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hotkey's Introduction

Hotkey Behavior

<button data-hotkey="Shift+?">Show help dialog</button>

Trigger an action on a target element when the hotkey (key or sequence of keys) is pressed on the keyboard. This triggers a focus event on form fields, or a click event on other elements.

The hotkey can be scoped to a form field:

<button data-hotkey-scope="text-area" data-hotkey="Meta+d" onclick="alert('clicked')">
  press meta+d in text area to click this button

<textarea id="text-area">text area</textarea>

By default, hotkeys are extracted from a target element's data-hotkey attribute, but this can be overridden by passing the hotkey to the registering function (install) as a parameter.

How is this used on GitHub?

All shortcuts (for example g i, ., Meta+k) within GitHub use hotkey to declare shortcuts in server side templates. This is used on almost every page on GitHub.


$ npm install @github/hotkey



<!-- Single character hotkey: triggers when "j" is pressed-->
<a href="/page/2" data-hotkey="j">Next</a>
<!-- Multiple hotkey aliases: triggers on both "s" and "/" -->
<a href="/search" data-hotkey="s,/">Search</a>
<!-- Key-sequence hotkey: triggers when "g" is pressed followed by "c"-->
<a href="/rails/rails" data-hotkey="g c">Code</a>
<!-- Hotkey with modifiers: triggers when "Control", "Alt", and "h" are pressed at the same time -->
<a href="/help" data-hotkey="Control+Alt+h">Help</a>
<!-- Special "Mod" modifier localizes to "Meta" on mac, "Control" on Windows or Linux-->
<a href="/settings" data-hotkey="Mod+s">Search</a>

See the list of KeyboardEvent key values for a list of supported key values.


import {install} from '@github/hotkey'

// Install all the hotkeys on the page
for (const el of document.querySelectorAll('[data-hotkey]')) {

Alternatively, the hotkey(s) can be passed to the install function as a parameter e.g.:

for (const el of document.querySelectorAll('[data-shortcut]')) {
  install(el, el.dataset.shortcut)

To unregister a hotkey from an element, use uninstall:

import {uninstall} from '@github/hotkey'

for (const el of document.querySelectorAll('[data-hotkey]')) {

By default form elements (such as input,textarea,select) or elements with contenteditable will call focus() when the hotkey is triggered. All other elements trigger a click(). All elements, regardless of type, will emit a cancellable hotkey-fire event, so you can customize the behaviour, if you so choose:

for (const el of document.querySelectorAll('[data-shortcut]')) {
  install(el, el.dataset.shortcut)

  if (el.matches('.frobber')) {
    el.addEventListener('hotkey-fire', event => {
      // ensure the default `focus()`/`click()` is prevented:

      // Use a custom behaviour instead

Hotkey string format

  1. Hotkey matches against the event.key, and uses standard W3C key names for keys and modifiers as documented in UI Events KeyboardEvent key Values.
  2. At minimum a hotkey string must specify one bare key.
  3. Multiple hotkeys (aliases) are separated by a ,. For example the hotkey a,b would activate if the user typed a or b.
  4. Multiple keys separated by a blank space represent a key sequence. For example the hotkey g n would activate when a user types the g key followed by the n key.
  5. Modifier key combos are separated with a + and are prepended to a key in a consistent order as follows: "Control+Alt+Meta+Shift+KEY".
  6. "Mod" is a special modifier that localizes to Meta on MacOS/iOS, and Control on Windows/Linux.
    1. "Mod+" can appear in any order in a hotkey string. For example: "Mod+Alt+Shift+KEY"
    2. Neither the Control or Meta modifiers should appear in a hotkey string with Mod.
  7. "Plus" and "Space" are special key names to represent the + and keys respectively, because these symbols cannot be represented in the normal hotkey string syntax.
  8. You can use the comma key , as a hotkey, e.g. a,, would activate if the user typed a or ,. Control+,,x would activate for Control+, or x.
  9. "Shift" should be included if it would be held and the key is uppercase: ie, Shift+A not A
    1. MacOS outputs lowercase key names when Meta+Shift is held (ie, Meta+Shift+a). In an attempt to normalize this, hotkey will automatically map these key names to uppercase, so the uppercase keys should still be used (ie, "Meta+Shift+A" or "Mod+Shift+A"). However, this normalization only works on US keyboard layouts.


The following hotkey would match if the user typed the key sequence a and then b, OR if the user held down the Control, Alt and / keys at the same time.

