internal.Transformers$4.transform(
        at org.gradle.execution.taskgraph.DefaultTaskGraphExecuter$EventFiringTaskWorker.execute(
        at org.gradle.execution.taskgraph.DefaultTaskGraphExecuter$EventFiringTaskWorker.execute(
        at org.gradle.execution.taskgraph.DefaultTaskPlanExecutor$TaskExecutorWorker.processTask(
        at org.gradle.execution.taskgraph.DefaultTaskPlanExecutor$TaskExecutorWorker.access$200(
        at org.gradle.execution.taskgraph.DefaultTaskPlanExecutor$TaskExecutorWorker$1.execute(
        at org.gradle.execution.taskgraph.DefaultTaskPlanExecutor$TaskExecutorWorker$1.execute(
        at org.gradle.execution.taskgraph.DefaultTaskExecutionPlan.executeWithTask(
        at org.gradle.execution.taskgraph.DefaultTaskPlanExecutor$
        at org.gradle.internal.concurrent.ExecutorPolicy$CatchAndRecordFailures.onExecute(
        at org.gradle.internal.concurrent.StoppableExecutorImpl$
        at org.gradle.internal.concurrent.ThreadFactoryImpl$
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Resolving configuration 'debugCompile' directly is not allowed
        at org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.configurations.DefaultConfiguration.assertResolvingAllowed(
        at org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.configurations.DefaultConfiguration.resolveToStateOrLater(
        at org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.configurations.DefaultConfiguration.getResolvedConfiguration(
        at org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.configurations.DefaultConfiguration_Decorated.getResolvedConfiguration(Unknown Source)
        at org.gradle.internal.metaobject.BeanDynamicObject$MetaClassAdapter.getProperty(
        at org.gradle.internal.metaobject.BeanDynamicObject.tryGetProperty(
        at org.gradle.internal.metaobject.CompositeDynamicObject.tryGetProperty(
        at org.gradle.internal.metaobject.AbstractDynamicObject.getProperty(
        at org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.configurations.DefaultConfiguration_Decorated.getProperty(Unknown Source)
        at com.jaredsburrows.license.LicenseReportTask$_generatePOMInfo_closure2.doCall(LicenseReportTask.groovy:68)
        at com.jaredsburrows.license.LicenseReportTask.generatePOMInfo(LicenseReportTask.groovy:67)
        at com.jaredsburrows.license.LicenseReportTask.licenseReport(LicenseReportTask.groovy:37)
        at org.gradle.internal.reflect.JavaMethod.invoke(
        at org.gradle.api.internal.project.taskfactory.DefaultTaskClassInfoStore$StandardTaskAction.doExecute(
        at org.gradle.api.internal.project.taskfactory.DefaultTaskClassInfoStore$StandardTaskAction.execute(
        at org.gradle.api.internal.project.taskfactory.DefaultTaskClassInfoStore$StandardTaskAction.execute(
        at org.gradle.api.internal.AbstractTask$TaskActionWrapper.execute(
        at org.gradle.api.internal.AbstractTask$TaskActionWrapper.execute(
        at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.ExecuteActionsTaskExecuter$1.execute(
        at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.ExecuteActionsTaskExecuter$1.execute(
        at org.gradle.internal.Transformers$4.transform(
        at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.ExecuteActionsTaskExecuter.executeAction(
        at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.ExecuteActionsTaskExecuter.executeActions(
        ... 26 more

1 actionable task: 1 executed, 0 avoided (0%)

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':android:licenseDebugReport'.
> Resolving configuration 'debugCompile' directly is not allowed

I was not having this issue prior to updating to Gradle 4.0. Any ETA on when can we expect support for latest Gradle version?


Aggregate licences to one file in multi module project

I have an android project (with AGP 3.2.0) with a lot of library modules. I would like to have all dependencies in one file. Is this currently possible? I would like to apply the plugin to the root gradle file, so it can check all modules.

At the moment I will get one licence report per module.
For this I added the plugin in all modules.

Resolving configuration 'debugCompile' directly is not allowed

on Android
classpath ''

What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':PayTVApp:licenseMovistarGO_PE_DebugReport'.

