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dokuwiki-plugin-bootswrapper's Issues

Button class btn-block

it is possible to use the class btn-block for buttons? current no function with size or type field.

thx a lot :)



I have a bug with the last update on Detritus. A message says it is updated but a warn is still telling to update the plugin :
Payer un café à l'auteur !
URL de téléchargement :…wrapper/zipball/master
Entrepôt :
Version installée :
Votre dernière mise à jour :
Sat, 13 Feb 2016 11:30:48 +0100
Version disponible :
Fournit :
Action, Syntax
Compatible avec :
"Detritus" (2015-08-10), "Hrun" (2014-09-29), "Weatherwax" (2013-05-10)
Similaire à :


Output error with labels

Hello, i think i've just found a bug.

Label output code is not properly generated : the closing tag is missing.

I think that bug might affect some other parts of the plugin like text (not sure)...

Here is my test :

  • My wiki syntax is : Some text before <label type="info">[My Label]</label> Some text after
  • I put some var_dump in label.php listening for $data around line 44-45

Here is the output :

I believe that de case DOKU_LEXER_EXIT (value is 4 for that one) does not see $label_tag

problem nav with include plugin


when using the "include plugin" inside of a nav block the tab function gets corrupted.

  * [[#tab-foo|Foo]]
  * [[#tab-bar|Bar]]

<pane id="tab-foo">
=== Foo ===
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ...

<pane id="tab-bar">


The included page "wiki:start" not only appears in the "tab-bar", but also in each other tab.

Best regards

Color me purple

Question: Can we have custom colors for panels, butons, nav's, alerts and so on?
Just like the color attribute at callouts, Or can someone guide me how to achieve this?

HTML errors in Modal

When using modal, there are some html errors with paragraphs. You can see them on source screen of Modal page (red ones at line 456 and 491)
Lines with this error: 391, 456, 491, 522, 552,

Editor menu

Is it possible to get a menu on the editor for the different syntax options similar to how wrapper does it? this is incredibly useful for those that work on my wiki but do not have time to look up specific syntax each time they need to use it.

Working on something but would like some feedback.

I just started on a new addition for the plugin for more customization.
I was creating a grid on my wiki but I wanted to make all columns a certain height.
So I added a height attribute but then I realized it would be much easier if you can just add classes, ids and/or styling to all components.

For example you could do:
<col xs="12" sm="6" md="4" lg="4" class="game-preview">
Which would add the game-preview class to the column for custom styling.
Or inline styling like:
<col xs="12" sm="6" md="4" lg="4" style="height:200px;overflow:hidden;">

I've made like half of it but it's gonna require a lot of changes to all existing components.
Before I do that I'd like to know what your opinion on this is.

I've already made it configurable so that you disable those styling attributes completely.
I'm not sure if it's a security risk or something to allow users to assign custom css to attributes etc.
If it is I could just do id only for example as I'm like 99.9% sure that that wouldn't be an issue.

Component changes

To be able to have the attributes in all components I'd have to change all the existing components.
For example in bade I had to change it from.

protected $pattern_start  = '<badge></badge>';
protected $template_start = '<span class="bs-wrap bs-wrap-badge badge">';


protected $pattern_start  = '<badge.*?>(?=.*?</badge>)';
protected $template_start = '<span class="bs-wrap bs-wrap-badge badge %s" %s %s>';

How it will work

It will just replace the three placeholder values in the template_start for basic components without custom render.
All components will need to have a pattern change to allow attributes.

For components that override the render it will be similar.
You'd have to put three placeholders and then call a method in the base class which will format the placeholders based on config setting and attribute values.

Here you can see it in action:
Currently only the badge has been updated with this syntax.

Code example

//Base class (syntax_plugin_bootswrapper_bootstrap)

//Registration of attributes
protected $core_tag_attributes = array(
    'style' => array('type'  => 'string',
                  'values'   => null,
                  'required' => false,
                  'default'  => ''),
    'class' => array('type'  => 'string',
                  'values'   => null,
                  'required' => false,
                  'default'  => ''),
    'id' => array('type'     => 'integer',
                  'values'   => null,
                  'required' => false,
                  'default'  => '')

//Inside checkAttributes I made it so that it will only check the syntax attributes when config setting is true.
if ($this->getConf('allowStylingAttributes')) {
      $all_attributes  = array_merge($this->tag_attributes, $this->core_tag_attributes);
    } else {
      $all_attributes  = $this->tag_attributes;

//Parsing the attributes for rendering.
function parseMarkupSyntax($markup, $attributes = array()) {
  if ($this->getConf('allowStylingAttributes')) {
    $class    = $attributes['class'];
    $id       = $attributes['id'];
    $style    = $attributes['style'];