'a b,Control+Alt+/'

πŸ”¬ Hotkey Mapper is a tool to help you determine the correct hotkey string for your key combination:

Key-sequence considerations

Two-key-sequences such as g c and g i are stored under the 'g' key in a nested object with 'c' and 'i' keys.

mappings =
  'c'     : <a href="/rails/rails/issues/new" data-hotkey="c">New Issue</a>
  'g'     :
    'c'   : <a href="/rails/rails" data-hotkey="g c">Code</a>
    'i'   : <a href="/rails/rails/issues" data-hotkey="g i">Issues</a>

In this example, both g c and c could be available as hotkeys on the same page, but g c and g can't coexist. If the user presses g, the c hotkey will be unavailable for 1500 ms while we wait for either g c or g i.

Accessibility considerations

Character Key Shortcuts

Please note that adding this functionality to your site can be a drawback for certain users. Providing a way in your system to disable hotkeys or remap them makes sure that those users can still use your site (given that it's accessible to those users).

See "Understanding Success Criterion 2.1.4: Character Key Shortcuts" for further reading on this topic.

Interactive Elements

Wherever possible, hotkeys should be add to interactive and focusable elements. If a static element must be used, please follow the guideline in "Adding keyboard-accessible actions to static HTML elements".


npm install
npm test


Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.

hotkey's People


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hotkey's Issues

Add support for `Space` and `Plus` keywords

It seems that the eventToHotkeyString function returns " " for a spacebar keystroke, as described in the key values docs. But the expandHotkeyToEdges function also uses the space character to split hotkey combinations.

So how might one define a single hotkey or hotkey combination containing a space?

We might consider a slight deviation from the key values docs in this instance to add the Space shorthand as an alias for " " when defining a hotkey via the data-hotkey attribute or install function. Thank you! πŸ’›

Hotkey Mapper Tool accessibility improvements

From a chat with @jscholes off-site:

This is a difficult sort of mechanism to make accessible for some users, because reliance on keyboard input (or tools that emulate it like speech recognition software) will conflict with the tool's requirement to take all keyboard input and swallow it. Indeed, as a screen reader user, it's difficult to get rid of it once loaded! :)

Here's what I'd suggest:

  1. Give the hotkey input area (id="hotkey-code") a tabindex of "0", so users can explicitly place focus on it.
  2. Give the same area the following attributes: role="application", aria-roledescription="Input Capture", aria-label="Hotkey", aria-live="assertive", and aria-atomic="true".
  3. Bind your keydown handler to that input div#hotkey-code, instead of the entire document.
  4. Make it visually obvious in some way that mouse users should click (or keyboard users should focus) the input area in order to trigger the behaviour, as it will no longer apply to the full page. This should include a focus outline.
  5. Disallow Tab and Shift+Tab from being used as tool input, so users can get out of the input capture area. This is both an explicit accessibility recommendation for this page, as well as an inclusive design tip: users shouldn't be rebinding Tab and Shift+Tab so the tool should discourage it.
  6. Remove tabindex="0" and role="button" from the clipboard-copy component. The inner button already has all of the semantics that are needed.
  7. Move the copy button after the input area, both visually and in the mark-up, so users don't have to navigate backwards to reach it.

Add support for chords to mapper tool

It would be great if we could also display chords in the mapper tool, similarly to VSCode.

I dug into this a bit and it's more complicated than I expected. If you just have a timer and track keydown events, you get chords like Meta Meta+b because the keydown for Meta is different from the keydown for b. It looks like this is solved in the main code with the 'radix trie' logic, but this seems pretty closely tied to the hotkeys that are configured on the element, and we can't configure all possible hotkeys onto the mapper tool.

`eventToHotkeyString` inconsistent `shift` key behaviour on Mac

eventToHotKeyString outputs ? event as Shift+?

Since the updates in the latest release which include a logic change to address a different bug, eventToHotkeyString is includingShift unexpectedly.

? ==> Shift+?
! ==> Shift+!

Can we revert the logic to what it was before?

Related PRs:

Add support for `event.code`

While it may prove impossible to smooth over all OS / keyboard layout differences in event.key, providing access to mapping hotkeys to an event.code may help in some situations (for example WASD navigation)

VS Code allows this via wrapping the code in []: for example [KeyA] would match on event.code === "KeyA".

This allows for some flexibility to map shortcuts to physical locations on the keyboard (eg WASD navigation etc.)

Support for KeyboardEvent code values

In some situations, we may want to map shortcuts to physical keys instead of characters that change based on the keyboard layout.

This may be useful for websites that have an international audience, with the keyboard layout being hard to guess.

Add support for class-name as `data-hotkey-scope`


Currently data-hotkey-scope only supports matching the ( i.e. the scope) as an id, this has a few limitations:

  1. I may want to specify multiple elements as the scope for my hotkey.
  2. I may need to specify an element rendered by a third part library as my scope and do not have access to set an id on that element. (This is my current actual issue).
  3. Likely there are other uses-cases where an id doesn't work as a selector...