Resolving configuration 'debugCompile' directly is not allowed

  • Try:
    Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.

  • Exception is:
    org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskExecutionException: Execution failed for task ''.
    at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.ExecuteActionsTaskExecuter.executeActions(
    at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.ExecuteActionsTaskExecuter.execute(
    at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.SkipUpToDateTaskExecuter.execute(
    at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.ResolveTaskOutputCachingStateExecuter.execute(
    at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.ValidatingTaskExecuter.execute(
    at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.SkipEmptySourceFilesTaskExecuter.execute(
    at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.ResolveTaskArtifactStateTaskExecuter.execute(
    at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.SkipTaskWithNoActionsExecuter.execute(
    at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.SkipOnlyIfTaskExecuter.execute(
    at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.ExecuteAtMostOnceTaskExecuter.execute(
    at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.CatchExceptionTaskExecuter.execute(
    at org.gradle.execution.taskgraph.DefaultTaskGraphExecuter$EventFiringTaskWorker$
    at org.gradle.internal.progress.DefaultBuildOperationExecutor$RunnableBuildOperationWorker.execute(
    at org.gradle.internal.progress.DefaultBuildOperationExecutor$RunnableBuildOperationWorker.execute(
    at org.gradle.internal.progress.DefaultBuildOperationExecutor.execute(
    at org.gradle.execution.taskgraph.DefaultTaskGraphExecuter$EventFiringTaskWorker.execute(
    at org.gradle.execution.taskgraph.DefaultTaskGraphExecuter$EventFiringTaskWorker.execute(
    at org.gradle.execution.taskgraph.DefaultTaskPlanExecutor$TaskExecutorWorker.processTask(
    at org.gradle.execution.taskgraph.DefaultTaskPlanExecutor$TaskExecutorWorker.access$200(
    at org.gradle.execution.taskgraph.DefaultTaskPlanExecutor$TaskExecutorWorker$1.execute(
    at org.gradle.execution.taskgraph.DefaultTaskPlanExecutor$TaskExecutorWorker$1.execute(
    at org.gradle.execution.taskgraph.DefaultTaskExecutionPlan.execute(
    at org.gradle.execution.taskgraph.DefaultTaskExecutionPlan.executeWithTask(
    at org.gradle.execution.taskgraph.DefaultTaskPlanExecutor$
    at org.gradle.internal.concurrent.ExecutorPolicy$CatchAndRecordFailures.onExecute(
    at org.gradle.internal.concurrent.ManagedExecutorImpl$
    at org.gradle.internal.concurrent.ThreadFactoryImpl$
    Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Resolving configuration 'debugCompile' directly is not allowed
    at org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.configurations.DefaultConfiguration.assertResolvingAllowed(
    at org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.configurations.DefaultConfiguration.resolveToStateOrLater(
    at org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.configurations.DefaultConfiguration.getResolvedConfiguration(
    at org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.configurations.DefaultConfiguration_Decorated.getResolvedConfiguration(Unknown Source)
    at org.gradle.internal.metaobject.BeanDynamicObject$MetaClassAdapter.getProperty(
    at org.gradle.internal.metaobject.BeanDynamicObject.tryGetProperty(
    at org.gradle.internal.metaobject.CompositeDynamicObject.tryGetProperty(
    at org.gradle.internal.metaobject.AbstractDynamicObject.getProperty(
    at org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.configurations.DefaultConfiguration_Decorated.getProperty(Unknown Source)
    at com.jaredsburrows.license.LicenseReportTask$_generatePOMInfo_closure2.doCall(LicenseReportTask.groovy:68)
    at com.jaredsburrows.license.LicenseReportTask.generatePOMInfo(LicenseReportTask.groovy:67)
    at com.jaredsburrows.license.LicenseReportTask.licenseReport(LicenseReportTask.groovy:37)
    at org.gradle.internal.reflect.JavaMethod.invoke(
    at org.gradle.api.internal.project.taskfactory.DefaultTaskClassInfoStore$StandardTaskAction.doExecute(
    at org.gradle.api.internal.project.taskfactory.DefaultTaskClassInfoStore$StandardTaskAction.execute(
    at org.gradle.api.internal.project.taskfactory.DefaultTaskClassInfoStore$StandardTaskAction.execute(
    at org.gradle.api.internal.AbstractTask$TaskActionWrapper.execute(
    at org.gradle.api.internal.AbstractTask$TaskActionWrapper.execute(
    at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.ExecuteActionsTaskExecuter$
    at org.gradle.internal.progress.DefaultBuildOperationExecutor$RunnableBuildOperationWorker.execute(
    at org.gradle.internal.progress.DefaultBuildOperationExecutor$RunnableBuildOperationWorker.execute(
    at org.gradle.internal.progress.DefaultBuildOperationExecutor.execute(
    at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.ExecuteActionsTaskExecuter.executeAction(
    at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.ExecuteActionsTaskExecuter.executeActions(
    ... 27 more

