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matchit's Issues

Enhancement Request: Dynamic Route Removal and Update Support in Matchit

I am in the process of developing a system that enables the dynamic registration and removal of HTTP routes while the service is in operation.

While Matchit offers impressive functionality, it currently lacks the capability to remove and update routes. Is there a possibility of incorporating these features into the framework?

I understand that there are existing workarounds for this limitation, but having built-in support for these actions in the future would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your dedication and hard work!

Wildcard matching in the middle of the path

As discussed in Tokio's Discord server, it would be useful to add support for wildcard matching in the middle of the path

For instance, this is required to implement Docker Registry API V2
Some examples are provided below:
Note: <name> can contain any number of segments (at least 2), but is limited to 256 characters in length (including slashes)

Also, it can be useful for various git clients (something like /:repo/*filepath/action)

Support optional last param

Let's suppose you have common handler for REST type API on some resource,
like /companies/.

So usual request pattern is :

  • GET /companies(/?) - > get all companies
  • GET /companies/:id -> get specific company
  • PUT/POST/PATH/DELETE /companies/:id -> do something to specific company

Now all of the work can be done by the same handler , if it knows if :id is present.

I'm suggesting introduction of optional last param, e.g.
router.insert("/companies/:id?", whatever);

  • accepts route /companies/
  • accepts route /companies/some_id

router.insert("/companies/*catch_all?", whatever)

  • same as above for route without param
  • and general catchall behaviour is applied if param exists

Optional params should be supported only if they are in the route end ( which is obvious ) .

This would be easier than writing double insert in code that uses the library.

tests/ does not compile

no method named `check_priorities` found for struct `Router` in the current scope
method not found in `Router<String>`rustc[E0599](, 1): Error originated from macro call here

if let Err((got, expected)) = router.check_priorities() {

Incorrect catch-all behaviour

The catch-all path /*p currently doesn't match /, although the documentation states the opposite. Copying the code for catch-alls in the README, the first assertion panics.

let mut m = Router::new();
m.insert("/*p", true)?;

assert_eq!("/")?.params.get("p"), Some(""));
assert_eq!("/foo.js")?.params.get("p"), Some("foo.js"));
assert_eq!("/c/bar.css")?.params.get("p"), Some("c/bar.css"));

Return iterator of matching routes instead of first match

For something like fall-through routing, it would be useful to return an iterator of values that match the route.

An example might be:

let mut router = Router::new();
router.insert("/users/:id", 1);
router.insert("/users/:name", 2);
router.insert("/users/*", 3);

let mut matches ="/users/ari").iter();
assert_eq!(, Some(1));
assert_eq!(, Some(2));
assert_eq!(, Some(3));
assert_eq!(, None);

Overlapping wildcard and non-wildcard routes cause failing matches

Example with matchit 0.7.0, rust 1.69.0:

use matchit::Router;

fn fixed_route() {
	let mut router = Router::new();
	router.insert("/path/foo", "foo").unwrap();
	router.insert("/path/*rest", "wildcard").unwrap();

	assert_eq!("/path/foo").map(|m| *m.value), Ok("foo"));
	assert_eq!("/path/bar").map(|m| *m.value), Ok("wildcard"));
	//assert_eq!("/path/foo/").map(|m| *m.value), Ok("wildcard")); // Err(ExtraTrailingSlash)

fn param_route() {
	let mut router = Router::new();
	router.insert("/path/foo/:arg", "foo").unwrap();
	router.insert("/path/*rest", "wildcard").unwrap();

	assert_eq!("/path/foo/myarg").map(|m| *m.value), Ok("foo"));
	//assert_eq!("/path/foo/myarg/").map(|m| *m.value), Ok("wildcard"));  // Err(ExtraTrailingSlash)
	//assert_eq!("/path/foo/myarg/bar/baz").map(|m| *m.value), Ok("wildcard"));  // Err(NotFound)

All of the commented out assertions fail, even though they should match the wildcard route.

Catch-all in the middle of a route

I maintain a project that needs to conform to the docker registry API, that uses catch-all parameters in the middle of routes (see Trow-Registry/trow#352 (comment), we use axum, which uses matchit).

