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vim-snippets's Issues

c++ import guard / how to capitalize the file name


This is not really an issue, but maybe you can help me anyway.

I want to write an import guard for C++. So far it looks something like this:

snippet guard
    #ifndef ${1:`substitute(expand('%:t'), '\.', '_', 'g')`}
    #define $1

    #endif /* $1 */

What I get:

#ifndef filename_h
#define filename_h

#endif /* filename_h */

But what I want:

#ifndef FILENAME_H
#define FILENAME_H

#endif /* FILENAME_H */

So how can I capitalize the filename?

c++ snippets?

Would it be possible to separate C from C++ snippets? I'd like, as an example, to have for (i = 0 ...) in C code, and (with the same snippet name) for (int i = 0...) in C++.

I would be able to commit my own c++ snippets, but I couldn't figure out where the filetype checking happens.

shitty trailing spaces in some ruby snippets

There are shitty trailing spaces in snippets defindex, defcreate etc.
I have already tired clear it. What we can do with this? Delete this crazy blank line in snippet?

if I use snippet from new line without spaces everything ok. But when i use it from 2spaces indentation there are trailing spaces. As usual we use this snippets with 2 space indentation, and it is very annoying

example ok

def create
  @model_class_name =[:model_class_name])

  respond_to do |format|
      flash[:notice] = 'ModelClassName was successfully created.'
      format.html { redirect_to(@model_class_name) }
      format.xml  { render :xml => @model_class_name, :status => :created, :location => @model_class_name }
      format.html { render :action => "new" }
      format.xml  { render :xml => @model_class_name.errors, :status => :unprocessable_entity }

example when spaces

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  def create
    @model_class_name =[:model_class_name])
~~     <- this is 2 trailing spaces
    respond_to do |format|
        flash[:notice] = 'ModelClassName was successfully created.'
        format.html { redirect_to(@model_class_name) }
        format.xml  { render :xml => @model_class_name, :status => :created, :location => @model_class_name }
        format.html { render :action => "new" }
        format.xml  { render :xml => @model_class_name.errors, :status => :unprocessable_entity }



div. and .

When I use


I get


. snippet is "overwrite" div. snippet, any idea to solved this issue? both snippets are usefull

How can I make vim-snippets work?

After I install vim-snippets in the vundle way and start vim, vim reports the following errors:
Errors occur when processing the FileType command "*":
E121:Undefined variable: snippets_dir
E116:Invalid arguments for function GetSnippets.

How can I remove these errors and make vim-snippets work?

Why the assert_difference count is A Class from $1

snippet asd
    assert_difference "${1:Model}.${2:count}", $1 do

usually, the snippet may like this

assert_difference "Model.count", 1, do
  # bla bla

So I think it should be

snippet asd
    assert_difference "${1:Model}.${2:count}", ${3:1} do

Volunteer to maintain Falcon snippets

I'd like to volunteer as the maintainer of the Falcon snippets. I wrote the original set currently in the repo. I'm also technically a falcon developer (I have commit access, but I don't use it much ๐Ÿ˜ž) and I maintain the vim files for falcon as well. So hopefully that makes me qualified for the job.

Name of repository is wrong

This repository now contains UltiSnips and snipMate snippets - I think it should be renamed to either Ultisnips (as all of them are supported by ultisnips and not all by snipmate) or simply snippets.

Request to remove or rename the python snippet '.'


I imagine a lot of other python users have the following problem:

The dot "." snippet conflicts with tab completion functionality. I see this as a problem only because I use a "self." statement much less frequently than I use a not-self "." statement, and I imagine that a lot of python users would feel the same.

For example:

    .<<TAB>> ---> self.
    import os.<<TAB>>  --->  import osself.

    import os.<<TAB>>  ---> import os.<<shows the tab completion menu>>

On a grander level, really nice functionality might be for SnipMate to allow us to disable just one snippet. But to my knowledge, that's not currently an option.