any ideas?

thank you

More dependency details

Hi. Thanks for the plugin, it's been quite useful.

I got this strange requirement of reporting a very detailed licensing information each dependency including the transitive ones. That adds up to about ~180 dependencies, which means it's better be automated.

I managed to compile something using your library and a python script using the output json but there is still a lot to do. I noticed there are quite a lot more useful fields in pom files. I thought I could just get them but maven inheritance seems a little complex to deal with and you seem to have already implemented the traversing logic.

On a quick look these could be useful though some of them are maybe too much detail. Just gonna give examples from jersey project's POM instead of explaining

  • name: <name>jersey</name> Children of the project will have more specific names of course.
  • url: <url></url>
  • organization: <organization><name>Oracle Corporation</name><url></url></organization>
  • mailingLists: <mailingLists><mailingList><name>Announcements</name><archive></archive><post>[email protected]</post></mailingList>.....
  • scm: <scm><connection>scm:git:git://</connection><developerConnection>scm:git:ssh://</developerConnection><url></url><tag>2.25.1</tag></scm>
  • issueManagement: <issueManagement><system>JIRA</system><url></url></issueManagement>
  • ciManagement: <ciManagement><system>Hudson</system><url></url></ciManagement>
  • developers: <developers><developer><name>Pavel Bucek</name><organization>Oracle Corporation</organization><organizationUrl></organizationUrl><url></url></developer>.....

Also specific to my use case but maybe.. A list of dependencies that depends on this dependency. Could be built while traversing. It is already provided by dependencies task of gradle but not really in a scripting friendly way.

I could try to take a shot at this and make a PR but my 0 experience with Groovy made it quite difficult to read the code when I was trying to figure out where you were getting the licensing information. So the result might be a little ugly :).

Square Libs missing


great Job with you Lib! This lib help me a lot to generating my open source view automatically. Thank you!

I found one big problem:

Some dependencies (square etc.) in generated JSON and HTML file are missing.


// Support
    compile "${supportVersion}"
    compile "${supportVersion}"
    compile "${supportVersion}"
    compile "${supportVersion}"
    compile "${supportVersion}"

    apt "org.androidannotations:androidannotations:${androidannotationsVersion}"
    compile "org.androidannotations:androidannotations-api:${androidannotationsVersion}"

    // Network
    compile "com.squareup.retrofit2:retrofit:${retrofitVersion}"
    compile "com.squareup.retrofit2:converter-gson:${retrofitVersion}"
    compile "com.squareup.okhttp3:logging-interceptor:${okhttpVersion}"
    compile "com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:${okhttpVersion}"
    compile "com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp-urlconnection:${okhttpVersion}"
    compile "com.github.bumptech.glide:glide:3.7.0"
    compile 'com.github.bumptech.glide:okhttp3-integration:1.4.0@aar'

    // View
    compile 'me.relex:circleindicator:1.2.1@aar'
    compile 'eu.davidea:flexible-adapter:5.0.0-b8'
    compile 'cn.aigestudio.wheelpicker:WheelPicker:1.1.2'
    compile 'com.daimajia.swipelayout:library:1.2.0@aar'
    compile 'de.hdodenhof:circleimageview:2.1.0'

    // Fonts
    compile ''

    // DevOps
    compile "${hockeyApp}"