//If a component already has a class attribute with values then the placeholder must be placed within that attribute.
//For example: class="bs-wrap badge %s"
//If it doesn't it can be placed outside which is why we add class=""
    if (strpos($markup, 'class=') === false) {
      $class = 'class="' . $class . '"';
    if (strpos($markup, 'id=') === false) {
      $id = 'id="' . $id . '"';
    if (strpos($markup, 'style=') === false) {
      $style = 'style="' . $style . '"';

    $markup = sprintf($markup, $class, $id, $style);
  } else {
    $markup = sprintf($markup, '', '', '');
  return $markup;

I'm probably gonna finish this tomorrow as I need it for my wiki so would be great if you could give some feedback soon.
I rather don't refactor a bunch of components if it's not gonna be accepted anyways.

Ordered list items all using one ol type

I am by no means an expert in CSS, however one issue I found is that OL type for this theme is set to use numerics no matter the indent.

Is it possible to share where I could update the code so that each level uses a different style?



I'd like if it could be....


Problem :: Incompatible with CKEDIT (Myron Turner)

There is a problem of the page view after switching the editors from DW to CKEDIT.
After editing with DW it looks fine (it doesn't matter if edit a part or the hole page)...

CD ​Burner XP

    Abhängigkeiten: -
    Quelldateien: \…\
    Ansprechpartner (intern):
        Name: BW.IT-Support
        Telefon: -
        E-Mail: [email protected]

After switching to CKEDIT and SAVE the edit it looks like the following example (but only if you edit the hole page and not only a part of the page)...
every part of the text from the beginning of the bootstrap-wrap-tag <accordion><panel title="Installationsschritte:"> is in one single line.

==== CD ​Burner XP ==== * Abhängigkeiten: - * Quelldateien: \…\ * Ansprechpartner (intern): * Name: BW.IT-Support * Telefon: - * E-Mail: [email protected]

Typing error breaks rendering of all pages

I've been able to completely stop DokuWiki from rendering any pages in the wiki. Making Apache return a HTTP 500 - Internal server error.

It happened because of a missing space-character between <callout and type="info">.

The page should still be view-able in the browser, so the error can be fixed by the authors.

I'll drop a log-file of the error. Please let me know if there are other information that could be useful and I'll try and provide it.


Interwiki link to a tab

When using the "Tab Pane" (Nav tabs), it would be great to be able to link to a specific tab.

I.e., when there are 3 tabs on a wiki page, I would like to be able to link to the page but immediately open tab 2 or 3. This is not possible by just adding the anchor id to the link, as this doesn't automatically calls the javascript needed to switch tabs.

Is there a simple solution for this?

accordion within tabs

when inserting this:

  * [[#tab-foo|Foo]]
  * [[#tab-bar|Bar]]
<pane id="tab-foo">
<panel title="Collapsible Group Item #1">
Anim pariatur cliche reprehenderit, enim eiusmod high life accusamus terry richardson ad squid. 3 wolf moon officia aute, non cupidatat skateboard dolor brunch. Food truck quinoa nesciunt laborum eiusmod. Brunch 3 wolf moon tempor, sunt aliqua put a bird on it squid single-origin coffee nulla assumenda shoreditch et. Nihil anim keffiyeh helvetica, craft beer labore wes anderson cred nesciunt sapiente ea proident. Ad vegan excepteur butcher vice lomo. Leggings occaecat craft beer farm-to-table, raw denim aesthetic synth nesciunt you probably haven't heard of them accusamus labore sustainable VHS.
<panel title="Collapsible Group Item #2"> [...] </panel>
<panel title="Collapsible Group Item #3"> [...] </panel>
<pane id="tab-bar">
=== Bar ===
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequat. Quis aute iure reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint obcaecat cupiditat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

I get this:
Bootstrap Wrapper - Pane Unknown attribute title
and only the tabs but without content is displayed

Syntax Errors on Homepage


Since I updated the Bootwrapper to the latest version as of March 2017 I've got horribly annoying errors on my public facing website.

Disabling the wrapper removes the errors but of course renders the site to nothing since I rely on the wrapper.

I am using the bootstrap3 template which is up to date. I have removed both bootstrap3 template and bootswrapper plugin and reinstalled them.

Issue persists.

css for printing panels

Printing a page with panels will not keep the style and color appearing on the wiki page.
Could you please make it possible to print the panels in a way that seems like the wiki page ?