I wonder how feasible and how much the maintainers of matchit would accept an implementation of cath-all parameters in the middle of routes ?
I think performance would be lower than for standard paths, but I have no idea how the implementation would look like with the radix trie.

Or maybe matchit should be kept lean and we should have a common trait so users can choose their router in axum (to fix tokio-rs/axum#109) ?

Matching a mix of dynamic and static routes with overlaps

Hi @ibraheemdev! First of all, thanks for your work!

I'm trying to match a mix of dynamic and static routes, which have overlapping parts. But not all the cases are matching.

I guess this is better explained with the following code snippet.

mod tests {
    use matchit::Node;

    fn test_routes() {
        let mut matcher = Node::new();

        matcher.insert("/:object/:id", "object with id").unwrap();
        matcher.insert("/secret/:id/path", "secret with id and path").unwrap();

        let matched ="/secret/978/path").unwrap();
        assert_eq!(matched.params.get("id"), Some("978"));

        let matched ="/something/978").unwrap();
        assert_eq!(matched.params.get("id"), Some("978"));
        assert_eq!(matched.params.get("object"), Some("something"));

        let _ ="/secret/978").unwrap(); // panics

It it expected behaviour?

Incorrect `tsr` for requests to `/`

I discovered this while working on axum's handling of trailing slashes.

It appears if you have a node with at least one route, that isn't /, and you make a request for /, you get an error where tsr == true. That would indicate that / with a route with a trailing slash exists which I guess doesn't make much sense for / 🤔

This reproduces it:

let mut node = matchit::Node::<u64>::new();

// only happens if the node contains at least one route
node.insert("/foo", 1).unwrap();

// passes, as expected since `/not-found/` doesn't exist
let err ="/not-found").unwrap_err();

// fails, I would expect it to pass since no route is defined for `/`
// and `/` with a trailing slash doesn't make sense
let err ="/").unwrap_err();

Better support for overlapping parameters

Currently routes like /:a/:b and /:a are supported, but only if they have a common prefix (/:a). This means a route like /:a/:b conflicts with /:c. We can support this by normalizing route parameters positionally when they are first inserted. /:user/:id would become /:a/:b, and /:id becomes /:a. Param nodes get an additional field representing the user-defined parameter name, which is used to construct the parameter list.

use reference counted prefix for less lifetimes on params?

struct Node {
    prefix: Arc<[u8]>

struct Param<'v> {
    key: BytesStr,
    value: &'v u8

struct BytesStr(Arc<[u8]>);

impl ByteStr {
    fn as_str(&self) -> &str {

A trade off between less lifetime and reference counted overhead + an extra public type. Current Param(s) type are pretty hard to use if not consumed inline. From what I see most people would do an extra heap allocation to erase the lifetime(s) so in that case this would likely be cheaper.

failed to register Get route for /:path pattern: insertion failed due to conflict with previously registered route: //'

Hi, I was having an issue with Cloudflare worker-rs router but then I realized that the error is coming from this dependency

Issue: cloudflare/workers-rs#362

How do I create such routing:

        .get("/abc/:path", |_req, ctx| {
            Response::ok("Hello world")
        .get("/:path", |_req, ctx| {
            Response::ok("Hello world2")
        .run(req, env).await

Right now this is the error I'm getting:

panicked at 'failed to register Get route for /:path pattern: insertion failed due to conflict with previously registered route: //', /home/gytis/.local/share/cargo/registry/src/

I'd be okay with a solution using matchit on its own but I am not sure how to wire it with Cloudflare just yet

Build router as a compile time constant

Hi! I'd like to use matchit in a webassembly module that is recycled after every request completes, and I'd prefer not to pay the cost to build the whole router on every request. Ideally I'd like to create a router at compile time and save it as a non-mut static variable, then use it by calling .at on it directly. (As a bonus this may allow LTO to eliminate everything but the .at method, trimming out all of the radix tree building code.)