    // Logging
    compile "org.slf4j:slf4j-android:${slf4jVersion}"

    // Chuck Interceptor
    debugCompile "com.readystatesoftware.chuck:library:${chuckVersion}"
    debug_testCompile "com.readystatesoftware.chuck:library:${chuckVersion}"
    alphaCompile "com.readystatesoftware.chuck:library-no-op:${chuckVersion}"
    betaCompile "com.readystatesoftware.chuck:library-no-op:${chuckVersion}"
    showcaseCompile "com.readystatesoftware.chuck:library-no-op:${chuckVersion}"
    qsCompile "com.readystatesoftware.chuck:library-no-op:${chuckVersion}"
    releaseCompile "com.readystatesoftware.chuck:library-no-op:${chuckVersion}"

    // Leak Canary
    debugCompile "com.squareup.leakcanary:leakcanary-android:${leakCanaryVersion}"
    debug_testCompile "com.squareup.leakcanary:leakcanary-android:${leakCanaryVersion}"
    alphaCompile "com.squareup.leakcanary:leakcanary-android-no-op:${leakCanaryVersion}"
    betaCompile "com.squareup.leakcanary:leakcanary-android-no-op:${leakCanaryVersion}"
    showcaseCompile "com.squareup.leakcanary:leakcanary-android-no-op:${leakCanaryVersion}"
    qsCompile "com.squareup.leakcanary:leakcanary-android-no-op:${leakCanaryVersion}"
    releaseCompile "com.squareup.leakcanary:leakcanary-android-no-op:${leakCanaryVersion}"
    testCompile "com.squareup.leakcanary:leakcanary-android-no-op:${leakCanaryVersion}"

Generated JSON:

        "project": "Android SwipeLayout Library",
        "developers": "daimajia",
        "url": "",
        "year": null,
        "license": "MIT",
        "license_url": ""
        "project": "Animated-vector-drawable",
        "developers": null,
        "url": null,
        "year": null,
        "license": "The Apache Software License",
        "license_url": ""
        "project": "Appcompat-v7",
        "developers": null,
        "url": null,
        "year": null,
        "license": "The Apache Software License",
        "license_url": ""
        "project": "Calligraphy",
        "developers": "Christopher Jenkins",
        "url": "",
        "year": null,
        "license": "The Apache Software License, Version 2.0",
        "license_url": ""
        "project": "Chuck no-op",
        "developers": "Jeff Gilfelt",
        "url": "",
        "year": null,
        "license": "The Apache Software License, Version 2.0",
        "license_url": ""
        "project": "CircleImageView",
        "developers": "Henning Dodenhof",
        "url": "",
        "year": null,
        "license": "The Apache Software License, Version 2.0",
        "license_url": ""
        "project": "CircleIndicator",
        "developers": "relex",
        "url": "",
        "year": null,
        "license": "The Apache Software License, Version 2.0",
        "license_url": ""
        "project": "Design",
        "developers": null,
        "url": null,
        "year": null,
        "license": "The Apache Software License",
        "license_url": ""
        "project": "FlexibleAdapter",
        "developers": "Davide Steduto",
        "url": "",
        "year": null,
        "license": "The Apache Software License, Version 2.0",
        "license_url": ""
        "project": "Glide",
        "developers": "Sam Judd",
        "url": "",
        "year": null,
        "license": "Simplified BSD License",
        "license_url": ""
        "project": "Glide OkHttp 3.x Integration",
        "developers": "Sam Judd",
        "url": "",
        "year": null,
        "license": "Simplified BSD License",
        "license_url": ""
        "project": "Hugo Annotations",
        "developers": "Jake Wharton",
        "url": "",
        "year": null,
        "license": "The Apache Software License, Version 2.0",
        "license_url": ""
        "project": "No op LeakCanary for Android",
        "developers": "Square, Inc.",
        "url": "",
        "year": null,
        "license": "The Apache Software License, Version 2.0",
        "license_url": ""
        "project": "Percent",
        "developers": null,
        "url": null,
        "year": null,
        "license": "The Apache Software License",
        "license_url": ""
        "project": "ReLinker",
        "developers": "KeepSafe",
        "url": "",
        "year": "2015",
        "license": "The Apache Software License, Version 2.0",
        "license_url": ""
        "project": "Realm-annotations",
        "developers": null,
        "url": "scm:",
        "year": null,
        "license": "The Apache Software License, Version 2.0",
        "license_url": ""
        "project": "Recyclerview-v7",
        "developers": null,
        "url": null,
        "year": null,
        "license": "The Apache Software License",
        "license_url": ""
        "project": "SLF4J API and Google Android Binding",
        "developers": "Thorsten M\u00f6ller",
        "url": null,
        "year": "2009",
        "license": "The MIT License",
        "license_url": ""
        "project": "Simple and fantastic wheel view in realistic effect for android",
        "developers": "Aige",
        "url": "",
        "year": null,
        "license": "The Apache Software License, Version 2.0",
        "license_url": ""
        "project": "Support-annotations",
        "developers": null,
        "url": null,
        "year": null,
        "license": "The Apache Software License",
        "license_url": ""
        "project": "Support-compat",
        "developers": null,
        "url": null,
        "year": null,
        "license": "The Apache Software License",
        "license_url": ""
        "project": "Support-core-ui",
        "developers": null,
        "url": null,
        "year": null,
        "license": "The Apache Software License",
        "license_url": ""
        "project": "Support-core-utils",
        "developers": null,
        "url": null,
        "year": null,
        "license": "The Apache Software License",
        "license_url": ""
        "project": "Support-fragment",
        "developers": null,
        "url": null,
        "year": null,
        "license": "The Apache Software License",
        "license_url": ""
        "project": "Support-media-compat",
        "developers": null,
        "url": null,
        "year": null,
        "license": "The Apache Software License",
        "license_url": ""
        "project": "Support-v13",
        "developers": null,
        "url": null,
        "year": null,
        "license": "The Apache Software License",
        "license_url": ""
        "project": "Support-v4",
        "developers": null,
        "url": null,
        "year": null,
        "license": "The Apache Software License",
        "license_url": ""
        "project": "Support-vector-drawable",
        "developers": null,
        "url": null,
        "year": null,
        "license": "The Apache Software License",
        "license_url": ""
        "project": "Transition",
        "developers": null,
        "url": null,
        "year": null,
        "license": "The Apache Software License",
        "license_url": ""