Currently, it does take a bit of leg work to remove this snippet manually. Do you think it might be possible to remove or rename that snippet from the python snippets file in this repo?

Adding description to snippets

I am using UltiSnips with YouCompleteMe and I like the description of the snippets very much. Many of the default UltiSnips snippets in this repository do not have a description. It is desirable to add these and send pull requests? Are there any guidelines to contributing?

Duplicate css snippets for less files

I don't know if this is the right approach, but on my local machine I duplicated the css snippet file and renamed it less, now it works like a charm in my less files

Should I fork and change it with a pull request? or should I do this another way?

one line vs multilen if .. then ... else

Again, use post-processing snippets to provide extra snippets having everything "joined"?
eg "If" instead of "if" ? We could add tags to snippets to find out which snippets to provide "joined lines" versions of.

python '.' snippet interferes with tabcompletion, editing, etc

In the python.snippets file, there is a '.' snippet that causes me a lot of frustration.

snippet .

However, I find that, instead of it being helpful with writing code more quickly, it tends to only show up when I don't want it to. (for example, when trying to access a submodule and use a different tab completion program, etc).

Plus, because it's a punctuation mark, it's harder to realize the reason 'self' has just popped on to the screen is because of this snippet.

Expected behavior:

bs4. press , get a set of completion suggestions for functions within beautifulsoup

Actual behavior:

bs4. press -> bs4self.

I suggest a simple replacement:

snippet s.

(after this I'll submit a small patch to this effect).

And if you want the original behavior back, anyone can make a python.snippets file in their own snippet folder with the original back in. For the new users (and old users), this will enable them to actually use a number of tab completion scripts in vim, etc. Especially those who find out about snipmate through sontek's dotfiles.

Multiple identical snippets in Ruby

Is it really ok to have multiple 'bt' snippets in ruby.snippets?

snippet bt
    belongs_to :${1:association}

snippet bt

snippet bf
    before_filter :${1:method}

snippet bf

I'm getting this error when I use spf13:

Warning: /meh/.vim/bundle/snipmate-snippets/snippets/ruby.snippets:939 is overriding `bt` from /meh/.vim/bundle/snipmate-snippets/snippets/ruby.snippet

CoffeeScript snippets not working

The CoffeeScript snippets don't seem to be working.

I've tried renaming the file to and .coffee, and setting the filetype to both coffee and coffeescript.

The JavaScript snippets work as expected (with a .js extension)

overriding `ld` warning in python.snippets

Warning: $HOME/.vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/python.snippets:172 is overriding ld from $HOME/.vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/python.snippets:82
Press ENTER or type command to continue

Scope not recognized?

I freshly installed this plugin, together with garbas/vim-snipmate. I opened a PHP file and checked by typing
:set filetype=<TAB>
that it would autocomplete to php, so I assume vim recognized the filetype correctly.

But when I try using a snipped, for instance with
I need to choose between php default and javascript default. Why? Did I forget anything to setup?

Snippets for licenses

In python.snippets there is a snippet for gpl. Since this is not python related, it should propably be moved to a global snippets file. Moreover, it would be very convenient, if all the major open source licenses could be added.

How to cope with UltiSnips and snipmate issues?

Historically UltiSnips (depending on Vim with Python) introduced UltiSnippets and Snipmate introduced "snippets" files. Today UltiSnips can read both, but snipmate cannot. UltiSnips has "advanced" features which are useful in some cases such as "nested snippets" and special triggers - Marc Weber never felt need for special triggers in snipmate because it historically had snippet completion while triggering - and passing arguments to snippets by trigger can be emulated by input() which requires hitting one additional time. Thus which features are worth having or not depends heavily on the judgment of the user.