I'm currently doing this:

static ROUTER: Lazy<Router<fn(&Request) -> String>> = Lazy::new(|| {
    let mut router: Router<fn(&Request) -> String> = Router::new();
    router.insert("/", index).unwrap();
    router.insert("/some/page", some_page).unwrap();

I asked about this in and presumably it's possible in theory if Vecs were switched out for slices internally (as a start, who knows what else). I think it would be a neat feature, but whether it's worth inflicting this scale of change on the library is an entirely different question. For now I will not worry about this minor 'inefficiency', but I thought I'd bring it up here to get your opinion.

What do you think? Useful? Feasible?

Leading slashes in routes with catch-all

When I try to add routes to the router, it allows paths not starting with a forward slash, except when a catch-all is used.

This seems deliberate but I don't see why that is or why other routes not starting with a slash are allowed.

I might be missing something but I'd say that there should only be a slash right before the catch-all or it should be at the start of the route. So *all and foo/*all are both ok but foo/bar*all is not.

Here are some examples of what currently works and what doesn't.

let mut router = matchit::Router::new();
router.insert("a", ()).unwrap();
router.insert(":a", ()).unwrap();
router.insert("b/:b", ()).unwrap();
// Only the following two return errors
router.insert("c/*c", ()).unwrap();
router.insert("*d", ()).unwrap();

I'd be happy to provide a PR, but I want to check first if there are some considerations I'm missing.

clarify license in crate metadata

I'm working on including a package for this crate in Fedora Linux as a dependency of axum. During the review process, the license was flagged as being potentially inaccurate and / or incomplete - the crate does include license texts for both itself and for httprouter, but the crate metadata lists only "MIT" (this crate's license), and not "BSD-3-Clause" (the httprouter license).

This is not only a "problem" for distribution packages, but it will trip up users of tools like cargo-license or cargo-deny, which rely on this metadata being accurate, as well.

Asking for advice from Red Hat lawyers, it seems that at least for our purposes, we need to treat this crate as being licensed under the terms of both MIT and BSD-3-Clause (i.e. license = "MIT AND BSD-3-Clause"):

c.f.[email protected]/thread/QDQXYBY4OVYZQ4GHKRZN5KXAO7OWTWJX/

The important bits are:

(...) The upstream project
says it's based on httprouter and it could be that some of it is a
close translation from Go to Rust. While the BSD licenses are not
entirely clear on this issue I think you should assume that the Rust
crate copies from httprouter in such a way that the httprouter license
requirements are triggered.


(...) you should assume the License: field
should include BSD-3-Clause as appropriate.

It is entirely possible that you don't want to make a corresponding change for the crate metadata in Cargo.toml, but it would be great if you could clarify this either way - especially the slightly confusing situation that the license text for httprouter is included in this project, but the license itself is not taken into account in the crate metadata.

Profile-Guided Optimization (PGO) results


I did some benchmarks of Profile-Guided Optimization (PGO) on the library and want to share my results here. Test environment is Macbook M1 Pro. The first run was with cargo bench, and the second - with a PGO-optimized version of the library via cargo pgo optimize bench. The PGO profile was collected via cargo pgo bench, the results from this run does not influence the comparison (since I did them in a separate Criterion directory). Link to cargo-pgo - .

The results of "Release" vs "Release + PGO" are here: . The only regression was found with "Routers/path-tree", other benchmarks are improved or left untouched.

I hope someone can find these results interesting. Maybe would be a good idea to write a note about PGO in README for the users who want to extract more performance from the library.

About the CatchAll

insert a CatchAll node would insert an empty CatchAll node and an actual CatchAll node. Why?
For example, for "/foo/*foobar", the final node tree is:

Node {
    priority: 1,
    wild_child: false,
    indices: [
    node_type: Root,
    value: None,
    prefix: [
    children: [
        Node {
            priority: 1,
            wild_child: true,
            indices: [],
            node_type: CatchAll,
            value: None,
            prefix: [],
            children: [
                Node {
                    priority: 1,
                    wild_child: false,
                    indices: [],
                    node_type: CatchAll,
                    value: Some(
                        UnsafeCell { .. },
                    prefix: [
                    children: [],

If we remove the empty node, the performance is better.