Kotlin projects also use JARs

I tried the gradle-license-plugin for a pure Kotlin project. However, I get the following error message:

An exception occurred applying plugin request [id: 'com.jaredsburrows.license', version: '0.7.0']
> Failed to apply plugin [id 'com.jaredsburrows.license']
   > License report plugin can only be applied to android or java projects.

Crash, Windows only - file separator isn't a resource separator.

Actually two bugs here, both in HtmlReport#getLicenseText

  1. The resource hierarchy separator appears to always be (forward) /, and the translation to \ on Windows causes the resource not to be found, since this isn't a file path. (Just remove the call to replace() ).
  2. The function should check for null result from getResource (although this isn't actually likely).
    (getResource is Java, not Kotlin, thus it's not String? ).

Possibility for different HTML report file name for each module

Following situation:

There is an app which consist of two modules: app itself and SDK it's being built upon.
If I apply this plugin to both modules, it will 2 create assets/open_source_licenses.html files -one per module. So when I build the APK, one of the files is naturally lost.

Solution that would work in my case is to have for example automatic naming per module: like assets/open_source_licenses_sdk.html


Error when using configuration on version 0.8.0

I get "Error:(123, 0) Could not find method licenseReport() for arguments [build_cqkmblnzf6152h2yrw5tqbk5i$_run_closure2@234d2d61] on project ':app' of type org.gradle.api.Project."
When trying to use configuration using version 0.8.0.

licenseReport {
generateHtmlReport = false
generateJsonReport = true
copyHtmlReportToAssets = false
copyJsonReportToAssets = true

(I only want a JSON report copied to assets, not the html report)

I tried the same thing using the 0.8.1-SNAPSHOT version and then it works just fine.
Any ETA for a release of 0.8.1 so I do not need to use a snapshot version?