The big question now is: How should vim-snippets cope with it? Nice habits to keep in mind:

  • prevent duplication (do it once)
  • please users as much as possible

The most simple strategy could be:

  • Put simple snippets in .snippets files
  • If you have complex advanced alternatives think use UltiSnips files
    judgment of this idea:
  • least snippet duplication
  • it serves everybody as much as possible, duplicates can be "ignored" by telling engines to use first hit and making sure engines read the .snippet files first
  • UltiSnips users have to open and look at two files

This is Marc Weber's favorite solution for now. One example following this is "html_minimal" example.

Please use this issue to discuss alternative solutions emphasizing on why they are better/worse than what I'm proposing above (which is already documented in the README).

If you're fine with the proposal only reply if it looks like the thread comes to a different solution. I'd suggest waiting for about 4 weeks for people to put their opinions.
There is no hurry.

I commented here that I added those comments to the README:

The first PR following this suggestion appeared shortly after:

There is an additional issue: Snippet engines support multiple files anyway: Should there be a simple command which allows finding the file defining a snippet? A simple grep all snippet files being used would be enough probably (eg using grepadd or such). That would be trivial to implement.

Duplicated snippet name in ruby.snippets


I've got warnings when I opened a ruby file.

Warning messages are following.
Warning: /Users/xxxx/.vim/bundle/snipmate-snippets/snippets/ruby.snippets:
904: duplicated snippet name `mac`
Please delete this snippet name before.
Warning: /Users/xxxx/.vim/bundle/snipmate-snippets/snippets/ruby.snippets:
906: duplicated snippet name `mrc`
Please delete this snippet name before.


Incorrect highlighting after autocompletion with C-N or C-P

Incorrect highlighting (visual-mode selecting) after autocompletion with C-N or C-P. To reproduce the issue, do the following:

  • create a php file.
  • paste this text: `
  • type foreach and hit the Tab
  • variable will be highlighted, type foo and press C-P. foobar will be substituted.
  • press Tab
  • oops. incorrect highlight (s $va instead of value)

Which snippets repos(this or UltiSnip) should I pull if I use UltiSnip?

I just forward my mail with Honza to HERE

Hi, Honza

I'm one of snippets contributors, Meng Zhuo, I had change my snippet engine into UltiSnip and using vim-snippets in the same time.
However, I found there is a snippets repos in UltiSnip, too.
I'm confused about what if I want to contribute some snippets which repo should I pull to.
Or, Which one of you guys is upstream of these snippets?

Best Regards,
Meng Zhuo

python snippet and things that start with 'm'

Is it my setup or is there something amiss when you try to name, say, a function starting with the letter 'm'?

For example:

def -> def fname():....

press 'm' (cursor on fname) and you get the admonishment:

E481: No range allowed

any other letter seems to work ok (though I admit I haven't tried them all.)

Markdown Codeblock Ultisnips Snippet

Hi there!

For those writing a lot of markdown documentation, the original codeblock takes a lot of time to write...

For snipmate, there is a good snippet doing that:

snippet bt-codeblock-short

But there is not alternative for Ultisnips. I tried to write my own but I'm having some issues on how to escape the "```"... It seems like the backslash isn't helping.

I tried the following:

\```    # not working but did not expect it to work
\`\`\`  # not working either...

With the second one, I get the following error:

SnippetSyntaxError: Invalid line '\\`\\`\\`' in snippets/pandoc.snippets:3

I might be doing something wrong...

Stray ">>>" at end of ruby.snippets

I don't want to fork it because of such a minor thing:


snippet cfor
<% content_for :${1:head} do %>
<% end %>
>>>>>>> d46588cad4f48f1fe6f0e80c06b87f9b78792422


htmldjango '{' snippet creating newline

Maybe this is intended behaviour, but I've noticed that when using the { context variable snippet a newline is inserted after the completed tag. This is particularly annoying when using the snippet inside an inline tag, like:


You end up with:

<h1>{{ }}


Python, fix "with" snippet

The last line in the "with" snippet in Python should be removed.

snippet with
    with ${1:expr} as ${2:var}:
        ${3:# code...}
        ${3:# code...}

Error with specific snippet

When trying to use the "m" snippet for objc:

Error detected while processing function snipMate#TriggerSnippet:
line 45:
E486: Pattern not found: \VM%#

and then it looks like:

+ (id)method
   return nil;

Which is actually the "M" snippet, with an m on the end.