Implementing Support for suffixes eg. file extensions

Hi it would be really useful for my use case to support suffixes.
e.g. routes like "/users/:id.png"

or even "/users/:id.:ext"

... or even "/users/*.png"

Although it is possible to do at the application level it quickly gets very complicated when multiple extensions are present, and it looks like it might be easier to implement it in Matchit.

According to what I understand from the docs the parameter extends up to the next slash, and so currently is not possible.

How easy would it be to change parameter names to not allow '.' and add something like ParamWithSuffix(String) to the enum NodeType.

I optimistically forked the repo and was planning to implement it but then I realized that I dont understand the code well enough... My fork just has the test case (that currently fails) See below:

use matchit::{InsertError, MatchError, Router};

fn router()->Result<Router<&'static str>,InsertError> {
    let mut router = Router::new();
    router.insert("/home", "Welcome!")?;
    router.insert("/users/:id", "A User")?;
    router.insert("/users/:id.png", "A User Photo Currently not working")?;
    router.insert("/users/:id/x.png", "Another User Photo that works")?;

fn match_img()->Result<(),MatchError>{

    let router=router().unwrap();
    let matched ="/users/978")?;
    assert_eq!(matched.params.get("id"), Some("978"));
    assert_eq!(*matched.value, "A User");

To consider: how would multiple '.' be handled e.g.

Do you have a working example for doing actual HTTP routing?

I am working on a AWS Lambda project and this is our current router:

async fn http_router(
    http: ApiGatewayV2httpRequestContextHttpDescription,
) -> Result<Response<Body>, Error> {
    match (http.method.as_ref(), http.path.as_deref()) {
        // echo.json
        ("GET", Some("/api/v1/echo.json")) => http_handler::get_echo_json(http),
        // echo.html
        ("GET", Some("/api/v1/echo.html")) => http_handler::get_echo_html(http),
        // Catch all
        _ => http_handler::not_found_json(),

Could I replace this with matchit and route the requests to certain functions? Maybe I need to write an additional function that uses http.path and match on the values like that?

Route with underscore produces unexpected `ExtraTrailingSlash` error instead of `NotFound`


I encountered this behaviour when working with axum. I'm not sure whether this is intended or not but for me it was unexpected.

This code returns an MissingTrailingSlash error instead of a NotFound error:

let mut with_underscore = Router::new();
with_underscore.insert("/frontend_api", "Welcome!")?;
with_underscore.insert("/frontend/aaaa", "A User")?;"/frontend/").unwrap();

This seems to happen when adding two routes, one with an underscore at the same position where the other one has a slash.

I tried different combinations of routes and only the version described above returned an unintuitive error:

use matchit::Router;

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    // ExtraTrailingSlash, expected NotFound
    let mut with_underscore = Router::new();
    with_underscore.insert("/frontend_api", "Welcome!")?;
    with_underscore.insert("/frontend/aaaa", "A User")?;

    let with_underscore ="/frontend/");
    match with_underscore{
        Ok(_) => {}
        Err(e) => {
            println!("with_underscore: \t {e}");

    // NotFound
    let mut without_underscore = Router::new();
    without_underscore.insert("/frontend/api", "Welcome!")?;
    without_underscore.insert("/frontend/aaaa", "A User")?;

    let without_underscore ="/frontend/");
    match without_underscore{
        Ok(_) => {}
        Err(e) => {
            println!("without_underscore: \t {e}");

    // NotFound
    let mut underscore_at_dif_pos = Router::new();
    underscore_at_dif_pos.insert("/front_endapi", "Welcome!")?;
    underscore_at_dif_pos.insert("/frontend/aaaa", "A User")?;

    let underscore_at_dif_pos ="/frontend/");
    match underscore_at_dif_pos{
        Ok(_) => {}
        Err(e) => {
            println!("underscore_at_dif_pos: \t {e}");

    // NotFound
    let mut without_second_route = Router::new();
    without_second_route.insert("/frontend/aaaa", "A User")?;

    let without_second_route ="/frontend/");
    match without_second_route{
        Ok(_) => {}
        Err(e) => {
            println!("without_second_route: \t {e}");