Ignore Gradle Subprojects and Unspecified versions


$ ./gradlew licenseDebugReport
:blah:licenseDebugReport FAILED

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':blah:licenseDebugReport'.
> Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':blah:poms'.
   > Could not find blah:unspecified.
     Searched in the following locations:
     Required by:
         project :blah

Report generation fails

When I create an empty sample project in Android Studio and run the licenseReleaseReport I get the following error:

Error:Execution failed for task ':app:licenseDebugReport'.
> Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':app:poms'.
   > Could not find :unspecified:.
     Searched in the following locations:
         file:/E:/Android Studio/gradle/m2repository//unspecified//unspecified-.pom
         file:/E:/Android Studio/gradle/m2repository//unspecified//unspecified-.pom
     Required by:
         project :app

Doesn't work with gradle 4.0, android plugin 3.0.0

debugCompile and releaseCompile can no longer be resolved directly. Here is the error message:

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':app:licenseProductionDevSdkDebugReport'.
> Resolving configuration 'debugCompile' directly is not allowed

The stacktrace reveals that this is coming from LicenseReportTask.groovy:68.

Identical license shows up twice

I just generated a report and noticed that the Apache License 2.0 shows up in there twice. The first time for:

  • Apache Log4j API
  • Apache Log4j Commons Logging Bridge
  • Apache Log4j Core
    and the second time for:
  • Apache Commons Logging
  • Elsa Serialization
  • Gson
  • Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java
  • Kotlin-runtime
  • Kotlin-stdlib
  • LZ4 and xxHash
  • Mapdb
  • Picocli - a mighty tiny Command Line Interface

The license text section in both is identical. So I had a look at the json, Mapdb here:

    "project": "Mapdb",
    "description": "MapDB provides concurrent Maps, Sets and Queues backed by disk storage or off-heap memory. It is a fast, scalable and easy to use embedded Java database.",
    "version": "3.0.5",
    "developers": [
        "Jan Kotek"
    "url": "",
    "year": null,
    "licenses": [
            "license": "The Apache Software License, Version 2.0",
            "license_url": ""

And now log4j:

    "project": "Apache Log4j API",
    "description": "The Apache Log4j API",
    "version": null,
    "developers": [
    "url": null,
    "year": null,
    "licenses": [
            "license": "Apache License, Version 2.0",
            "license_url": ""

Both license URLs are exactly the same, except for the https.

License task not running automatically


I have setup your library as instructed but when I build and run my app nothing is generated in the assets folder but when I run the task manually it runs correctly. Am I incorrect in assuming that the task will run automatically?

This is my setup:

Top level gradle file

buildscript {
    ext.kotlin_version = '1.3.50'
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath ''
        classpath 'com.jaredsburrows:gradle-license-plugin:0.8.6'

allprojects {
    repositories {

task clean(type: Delete) {
    delete rootProject.buildDir

app module gradle file

apply plugin: ''
apply plugin: 'kotlin-android'
apply plugin: 'kotlin-android-extensions'
apply plugin: 'kotlin-kapt'
apply plugin: 'com.jaredsburrows.license'

licenseReport {
    generateHtmlReport = false
    generateJsonReport = true

    copyJsonReportToAssets = true

undesired capitalisation

I get the following in the generated json:

        "project": "Org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-common",
        "description": "Kotlin Common Standard Library",
        "version": "1.3.21",
        "developers": [
            "Kotlin Team"
        "url": "",
        "year": null,
        "licenses": [
                "license": "The Apache License, Version 2.0",
                "license_url": ""

I think the Org looks really off and it should not be capitalized.

Running multiple build variant license tasks crashes build

In a project with a few different build variants, running a full gradle build results in a crash.

The crash seems to be caused by each variant's license task conflicting with one another. When the first license task runs, it creates a configuration called 'poms'. Then when the second variant's license task runs, it attempts to create the same configuration, which crashes since it already exists.

Here's a small example app that demos this issue:

The error output can be viewed in the /gradle-build-error-output file. The /app/build.gradle file sets up the calls to each task.

No year and no developer shown in HTML

It would be nice to have the year and developer shown for each entry in the HTML file.