Problems with ruby snippets and UltiSnips

I installed the MarcWeber/ultisnips vim plugin and added this config to my vimrc:

let g:UltiSnips = {}
"let g:UltiSnips.always_use_first_snippet = 1
let g:UltiSnips.snipmate_ft_filter = {
     \ 'default' : {'filetypes': ["FILETYPE", "_"] },
     \ 'html'    : {'filetypes': ["html", "javascript", "_"] },
     \ 'cpp'    : {'filetypes': [] },
     \ }

Of course the plugin honza/vim-snippets is also added.

Then if I type cla for one of these ruby snippets, I get an error message and a scratch buffer opens with the following content:

Following is the full stack trace:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/dsiw/.dotfiles/vim.symlink/bundle/ultisnips/py-code/UltiSnips/", line 26, in wrapper
    return f(self, *args, **kwds)
  File "/home/dsiw/.dotfiles/vim.symlink/bundle/ultisnips/py-code/UltiSnips/", line 605, in expand
    rv = self._try_expand()
  File "/home/dsiw/.dotfiles/vim.symlink/bundle/ultisnips/py-code/UltiSnips/", line 1010, in _try_expand
    self._do_snippet(snippet, before, after)
  File "/home/dsiw/.dotfiles/vim.symlink/bundle/ultisnips/py-code/UltiSnips/", line 964, in _do_snippet
    si = snippet.launch(text_before, self._visual_content, None, start, end)
  File "/home/dsiw/.dotfiles/vim.symlink/bundle/ultisnips/py-code/UltiSnips/", line 454, in launch
    last_re = self._last_re, globals = self._globals)
  File "/home/dsiw/.dotfiles/vim.symlink/bundle/ultisnips/py-code/UltiSnips/text_objects/", line 34, in __init__
  File "/home/dsiw/.dotfiles/vim.symlink/bundle/ultisnips/py-code/UltiSnips/text_objects/", line 70, in update_textobjects
    if obj._update(done, not_done):
  File "/home/dsiw/.dotfiles/vim.symlink/bundle/ultisnips/py-code/UltiSnips/text_objects/", line 15, in _update
  File "/home/dsiw/.dotfiles/vim.symlink/bundle/ultisnips/py-code/UltiSnips/", line 107, in eval
    rv = vim.eval(as_vimencoding(s))
vim.error: invalid expression

What can I do to fix this? Thank's!

How about add an editorconfig snippet?

Hi, I want to add an snippet for .editorconfig like this:

snippet ec

    root = true

    indent_style = ${1:space_or_tab}
    indent_size = ${2:indent_size}
    end_of_line = lf
    charset = utf-8
    trim_trailing_whitespace = true
    insert_final_newline = true

But I don't know how to add snippets for this type of file, as I put the snippet to a editorconfig.snippets file just doesn't work. I can put to global \_.snippets, but I'm not sure if it's suitable. Any suggestions?

Snippets stopped working after updating them

I installed vim-snippets via Vundle. At first everything worked fine. Then I forked the repo and replaced the snippets with my own and now it stopped working. I tried to revert back but it didn't do the trick. I think it's some kind of conflict with the SuperTab plugin, but I'm not sure..

// code comment blocks in snippets

A lot of the snippets have // code or /* code */ as part of their place holders. Every time you don't follow the tab order exactly you end up having an unnecessary comment you need to delete. I think it makes more sense to have place holders there which don't have any content. I.e. ${1} instead of ${1:/* code */}. I was wondering if other people think this makes sense too. I would volunteer to change this if people are interested.

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