Bureaucracy Form & Data Alias in Modal component not working

Using the sintax below, the data_aliastextbox defined does not offer the valid values like defined in the data type alias table (Type Alias: "client", Type: "page", Data Prefix: "client:")

<btn type="primary" modal="new_invoice">New Invoice</btn>
<modal id="new_invoice" title="New Invoice">

action template template:new_invoice "invoice:N@@Year@@@@Invoice Number@@"

fieldset "Insert Invoice"
data_aliastextbox "Client" "_client"
number "Invoice Number" 0000
number "Year" >=2015
date "Invoice Date"
textbox "Total"
yesno "Paid" "!no" "=yes"
submit "Insert"

fieldset "" "Paid"
date "Payment Date"


An other issue is: if I use the same form code above, but in a separate page, and use the remote attribute for Moda,l the dependencies of the fieldset "Paid" from the choice of yesno "Paid" does not work!

Panels in sidebar

Yesterday I updated bootswrapper plugin. According to me, one thing looks worse than the previous version - panels in sidebar.
I know this is a detail, but annoying for me.

<text size=...> not working

After upgrading to v2017-03-21 the text-tag doesn't work correct. Also upgrading to the current v2017-04-02 didn't help. I checked it with different browsers (FF, Chrome, Safari), the text stays at default size. Everything else I use seems to work (panels, nav, ...). The website (vhdl-online com, see the nav in the left sidebar) runs the current Dokuwiki version. I'm not completely sure if it is a problem of the plugin or the webserver. Maybe you can take a look and give me a hint.

Implementing the progress component

Hello im working on an implementation of the progress component.

Features implemented :

  • Displaying Label
  • Showing value in label. Ex : 95% My Label
  • Contextual alternatives
  • Striped bars
  • Animation
  • Bar Stacking

Here is the wiki syntax that i propose (just a prototype of course):

<bar value="20" showvalue="1" animate="1" striped="1" type="warning">My Label</bar>
<bar value="10" type="primary"></bar>

<bar value="90" showvalue="0" type="primary"></bar>

This what i've got so far...

Cannot use hover and focus together for popover trigger

Ciao Giuseppe!

Following the explanation on your wiki, I have written something like

<popover html="true" content="{{page&gt;xxx:yyy}}" trigger="hover focus">XXX</popover>

However, I've got a message returned:

Bootstrap Wrapper - Popover Invalid value (hover focus) for trigger attribute. It will apply the default value click

I've tried to change to trigger="hover,focus", with no success.

Is there still a way to get the syntax right so that "hover" and "focus" can both be applied as popover trigger?

Thanks for your kind help!

Alertboxes don't show text

alert boxes dont show normal text only snippets that have been marked in another way for example links or bold text.


French translation

A French translation to put in dokuwiki-plugin-bootswrapper/lang/fr/settings.php

* French language file
* @license GPL 2 (
* @author Giuseppe Di Terlizzi <[email protected]>

// for the configuration manager
$lang['loadBootstrap'] = "Télécharger le CSS de Bootstrap vanilla. Désactivez le si vous avez installé un thème basé sur Bootstrap.";

Nav Tabs/Pills do not work correctly


When using the Nav Tabs or Pills, the dropdown do not appear correctly.
If is located in the PageHeader (tabs) for example nothing appear.
In the sidebar (pills) the first pills have two options appearing in the dropdown menu, the second just one option and last one none.
The navbar on the top of the wiki is working fine.

I think is a problem with the size o the windows dropdowns.


- DokuWiki - 1 - 2 - 3 - DokuWiki - 1 - 2 - 3 - DokuWiki - 1 - 2 - 3

NAV actvation-level does not change

I use "Navs" of your great plugin to show a menue at the sidebar. My Template is "bootstrap3".
My attributes: nav type="pills" stacked="true"

Sometimes an item is highlighted (li class="level1 active"), but the corresponding page is not active.
This appearance will remain the same, even if another entry is selected. I can not change it.


Sometimes the effect does not occur at all, all entrys look the same (li class="level1").

Unfortunately, I do not know how to trigger it.

Modal(s) not working proper in navbar

i wanna use the Modal feature in the Navbar. The Navbar is for ALL sites on the top with serval buttons.
The buttons sould show alway the same.., independent for the current site...

button with modal

the frame opens but the screen is blocked completely. You have to colse the site.. :-(


any suggestion for making "modal" in Navbar woking fine?

  • is't possible to transfer the "<modal...> - code to another "neutral" site (not the "navbar" site)?
  • can the "navbar"-site learn ignor -Code as Topic point?

Kindest regards

Menu Button Dropdowns Don't Work (Profile/Options)

The small menu buttons (spanner icon, and a person icon) on the top menu bar, don't appear to drop down. This is a recent update to the latest Elenor of Tsort hotfix.

If I edit the CSS styles via the inspector, I can see that the list is fully populated with icons/text/links which all work. But the actual click event to display that

    element doesn't appear to do anything.

    Any help appreciated, really frustrating issue this one.

Icon in callout title

Support for icon attribute in callout's title will be great.
What You think about this?