Also the License in the HTML looks a little bit off, since the String "Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]" is not really appealing.

I myself got no experience in groovy, so it would be nice if you could have a look at the issue.

Empty report generated when a task depends on the LicenseReport task

I have tried to generate reports every time the project is built, but in case I add the LicenseReport task to run before another task both the generated html and json files are empty.
As I can see in the discussion in issue #22 it should be possible since version 0.8.1.

If I run the task individually with ./gradlew licenseDebugReport the generated files contain all the dependencies I have. However if I run the ./gradlew assembleDebug I can see in the logs that the task was run, and it prints that the reports were generated, but they are empty.

@MatthewTamlin Can you see what the problem might be with my configuration?


$ ./gradlew assembleDebug

> Task :app:licenseDebugReport
Wrote HTML report to /Users/szugyiczkicsaba/Downloads/MyApplication/app/build/reports/licenses/licenseDebugReport.html.
Wrote JSON report to /Users/szugyiczkicsaba/Downloads/MyApplication/app/build/reports/licenses/licenseDebugReport.json.

26 actionable tasks: 26 executed

My configuration:
Project level build.gradle

// Top-level build file where you can add configuration options common to all sub-projects/modules.
buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath ''
        classpath "com.jaredsburrows:gradle-license-plugin:0.8.3"

allprojects {
    repositories {

task clean(type: Delete) {
    delete rootProject.buildDir

App module build.gradle

apply plugin: ''
apply plugin: "com.jaredsburrows.license"

licenseReport {
    generateHtmlReport = true
    generateJsonReport = true

    // These options are ignored for Java projects
    copyJsonReportToAssets = true

android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
    def variantCapitalized =

    def assembleTask = tasks.getByName("assemble$variantCapitalized")
    def licenseTask = tasks.getByName("license${variantCapitalized}Report")

    assembleTask.dependsOn licenseTask

android {
    compileSdkVersion 26
    defaultConfig {
        applicationId "io.supercharge.myapplication"
        minSdkVersion 21
        targetSdkVersion 26
        versionCode 1
        versionName "1.0"
        testInstrumentationRunner ""
    buildTypes {
        release {
            minifyEnabled false
            proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''

dependencies {
    implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
    implementation ''
    implementation 'com.squareup.retrofit2:retrofit:2.4.0'
    testImplementation 'junit:junit:4.12'
    androidTestImplementation ''
    androidTestImplementation ''

output open_source_licenses.html

    <style>body{font-family: sans-serif} pre{background-color: #eeeeee; padding: 1em; white-space: pre-wrap}</style>
    <title>Open source licenses</title>

output open_source_licenses.json

Generate Report fails with below Error

:emp-api:licenseReport FAILED

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

  • What went wrong:
    Execution failed for task ':emp-api:licenseReport'.

Could not find property 'canBeResolved' on configuration ':emp-api:compile'.

  • Try:
    Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.

Task 'licenseReport' not found in root project (multiple projects)

I have added the following to the build.gradle file of one of the projects:

plugins {
    id "com.jaredsburrows.license" version "0.8.42"

but the licenseReport task cannot be found, but while it is available when I added the plugin to a project that I downloaded from the springInitializer then it works.

Could you indicate whether this plugin should also work in a multi project?

Firebase license is not included in report

Following dependencies are used:

compile ''
compile ''
compile 'com.squareup.retrofit:retrofit:1.9.0'
compile 'com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:3.8.1'
compile ''
compile 'com.googlecode.libphonenumber:libphonenumber:8.4.2'

But firebase does not manage to be included in the report:

screen shot 2018-04-16 at 12 15 08

Is there is may be something specific at the fact how firebase license file is published?
Could you shortly explain how the plugin works, where it takes the license info?

Android tests fail on Windows

Android tests fail when running on Windows.

This seems to be due to Windows paths for the temporary generated projects being written to without escaping backslashes.

I have a fix for this. Will submit a pull request shortly.

Valid License URLs when generating reports



The plugin cannot valid names but at least I can try to validate actual URLs to prevent generating reports with "NA, NA".