Add the ability to specify a class-name instead of an id for data-hotkey-scope.

Some possible API thoughts:

Support a 'mini selector syntax'

The API could be updated to take a # prefix (for id) or . prefix (for class name). We could continue to treat an un-prefixed value as an id:

<button data-hotkey-scope=".my-scope-class-name" />
<button data-hotkey-scope="#my-scope-id" />
<button data-hotkey-scope="my-scope-id" /> <!-- legacy support -->

Add new data-attributes:

We could add data-hotkey-scope-class and data-hotkey-scope-id attributes. Again we could continue to treat the existing data-hotkey-scope as an id scope.

<button data-hotkey-scope-class="my-scope-class-name" />
<button data-hotkey-scope-id="my-scope-id" />
<button data-hotkey-scope="my-scope-id" /> <!-- legacy support -->


Why not allow full css-selector syntax?

I thought about the possibility of extending data-hotkey-scope to support full css selector syntax like data-hotkey-scope="div#parent > .target-element" ... but after talking this over with @keithamus we decided the complexity and likely performance cost of such an API would not be worth it given that id and class name already support many use-cases.

`eventToHotKey` inconsistent `alt` key behaviour on Mac

On a Mac, the alt (option) key acts as a modifier. For example, when alt and k are pressed, the serialized event string produced on a Mac is Alt+˚, while on Windows and Linux the serialized string is Alt+k.

  • This relates to #66 as it means that Alt can not reliably be used with the "Mod" modifier.
  • This relates to #54 as the fix for that will likely be applicable here as well.

Control+Shift+(key) doesn't work


I have tried to set data-hotkey with Control+Shift+p also Control+Shift+s but that doesn't work.
anyone can help?

the issue occurs on both in mac & windows.
the browser: Chrome Version 83.0.4103.116 (Official Build) (64-bit)

thanks in advance.

Listen for some hotkeys on form fields

Thanks for the great lib!

Currently in the keyDownHandler I see this:

if ( instanceof Node && isFormField( return

In my use-case I would like to attach an "Escape" hotkey to a cancel button, and a "Command+Enter" hotkey to a submit button, and have these hotkeys be active whilst the focus is in an input/textarea. The above line prevents this.

Understandable that single character and Shift+* hotkeys shouldn't be active, but what about everything else? What's the recommended approach here?

API alterations to allow injection of hotkey parsing and event processing

I think a useful migration strategy would be to allow serialization/comparison to be overridden as part of the API.

When we talk about what this library does that is "novel" (as in, something you cannot reasonably achieve in a few LOC locally) the library does three things:

  • It manages many shortcuts by implementing a Radix Trie.
  • It manages event listening & dispatch avoiding footguns: for example delegated events, ensuring hotkeys aren't fired on form fields, etc.
  • It provides the above with a simple install/uninstall API to simplify adding/removing event listeners and state from the Radix Trie.
  • It comes up with some lose specification of how to expand/compare hotkey strings to decide when to fire a hotkey combo.

The last one is what causes us a lot of trouble and causes some trashing in this library. radix-trie.ts hasn't been touched in 9 months, prior to that 2 years ago. I'd say radix-trie is "feature complete". Meanwhile hotkey.ts has a regular cadence of alterations every few months as we reach edge cases and scale our use of this library.

The chief problems with the serialization format are:

  • It is a psuedo specification. There's no formal set of possible values or a well defined grammar or spec. It is an ad-hoc grammar using RegExps. While this works fine for the most part, it is a source of bugs and confusion, as well as differences of opinion.
  • It doesn't properly encode all of the state about what we as developers intend shortcuts to be. We've discussed this quite a lot synchronously; the concept of "logical" (WSAD) vs "Semiotic" (?) shortcuts.

Effectively the serialization of these shortcuts is, what you might call, unsolved. So I say let's make that apparent by allowing it to be overridden in the API.

The current API is as follows:

export install(element: HTMLElement, hotkey?: string): void {}
export uninstall(element: HTMLElement): void {}

I propose we expand this to the following:

export type ProcessHotkey = (hotkey: string): string[][]
export type ProcessEvent = (event: KeyboardEvent): string

export class HotkeyManager {
    processHotkey: ProcessHotkey = expandHotkeyToEdges, 
    processEvent: ProcessEvent = eventToHotkeyString

  install(element: HTMLelement, hotkey?: string): void {}
  uninstall(element: HTMLElement): void {}

const defaultManager = new HotkeyManager()
export const install = defaultManager.install
export const uninstall = defaultManager.uninstall

By making a class, we can define custom processing for shortcut keys which allows users to define their own shortcut models, but also allows us to make more breaking changes behind experimental APIs, and even feature flag them. By still exposing the install/uninstall functions per the existing API, we ensure backwards compatibility which minimizes breaking changes, and allows us to "make the hard change easy then make the easy change". A 2.0 change could effectively swap the default hotkey functions out for the newer API, as a one line change.