Tooltip inside a table cell gets duplicated while EditTable is used

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Install
  2. Create a table with a tooltip:
^ <tooltip title="Column 1">C1</tooltip>  ^ C2     ^
| Text1                                   | Text2  |
  1. While viewing the rendered page use the Edit button below the table to start EditTable mode
  2. You'll see the cell contains now: <tooltip title="Column 1">C1C1</tooltip> with C1 twice.

This also happens wether you use tooltip inside a normal cell or a header.
Dunno if that's an EditTable fault, but if you use instead, nothing gets changed, so I guess must have something to do with your plugin or at least a conflict between both.

Thanks in advance.

(Accordion) Option to make panel header clickable instead of just the title.

Every time I update I have to manually change this again because I find it pretty annoying that you can only click the title of the panel and not the entire heading of the panel.
I can see why it's default but it would be great if you could add a simple option for it.

Inside Scripts.js on line 212 at accordion.

$panel.find('h4.panel-title').wrapInner('<a role="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#'+ accordion_id +'" href="#'+ panel_id +'">');

Instead I put this:

$panel.find('.panel-heading').wrap('<a role="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#'+ accordion_id +'" href="#'+ panel_id +'">');

If you could suround that with an option it would be great so I don't have to manually change it every time. <3

Default text color in Text syntax

When aligning text the "text-muted color" is automatically used.
I've changed the following in "syntax\text.php".

Type , default to "null" (instead of muted)
Align, default to "left" (instead of null)

Would be nice to change with these new values in the next version of the file.
What do you think ?

TOC Menu appears under Carousel

The TOC Menu, in the Bootstrap 3 theme, appears under the Carousel when expanded. This makes it impossible to put a Carousel at the top of the page, or to use the TOC Menu with a Carousel at the top of a page.

In the image here, the red area is the Carousel.

Dynamic navigation with <list-group>


First of all, love what you do! Marvellous!

But, do you have any ideas, is it possible to implement somehow using and some indexing plugin to make beautiful dynamic menu?

For example I tried to do it as following:

{{indexmenu>|navbar skipns=/user/ skipfile=/(navbar|sidebar)/}}

But this didnt work unfortunately :(

Whicht Template needed?


do I Need to use the Bootstrap 3 Template to use the Bootstrap Wrapper Plugin?
I´m using the 20Cones Template and the Bootstrap Plugin did not work.

Kind regards,

Allow accordion to start collapsed

It would be a nice feature to allow the "accordion" to start in all-collapsed mode, like it is possible with the "collapse". It's quite hard to collapse the panels using javascript as the id is autogenerated.

In theory this would mean to leave the css class "in" out:

<div id="gd389dhnn_drcivmm5c" class="panel-collapse collapse in" role="tabpanel">

I thought to find the relevant code in syntax/panel.php or syntax/accordion.php, but I wasn't right :)

bootswrapper desactivate showTools menu


I have installed Bootstrap3 that works fine, then installed Bootswrapper and enabled it in the config manager (load bootswrapper). After that, impossible to open the Show tools menu and the show themes switcher as well. Have to : ?do=admin in the address bar to get the admin config.
I can repeat each time. I tried to remove and reinstall the plugin but same issue.
A message says : " La version 2015-04-20 est disponible. " but impossible to really update. The : date 2015-04-12
Any idea ?

Panel and Pane

I had to change this line in pane.php in order to work with Panels and Panes on the same page:

protected $pattern_start = '<pane.*?>(?=.*?</pane>)';


protected $pattern_start = '<pane .*?>(?=.*?</pane>)';

Note the space between pane and .*?

Images dont load correctly

I've being try to figure out why my thumbnails won't randomly load on a page. If I have only 4 images, it works fine, anything past the 4th the images would randomly not load on the page. Not sure if this is related to the bootstrap plugin or it's a issue from dokuwiki itself or if it's just something on my side.

You can take a peek here:

Can someone try to reproduce. I believe you can view the source code on my wiki! If you refresh the page several times you'll see what I mean.


Edit button for every panel in an accordion

great great stuff!

Not an issue - just a thought...

working on accordions with many panels it would be nice to have a edit button to jump dirctly inside of a panel.. :) .. and stay more focused! just a tiny one maybe? :)

panel won't collaps in accordion

for example:

<panel type="default" title="Panel title" no-body="true">
^ # ^ First Name ^ Last Name ^ Username ^
^ 1 | Mark       | Otto	     | @mdo     |
^ 2 | Jacob      | Thornton  | @fat     |
^ 3 | Larry      | the Bird  | @twitter |
<panel title="Collapsible Group Item #2"> [...] </panel>
<panel title="Collapsible Group Item #3"> [...] </panel>

looks like this:

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