Automatically running report tasks

I've been trying to set up my project so that the report generation task for the current build variant automatically runs each time the project is rebuilt, so that I can automatically copy the JSON report into the build variant's assets directory. I've managed to make the report tasks run on rebuild, but the generated reports are always empty.

Here's the root build.gradle file:

buildscript {
	repositories {

		maven {
			url ''

		maven {
			url ''

	dependencies {
		classpath ''
		classpath ''
		classpath 'com.jakewharton:butterknife-gradle-plugin:9.0.0-SNAPSHOT'
		classpath 'com.jaredsburrows:gradle-license-plugin:0.7.0'

allprojects {
	repositories {

		maven {
			url ''

		maven {
			url ""

apply from: 'dependencies.gradle'

ext.compileSdkVersion = 26
ext.minimumSdkVersion = 17
ext.targetSdkVersion = 26
ext.releaseName = '0.0.0'
ext.releaseCode = 0
ext.buildToolsVersion = '26.0.2'
ext.applicationId = 'TODO'

task clean(type: Delete) {
	delete rootProject.buildDir

	rootProject.getAllprojects().each {
		delete project.buildDir

Here's the dependencies.gradle file it references (it's just static definitions):

ext.dependencies = [
		androidSupport: [
				appCompat: '',
				annotations: '',
				cardView: '',
				design: '',

                // Trimmed for relevance

Here's the build.gradle file for a library subproject:

apply plugin: ''
apply plugin: 'com.jaredsburrows.license'

android {
	buildToolsVersion rootProject.ext.buildToolsVersion
	compileSdkVersion rootProject.ext.compileSdkVersion

	defaultConfig {
		minSdkVersion rootProject.ext.minimumSdkVersion
		targetSdkVersion rootProject.ext.targetSdkVersion

		vectorDrawables.useSupportLibrary true

	buildTypes {
		debug {
			// Some buildConfigField declarations

		staging {
			// Some buildConfigField declarations

		release {
			// Some buildConfigField declarations

dependencies {
	implementation rootProject.ext.dependencies.androidSupport.appCompat

afterEvaluate { {
		final buildTypeName =
		final reportTask = tasks.getByName("license${buildTypeName.capitalize()}Report")

		reportTask.doLast {
			// HTML report is not needed

			// Remove JSON report from previous build

			// Copy and rename current report
			copy {
				from 'build/reports/licenses/'
				into "src/${buildTypeName}/assets/"
				include "license${buildTypeName.capitalize()}Report.json"

				rename { fileName ->
					fileName.replace(buildTypeName.capitalize(), '')


When I use 'Build > Rebuild project' from the Android Studio toolbar, the reporting task for the current build variant runs, and the report is copied to the correct folder, but the report is empty. The JSON report for example just contains []. I've checked the report in the build/reports/licenses directory and it's empty too, which means my copy task is fine.

I think I'm just running the report task at the wrong time. What can be changed so that the the copied report contains the dependencies?

Housekeeping, but...

I'm seeing the following warning, which wouldn't concern me except for the end-of-year deadline:

WARNING: API 'variant.getMergeResources()' is obsolete and has been replaced with 'variant.getMergeResourcesProvider()'.
It will be removed at the end of 2019.
For more information, see
To determine what is calling variant.getMergeResources(), use -Pandroid.debug.obsoleteApi=true on the command line to display more information.


Generation of HTML report is failing, json is generated just right.

I'm trying with the following configurations :

licenseReport {
    generateHtmlReport = true
    // These options are ignored for Java projects
    copyHtmlReportToAssets = true

however I get the following error, with an empty HTMLReport file.

Execution failed for task ':app:licenseReleaseReport'.
> > Task :app:licenseReleaseReport
saimos-unit-api dependency does not have a license.
saimos-common dependency does not have a license.

> Task :app:licenseReleaseReport FAILED

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':app:licenseReleaseReport'.
      ) must not be null

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

when I use the Json configuration, json is generated with no issues.

[Feature] - Show complete license text

It is possible (and does it make sense) to show the complete license-text instead of just the title and the link?

Just like in the screenshot in the here:

My generated code looks like this:


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