Thoughts @github/ui-frameworks?

`eventToHotkeyString ` returns doubled "modifier" when "key" is a modifier

Because of the way eventToHotkeyString works, it will return a "double modifier" for a key-combination where a modifier key (Control, Alt, Meta, or Shift) is also the event.key.

This is visible by looking at the hotkey mapper tool:

Screen Shot 2021-12-15 at 9 50 36 AM

To Reproduce:

  1. Visit
  2. Input a ctrl.
  3. Observe the hotkey string is Control+Control.
  4. Without lifting your finger from the crtl key, input a shift key.
  5. Observe the hotkey string is Control+Shift+Shift.
  6. Lift your fingers.
  7. Input a shift.
  8. Observe the hotkey string is Shift+Shift.
  9. Input a ctrl.
  10. Observe the hotkey string is Control+Shift+Control.
  11. Note that the hotkey string in 10 is different than the hotkey string in 5: this is due to the order that these keys were pressed.


When the event.key is a modifier, it should only appear once in the hotkey string. The order that modifiers appear in the string should be consistent, regarldless of the order that keys are pressed (see 11 in repro steps above).

There are two possibilities:

  1. Filter out the modifier when it is the same as the event.key
    2. ctrl then shift would now be: [Control+]Shift+Control: Shift+Control
    3. shift then ctrl would be Control+[Shift+]Shift: Control+Shift
  2. When the vent.key is a modifier, don't map it to the stirng
    2. ctrl then shift would now be: Control+Shift+[Control]: Control+Shift+
    3. shift then ctrl would be Control+Shift+[Shift]: Control+Shift+

So the solution is to do 2. But we'll have to avoid the trailing +

Hotkey version 3

Hotkey version 2

This is a tracking issue for hotkey version 2 which will introduce a few breaking changes:

  • #64 fixes a bug with duplicate modifier keys.
  • #57
  • #71

Some planned work was moved to v3 #74

Navigation in table views

πŸ‘‹ Thanks for the nice library.

I know that GitHub supports keyboard navigation in views such as the Issues and Pull Request views. Was that implemented by building on top of this library, or is it using something else entirely?

(I'm hoping to implement something similar for my own app).

Any ways to define which event to fire when hotkey is triggered?

Hey fine folks! I've been using hotkey for a couple of weeks, it's very cool, thanks a lot for the work you put into this already πŸ™πŸ½

I was wondering if there were any possibilities to define a custom event to fire when the hotkey is pressed by the user?

My example: I setup a hotkey onto a select element, and did hope for the select element to be opened on hotkey press. Unfortunately, because of how the fireDeterminedAction function is defined, it only focuses on the select, which I need to then trigger to open by navigating with arrow keys, for instance.

Would it be something useful to add to the library, or sth to prevent developers from doing for specific reasons I don't grasp yet?

Either way, thanks for taking the time to read this!

Handle keypresses in elements with dotted ids

I'm throwing errors every time I keydown in an element with a dotted id. For example, <div id="account.firm">.

I think this should be resolvable by quoting and escaping the target id in the querySelector, index.ts line 23, from

if (!target.ownerDocument.querySelector(`[data-hotkey-scope=${}]`)) return


if (!target.ownerDocument.querySelector(`[data-hotkey-scope="${CSS.escape(}"]`)) return

Feature request: Platform specific hotkeys

It would be nice to be able to set platform specific hotkeys. This is important because often there's a keyboard shortcut that might collide with an os specific combo.

<button type="submit" data-hotkey-mac="Control+M" data-hotkey-win="Alt+M">

Z and Y reversed

I’m using a keyboard with a German layout. The keys Z and Y are reversed in comparison to the US layout.

When I set a KeyCombo with Key(string: "z") it get’s recognised as "y" and vice versa.

I suspect this is because keyCodes are hardware-related, aren’t they? What could be a possible fix?

Hotkeys are fired when trying to type into a text field inside a custom element

When typing in an input (textarea, input tag, editable, …) which is itself placed inside of a custom html element, the hotkey is still fired. That's because the isFormField handler checks only the target element, which is this case is the custom element. It should instead use the explicitOriginalTarget property, since that contains the actual input element.

Here's a minimal reproduction:

The / hotkey does not work

In the readme there is

<a href="/search" data-hotkey="s,/">Search</a>

the same code is used in the GitHub toolbar that says "Type / to search".

The problem is that pressing / (shift + 7 on a finnish keyboard) does not trigger the search. It does nothing. Pressing "s" does trigger it.

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