    // ExtraTrailingSlash
    let mut only_frontend = Router::new();
    only_frontend.insert("/frontend", "A User")?;

    let only_frontend ="/frontend/");
    match only_frontend{
        Ok(_) => {}
        Err(e) => {
            println!("only_frontend: \t\t {e}");

    // NotFound
    let mut different_name = Router::new();
    different_name.insert("/something_else", "Welcome!")?;
    different_name.insert("/frontend/aaaa", "A User")?;

    let different_name ="/frontend/");
    match different_name{
        Ok(_) => {}
        Err(e) => {
            println!("different_name: \t {e}");



matchit = "0.6.0"

Question: support for fallback in routes with collisions?

I came here from cloudflare/workers-rs and had a question about possible support for the following scenario:

Let's say I want to configure explicit routes, while also having a fallback handler, e.g.:

  • /home
  • /foo
  • /:fallback

Today, this doesn't seem possible because /:fallback collides with other routes at the same hierarchy. A workaround is to introduce a short prefix like /f/:fallback, but it's a little clunky compared to the desired behavior of "match explicit routes when present, and fallback to others otherwise".

Interested in thoughts on the above scenario - would you classify it as outside the bounds of what this routing library is intending to support, or something that may make sense in a future release? Or perhaps I'm missing a clever workaround with wildcards that would help?

Why not balanced binary search tree?

Why not use a binary search tree just like what Nginx does? In the Nginx way, the paths at the same level are sorted in a balanced binary tree, while the subtree (also balanced binary tree) stores sub nodes with the same common prefix.
In the radix tree, it seems that at the same level, it compares the node value one by one?

Support escaping `:` and `*`

I'm using this library by proxy of Axum, and ran into an issue in that the router would not accept path segments that contained multiple : characters, greeting me with the error: Invalid route "/Schemas/urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User": only one parameter is allowed per path segment, corresponding to the TooManyParams error variant defined in this crate.

Could either the syntax be altered to support escaping the : and * characters with a prefix like \, or have the insert method treat the whole path section as a literal if it doesn't start with a : or *, or add an .insert_components() function that takes a slice of enum Component<'a>{Literal(&'a str), Param, Wildcard, Separator} and uses that to determine the matching criteria?

whitespaces encode to `%20`

I think (whitespace) should be encoded as %20,which will works on URL that contains whitespaces.
I test on julienschmidt/httprouter,the o/name works, but matchit not.
Or there are some misusage for me.

`at` holding reference to `Request.uri().path()` prevents from using `&mut Request`

I've implemented some routing using astra + matchit, and there's one clone that bothers me.

Basically - I always need to do req.uri().path().clone() because otherwise Params will hold a shared reference to req, and I need &mut req to read the body.

It seems much more frugal to clone the params (as they are often empty), than the whole path, but there's no way for Params to hold any owned data.

Seems to me that it would be possible to avoid it with converting Params to be:

struct Params<'k, V> {
  kind: ParamKind<'k, V>

struct Param<'k, V> {
    key: &'k [u8],
    value: V,

So it's possible to use both Params<'k, &'v [u8]> and Params<'k, Vec<u8>>. Quick sanity check says it's working:

[Bug] Inserting the same path twice returns an `InsertError` with an incorrect `with` parameter in some scenarios

Let's consider the following test:

    duplicate_conflict {
        "/users" => Ok(()),
        "/user" => Ok(()),
        "/user" => Err(InsertError::Conflict { with: "/user".into() }),

If I add this to the main branch today, it fails: the InsertError returned for the second /user insertion has with set to /users rather than /user.
My hunch is that this has something to do with the fact that /user is a sub-string of /users.

Node removal optimisation

Currently when a node is removed from the tree there is no mechanism to check for optimisations.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of the possible things to do:

  • Rewind the branch and check if nodes can be removed (only one child without value). Stop at the first non-removable node.
  • Rewind the branch and check if nodes can be merged together (only one, non-wild child that doesn't have a value).

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